#meena with a bird is cute
hoperays-song · 2 years
Sing Pets in Human AU
My favourite part of writing human AUs? Giving characters pets! Here are some of the pets I think characters would have and that will appear in my fic!
Johnny: Olive the Dog
- rescued her 2 years before Sing 1 as a puppy when he found her in an alley.
- she likes to run beside his skateboard and play tag with him, has kinda trained herself to help with his anxiety.
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Ash: Taquito the Turtle
- bought/rescued him from a bad pet store.
- stays with Eddie during Sing 2 so he can be looked after, and will seemingly follow people around in his tank.
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Meena: Sunny the Bird
- her mom got Sunny for Meena as a birthday present 3 years before Sing 1.
- they will sing along when Meena sings in the house and when she’s upset as well.
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Buster and Eddie: Koala the Chinchilla 
- Eddie got her for Buster after Buster kept talking about getting a pet koala.
- will just curl up on Eddie’s lap when he’s playing games or in Buster’s when he’s reading.
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Barry and Stan: Samuel/Steve the Cat
- rescued as a kitten after Olive brought him to the garage covered in oil.
- Barry and Stan argue about his name all the time while he just likes laying on top of cars in the garage.
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kamamo1 · 5 years
Ok so my Barry Allen relationship post blew up again, and thanks I guess, so I'm compelled to talk about this more. So here's more analysis on Barry's love interests from the comics that most people tend to forget.
Barry swings from kinda of being a dork/flustered/oblivious about flirting/relationships to being cool as a cucumber, calm, emotionally mature and knows what he wants... So his love interests are all over the place
Zatanna - often flirted with him, they kissed and had wild adventures during one of her shows, Barry was the first one she showed her new outfit too when she was trying to redefine herself, which lead them to make out in the Watchtower, Barry calls her Tanna, and Barry said once that when he looked at her he forgot the face of every girl he met before. They might have been lovers but they both hesitant on starting a full relationship, probably because the writer conveniently remembered Barry was seeing someone else in his personal comic. They need to interact again even if its strictly platonic because it was a fun dynamic
Daphne Dean - was a childhood sweetheart of Barry's and they used to play games as kids with Barry dressed up as the Flash. They were the talk of the town apparently and while they kept in touch, Daphne went on to be a famous actress and Barry headed off to Central City.
They have an on and off relationship, Daphne's PR tries to capitalize on the childhood romance for Daphne's image and she usually goes along with to a certain extent but only till it hits her that 'yeah I'm actually still in love with him' and puts her foot down, Barry usually remains oblivious to all this. Barry helps her out with kidnappers, and old stalker from their childhood, and she helped him out with an issue with Golden Glider. Their flirting ranged from remenicing 'the good old days' to later acknowledging that 'yes I am flirting with you and you are flirting with me' no hesitation
Dinah Lance - Mostly out of the JLA Year One run from Post Crisis. Pre-Crisis they were mostly just teammates, Barry knew her from Black Canary Golden Age comics, and called her pretty bird or bird lady-but then most of her teammates did.
They flirted back and forth in JLA Year One, but Dinah was hesitant to start anything because she didn't want to be like her mother and have an affair with another hero. They kissed before realizing Dinah loves being Black Canary too much and Barry loves being both Flash and Barry, but the romance was still there even though they kept it platonic. I just wish they would interact again because they had a fun friendship.
Meena Dhawan - I wish another writer would pick this character up because I have not liked anything out of the new Flash run, which is a shame bec I want to care about this character. Meena was one of the new speedsters out of the Joshua Williamson's first Flash arc where he tried to do what Manapul did but worse.
She is a scientist who is helps out the people who got caught in the SpeedForce storm and of course Barry gets all heart eyes about it. They offhandedly flirt and then kiss in a spam of two issues where Barry then reveals his identity which is kinda a big deal because his secret identity has always been super important to him in the past, and then Meena is seemingly killed by Godspeed, who callously says that Barry shouldn't even care because they barely knew each other. Meena comes back in a weird way, everyone's weary at first and then it revealed she is working for the bad guys and the last time I checked she is in prison so yeah...
