littleclevercat · 7 years
Rules for Medusian!Perturabo in 40k
After the Heresy, loyalist Primarchs, who survived, became Supreme Commanders of Segementums - Rogal was the Solar Supreme Commander, Vulkan - the Tempestus Sumpreme Commander, Perturabo - the Obscurus Lord Commander, Corax - the Ultima Supreme Commander. However, as time went on, Primarchs started to disappear. Corax went in to the Webway and never returned back to the Imperium, Vulkan disappeared for ~900 years to be found out during the War of the Beast, Rogal was either killed or heavily injured during the 1st Black Crusade and had never seen again since that moment. As for Perturabo, the Linebreaker was crippled during the classified operation and needed extensive augmentations to live properly. Instead of being augmented, he ordered adepts of Mechanicum to put him into the “Bello Signifier” custom developed Knight. 
The “Bello Signifier” was constructed before the Horus Heresy on the Telstarax ring-station as a personal vehicle of the Metal Lord, but, because Perturabo was far away from his homeworld, he only got his custom warmachine during the Scouring. This Knight is a modification of Ceratus Knight-Atrapos with different weapons, better protection and far friendlier machine spirit. It is also the most expensive Knight in the Imperium. However, it is also now the one and only dreadnought for the Primarch.
While Perturabo became a sleepyhead, he still emerged from his slumber several times per each millenium since the end of M31. And he wasn’t always happy. He was also very active during the War of the Beast and the Age of Apostacy and greatly dislikes the Ecclesiarchy.
And now, because of the Thirteenth Black Crusade, techpriests and techmarines awaken him up!
Lord of War: Perturabo the Linebreaker (can be taken as Lord of War by Scions of Perturabo, Cult Mechanicum, Imperial Knights).
Unit type: Vehicle (Super-heavy Walker)
Characteristics: WS7 BS8 S10 FA14 SA13 RA12 I5 A4 HP8
One enchanced magna lascannon - S10, AP1, Range: 60", Primary Weapon 2, Large Blast.
Two heavy bolters.
Helios defence missiles - S8, AP2, Range: 60", Heavy 2, Skyfire, Interceptor.
Ceratus Shock Lance - S:D, AP2, Melee, Swift Strike. Swift Strike - +1 to Initiative on the charge.
Ion Gauntlet Shield.
Occular Augmetics.
Has the Keeper of the Relics rule and must always be the Warlord.
Ferromantic Invulnerability - Perturabo is unaffected by Melta and Lance rules. In addition, he has -1 to all rolls at the Vehicle Damage table against him.
Warlord trait: Supreme Commander - Perturabo gives three units in your army the Outflank rule.
The Linebreaker - Perturabo grants all Tanks and Walkers in your army Scout and It Will Not Die rules.
Unit Cost - 675 points.
P.S.: what can you say?
P.P.S.; imagine him in the “If the Emperor have a Text-to-Speech Device”…
P.P.P.S.: i wonder what Alberti thinks about all of that…
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2lim3rz · 4 years
Reunion After Death [40K FIC]
Why am I so cheery about that? No clue, anyways have some Lorgar being dead, does this work in legit canon? NO! Turn the brain off and cry!
He awoke and there was.. an endless field. An endless field with the greenest grass he ever saw, with the most gentle of hills. Distantly, he saw a pond, maybe mountains. Taking a deep breath, the air was sweet and invigorating.
“Lorgar?” a voice roused him and he turned, his heart stopped.
“..Ferrus..? But- You’re-”
The man smiled, truly smiled until his eyes squinted. There was no lines of stress, only a healthy gleam of youth. His arms were no longer encased in metal. The sight was so foreign, so.. unsettling in a way.
“Dead? Yes, so are you, brother.” Lorgar stepped back at those words, took in well and truly how Ferrus Manus was dressed in traditional Medusian clothing. There was not one scratch or scar on his body.
Raising his own arms, Lorgar looked at them. He no longer had the skin he had as a Daemon Prince, neither did he even have the tattoos. It was… it was so liberating! So liberating to see the traditional Colchisian clothing on him. Yet where were they?”
“The others will want to see you, I’m sure, but someone else wanted to see you first.” Ferrus said and it shook Lorgar from his reverie.
“Me? Who?”
Ferrus shrugged with a smaller smile. Why was he so joyful to see him? Didn’t he know the part he played in his doom? Suddenly Lorgar felt a wave of what felt like anger before he realized what it truly was: Overwhelming shame.
“Someone who called himself your first father. He’s over there, at the pond.” the man raised his arm, pointing to the pond he saw earlier “We’ll be waiting at the tree on the hill. Take your time.”
Stunned, Lorgar watched as he walked away, whistling something. While he wanted to confront his brother on what he meant, he wanted to know whoever it was to claim to be his father. His father was the Emperor of Mankind before he forsook him.. was this some sick play of revenge? Giving him this taste of heaven and forgiveness before casting him out to a new hell?
