#meet so many cool and awesome people
keebwee · 1 year
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I just wanna say that's so fucking kind of you, your art slaps too, I'm eating your lineart, get followed back idiot /aff
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squeezing you. the lineart compliment means so much to me. i really struggle with it and having you come in and say you like it is insane to me like WOAH. thank you so much
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 10 months
💎💎💎 Sia from Georgie!!
"Sia! the one and only Lark" Georgie is smiling now, "He's, well, I have so much respect for him. He brings so much joy to people, touches so many hearts and lifts them up into the sunshine."
"His pure love of music is something i love about him, and as a mostly self taught musician its something i greatly respect, music for the sake of music, music that doesn't care about the fanciest way to play or the hardest notes to hit, don't get me wrong he is an amazing player, but he plays music for the love of it, not for the sake of impressing to fill a coin-purse,"
Georgie shyly turns his head away, "its something i see many musicians suffer from, the need to reach new heights and draw new crowds, the need to make yourself better by their standards. change your truth to what they say it is, its a pressure i think most performers can understand,"
"He, he doesn't suffer from that, or at least doesn't seem to. He has, not just a confidence, but a comfort in his skin and his existence. He will not bow to someones whims for want of coin, only to his own and that of the people he loves; only in service of making a better world, one tune and one smile at a time,"
"It's something i greatly admire in him, and i hope it wouldn't be to much to say i feel a kinship with him, in his pure love of music and his dedication to making the world a better, happier place. it is a feeling of kinship i hope to live up to, i hope to bring joy and calm hearts, in my own way, but with the same goal as him, of a better world, where people can smile freely, regardless of status or birth, where hearts are soothed and brought high once more with music."
"Hes also... kind. its hard enough, when your role is to please people, to not chase after the praise into the death of your truth, but its even harder when your in competition with each other, to be kind, to not pick at other people's differences to tear them down,"
"I think you can tell what difference people use against me," He chuckles, "He, well, hasn't. He cares about people hearts- not whatever differences they have, he sees beyond those, and its refreshing, just like his joy. Its easy to want to be the best version of yourself around him, and its easy to see hope for the future, and the good in peoples hearts."
"Hes a good man, with a heart of gold, and i respect him very much."
"I have had the joy of meeting many performers in my travels, but the bond between two musicians is always special, his joy in life and self confidence makes that bond all the more precious to me. I have greatly enjoyed my time with him, and i hope for that bond to ever deepen."
Georgie starts staring fondly into the distance, "Perhaps one day, i can show him the green hills of my home, and the wooden hut where i first learned to play. I hear his heart, his Crow, is city born and raised, perhaps they could enjoy exploring the rolling hills together. Everyone has been bothering me for years to bring back friends, so if they are willing to help with the harvest, then maybe i can soothe the worrying hearts of those who love me."
Georgie blushes, realizing how many words have spilled from his lips "All that to say, i greatly respect him, and hold him in my heart as a good friend, and i hope to keep doing so."
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seilon · 4 months
genuinely it is so depressing to spend money drinking just to end up doing nothing interesting and just sitting around
#i need friends who like. doing things.#i need more friends in general but i mean yeah.#would love to have an actual college experience one day. I’ve been in college 4 years or so and I’ve never been to a party and I’ve never#made lasting/close friendships. since pre-covid I haven’t really made friends at all#all my friends (all four of them) are from high school#it’s really fucking pathetic actually how incapable I am of making friends or having a life#and it just feels like a huge fucking waste of time and a waste of a college environment#part of me wishes I would rent at a place full of mostly other students and get a roommate I don’t know (as much as that’s a bad idea if#it’s anything like last time) just so I can be around people and be forced to meet people#also so I can avoid getting lowkey fucked over because my friends I’m supposed to be renting with eventually don’t want to pay a#significant amount of rent and I’d end up paying way more than them just because they supposedly can’t afford it (we all have about the same#income.)#gehsdhdhdhshhd#they also want to rent a place with four of us total and I just. really don’t want to live with that many people. like I think it would#drive me fucking insane. I need control over my surroundings and that leaves me with no control and I don’t like it#and a million other reasons I don’t like the idea#it was originally just supposed to be me and one friend. so. this was not the plan#hahsgshhshh anyway kill me#I’m in that post-drinking state where all pleasant affects of the alcohol have long since worn off and I’m just sort of left a hollow shell#depressed and disappointed.#and I have to go to work this afternoon woohoo awesome so cool#kibumblabs
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cicadaland · 6 months
I really need to explore my love for information through art. it would look so cool
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so-you-melted-22 · 8 months
i don’t think anything or anyone has ever changed my life as much as the amity affliction have
those guys mean so much to me
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shorties-unite · 1 year
Not to be like recklessly optimistic and hopeful during a difficult experience but I think if I just keep trying and being kind and putting love into the world then eventually it will all work out?
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milo-is-rambling · 2 years
That connection between you and a mutual when you both have unique tags created for personal things in life and you'll never quite understand the scope of meaning for them but a lot of the tags have posts that connect to your tags and it's like you're both separate minds but if you take a wrong turn you end up at the center of my mind instead and sometimes I check the tags and suddenly I'm seeing posts that make me think of the first people my dedicated to tag was created to represent but now it represents like at least ten people and one post I never would've found takes me back to being in eighth grade and the most heartbroken and alone I had ever been and everything felt so crushing and exhausting and then I see another post and it makes me whole chest swell and reminds me of the time in sophomore year where I pulled myself out of it and made myself so proud and it's all these little memories that are also on posts where you have memories attached in a completely different way and god it's just so fucking cool that poetry and art and music exist and we can all experience it together and it will still never mean the same thing to any two people it's just incredible art is amazing and we should all just think about how cool people are in our lives even if we never actually talk we still share things and it's so cool I love when social media is used in a way that makes me feel like this
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lady-ashfade · 8 months
Hi, I wanted to request something platonic with Percy, with him meeting his older half-sister after he finds out he's the son of Poseidon.
Sorry for my English, I'm using the translator to write, and sorry if you don't understand my request
Pictures On The Wall
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Percy jackson x older!sister (platonic)
-£ this was the first thing that came to mind and it’s such a cute idea! thank you.
