#meghan markle natal chart
astrobiscuits · 3 months
Predicting your future children's personalities and gender using Childress (30117) persona chart
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Kind of a part 2 of my last post
According to derivate astrology (only for Childress persona chart):
1st house - personality of 1st child
5th house - personality of 2nd child
10th house - personality of 3rd child
12th house - personality of last child (not related to derivate astrology, but still worth mentioning)
[Don't forget to check the ruling planets of the houses for more details about your future child!!]
Determining the gender of a child works the following way (not taking into consideration modern planets):
Zodiac signs with high likelihood of boys (or masculine girls): Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn
Zodiac signs with high likelihood of girls (or feminine boys): Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Pisces
Zodiac signs with high likelihood of androgynous child: Gemini (50%-50%), Virgo (leaning into feminine), Aquarius (leaning into masculine)
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We are going to use 2 examples to further explain this method of predicting children
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This is Meghan Markle's Childress persona chart
Her 1st house ruler is Saturn, which indicates that her first child is likely to be a boy. Saturn is retrograde in 9th house, which means that he's likely to implement old, abandoned customs of his family in his life (including returning to the Royal family). Additionally, Mars is on the cusp between 8th house and 9th house, which indicate themes of agression & selfishness to be strong in his personality. Meghan's firstborn is a boy named Archie, with Saturn conjuncting his MC and Sun conjuncting his ASC in his Natal Chart.
Her 5th house ruler is Mercury, which indicates that her second child is likely to have an androgynous personality. Mercury is situated in 5th house under the beams of Gemini Sun. This indicates that while her second child has the tendency to express itself as more masculine, it will be overshadowed by his older sibling, as this child's personality is quite weak and not as remarcable. Meghan's secondborn is a girl named Lilibet and she's a Gemini Sun and Aries Moon (so more masculine), but her Moon is in her 8th house, which is an uncomfortable position for the Moon, as it can't express itself that well. Her Moon is also conjuncting Chiron.
While both siblings seem to have a common ground (both of their ruling planets are in air signs), their planets don't aspect each other. They are similar, yet they likely won't have a close relationship. Meghan's firstborn has a stellium in 9th house (which is located in the upper half of the chart, traditionally ruled by the Sun), while her second born has only Mercury and Sun in 5th house (which are located in the lower half of the chart, traditionally ruled by the Moon). This means that Archie will likely lead a public life, full of intense events, while Lilibet will likely lead a private life, full of important events, but not as intense.
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This is my mom's Childress persona chart
Her 1st house ruler is Mars, which indicates that her first child is likely to be a boy. Mars is located in 3rd house, conjuncting IC. This means that her firstborn is likely to attend a unique school or be interested in studying an unique subject, which will change the "bloodline" so to speak. I'm a Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon (so heavy masculine energy), and Uranus is one of my most dominant planets. My parents sent me to a school where all the subjects where taught in German, despite living in a completely different country (and a small town too!). When i was in high school, i discovered my passion for astrology. Neither of my parents are interested in astrology; i inherited this passion from my grandmother (Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn, which is the planets of elders).
Her 5th house ruler is Jupiter (ruler of Pisces), which indicates that her second child is likely to be a girl. Jupiter is located in 11th house, conjuncting Saturn. This means that her secondborn is likely to have a black-and-white kinda personality. Sometimes they might overindulge when using technology, hanging out with friends or doing charity work/volunteering, other times they might abstain from it. My younger sibling is a boy, but he has a Pisces stellium in 12th house (Uranus is also part of his stellium). He's been playing video games for hours on end since he was very young and he still does it even now (Saturn indicates longevity too). He loves new technologies, but also old ones.
While Mars and Saturn are in both air signs and air houses, they are trining each other too. This means that me and my sibling are very similar, while we also have a close relationship (which is true). Saturn person is more likely to be the glue in this connection, while Mars person is more likely to mind their own business, but they will pay attention to Saturn person when they seek him out. My brother initiates convos with me waay more often than i do with him, but i love listening to him. When i initiate convos with him, it's more on a whim.
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations 🧡🧡🧡
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
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🧡🧡 If you’re a woman, your partner doesn’t really see you as Venus sign in THEIR natal chart. They see you as your Venus sign in your OWN natal chart. So your partner could have Libra Venus in their natal chart right? But you have natal Virgo Venus, resulting in your partner complimenting how good you just naturally look, how humble, grounded, down to earth you are. Your partners compliment you based on traits of your OWN natal Venus, not their this is my main point.
🧡🧡 The amount of Cancer over the 8th house and Moon in the 8th house people who almost prefer just laying next to their partner, resting their head on their chest, lap along with cuddling over sex is really quite something. They really crave the comfortable intimacy of laying next to someone.
🧡🧡 Meanwhile, Scorpio Moon can really love physical act of passionate, more aggressive sex, but could also switch and just prefer caressing, kissing and cuddling in bed as well. So I think they can go either/or.
🧡🧡 If you have Solar Return Aries Moon that year, it’s best to start a project that you only will have FULL control over it. This is also what helps Aries Moon stay MOTIVATED (because this is what they mostly struggle with), that of they won’t do it, no one else is there to save them or do it for them.
🧡🧡 Often that person who a lot of people get a bit intimidated by or always feel like this friend will go on and do great things in life that could be significant have Leo Rising or Rising at a Leo degree (5, 17, 29).
🧡🧡 Often in family relations, there runs a Sun conjunct Rising connection. You could be Scorpio Rising and your sister for example could be Aries Sun, have Sun aspect Mars or Sun aspect Pluto or Sun in the 8th house.
🧡🧡 I noticed also that in marriage people could not only go for Sun sign of their Jupiter sign, but also the OPPOSITE sign as well. For example: Virgo Jupiter could end up marrying Virgo Sun, but also Pisces Sun as well.
🧡🧡 I’m really starting to think that Aries MC, Aries over the 10th house, Mars in the 10th house and Mars Saturn aspect even can make you seem a bit like a “mean girl”. These people are often so compromising in their family relations and with their partner, but the public can too often “demonize” them or they make them see like the bad guy. This was well apparent in the media by the treatment of Meghan Markle.
🧡🧡 In Solar Return when you are unemployed or just starting your new job, there is often Saturn in the 6th house in that year’s Solar Return chart. But if you are employed, it indicates great duties and responsibilities that you are met with in the workplace, such as becoming a team leader or manager, supervisor. Not necessarily becoming boss though, since it’s located in the 6th house (subordinate position).
🧡🧡 Aries Moon people are so good at impersonating others, they get everything down to the smallest gestures or voice. But when they do it, people often get riled up because they do it confidently as well, so others often end up feeling like the Aries Moon person is mocking them.
🧡🧡 For creating more wealth and generating money in a particular year, don’t just look at Venus position and 2nd house. Check your Part of Fortune sign and house, degree. If you have Part of Fortune in the 1st house, start a lot of new projects, when you will experience new beginnings, when you are pioneering something that there’s a gap in or be spontaneous and decide to earn money, that is when you will find the most abundance.
🧡🧡 Also, another unique correlation I noticed you might earn more money on days the Moon is in the sign of your Part of Fortune. If you have Sagittarius Part of Fortune in the 1st house at a Gemini degree, you might earn more or have better opportunities to gain money when the Moon is in Sagittarius, Aries and Gemini.
🧡🧡 Libra over the 2nd house might not even be that great at cooking overall, but they are really good at baking and making desserts. Also these people really prefer is their spouse, committed partner cooks for them. They might not enjoy cooking on their own that much.
🧡🧡 Libra Moon and Libra IC, even IC at Libra degree (7, 19) needs to learn how to speak up in partnerships. They might postpone it for too long and not really speak up for themselves. But as soon as you notice something that seems to you as unfairness, not equal treatment, stand up for yourself. And even in friendships if you also have Chiron in 3rd or the 11th house along with that as well.