Jessica Cruz - I didn't expect writer to try to go in a romantic direction with these two because they started out with a pretty solid friendship. Jessica is thrown into the superhero world due to the Power Ring and Barry helps her out in fights/control/ talks her down and gets ice cream. So it was like a mentor/student dynamic except not really because they're equal standing characters, kinda going back to when Barry had the same dynamic with Firestorm and Elongated Man.
Jessica saves Barry's life at the cost of her own, but dont worry she's fine! They dance around and then go on a date, and it's kinda cute before plot happens. An alternative reality reveals that they had three kids together, an older daughter named Nora, and twins Jason and Jenny. Nora takes after her father in regards to powers and the twin take after Jessica's powers as well, but their emotions connected to their powers overwhelms them sometimes. The kids are adorable and Barry/Jessica with the kids are even more adorable
Patty Spivot - originally just a friend and coworker, showed up around the late 70s, the time Barry has been married to Iris for awhile. They were just work buddies, and Barry mentioned once about her and a man named Daniel so it's not like she had a secret crush on him. They take turns buying donuts, complain about work, etc. <--And look a completely platonic relationship between a slightly older man and a younger woman with no weird undertones! Then Geoff Johns happens and he implies that Patty and Barry knew eachother when Barry started out at the lab, and that they danced around eachother before Barry and Iris started dating.
Then in New 52, Barry and Patty are dating, and it had it's cute moments but it felt like writers were spinning their wheels because they had to tease out the Barry/Iris relationship, and honestly if your heart isn't in it, you should have just kept it platonic.
Fiona Webb - <---Barry's fiancee and would have his second/third wife. Her real name was Beverly Lewis, and had to be put in witness protection after she learned too much about her former employer. Barry meets her a year after Iris' death when he is moving on with his life, and moving into Utopia Towers as her next door neighbor.
Their first meeting goes like this: Barry thinks about the lonely nights ahead of him and stops midthought when he sees her with a 'yiyiyi'. He says it looks like she walked out of a dream, flusteredly tried to introduce himself but she kinda brushed him off. Fiona acts cold to Barry at first but she eventually warms up to him after he helps her out with the issue of her former employer. They became friends and have a little friend group with their other neighbor Mack Nathan and his son. They dance around eachother a lot, but eventually go on a lot of romantic dates. Barry calls her 'Green Eyes' and she doesn't take any of his bs.
Their relationship is on and off due to Barry's relationship with Z and Daphne and Fiona relationship with the Senator she works for. The Senator is conveniently the new villain that's been targeting the criminals of Central City, so he kidnaps her and Barry has to rescues her. They're together again after that whole fiasco, but have to deal with drama of criminals coming after them because Fiona is still in witness protection and Barry makes enemies as part of CCPD. There was no big proposal scene, Barry casually asks her how she feels about June Weddings and she says why wait and they plan the wedding pretty quick. I think it was stated it was three years after they met?
So they have a quick wedding, Firestorm mentions he's upset that the Justice League wasn't invited but to be fair its all pretty sudden. Barry's friends from work come, Ralph also attends, Mack Nathan etc, Wally tries to sneak in late. Barry is determined not to be late like always so he heads out to the church, almost forgets the ring but has a good laugh about it until surprise!!! Eobard Thawne comes back from being missing for years.
Thawne has Barry chase him all over the world putting people in danger so Barry cant catch up to him, while he does his evil monologue. Fiona is getting extremely frustrated and embarrassed, thinks she's being stood up. Thawne reveals he planning on killing Fiona and Barry freaks out. Just as Fiona walks out the door crying Thawne races to put his hand through her head and Barry stops him by grabbing at his neck. Barry instantly goes over comfort Fiona, not realizing what happened.
