#meg gonna let peaches onto him
Meg: can you at least try to see it from my perspective?
Lester: *gets down on one knee*
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
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Summary: When Dean finally finds Castiel in Purgatory, their reunion is all consuming.
Pairing: Dean x Castiel Rating: 18+ Warnings: Non Con/Withdrawn Consent, Major Character Death Tags: Destiel, hint of Denny, Lovers to Enemies, Erotic Cannibalism kinda… IDEK ok Word Count: 1,102 Created for: @spnkinkbingo - Leviathan!Cas | @anyfandomgoesbingo - Lovers to Enemies Fic | @spndeanbingo - Rough Sex
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The sight of the angel by the stream is euphoric. Thrilling, incandescent. Dean doesn’t know when he turned into such a fucking pussy but seeing Castiel again feels like being whole. Cas has been an extension of him since he put that goddamn brand on his shoulder four years ago. And even though the scar isn’t there any longer, Cas had marked Dean in other ways. Deep, invisible ways Dean never intended to admit to, but recognises in himself now, with Cas standing stoically and bedraggled by the water’s edge.
“Cas!” Dean laughs as he pulls him into a hug, one the angel doesn’t return. “Damn, it’s good to see you.” He makes himself let go and pulls back to look at Cas more closely. “Nice peach fuzz,” he pokes at Cas’s unkempt beard, raising his hand as if to run his fingers across it, but then remembers Benny and lets his hand drop. There was a lot that had gotten complicated since they’d been separated in this hellhole.
“Thank you,” Cas responds in his grumbly timbre, and Dean can’t help the smile that comes to his face at finally hearing his voice again after so long. And to hear him speaking sanely again, back to his old grumpy, wooden self. Dean’s missed this Cas. Now they can finally get out of this god forsaken cesspit of crazy and creepy.
Except Cas doesn’t want to go.
“Cas, buddy, I need you,” Dean admits with a breathless laugh, the closest he’s ever come to saying what he really wants to say. Cas’s expression drops, forlorn in his convictions.
“Dean,” Cas shakes his head, but Dean doesn’t let him finish.
“And if Leviathan wanna take a shot at our ass, let ‘em. We ganked those bitches once before, we can do it again.”
“It’s too dangerous,” Cas protests.
“Let me bottom line it for ya. I’m not leaving here without you, understand?” Dean isn’t taking no for an answer goddammit, not after how long it took to find him, not after everything else. Cas pauses, takes a deep breath, considering.
“I understand,” he nods gravely, and Dean breathes a sigh of relief, pulling him in for another hug. He hears Benny scoff behind them but decides he doesn’t care enough to break away. Cas tucks his head against Dean’s shoulder, his new beard scraping roughly against his neck. Dean shivers in his grip, but reprimands himself. Now isn’t the time.
As if Castiel had read his mind, and it isn’t the first time Dean’s wondered if Cas can do that, Cas pulls out of the hug and kisses him. He grunts in surprise against the angel’s lips, greeted with an onslaught of tongue and fervour reminiscent of what Dean could recall of Cas kissing Meg against the wall of that grimy warehouse. Dean remembers feeling incredibly conflicted about that, simultaneously jealous and turned on. Experiencing it put him on a whole new plane. For an angel who was still a fucking virgin so far as Dean was aware, the guy knew what he was doing in the tongue department. He could hear Benny trying to talk to them but his mind was far too distracted to discern any of the words.
Suddenly Cas pulls back and Dean is left staggering, staring blindly at the angel, who is panting hard and staring back at him.
“You two done yet?” Benny grunts, arms crossed over his chest, clearly unimpressed, and if Dean’s reading it right, just a touch jealous. He’s flattered, really, that he’s so desirable. Dean grins sheepishly at the vampire, with a shrug of his shoulders as if to say ‘well, can you blame us?’, and Benny rolls his eyes back.
“No,” Cas grunts, and both Dean and Benny turn to him. It takes Dean a moment to realise that Cas was answering Benny’s question. “No we’re not done yet.”
The breath is knocked clean out of him as Cas pulls Dean down to his knees and shoves him roughly back onto the bank of the stream, climbing over him and kissing him again, fierce as ever.
“Jesus Christ,” Dean hears Benny groan somewhere behind them. “Come find me when y’er done.”
Dean tries to grunt out an agreement but it turns into a moan as Cas’s fingers fumble down his chest and land on his jeans. Cas isn’t careful with the clothing, and Dean’s not inclined to care about that right now, though he may regret it later. He reaches down to get Cas stripped out of his garments too. The trench coat comes in handy as a blanket to lay down so he doesn’t get mud up his ass.