-£ words: 700
-£ warnings: short, nervous percy, cool reader, sassy and kinda grunge reader, siblings bonding, fluff.
the wall across from his bed was covered with many things. pictures of people he didn’t know along with a bed half made and clothes piled up. “that’s y/n’s” a name he never heard but yet was family. his half sister was somewhere on a quest and didn’t know that he was snooping round her things.
he looked at the pictures all the time, liking the smile you had. he knew that smile, a distinct memory in his mind but you wore it with pride. you looked so cool and by all the stories he heard you were one of the most awesome person at camp.
every cabin knew you, it was like he needed to fill some sort of shoe now that you walked in but he didn’t know the first thing.
“percy,” grover peaked into the cabin and looked around for his best friend, when he found him he looked nervous. “I think you should come.” percy jumped up at the sound of his voice that sounded like something horrible had happened.
percy walked along his friend while his heart raced, “what happened?” had another monster attacked the camp, what could have happened that he had to come.
“she’s back.” Grover muttered while sighing, “And we thought you should meet her.” oh,- oh gods. you were back so soon? he didn’t have a clue on what he would say or do. would you like him, would you hate him and somehow kick him out of the cabin? he’s never had a sibling before.
“she’s getting patched up and I’ll warn you,” Grover patted his shoulder with a kind smile, “she’s unpredictable at times.” Yeah, that makes me feel much better Percy thought.
as soon as the walked into the infirmary all they could hear was yelling and arguing making the young boys look at each other. they walked to the door and saw the girl on the bed glare at the other around her age.
he knew you. the picture he looked at every day you seemed to be exactly like that, but you didn’t look happy like all of them. the shirt you wore had rips in it and a bloody bandage wrapped around your arm. the redhead girl in front of you held a spoon up to your mouth but you kept fighter her off.
“I’m fine! It’s just a few scratches, I’m not a child!” it was ironic that you looked like a bratty child that wanted to stomp their feet. your lips pouted slightly. percy didn’t know what to think at the scene.
“take it. you’re just keeping yourself from leaving, so do it so I can leave!” the other girl seemed to knock some sense into you as you huffed and took the spoon in your mouth. if looks could kill then she would be on the ground by now, you looked so angry.
humming the redhead walked out of the door and looked at the boys before rolling her eyes and kept going down the hallway. you didn’t seemed to notice them as you started to take off the dirty bandages.
Grover was the first to speak, “excuse me,” you looked at him quickly but your eyes were now soft and no longer sharp. “Grover, come in!” you invited him over but your eyes soon fell on the boy next to him. and immediately the connection between the two of you went off in your head.
“you must be percy?”
he shifted closer and awkwardly not knowing want to do, “yeah. how do you know?”
“I received letters telling me of the idiot brother I seemed to have,” you chuckle and throw the dirty cloths in your hands on the bed. The cut was gone but dry blood still stayed on your skin, “you have dads eyes.” You pointed to your own.
“really?” he asked quietly as you hopped on the floor and stretched. “Oh yeah, less disappointment in them but I’ll give it time.”
you yawned and picked up the black jacket and your backpack, “I’m starving,” you stood between the two of them and then swung your arms around the two of them.
“Now, tell me what you did to Clarisse!” You smirk at the brother you just met, “my favorite sibling already.”
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peppermintquartz · 2 months
canon divergence if Tommy didn't show at the bachelor party or the hospital in time because the fire was still raging and by the time he could go, it was late and Buck was just about to leave the hospital. Tommy still gets kissed, goes to offer his congratulations, and Buck drives him back to his station to get cleaned up and drives him home after, because Tommy's been fighting a fire for way too long and is barely vertical
So in this scenario only Eddie, Maddie and Chimney know for sure, and Chimney's still recuperating so he's not at the station.
"Flowers for a Mr Buckley," the delivery man calls out into the firehouse.
Several people look up. Many look curious. The delivery man waits. After a minute, Buck hurtles down from the kitchen and signs for the bouquet. It's not a ridiculously big bouquet but it's full of oranges and yellows and reds, geraniums and chrysanthemums and roses, even, wrapped in pale pink and snow white paper. There's a card that he sticks into his pocket but there's no hiding the smile on his face. He practically floats upstairs again with the bouquet, no doubt to put it in water.
Ravi nudges Eddie with his elbow. "What's with the flowers?"
Eddie raises his eyebrows. "How would I know? I didn't send him those." But there's a smug look on his face that says that he does know.
"No? But aren't you-" Ravi begins to say, when the alarm goes off, and everyone runs to do what they're supposed to.
By the time they're done extricating a handful of people from two buses that crashed into each other, Ravi forgets all about the bouquet.
The next shift has a delivery of chocolate muffins and a dozen donuts, and again it's for Buck. Except this time, instead of glowing happily, Buck rolls his eyes and his cheeks turn pink.
Ravi sidles up to Hen. "Do you know who this is from?"
"No clue." Hen snaps her fingers at Buck, who's engrossed with typing a message on his phone. "Buck, who are these from? They're safe to eat?"
"Yeah, yes they are," says Buck, distracted, as he snags a jelly and walks away.
Ravi isn't above baked deliciousness. The muffins are awesome.
Buck shows up for a shift after a 72 with a slight limp. No one says anything about it. Chimney's back and everyone is happy to see him around, and while there are a few gaps in his memory, he's pretty much back to normal.
And Cap gave them news about receiving medals for their daring rescue. Ravi is so proud of them, even though he knows he would never have the guts to do that based on a hunch. Probably not.
Buck winces as he sits like he's pulled a muscle, but he has been limping for most of the day anyway - not that Ravi stares a lot at Buck, they just had several tasks to do together today - and Ravi doesn't like to see his people feeling poorly.
Discreetly, Ravi hands him an ice pack when no one else is looking. "For your aches and pains," Ravi says, a little embarrassed. He's not part of them, he knows. He's gonna find his own people, eventually. But that doesn't mean he can't show care for someone who's one of his mentors.
Buck looks... touched? Shy? He smiles at Ravi and thanks him, then slides the ice pack over the base of his spine.
Ah, that explains a lot. Maybe he slid off some steps and hurt his tail bone.
Ravi doesn't expect to meet the Tommy at the firehouse a week before the medal ceremony. He's heard from Buck and Eddie and Chimney and Hen how cool Tommy is, and of course he remembers hearing Tommy fly Eddie out to Vegas to watch a fight.
