#xander stone
Propaganda for “Team MARC or something like that…” for @group-oc-tournament
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Who are they?
A group of friends since they were around 11/12. All met through school, when Mia, Xander and Ricky all moved to the same smallish town Carol lives in. Totally coincidental. But hey, you can make some great friends through moving schools.
They’ve been friends for 10 years now, even though all are on very different path trajectories. And no matter what, they’ll be friends for life. They promise. No matter what…
Richard Samuel Keyes
Also known as Ricky, he’s the oldest of the group. You’d think that would make him the de-facto leader but he’d prefer to stay in the background. He’s the most studious of the group, and the only one actively seeking further education, specifically in literature. He’s one to never mince his words, which while favourable in some circumstances is less so in others. Would do better to learn tact, but he’s not going to directly hurt your feelings. (He’d describe you being happy rather than him being displeased.) The most open book of the group, yet still somewhat unknowable. Birthday is November 3rd, and he is aroace.
Caroline Elizabeth Godliman
Also known as Carol, she’s the free-spirited creative of the group. The token “rich kid”. An only child who is always looking forward in life and never looking back, mostly because she doesn’t want to be stuck in the past and waste her life worrying. Which worries her. Very much aware of her catch-22, Carol is currently fundraising for a local band she works for with loading and transportation. Her favourite holiday is Christmas, mostly because she likes to pretend everyone is celebrating her birthday, which is December 24th. She is an asexual heteroromantic.
Mia Jolene Holmes
They’re not known by anything else. She’s short and to the point. Loyal with a fierce temper. The most extroverted and social of the group by far, and despite boasting that she can flirt with anyone she’s absolutely terrible at it. Doesn’t matter tho, they love corny one-liners. Used to have a different name and different life but she’s not one for over sharing. What you see isn’t always what you get but Mia tries hardest to make others solely see Mia and nobody else. If you’re in a pinch, they’re the one to call for affection and fun. Birthday is April 22nd, she is a pansexual demigirl.
Alexander Michael Stone
Alex to his family, but Xander to you. Makes an effort to go-with-the-flow and not cause a disruption. The self-nominated jokester and seemingly the easiest going… but he’s got a lot under the surface that he’s trying to hide. Everyone’s sussed out he’s not fully honest and honestly it makes them happier about their own secrets, but Xander himself isn’t generally thrilled. Still, why dwell on that when you’ve got a down-to-earth pal of the world who will teach you to drive and go on wild tangents with no meaning? Birthday is July 18th, he is a demirose bisexual (and also autistic. And dyslexic. Those aren’t the issues btw, there’s more).
Is there a story to these four outside of just friends and stuff?
Yes! I’ve gone into details on my own blog if you’re super curious but I’m planning on making it into a webcomic so I won’t go into huge amounts of detail (though the main spoilers can be seen fairly easily through the tags and art both I and others have made). But the basic gist is these four are bored one day and decide to go into a part of town they’ve never been before. Specifically to a different section easily passed through under a bridge. It’s not too long but it can leave you in darkness for a while.
Whilst walking through and joking with each other, they start seeing some odd movements in the shadows. Thinking they’re about to be attacked, they turn and leave, only to find the tunnel is a lot longer than they thought. Then one of them feels an unfamiliar hand on their shoulder… and a strange yet oddly familiar figure greets them before disappearing and the tunnel returns to normal. Slowly though, everyone feels the presence of something subtly messing with their lives, up to and including threats, violence and dragging up the past and the things they wish to remain hidden.
They call this entity Vanta. He’s almost like a fifth main character, but he’s the villain and doesn’t want to be a part of “Team MARC or something like that…”
What’s with the name? Why MARC?
Doylist reason: the forms said a name and I didn’t have one planned. I could’ve called them the Encroaching Darkness Quartet or the Vantaverse Quartet or even just The Gang, but I had to be extra.
Watsonian reason: Carol came up with it on a whim. They had to use Xander’s full first name because nobody knew how to combine together their first initial without it sounding cringe. It still sounded cringe to her, hence the trailing off… but hey! It’s nice to have a name!
Why should I vote these guys?
A vote for “Team MARC or something like that…” is a win for long lasting friendship, being queer and proud of it, autism, modern day antics and getting over your fears and being free.
Is there anything else to note?