It’s rough; messy. Just like everything else in Purgatory. Dean is wide open, vulnerable as he’ll ever be, but even in a place like this, he still feels safe. This feels right.
The pain of Cas pushing in is dulled by the pleasure of the angel’s hand on his cock, pumping him roughly in his spit-soaked palm. Dean’s eyes squeeze shut against the onslaught of sensations, too overwhelming, and he lets himself go, losing himself to just another primal urge that seems to be all he can cling to in this place.
“Fuck, this was worth it,” Cas grunts above him, and Dean groans in agreement. This was absolutely worth the wait; Cas filling him up, finally being inside of him, not just near, not just touching, not just scarring, but actually inside. Part of him.
“God, Dean,” Cas groans, thrusting harder, hand dropping from Dean’s cock as he chases his own pleasure, arms dropping to either side of Dean’s head as he falls forward. He fucks into him without mercy, Dean’s hips banging into the ground with every push, and even though Cas isn’t jerking him off anymore, this new angle is getting something inside him that’s pushing him over the edge.
“Shit, Cas!” Dean moans, punching his hips back, trying to force the angel back inside him. “Fuck, gonna cum.”
“Almost,” Cas hisses through gritted teeth, breath hot and sharp against Dean’s ear. Then in a blinding rush of heat and pain, everything is over.
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Cas straightens up, pulling out of Dean’s body with a relieved sigh. He cracks his neck, shrugging away the tension and ache in his muscles. He’ll be refreshed soon enough. Dropping the obsidian blade back to the ground he stretches his mouth wide and roars as his teeth sink into his prey, devouring from the head down.
Other Leviathan frowned on it, but he always thought it was more fun to play with your food first.
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Not Such a Small Little World - A Sora, Riku, and Kairi Friendship Fic
(Part 1 of what I’ve written for Sora’s birthday.) Summary: A Sora, Riku, and Kairi friendship piece. Sometime after the next saga--when the trio actually gets some peace--they all hangout at Riku's house, like old times... but fight over what they want to do, as friends do. And through it all, Kairi has a certain epiphany about Sora's worries.
Kairi’s PoV While at the mall with her two best friends, Kairi looked at this "Lollipop Chainsaw" game. And despite how macabre it was, she couldn't help finding the pairing there kind of cute... Maybe as a Princess of Heart, she was just hardwired to like anything with romance. And while Riku was by Kairi’s side—checking out other video games—it was only Sora who noticed that she was holding the game up to the light with a reverent look on her face. And he came abreast her the moment he did, it seemed to Kairi. "I didn't know you liked that game," Sora said with an amazed lilt to his voice, as he put his hands behind his head in his trademark gesture. Kairi giggled. There was just something about seeing Sora in that pose, that always cracked her up. "One of my favorite parody editors made a video about Lollipop Chainsaw… and I liked it enough to give the game a go," Kairi said as she put a hand on her hip. Then, reluctantly, she placed the game down… almost feeling sad about it, which was ridiculous since she already owned it. Riku—who had come into the conversation somewhere during the middle of it—grinned, as he ruffled Kairi’s hair some (something that Kairi pretended she didn’t like, but really she did): "This game fits the princess. Doesn't it, Sora? I can just see her poppin' some gum and being cheerleader-like while fighting in a stronger manner than anyone else." And at this, Kairi couldn't help but to blush and bow at Riku for his compliment. She was still new to the Keyblade, after all. So any praise like this made Kairi's heart soar… and made her think she didn't quite deserve it. "Yep! I'd sure say so!" Sora joined in with the attempted ego-boosting now—making Kairi feel even more humiliated, as he handed one of the Mario games where you played as Princess Peach to her. “Sora, what-“ Kairi started, because while she thought she knew where he was getting at with this—that she was as strong as they eventually made Princess Peach in some games—there was another way she could’ve been taking it, too. And seeming to realize that, Sora scratched his cheek a bit awkwardly and decided to go another route. "I would've gone with Tales of Vesperia, since Estelle's a lot like you in my opinion… But that game’s still Yuri’s… and Kairi, what I’m trying to say here, is that one day the game is going to be yours. I just know it.” Kairi grinned widely—fully appreciating Sora’s words and kind gesture now—but also wanting to get the focus off of her some, she decided to move the conversation to another topic. "So, what are you two shopping for?" But the moment the words left Kairi's mouth, she already figured out the answer when it came to Sora; he was holding the item he’d come here for in his hands, and it was a Naruto game. Riku just shrugged and pulled out what he'd