Due to the audience of the whole scene he can't reveal he's actually Barry and Fiona is still super upset. Thawne is revealed to be dead, the Flash is put on Trial for murder, Barry Allen is missing/presumed dead, and Fiona has a breakdown due to all this trauma conga line. Barry just wants to take her away with him but with the upcoming Trial he realizes he can never have a normal life again after this.
The trial eventually takes a turn for the worse, Barry's lawyer Cecile tells him to reveal his identity so that the court knows that he was only trying to save his fiancee from the fate of his first wife, but Barry refuses, stating that if he goes to prison then at least Fiona won't be in more danger because of him. Its obvious through this arc that Barry and Fiona still love eachother but both are in a real bad place right now.
And I have to say this was some interesting drama that DC never resolved or followed through with, and just outright ignored, which is a shame because Barry and Fiona was another interesting relationship that fell to the wayside due to poor writing or just a general lack of interest in the Flash's supporting cast
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sunken-standard · 7 years
Drabble Meme Prompt Fill Number Infinity
Since I had three sets of prompts with significant overlap, I combined them:
Requested by @mistykins06:Dear one. I'm incredibly late to the latest Drabble challenge so I shall throw 86 (You’re cute with glasses)  and 96 (I could’ve gone pro) at you to do with what you will. Love, Mistykins06 Requested by @mizjoely: If you're still taking prompts, 20, 21 & 22 would be fab (together, apart, whatever floats your boat!) - When’s the last time you smiled?/ Stop being such a brat/ If I wanted one, I would have gotten it myself Requested by @theleftpill: For the drabble meme - I have no idea what the phrases are since I don't have the original list, so I'm choosing numbers for personal reasons: 86 (You’re cute with glasses ), 20 (When’s the last time you smiled?), 22 (If I wanted one, I would have gotten it myself)
Set in The Cheese Stands Alone ‘verse.
"You’re cute with glasses"/ "I could’ve gone pro"/ "When’s the last time you smiled?"/ "Stop being such a brat"/ "If I wanted one, I would have gotten it myself"
"Stop being such a brat and just come back," Molly said, her ancient cordless phone wedged between her ear and shoulder as she refilled the salt shaker.  She always tidied her kitchen when she was using her land line, it was ridiculous.  Who still used a land line anyway? Her one remaining friend from the Tom-era and former colleague 'Meena,' apparently.  Dull.  "Three is old enough to stay home alone for a few hours while you take a shift in the lab.  Just give him a little Benylin and put him in a dog crate with a blanket over it, turn on the telly for some noise, he won't even know you're gone."
Ah yes, the future mother of my children, Sherlock thought dryly.
"Pfft, unfit.  And if I wanted one, I would have got it myself.  No, it's not baby-snatching if you leave something of equal value in the pram, like a puppy or a bag of apples."
He glanced up and she was smiling that little dimply, impish smile of hers.  She was trying to murder him; cause of death—ironically unrequited love and cuteness.
"I'm telling you, the new techs they send in just keep getting worse.  I don't know where they're getting them, but..."  A pause while Meena said something that made Molly's lips twist into a half-smile, half grimace.  "Oh, he was a dope, but at least he's not a creep.  This new one, Gaz—yeah, I know, right?—spent his entire first day staring at my tits like he was trying to make eye contact with them to assert his dominance or something."
He's not going to last long, Sherlock thought darkly.  His eyes drifted to her chest, her bra-less breasts wobbling  rather enticingly under her t-shirt.  Molly would find a way to take care of it, she always did, but if she didn't, he could arrange for 'Gaz' to accidentally fall down some stairs or something else equally violent and debilitating.  One of the many perks of associating with the criminal classes.
Molly snapped her fingers in front of her chest to get his attention, then pointed rather pointedly to her eyes while pursing her lips.  They're up here.
Shit. She'd caught him looking.  And rather than being flustered or flattered or—best-case—ready to throw the phone down and whip her t-shirt over her head to let him have a go at them, she just looked annoyed.