🧡🧡 I think when Hailey Bieber talked about how one of the best things being married to Justin Bieber is the companionship and being married to your best friend, this to me is peak Cancer over the 8th house or Moon in the 8th house energy.
🧡🧡 Every Aries Moon talks about their projects as “their babies”, like they just had a newborn. 😂
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
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catmarlowastrology · 1 year
⭐️ Meghan Markle's Natal Chart: Why Fate May Not Be in Her Favor 🗞🔏
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Note: This article is purely speculative and intended for entertainment purposes.
Meghan Markle has been a polarizing figure ever since she stepped into the royal limelight. As someone who has both fans and critics, Meghan’s life path is a fascinating one to explore. While there are countless explanations for her divisive reputation, astrology provides a unique window into the traits and tendencies that may have guided her life.
🦁 Sun in Leo
Meghan’s Sun is in Leo, a sign known for its charisma, pride, and desire for attention. Leos are born leaders, craving the limelight and often receiving it due to their magnetic personalities. However, Leo's constant craving for attention can also be their downfall, as it may alienate those who feel overshadowed. Meghan’s Sun in the 1st house, which governs self-identity and ego, amplifies these Leo characteristics. This suggests that she naturally gravitates towards roles that place her center stage, whether people like it or not.
🌖 Moon in Libra
With her Moon in Libra in the 3rd house, Meghan is emotionally wired to seek harmony and balance in her relationships. Libras are natural mediators, craving peace above all else. But, this could also be the root of some of her challenges. Her desire for peace can sometimes translate into a "people-pleasing" nature, which might be seen as inauthentic or opportunistic. The 3rd house placement emphasizes communication, suggesting that Meghan values diplomacy but might not always say what she genuinely feels.
🦀 Cancer Rising
Her Ascendant in Cancer at 24° brings a need for emotional security and a strong sense of home and family. This could explain her seemingly quick exit from royal life, often referred to as "Megxit." As the sign ruling the home, Cancer craves security and emotional bonds. The clash between Meghan's Leo Sun and Cancer Ascendant can create an internal struggle between her need for attention and her desire for emotional security, leading to complex life choices that not everyone may understand.
⚔️ Mars in the 12th House
With her Mars in Cancer in the 12th house, Meghan’s assertiveness often plays out behind the scenes. The 12th house is often referred to as the house of “hidden enemies,” suggesting that she could unknowingly attract adversarial forces. This may also indicate a tendency to internalize conflict, leading to emotional turmoil.
🌒 Crescent Moon Phase
With a crescent moon phase at 52°, Meghan is constantly in a state of growth and challenges. While she does have opportunities for triumph, the angle suggests she needs to work hard for her victories, often facing obstacles along the way.
🔮 The Natal Promise
Given Meghan's Sun, Moon, and Ascendant, along with her other planetary placements, we see a life destined for attention but fraught with emotional ups and downs.
Her 3rd house focus — Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, and Moon — indicates that communication will play a crucial role in defining her reputation. The 3rd house often refers to short trips, siblings, and communication; suggesting that her destiny might include lots of travel, which we’ve seen, but also an emphasis on her relationships with family members, friends, and the media.
The presence of Pluto in the 4th house also suggests transformative experiences related to her home and family life, which we've witnessed through her public struggles with the royal family.
Meghan Markle’s chart shows the promise of a life that’s anything but ordinary. While she has the charisma to win hearts, her natal chart also suggests a magnet for controversy and emotional challenges.
If you found this article enlightening and wish to delve deeper into the unique aspects of your own astrological makeup, you can purchase a Natal Promise Report. This specialized report provides an in-depth analysis of your natal chart, highlighting the promise, challenges, and opportunities that are astrologically encoded in your birth chart.
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astropolo1 · 1 year
The Enigmatic Yod in Astrology: A "Finger of Fate" in Your Birth Chart
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In the mystical realm of astrology, there exists a captivating and rare phenomenon known as a Yod. Often referred to as the "finger of God" or "finger of fate," the Yod is a distinctive triangular pattern formed by three planets or points in a birth chart. This enigmatic configuration comprises two planets harmoniously aligned at 60 degrees (sextile) and a third planet precisely positioned 150 degrees away from the others (quincunx or inconjunct). Together, these angles create a complete circle in the chart, forming the shape of a triangle, with one point almost opposite and the other two 60 degrees apart from each other.
Initially regarded as a minor pattern in astrology, the Yod has garnered increasing attention in recent times for its intriguing implications. Individuals blessed with a Yod in their birth charts often lead lives characterized by intensity and dynamism, perpetually adapting to ever-changing circumstances. Remarkably, some famous personalities, including Prince, Princess Diana, her sons William and Harry, and Meghan Markle, bear Yods in their natal charts.
Within the realm of astrology, the presence of a Yod suggests a potential spiritual mission or purpose in one's life. While our choices actively shape our destinies, the birth chart serves as a guiding map, revealing some of the spiritual challenges and assignments we may encounter on our personal journey of growth and self-discovery.
Unraveling the Dynamics of a Yod
In the realm of astrology, a Yod is a complex configuration involving three or more planets, making its effects potentially chaotic and challenging to navigate. Typically, planets in a birth chart strive for balance and compromise. However, in a Yod, a 150-degree quincunx aspect connects zodiac signs that seemingly have no common ground. This inherent lack of equilibrium often leads to frustration and decision-making dilemmas, as each choice appears to come with a corresponding sacrifice.
Astrologers describe the Yod as a "crisis in timing" because the three zodiac signs involved possess different energies and do not communicate harmoniously. Activating a Yod presents multiple paths for an individual to respond to challenges, yet resolving the inherent tension may require one of the planets to act in a way that contradicts its natural inclinations, leading to a sense of discomfort.
The Mystique of Yods in Astrology
Yods hold an aura of mystique in astrology, as individuals with Yods in their birth charts are believed to be destined for something extraordinary. They possess a unique role in the world, often drawing attention to patterns that have remained unnoticed for prolonged periods. Even if they do not fully comprehend or actively pursue their purpose, their mere presence disrupts the established order of things, leaving an indelible impact.
Exploring the Yod in Your Birth Chart
Curious to uncover if you possess a Yod in your birth chart? You can easily do so by visiting Astro.com and entering your birth details. If you have one or more Yods in your chart, they will be visually represented as tall, slender triangles outlined in green.
For those who have been grappling with persistent challenges seemingly beyond resolution—be it custody battles, unfinished writing projects, or complex love relationships—a Yod in your birth chart may offer vital insights and clues to better understand and navigate these hurdles.
The Yod, a celestial enigma, invites us to ponder the mysteries of fate, destiny, and our individual spiritual missions. Embrace the unique configuration in your birth chart and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as you navigate the intriguing interplay of the celestial forces in your life.