What he really doesn't expect to see is Buck jogging out of the station, throwing his arms around Tommy, and kissing him. With tongue.
Ravi's eyes grow big and round. He's not the only one staring - Hen and Cap are both gawping. Chimney and Eddie are grinning and elbowing each other.
Captain clears his throat. Buck reluctantly pulls away from Tommy and says, in the dopiest tone Ravi has ever heard from him, "Hey."
"Hey," says Tommy, not letting Buck go. Then he smiles, big and bright, at the rest of the 118. "Hi guys. Mind if I steal him away five minutes before the end of shift?"
That smile, though. Ravi gets it now. Heck, he'd ask Tommy out if he were single.
Captain grins. "Only if you promise to bring him back."
Tommy releases Buck and slaps his ass. "Go get your stuff. If we hustle, we can have a leisurely dinner before karaoke trivia."
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onmyyan · 8 days
(ive been spottily active lately and missed soooo much amazing stuff I'm trying to catch up still but the one thing someone mentioned to you is now running circles like an energetic puppy in my brain) yandere batfam angst with (yandere?) superfam fluff. The savior complex. The rivalry. I love your writing so much. I love how so many cool people message you and share ideas. You're awesome.
A/N: First of all you're so sweet ❣️ thank you!! I so appreciate this request and how it made my brain turn!!
In this situation let's say you've already done the whole 'neglected so you leave and trigger their yandere instincts' thing, so you've been kidnapped, bound to the manor for months at this point, but Bruce decides you've been behaving well enough to deserve a treat. He knows how cooped up you feel, he's not as delusional as the rest of his family who believe you love it there, so he takes you with him to the hall of justice, he isn't worried about you escaping after all the hall of justice is in outer space, and you're surrounded by experienced heros, you're not going anywhere.
That's his first mistake.
Clark takes to you immediately. You've got the Wayne charm but so clearly your own person, you stand away from Bruce, asking Clark earnest questions, listening oh so intently, he knows you're an adult, but your so much smaller than him, (the man is 6'3 he's bigger than most people.) he noticed the way your heart rate picked up when Bruce so much as touched you, you were scared of him, he could tell, and this is what ignites that dangerous flame inside him.
He starts by inviting the whole Wayne family over for dinner, can't draw suspicion by inviting only you, (despite that being exactly what he wanted to do) Lois makes a feast, that night you meet Clark's entire family, his son's Conner and Jon, Kara his cousin, and of course Lois his wife, they all focus on you despite trying to play it cool, Kara's around your age and asks if you'd like to go shopping with her in metropolis some day, you smile starting to nod before Bruce answers for you, "Her studies are taking up most of her time nowadays, some other time." He grins taking a bite of his steak.
Clark sets his silverware down, grinning that friendly smile of his, "Well surely she can take a little break, one day away from her studies won't kill her, besides she'll be safe as can be with Kara by her side." Bruce glares at him, he can't outright deny the claims because his own possessive need to have you by his side at all times, and because they're true, so he relents, and that's how you find yourself spending time with her, and in turn the superfam.
It doesn't take long for them to fall in love with the idea of you being there, with them, at their dinner table.
The second they're all in agreement,(about a week after getting to know you) they quickly decide you're better off with them, and when Superman breaks into the Manor one day and sweeps you off your feet, the batfamily can't do anything but watch in horror.
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verstarppen · 1 year
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pairing; lando norris x fem! star wars actress! reader [ no faceclaim ]
a/n; i'm glad people liked this so here's the anticipated part 2, if you see mistakes no you don't shhh; also yes i really did try to sneak in my book reccs in this one just close your eyes if you want a taglist let me know! [ series masterlist ]
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liked by davefiloni, landonorris, danielricciardo and 296,589 others
yndeathtrooper happy birthday to my super cool boss who's totally not going to fire me for being annoying @ davefiloni
view all 30,557 comments
davefiloni Thin ice
yndeathtrooper you get to fire me after you finish reading ONE thrawn book davefiloni Touché
lukestarkiller and to many more years of awesome storytelling
cc_2224 Happy birthday king!
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liked by daniel3.jpg, yndeathtrooper, charles_leclerc and 522,123 others
lando.jpg feel it in the force, yoda one for me
view all 52,199 comments
stappenlover lando norizz
tyrescreamer oh my god he's so
yndeathtrooper boooooo that's so cheesy
lando.jpg but did it work yndeathtrooper the comments are loving it lando.jpg i wasn't talking about the comments
daniel3.jpg I was wondering why the bathroom was preoccupied for so long
lando.jpg had to get the best angles sorry
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 2,752,484 others
yndeathtrooper forever grateful to this community <3 thank you everyone who asked for an autograph and photos at the con, i love you
view all 640,475 comments
danielricciardo See you in four days
yndeathtrooper counting the hours sugarussell WHAT alfajuliet THEY'RE MEETING UP!? ln444 TEAM DANNY WINS AGAIN
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liked by yndeathtrooper, danielricciardo, landonorris and 3,021,278 others
mclaren Oh Monaco, we’ve been waiting for you! Dreaming of the glitz and the glamour, the iconic street circuit and how can we forget those spectacular harbour views? 💭😍
view all 980,025 comments
danielricciardo Let's get it
dududumax wooo let's gooo
papayasalad lando p4 i'm calling it
lewisummer not with that crash in qualifying he won't 💀
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, charles_leclerc and 1,535,101 others
yndeathtrooper hello monaco, you're cute
view all 871,190 comments
charlielechair WHO'S ON THE LAST SLIDE
stappenlover daniel, obviously georgieborgie IT'S LANDO strollette dude daniel literally liked the post papayasalad SO DID LANDO
sabinelorian you can't just leave us on a cliffhanger like that
charles_leclerc 👋
yndeathtrooper 👋👋👋
cad_babe WHO IS IT
sokasnips soft launch?
jarjarblinks we've shot up into the sky and exploded fuck you mean this is suposed to be a soft launch kimirizzkonnen WHO ARE WE SOFT LAUNCHING FFS
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pic credits: instagram and pinterest
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itsdannycragg · 2 months
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Hi Tumblr!
I logged da fuck off at some point and will continue to be very much so not on social media! Believe me when I tell you life is better on the other side.
I do want to pop in with a life update for the curious!
I'm out here in Durham, NC, and three years after moving here with Shelby and Brian, I can confidently say there isn't a place in the world I'd rather put my roots down.
