#noëlle agreste
If you guys want a little bit of OC lore and a lot of AU and angst and flowers, then here’s a fanfic I made of my own characters :)
It’s just a one shot so don’t expect any much more (unless I want to in the future so who knows?)
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mikauzoran · 5 years
Adrienette Drabble Seventeen: Dad
“It’s a Saturday, and you’re eighteen. Shouldn’t you be…I’m sure I don’t know…doing something? Perhaps with friends?” Gabriel peered over the back of the couch down at Adrien.
Adrien closed volume fourteen of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles and set it on top of the stack of manga on the coffee table. He’d spent the morning binge reading.
“Nino and Alya are on a date,” Adrien sighed, sitting up. “Nino offered to cancel and hang out with me or let me come with them, but…”
Gabriel nodded. “Right. Well, what are your other friends doing?”
Adrien’s cheeks turned red, and he dropped his eyes to avoid Gabriel’s gaze as he muttered, “Marinette doesn’t seem to be talking to me again yet.”
Gabriel winced. “Sorry…. But what about everyone else?”
Adrien looked up, quirking an eyebrow. “What about everyone else who?”
Gabriel’s brow slowly began to form trenches. “Your other friends. What are they doing? The other people you spend time with.”
Adrien shrugged. “I don’t really spend time with other people. I mean, I’m friendly with everybody else in my class and a couple of others at school, but we’re not the kind of friends that make plans together or anything.”
Gabriel’s frown deepened. “What about Miss Bourgeois? Miss Tsurugi?”
Adrien grimaced. “It’s been a while since Chloé and I were really friends. We’ve kind of grown apart, and Kagami is great, but…things have been kind of awkward since I started dating. She used to like me, and I think I disappointed her and destroyed the mental image she had of me, so…she’s kind of not talking to me unless it’s about how she’s kicking my butt at fencing. Besides, we were never really the kind of friends who, I don’t know, went bowling or went to an exhibition.”
Gabriel’s lips pressed into a thin line. “What about that Elise girl you were spending time with for a while? The other model. You two seemed close. You haven’t done anything with her in almost a month.”
Adrien cringed. “Elise was my girlfriend.”
“Ah.” Gabriel wilted slightly. “That’s right…. So…you don’t have anyone to do something with.”
Adrien shrugged. “There’s Plagg.”
Gabriel was silent for a moment. “…Perhaps we need to get you some new friends.”
A small smile tugged gently at Adrien’s lips. “Dad, you don’t get new friends like you get a new car. Don’t worry. I’ll probably make more friends in university.”
“But that doesn’t help you now,” Gabriel reasoned.
“Are you…sad that you don’t have anyone to do something with?” It was at times like this that Gabriel missed his Miraculous. He had never been adept at reading others’ emotions, and the brooch had helped immensely.
Adrien shrugged. “I spent the first thirteen years of my life with a grand total of one friend. I’m used to being alone, so it doesn’t really bother me too much. I’m fine spending the day reading manga. I’m reading it in Japanese too, so it’s not like I’m just lying around reading comics; I’m doing language study. It’s fine, Dad. The thing that I’m sad about is the fact that I’ve single-handedly wrecked my friend group.”
“I’m sure you haven’t,” Gabriel insisted, his grip on the back of the couch tightening.
Adrien shrugged again. “Nino and Alya are stuck having to divide their time between Marinette and me, and it’s my fault.”
“No. That’s Miss Dupain-Cheng’s doing,” Gabriel corrected with a hint of annoyance.
Adrien shook his head slowly. “I know you love me, Dad, but don’t give me a free pass because of it. I’ve spent enough time trying to make excuses for myself. It’s time I finally accept some of the blame. Sure, it’s Marinette’s wishes keeping us apart, but I’m the root cause of the problem.”
Gabriel sighed, reaching out to smooth Adrien’s hair. “Listen. I have a project I need to get done, but I can work off my tablet if you maybe want to watch a movie together. I can at least listen to the audio if you pick something in French, English, or Italian. Is that something you’d want to do?”