How did he die? A heaven meant death. He already ‘died’ in a sense in his ascension, casting out his mortal flesh and blood to become a Daemon Prince. All he remembered was being in a fight.. a fight… that no details arose. He could not remember as he suddenly found himself looking at a man sitting by the water’s edge. He was so familiar.. why was he so familiar? Somehow it was not the Emperor, neither was it Kor Phaeron. The man was too thin, too wiry.
Turning around and standing, Lorgar fell to his knees.
It was Fan Morgal. While he could not recall the specifics over eons of memory, he could remember the blissful feelings. True familial love and not, what he now suddenly knew, was manipulative abuse.
“A shame we’re meeting this way, isn’t it, my boy?” his voice wasn’t the rasp it used to be, his resurrecting memory told him that. Just like him, he was dressed in robes, but it was odd. All Lorgar knew was the traveler's garb he wore.
He couldn’t speak as Fan approached him and hesitated.
“You’re..” Lorgar’s voice cracked. There was no helping it as it seemed the other found his resolve and hugged Lorgar tightly. With shaking arms, Lorgar returned the hug. Tears fled his eyes as he began to sob.
“I’m so sorry, Fan, I’m so sorry!” he felt as though he were a young boy in the arms of his first foster’s arms, it was almost liberating to felt himself blubbering his words “I- I didn’t know Kor Phaeron was going to.. I’m suh-such a disappointment and..”
Lorgar felt himself rocking slightly as Fan slowly rubbed his back.
“Hush, hush Lorgar. I’m not angry and I’m not disappointed. You just didn’t know, my boy. You just didn’t know..”
“But I could have changed! I could- I could have done something but.. but Tzeen.. and the others.. and then there was..”
“Hush Lorgar.” Fan’s voice turned more stern as he lightly pushed against Lorgar’s shoulders. The primarch let go as if the touch was fire, he still shook and clenched his fists. “I told you, I don’t hold any ill will against you. No! Give me a moment to speak now, you wily ulchao!”
Lorgar had began to protest against Fan Morgal. To try and ask why and of the things he had done. Yet he stayed quiet, both eager to have answers and still in shock of what was going on.
“It was only seventeen days I’ve had with you Lorgar. I.. admit I wasn’t the best of men, but I knew I’d make myself better the moment we had found you in that desert and it rained. That bastard Kor Phaeron may have lead you astray, but look at you now.”
Fan smiled, and though his bearded face was as though he was in his prime, Lorgar sensed the weathered age that loomed within “My boy’s all grown up! He became a leader for his people, shitty goals or not! You liberated slaves. And though you made those who followed you slaves of a different name, you stuck true to your goals and never wavered.That is something I respect, son. Besides, you’re going to find that.. in this place? The past doesn’t matter. Mistakes don’t matter.”
It hurt to cry so much, it did. It well and truly did as Lorgar looked to the ground and doubled over as though bowing. His first father was proud of him. Words that he never knew he needed to hear in all his life were spoken.
This time, Lorgar stood and lifted the man into a hug. Fan laughed heartily and Lorgar found him hiccuping along until his back was being playfully slapped. In return, the primarch placed the man back down.
“Now put me down, kid. You got brothers to see and I have kids to help.”
“You’re.. you’re not coming with me, Fan? I’m sure you’d enjoy meeting Ferrus- and.. brothers..? You sure they want to see me?” Sighing, Fan shook his head and patted Lorgar on his arm as if to encourage him.
“I think I’ve met him, he’s pleasant enough. I’m just as sure that he already told you that you’re meeting the other big boys, right?” Lorgar nodded slowly “Good. It’s not like I’m leaving you for.. oh.. a few hundred or however many years I’ve been gone, no. We’ll meet up right again soon enough and you can tell me all of your adventures, or we can tell stories just like old times.”
“..Just like old times..” he echoed back, taking a deep breath soon after and standing “Yes, yes I will. Thank you, Fan.” the man chuckled and waved Lorgar away when he began to search for a hill with a tree, and soon found it.
Just as he was halfway there, a massive winged shadow flashed overhead. It was much larger than the small songbirds he had glimpsed, and had the body of a human.
Lorgar looked overhead at the winged figure as he did a rolling flip in the air. Throwing his fist in the air and bolting out a cheer, Lorgar began to run for the tree and saw seven other figures standing beneath its shade.
He slowed his pace, his smile fading as dread took its place. There they all were! Konrad, with a healthy shine to his skin, no longer snarling. Then there was Magnus, red as can be! Perturabo, similarly to Lorgar in being bald, no longer did he have those head cables. Fulgrim, his fair and handsome appearance restored to its full humanity. With Horus, a companionable and happy grin on his face as he and Sanguinius embraced with laughter.