I never knew what actual community looked or felt like until I came here. I'd made friends in town everywhere I'd lived, of course, and we would go out to eat or on a vacation, visit a gallery or something, but in Durham it's just different. Looking out the window during a car ride, chatting with a stranger in a grocery store, checking out a thrift shop or going to the library, I find myself declaring "I love living here..." the same compulsive way I tell my partners I love them. Durham isn't just a place I live, it's where I belong.
I've been calling myself an ex-cartoonist, and preaching the nightmare of trying to make art for infinite-profit focused megacorps. It's not that I didn't love making cartoons, it's that I did. It may not be that way for everyone, but for me, working a job I loved meant I was working every second of my life. Being an artist is a core part of my heart and soul, and near the end, I had become so burnt out I would spend hours just trying to start doing the work I used to fly out of bed excited to do.
So I did some of this and that, worked a retail job that fucked my hands up so bad that I had to have double carpal tunnel release surgery. 29 years as an artist and I get carpal tunnel from hefting around boxes in a warehouse!
Since then, I've pivoted into building a career as a graphic designer. (And I'm learning web dev too!) I'm getting involved in the local nonprofit scene, meeting so many incredible people and finding so many cool and exciting opportunities to focus my design work on community awareness, nonprofits, small businesses!! I didn't expect that to be so viable for a Graphic Designer. I had the misconception for a long time that I'd have to put my creative sensibilities aside for more dry, sensible corporate phooey. But there's so much more. Graphic design is truly a delight and a challenge! I have always enjoyed thinking critically about all forms of human creation. Why am I so drawn to this book cover? What makes that building so weird? Why do these casserole mix boxes piss me off? Why does that person's outfit look so fucking awesome?
Taking those thoughts and using them to inform how I approach design is an entirely different beast from animating and illustrating. I'm fighting for my life out there formatting text, morphing vectors and and scooting things around a comp until it works. A picture's worth a thousand words, but you don't have space for a thousand words in a graphic design. Condense! Condense! It's challenging, and a lot of fun.
Working as a cartoonist was my dream come true, and I am forever proud of and thankful for the part I have played in the history of animation and queer representation in entertainment. I had the privilege of having the life crisis I had at 21— "I never thought I'd get this far. What more could I want? What do I do now?"
Well, a decade later I confidently know what comes after having my dreams come true. I get older, and I experience new things, meet new people, struggle paying bills, endure all kinds of misfortunes and problems, and come out the other side astounded and proud to have survived it. Grow closer to my family friends and community as the years deepen our history together, and just be amazed and thankful that I made it this far, over and over.
It's funny being called old by my younger friends, because I have never felt so young in my life! I JUST cracked 30. There are so many things I haven't done yet, and so many things I don't know that I don't know yet. And I have the power to take ALL of this and to create art about it. Hopy shit!
Speaking of making art and sharing it, one of the reasons I'm excited to be learning web dev is so I can carve out places online where I can share anything and everything I want to. Media Crit, comics, essays, comics, illos, however I want to present it. I'll share it when I get the site running. Or maybe I wont and you'll have to find it by chance.
And of course, I'm still actively writing Neokosmos with Shelby and Brian, and doing other little things here and there. :) See ya when I see ya, Danny
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vrisrezis · 1 year
Love triangle?? With atsv characters
Basically a love triangle between them, their spider alter ego and you … ?
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Gwen has been longtime best friends with you and Peter for what feels like forever. Even after peters passing, you and Gwen remained close. Throughout the years, it was only natural for gwen to fall for you, her best friend. Peter had often encouraged her to try and go for it, but she never gave in to the temptation. Not when she has been lying to you for so long about who she really was. While her dad did often speak his mind on the mysterious spiderwoman and his doubts, you always seemed excited talking about her. It didn’t take long for her to find out you were not only a huge fan, but definitely had a bit of a crush.
This was amusing to her, obviously. But it also made her wonder if you felt nothing for the real her, and you just liked some alter ego of hers because she was cool and saved the day or whatever.
How you and spiderwoman met, was not under the best of circumstances. As you can imagine.
Growing up, you were always pretty tough. Fighting for and defending Peter against bullies, it was what drawn gwen to you right away. You always stood up for others, and perhaps in the real world it’d get you in more trouble, trying to help a defenses old man against some mugger, you nearly got real hurt in the process. Thankfully, your celebrity crush was there to web him up.
She remembers the look you gave her, you were so.. awestruck.
You never looked at her like that. Not the real her, anyway.
“Thank you spiderwoman!” you say with glee, a word she would almost never use to describe you.
She clears her throat, seeming off guard by the way you greeted her. Or perhaps she was caught off guard by how beautiful you looked in the moonlight. Is it hot outside or is it just her suit?
“Uh… uh…” she hesitates for a moment, before displaying faux confidence. She nods in understanding, “anytime, hopefully next time I’ll see you under better circumstances, cutie.” she says with a wink, before swinging away.
There’s practically hearts in your eyes, did spider woman… just flirt with you?!
Meanwhile, gwen is freaking the hell out over the fact she just said that. It’s certainly easier to flirt under the mask, she supposes.
You didn’t shut up about spiderwoman for the next week.
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Miles was one of your best friends, had been for over a year now. Although this friendship, to many seemed newly found, to you both it felt like you knew eachother forever. You often ignored how Ganke never failed to mention that’s something people in love say about eachother.
Ganke was a close friend to the both of you. He was also very much aware of how miles was keeping this huge secret from you, and he often relayed to miles how he should just tell you already. Miles said no, everytime. So ganke had to resort to desperate measures, on one of your many hangouts with the two males.
“Hey, I’m curious.” Ganke starts, “what do you think of Spiderman?”
Miles nearly chokes, he looks wide eyed at ganke, as if ganke just killed a cat. Honestly, ganke is surprised miles hadn’t brought up Spiderman to you himself before, but honestly miles was terrified of what you actually thought, to the point he didn’t want it mentioned at all in front of you.
But your immediate grin makes miles almost audibly sigh.
“I think he’s awesome! Way cooler than the other one to be honest like wow have you seen that suit? Nice color.” Miles couldn’t help but notice the way your eyes lit up in excitement. How come he hasn’t heard you talk about spiderman before if you liked him so much?
“Hey, miles?”