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flickeringart · 3 years
The Megxit Drama
A peek at Meghan Markle’s chart
The British Royal Family has certainly been the subject of dramatic events recently – Prince Harry and Meghan Markle doing an interview with Oprah in order to explain their break with “family”, royal duties and royal life – revealing quite unsavory things sufficient to depict the firm, staff and members of the family in a bad light. Essentially, Meghan was retelling her traumatic experiences of being treated unfairly, feeling trapped, being subjected to racism, getting no help in times of emotional crisis and robbed of freedom, while her husband Harry passively went along confirming all of it. Whatever the truth is, they certainly painted themselves as victims – compassionate and good-natured. They attempted to remain respectful to the people involved in the story, yet if actions speak louder than words, they certainly weren’t particularly “respectful” by throwing the Royal Family under the bus with this interview. The couple has gotten a lot of backlash as people are disinclined to buy their narrative, partly because both seem to be quite self-serving under the guise of selflessness. Meghan made it clear during the interview that she didn’t know much about life as royalty and went into it all surprisingly clueless, almost setting herself up for disappointment. One could assume that by committing to such a structured existence as becoming a royal, that one would do the homework and at the very least expect to give up the privilege of being “an ordinary person” in favor of being of service. The British Monarchy obviously has symbolic value more than anything else, which is not to say that it’s unimportant or trivial. Symbols carry meaning and the Royal Family upholds that meaning through attempting to embody it physically. The members are not supposed to be inflated and begin to believe that they in and of themselves are princes and princesses or whatever titles they are given. They are supposed to serve the titles rather than the titles serving them.  In becoming a part of this symbol of divine reign, one merges with something far greater than the limited self. One serves to uphold an image that is immortal, ancient and has a function in the psyche of the British people. I dare assume that Meghan didn’t fully grasp this concept and went into it all with far more attitude than people would like – perhaps understandably so considering her lack of experience of monarchy. Prince Harry seemingly got pulled along with it all, presumably wanting to rescue his wife from that which killed his mother while piggybacking on the momentum of the situation and metaphorically breaking free from the “limiting container” of the institution. Harry said in the interview that he felt sorry for his father and his brother being trapped by their roles, which seems like a desperate attempt to try to gain some significance, to end up in the role of the hero and avoid living in the “shadow” of more prominent members of the family. People generally seek significance in some way and will come up with the most creative attempts to cast themselves in the role of superiority, whether it’s through victimhood, humility, bravery, sacrifice or anything else that elevates the self in some way. Whether someone’s behavior stems from an attempt to make up for the lack within or not can be hard to spot, but considering the skepticism the interview has been met with – and the scrutiny (and ridicule) that it has been exposed to – it is safe to say that people’s gut feeling tells them that something is not quite right.
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(The chart of Meghan Markle on astrotheme.com)
Meghan Markle has been accused of a lot of things, of twisting the truth, of exaggerating in order to further her own agenda, of being self-serving and manipulative. Some call her “narcissistic” – which is the “usual” label thrown at anyone who lacks genuine care for others, stirs up drama and drags other people through the mud in order to benefit themselves. However, her behavior might not be intentional, but compulsive. After all, no one is 100% sure of why they’re the way they are, whether it’s deemed good or bad by society at large. Where the line is drawn between intentional and unintentional is unclear, yet the odors of shady business and dishonorable motives can be sensed – and people don’t usually like being “sold” something that isn’t what it seems. Generally people don’t appreciate being deceived, which is obviously why the backlash has been so extreme.
She has quite a charming and radiating outer appearance, which is typical of someone with their Sun in the 1st, and in its domicile at that. She also has the sweet and innocent “puppy eyed” look of a Cancer Rising, which displays emotion and vulnerability. It’s not surprising that she pursued an acting career before meeting Harry. The spotlight-seeking Leo Sun in the 1st house of self, the Moon-Saturn-Jupiter stellium in the artistic sign of Libra in the 3rd house of communication and (inter)action, as well as the boundless imaginative Neptune in the 5th house of creativity all contribute to the personality of the actress. Considering that she has an emphasis on Leo and Libra, it’s safe to say that she was in it for the refinement, admiration and class that being an actress could provide. She thrives on positive attention, and is undoubtedly sensitive to discord. With a Cancer Rising and a Libra Moon, she craves gentility and fairness, for everything to be “ok” socially. Cancer is a cardinal sign, and although it’s quite emotional, it’s also very active and motivated to create safety for the self. It does this by avoiding direct confrontation, of appealing to people’s caring side. There’s nothing wrong with this, but people might feel as if the Cancer Rising person’s innocence is “put on”. In the interview, Meghan had no problem displaying her own weakness and emphasizing her own vulnerability. She used these attributes to gain esteem, whereas another person of a different nature, with different archetypes protruding, would’ve felt humiliated leading life with that energy. Her Moon is her chart ruler, which makes her emotions the primary focus – in other words her subjective experiences, mutual care, needs and requirements is particularly emphasized in her life. The Moon is in Libra, the cardinal air sign that strives for balance and justice and awareness - especially as it relates to interpersonal relationships. Libra is famous for wanting to keep everything “civilized” and “respectful”. The tight Moon-Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in this sign points to emotional exaggeration (Jupiter) and restriction (Saturn). By entering into a relationship/business deal (Libra) she experienced harshness around her emotions (Moon-Saturn) on a grand scale (Jupiter). On a side note, Capricorn rules the 7th house, indicating that she encounters discipline and structure through partnership. The institution and structure (Saturn) that she entered into through her marriage with Harry (Capricorn in the 7th) would challenge her emotions (Moon) and it put limits on her freedom (Jupiter-Saturn) and affected her overall health (Sagittarius in the 6th).
Meghan has an Aries Midheaven, indicating that her career involves breaking new territory, doing her own thing, leading her own way. This usually doesn’t go over very well when attempting to work for authority. The person usually becomes frustrated and eager to venture out on his or her own. This is exactly what has happened. Her Moon-Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Libra opposes her MC in Aries, which perfectly points to her attempts to keep things civil and non-aggressive (Libra), while coming off as selfish and individualistic to the public (Aries). Aries as a sign is famous for not listening to anyone and moving into unpaved territory, which she certainly has accomplished. The public now sees her as someone who goes her own way – doing her own thing and standing up for herself, for better or for worse. Her Mars is in Cancer, which is why her aggression isn’t direct and rather passively expressed. She has the stereotypical female aggressiveness that implies playing on one’s weakness and hurt in order to wear down the target. It’s also in the 12th house, which hints to it being disowned by the conscious personality. Meghan might have a hard time conceptualizing of herself as a force of impact and might not see how her pent up frustration might become an enemy to herself. She has complained about feeling attacked by the media and this is classic of a 12th house Mars attributing aggressiveness to anything but the self. Attack and unpleasantness seem to flood the person from the unspecified sources, and it can arguable be a horrific experience. In the interview she mentioned feeling suicidal at one point and desperate to not be alone with the threat coming from the outside, her own mind, or both. It’s difficult to attribute the cause to any single factor with planets in the 12th. Mars squares her MC and her Moon-Saturn-Jupiter conjunction which indicates struggle in the psyche concerning her emotional involvement with structure and beliefs, vs. her public image vs. her own fighting spirit. She certainly has confronted and challenged established structure (Mars square Saturn), albeit with an attempt to be “respectful” resulting in a passive-aggressive understanding of everyone’s difficulties and struggles.
The thing that drew her to The Royal Family in the first place must’ve been her Libran urge for class, style, aestheticism and beauty. She undoubtedly found it glamorous and exciting to get to be in the spotlight, to be respected as part of something elevated and glamorous in nature. She probably has a need for spiritual meaning, indicated by her Moon-Jupiter contact – and to have her daily work based on sharing “truth” and “generous” disposal of knowledge gained through experience (Sagittarius in the 6th). She also craves structure and order indicated by her Moon-Saturn contact, which she pursued through partnership (Capricorn in the 7th) with a member of a family with unparalleled saturnian streaks of tradition, custom and regulations. To establish herself within the family would not have been such a terrible idea for her because it could’ve met all of her needs for purpose and order. However, her Mars in the 12th house didn’t allow for this plan to work. One could say that her own self-serving function rebelled after having yielded to outside influences for too long. Planets in the 12th house are usually “given up” to whatever circumstance one is in – which often results in the person acting through being “overcome” by something - pushed into a position of having to act. Meghan declared feeling imposed on by the outside, emotionally unsafe and unwell. The 12th house is the house of self-undoing after all, and her actions might’ve proven to be quite detrimental - perhaps continuing to be. Square aspects, as that between her Mars and Moon-Saturn-Jupiter conjunction stimulates action because it’s indicative of friction. She had to fight (Mars) for her needs (Moon), control and integrity (Saturn) and for her beliefs (Jupiter).