Two others, Lorgar did not recognize at first before it dawned on him that it was Mortarion without his respirator.. and Angron without his butcher’s nails.
He felt like the traitor he was to approach his smiling brothers. Well, not all of them smiled, but they certainly were all at peace. Nonetheless, he felt awkward and was the first to speak. Or would have if Angron didn’t stop him.
“Don’t you say it! Wise of the wise, pah! You ask the most obvious questions!”
‘Wha..what? What!” Lorgar was caught off-guard, blinking owlishly and stepping back with a yelp as Angron tackled him into a ferocious hug.
“Shut up! Shut up and just enjoy the moment you big word bastard!” Lorgar laughed at the new absurdity of the situation and at Angron’s words.
“Hey, thought I was that!” Horus barked over the new chorus of shouts and laughs. Angron soon let go and good-naturally slapped him on the back towards the gathering. A long moment of silence passed, they clearly awaited him to say something.
“You.. you all.. forgive me..? You forgive,” Lorgar paused, looking to the majority that had betrayed both the Imperium and their family “us?”
Sanguinius moved towards him as Fulgrim whispered something to Ferrus and the normally stoic figure cracked a snicker. Standing imperiously with his wings slightly flared, Sanguinius grasped Lorgar’s forearms and smiled.
“Of course we do, Lorgar. Why else are we all gathered here, laughing and carrying on? Sure, it was hard for some of us at first but.. you know..”
He turned and sent a look to Konrad who, despite his healthy appearance, gave an animalistic teeth-bearing grin with clattering laughter.
“We make it work!” the Angel finished, letting his arms go.
“Of course, you make it sound as if it was so easy, Sanguinius! Ferrus tried to chop my head of!” Fulgrim guffawed, just as Ferrus forced his brother into a headlock and harshly rubbed his knuckles on his head. The two shouted and yelped, playfully tousling with each other.
“We’ve forgiven and, in some ways, forgotten.” Mortarion shrugged from his post of leaning against the tree. Hearing his voice of what it was truly meant to be was off-putting.
“Don’t worry, we all looked at him like that when he first spoke.” Perturabo snorted.
“So.. we’re all dead then? All of us? How? I mean..”
It was Magnus who shrugged, responding with how they all couldn’t remember the circumstances of their deaths except for Sanguinius and Ferrus who only knew they were murdered by the other brothers when they saw them. The others, whose and if their deaths were known by the others, were told of how it happened. Which truthfully meant only Horus knew how he was killed.
“And that’s why you wake up.” it was Horus who spoke after.
“Wake up? But I’m dead?” When would this confusion end?
“Mhm. You thought this could exist? Traitors never get what they want.”
Lorgar opened his eyes. He raised his hands, which trembled when they were revealed to be the same hands he had since his ascension. There was no heaven to be had. His brothers would never forgive him, not even the ones that were on his side.
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littleclevercat · 7 years
Medusian!Perturabo - updated rules
Diamond Breakers specific Lord of War choice: Perturabo, the Metal Lord.
Unit type: Jet Pack Infantry (Independent Character).
Characteristics: WS6 BS8 S6 T6 W6 I6 A4 Ld10 Sv2+
The Tempest - Perturabo’s powersuit is one of the most advanced panoplies, used by Primarchs. It was designed by him after a great battle with Eldar to replace his old Bulwark Terminator suit and was then produced on the Forge World Phaeton. Tempest gives to Perturabo 2+ armor save and immunity to Blind. It also has following built-in equipment:
- Augury Scanner;
- Nuncio-Vox;
- Iron Halo;
- Medical Nanetic Suite (Perturabo adds +1 to his IWND rolls);
- Ballistic Cogitator (gives to Perturabo Rapid Tracking rule and allows him to fire Snap Shots at BS4);
- Night Gyr Jetpack (Medusian!Perturabo is a Jet Pack Infantry; when he use his Jetpack to move in the Assault Phase, he rolls 3d6 and pick up two highest results).
The Hellbore - an artefact from the Dark Age of Technology, this weapon fires devastating antiproton beams. Characteristics - S9, AP1, Range: 12"-48", Heavy 1, Blast, Armorbane, Instant Death.
The Arachnus Medium Las-Pulsar - recently developed laser weapon, it was given to Perturabo by his Father. Characteristics - S5, AP3,  Range: 36", Assault 6, Rending.
The Striker - Perturabo’s favourite flanged power mace. Its characteristics are: S:U+2, AP1, Sunder, Concussive.
Deep Strike
Sire of the Diamond Breakers: all units with Legiones Astartes (Diamond Breakers) are Stubborn; Perturabo has Deadly Aim and Hit & Run rules; Sicaran Tanks can be taken as Troops.
The Linebreaker - all Tanks and Walkers in your army get IWND rule; Perturabo adds +1 to reserve rolls.