“Huh?!” he yells, his voice becoming so high pitched it sounded like he was just hitting puberty, making you laugh.
“I- I mean.. yeah… what’s up?”
“Do you think he’s … cute?” you ask, rather curious what miles thinks of spiderman.
Ganke almost laughs at how wide miles eyes are, somehow even wider than before.
You would eventually have the chance to meet spiderman, which was not something miles would be happy about. A fight with a particularly … tough villain had caused much damage to the city. Miles swears, today he had to pull up at least 3 buses by his webs.
However, the bus you were in, as plain as day. He couldn’t see anyone but you, the other people in the bus being a blur to him.
He was scared, so so so scared. The moment you’re out and safe, he wants to hug you. He almost does, but he’s able to restrain himself once he feels gwen tug his arm, warning him of how weird that’d be.
He sighs, but he sees you smile at him, grateful. He’s blissfully unaware of how hot your cheeks are, seeing him in the flesh, in person.
You wonder if he’d be okay with signing an autograph.
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Hobie was never the type for being subtle. He was blunt, but because of his casualness about it people do not take what he says seriously. He didn’t plan on making a strong effort to hide being spiderman from you. Because he trusts you, with his life in fact.
You two have fought together on many different occasions, way before he became spiderman. People didn’t like either of you, when you were young at least. Strong and unafraid, and like him, you often spoke your mind about things. Granted, you were a lot nicer about it but still. It’s something he definitely likes about you. To him, falling for you just felt natural. Like it was meant to happen. Like falling for you was second nature.
But over his time of becoming spiderman, he had … well… found out you had a major crush on his alter ego. You did not shut up about how “babygirl” he was. And while this was amusing at first, it annoyed him a little. Did that mean you weren’t interested in him, as hobie, romantically? And if you did find out who he really was, would you still like spiderman? Or would it ruin the imagination for you? And if you did, would it only be because he’s spiderman?
A lot of questions circle his mind, a lot of worry and it isn’t like him. He really hates it. Only you can manage to do that to him.
Eventually, the two of you do end up meeting.
You were known for being a fighter, laws or not, you didn’t care, maybe a bit headstrong in your beliefs. Maybe you got too caught up in things, as you often did. Difference was, hobie was not there to back you up. As he often was.
Not this time though, as apparently Hobie had some unfinished business to deal with. You had no idea what that meant, but you trusted hobie enough that he wouldn’t go off doing something stupid without you.
You were not hobie however, and did something stupid without him.
While yes, the guy had harassed you first and you had every right to be angry with him, you probably shouldn’t have provoked such a big and muscular looking guy. There’s no way you could take him in a fight, but you could always try.
Before you even had the gall to fight this guy, before he can even pull the first punch, webs are shot his way. You gasp in surprise, turning behind you to see the one and only.
His movements are quick, and honestly, spiderman struggles for a little.
If even he struggled during that fight, you didn’t stand a chance. But you’re too busy absolutely fangirl/boy/theythem’ing to even care.
Once everything was said and done, Spiderman turned around to take a look at you. He was relieved you weren’t banged up or anything, though you couldn’t tell. “You aight?” he asked, and typically he was so cool and collected, but around you he had no idea how he should be acting. Thoughts from before still clouding his mind:
He lets them go for a moment upon your excited squeal and has to hold himself back from laughing.
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Pavitr mentioned spiderman quite a bit, and very early on when he first became the masked vigilante. He was quick to gauge your opinions, because in his mind you’re thoughts and feelings matter the most to him.
He would quickly learn you loved the guy, so he proudly continued doing the whole superhero thing. However, as time went by he had seen your admiration for Spiderman develop into a crush. Only upon your first meeting with him, though. He couldn’t blame you, he supposed that in your eyes this guy saved your life from imminent peril. In his eyes, he was just doing something that was common sense. Saving you while you were trapped in that bus was not something he needed to think twice about.
And he certainly didn’t think twice about hugging you, either. Despite you two not really being acquainted with one another. He was quick to come to his senses, about to pull away, but you held on. And he realized you needed this hug as much as he did. He combs his fingers through your hair, as if second nature. Just like he normally did, and he was the only one that ever did that. You didn’t seem to catch on in that state, but little did he know how grateful you were towards him. He could only imagine, but it was a fraction to how you truly felt.
“Thank you, spiderman.” You say with such softness in your voice, he’s never heard it from you before.
And from that point on, he did not stop hearing you gush about the arachnid. While he often laughed this off, he wondered if that meant things would be weird between you two if he told you the truth.
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glorious-spoon · 4 months
finding excuses to be alone with each other - Buddie
hi, and thank you! sorry this has taken a while, and also i have no explanation for why i decided to write new year's eve fic in june. BUT: here you are!
a stolen moment
1200 words | buddie | developing relationship | secret relationship | kissing | fluff
There are too many people at this party.
Normally, this isn't something Buck would even think to complain about. Maddie and Chim are hosting, since Bobby and Athena are still living out of a tiny one-bedroom while work continues on their house, and Hen and Karen are still trying to get Mara settled back at home—New Year's parties are apparently not conducive to a quiet, predictable bedtime routine, and the Wilson family unit will probably be heading out well before the ball drops anyway—and nobody else has even close to enough room. It's still packed to the brim, overflowing onto the back patio, clusters of people chatting over drinks in the kitchen while the kids have taken over the living room TV for a vicious Mario Kart showdown that Chris is currently winning. Maddie's in the back bedroom putting Jee down for bedtime, and Chim is holding court over the dessert table, and it's all—great, honestly, it's great. It's awesome, having his family here, and happy, and together under the same roof after the year they've all had.
He glances up and meets Eddie's eye from across the dining room. Gets a quick smile in return. Eddie's cheeks are pink, maybe from the warmth, maybe from the two glasses of wine he's had, since Buck will be the one driving them home. He's wearing a green Henley that Buck knows is exactly as soft as it looks and worn-in jeans that mold lovingly to the lines of his thighs as he leans back against the door frame, and it's all pretty distressing, honestly. Buck's hands are itching to touch.
When he meets Eddie's eyes again, Eddie is grinning broadly. Caught, Buck ducks his head. He's blushing, he knows, and he doesn't have the excuse of the wine.