Adrien blinked in stunned silence for a beat before he could compose himself enough to react. “Really? You’d want to watch a movie with me?”
“Sure. Of course,” Gabriel assured with as much authenticity as he could manage despite feeling out of his depth and off balance. “I like spending time with you…. I need to work on making time to do that more often.”
Adrien’s grin rivaled exploding stars with its brilliance, and Gabriel decided that feeling awkward and off balance was worth it to see his son smile like that.
“I like spending time with you too…. Can we watch a Studio Ghibli film?” Adrien was practically bouncing in his seat.
“Whatever you want. I’ll go get my materials while you set it up.”
Gabriel returned ten minutes later to find Adrien all ready with a bowl of popcorn.
“I want to watch Howl’s Moving Castle. Is that okay?” He wriggled in excitement.
“Certainly.” Gabriel took a seat on the couch, grabbing a handful of popcorn and powering on his tablet.
Adrien bit his lip. “Would you prefer French or English audio?”
Gabriel shrugged. “It makes no difference to me. Which do you usually watch in?”
Adrien blushed, smiling sheepishly. “Japanese?”
With an eyeroll, Gabriel chuckled, “Of course you do. English, then.”
Adrien nodded, going into the settings menu and adjusting the audio options.
“Emilie really liked these movies,” Gabriel remarked offhandedly.
“We used to watch them together,” Adrien added quietly, fond yet wistful.
“Her favourite was…something about a valley and the wind.”
Adrien raised an eyebrow. “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.” He nodded. “That’s a good one.”
“Do you have a favourite?” Gabriel prompted.
“Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke.” Adrien smiled.
“I liked The Cat Returns or Whisper of the Heart,” Gabriel replied softly. “She used to make me watch these with her. Before you. …Félix…”
Adrien whipped around to stare in bewilderment at his father.
“…never liked cartoons. He wouldn’t watch anime with Emilie. It made her sad. Félix was an odd child,” Gabriel concluded.
“He…He was always an adult, even when we were little,” Adrien tentatively chuckled, unsure if he were allowed to talk about his brother now too or if only Gabriel could.
Gabriel nodded.
Apparently, everything was okay. The world hadn’t imploded.
“I think he had to be,” Gabriel sighed. “God knows neither Emilie nor I were. Your brother had a bumpy childhood.”
“I can’t even imagine,” Adrien whispered.
The Agreste family had already been established when Adrien was born. Adrien couldn’t even begin to fathom living hand to mouth, financial instability, moving around a lot, small apartments on the outskirts of Paris…
“I spoke with your brother’s wife the other day,” Gabriel announced down at his screen.
“Bridgette didn’t mention it,” Adrien replied in confusion. “She called me last night.”
“Does she call you often? Nathalie mentioned that you talked, but…” Gabriel tentatively peeked up.
Adrien shrugged. “Usually once a week. More often when Noëlle is being a brat,” he snickered. “Sometimes Noëlle refuses to go to sleep unless Bridgette calls and has me sing Noëlle a lullaby.”
Gabriel nodded slowly. “I’d like to meet Noëlle. I told Bridgette that. It’s my understanding that you’ve never met her in person?”
Adrien shook his head. “Just through FaceTime.”
“I told Bridgette that they should come visit sometime…that I’d cover expenses if they would like to come visit for a week or two.” Gabriel watched as Adrien’s face lit up with tentative hope. “Félix didn’t want to talk to me, though.”
Adrien grimaced. “Félix doesn’t talk to me either. Apparently, he feels like he doesn’t have the right to speak with me after he quote, unquote ‘abandoned’ me. He passes on messages through Bridgette, though.”
“I have the feeling he simply did not want to speak to me,” Gabriel chuckled. “Bridgette seemed interested in visiting, though. I told her she and Noëlle could come without Félix. She said she hasn’t been back in Paris since they moved to Marseille, so…maybe she and Noëlle will come.”