been hiding behind his back... and he seemed a little bit embarrassed about it, if Kairi said so herself. "I bought a Dating Sim..." And instead of commenting on that, like she really wanted to—though it seemed Sora was about to speak on it, with the way he leaned towards Riku with a cheeky look on his faced—Kairi made the decision about how they should spend the rest of the day for them. "So, I say we go over to Riku’s house and play a lot of video games, like we did in the early days of our friendship. Sounds good to me! Sign me up! Maybe it’ll even inspire my fighting some!” So that was how the three friends found themselves on Riku’s balcony: their old hangout. And Kairi was about to put one of the video games in for them, but Sora stopped her as he came forward and put a gentle hand on her wrist. “Actually, Kairi… I feel like we should watch something instead. Maybe something we’ve all already seen. Because, to be honest, I want to enjoy this new Naruto for all that it is, and I know we’d just talk over it. And I’m sure Riku feels the same way about his lovey-dovey, kissy-kissy, game, too.” And as Riku started chasing Sora around the balcony then—threatening to throw him off of it—Kairi set to work finding an anime they could all watch together. And almost instantly, her fingers found “Cardcaptors”, and she sighed. “You guys are gonna wanna watch Cardcaptors, huh?” Kairi asked as she looked over her shoulder, to see that Sora and Riku had finally settled down on the couch and were watching her in an expectant manner. “Even though this weird version of it killed some of what the original—‘Cardcaptor Sakura’—had, by doing things like increasing Syaoran’s—I’m sorry. ‘Li’s’—role? “It did do all of those things,” Sora said, as he fist bumped with Riku. “But it made a cool anime even cooler, because he’s the best.” "...I guess I can give you that. And I assume every boy in the world feels that way,” Kairi said surprisingly bitterly… almost wondering if this hangout was a good idea, if they were going to be arguing over this fandom. She hung her head and had to fight against putting a video game in, after all. "...But since you guys love me—and can respect that I think they downplayed Sakura to do this—can we watch something else?" It was then that an answer to all three's prayers arrived, in the form of Riku getting a package dropped off at his house downstairs, that he quickly went to retrieve... a package full of anime stuff, since he was subscribed to a company that gave him new content of it every month. And what was this, that Riku was showing them now?! Some sort of anime and manga named "Tsubasa", that had Syaoran and Sakura as the main characters?! Kairi was ripping the items out of the box they’d come in, and eyeing them immediately—as she tried to figure out just how much the gods of Olympus must have loved them all, to make this a thing. "Well, there you guys go," Kairi laughed, as she handed the manga to Sora and the DVD to Riku (having to knock "The Third" DVD out of Riku's hand, so there was room for it). "There's a Cardcaptor Sakura spinoff, where Syaoran is the main character. Now, this I can get behind, since it respects the original writers' wishes. So, let's watch away." …But half-way through, they couldn't do so anymore. The boys missed the humor from Cardcaptors and/or Cardcaptor Sakura: whichever. And Kairi felt the show was somewhat slow. "…Even from the little I remember of being in your heart, Sora... I don't think you wasted so much time exploring every nook and cranny of a world on your first journey…" I have an idea," Riku said, as he gave the kind of small smirk he’d always worn before suggesting they do something that would get them all into trouble. Kairi's breath hitched in her throat. "…Why are we even trying to watch anything, anyway? Most of the times we played some sort of game together: video game or other. So why don’t we do that now?" Kairi thought that was a fine idea; she had many pleasant memories of playing Monopoly with Sora and Riku... as well as Life, even though those boys had always somehow beat her at that. She always won at the Barbie Rapunzel game she made them play with her, however. But somehow, she thought that they wouldn't appreciate that suggestion now… "I know!" Sora exclaimed, as he clapped his hands together. And Kairi, jokingly, was tempted to ask him if he had been spending more time with Tifa Lockhart or the London Tipton girl they’d just met, because they were both known to do that. "Why don't we go out and buy that 'Boxers and Briefs' game? It's supposed to help friends get to know each other even better, in an amusing way." Kairi was down for that (and she tried to discreetly let him know this, in handing him his favorite orange soda when his first can went empty). But really, she was always down for any of Sora’s ideas. But Riku seemed dubious… as he tried to act like he was above Kairi and Sora, Kairi guessed, by eating orange candy instead of drinking pop with so many calories. "It sounds like that 'Would You Rather' game. And we can easily make up questions for that ourselves. So, Sora... why