She laughed at something Meena said and went back to tidying the worktop.
"Ugh, my ear feels like it's going to fall off," she said, flopping down next to him on the sofa.  It was a Herculean effort not to watch her breasts bounce as she did it; now that she knew he looked and she wasn't happy about it, it was all he wanted to do.  Well, more than he normally did, which, to be fair, was a significant amount of time anyway.
He looked at her ear, instead, which was quite red from where it had been pressed to the phone for the last hour and change.
"Now you know why I don't like lengthy phone conversations."
"You don't like any phone conversations," she contradicted, pulling that scornful face of hers that made her look like she should be wearing a ball gown, surrounded by birds and anthropomorphic mice and talking teapots.
"Texting is easier."
"Not when I'm in the middle of a post-mortem."
"That's why you have assistants."
"I have assistants to assist with the post-mortem. Not to answer questions like, 'Could you, in theory, fit three Walnut Whips in your mouth at once?'  Though really, can't complain about that one, the next day I had seven of them on my desk because apparently Ann told everyone in the department and they all wanted to know.  So, I mean, free chocolate.  Oh, don't make that face."
"What face?  This is my normal face."  He might have been making a face; that text was actually supposed to be private, since it wasn't for a case and more a matter of personal curiosity.  He'd also been eating a Walnut Whip at the time and was having other, entirely less innocent thoughts about her eating one, too.
"Well, yes, but it's a glower.  When's the last time you smiled?"
"Yesterday, though it may have just been wind," he answered dryly.
It had the desired effect; she couldn't help herself and snorted.  Molly loved a fart joke.  Maybe he could get her to watch some Monty Python again later.  
"I really wish Meena would come back.  She was so good at her job—no accidents, always there on time, never ran the wrong tests on the wrong samples.  And she was so much fun!  She was the one who dared me to wear her glasses when they did the new ID badge photos.  We were talking about how no one ever checks them anyway and I could probably wear a clown nose and a rainbow wig and no one would even raise an eyebrow," Molly said, her tone wistful.  
"Mm, always wondered why you had them in that picture," he murmured distractedly, deftly applying a second coat of red varnish to her middle toenail.  Being her stand-in girlfriend wasn't all bad all the time; at least he got to be physically close to her and she talked to him. "You look cute with glasses."
Bollocks, he thought.  He hadn't meant to say that out loud.  He hoped she'd just take it as a girlfriend thing, like telling her her hair was on point or those shoes were hot or whatever it was women said to each other to be supportive.
"Oh, ah, thank you," she said.  It was almost a question.  
"You're welcome?" he answered, making it a question himself.
He finished applying the varnish in excruciating silence; he was very aware of Molly watching him as he picked her foot up off his lap to blow on her still-wet nails.  It was a heavy moment.
"You're, ah, really good at that.  Pedicures, I mean," Molly said, her voice strained.
"Had a case once for a nail salon owner.  Industrial espionage, more or less—well, less, more than more, they had their own line of varnishes and care products that were being tampered with.  Learned how to do it there.  She said I could've gone pro.  I even got to keep the tips," he babbled, realizing he'd been swiping his thumb over Molly's ankle.
"Just the tips?" Molly asked, and he really wasn't sure if she was making a sex joke or asking a genuine question; he swallowed hard against the implication of the former and the very vivid image his brain supplied him with.
"Actually got a bottle of nail varnish, too.  I used it in an experiment.  It was purple."  I carried a watermelon.
Good thing she didn't know he'd actually seen (and liked) Dirty Dancing; he could at least maintain the illusion of having a working pair of testicles. There had to be an appropriate joke in there about the colour blue as well, but he was having a hard time (ha) thinking past the smoothness of her skin.  She'd shaved just the night before.
"How is your ankle, by the way?" he asked, changing the subject to something safe.
"Much better, barely feel it now.  Bruising's almost gone," she said too quickly, grateful that the conversation was moving away from weird, at least.