They're keeping it to themselves, at least for now. That was the decision they both made after Eddie kissed him in the loft two nights ago, after Buck kissed him back, after they didn't actually manage to make it all the way up to the bed and ended up on the couch instead, gasping into each other's mouths, fumbling and eager as teenagers. They're keeping it to themselves until Eddie figures out how he's going to tell Chris. He's skittish about that still, and Buck isn't going to push. So he'll probably be sleeping on the fold-out couch tonight instead of in Eddie's bed, and he's not going to kiss Eddie in the middle of the party, no matter how much he wants to.
It's okay. They have time.
"Hey, didn't someone bring dessert plates?" Chim calls from the kitchen. "Please tell me someone brought dessert plates, we're all out of the big ones and I'm really not up for doing dishes tonight."
Ah, shit. Right. That was Buck's job. He's pretty sure he did pick some up, actually, but they're probably still out in the Jeep, which is parked somewhere in the snarl of cars crowding the Han driveway and pulled off to the side of the street in front of their lawn.
"I got 'em," he calls, setting his soda down.
"My hero," Chim retorts, only half-teasing by his tone. Buck rolls his eyes and goes to find his shoes.
He doesn't realize that Eddie is following him until he's already slipped them on in the entry hall, a few steps away from the party. "What's up?"
Eddie shrugs, guileless, and crouches down to retrieve his shoes as well. "Figured I'd help you."
"You figured you'd help me…. bring in a package of paper plates?"
"Yeah," Eddie says innocently, but there's a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, and god, Buck really wants to kiss him.
"Okay," he agrees instead, and pulls open the door. Eddie follows him out into the night, cool and dim even with Christmas lights still lit up all down the street. There's a dampness to the air that feels like rain; it's not that cold, but it's enough of a contrast to the warm house that a shiver goes through him. Eddie falls into step beside him, then reaches for his hand.
Buck shivers again, for reasons that have nothing to do with the cold this time. Eddie's hand is warm and broad, and he strokes his thumb lightly against Buck's, lighting up nerve endings he didn't even know he had.
It's such a small thing. But they've never actually done this yet. It all feels so new, sparkling like fireworks through his veins.
"Okay?" Eddie asks, and Buck realizes that he's stopped walking. 
"Yeah," he says. He's not doing a very good job of keeping the smile off his face, or out of his voice, but Eddie's got the exact same dopey smile on his face, so it's fine. They weave through the cars to where Buck's Jeep is parked, close enough to the street that they'll probably be able to get out without playing vehicle Tetris. Far enough from the house that they're shielded from view by Bobby's truck parked alongside them, so he's not all that surprised when Eddie lets go of his hand only to push him gently against the side of the Jeep and kiss him.
He gets lost in that for a little bit. The heat of Eddie's mouth, his hands moving from Buck's shoulders to cradle his jaw—he did that the first time, too. Held Buck like he's holding him now, like he's something precious and worth treating with care, and Buck's already hooked on it. He slides his hand up Eddie's back, feeling the warmth of him, to cup the back of his neck as Eddie licks into his mouth with leisurely sweetness, like he's got all the time in the world to kiss Buck just like this on the sidewalk on New Year's Eve.
Sooner or later, someone's going to come looking for them. It still takes a while for Buck to break the kiss, and when Eddie tugs lightly at his lower lip with his teeth before pulling away, he almost dives back in again. Almost.
"We should probably get back to the party," he says, very reluctantly.
"Yeah," Eddie sighs. He leans in and kisses Buck again, a sweeter, softer thing before leaning past him to open the door. Buck ducks into the back seat to retrieve the package of plates and the bottle of wine they forgot to bring in earlier, and when he straightens up, Eddie is watching him. He looks—hesitant, almost. Nervous. He looks the way he looked two days ago, right before he kissed Buck.
"What's up?" Buck asks.
"I want to tell Chris," Eddie says, all in a rush. "Maybe not—right now, at the party, but when we get home, I want to tell him. About us."
Buck takes a quick, sharp breath. "Are you sure?"
"I've never been as sure about anything in my life as I am about you."
"It's the truth. And—I want him to know. Even if it's an adjustment, even if it takes some time to—I want him to know. I want everyone to know. If that's okay with you."
"Eddie," Buck says again, and then, "yeah, yeah of course it's okay."
"Good," Eddie says, with a sudden, brilliant smile. And well—Chim can wait a few more minutes for his paper plates. Buck sets them down and pulls Eddie back in.
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unhinged-waterlilly · 2 months
Percy Jackson RP Blog
Ooc Intro
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Lilly Darhk here! Child of Poseidon. Legacy of Styx(dont ask). My pronouns are she/her, i dont get sexuality. Oh, and currently possessed by Nyx, Syclla, Styx, and Hera. No, I also don't know how I'm alive. Now a Champion of Athena(are you proud, dad?). And Champion of Achilles now-
I live in Itacha now but come to Camp in the morning
Currently on a self appointed quest of getting as many bows from as many gods as I can so if you're a god or if you know a god who can give me a bow tell me please- I need them
Likes: my friends, reading, writing, chocolate, family, My boyfriend :3, ma lake
Dislikes: hellhounds, Zeus, people who hurt my family, jellyfish(I didn't even do anything to them!), hellhounds, Apollo(he's too fucking bright)
Fatal Flaw: Pride
Weapons: A bow and arrows usually but has a bracelet where the charms turn into daggers
Kill count: 127 (counting all the times I've killed those stupid goddam HELLHOUNDS)
Death count: 0
Almost death count: 999++
Nyx(purple, bold) Scylla(blue,bold) Styx(red,italic) Hera(orange,italic)
The peeps I knoww:
Ma boyfriend, who's very awesome, and if anyone hurts him, I will make sure you die a very slow death. :D @madson-of-hermes-notluke
They, like, possess me: @primordialgoddessofnight , @werelonelydemonsfromhell , @heraaaaaaaa
Champions of: @achilles-the-greatest
My bio dad: @that-little-fucking-shit
Dad, who adopted me: @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost
Another version of the dad that adopted me that I don't like as much: @odysseus-reigning-king-of-ithaca
Other dad who looked at me and was like 'That one' (he regrets it every day): @paris-you-idiot
My mom, who was completely okay with ody adopting me and didn't question it at all(which i still find kinda weird): @penelope-is-waiting
My sister from Poseidon: @daonedaonlyskh
My other sister: @reigningprincesstofithaca
My psychotic adoptive brother: @reigningprinceofithaca
Other version of my brother, less insane more sad: @telemachus-of-ithaca