even bother spending munny on that rip-off game, then?” "To... uhh, celebrate us all finally being together on the Islands again?" Sora asked, as he jumped atop a pizza box to try and stand taller and make them buy into his point that way. He seemed cute like this, to Kairi. Like a little kid play acting for the first time… which sounded a little condescending, but she swore that it wasn’t! Especially since she was on his side! Or maybe… now that Kairi thought about it, mayhap Sora looked more like something else she knew about… "You look like that lovers’ statue from Olympus, that you said Meg hates," Kairi laughed. But Sora was instantly retorting. “I do not! If anything, I look more like Meg when she grabbed onto the statue to keep from falling. Not the statue itself.” Kairi really could’ve argued the point… but since Sora still knew more about Olympus than she did, she decided to drop the issue and return to the matter at hand: “….I think we should play this game of Sora's, Riku. Who wants gross things—like ‘would you rather have a ton of bandages ripped off your hairy skin or lick a dirty one?’—when I’d like to believe this similar game has better questions?" Riku seemed like he was about to say something—perhaps to argue with Kairi, that he thought this new game would be much worse—but Sora gave him a look, Kairi saw, so he zipped up his mouth and threw away the key. And smiling at Kairi then, Sora muttered, “So ‘Boxers and Briefs’, it is.” But by his tone, he almost seemed sad by her agreeing now and at first, she couldn’t figure out why. But then she did. "Unless... unless it isn't," Kairi said, feeling as though she'd just had an epiphany as she pulled at the fuzz on the orange blanket atop her. She'd been desperate for this hangout because she'd wanted a normal night with her friends again more than anything...  and was Sora the same way? "…Sora, you’re really not fighting for that game itself, are you? You’re worried that we don't know each other anymore?" Kairi asked as she put a comforting hand on Sora’s shoulder and snuggled a bit closer to him. "I- I guess?" Sora admitted, but he seemed to think it was shameful to do so. Because almost immediately, he'd clapped a hand over his mouth. But then, sighing, Sora continued on after Riku shot him a look this time. "I mean, how could I not? We've all been to so many worlds lately, but without each other. I wanted to make sure we haven't lost track of who the others are. Even though we didn't play this type of question game back in the day, we would play things like 'Trivial Pursuit' and I wanted to recreate that… and more." "We do still know each other, Sora," Riku promised, as he also got closer to Sora and slapped him on the back. "I know you hate Mr. Sanyee with a passion... that Kairi wishes we'd bake bread at school every day, and you guys know how I love to grill food. You two are the chefs, but I'm the griller. None of that has changed. "But if you're really worried, Sora, I'm willing to put my love for grilling aside and cook with you guys. Why don't we make pizza like we used to with Sora's mom all the time?" "You guys-" Sora started with tears in his eyes. And he was clearly so moved, that Kairi was sure he'd be the one to give Riku the affirmative. But when he instead seemed too choked up to, Kairi went on ahead with it herself. "Let's do it, Riku!” …And while Riku threw flour at Sora, Sora cooked up a mean sauce, and Kairi amazingly found some black truffles to put atop the pizza, she reckoned the three of them had never had a more magical time: even amidst all the normalcy. “Small little world”, her foot! Author's Note: I swear I wasn't bashing any of the fandoms referenced in this story. I just needed to give them all different opinions on things. Also, full disclosure... I haven't played Lollipop Chainsaw or any of the Princess Peach games. And Riku being rich, and with a balcony, is based off the manga. I swear I didn't include Tsubasa as a joke, since Sora's Japanese VA is also Syaoran's Japanese VA, but it still works well for one. And I also just realized it's funny that Kairi likes Lollipop Chainsaw, when Sora almost had a chainsaw in KH. Yep.
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petrichoravellichor · 5 years
Warmth (a Gabriel x Meg ficlet)
Tags: AU, Oh my god they were roommates, established friends(?) with benefits, cuddling
Rating: T
Wordcount: ~1.4k
Come Monday, Meg decided, she was going to kill Sam Winchester.
It was only fair when you thought about it, and she’d had all last night to think about it as she’d coughed and sneezed and not fucking slept due to being unable to breathe through her nose, all thanks to Sam “I-Come-to-Work-All-Week-Even-When-I’m-Sick” Winchester. The fact that he’d shown up at the office on Friday smiling and looking ninety-five percent back to normal just added insult to injury: while she spent her Saturday bundled miserably on the couch watching reruns of CSI Miami, Winchester was probably out enjoying himself, running six marathons or whatever the fuck someone who ate a kale salad for lunch every day did for fun on their days off. Bastard.