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coilserpent · 2 years
astrology observations pt. 9
cancer/moon in the 2nd house can have fluctuating finances, one time they’re earning above their spendings the next time their income is super low.
theres scorpio moons that don’t prioritize relationships at all and there’s also scorpio moons that are kinda obsessed w/ the idea of a romantic relationship. these are usually swati moons (libra portion, 7th house: partnerships) and vishakha moons. swati’s need someone who isn’t controlled by their ego at all and can hold their short temper lol
i have observed that scorpio/anuradha can be great at doing counseling seminars, they have an ability to bring people together
11th moons feel alienated in a big way from their childhood environment like they don’t align on a spiritual level and morally with those in their natal state or city
I’ve noticed charts that have clutched majority of their planets in the 11th and 12th went through hell and back (mainly emotionally but physically too dependents on the energy in the house) early on in life
i feel like uttara phalguni (sidereal leo) would make good sexologists if there’s heavy 8th energy along with that
chiron in the 10th can make someone fear putting themselves out there and being confident in their abilities to offer quality to others: they fear standing out and saying “i’m here, i will take up space, my work deserves to be seen and valued”.
early degree tropical pisces (sidereal aqua: shatabhisha nakshatra) can have various talents in many areas.
martian women (mirgashrisha, chitra, dhanishta) prioritize their personal development in a relationship and that’s why they’re so hard to pin down - they want to shine outside of the relationship and have something of their own, they don’t want to conform to traditions as opposed to venusian women who have no issue with traditions, they actually love partnerships and aren’t very career-oriented necessarily and they can compromise for the greater of the union. comparison: meghan markle (martian) and kate middleton (venusian)
saturn nakshatras (pushya, anuradha, uttara bhadrapada) love to dress in neutral colors and to look put together even if that’s perceived as not as flavorful they like it!
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houseofbrat · 3 years
Meghan Markle: August 2021 to August 2022
This is a further elaboration of comments I made in this post. 
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This is regarding Meghan’s Varshaphala (annual solar return) chart from August 2021 to August 2022, primarily.
Drekkana descriptions are from James Kelleher’s book The Path of Light: Volume 2.
“Year” refers to the time period between August 2021 and August 2022; it does NOT correspond to the calendar year.
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1. Annual Ascendant/Lagna The annual lagna/ascendant is Virgo, the natural 6th sign of the zodiac, ruled by Mercury. Mercury is in the 11th house closely combust the Sun within 3.5 degrees. This combustion renders Mercury invisible and a bit powerless for the year. The Sun is the 12th house lord and is not a friend to Mercury for this chart. On the positive side, there is a (slightly) mixed shuba kartari yoga (beneficial) to the 11th house, where Mercury and the Sun are placed, since the Moon is in the 10th house and Venus is in the 12th. Mars in the 12th house gives it a bit of mixed influence due to its natural malefic nature.  
The ascendant/lagna nakshatra (lunar mansion) is Hasta, “the hand,” which also happens to be the same nakshatra as her natal Moon. Its shakti is the power to gain what we are seeking and place it in our hand; its desire is to have the gods place their favor in me. The ascendant is within the 2nd drekkana of Virgo, which is described as the following: "A dark man, with hair all over his body, and a piece of cloth around his head. He has a bow in one hand and a pen in the other. He is counting profits and expenditure." This gives a focus on writing, being assertive & angry, and a concern about money for the year.
Notably, both the 4th and 10th houses have papa kartari yogas (detrimental) to them, as they are both hemmed in by malefics. The 4th house is blocked in by Ketu in the 3rd and a retrograde Saturn in the 5th. The 10th house has Rahu (north node) in the 9th and the Sun in the 11th. A combust Mercury may lighten it slightly from its position in the 11th. These two papa kartari yogas—4th and 10th—make for a more difficult year. The 4th house is the house of happiness, and the 10th house is the house of career & activities outside the home.
Virgo has three dharma/purpose lords: Mercury (1st house/self), Saturn (5th house/progeny & past life credit), and Venus (9th house/luck & wisdom). As previously mentioned, Mercury is combust in the 11th house. Saturn is in its own sign, Capricorn, in the 5th house. Venus is in the 12th house and conjunct the 8th house lord, Mars. Mercury does not form a favorable Ithasala yoga with either Saturn or Venus. Instead, Mercury forms a Ishrafa yoga (failure in undertakings; disappointments) with both Saturn (5th and 6th house lord) and the Sun (12th house lord). Venus does not form any Tajika yogas with any planet in this chart.
2. Sun Position The Sun is placed in the 11th house, where it is conjunct the chart ruler, Mercury. The Sun is of medium strength at 8.20 units. The Sun rules the 12th house, which is a house of suffering, this year. The Sun is in Ishrafa yogas (failures, disappointments) with both Saturn and Mercury. Neither Saturn nor Mercury are friends to the Sun. The Ishrafa yoga with the Saturn connects the Sun, as 12th house lord, to the 5th house/progeny and the 6th/debt and enemies. The Ishrafa yoga with Mercury connects the Sun, again as 12th lord, to the 1st house/self and 10th house/career.
3. Muntha The Muntha (progressed ascendant) is placed in the 3rd house/communication. This position can indicate success through effort. The Muntha is placed in Scorpio, the natural 8th sign, which is indicative of sudden changes and turmoil. The Muntha is conjunct the Rahu-Ketu axis and is aspected by its own sign ruler, Mars. The aspect of Mars on the Muntha likely indicates quarrels, mental agony, and excessive expenditure. The Muntha is conjunct Ketu, which is karaka/indicator of losses & paranoia, and is not considered a positive aspect.
The Muntha lord, Mars, is placed in the 12th house, Leo. Leo is the sign associated with royalty. The 12th house is the house of loss and is generally considered a house of suffering. The Muntha lord in the 12th house is an adverse position. This generally indicates a loss in status.
Further, Mars is placed in Magha nakshatra, whose symbol is a throne room. This reinforces a loss in royal status. Mars is placed in the 1st drekkana of Leo, which describes the following: “A jackal and a vulture on a salmali tree. There is also a dog and a man wearing dirty clothes. The man is crying and leaving his parents.” This loss of status will likely provoke an emotion of alienation.
4. Year Lord Mercury is the Year Lord in addition to the chart ruler. Mercury’s focus to the year will likely be on new undertakings, attempted recognition through communication, and an attempt to elevate her professional status. Mercury is strong at 10.71 units; although, it is still combust in the 11th house and involved with two Ishrafa yogas.
Mercury is in Ashlesha nakshatra. Ashlesha is known as “the clinging,” “the entwiner,” and/or “the embracing.” Its symbol is a coiled snake, and its shakti is the power to poison. Its desire is to overcome its enemies. This nakshatra has a heavy association with poison and deception. Ashlesha people can feel unappreciated by partners, but it can be the other way around where they do not appreciate others.
Mercury is in the third/last drekkana of Cancer: "A man with a flat face, wearing jewelry, who has a snake coiled around him. He is on a boat, crossing the ocean, searching for his wife's jewels." This is a serpent drekkana, which can indicate someone bound by their circumstances (snake coiled around) and/or deceptive and manipulative qualities. Great effort is also indicated (crossing the ocean) along with being subservient to partner (searching for [partner]’s jewels.
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Looking at the Dashamsha chart (chart for career/associated with 10th house), the Dashamsha lagna/ascendant is Libra with Mercury placed in the 1st house. There is a papa kartari yoga to the 1st house and Mercury in this divisional chart. Mars and Ketu are in the 2nd house while the Sun is in the 12th. Given that Mercury is the year lord, the experience of the career and activities outside the home is likely to be difficult. 