Other other version of my brother, but he's 12 and adorable! (And if anyone hurts him... you better hope you die before I get to you) @telemachus-is-lost
Other other other versions of my brother are 10 noww @young-telemachus
Other other other other version of my brother and he has horrid taste in men @the-prince-telemachus
Other other other other other version of my brother who thinks he's Shakespeare or that arrow Apollo dealt with @ithacas-prince
Other other other other other other version of my brother except Poseidon toke him or something. @taken-by-the-seas
Other other other other other other other version of my brother who..wait that isn't right... Not traumatised???? I don't know how this is possible, @youre-fatherless-im-not-hehe
Other other other other other other other other version of my brother who's 15 and just...i don't know how to feel about him if I had to kill a Tele I'd probably kill him @another-telemachus-wont-hurt
My brother from Poseidon he's an idiot @forbiddensonoftheseagod
Lil Percy he threatened me it took everything in me not to laugh @the-s0n-of-poseidon
My cyclops brother, very tall, very blind and does not know what small talk is: @my-baseballs-are-humans
My boyfriend's half sister(who's also my friend ig): @hispanic-child-of-hermes
Scares me: @that-girl-cupid
Richbitches4lifeee: @if-chaos-was-a-boy
If i were to date a gal-(also kinda scares me): @silena-daughterofaphrodite
Nyx possesses this dude, too. Oh, and there's also his boyfriend: @idontloveanybodythatsmypower
Almost more unhinged than me(almost): @nicoswill2live
Child of Eros who has decided that she would kill for me after 5 minutesof meeting me(I would do the same): @i-would-want-myself
Some dude who sent me a meme to be my friend and then wrote me a song: @clown-energy-skyrocketing
Fellow Luke defender😌 @childofthewargod
There's more people I know- sorry for the tagss
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Face claim: Cool art of meh :3
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Made this cause everyone's confused about meh.
This user is... (1) (2) (3)
Stuff about Lilly... (1)
Something about @/demigod-jack-hearth...
Something about me...
No NSFW. DNI if you're zionist, transphobic, homophobic, racist, sexist, a nazi, xenophobic, or otherwise
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tiredfox64 · 3 months
Can I request the MK1 Earthrealm Champions with a fem!rockstar reader? Like when they meet her for the first time at one of her shows in some underground venue or when she’s rehearsing at soundcheck before a show?
(If you need songs for her to perform, may I recommend Kaia Jette’s music, she has songs like Medusa, Star Maiden, Hellfire, Immortal, Lovesick Idiot or you can choose songs yourself…)
Do You Wanna Love My Rock N Roll?
Yip notes: Joan Jett. Gotta be Joan Jett. I've been to a concert of hers two summers ago. She looks good for her age.
Pairings: Earthrealm Champions x Rockstar! Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: Gave up proofreading, sorry
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You have made a name for yourself. Baby, you’re a star! A rockstar that is. A rockstar who has starstruck people from across the world. Many kinds of people want to meet you. Farmers, monks, actors, ex yakuza members…
Alright, there’s more than that but in short, you have captured the eyes of a special group of men. Earthrealms champions to be exact.
Johnny was the one to introduce your music to them all. They were curious since he would blast it whenever he could. In the shower, while getting ready in the morning, during training, whenever really. It disturbed the peace at the Wu Shi Academy but he couldn’t help himself. You were just so amazing and the energy you were blasting out got him going. It even got him singing which was when everyone told him to stop.
Nonetheless, it captured the attention of the others and soon they were grooving to it as well. Kenshi would begin to whisper the lyrics under his breath without even thinking. Raiden would hum the melody while getting ready for the day. Kung Lao would straight up steal Johnny’s phone so he could listen to your music for himself. That was the moment Johnny knew he got them hooked.
They were even more hooked once he showed pictures of you and your band. Wow! You were so cool looking. Tons of pictures with your hair looking loud and wild. Your makeup matched your hair well, especially your eyeliner which made your eyes pop out. Leather and jeans were a wonderful combo for you. Your neck was decorated with chokers and necklaces that looked like chains. Not only was your voice awesome but you in general were awesome.
In a way, you helped them train more. Your music helped pump them up and made them train better. It was a bonding experience for them. It allowed moments where Kenshi and Johnny could put their differences aside. It made them grow closer. Even after the incident with the tournament and other realm bs they still found joy when listening to your music together.
So when Johnny invited them to come to California to see you perform they took their chances. Kung Lao and Raiden did have to beg Liu Kang to let them go though. It was all gonna be worth it! Seeing you in person will be a dream come true for them.
“I can’t believe we are going to see her in person,” Raiden had excitement present in his voice. If his amulet was with him he’d be sparking up like faulty wiring.
“But did we really have to leave your mansion early?” Kenshi asked Johnny.
“Hey! You guys want to see her, right? We have to be early to get a chance to be upfront for her performance. This isn’t a professional concert; this is one of those underground performances that only certain people know about.”
Of course Johnny would know about all your performances. From the big stage ones to the small venues that give people the chance to wreck shit, he’ll know what you’re up to. And he knows he has to be quick to be early to get good spots. Being early and being famous worked in his favor. The moment the security guards saw Johnny they had someone who works at the venue to go tell you. You wouldn’t believe your ears when you heard that Johnny Cage showed up. You had to see it for yourself.
You were still doing a soundcheck and some warm-ups when they arrived. You had to make sure the speakers could handle your music and for the hundredth time, yes, the drummer has their stick bag. You’re preaching to the choir at this point. Lo and behold the actor himself and his friends came walking through the door. You’re a lucky woman to be in the presence of great men.
“Well fuck me! It’s true. Johnny Cage in the flesh.”
You jumped off the stage, your boots making a loud thud once you hit the ground. You looked at the men before you. You’re already starting to like them based on their appearances and the vibes they give off. It’s different from what you expect your fans to look like but that’s not bad at all. You got closer to Johnny so you could get a good look at him. If he weren’t wearing his sunglasses you would see how his eyes widen in excitement.
“I need your good music. I’d die without good music.” Johnny thinks he’s slick for making a reference to one of your songs. “Oh yeah, these are some of my friends. This is Kenshi, Kung Lao, and Raiden.”