The Paragon of Pragamatism - Perturabo can’t neither issue nor accept challenges and do not get penalties because of that.
Warlord Trait: Target Priotity.
Unit Cost - 450 points.
P.S.: what can you say about update?
P.P.S.: после выхода правил 8-ой редакции я обновлю правила для всех примархов.
P.P.P.S.: it is intended that Medusian!Perturabo chooses one of his blasters to fire at the target - he can’t fire both Las-Pulsar and Hellbore in the same Shooting Phase.
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littleclevercat · 7 years
Compedium of rules for homebrew Primarchs - complete
Oshun - Primarch of the Night Stalkers
Unit type: Infantry (independent Character)
WS7 BS7 S5 T6 W6 I6 A5 Ld10 2+ Sv
Unit type: Infantry (Independent Character) 
The Valkyrie Armor - a specialized artificier armor, fabricated by the Emperor’s order, it gives Oshun 2+ armor and 5+ invulnerable saves. In addition, if she fails a Leadership Test during Perils in the Warp, she may reroll it.
The Solar Flare - once it was an ordinary plasma blaster, until some of her brothers decided to upgrade it and gave her as a gift after the successful operation. It has following rules: S7, AP2, Range: 24", Shred, Rending, Assault 2, Gets Hot.
The Aarsuna - an arcane sabre, fabricated from the strange materials. It has strange runes, engraved upon its surface, and causes a necrosis of living tissues, when it slashes through them. Oshun may also use that sabre as a channel for psychic powers. Rules: S:U, AP2, Melee, Fleshbane, Aetherbane, Force. The Aetherbane rule - Psykers and Daemons must reroll all successful saves against wounds, caused by weapon with that rule.
Frag greandes.
Sire of the Night Stalkers - all units with Legion Astartes (Night Stalkers) rule and +1 to their Leadership and all friendly units within 12" range from Oshun are Fearless. You can take Covens of Witchers as troops. Oshun and unit she’s attached to has Fleet and Counter-attack rules. 
Master of Healing - you may assign Legion Apotechary to each infantry unit in your detachment for 40 points, rather than take an Apocatherion Detachment. 
Innate Wizard - Oshun is a Mastery Level 4 Psyker and generates Warp Charges on the roll of 3+. She may choose to roll powers from Biomancy, Pyromancy, Telekineses, Fulmination, Librarius, Geokinesis, Technomancy and Daemonology (Sanctic) disciplines.
Warlord Trait: Mentorship - choose a model with Psyker and Legiones Astartes (Night Stalkers) rules from your detachmen; than chosen model gets +1 to the Mastery Level (but no more than Mastery Level 3) and generates Warp Charges on the roll of  3+.
Telekinetic Shield - Oshun has +1 to her Invulnerable save and +2 to invulnerable save against Blast weapons.
The Purgator of Curses - Oshun may use powers from the Daemonology (Sanctic) without any penalties.
Cost - 490 points.
Medusian!Perturabo - Primarch of the Diamond Breakers
Unit type: Jet Pack Infantry (Independent Character).
Characteristics: WS6 BS8 S6 T6 W6 I6 A4 Ld10 Sv2+
The Tempest - Perturabo’s powersuit is one of the most advanced panoplies, used by Primarchs. It was designed by him after a great battle with Eldar to replace his old Bulwark Terminator suit and was then produced on the Forge World Phaeton. Tempest gives to Perturabo 2+ armor save and immunity to Blind. It also has following built-in equipment:
- augury scanner;
- nuncio-vox;
- iron halo;
- Medical Nanetic Suite (Perturabo adds +1 to his IWND rolls);
- Ballistic Cogitator (gives to Perturabo Rapid Tracking rule and allows him to fire Snap Shots at BS4);
- Night Gyr Jetpack (Medusian!Perturabo is a Jet Pack Infantry; in assault phase, whenever he charges or does Thrust move, he rolls 3d6 and pick up two highest results).
The Hellbore - an artefact from the Dark Age of Technology, this weapon fires devastating antiproton beams. Characteristics - S9, AP1, Range: 48", Heavy 1, Blast, Armorbane, Instant Death.
The Arachnus Medium Las-Pulsar - recently developed laser weapon, it was given to Perturabo by his Father. Characteristics - S5, AP3,  Range: 36", Assault 6, Rending.
The Striker - Perturabo’s favourite flanged power mace. Its characteristics are: S:U+2, AP1, Melee, Sunder, Concussive.
Frag greandes.
Deep Strike
Sire of the Diamond Breakers: all units with Legiones Astartes (Diamond Breakers) are Stubborn; Sicaran Tanks can be taken as Troops. Perturabo has Deadly Aim and Hit & Run rules.
The Linebreaker - all Tanks and Walkers in your army get IWND and Scout rules; Perturabo adds +1 to reserve rolls.