"I see," he said, pushing up her trouser leg under the pretence of inspecting her ankle.
"I mean, you can still wait on me hand and foot and carry me up the stairs, if you're still feeling guilty," she joked. "Wouldn't mind a bacon butty right now.  Or a glass of wine.  Or both."
He turned to her with a look of appalled affront at her gustatory choices, then let it drop.  "Actually, do you have any bacon in? I'm a bit peckish myself."
"No, but I've still got plenty of cheese."
"Grilled cheese it is, then.  Goes better with the wine, anyway," he said, easing himself out from under her feet.
"Mm, God, this is gorgeous," she said, using her finger to swipe a gooey string of cheese off of her chin.  "Since when do you know how to cook things that aren't potentially explosive or otherwise hazardous?"
"I'm a man of many talents," he said before biting into his own sandwich.  Using the sliced apple in it had been a stroke of brilliance if he did say so himself.  "I know how to both boil and fry an egg, too," he added.
"With skills like that, you'll make some lucky woman very happy one day," she said lightly.  "You can certainly fill out an apron." She gave him an amused mock-leer from where she was leaned against the sink with her plate.
The apron was rather ridiculous, but he wasn't going to ruin a £300 shirt with grease splatter.
"Well, if you ever come across a woman who doesn't mind the occasional potentially explosive or otherwise hazardous dinner, enjoys solving crimes, and can provide me with human body parts for experimentation, then do give her my number," he said, skirting the edge of actually flirting by injecting just a hint of sarcasm into his tone. It was either that or drop to his knees and beg her to just give him a chance to make her happy; he'd rather not ruin the evening, though.
"I don't know, a woman like that sounds awfully dangerous.  Probably has a few bodies buried in her back garden.  Could have had an ex-boyfriend that was a criminal mastermind.  Maybe he's even buried in her back garden."  She smirked before taking a bite of her sandwich.  
He was hit with the memory of when he'd told her Moriarty was dead and she needed to do something with the body until Mycroft could arrange disposal; Shall I just bury him in my back garden, then? had been her incredulous response.  Hadn't been nearly as amusing at the time.
Wait, was she flirting?  Or was she just going along with the joke?
"I like a woman who knows her way around a shovel.  Graverobbing's always much more fun with two."
"I thought that was housebreaking."
"That too. Lots of things are better with two.  Vandalism, confidence tricks, footraces, most board games..."
"Sex," she supplied.
"Probably," he agreed.
He could almost hear the needle scratch across the vinyl before she scrutinized him.
"I mean, with one person it's not really sex as such and three or more is just too many, so two for sex.  Two is the magic number there. Two people.  Having sex," he stumbled to clarify, anything to cover the fact that he had no first-hand knowledge of the act.  
And it was going so well there for a minute.
"Sherlock," she said, pulling her calves away from his still-cold feet.
"If I, ah, ever did meet a woman like you described before, or, I mean, someone I thought you might like, would you, ah, ever want me to introduce you?  Because, I—I would."
"Thank you, but no."
"Women not your area, married to your work, right."
"No, that's just what I tell John when asks annoying, invasive questions." Because it was dark and he was turned away from her and there was always something about the night-time that made confessions easier, he said it.  "To be quite honest, I'm not interested in meeting any women.  I've already met one and I can't really imagine anyone else being able to hold a candle to her."
"Oh," she said quietly, sadly.  "If you, ah, ever want to talk about it, I mean, it must be hard to keep up long distance for so long..."
Long distance?  What was she—oh.  Irene Adler, John's blog and the lie he'd told about the witness protection scheme in America.  
Really though, what he had with Molly could be considered long distance; the other side of the bed may as well be the other side of the world for all the distance between them.
"It can be trying at times, but every moment I do get with her is precious," he said sincerely.  It was probably a cruel thing to do to make her think it was someone else, but maybe, just maybe, if he could get his feelings out like this, he could tell her the truth someday.  Or else he was shooting himself in the foot.