“I’d love to see them,” Adrien chuckled giddily.
“Yes,” Gabriel affirmed tentatively, betraying his apprehension. “That would be nice.”
 Gabriel noted, as the movie came to a close, that Adrien looked sad. “What are you thinking about?”
Adrien blushed, a sheepish smile overtaking his face. “Marinette.”
Gabriel nodded knowingly.
“I was just wondering where she is and what she’s doing. I haven’t talked to her in a week, and before that I’d spent a week and a half avoiding her because of the kiss with Chat Noir, so…” Adrien sighed miserably.
“I miss her so much,” he mumbled. “At school she can’t even look at me, and I just…I want to see her. Even if we can’t talk or hang out, I want to see her. I want to make sure she’s doing okay because this is hard on her too.”
Gabriel rolled his eyes. “She’s the one making things difficult. No one would have to feel wretched if she would just stop this nonsense and date you already.”
Adrien smiled softly, reaching up to rub at his slightly faded bruises. “Dad, I am an emotional black hole at this point, and I’m in no shape to date anyone. She was right to say no…even though I wish she had said yes. Please don’t be mad at Marinette for doing what she thought was best. She’s usually right…. She’s more level-headed than I am.”
Gabriel snorted. “She’s brainwashed you…but as you wish. I do, however, reserve the right to bring this episode up later once you are better and you two are married.”
“I’ll look forward to that glorious day…. Right now, it seems so far off.” Adrien sighed longingly. “God, I miss her so much. I wish I could just text her.”
Adrien looked questioningly at his father. “Do you think she’s had enough ‘space’? Have I waited a reasonable amount of time where I could ask her if we could start talking again? I don’t want to be annoying or violate the boundaries she’s set, but…she’s gotta be missing me too at this point…right? She probably misses me and wants to see me too, doesn’t she?”
Gabriel sighed, averting his eyes. He couldn’t take the sadness and desperation on his son’s face. “I don’t know, Adrien.”
Adrien slumped back into the couch, pulling his knees into his chest. He blew out a long sigh. “I hate this so much.” His voice strained through building tears that burned the back of his throat.
Gabriel rested his hand on Adrien’s head and began to rub gently as Plagg had suggested.
Adrien closed his eyes and leaned into his father’s touch. “Th-Thanks.”
“Mmhm. Just calm down, okay?” Gabriel coaxed. “Focus on your breathing.”
Gabriel had to admit that the book Nathalie had gotten him on anxiety and depression had been a valuable acquisition.
Adrien took steady, even breaths as Gabriel continued to massage.
“Would it help or hurt you to actually know what Miss Dupain-Cheng was doing, do you think?” Gabriel asked after a few minutes.
Adrien shrugged. “Help…so long as she’s not on a date with some stupid emotionally healthy guy.”
“She’s supposed to be at work,” Gabriel informed. “She’s helping with a photoshoot, managing the models, double-checking the looks before they’re photographed. I’ve actually assigned her a little more than I think she can handle. I’m hoping she surprises me. She seems to do well in the face of adversity. She thinks quickly on her feet.”
“You have no idea,” Adrien sighed affectionately. “I’d forgotten she was interning with Gabriel. You’re not being hard on her because of me, are you?”
Gabriel rolled his eyes, giving Adrien’s head a pat before withdrawing his hand. “I’m being hard on her because I expect great things from her and I want to give her opportunities to grow.”
“Oddly generous of you to take it upon yourself to mentor her,” Plagg snickered. “I sense an ulterior motive.”
“Perhaps.” Gabriel shrugged, lips curling into a faint smirk.
“What kind of photoshoot is it?” Adrien inquired, feigning interest in the smaller details in order to get the information he truly wanted.
“A feature article for one of the usual magazines. They’re modeling sundresses,” Gabriel answered offhandedly.
“Anything you designed yourself, or are they pieces you oversaw and signed off on?”