Obviously this is all for fun, and even if my guys don’t make it past round 1, I’m happy I got to share my brain dwellers with the world. They lived for too long rent free up there, it’s time to pay tax /j
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conhivemindcent · 4 months
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I’m kinda on trend with my art for once. An OC redraw of Mesmerizer. It was fun, even if the outfits aren’t accurate (I’m not drawing all the lines lol, sorry)
So this was based on a scrapped piece of lore where the character on the left got possessed for a bit. He doesn’t now, but yea thought it would be fun to reference it anyways
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untamedwind01 · 5 days
We’ve finally got the 4 queens ☺️
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I meann who’s actually surprised that Avery was the 4th queen 💀
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haunted-xander · 1 year
Childe design takes pretty pls 🤲 (if that's ok!!)
Weeeeeeell since you asked who am I to refuse?
Okay so, before we get into the actual takes there's two important things I need to note (bc it will be relevant) :
1) Childe is an extremely capable and dangerous soldier
2) Despite this, he is also a genuinely friendly and sociable guy
Got that? Okay moving on
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Starting with his face, the most notable thing is, of course, his eyes. It's pretty common knowledge by now, but I still think it's important to note that Childe is the only character with no light in his eyes whatsoever. Everyone else has some sort of shine, or at least something that gives the seem feel as it. The dead eyes coupled with the friendly expression gives a rather off-putting vibe. Fitting, for as much as he is genuinely friendly, he also won't have any qualms cutting you down if it comes to it.
His bangs are also interesting, as the left side covers most of his eye while his right is open.
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His left side is also much more decorated, with having both his earring and mask. The designs on both of these are very sharp, with a deep red color that practically screams danger. By itself, his left looks much more closed off and intimidating than his right, which is open and vulnerable.
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There's also a light streak in his hair (with some other parts having it as a subtle gradient) that, notably, his brother doesn't have.
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Let's move away from the face a bit now yeah?
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Childe's outfit as a whole is very military, with neutral shades of gray and a dash of black with relatively simple patterns. It makes the red accents pop a lot more, especially his bright red scarf.
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Similarly to his bangs, his left side here is also much more decorated and covered, with all the sharp armor pieces (and his thigh belt) being exclusively on his left.
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The stomach gap is on his right, once again making him appear more open and vulnerable.
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As a whole, his design gives the vibe of someone who is approachable, but that you should still be wary off.
Which is perfect! Because while yes, he is an incredibly violent battle-hungry maniac, he IS still genuinely approachable and friendly. It's why he's able to make friends with people despite them knowing what he does!
I like him a lot :)
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elessildur · 2 years
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Imagine these two at Robby and Miguel's graduation.
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zhnnveuxpasdrmir · 6 months
Trying to explain that this quiet, braided anthology of short-short, thought variant, actor driven one-offs is a must-see breakthrough teleplay, a timeless masterpiece!, a work of explicable magic.
I was one of the six people in the world that actually saw this in 2010, but I'd only caught a few bits of it at the time. They were arresting as hell. It's exciting to finally get a chance to appreciate it now, due to the grisly stupidity of all corporate media conglomerates, and the ease of getting high quality archives of unfairly treated past media anonymously on the dark web, along with heroin and guns! 😁
I liked how The Booth At The End examines the fallacies inherent to popular reads of morality, and somehow criticizes specific religious cultures without once mentioning any of them, or admitting to any particular central framework by name. The script is rooted in widely understood monotheist ethics.
It's unrepentant, dour, merciless, and openly, loudly, glaringly deceptive in its candor.
Xander Berkeley. Holy shit. was just unbelievably powerful on this show. Every actor turns in a lifetime achievement award worthy scene, but mr Berkeley is just: setting your disbelief aside, so casually! You believe. The unthinkable is thoroughly plausible in these weency, handy little scenes that.... feel longer. You'll think it was an hour. It was like six minutes.
I don't know fully why this isn't a better known show! Maybe it's too hard to face. If you have an interest in the craft of acting, in show, this little one-sitting binge demonstrates expert theatrical film making.
And these goddamn endings will fuck you up for life!
so here's my theory on the Man, Doris, and the doom of human kind:
oh he's certainly not the Devil. He's a creation of G-D though for sure. As is Doris.