The Paragon of Pragamatism - Perturabo can’t neither issue nor accept challenges and do not get penalties because of that.
Warlord Trait: Target Priotity.
Unit Cost - 455 points.
Olympian!Ferrus- Primarch of the Stormwalkers
Unit type: Infantry (independent Character)
Characteristics: WS8 BS6 S7 T7 W6 I5 A5 Ld10 Sv2+
Unit type: Infantry (Independent Character) 
Adamantium Panoply - a highly modified set of Terminator armor, designed to protect against powerful weapons. It gives to Ferrus Smash rule, 2+ armor and 3+ invulnerable save, makes him immune to Concussive, has built-in nuncio-vox and cortex controller. In addition, all ranged attacks against him have -1 to their Strength.
Jupiter’s Thunderbolt - a lightning gun, which belonged to Thallax troops before and was modified by Ferrus himself. It has following rules: S7, AP3, Range: 24", Assault 2, Haywire.
The Stormstrike - a gift from Vulkan, this poweraxe is ideally suited for splitting people in half and breaking through armor. S:U+2, AP1, Melee, Two-Handed, Unwieldy, Armorbane, Instant Death.
Igneous Sabres - first weapons of Ferrus, they were made by him during his sojourn on Mars. S:U, AP2, Melee, Paired (+1 A), Shred.
Frag grenades.
Very Bulky
Sire of the Stormwalkers - all units with Legiones Astartes (Stormwalkers) rule can use Ferrus’s leadership for Morale and Leadership tests and immune to Fear; Desolation Terminator Squads can be taken as troops; Ferrus and squad he’s attached to have Move Through Cover and Furious Charge rules.
Function over Flesh - you can take two units of Mechanicum automates in your main detachment as elites and they can take upgrades; 3 infantry units in your detachment can be augmented, which gives them either +1 T, +1 S or +1 I.
Warlord Trait: Conqueror of Cities
Cost - 455 points.
Jingu Himiko - Primarch of the Sky Foxes
Unit type: Infantry (independent Character)
Characteristics: WS8 BS5 S5 T5 W6 I8 A5 Sv2+
The Armor of Enraged Dragon - an artificer power armor with protection against hazardous materials, has 2+ armor save and 5+ invulnerable save, includes a built-in augury scanner, makes user immune to the Poison and Fleshbane rules and grants Rage rule.
The Disrupting Blade - S:U+1, AP2, Melee, Armourbane, Shred, Specialist Weapon. A deadly power sabre (katana-like), made by Ferrus.
The Dragon Breath: S4, AP3, Range: Template, Fleshbane, Torrent, Assault 1. A modified flamethrower, armed with anti-infantry chemical munitions.
Frag and rad grenades.
Deep Strike
Sire of the Sky Foxes - All units in your detachment have Move Through Cover rule; you can take Legion Destroyer squad and “unique Sky Foxes” unit as Troops; Himiko has Move Through Cover and Hit & Run rules.
Warlord trait: Cunning Strategist - gives you +1 to reserve roles and -1 to enemy’s reserve roles. In addition, Himiko can Seize the Initiative on 4+ and forces enemy to reroll succesful Seize the Initiative roll. 
Warp Anomaly - Himiko may use her psychic powers to teleport herself  in moving phase at range of 6"+2d6". She can also dispel Maledictions and Witchfires, targeting her, at roll of 4+. In addition, when she use Hit and Run rule, she may teleport herself  at the range of 12"+d6. When Himiko and her squad are deployed via Deep Strike, they do not scatter.
Agile Swordfighter - Himiko gets +2 to her invulnerable save against melee atacks.
Cost - 445 points.
P.S.: Oshun is one of the most expensive Primarchs because her psychic powers and buffs are so good ;-). However, she can only reliably damage vehicles with specific psychic powers.
P.P.S.: I also erased small mistakes from previous versions.
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littleclevercat · 7 years
Answering at your musings
So, once you asked me, why Medusian!Perturabo didn’t care much about honor. The answer is simple: he understood military as a mechanism. Such a worldview came from his childhood. In his clan, he wasn’t as much interested in human relations as in mechanisms. Growing among machinists, Medusian!Perturabo wasn’t raised by warriors or as a tool for war (like some of his brothers or Olympian!Perturabo), but felt respected, not used, by other people for his skills.
Because of that, when he decided to wage the war with the Morragul clan, he perceived the combat as a technological (not mathematical) problem. And the scarcity of resources (both humane and material) on Medusa made Perturabo unwilling to spend lives of his soldiers without any reason. So, for him willingness to take risks on the war not for the sake of victory, but for the sake of social norms (aka honor), was perceived as: “What’s the hell are you doing?" 
