#meghan keyes | cherry
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Original characters going left to right.
Column 1 (Apologises):
Did something wrong - Alec Carter (he/him)
Did nothing wrong - Ricky Keyes (he/🗝️)
Has no idea what the thing is - John “Robin” Drayton (he/him)
Column 2 (Never apologises):
Did something wrong - Eris (all pronouns)
Did nothing wrong - Aurum (she/her)
Has no idea what the thing is - Val Fenton (they/it)
Column 3 (Apologises as a manipulation technique)
Did something wrong - Meghan “Cherry” Keyes (she/her)
Did nothing wrong - Ayda Karras (she/her)
Has no idea what the thing is - Silver (ey/ae/she)
Morality Chart Credit: @hamartia-grander
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Nice Argument, unfortunately…
Row 1:
*types up an actual counter-argument* - Em (they/them)
I disagree - Carol (she/her)
You’re wrong + ratio - Connie (she/her)
Row 2:
I fucked your mom last night - Hannah (they/she)
I am inside your walls - Vanta (he/it/any)
kys - Danielewski (he/him)
your mom - Maribel (she/her)
Row 3:
*Doxxing* - Val (they/it)
*Blocking* - Unnamed (she/her)
Row 4:
*points out a minor spelling error* - Ricky (he/🗝️)
SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT - Caleb (he/him)
*types out an entire essay* - Carina (she/they/it/xe)
I HAVE 70 ALTERNATE ACCOUNTS! - Cherry (she/her)
Row 5:
Touch grass - Aster (he/she)
I’m literally neurodivergent and a minor - Shan (they/them)
Karen - Mi-Na (ey/ae/she)
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Cherry: That was the best day of my life! And now you’re taking it away from me!
Robin: And her dad’s dead.
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Some miscellaneous OC doodles from school today
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Late evening. Birds sung quiet songs as the sung hung low in the sky. The sort of time where everyone else would be inside. The time where millions thought it was only their time. John was one of them. He had climbed the roof of the hostel where he was staying, watching the sky as it bled oranges and reds, with clouds turning darkly warm. He breathed, happy to be alone.
He gazed into the distance, trying to imagine the sprawling cities so far away from him. He came from there, didn’t he? Memories of the before times were fuzzy, but if he concentrated hard enough he could remember small snapshots. His mother surprised by something whilst his father laughed. But the context was lost. Something on TV? The radio? Maybe it was John himself they were laughing at, though John didn’t remember himself laughing. He sighed, wishing to know more, but like all memories they were suspect to change and eventually leaving his brain for eternity.
“Hey,” a voice rang out behind him. Meghan. “Uncle said that dinner should be ready soon.” John didn’t look back, wanting to stay out here for eternity. “You alright?”
John mumbled something not even he knew. Maybe a “leave me alone”. Maybe a “I’ll be down soon”. Maybe even a “fuck off”. But like his memories, the truth was all but lost to him. All kph knew was that he mumbled something, like how all he knew was that he had parents who most likely loved him.
Lost within memories of an unfamiliar time, he forgot about the present Meghan sitting next to him, only jolted back when she gently brushed his hand. He looked at her. Eyes meeting. Meghan’s eyes were always full of shining and sparks, John knew his eyes were dull and bleak.
“What you thinking bout?” Meghan asked.
Uncertain, John said “Home.”
“Home? But you don’t-”
“I did once. I’m sure I did.” John stood up, looking out to the horizon, as though a giant building could be seen from the middle of nowhere he now found himself in. “I had to have. Where did I come from? I must have had a home. I remember them. Mum and Dad. They’re here somewhere.” He sighed, his voice full of wish and pain. “I know they’re out there. Are they looking for me?” He sighed again.
“Have you ever had a memory that seemed so tangible, that if you could you could just go back and relive it for the rest of your life? But when you concentrate on it, it frays at the edges and disappears to never be seen again? That’s home. A place that if I went back, I would know so well, but so foreign that any trace just melts away. That’s them, Meghan. That’s home. I know my parents and what they look like and what their laugh sounds like, but I don’t remember their names or their voices. I know they have to be out there, somewhere, with a son who disappeared so long ago. But it’s all to nebulous, and grasping it just causes the whole illusion to fall apart.”
“John…” Meghan’s face softened. He knew immediately she didn’t understand. John wasn’t sure if that made things hurt more or less. She looked back to the sunset, seemingly soaking in the warmth. “I think dinner would be ready about now. If you want to eat with us. I can bring some out here if you don’t want to.”
“I’ll come in, thanks,” John said, watching Meghan disappear into the house again. He looked out to the sky once again, just as the birds finished their song and the sun finally dipped below the horizon, with the colours of the sky falling into blacks and purples of the night.
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Usually Cherry is associated with reds and strong colours to highlight her boldness and lust for danger and excitement, but sometimes she likes to chill out and be silly. Can you blame her? She’s a 16-year-old whose still got most of her life awaiting her. At 16 you’re mature enough to get a job and watch several movies but you can’t yet buy alcohol and you’re still a minor in several places. So like a child, Cherry likes to mellow out and have fun just goofing off. Besides, you can’t have a red cherry without a green stalk from where it grows.
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A couple of doodles from my exam yesterday
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Meghan “Cherry” Keyes - she/her (not related to Ricky, I’m just not creative with surnames)
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Art meme time! Also a mini same-face challenge (which I think I’ve failed). Yeah. Did it in black and white because why not?
Also I didn’t write in some pronouns because I was lazy.
Anyway who’s who of OCs:
Row 1:
Tax Evader - Noélle Agreste (she/her)
Cottagecore Lesbian - Rayleigh Robinson (she/her)
Himbo - Mia Holmes (she/they)
Couldn’t Be Problematic If They Tried - Jason Anastas (he/they)
Catboy - Aster (he/she)
Manic Pixie Dream Girl - Eris (all pronouns)
Catfish - Vanta (he/it/any other pronouns)
Row 2:
Still Plays FarmVille - Carina (she/they/it/xe)
Male Thot Enemy Of State - Lewis “Ford” Fore (he/him)
They’re Just Trying Their Best - Caleb Booth (he/him)
Sets An Alarm For Wordle Reset - Andrea Bailey (she/her)
First to Die In Hunger Games - Ricky Keyes (he/🗝️)
Dumbass Bisexual - Xander Stone (he/him)
Doesn’t Know What Discord Is - Pyre (it/he)
Row 3:
Hot Topic Employee - Kay Johnson (she/her)
Poggers- Val Fenton (they/it)
Gay Wine Aunt - Maribel “Aurum” Ignacio (she/her)
Soundcloud Rapper - Danielewski (he/him)
Would Start A Fistfight and Lose - Meghan “Cherry” Keyes (she/her)
The Normal One - Carol Godliman (she/her)
Secretly Loves RomComs - Unnamed (she/her)
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