The first one you approached was Kung Lao. Immediately you surprised him by running your hands over the shaved sides of his head. Your hand soon went to the back to twirl his small ponytail with your finger.
“I love your hair. I might try this for myself.” You complimented him.
You weren’t looking at his face but this man was stunned. His mouth was open in a joyful smile as his eyes turned towards Johnny. In his mind, he was thanking Johnny for blasting your music every night even though it disturbed his rest. Then you turned your attention towards Raiden. The part of your brain that activates when you see something cute is activated from the sight of his face.
“Aw, look at that baby face. You can’t be a fan of mine, not with that face.” You teased him as you squeezed his cheeks with your hands.
His cheeks started warming up from embarrassment and flattery. No one’s ever described him as having a baby face which is embarrassing. But being touched by your soft hands made this moment worth it. Next was Kenshi. His tattoos caught your eye with how colorful they were and how the art form seemed foreign. You noticed the blindfold over his eyes and weren’t sure if that was a style choice or if it had another purpose. Whatever it was you weren’t sure if it was okay to touch him. That’s until he held his hand towards you, letting you know it was alright. Once you took his hand into yours, your other hand went up and began tracing over the linework of his tattoos.
“I’m digging the tattoos. Might need your tattoo artist’s number.” You joked.
“You don’t want the tattoo artist I have, trust me.” He joked back but his words were true. You didn’t know.
“Well, I sure hope I don’t mess up tonight. I got a good group of men watching me.” Not that you ever messed up before.
“I doubt you will. You’re too amazing to mess up. Plus I need you to give a good performance so I could stream it to my fans.” Thanks, Johnny, no pressure there.
You told them to hang around outside the venue for a bit since you were still getting ready. There was still a good hour before they would truly let people in. They waved to you goodbye, sometimes taking multiple glances at you, before finally leaving.
“They seemed pretty cute.” You hinted at your bandmates.
“Planned orgy?” Your drummer asked. She was dead serious you could see it in her eyes and hear it in her tone.
“What? No, what the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“It’s a valid question!”
The venue got packed quickly once the doors opened. Of course, your little group of fighters were front and center. It’s the best spot. They get a clear view of you and their eardrums don’t get busted from the speakers. Kenshi doesn’t need to be blind and deaf. Sento could only do so much for him. With them being in front of you, you took that as an opportunity to play around with them. That’s the fun of being a star. You get to interact with your fans in whatever way you want, if it’s legal of course. The interactions you will have with them will stay in their minds forever.
Your first victim- I mean fan, was Raiden. You were eyeing him the whole time while you sang. The song was good but he did feel a little embarrassed that you were staring at him while yelling “do you wanna touch” in your mic. But you made his head snap up to look at you when you walked up close and rested your right foot on his shoulder. You were gentle while doing it, not putting your whole weight on the poor man.
He stared up at you in awe. His heart was beating as hard as the bass drum. The spotlights shined bright behind you and you were like a demonic angel looking down on him. You had to get back to your other fans so you went him off with a very light kick before walking off. Kung Lao had to catch his friend who stumbled a little.
“What happened?” Raiden asked as if he were in a daze.
It made Kung Lao laugh at how ridiculous Raiden was acting. But his time would be soon.
Your next song was very screechy and chaotic. You were letting the world know of your wild spirit. Kung Lao was loving that. The energy got to him and he developed an appreciation for the electric guitar with how awesome it sounded. And to think he found electronic instruments to have no soul.
The end of the song was coming up and he was jamming out to it. That’s when you started slowly walking towards him. He didn’t notice at first until you dropped down on your knees in front of him. You grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him in before yelling “Have ya, grab ya, til you’re sore!” right into his face. You had a satisfied smile on your face once you saw the utter shock in his eyes as you let him go. Luckily, Raiden was there to catch him and mock him for acting up as well. You got right back on your feet and continued until there was only pounding from the drums.
Now comes the time you like to jump down and walk through the crowd as you continue to sing. Your fans know not to touch you but to expect you to possible touch them. Raiden and Kung Lao already got their fixings, it’s Kenshi’s moment now. The chorus at the end was coming up and you thought why not give him a surprise. You tried to sneak up behind him thinking he couldn’t actually sense you but you were dead wrong. Though he didn’t turn around, he wanted you to believe you were being sneaky.
Your arm wrapped around his broad shoulders as you continued to sing. The part where your bassist and guitarist drop out and allow you to sing by yourself was coming up. When that moment came up Kenshi decided to turn his neck toward you and sing “I hate myself for loving you” with you. Well, he kind of sang, more like saying the lyrics as you sang them. You smiled proudly before pulling away from him. There was a slight smirk on his face which amazed the rest of the group. At least Kenshi kept his cool with you.
The end of the show was coming up and you did give your attention to Johnny. You didn’t forget him, not while he was shoving his phone towards you. You were saving the best for last. This song was the biggest I don’t fucking care message in the world. With the shit that Johnny pulls sometimes this song works out for him. That’s why he’s your target for the end of the night. At some point you walked up to him and shoved your face into the camera while singing. Gotta give his followers a great show and a good look at your lipstick. What is that, coral blue #2?
Then you decided to mess with him by taking his phone from him. It was like taunting an animal to come get you. You wanted him to jump on stage and he obeyed. He jumped up and took his phone from you, finding your efforts to be funny. You were making this man’s night with how close you were getting to him. Wrapping your arm around his neck, squishing your face against his, gosh it was magical.
But the show must come to an end. All good things come to an end. You kicked Johnny off the stage, not literally, and took a bow with your bandmates. A wonderful performance as always.
The boys were hyped up like kids during a sugar rush. All the way back to Johnny’s mansion they never stopped talking about you and the interactions they had with you. They joked, they laughed, they teased, they enjoyed. What better way to end the night than with a little surprise in the back of Johnny’s pocket.
As he went to grab his keys to his mansion he felt something else in his pocket. When he pulled it out it was a note that he didn’t remember having. When he opened up all their eyes lit up, except for Kenshi’s of course. It read:
Here’s my number:----------
Make sure to share it with your buddies! ;)
Yap notes: I'm so sorry for not posting. I got horrible writer's block and the lasagna put me in a coma. It was too good. Also I just found out my professor for my anthropology class is in Madagascar. LIKE WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT EVEN IN THE STATES! CHECK YOUR EMAILS! Adiós!
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