Further, the Dashamsha chart ruler, which is Venus, is placed in the 6th house/struggles & enemies and conjunct the 6th house lord (Jupiter). This also seems to indicate a struggle for the year. Lastly, the Dashamsha lagna and Mercury are in the 1st drekkana of Libra, which has a business focus while concentrating on profits, “He is thinking about their prices and the profits he can make with them.”
5. Annual Ascendant/Lagna to Natal Chart Virgo is the 3rd house of Meghan’s natal chart. Her natal Virgo/3rd house contains Moon, Saturn, and Jupiter. The Moon in her natal chart is her ascendant/lagna ruler or chart ruler. The third house emphasis will be on communication and her courage or cowardice.
6. Natal Ascendant/Lagna to Annual Chart Her natal ascendant is Cancer, which is the 11th house of this annual chart. The Moon is located in the 10th house, which is under the previously mentioned papa karatari yoga in section 1. This is a dark Moon, only 24% full, which means it’s not very visible. Also, a dark Moon such as this is more malefic than benefic. The Moon benefits from an Ithasala yoga with Jupiter, ruler of the 4th/home and 7th (partner) houses; however, the Moon is also in an Ithasala yoga with Mars, which is lord of the 3rd/communication and 8th/sudden change houses. Hence, she is likely to experience sudden changes with her partner, home, and career since all three planets (Moon, Mars, Jupiter) are connected.
7. Natal Maha Dasa Ruler Meghan is currently running the Maha Dasa (time period) of Jupiter. Jupiter is placed in the 6th house/struggle & enemies, where it is also retrograde. Jupiter rules the 4th/home and 7th/partner houses; it is the karaka/indicator of husband and children. Jupiter is in Aquarius in Dhanishta nakshatra. Dhanishta means “the wealthy” generally and tends to be a problematic nakshatra for marriage in general. Jupiter is in the 1st drekkana of Aquarius. Hence, the same indications of the Jupiter from Prince William’s 2021 Varshaphala chart: travel, living on the misfortune of others; insecurity about basic survival; suggestion of mental instability; insulated & protected. These would apply particularly to the spouse, since Jupiter rules the 7th house and is the indicator of husbands.
As previously mentioned, Jupiter has an Ithasala yoga with the Moon, but Jupiter has a Ishrafa yoga (disappointments & failures) with Mars. Jupiter, the 7th house/marriage, is connected with the 8th house/scandal & sudden changes.
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Looking at the Varshaphala navamsa (marriage) chart, it has a Taurus lagna/ascendant with Venus (navamsa ruler) in the 6th house/conflict. Venus is also the karaka/indicator of marriage and the placement of Venus in the 6th house is not good for marriage. Venus is in the 3rd drekkana of Libra, which is aggressive. Moreover, the 7th house of the navamsa has the 8th lord (Jupiter for this navamsa chart) in it. The 1st and 7th houses of the navamsa also have the Rahu-Ketu axis in them, which does not bode well for the marriage. The tenor of the navamsa chart tends to confirm the negative indications of the Ishrafa yoga between Jupiter and Mars.
8. Major Transits Meghan has a natal ascendant/lagna of Cancer. Her natal Moon is in Virgo in her 3rd house. Saturn, which is an inimical planet to her chart, has been transiting her 7th house since January 2020, when Saturn moved into Capricorn. Saturn rules both the 7th and 8th houses for a Cancer lagna. Even though Saturn rules her 7th house, its placement in the 7th house will—and likely has been—creating stresses and problems. Jupiter, which is a friend to her Cancer lagna, is currently in her 8th house but will retrograde back into her 7th house/Capricorn in mid-September until 20 November. Jupiter rules her 6th/struggle and 9th/luck houses. Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn. From late November (2021) until 13 April 2022, Jupiter will be transiting Aquarius, which is her 8th house from lagna (ascendant). November 2021 until April 2022 will likely be much tougher for her since the planet of luck, Jupiter, is in a difficult house (8th). Jupiter will later be transiting its own sign of Pisces from April 2022 until April 2023, which would be more beneficial to her.
Additionally, the lunar nodes (Rahu & Ketu) are transiting the signs of Taurus and Scorpio until 17 March 2022. This is significant because Meghan has her (Jaimini) house padas in these two signs. Her arudha lagna (public lagna) is in Scorpio, while her 7th house pada is in Taurus. The nodes traveling through these two signs are bringing turmoil & disruption to her 1st (self) and 7th (marriage) houses, particularly as seen by the public.
9. Corroboration with 2021 Maha Tithi Pravesha chart Looking at a different kind of annual chart to see what kind of corroboration there is with the Varshaphala chart.
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This chart has a Libra lagna/ascendant in Swati nakshatra. Swati’s shakti is the power to scatter like the wind. The wind can be restless, and this may bring an unfocused, scattered, or ungrounded quality to the year. The lagna degree is in the 1st drekkana of Libra. "A man who is sitting in a shop on the roadway. He is skilled in using small balances to weigh and measure things. He has gold and diamonds in his hands to be weighed. He is thinking about their prices & the profits he can make with them." Again, there is a focus on what profits can be made, similar to what her Varshaphala (solar return) career divisional (dashamsha) chart suggested.
Venus, the ruler of the chart (and Libra), is placed in the 12th house/Virgo, where it is debilitated. Venus is in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra. Uttara Phalguni has the shakti of wealth and accumulation through marriage. Given that Venus is debilitated in Virgo and placed in the house of loss (12th), it would appear unlikely that wealth would be obtained this year. Instead, it appears that it would likely be lost. Additionally, Venus also rules the 8th house (Taurus), which is the house of the partner’s wealth. Seems fair to say that money will be wasted, and financial losses will be happening. The financial fluctuation and losses appear to be confirmed by Rahu’s presence in the 8th house. Further, consider this debilitated Venus’s placement in Virgo’s 1st drekkana. "A virgin girl who is wearing dirty clothes although she desires nice clothes and money. She is carrying a pot of flowers and is going to her teacher's home." There is the likelihood of a tainted reputation (“dirty clothes”) with a strong desire for wealth (“desires nice clothes and money”). With everything mentioned so far, it looks as if Meghan will have a serious loss of reputation and wealth.
Mars is ruler of the 7th house/marriage & partner. Mars is placed in Leo conjunct Mercury, the 12th ruler (loss), and aspected by Jupiter, ruler of the 6th/enemies. Mars is located in Purva Phalguni nakshatra, whose desire is to have the best share amongst the gods. Purva Phalguni is a “community” property nakshatra, associated with earnings. Mars is a natural malefic placed in this nakshatra, which indicates a likelihood of having a difficulty acquiring earnings and/or “community” property. Mars is also placed in the 2nd drekkana of Leo, which is a weapon drekkana. This tends to indicate that the spouse, as represented by Mars, will be aggressive about any “community” property and earnings.
The chart does have Shasha Yoga, which is Saturn in its own sign in the 4th house, which should strengthen the home and residence. However, the chart does have Shakata yoga, which is seen by Jupiter and the Moon in a 6/8 relationship. This can bring about sudden changes.
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Looking at the navamsa (marriage divisional chart), we see a Sagittarius lagna with its ruler, Jupiter, placed in the 12th house. There is a shuba kartari yoga to the navamsa lagna since Jupiter is in the 12th and Venus is in the 2nd house. This strengthens the chart. However, Jupiter is in the 12th house, which is the house of loss, and receives aspects by three malefics—Ketu, Saturn, and Mars. Given that the 12th house is a house of suffering, this notes that the marriage is going to suffer. There is also a Shakata yoga in this navamsa since Jupiter and the Moon are in a 6/8 relationship again. There will likely be sudden changes within the marriage.
