#meditation on lightners and darkners
patchwork-crow-writes · 9 months
45 - Boundaries
I have always known I am different from other darkners. Special, somehow. While my compatriots remain as they are, eternally faithful to their designated roles, I find myself constantly changing, evolving, transcending the bounds of my supposed destiny.
What I don't understand, is why.
I always thought that meeting more of my kind would make me feel less alone in the world. I desperately wanted for that to be the case, yet... I feel no kinship towards them. Our similarities serve only to highlight the gulf that exists between us. But perhaps I am being snobbish. Perhaps I am blinded by the magnificence of the lightners, as has been claimed of me in the past.
I would not dare to presume I stand equal to either of them. They know the conventions as well as I do, by now. Despite that, there is a strange, inexplicable parity between us. Here, too, are beings capable of reflection and growth, their inner lives so rich and nuanced, forms of joyous, angst-ridden contradictions, both masters of their own destiny and prisoners of a greater provenance.
Their choosing to spend time with me, when they could be out there, living a truer, fuller life... if they can cross that forbidden threshold so easily and so readily... who is to say that I, too, cannot hope to do so, one day?
But until that day, I will stay as I am, with one foot in the light and one in the dark. Caught between two incompatible states of being, not entirely belonging to either. Some wretched in-between-thing, grasping endlessly at something I will never be able to hold...
...could there truly be a place for me, in the world we strive to create? Or will I fall between the cracks once more, lost and forgotten to all?
The Dark Menagerie No. 45
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lonely-darkner · 3 years
Headcanon Dump!
(Subject to change in the future)
The Fountain
- It originates from Kris, or Asriel, or maybe both at once. It was an accident, of course, and they might not even be aware it exists until either of them visits it. Nonetheless, they are very important in the Fountain’s behaviour, and therefore in Ralsei’s and Castle Town’s as well.
- The Fountain has the ability to show timelines, a bit like visions in its midst. It’s practically useless, though. It shows everything that could have happened rather than a single future or past. What timeline it chooses to show depends on the mood of its viewer.
- It doesn’t really have a will of its own; it tends to shape itself according to Ralsei’s, Kris’ or Asriel’s will. However, it can increase magic power, and caused many accidents when Ralsei was involved. It taught him to control his emotions a bit better.
- Castle Town’s appearance changed a lot through the years depending on how well or how bad Kris was doing in their life. Buildings would appear or crumble from year to year, and Ralsei only managed to stabilise the castle so far.
- Sitting near the Fountain restores Ralsei’s HP and magic. He also likes to sit or even sleep there when he wants some quiet from Castle Town after it was populated again. It’s his favourite place to think and meditate, in general.
- It’s also Ralsei’s weak point, since he’s a part of the Fountain. Sealing this Fountain would be akin to killing him for good, since he only falls temporarily if his HP falls to 0 in battle.
- Therefore, he always keeps the door to the Fountain locked. If anything abnormal occurs with it, he knows it. He doesn’t want it to happen.
- With nothing to do but watch the Fountain for years, he wrote down every ‘timeline’ that he has seen in a notebook. He knows that they are ‘every possibility that could have ever happened’, and therefore they are of no great use to him, but he had nothing else to do. Coincidentally, he has seen Kris and Asriel in them, but was unable to recognise them due to his blindness in the Light World and the lack of audio in the Fountain’s visions.
- He believes that, as a Darkner, he has a very limited life span, and that once the prophecy is realised, the fountain will progressively weaken and so will he. It’s a sort of ‘death’, but he doesn’t see it that way and simply regrets he won’t be able to grow old with his friends.
- When he was born through the Fountain, he was born in the current form that is seen at the beginning of Chapter 1. He only started aging when the Heroes of Light dropped into the Dark World.
- The stats shown to Kris concerning Ralsei are not correct, and he would rather have it that way.
- He masters fire magic like other Boss Monsters, but he refuses to use it again at any point after a fire magic accident annihilated every inhabitant of Castle Town but himself.
The Light World
- Ralsei can visit the Light World. He looks like a normal Lightner, and even has plain clothes; a white t-shirt over which he wears a red checkered flannel shirt, denim shorts, and a wide-brimmed straw sun hat.
- The sunlight is very harmful to his eyes, and he is unable to open them without feeling immediate pain. For this reason, he wears black-tinted glasses and guides himself through the world with a wooden shepherd’s staff.
- As he visited the Dreemurrs rather often during the siblings’ childhood, he progressively got used to his blindness and his other senses heightened as a result so he could navigate Hometown better.
- He knows the lay-out of the Dreemurrs’ house by heart, and he has a good idea of other buildings in Hometown that Kris frequently visits.
- Moonlight is still a reflect of sunlight; he can’t see during the night, either. However, he has partial sight in complete darkness.
- One of his dreams would be to see a starry night.
- The only exception to his blindness would be human souls, which he can see at any moment, Kris’ in particular.
- He was always careful not to let anyone see him, especially when he understood that he had an uncanny resemblance with Asriel. However, it wasn’t always easy when Kris was a child, and many of the times they’d claim to have seen a ghost were occurrences where they’d see Ralsei fleeing in the corner of their eye.
- The only time when Ralsei was nearly discovered by Toriel in the Light World was when he tripped over Kris’ and Asriel’s Legos which were spread out on the floor. It hurt him badly, and he screamed as he kissed the ground.
- If you listen close enough, Ralsei can purr.
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