“Mostly pieces I oversaw, but there is one dress that I did completely on my own. I’m quite pleased with how it turned out,” Gabriel reported with a hint of pride.
“Is it blue?” Adrien snickered.
Gabriel’s eyebrow arched. “Yes. How did you guess?”
Adrien shrugged, shifting so that one of his legs stretched out in front of him while the other leg was still pulled into his chest. “Nathalie looks good in blue. You’ve been designing in blue a lot lately.”
Gabriel cleared his throat and looked away. “Well. This particular dress is a peacock pattern, so…predominantly blue with greens and browns as well.”
Adrien nodded. “It sounds lovely…. So, where are they having the photoshoot today?”
Gabriel opened his mouth to respond but then closed it before he could divulge the location. “Why do you ask?”
Adrien shrugged, trying to play it as nonchalant as possible. “Just curious. I bet the Jardin du Palais Royal would be a good backdrop for summer dresses. Over by the fountain?”
Gabriel didn’t answer as Adrien studied his father’s face intently for any kind of tell.
“Or…maybe the Jardin de Luxembourg? Posing with the statues?” Adrien tried.
Gabriel’s brow creased.
“Parc Morceau?” Adrien asked when no hints were forthcoming. “Bois de Boulogne? …Or are you doing an indoor shoot?” He was acutely aware of the fact that he had begun to sound desperate.
“Adrien, I am not telling you where Miss Dupain-Cheng is. You need to leave her alone,” Gabriel instructed.
Adrien deflated with a heavy sigh. “I just want to see her.”
“Yes,” Gabriel snorted. “And then once you do, you’ll just want to say hi, and if you do, she’ll say something that unintentionally hurts you, and we’ll be back at square one. Adrien, no. Do you really want her to break your heart in every park in Paris?”
Adrien instantly perked up. “So she is at a park.”
Gabriel groaned. “Adrien.”
“If she’s at a park, I can just check them systematically,” Adrien strategized, bouncing in excitement.
“Not if I forbid Victor to drive you anywhere,” Gabriel interjected.
Adrien rolled his eyes. “Well, it’s a good thing that I don’t need a car to get around, isn’t it? Plagg, transform me.”
Gabriel glared intently at a smirking Chat Noir. “Adrien, this is a bad idea.”
“I kind of know that, Dad,” Chat sighed, shrugging in resignation. “Ladybug is the one with the good ideas. I just destroy everything…but I want to see her.”
Gabriel exhaled slowly, carding a hand through his hair. “Very well. Just don’t go like that. I don’t want you parkouring off of rooftops after she’s upset you. I’d rather let you go as Adrien and have a safe way to get you home. Detransform and go and get your phone from Nathalie. I’ll have Victor take you to the Place des Vosges.”
Adrien’s face brightened as he caught Gabriel in a hug. “Thanks, Dad.”
“I know I’m going to regret this,” Gabriel muttered, patting his son gently on the back.
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quanticlub · 5 years
February 29, 2000 - Félix Diamant (Agreste)
Leap Day
April 1, 2000 - Claude Castille-Acosta
April Fool’s Day
September 22, 2000 - Kagami Tsurugi
The Fall Equinox
October 13, 2000 - Adrien Agreste
Friday the 13th
November 2, 2000 - Allan Mercury
Día de los Muertos
March 20, 2001 - Marinette Dupain-Cheng
The Spring Equinox
Allegra Fausetti 
Jacquelin Courbet
Quincy Proulx
Noëlle Vassie 
Morgan Bellefeuille-Cadieux
Laurel Tourelle
Carolyn Ledoux
Rosalie Jones 
Liliane Jones 
Daeva Hari
Marinette Dupain-Cheng 
Kagami Tsurugi
Chloe Bourgeois 
Alya Césaire
Alix Kubdel
Lila Rossi
Mylène Haprèle
Juleka Couffaine
Rose Lavillant
Sabrina Raincomprix
Ondine __
Mireille Caquet
Aurore Bauréal
shortyy purple
spiky blond
long blonde hair
red head
pretty purple hair w hazel eyes
Félix Diamant (* Agreste
Allan Mercury
Claude Castille-Acosta 
Gavroche Verret 
Marc Anciel
Prince Ali
Jean Duparc
Adrien Agreste
Nino Lahiffe
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Lé Chiên Kim 
Ivan Bruel 
Max Kanté
Robin Bonhomme
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Art meme time! Also a mini same-face challenge (which I think I’ve failed). Yeah. Did it in black and white because why not?