If he has to be a specific character from the stories, he's The Christ, not exactly The Messiah, but something a lot more like christian Jesus if he'd lived on since Resurrection, only through a magical realism lens instead of a worshipful one. The Man is aware of what G-D is, knows it's not what humans think it is. Some say "the wandering Jew" but no: this is not and never was a human.
if Doris has to be a specific character from the stories, she's Satan, or a fallen angel, but let's be real, G-D's ex-favorite, luring the new boy away from G-D's detachment, and into "the trap". I don't agree with the above article in thinking it ended too soon, it ends exactly where it should, where it has to.
because that demand Doris makes is real, and it's one that our planet's conception of G-D has always, always failed. She's right to state this demand, and the Man must comply. Both of them will be literally destroyed by the task. This is shown over and over in both seasons.
The Booth At The End is a genius series of stage teleplays that criticizes flaws in popular conceptions of G-D, how it distorts our perceptions, and how those distort our experience of need. Each "normal" character symbolizes a specific 'mistake' or foible; each supernatural character represents an attempt, by 'history' ambition institution or spiritual quest, to understand and eliminate those errors. The two seasons are a diptych demonstrating respectively How and Why we are trapped forever in a Hell of our own device. 🌞❤️
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Fire Emblem Sibling Duo Tournament: Round 1 - Match 12
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Propaganda for both duos under cut:
Xander & Camilla:
Step up to take care of their siblings in Garon’s absence, both incredibly attentive caring for their other siblings, able to confide in each other when Xander struggles to be fully open with his other younger siblings
Franz & Forde:
They have a great and wholesome relationship. Forde raised Franz after their parents died and its obvious how much they love each other. They know the other very well to the point where Franz is the only one who sees/ notices that Forde isn't just lazy and carefree at all. Their interactions/ supports are really cute too. They are my comfort FE characters
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blossom-adventures · 1 year
Snippet Someday!
I’ve been tagged by @thequeenofthewinter to share something for this, thank you so much for the tag my dear ☺️💙
I’m going to tag… @oblivions-dawn @seradyn @garbria @bostoniangirl21 @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @miraakulous-cloud-district
Rules: Revisit an old fic (or earlier chapters in your current WIP) and share a snip from:
Your first chapter
Your favourite chapter
Your most challenging chapter
Alternatively, if you don’t write longfic, feel free to share one of your one-shots. Provide as much or as little commentary as you want.
I’ll be sharing from my Skyrim longfic - Far Horizons & Ancient Stones. I’ll put my snippets under the cut, so I don’t clog everyone’s pages with my ramblings 😆 (I would have done some for my FFXV stuff but I haven’t got enough chapters written for them yet)
First Chapter: Love at First Sight
Galmar pointed out the people who he had met personally; Hoag Stormcloak - obviously, High King Istlod, his son Torygg, Torygg’s bride-to-be, Elisif. Then there was Hrolfdir, Jarl of Markarth with his son Igmund as his Housecarl, Jarl Skald of Dawnstar and Jarl Balgruuf of Whiterun - their host. As Galmar pointed to Balgruuf, Xander couldn’t help but stare, not at the young Jarl, but at the woman walking with him.
“Who is that? Next to Jarl Balgruuf”
“Helena,” Galmar said, “the Jarls cousin” Galmar looked at Xander “stare any more and you’ll burn a hole through her dress”
“I wasn’t starring” Xander said as he - a little too quickly - turned back to look at Galmar who laughed
“Sure you weren’t”
“Galmar!” the young Housecarl looked over to Hoag who gestured for him to join his Jarl.
“I’m needed, nice to meet you Captain”
“And you Galmar”
Favourite Chapter: Hircine’s Curse
“I killed him?” she gasped, panic started to set in, she gasped for breath and clutched her chest “Gods… I killed him” Skjor shifted so he could hold her closer to him
“Don’t… Jaina listen to me, don’t think like that… you said yourself he would have killed you!” He held her tight against his chest “Jaina, you need to calm down, deep breaths kid… you didn’t kill him, listen to me, you acted in self defence… you didn’t kill him”
“I did… I stabbed him” Skjor didn’t know how else to convince her that what happened wasn't her fault, so instead he just held her, and tried to calm her down, easier said than done. She continued to sob and gasp for breath into the early hours of the morning.
After a while she finally began to calm down, she was still shaking in his arms but at least the crying had stopped.