10. Overall ~ looks like Meghan is very focused on money this year ~ will likely have sudden changes in her life, such as a change in finances ~ sudden change to her marriage, aka separation/divorce ~ will suffer a loss in royal status, which could be prior to the separation/divorce announcement.
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honeyleesblog · 2 years
leo zodiac traits
When temperatures are skyrocketing, nothing appeals more than lazing about near a glimmering body of water, and it's tougher than ever to focus on work thanks to peak summertime FOMO, it's obviously Leo season. Annually, approximately between July 23 and August 22, the sun moves through the fifth sign of the zodiac, Leo, symbolized by the regal Lion.
In the heart of summer, our minds drift away from the must-dos and the organizational details of life and toward spontaneous hangs with friends, whimsical, impromptu road trips, vacations (or staycations), summer romance, and posting poolside thirst traps — all the playful, lighthearted pleasures of the sunniest season. This passionate, fun-loving energy is informed by Leo, a fire sign associated with light, love, confidence, buoyant and positive vibes and the tendency to take bold action or transform everyday life into a vibrant, colorful, drama-packed stage. These traits are owed to Leo's ruling luminous celestial body, the sun, which oversees image, identity, personal style, vitality, and self-esteem.
A few charismatic, optimistic, and natural born leaders who were born under Leo: Meghan Markle, Gina Rodriguez, Jennifer Lopez, Monica Lewinsky, Jennifer Lawrence, Demi Lovato, and Cara Delevingne are all astrologically influenced to claim the spotlight, using their empowered voices to express what's in their big hearts while inspiring and cheering on others to do the same.
Here, everything you need to know about the loyal, generous, charismatic sign.
Leo Personality Traits Those born between July 23 and August 22 can generally assume that their sun sign is Leo. (It's not definitive, because the sun moves between signs on different days annually.) Also note that while we tend to refer to ourselves as our sun sign, it's just one detail of a natal chart, which is basically a unique snapshot of the sky when you were born. But it's a detail that helps color your core sense of self, identity, personal style, self-esteem and confidence.
The star of the zodiac Typical sun in Leo traits include being confident, comfortable being the center of attention, drama-adoring, ambitious, loyal, fiercely protective of their nearest and dearest, generous, luxury-loving, sunny, and big-hearted. Their characteristics reflect themes covered by the Fifth House of Romance and Self-Expression, which Leo rules. The Fifth House oversees leisurely fun, creativity, children, pleasure, and the most spirited, effervescent expressions of love and sex, like flirting and dating.
The natural-born leader Since the vitality-bringing, confidence-enhancing sun has such a clear impact on Leo's personality, the fire sign tends to go toward opportunities to run whatever literal or figurative show they're most drawn to. They'll naturally slide into an executive position, guiding a team effortlessly from the front of any room, decide they can make a real difference by running for local government, or aspire to see their name in lights as the headliner of a hit production. But just as readily as they might seek to lead and soak up attention and applause, they'll shine their blinding, perpetually warm inner light on those around them, throwing themselves into planning an OTT celebration for a loved one with all the most gasp-worthy decor and gourmet bites, devote time and money to a favorite charity, or plan (and shell out for) a memorable, lavish anniversary getaway with their true love. After all, when it comes to following their hearts and setting themselves up for the ultimate fun, pleasurable, fancypants experience, dynamic, life-loving Leos will spare no expense.
The fixed fire sign Every sign is assigned a quality (cardinal, mutable, or fixed), which explains the sign's basic energy. There's a cardinal, mutable, and fixed sign within every element (fire, earth, air, water). Leo is the fixed one of the fire group, which gives them a hard-headed, resolute, and rock-steady perspective on anything they're attached to. They often get set in their ways and might need extra motivation to change course midstream.
Leo's best personality traits: Full of life, commanding the spotlight in a way that's sure to entertain, engage, and inspire others, independent-minded, and mesmerizingly fun to be around, you can rely on Leos in your circle to help you see the bright side of any situation and feel fired up and ready to take on the world. They are the positive self- and body image crusaders of the zodiac. They're the charming boss with a big heart who understands a healthy work-life balance is the ultimate key to productivity. They're the friend who will chase relentlessly after a starry-eyed dream they've had since junior high and then actually make it a reality.
Leo's worst personality traits: Leo's innate self-confidence and bold, take-charge ways can absolutely manifest in a problematic way from time to time. They can be self-focused to a fault, vain, narcissistic, domineering, and greedy. When they lack self-awareness, they can be frustratingly narrow-minded, knee-jerking to unfounded and roaring egomania. They can also descend into a gloomy mood, likely as a result of feeling like they're not getting the attention, credit, or respect they deserve. The fix: perfecting their self-love and self-soothing routine.
12 Leo Celebrities Who Exude Big ion Energy What Leos Are Like in Love & Bed Leo's romance style If your date has major, pie-in-the-sky dreams about being a New York Times bestselling author or TikTok star, has an Insta grid filled with a notable number of selfies, and a voracious appetite for fancy weekend getaways or, at the very least, the bites from the best restaurants in town, you're likely seeing someone born under the influence of sunny, dynamic, self-assured, charismatic Leo energy. The fire sign is passionate and easily, naturally shines wherever they go, and potential partners or significant others of a Leo will revel in their warm, joyful light. As much as they tend to seek resounding applause from the world, they'll be most content if they feel fawned over by someone they're equally wild about. Embracing life's simplest and grandest moments with a lover they share magical, sparkly chemistry with is the stuff Leo fantasies are made of. Anyone hoping to move forward in a relationship with a Leo would do well to lean into optimism, a love of living, and an appreciation for luxury, as even the most modest lion would adore the regal treatment.
That said, Leo's perfect date is one you might imagine playing out in your favorite rom-com. That might include procuring the most gasp-worthy, gorgeous roses, dinner reservations at the trendiest spot in town, or taking a spontaneous trip to a beach side town that's undeniably cinematic. In less socially-distanced times, tickets to a movie premiere or front row seats at an exciting concert — where they can flaunt their contagious dance moves — would also appeal, and because they love being the star of the show in a group, they'll rarely pass on a party invitation.
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the-empress-7 · 3 years
Hi Empress! Since you're into astrology what are your thoughts on birth charts? I think that's the proper name. Have you looked at Megan's? Did it tell/confirm things for you?
Yes, her chart matches who she is in many ways. It's how I know the birthdate is the right one, so no she is not 44, she will turn 40 in August. Here are some articles that I think break down her personality using astrology quite well.
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Why Meghan Markle is Being Such a Jerk—An Astrological Study
First of all, if you have never read my website, I am not politically correct. If you are a snowflake who is “hurt” by strong sentiments, please stop reading now. If you are still here, I will tell you why I have such a strong message in my title.
First of all, there is a sociological aspect to Meghan’s complaints. Yes, the world has been racist. Yes, there are bigoted morons in the world. Yes, a public figure will be criticized unfairly. Look at Melania Trump. So, when Meghan made the decision to marry Harry and partake of the wealth and fame of the royal family, she was, in effect, signing up for these unfortunate societal things.
People say she can’t have her cake and eat it too. I agree. She was not famous before her marriage. She did not have the same level of public voice before her marriage. These are part of the benefits. The drawbacks are that people target you. Anyone should know this. Therefore, it is hard to feel sympathy for her. However, if she truly does not want to be a royal, she should give up the title and become a private citizen. This includes giving up the wealth and status.
That is my opinion, but that is not why I am writing this article. This article will show WHY she is doing this; why she is so clueless. We can see this in her natal chart. I have, also, done a synastry with Harry. I cannot see how this marriage can work. It is a synastry from hell. I have posted the synastry above but I have an article on it and I will link it.