It didn’t help that it was the middle of winter and the building’s heat was out, and Meg had lived there long enough to know that it wasn’t getting fixed any time soon. Chuck wasn’t an asshole the way some of Meg’s previous landlords had been, but he was flaky as hell and seemed more interested in drafting his weekly newsletter than actually managing the property. The only plus side was that he often forgot to collect rent until mid-way through the month, a notable perk when you were living paycheck to paycheck.
Snatching a tissue from the box at her side, Meg blew her nose for what felt like the hundredth time and tugged her blanket closer. The living room got a bit more direct sunlight than the rest of the apartment and was therefore slightly warmer than her bedroom, but even so, she was practically shivering. For a moment, she actually contemplated relocating to Gabriel’s room, which was usually the warmest in the apartment, before ultimately deciding she was better off staying on the couch.
Gabriel had been her roommate for the past four months, ever since Meg had broken things off with her cheating ex and subsequently found herself unable to afford rent on her own. After interviewing what felt like half the city’s psych ward, she’d settled on Gabriel Milton, who was new to the neighborhood and looking for a place close to the soul food restaurant he’d just gotten a job at. Meg’s first impression of Gabriel was that his perpetual lopsided smile would get real old real fast, but he’d been the first person she’d met with who had both a steady job and no police record, so she’d figured what the hell and told him to move in his stuff.
And if they had hooked up since then, well, that was neither here nor there.
It was a one-time thing, she’d said; of course, he’d agreed. That it had been a one-time thing three times now was something Meg refused to think too much about and which Gabriel thankfully never seemed to feel the need to remind her.
Her stomach rumbled, and she was just contemplating dragging herself to the kitchen to see what she might be able to scrape together this late in the month when the front door unlocked with a click and Gabriel entered, a few errant snowflakes still clinging to his clothes. He took one look at her, wrapped up from head to toe in her bed’s thickest blanket and surrounded by a nest of used tissues, and grinned.
“Well hey there, Sleeping Beauty,” he said, turning to hang his beanie and scarf on the rack by the door, “finally managed to slay that dragon you were fighting last night?”
Meg gave him a withering glare. “Yeah, and I’m still in a killing mood, so go ahead, keep talking.”
“Fine, fine, have it your way,” replied Gabriel, still smiling as he set down his messenger bag to strip off his coat. “I mean, I was going to tell you that I brought us dinner, but if you’d rather I keep that bit of information to myself…”
Damn it. Well, no point in giving in easy. She gave a dismissive shrug. “Depends what you brought.”
“Fried chicken, mac and cheese, and enough cornbread to use as a pillow.” Gabriel held up a finger in a gesture of “but wait, there’s more!” and pulled a small plastic container out of his messenger bag. “Even whipped up some peach cobbler for dessert.”
Meg arched a brow, grudgingly impressed. “Aren’t you worried they’re gonna fire you one of these days for all the free food you take?”
“Eh, not really,” said Gabriel, picking up his bag and moving to the kitchen. “Missouri loves me, says I’m the best cook she’s ever had. Besides, she’s the one who tells me to take it.”
“Swear to God! Apparently, I look ‘underfed’.”
Meg scoffed, twisting to look over the back of the couch as Gabriel bustled about the kitchen. “Well, you are kinda short.”
“I prefer ‘fun sized’,” said Gabriel, throwing her a wink as he spooned food onto two plates. “And anyhoo, you try saying no to her. Pretty sure she’d just stash food in my bag when I wasn’t looking.”
They ate on the couch, Meg doing her best to appear indifferent about how good the food tasted even as Gabriel gave her that annoying pleased look that made her feel like saw right through her. He told her about some of the more interesting customers he’d seen at work that day, such as the mother-son combo who had bickered like an old married couple (“But man, she was a looker! Had an accent, too.”) and the friend of Missouri’s who had stopped by for lunch (“A blind palm reader, believe it or not.”) and the two men in suits who had apparently spent more time looking at each other than eating their food (“I swear, I was this close to sticking my head through the food window and telling them to just kiss already: that was some serious eye-fucking they had going on.”). Meg rolled her eyes at the last one, wondering how anyone could be that oblivious to something right in front of them.
“So how’re you feeling?” Gabriel asked as they finished their cobbler. “Heard you coughing lots last night. You actually get any sleep?”
Meg sighed and shook her head. “Couldn’t get comfortable.”
“Make up for it today, at least?”
“No, but I did come up with about fifty ways to kill the idiot who got me sick.”
“Fun!” said Gabriel, standing and collecting their empty plates. “Care to share the highlights?”
“Current favorite involves shoving him into a giant salad spinner and cranking it until the Gs get him.”