Also I didn’t write in some pronouns because I was lazy.
Anyway who’s who of OCs:
Row 1:
Tax Evader - Noélle Agreste (she/her)
Cottagecore Lesbian - Rayleigh Robinson (she/her)
Himbo - Mia Holmes (she/they)
Couldn’t Be Problematic If They Tried - Jason Anastas (he/they)
Catboy - Aster (he/she)
Manic Pixie Dream Girl - Eris (all pronouns)
Catfish - Vanta (he/it/any other pronouns)
Row 2:
Still Plays FarmVille - Carina (she/they/it/xe)
Male Thot Enemy Of State - Lewis “Ford” Fore (he/him)
They’re Just Trying Their Best - Caleb Booth (he/him)
Sets An Alarm For Wordle Reset - Andrea Bailey (she/her)
First to Die In Hunger Games - Ricky Keyes (he/🗝️)
Dumbass Bisexual - Xander Stone (he/him)
Doesn’t Know What Discord Is - Pyre (it/he)
Row 3:
Hot Topic Employee - Kay Johnson (she/her)
Poggers- Val Fenton (they/it)
Gay Wine Aunt - Maribel “Aurum” Ignacio (she/her)
Soundcloud Rapper - Danielewski (he/him)
Would Start A Fistfight and Lose - Meghan “Cherry” Keyes (she/her)
The Normal One - Carol Godliman (she/her)
Secretly Loves RomComs - Unnamed (she/her)
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Oh yeah I finished my wip. Characters going from left to right are Noëlle Agreste (she/her), Isac Freeman (he/him) and Ren Hatake (he/him).
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Noëlle Agreste, when her roommates are arguing over what type of rice is better for the third time: When I am in the company of men in a group like this, I feel happy about my life choices.
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Work in progress for some characters I’ve made.
Going left to right: Noëlle (she/her), Isac (he/him) and Ren (he/him).
Also I love little eye details, all three have eye details (idk if you can see in the messy sketch of Ren but he has triangles for eye highlights)
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quanticlub · 5 years
Quantic Reboot Characters
Characters either new or heavily altered to save them from canon. The main last name follows the first name. A (+ LastName) following means it’s the mother’s maiden name, a (* LastName) means it’s the father’s surname but for some reason the kid didn’t take it. For the hyphened LastName–LastName format it’s in Father–Mother order unless the parents are a same-sex couple like Morgan’s moms. Nicknames are in italics following a bolded tilde ~, though not all nicknames listed are used by everyone / some are used just for teasing. Monikers assigned with only malicious intent via bullies are not listed as nicknames. 
All of Mari’s current classmates (included Lie-la) are still present, but they’re not part of the main squad anymore because they’ve isolated her.
(( Going for 12 boys and 12 girls in the main group of quanticharacters in Mari’s grade because I like groups of 12  ... I mean how can you not love groups of 12? They’re divisible by so many numbers! You can have groups of 2, 3, 4, or 6 with nobody left alone during projects!!! ))
The Boys:
Félix Diamant (* Agreste) ~ Fé, Feli, Felibear, Diamond [!!!!! !!! !!! !!! ! ! !!! !!! !!! !!!!!] 
Allan Mercury (+ Bennett) ~ Mercury, Lana, Lani-loo [!! ?]
Claude Castille-Acosta ~ Clod [!! !!]