She reached over and gave his arm a gentle squeeze.
"I'd spend every hour of every day with her if I could.  Sleep next to her every night.  Apart from the cold feet, I don't think she'd mind."
"She probably doesn't mind the cold feet as much as she pretends to," Molly said, her voice taking on that gentle, heartbreaking tone of hers when she was clamping down on her own misery to ease someone else's.  
He'd maybe made a bit of a mistake, miscalculated how deeply buried the feelings she used to have for him still were.  He didn't want to hurt her.
He wiggled backwards a bit and pressed his feet against her again; this time to the outside of her leg, one foot from her ankle to mid-calf, the other above it.
"Or maybe she does mind it, but she puts up with your bullshit because she loves you too much anyway," Molly said, poking him in the back.
His heart sped up with the thought of Molly loving him in return; what a wonderful thing that would be.
"I do sometimes wonder if she does.  She's never said it.  Not in so many words, at least."
"Have you ever said it to her?  I mean, assuming you do love her, which it sounds like you do."
"Oh, I do.  More than I ever thought possible.  Never found the right moment to actually tell her, though.  The timing's always bad."
"Mm. Yeah."  A pause.  "I'm sure you'll find the right time and the right words one day."
"One hopes," he dismissed.
They settled back down to sleep, both lost in their own thoughts.  
"Goodnight." He just couldn't do it.  Wanted to, but couldn't.
One day.
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beast-queen · 8 years
Fandom >:3c (the fandom thing)
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
FANDOM (the Story @arnielia and I are writing)
the first character i ever fell in love with:
Is there a concept of “first character”? It can be Viktor? It can be Kathy? It can be Alex? Will we ever know?
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Gareth! I am sorry Hana I mean he is a very good character and I am excited to write his arc with Jerald but man he was a real ass to Kathy. 
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
I don’t know honestly? There were some discarded ships, I guess Jayce/Soraka because that was like early season 1 but also Gareth and Kathy. 
my ultimate favorite character™:
prettiest character:
It is a REALLY strong tie between all the girls Tatyana, Becky, Fiona, Nadya and Sasha.
my most hated character:
I can’t decide if I hate Stanwick or Darkwill more because both should like burn in hell and die but I am also sure that Paul, Finn and Constantin’s ex make the list of people that I want to beat up. 
my OTP:
Every canon ship, that’s why they are canon don’t you love being the writer of your own media, Tayla, Dark horse, Kabriel, Doren, Love Birds, Sashantin, Nick and Owen, whatever we call Fiona and Tanner,Jardstro, The OT4, Alex/Tatyana Valkus, the Super Secret Ships™ of season 7.
my NOTP:
Ugh I guess no one because if we don’t like it we wont write it.
favorite episode:
This is the equivalent of “favourite RP” and you know, every RP we have is my favourite but there are some really great ones, like the Kathy and Gabriel going to the restaurant, them getting doughnuts, every Sashanting RP including cats, Tayla’s entire story with the Brambleback and Don and Kathy having that moment with the fire tree, and that’s the ones I can remember from the top of my head. 
saddest death:
LISTEN! Listen..........Donovan’s death was retconned so that means Talia and Lionel, follower by the old man in season 3.
favorite season:
Oh man, there are more seasons to come? It will probably be season 8 which you plot, but from the ones we actually did I have to be arrogant and say season 5. 
least favorite season:
Like season 1? I don’t even remember it? It was weird we were 14 and 16 respectively, it was weird. 
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
A list of this fandom’s members includes but is not limited to: you and I. 
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
Gosh Constantin? Yes he is. And Viktor sometimes, he is pushing that. 
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Gabriel, Katherin, Donovan, Tenor, Sasha, Asuka, Ignatius, Ylva, Michael, probably more but I love them they deserve better. 
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Ugh. Hana. You, don’t know about that, but my wrong nasty ship that I lowkey ship is actually Loren/The King, and I have a feeling this story will have a solo writer really soon when you will kick me out. Also Iris/Jerald. 