Gabriel nodded in approval as he disappeared into the kitchen. “Creative, I like it.” Meg heard the sound of plates being put into the sink and soaked; a moment later, Gabriel emerged and resumed his seat on the couch. “What else you got?”
Meg shrugged, tugging her blanket tighter. “Could just stick him in here and let him freeze. Maybe that’ll be enough to make Chuck fix the fucking heat.”
Gabriel peered over at her. “You cold?”
“No, genius, I’m shivering from murderous excitement,” she deadpanned, but Gabriel just laughed.
“‘Genius’, huh? You know, I think that might just be the nicest thing you’ve ever called me,” he said wistfully, and before Meg could respond, he’d shifted to sit with his back against the arm of the couch and was extending a hand in her direction. “All right, Murder Queen, bring it in.”
“What for?”
“Because the murderous excitement part might have been a lie, but the shivering part wasn’t, and you know I tend to run hot. Probably due to my sunny disposition.”
“That, or you’re just full of hot air.”
“It’s charm, actually, but hey, points for trying,” quipped Gabriel, before tilting his head to regard her with a more earnest expression. “Seriously, though, come ’ere.” He waggled his eyebrows and added, “Promise I won’t bite unless you ask me to.”
Meg rolled her eyes. “Fine.” She crawled forward, shifting with Gabriel until she was lying between his legs with her head tucked under his chin, the blanket now wrapped snugly over them both. Gabriel wrapped his arms loosely around her waist, and Meg closed her eyes, suppressing a contented sigh at how good the warmth felt.
“There, see?” came Gabriel’s voice, and she knew without looking that he was wearing that damned pleased-with-himself smile. “This is nice.”
Meg gave a sleepy, noncommittal grunt. “Yeah, well don’t get used to it,” she mumbled, feeling herself start to drift off. “This is a—” yawn “—a one-time thing.”
Gabriel chuckled. “Of course,” he said, and if she felt a little extra warmth at the soft kiss he pressed to the top of her head, well, that was neither here nor there.
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waffletoast215 · 8 years
A Love Anthem
Megaman decides to test out the power of a robot master named Love Woman who has the ability to make people temporarily more friendly towards one another. However, when he tests it out on Sonic, Sonic acts...strangely. Will Rock be able to get a break from Sonic’s never ending passion?
Features my OC Love Woman/Anthem, who I made up for the purpose of this story, as well as Dr. Vega, who I also made up for this purpose. 
It’s shorter than the last one don’t worry 
Rock was sitting on the couch when Roll entered the room. “Hey, Rock, do you know when that Dr. Vega and her new robot are coming over?”
Rock looked at his sister. “Pretty soon. I kinda wish Dad had scheduled the meeting for later, since Sonic is coming over soon, too…”
“Oooh, your boyfriend?” She teased.
Rock blushed and averted his gaze.
“Y’know, Valentine’s Day is tomorrow. Are you gonna do anything?” She asked.
“Well, Sonic said he might come over in the afternoon and we could do whatever.”
“Whatever? You don’t even have plans?” She said with disbelief.
At that moment, the doorbell rang. Rock and Roll rushed into the room to see Dr. Light opening the door.
In the doorway was a girl who looked like a teenager who had brown hair and a pair of glasses. Standing next to her was a robot that also looked like a teenage girl that had blond hair; she wore a white shirt with a short red tie, and a plaid skirt.
“Ah, hello, Dr. Vega! And this must be Anthem?” Dr. Light greeted them.
“Yes, thanks for having me over!” Dr. Vega said.
Anthem curtsied. “I’m very grateful!”
“So, you said you were going to explain her function to me?” Dr. Light asked as he led the group towards the living room.
“Yes. Anthem can turn into Love Woman – Oh, why don’t you show them now?”
“Sure!” The blond robot girl transformed, and donned armor that was colored peach and pink; she had a heart on her helmet as well as one on her chest. She held out her hand, and a staff with a heart on the end soon materialized in it.
“That staff is so cute!” Roll exclaimed.
“Thank you!” Dr. Vega said. “She uses it to fire her Affection Wave, which is something I’m working on to make people act friendlier towards one another when they’re hit with it. It could be useful for stopping fights or war…right?”
“Interesting.” Dr. Light scratched his chin. “May I see a demonstration?”
“Of course!” Dr. Vega responded. “She can do it, or you could copy it and try it for youself, Rock.”
“Oh! Can I try? It sounds like fun!”
Love Woman held out her hand.
Rock transformed into Megaman, shaking her hand. His armor changed to a pink and peach color scheme.
“So, who should I test it out on?” Megaman asked.
“Anyone you want. It shouldn’t have any negative effects. I think…” Dr. Vega appeared unsure.