For now, we will look at her natal chart. To put it very simply, Meghan is an egomaniac with an inferiority complex. Meghan is not how she appears, through no fault of her own. She has a chart with a full bottom half–i.e planets occupying the lower half of the chart. This is the chart of an introvert. An introvert needs to accept that she is an introvert. If not, she will be skating on thin ice on which she cannot navigate. Meghan tries to have a “big personality” and it is not her natural state.
Now, we have to add the Leo Sun, which does have a big personality i.e a big show. However, the rest of her chart is introverted. That means she is very self focused, through no fault of her own. It is the chart energies. However, she takes everything very personally and this is not a good omen for being a royal. All royals get hammered in the press. Fergie was called fat. Diana was called dumb. Charles was called ugly and a loser. Camellia was called a dog. If people harrass Meghan for being mixed race, which I have not seen, it is simply the ejaculations of ignorant moronic people–nothing more or less than the treatment of other royals.However, due to the fact that Meghan takes things so personally, it is almost impossible for her to shake it off.
Now, I can relate to her on this.She has the dreaded Cancer Mars. It is a very hard Mars. Hers is much harder due to the placement in the 12th House. Cancer Mars may be the flu, but Cancer Mars in the 12th house is Ebola. I will explain why.
Cancer Mars is a Cardinal Mars, so we have leadership and strength. However, the sign of Cancer is an inward oriented sign. When Cancer Mars gets angry, they stuff it. They stuff it and stuff it and then they either explode or implode. Usually, they implode. They can do self destructive acts like overeat(very common) or just make fools of themselves because they did not deal with a normal emotion(anger) in a forthright and direct way.
One trait of the Cancer Mars is passive aggression. There are few that are as “talented” in passive aggression as is a Cancer Mars. It is simply the nature of how this Mars handles strong emotions. Hence, when Meghan blindsided the Queen, I bet anger had been building up for a long time and Meghan did not know how to handle it in a direct way. I do give her a pass, in a sense, because her Mars is in a very suppressed house, the 12th house. Hence, for her to take direct action is like a poodle flying a plane. It is almost impossible.
Now, we have her family—URGG.This is not her fault. She has a very non nurturing relationship with her mother. I feel very sad when I see this. Everyone needs to be nurtured. When you are not, the pain runs very deep. It makes you into a kind of mutant. Weird things come out of you as a result. You are not “totally right”. No one is really “totally right” but people who are not nurtured try to receive nurturing in ways that are not healthy for them. This can result in poor choices and poor planning. I don’t think Meghan thought out the ramifications of being a royal. Poor planning is a big part of her current problem.
I can see her relationship with her mother in the Moon/Saturn conjunction.She has Moon/Jupiter which does give her a bubbly personality and this is very real, but her mother was not her friend. Her mother was very critical of her. In return, she is very critical of herself.
Also, we see she had a unstable childhood due to the Pluto in the 4th house. There was violence in some form, perhaps suppressed, but it was an unsafe home.
She is somewhat low in water. She has one personal planet in water. Water gives us empathy. Hence, her empathy to others is not huge. I am not saying she does not have empathy, but it is not a very string trait. If we combine this with introversion, it points to a very self focused person. If you are a royal, it would be hell if you could not “shrug off” the criticism. This is one of the major problems she is facing now and why she is acting like a “spoiled brat” to all outward appearances.
Her father was good to her. She gets along better with men than women. I don’t think she trusts women. Hence, she and Kate and she and the Queen must have a cool detente. This is not her fault. It is the nature of her chart.
Lastly, her highly afflicted Mars squares her Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. This makes the relationship with women so much harder than for most people in the population. It makes her much more critical of herself. It makes her doubt herself a great deal. Hence, we see someone who is trying to be important, but feels like a speck of dust.
The more I write, the more I feel sorry for her. Her chart is not one for a royal. I do not see the marriage lasting and she should be very careful that an “accident” does not befall her.
@talkingtarot  @keepingupwiththebananadramas  @houseofbrat
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ms-m-astrologer · 6 years
Transiting Ceres enters Virgo
June 28 - September 6, 2018
Many astrologers think that Ceres - technically not a Lady Asteroid but a “dwarf planet” - has a claim to the rulership of the sign Virgo. Remember that one older depiction of the sign is of a woman dandling a baby on her knee, as well as an armful of wheat. She, and the sign Virgo, seem to have more of an association with motherhood after the kid has been born. (Ms M, who has heaved out two babies, feels that Cancer is pregnancy, Leo is the actual childbirth, and Virgo is the “ever after” part.)
Although this is the Roman goddess Ceres, not the Greek Demeter, and although the Romans “stole” most of the Greek mythology for their pantheon - we still have a little information about her purely Roman attributions. She was the goddess of grain crops (remember Virgo’s armful of wheat), agriculture, fertility, and motherly relationships. The connection seems to be tangible, proven fertility - the baby in arms, the loaf of bread.
Anyway, Ceres does just great in Virgo! Let’s look at some of her “areas,” as given by Demetra George in Asteroid Goddesses:
Procreative sexuality
The various parental relationships
Child care and children’s education
The family
Nurturing and helping professions
Agriculture and growing cycles
Food and food-related services
Concern and sensitivity for animals
Labor and productivity
Adaptation and survival of the species
These are all going to receive the “Virgo” touch - efficiency and sustainability, in particular - although we mustn’t forget that Virgo is also skillful, organized, and helpful. There will be a couple of “challenges” to achieving these goals, and as I keep hectoring, “flowing” doesn’t always equal “good.” Still, you can’t watch or read the news anymore without becoming very aware of the planet’s overwhelming need for some helpful Virgo energy. Nobody expects us to assimilate all that Ceres here has to teach us, in 2.5 months. We can get a good start, though, using some of the (frankly) amazing aspects ahead.
Celebrities with Ceres in Virgo:
Ringo Starr, Isabel Hickey, Madonna, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Jodie Foster, Julia Roberts, Leonardo da Vinci, JFK, Al Pacino, Robert Pattinson, Tina Turner, Rafael Nadal, Michael Jordan, Roger Federer, George Michael, Meghan Markle, Marie Antoinette, Serena Williams, Fidel Castro, Michelangelo, Ralph Fiennes, Ella Fitzgerald, Mao Zedong, Conan O’Brien, Astrid Lindgren, Marcel Proust
Tuesday, July 3, Uranus/Taurus trine Ceres/Virgo, 2:03
The previous day, when the Moon is in Pisces, could be “the” day for feeling this energy. Perhaps we’ll have the opportunity (Moon sextile Uranus) to make a connection with someone (Moon opposite Ceres)? We can gain some innovative and practical ideas about how to maintain healthy family/tribal ties, as well as an opportunity to expand the idea of “family/tribe” beyond the immediate blood kin. After all, we all are descendants of Mitochondrial Eve! (LINK HERE)
Planets/Points affected lie between 1:03 and 3:03 of the yang signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Tuesday, July 10, Saturn Rx/Capricorn trine Ceres/Virgo, 4:54
This, on the other hand, strengthens the more traditional family structure. It promotes (per Demetra George) “stability, longevity, and depth” in familial relationships. Try to think of this as manifesting via a wise old Grandma wishing to impart her wisdom to us and to teach us everything she knows.
Planets/Points affected lie between 3:54 and 5:54 of the yang signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Monday, July 16, Venus/Virgo conjunct Ceres/Virgo, 7:33
Late on the 15th (US time), the Virgo Moon joins in, giving us a prim, proper, lady-like triple conjunction for a couple of hours. Venus is in her fall in Virgo, so there may be some issues with food complexes - overeating, binging/purging, or anorexia. However, the Moon and Ceres do well here - the Moon is the “esoteric ruler” of Virgo - with luck this will manifest as nothing worse than a loved one going on a health kick. If you live south of the Equator and are planning a garden, this is auspicious! (If you live north of the Equator, it’s a bit late for that - unless your plans are very long-term.)