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
That would be Meena/Viktor and Viktor/Daveth, which are like actually canon platonic OTPs,Veron/Olram, though that ends in season 7, Brian/Tanner, Brian/Caden, Ylva/Asuka and/or Asuka/Helena. 
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celmation-gibson · 8 years
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Well, I Should be doing this Piece like I did with 2015 and It's Movies & Cartoons, But I started this a few Days ago and Now I am able to Upload it now. So here is my Review/Experience with these Animation-related Programs. Zootopia - It looked like a Cute film to watch, and it had some Good Voice Cast I know like Ms. Jenny Slate(Tammy, Princess Pony Head) & Mr. J.K. Simmons(Tenzin, Stanford Pines). And I figured it will beat out the *Cough* OVERRATED *Cough* Disney Frozen feature in my Book. It was the First Film of the Year to watch it in the Cinemas alone, back then I was Upset with my Parents over something, I can't remember. But I enjoyed the Film, the Characters look Likable, there was a Great Mystery Story like any other Detective Films, and the Song 'Try Anything' by Shakira, I first heard that song while Working in Foodtown, and Now I'm hearing that Most of the times there. The Loud House - Well, I first Heard about this Program coming soon back in 2014, and I thought I wouldn't be interested, But as time went by, the Character Lucy seemed to be a Cute Interest and Possibly one of the Reasons I will be Watching this Program, and then I would read who will be Voicing in this Program, and there were a load of Surprises. So I watched It's Previews and their Premieres so far and I'm Kinda finding the Show very Interesting, and My Favorite Characters of the show so Far are Lincoln, Lucy, Lynn, Leni, Lily Loud, Ronnie-Anne Santiago, & Clyde McBride. I even Started a Top 5 Favorite Episodes of this Program Possibly a Month after this Program premiered, and maybe I will do a Top 10 in the Future someday. The Angry Birds Movie - I like playing the 'Angry Birds' game, and I figured this Movie will be interesting because I know One actor playing in the Movie, and that Is Mr. Bill Hader, and that was Before I knew who the other Actors in the Feature are like Mr. Keegan Michael Key & Josh Gad. And I really enjoyed the Film Much, it had a Great Soundtrack, There was a Good Reference to Daft Punk (and that was a Good Thing because I discovered it after I Horribly Discovered that the Not-Very-Bright reboot of the Powerpuff Girls made a Reference to Daft Punk which led me to Tears, but then I saw the DP Ref on TABM, and I was Like "YES, I have No Regrets after Purchasing one of their Great songs 'One More Time' on I-Tunes!"), and there was a Hilarious Moment where the Mighty Eagle *URINATED* on his Lake, after Bomb & Chuck took a Dip in it, "Horrible Turn of Events, Horrible", and everyone in the Auditorium Laughed alot during the Whole Sequence, and I was Glad that everyone had a Good Time Watching it, and the Climax where the Birds invaded Pig City while Using the Big Slingshot and using their Powers plays just like the Games we Played Yesterday & Today. Steven Universe: Bismuth - I think I heard about a New Gem that everyone was Excited about, and I thought I would watched this New SU special, and I enjoyed it, the Character Bismuth was the Next Character Fav in my Book, and the Special had those Cute littl' Bumpers that could style Classic Anime, and that's what I would like about Steven Universe when it first premiered, I heard in one review that it looked like it had a Style combination between SchoolHouse Rock & some 1970's Obscure Anime, and I like that, Unlike the Few Episodes that were written & Boarded by Raven & Paul. The Secret Life of Pets - I find this Movie very Interesting, because it also had some very Good Voice Cast I know like Jenny Slate, Albert Brooks, & Bobby Moynihan, and I was Discovering who Kevin Hart was after seeing those Comedy Central Promos featuring the Gentleman. And I really liked the Film, and the Characters are really lovable, Mostly Snowball the Bunny, who is my Next Favorite 'Villains with Heart' characters, He was abandoned by his magician owner, turned bitter, ands leads the