“Yo, I’m here.” Sonic announced, slamming the door open as he entered the house.
“Uh…” Megaman said. “Oh, hey, Sonic, since you’re here, can I test out a new function on you? It won’t hurt or anything.”
“Sure.” Sonic shrugged.
Megaman fired a pink wave from his mega buster onto Sonic. “So, how do you feel?” He asked.
Sonic rushed up to Rock, kissing him on the cheek. “Better than ever, my Rock!”
Love Woman smiled, her hands on her cheeks. She appeared elated.
“Maybe it’s a bit too strong?” Dr. Vega wondered aloud, as she blushed and looked away. “Maybe I should’ve done more tests…”
“Does it make a difference that we were kind of a thing before?” Megaman asked as Sonic clung to him, kissing him over and over.
“No, that shouldn’t affect how strong it is…” Dr. Vega appeared confused.
“How long does it last?” Megaman questioned.
“I’m not sure yet…” Dr. Vega admitted.
“I wish it lasted forever!” Love Woman exclaimed. “There’s nothing better than love!” She giggled.
Dr. Vega’s watch beeped. “Oh, we should get going now. But can you do me a favor and report to me the results?”
“I’ll keep an eye on him.” Megaman said as he watched the duo leave.
The next morning, Rock sat at the table in the living room. He held his E-Tank with both hands, slowly drinking out of it. Thank goodness Sonic left last night...if he clung to me any longer I wouldn’t have been able to recharge.
Sonic burst through the door. He zipped up to Rock, slid onto one knee, and held out a large bouquet of flowers. “Happy Valentine’s Day, my Rock!”
“HMMMM?” Rock exclaimed with the straw still in his mouth.
“These flowers can’t even compare to your beauty.” Sonic continued.
“Sonic, it’s 7AM.” Rock said with an exasperated tone of voice.
“I know, sorry I’m late.” Sonic picked up Rock and held him in his arms. “Now let’s hurry!”
“But-“ Rock protested.
Sonic ran out of the house before Rock could say anything more.
Sonic placed Rock down at a bench. “I’ll be right back, beautiful!” He ran off and then reappeared a couple of minutes later with a heart shaped box of chocolates.
“These are for you, my love!” He said.
“Sonic, you know I can’t eat food.”
“It’s the romantic thought that matters.” Sonic blushed, appearing bashful.
Anthem, who was walking by, noticed the two of them sitting on the park bench and walked over. “Oooh! What a lovely couple you two are!”
“Uh, thanks…” Rock said. “But, can you help me? Your power still hasn’t worn off and I haven’t had a moment to myself all day.”
“Are you sure? It looks like you’re having fun, I don’t see any problems at all!” She giggled.
“I mean, it was kinda fun at first, but it’s been going on for almost 24 hours straight…”
“Well…at least you two aren’t fighting!”
Rock sighed. “Do you or your mom have any fix for this at all?”
“Well, my mom was working on giving me a function that should allow me to see if it’s still taking effect on people. But she’s still working on that…”
“Will it be done soon?”
“I hope so.”
“Y’know, Rock, maybe you should spend less time talking with that girl and more time with me.” Sonic interrupted.
“I’ve been spending all day with you!” Rock protested.
“It’s only 11! We gotta bunch more stuff to do!” Sonic stood up and picked Rock up again. “Bye, whatever your name was girl!” He zoomed off.
“There’s nothing better than young love…” She sighed as she watched Sonic run off.
“Aaaand it’s finished!” Sonic announced to Rock, who was nodding off to sleep. The two were eating lunch at an amusement park.
“Sonic, I really need to go home and recharge…”
Sonic ignored him, holding out a book. “It’s a book showing all the reasons I love you.”
Rock’s eyes widened a bit. “Oh…” He took the book and smiled. “This is really sweet, you know?”
“Thanks. I can’t wait to watch you read it-“ He began.
“But I’m really tired so I think I’ll read it later.”
“Then I’ll keep it safe.” Sonic took the book back.
“But wait, no, I wanted to keep it…” Rock sighed.
“All right, Megs.” Sonic handed the book back to him. “So, do you wanna go through the tunnel of love?”
“We already did that 12 times.”
“How about we go to that ice cream stand?”
“How could you possibly still be hungry? We just did that.”
“Fine, then.” Sonic took out a piece of paper. “How about we plan our honeymoon?”
“H-honeymoon?” Rock blushed. “But, we’re not even married…”
“You’re right.” Sonic took out a pen. “We should plan our wedding first.”
“Wha, but…” Rock stammered. “Hey, um, would you like a drink? I could go home and get you one.”