“Would you tell my cousin what happened… tell him everything”
“If you want me to, I will”
“Yes please”
“I’ll go in the morning; will you try to get some sleep tonight?” Jaina sat for a moment as if she were considering his request “Jaina, you need to sleep”
“Would you stay?” Jaina asked “I… I don’t want to be alone”
“Of course, I will”
Jaina grimaced as she settled back down onto her bed, Skjor moved to the chair that was at her bedside.
Once she was asleep, Skjor leant forward, letting out a sigh as he did. How in Oblivion am I going to tell her cousin? He thought as he looked up at her, she looked uncomfortable, wincing in her sleep as she tried to find the best position to sleep in, one that would not agitate the wounds that still hadn’t healed.
Why couldn’t I have stopped him? How did he manage to best me in a wolf fight?
“I’m so sorry Jaina” Skjor whispered
Most Challenging Chapter: The Crown & The Dragonguard (current chapter I’m working on)
That afternoon, Kaidan walked over to Jaina while she prepared her horse that Galmar had let her ride
“You sure you want me to come alone with you? The Jarls Housecarl hasn’t taken his eyes off me since we got here”
“Maybe he likes you” Jaina smirked, Kaidan laughed, “the don’t trust you, Kai… I heard Ulfric tell Galmar too keep an eye on you on my way out of the palace, you just need to give them a reason to trust you” Kaidan nodded
“If that’s what you want, I will try to do it”
“Thank you, Kaidan”
“Dragonborn! Come on, we’re ready” Kaidan returned to his horse while Jaina mounted hers before joining Galmar’s group on the road which led to the west
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Some doodles from my maths homework
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honeydots · 1 year
anons funny thought: ophelia in a bi/pan crisis having to choose between soleil or seigbert
GJSJGJ HAHAHA oh what to do about the pretty eldest nohrian royal children.... she's looking to the stars and gods for an answer and the reply boils down to essentially ~☆ ;) good luck! ☆~
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tactful-kind-daedra · 2 years
[[You know... it’s really easy to tell the age of an rper concerning certain things:
- “I think it’s time to force one of these characters through something traumatic so we get get some bonding and some of that sweet hurt/comfort action! I’m totally going to:
(Younger Rper) - make this character get stabbed/brutally injured from an attack or assassins 
(Older Rper) - give this character.... kidney stones >: D ]]
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The Shujin Trio!
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bramblestar334 · 2 years
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titsthedamnseason · 2 months
i cannot wait to read the ben winona reconciliation in burn bright 😁
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#okay i’m realizing this maaaaaaay not happen in burn bright and there might be more waiting assuming he’ll have multiple books#mine#cobalt empire series#but this post is also making me realize how much beef ben has to resolve with various family members omg???#i think it’s realistic to expect that ben and winona’s friendship will be restored in ben’s books#because that feels like a distance that’s HIS fault. like she never wanted to drift from him but his own issues led to their separation#and therefore we need his pov for the resolution#but tbh ben and xander is a mixed bag. we still don’t totally get why there is so much tension between them so it could go either way#but god i hope we don’t have to wait that fucking long#like if it isn’t in ben’s books then they better have some plan for the rest of the kid’s books to start releasing alongside the cobalt empi#and then charlie and ben there is definitely a LOT of animosity on both sides but imo this is mostly charlie’s problem#he is a big bully to ben and ben’s treatment towards charlie is simply reactionary#this isn’t necessarily set in stone though bc idk if ben and charlie could realistically live together with this much turmoil between them#like it makes sense to me that we need to see charlie’s perspective of this and he will need to be the one to take the reins#in order for there to be a resolution. but will they really wait this long? unless maybe charlie’s books are right after and it gets split#anyway. CANT WAIT TO FINALLY SEE BEN AND WINONA’S FRIENDSHIP FIRSTHAND#I HOPE IT ISNT RESOLVED AT THE LAST MINUTE SO WE GET REAL BFFS CONTENT#BOY GIRL BEST FRIENDS ARE EVERYTHING TO ME!! especially when there’s a zero chance of romance#and i really hope ben easton and xander become an epic friendship trio
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theofficersacademy · 5 months
HII i'm here to hiatus louis AND xander! but i wouldlike to drop vigarde! sorry everyone i jus got a lot on my plate ): love you forever toa!!!!!!!
Vigarde has been dropped and is now available!
Xander and Louis are on hiatus until May 30th! Please remember to message the Masterlist once you return. Thank you!
- Mod Ree
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