destigmatizeme · 1 year
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[image description: tweet by Jessica Pin that says, “Most people who simply witness a shooting are not traumatized the rest of their lives. I'm sick of this attitude that people are so fragile. How the hell do people like this think we made it 200,000 years through much harder conditions if we are so easy to break?” She had quoted a tweet by Kristi Cornett; the visible portion of that tweet reads, “This is horrifying to watch. Grateful for our brave police and their response but we should not have to live like this not respond like this. Those children and adults will be traumatized for the rest of their lives. I can't imagine the trauma for these...” /end of image description]
In spite of what Jessica Pin has said, PTSD is not a sign of fragility. It does not mean a person is broken. PTSD is a normal response to an abnormal situation.
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tiktaalic · 1 year
Isn’t it funny how if you watch a terf talk for more than say, 2 minutes, they immediately pivot into violently blatantly racist
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If any of you need another reason not to get on Twitter, a terf (named mediclit) just casually tweeted about her father sneaking her into a cadaver lab and her fingering a cadaver in search of the g-spot. And so many people are defending her 💀
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menalez · 3 years
lol as a radtwt member gotta let you guys know Jessian Pin @mediclit on twitter said some dumb shit in the past, can't recall specifics but it's funny she has (had?) a bad rep there. her activism has boons but idk if she's improved from then lol
i dont know if she has a bad rep here but it seems like she has an issue w impulsively saying things? or saying things without thinking? she should be careful with such a big platform esp since shes doing a lot of good
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mensrightsff · 4 years
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RT @MediClit: “It helps to set sexual boundaries with men” is now seen as controversial and “victim blaming.” 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m getting unfollowed by more and more people who “disagree” on my position on sexual assault bc I insist it helps to say “no.” This has been shown in multiple studies. #metoo
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Twitter user and rad "feminist" MediClit is being misogynistic and calling women mutilated and not normal over.... Vulvas not looking like hers? even though she had an optional cosmetic surgery... So she's now attacking trans people...
Ah yes, because everyone knows shaming and holding prejudice anyone and everyone that doesn’t look a certain way has always had excellent results /s
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