“There’s drinks here-“
“They’re better homemade!” Rock teleported away.
He appeared at Light Labs.
“Oh, hey Rock!” Roll greeted him. “How is your date with Sonic going?”
“Well, it would be good, if he wasn’t still under that love spell. I feel like I don’t have any room to breathe, even though I don’t absorb oxygen or dispel carbon dioxide.”
“Well, just, be patient with him. It’ll wear off eventually.”
“I guess so, but I’m exhausted.” Rock took an E-Tank out of the fridge. “I should get back before he gets suspicious…what should I do?”
“Well, just appreciate that he loves you.”
“Okay, I’ll do that. Wish me luck!” Rock waved to his sister as he teleported back to the amusement park.
“Sorry about that.” He said, sitting back down.
“Where’s the drink?”
“The what?”
“You said you were getting me a drink, Rock?”
“Oh, I got thirsty on the way here and, uh, I drank it. Want me to go get another one?”
“Wait, since when can robots drink?”
“It was an E-Tank.”
“Sweetie, you know I can’t drink E-Tanks.”
“Uh, it’s the romantic thought that matters?”
Sonic hugged him. “Yeah, you’re right, that was still nice of you to go all the way there for me.”
“Uh, thanks.” He smiled. “So, you wanna go into the tunnel of love again?”
“Yep!” Sonic gave him a thumbs up.
Later that night, Sonic escorted Rock home and stood with him on the front steps.
“Thanks for taking me to that restaurant, Sonic. And that movie, and that romantic lake, and that mountaintop, and that arcade.”
“Anything for you, Rock!” Sonic kissed him on the cheek.
“But listen, you know the drill, I have to go and recharge before I run out of power, you know?” Rock asked.
“All right. Although I hate to leave you, I’ll see ya tomorrow, right?”
Rock nodded and smiled. “Yep!”
Sonic took a ring out from behind his spines and threw it into the air where it transformed into a warp ring. He blew a kiss to Rock as he entered it and was warped away.
Rock sighed with relief. “That was exhausting. I hope every date from now on isn’t that tiring…”
“How was that exhausting? That sounds like an adventure to me!” Anthem exclaimed.
“A-Anthem?” Rock stammered. “Where are you…?”
Anthem jumped up from behind the bushes. “Oh, I was just hiding there.”
“Has Dr. Vega finished installing etiquette into you?”
“I’m not sure, why?”
“Never mind. What are you doing in the bushes in front of my house?”
“I was scanning Sonic to see if my wave has worn off.”
“Dr. Vega already finished that feature?”
“Yessy! And we even tested it out on one of her friends today, so we know it works.”
“…how long was I out…?” Rock muttered. “Well, you didn’t need to scan Sonic now, I can tell it’s still taking effect on him.”
“No, it isn’t.”
“What do you mean? Did you see him there?”
“My scanners didn’t pick up any of the physical symptoms of it. There’s no trace of it, it’s not there at all.” She shrugged. “And we did some more testing, it only lasts for about 12 hours.”
“Oh, well, it’s good that you know how long it lasts now.”
“Isn’t it great! Love for half a day straight!” She exclaimed. “I hope we can invent a permanent one that lasts forever…” She reached into a pocket. “Oh, I almost forgot! This is for you!” She gave him a piece of chocolate.
“Oh, thanks, but, I can’t really eat this…”
“I had my mom make them! It’s for robots, it gives you energy.”
“Really?” Rock took a bite. “Hey, this tastes pretty good!”
“I’m so happy you like it! I’m giving chocolate to everyone in the neighborhood because it’s Valentine’s Day. Isn’t Valentine’s Day great?”
Rock looked at the box of chocolates Sonic had bought him earlier. “It sure is…” He said quietly.
“Oh, I still gotta give out chocolate to everyone in the neighborhood!” Anthem skipped off.
Rock waved as she left. She’s something else…He thought.
He walked into the house and saw Roll making food. “Hey, did you know that Anthem was hiding in our bushes?”
“She was?” Roll asked. “I thought she left a half hour ago after she gave me and Dad the chocolate.”
“Well, she was. And she scanned Sonic and said that her effect wore off, it only lasts for 12 hours.”
“So, he was normal today?”
“Yep.” Rock paused. “Wait…”
“What?” She asked.
“Oh, nothing. I just gotta go do something.” Rock went into his room and got out a journal and paper.
“Reasons why I love you, a book by Rock Light…” He muttered aloud. “Does that sound good?” He finished writing the title down. It’s the romantic thought that matters, I guess. He thought as he started to write.
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