That was later shown during the Great Crusade - Medusian!Perturabo, for example, didn’t care when his banners were lost - "We can produce more. Besides, you can’t kill with a banner”, but the loss of equipment, weapons, vehicles, soldiers, etc. could easily piss him off (that’s why he shot sometimes incompetent commanders in his Legion). These asocial tendencies were perceived by some of his brothers and mortal commanders as weirdness (and caused a conflict between the Metal Lord and the Phoenixian), but were valued by Mechanicum. 
Medusian!Perturabo also did not care about challenges between Astartes from his legion and Astartes from legions of his siblings. Why? It was the mastery of the single warrior, not the mastery of the whole Legion. And wars were won by Legions, not by single warriors. However, he did not restrict them - simply did not pay the attention. 
Finally, not all of Perturabo’s scions were as weird as their Primogenitor. The Banner of Valor - the relic of the Diamond Breakers chapter in 40k - shows that his sons can be sentimental. Sometimes.
P.S.: what can you say about that?
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littleclevercat · 7 years
The Atlas combat automaton
As the secret of the Fourth Legion was breached after the Liberation of Mars - they ressurected their dead, using cybernetic implants and lost technologies, some of Primarchs greatly disagreed with Medusian!Perturabo, viewing that as a technonecromancy. The Metal Lord answered: “That’s my legion. If I have to decrease the casualities by the means of necromancy, I will do so.”
However, after the Scouring the Fourth Legion did not use Awakened anymore. Not because of questionable ethics, but because ressurected Astartes can live only 50-60 years after the rebuilding. 
At the same time, first Atlases appeared. Because the Fourth Legion was on friendly terms with Cult Mechanicum, they maintained a lot of battle-automates in their ranks. So, to boost the military power of Chapters, Perturabo and his allies (Techmarines and Magi from the Brotherhood of Synthesis) modified the Castellax-pattern battle automata. Their creation - the Atlas combat automaton - is a pretty different warmachine.
Not only it is protected from aggressive conditions (including chemical weapons), but also has an unique Machine Spirit. The Atlas has personality and completely sapient - its bio-computer is a human brain. Because they are trained AND serve among other Astartes, Atlases are called “Cyber-battle-brother” by them and have human names. The creation of each Atlas is a classified process, and Scions of Perturabo do not want to share this technology for some reason.
The truth is that Atlases were designed as replacement for Awakened. They really are cyber-battle-brothers - each of them was an Astartes before undergoing a medical operation. And that’s why they have names. The real reason for Atlases to exist is because Perturabo wanted his Chapters to cheat and possess more power than the Codex Astartes allows. Because the Codex did not restrict the usage of cybernetic warmachines - Diamond Breakers developed Atlases.
In combat an Atlas is a terrific warmachine, standing four meters tall and capable of fast movement and ripping humans with his bare hands. What is better for Scions of the Fourth Legion (and worse for their foes), the Atlas is capable of changing his weapons - both melee and ranged, adapting for the style of combat. Atlas’s default wargear consists from Shock Gauntlets - light powerfists - and two shoulder-mounted heavy bolters.
However, because of actions of traitorous Silver Helmets, forces of Chaos have also now their own version of Atlas - the Desolator combat automaton. The Desolator is much scarier not only because the Astartes inside may be a servant of the Dark Gods - he is also infected with the Obliterator virus.
P.S.: so, what can you say?
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littleclevercat · 7 years
The fact which stops me from posting Perturabo's rules is my inability to chose a blaster for him. Rules for the armor are ready, as well as rules for missile launcher (hint - his missile lancher was a prototype for Harbinger's) and his melee weapons.
I would suggest to make him a blaster based on Inferno pistol. It’s very rare in 40k and its design goes back to the Dark Age of Technology.
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littleclevercat · 8 years
Medusian!Perturabo and Diamond Breakers
Dear anon, I’m going to make a page with assembled links to all parts of this AU and your other posts, and I’ll add the link to the page in the header of by tumblr. This way it would be easier for you to find all information without needing to thumb through whole tumblr, and also it would be easier for others to find all details, because you’re doing a great job with fleshing out this legion and making it playable. Maybe someone else will decide to create their army with your DB. :) Really, lots of respect for that, I always approach my AUs from fanfiction side and postpone balancing their stats for vague future when I’ll have more time. :P (Also, with separate page with links all info will be readily available in case you’ll need to post it somewhere outside tumblr or if you decide to make tumblr account and transfer it there.)
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littleclevercat · 7 years
Musings - rules for Medusian!Perturabo
Lord of War choice: Medusian!Perturabo
WS6 BS8 S6 T6 W6 I6 A4 Ld10 Sv2+ Jet Pack Infantry (Independent Character).
Wargear: Tempest Powersuit, the Hellbore, light Las-Pulsar, the Striker.
Tempest Powersuit - Perturabo’s panoply gives him 2+ armored save, immunity to Blind and includes following wargear: Iron Halo, Augury Scanner, Nuncio-Vox, Ballistic Cogitator (Perturabo fires Snap Shots at BS4), Medical Nanetic suite (Perturabo adds +1 to his IWND rolls), Jet Pack.