Gavroche Verret (+ Bouchard) ~ Gav, Gaveroo [!! ?]
Possible Additions: Wayhem NoLastName but with real background, Marc Anciel but fleshed out instead of never being seen again, Prince Ali NoLastName if he’s sent for international education, Sparrow if he left ‘Murrica and thus Knightowl for some reason.. maybe if he was actually Fé and got the curse?, Jean Duparc with a personality cuz he didn’t even talk in the show, the young and annoying XY could be either in Mari’s or Luka’s grade since main group doesn’t have to be totally likable & he could get a redemption arc (his dad’s the one that really sucks), Adam NoLastName from the comics, Adrien Agreste with a redemption arc, Nino Lahiffe with a redemption arc, Lé Chiên Kim with a redemption arc, Nathaniel Kurtzberg with a redemption arc..... because everyone in Mari’s class needs either redemption or death, just random made-up OCs
oops now there are almost twice as many girls as there are guys... Random not-OCs that could be added include the main cast of 6teen c: 
The Girls:
Allegra Fausett (+ Sabat) ~ Als, ‘Legra [!! !! ! !!]
Jacquelin Courbet (+ Voclain) ~ Jackie, Jack, Jacks, Jack-o [!! !! !!]
Quincy Proulx (+ Jolicoeur)  ~ Quinn, Queeny, Quinse, Proulx
Noëlle Vassie (+ Duval) ~ n/a
Morgan Bellefeuille-Cadieux ~ Puck!!, Mo, Momo
Laurel Tourelle (+ Guerin) ~ n/a
Carolyn Ledoux (+ Durand) ~ Carol, Melody
Rosalie Jones (+ Thayer) ~ Rose
Liliane Jones (+ Thayer) ~ Lily
? ... well, definitely adding Marinette Dupain-Cheng ~ Mari, ‘Nette, Nettles, Starlight, Marinara [!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!]
Possible Additions: Kagami Tsurugi with proper writing, Chloé Bourgeois post-redemption, Alix Kubdel post-redemption, Alya Cesaire post-redemption, Juleka Couffaine with a fix-it because blueberry boy wont stand for such nonsense against Mari, that one fandom concept Amber Bourgeois (Ambre?) that’s usually Chloé’s twin but can be rewritten as sth else, Brigitte NoLastName Ondine NoLastName as more than Kim’s love interest, Mireille Caquet but not just Theo’s special friend, Aurore Bauréal with the same personality as in Leave for Medeleiev, The rest of Mendeleiev’s class which shows pale with purple-black hair, short purple spiky, short blond spiky, dark skin with long purple hair, and long blonde hair girls in the class picture that have not been named, Purple-black Hair and spiky blonde from the previous class pic, just random made-up OCs
Maybe introduce a character or change last name to have the upcoming Dany Boon as their father   ///   Piper as either a last name or another girl in reference to the Pied Piper of Hamelin that held the Fox miraculous... or maybe just Hamelin as a last name??   ///   Another possible parent is Simon Grimault, whom we know is famous in the Quanticverse   ///   Put Théo Barbot in as an older brother to someone or just older student in maybe like Luka’s grade so he’s not so creepy (maybe the art studio was his parents’ cuz all the kids here are rich af)   ///   Jalil Kubdel could also be in Luka’s grade   ///   Vincent Aza could be brought down to Luka’s age like Théo or even be in Mari’s grade as part of the main group assuming he was held back   ///   Speaking of... Adri’s photographer, who is also named Vincent, could be a dad though the last name is still up in the air   ///   Alec Cataldi could be a dad or brother or something to someone of an Italian background /// Bob Roth might be XYs dad but if not he could be someone else’s   ///   Clara Nightingale could possibly be young enough to be in Luka’s grade
Gabriel Agreste - 
Camille Diamant -
Father Diamant
Maternal Grandfather 
Maternal Grandmother
Emilie Loiseau -
Father Loiseau
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