Flushed Pets planning to take retribution on humankind, Until in the End when the Flushed Pets come up with a new plan to annihilate all humans, Snowball is suddenly adopted by a little girl named Molly, At first, Snowball resists, but gives in to her sweetness and lets himself become a domesticated pet, and That was a Cute scene to me as Saying that Snowball deserves to be Raised Much better than his Previous Owner did to him. Noodle & Jaguar Racing - What can I say, I enjoy Gorillaz and their Music, my First Music Video to see from them was of course 'Clint Eastwood', and then I purchased their First Album, and repeatedly Listen to that Music all over again & Again. Until them, I finally rediscovered more about the Gang's History back in 2010 when their Third album 'Plastic Beach' came out. And Noodle is by Far one of my Most Favorite Animated/Cartoon Female Characters, she has the Most beautiful Designs during Phase 3 & 4, and the Her becoming Ambassador of Jaguar Racing with that Gorgeous Outfit/Fashion Design of hers REALLY packs a Punch. And I'm Beginning to Really have Fun Drawing her Jaguar Designs most of the Times, even with some of Our Original Characters, along with Official Characters from other Media. And I'm not sure if that's Ms. Haruka Kuroda reprising her Role, or what, But her Voicing is still Fabulous to Me. Kubo & the Two Strings - What will Laika think of Next, Kubo is the Most Fantastic Stop-Motion 3D Animated Film to see in Years. the Only Voice Actor I know to play in the Film at the Time was Mr. George Takei of 'Star Trek' fame. And the People of Laika really put their Greatest Talent to the Challenge when they Build that Extremely Large 16-foot Tall Skeleton that can grab the Actual Models of the Characters (*no Kidding*), and how they use Bowling Balls to Animated the Giant Eyes, and Here are a Few Words from Animator Kevin Parry on working on the Moon Best: A.) You can see all of the rigging supporting the Moon Beast, all on top of a large, rotating tabletop. This puppet was essentially a long cable with 3D-printed shells attached to it – meaning it could not hold a shape on its own, so it had to be animated with an external support system. B.) Because of this, we often animated the Moon Beast looking upward at a down-facing camera, so that it wouldn’t be fighting gravity as much. The camera is about 5-6 feet above my head, looking down at the puppet. C.) I really like the initial tail whip and the shape it creates. But as the Moon Beast comes toward the camera, I think I overcompensated by having the tail break so far down and to screen left. I think it would have been stronger if the tail remained in-line with the head and body, and he had a more dramatic dive down and toward the camera. D.) If I could animate this shot again, I would also leave more of a beat after the Moon Beast turns towards the camera, before the attack (and have the mouth open during that beat). So the choreography would be something like big sweep toward the camera, anticipate the Moon Beast upward and pause for a beat, and then dive! I think the overall path and dynamics of this shot feel a bit too even. You can Find More Notes on his Progress on [This Cartoon Brew Article].
Sing - At First I thought I wouldn't be interested in watching the film, but then seeing some Characters looking interesting, especially Scarlett Johansson's character Ash, I decided to see this Film for myself, But this isn't the other time to see the Film in the Cinemas alone again, my mother wanted to see this Movie too. So we saw this Film together, and she liked the film too, and she even knew how Ms. Jennifer Hudson's Singing voice sounded immediately, although Miss Nana Noodleman's Speaking voice is done by Jennifer Saunders, Mom also Like Seth MacFarlane's Character Mike and how he Sang, and I told her of Course Seth can Sing in a Good Frank Sinatra like tone, like how he sang with Frank Sinatra Jr. in Family Guy. And Mother also like how Meena sang in the Climax of the Film, that was Beautifully done by Ms. Tori Kelly. And I was also Surprised to read that the same man who voiced Buster Moon, also Voiced Beetle/Kubo's Father in 'Kubo'. Hope you Like It!
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