The Hellbore - this is one of the most powerful weapons of Mankind, dating back to the Dark Age of Technology. It uses antiprotons to destroy targets. The Hellbore has following chracteristics: S9, AP2, Range: 12"-48", Heavy 1, Blast, Instant Death, Lance.
Light Las-Pusar - recently developed by Mechnicum, that laser gun is tested by Perturabo and intended to replace Kheres Autocannon. Its characteristics are: S5, AP3, Range: 36", Assault 6, Rending, Rapid Tracking.
The Striker - that flanged power mace was made by Perturabo when he visited the Mars. It has following characteristics: S:U+2, AP1, Melee, Concussive, Sunder.
Rules: Primarch, Bulky, Independent Character, Relentless, Deep Strike, Sire of the Diamond Breakers, Diamond Fieldmarshal, Paragon of Pragmatism, Warlord Trait: Target Priority.
Sire of the Diamond Breakers: all units with Legiones Astartes (Diamond Breakers) rule are Stubborn. 
Diamond Fieldmarshal: Perturabo grants all Tanks and Walkers in his detachment IWND, makes Sicaran Tanks troops, allowing them to score objectives, and adds +1 to reserve roles.
Paragon of Pragmatism: Perturabo can’t accept or issue challenges (without any penalties) and has Hit & Run rule.
Unit cost: 440 points.
P.S.: старую версию правил нужно удалить нафиг.
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littleclevercat · 7 years
From TheWatcher - on the matter of one particular AU
Today I re-read Zahariel's chapter about IW in the Roboutian Heresy AU and found out what's wrong with it. Zahariel's is a good writer but, when it comes to Perturabo, he shouldn't write what Pert feels - for the Iron Lord thinking is more important then the feeling, and so you need to describe how Perturabo thinks and decides, not his emotions. You may read his interpretation here: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10578370/4/. What do you think about it? Shall I attempt to write my own version of IW in Roboutian Heresy AU? And try to compare his interpretation with Medusian!Perturabo!
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littleclevercat · 7 years
More about the Order of Night Wardens
So, developing the concept of the Order (http://littleclevercat.tumblr.com/post/161467689762/from-thewatcher-a-crack-idea), I've got some points to describe them.
1) The whereabouts of Oshun are unknown in the forty-first millenium.  At the same time, there are multiple mentions of Saint Osha - a Living Saint with aether wings who lead the Wardens in the harshest battles. It is known that she lost her hand during the first war for Armaggedon in duel with Angron. After the victory she oversaw the restoration of the planet, as well as healed humans, crippled by demonic weapons... and incinerated heretics alive.
2) The Night Wardens are as tall as ordinary Astartes - their improvements differs a lot from Cawl's Primaris Astartes. While their equipment can be described as unisex, and their voices are distorted by helmets' sound systems, it is pretty easy to distinguish a female and a male Warden - females have ten santimeters less height.and narrower shoulders. 
3) The elite forces of Wardens are Paladins, Witchers and... Warsmiths. The first ones are versatile Terminator squads which can be equipped with both ranged and melee blessed weapons. Paladins have their powersuits based upon Custodes Aquilon Terminator armor. The Covens of Witchers are the heritage of the Night Stalkers - they are squads of Veterans in Aegis power armor, equipped with Night Gyr jet packs (a gift from Medusian!Perturabo). Finally, the Warsmiths are techmarines and special issue vehicle pilots. And they pilot not ordinary warmachines, but so-called Land Raider Unmakers. The Unmaker is a Land Raider Achilles which has its Thunderfire cannon replaced with a warp rift projector. 
That's all for now. Maybe I'll write something else about them later.
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littleclevercat · 7 years
About Medusian!Perturabo's Bellum Signifer
Ohhh... After looking at things I wrote before I decided that Medusian!Perturabo's personal knight should be changed. His personal walking tank should not only the assault war machine, but also a mobile command center. And well, I haven't got rules for Imperial Knights in 8th edition yet, so I can't design his rules for the new edition. And I'm thinking about drawing concepts for Bellum Signifier.
So far, what is decided:
- Perturabo's Knight has a unique frame, different from ordinary Knights. I'm going to use some battlemechs from the Battletech as inspiration;
- Bellum's right arm is a long-ranged weapon;
- Bellum's left arm is a heavy plasma lance - a weapon which can act as a large flamethrower, a short-ranged melta cannon or a as S:D melee weapon;
- Bellum has a missile launcher with AA missiles;
- Ferromantic Invulnerability rule is still here.
Also, I think that Medusian!Perturabo did not fight with his traitorous brothers after banishing Angron on Terra - he was too pragmatic for it (especially after the Emperor's duel with Horus - Perturabo: " Why just did not our father teleport a nuke to the bastard? He would be still here!"). His sons took his teachings surely well and later nuked the Beast during the infamous Waaagh!
P.S.: what can you say?
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littleclevercat · 7 years
From TheWatcher - a crack idea
So, then Oshun’s destiny in my AU is pretty different. 
As Himiko disappeared and was never found after the Horus Heresy and Oshun’s friend - Medusian!Perturabo - stayed loyal, she was the only female Primarch left. However, now her siblings knew that their sister was a daemon slayer, and so Oshun was given a great responsibility.
Instead of rebuilding her legion, she was given a task to finish Malcador’s project on Titan and develop an order of Astartes, trained to fight with Ruinous Powers. Roboute also told her to recruit into the new Order of Night Wardens both male and female psykers.
So, I’m going to introduce you the Order of Night Wardens. They are the Grey Knights of this AU,  - both secretive and mysterious. The Wardens both include male and female Astartes, as their gene-seed was modified by Oshun to  make them more efficient than an ordinary Astartes and boost their psychic abilities. The Wardens aren’t a Chapter - they include ~30-35k of Astartes with the main base located on Titan and multiple watch-stations across the Imperium. 
P.S.: I hope that’s a decent concept.
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littleclevercat · 7 years
I think there was one scary moment in history of the Diamond Breakers - a method "Die starving or die fighting" - in ither words, during siege operations Medusian!Perturabo usually created an artificial famine and weakened his enemies' fortresses by the blockade and usage of chemical and climatic weapons.
That’s brutal. But considering how little attention is paid to logistics of war operations in the 40k lore, I won’t be surprised if artificial famines are common thing during the Imperium’s wars.
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littleclevercat · 7 years
Musings - Land Raider Ultima Ratio
The Ultima Ratio is the other vehicle of the Diamond Breakers which appeared during the Scouring. As the Horus Heresy inflicted lots of damage to Forgeworlds across the Imperium, some vehicles - the Sicaran, the Glaive - could not be produced any longer. These facts forced Techmarines of the Fourth to modify already existing vehicles. 
The Ultima Ratio is the Land Raider Phobos, rebuilt into the main battle tank. Its transport capacity is reduced to only five passengers, while the free place is occupied by tanks with coolant for Raider's weapons, preventing them from overheating. Upon its hull Predator's turret with plasma destroyer is mounted, and its sponsons are occupied with twin-linked assault cannons. The multi-melta is mounted on vehicle's frontal armored plate. If needed, the Ultima Ratio can be equipped with armored ceramite and rapid tracking system, and all its weapons can be replaced with twin-linked lascannons.
As it was counterproductive to keep the existance of this model in secret, the blueprint of Ultima Ratio was given to the other Legions during the Scouring. However, it was noticed that the largest warbands (like the Black Legion) used a few number of Land Raider Ultima Ratio. That probably happened because of the traitorous Silver Helmets - scions of Medusian!Perturabo - who escaped into the Malevolent Eye and allied with Dark Mechanicus.
P.S.: shall we give a reference to tw6464 about this vehicle?
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littleclevercat · 7 years
The Diamond Breakers - The Scouring
After the Battle for Solar System the Fourth Legion was exhausted. While they were probably the most brutal among defenders of Terra (as Medusian!Perturabo was desperate enough to use WMD against Horus's forces), they lost a lot of. Perturabo had only fifteen thousands of his scions in twelve Grand-Battalions (and ~4-6 thousands of Awakened - Asatartes, rebuilt back to life) under his command in the Sol at that moment. Because of that, until their return to the Medusian Sector, the Diamond Breakers worked as a highly mobile mechanized army, supporting other Legions, and refused to take part in siege operations. Still, Perturabo's geneseed had an important advantage - it allowed the Fourth Legion to quickly induct new neophytes. And, because Grand-Battaions recruited boys from any human-populated planet, the Diamond Breakers rebuilt themselves - after the Scouring they included ~60 thousand Astartes in 60 Grand-Battalions (Chapters).
(The Avalanche operation protocole was also changed, and these changes became the foundation for the future doctrine of DB's successor chapters.)
The greatest military campaign during the Scouring for Perturabo was the Liberation of Meratara Sector. Olympian!Ferrus allied with the Arch-Traitor, because Horus and Fulgrim convinced him that primarchs would be thrown aside after the Great Crusade, as and their rule will be replaced with the rule of ordinary, weak-willed humans, who would serve to the Golden Throne. For Ferrus, the Heresy was the war of conquest - as the son of the Emperor, he took what was his. Now the Meratara Sector was the domain of the Stormwalkers, and they weren't going to yield their territory.
The end of that campaign was known - the Thunder Lord died, defending Olympia from the forces of loyalists, and the Tenth Legion, losing its Primogenitor, escaped to the Malevolent Eye.
P.S.: what can you add?
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