Planets/Points affected lie between 6:33 and 8:33 of all signs.
Tuesday, July 31, Jupiter/Scorpio sextile Ceres/Virgo, 14:01
If you were waiting for the “procreative sexuality” portion of our program - we’ve arrived. Otherwise, this will of course amp up whatever Ceres/Virgo things you have going on. “Go big or go home,” says Jupiter/Scorpio. We might think about joining some group which aligns with what we want to accomplish. There’s a Pisces Moon on the 30th which (again) may bring someone into our lives.
Planets/Points affected lie between 13:01 and 15:01 of the yang signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Sunday, August 5, Neptune Rx/Pisces opposite Ceres/Virgo, 15:56
We may not see our loved ones clearly, or vice versa, under this aspect. Family troubles make us prone to escapism, via one’s poison of choice. Perhaps someone wants to play the victim, but someone else won’t cooperate with that agenda. Use the Taurus Moon on the 4th to keep grounded, steady, and sensible.
Planets/points affected lie between 14:56 and 16:56 of the signs Taurus, Gemini*, Cancer, Virgo*, Scorpio, Sagittarius*, Capricorn, and Pisces*; and between 0:00 and 1:56 of the fixed signs Taurus*, Leo*, Scorpio*, and Aquarius*.
Monday, August 13, Pluto Rx/Capricorn trine Ceres/Virgo, 19:17
Proserpina’s mom and hubby are getting along! Pluto is playing its very long game, Ceres is focused on the minutiae of the details, and they find ways to maximize and bless their endeavors together. Our understanding of others is much deeper. As there is a Virgo Moon this day, conjuncting Ceres, look for a mother or grandmother figure.
Planets/Points affected lie between 18:17 and 20:17 of the yang signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Thursday, August 23, Vesta/Sagittarius square Ceres/Virgo, 24:04
So many ways for this square to manifest. Vesta’s idealism is sorely tried by Ceres’ practicality, in a nutshell. (Which is pretty much the entire Virgo-Sag relationship.) Expect conflicts between the demands of the job (Vesta) and of the family (Ceres). We need a better balance between career and tribe, obviously. House positions in the natal chart point out where you need to tweak. (Ms M has these two sextile in her natal chart - so this square represents a temporary chasm between them.)
Planets/Points affected lie between 23:04 and 25:04 of the mutable signs Gemini*, Virgo*, Sagittarius* and Pisces*; and between 8:04 and 10:04 of the fixed signs Taurus*, Leo*, Scorpio*, and Aquarius*.
Tuesday, September 4, Mars/Capricorn trine Ceres/Virgo, 28:59
This again emphasizes “procreative sexuality.” With both planets so very well placed (Mars is exalted in Capricorn), what can we expect? “Harmonious aspects,” according to Demetra George, “denote a productive individual whose drive and energy are channeled into caring for or defending others.” It also can denote a single parent, or a parent whose primary partnership responsibility is the tribe.
Planets/Points affected lie between 27:59 and 29:59 of the yang signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
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stelliumastrology · 2 years
#107 Royal Synastry Threeway: When Harry Met Megan (and the Queen)
Prince Harry has always been my favourite royal.
When his engagement to Meghan Markle was announced I was intrigued – other than the fact she was an actress on a show called Suits I didn't really know much about her (so of course I did a lot of googling).
When cooing about his romance with Megan, Harry stated "the stars were aligned" and he wasn’t wrong; there's something wonderfully poignant about their astrological synastry.
Even more compelling is their planetary interplay with the Queen's natal chart.
Are you a fan of Harry and Meghan? Are you a Uranian anti-establishment Aquarian type or a Saturnian fan of tradition and heirarchy?
Meghan Markle https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Meghan,_Duchess_of_Sussex
Prince Harry https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Harry,_Duke_of_Sussex
Queen Elizabeth https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Elizabeth_II,_Queen_of_the_United_Kingdom
Johari Window https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johari_window
Great Video on the Johari Window https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7FhcvoVK8s&t=2s
TSAP Yod Episode
TSAP T-Square Episode
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Astrology Chart Patterns
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App. zodiacal primary directions
Dec 28 horoscope highlights
Grand cross aspect
Aquarius zodiac signs. star astrology
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The pattern resembles the letter T when viewed in the chart. It is like the rarer Grand Cross (see explanation below), but is missing the fourth point. The squared …
Nov 8, 2016 … In Astrology there are seven chart patterns based on the grouping of the planets within the circle. Chart patterns can be bundle, bowl, seesaw, …
Astrology Signs December 28 Our dec 28 horoscope highlights the personality traits, relationship tendencies, … Your sign's paired element is Earth and of all 12 zodiac signs, you are the only  … Astrology Zodiac Signs Pdf lonian astrology and on the astrological significance of the planetary moons. ….. the signs of the Mesopotamian Zodiac in terms of their own
The American astrologer Marc Edmund Jones has listed seven significant patterns which also occur in the chart, based on the …
Astrology Chart Meghan Markle Astrology November 2018 astrology zodiac signs pdf lonian astrology and on the astrological significance of the planetary moons. ….. the signs of the Mesopotamian Zodiac in terms of their own mythologies,. Astrology Aspects That Indicate Marriage 2 days ago … How to Predict Marriage Using Astrology … the current skies positively aspects this planet in
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Your chart also has the t-square and the grand cross aspect patterns which you … I've been studying Astrology my whole life and only just began to study birth …
Astrology November 2018 Astrology Zodiac Signs Pdf lonian astrology and on the astrological significance of the planetary moons. ….. the signs of the Mesopotamian Zodiac in terms of their own mythologies,. Astrology Aspects That Indicate Marriage 2 days ago … How to Predict Marriage Using Astrology … the current skies positively aspects this planet in your birth chart, Astrology Compatibility Chart Friendship Sagittarius and Aquarius compatibility love match. Love and Sexual compatibility between Sagittarius and aquarius zodiac signs. star astrology is based on Nakshatras. Star sign compatibility and star chart are one of the most unique features of astrology. It is believed Zodiac of Moon is divided into twenty seven (27) equal divisions and each segment is
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flickeringart · 3 years
The Megxit Drama pt. 2
Since I already went through Meghan Markle’s chart in light of the Megxit Drama, I’m going to get into Prince Harry’s as well, considering that they’re both very much part of this demonstrative break with tradition and authority. However, for Harry, it’s not only a break with a work environment and in laws, it’s a break with his family, his up-bringing and his roots in an attempt to rid himself from outdated and harmful beliefs and thought-systems imbedded in fabric of the institution.  
As stated in my previous post, Harry and Meghan has been far from applauded in their break with the Royal Family, especially after the Oprah interview in March where they made public accusations of being treated unfairly in various ways. Meghan felt attacked by the media, left out in the cold and denied protection, deprived of support when she felt suicidal and even encountering racism. Aside from Harry’s motivation to help his wife, he admittedly also felt like Meghan’s situation gave him the opportunity to cut ties for good with a way of life that apparently had affected him more negatively and positively throughout his childhood and into his adulthood.
It’s certainly bold for Prince Harry to make complaints seeing as the public tends to not appreciate when wealthy and privileged people come out whining and wimping about their “difficult life”. However, the world is not as straight forward as rich equals happy and poor equals sad. Starvation and difficulty can be encountered on many levels of existence and just because one is born a prince doesn’t mean that one is incapable of experiencing legitimate lack. Life doesn’t spare any of us, which is why there should be compassion for all people – there’s no group or individual that is exclusively entitled to have their suffering be acknowledged. In a sense, Harry being able to look at his own struggles and prioritize his own and his wife’s well-being is a good thing. The message and spirit behind their action is good, at least if they’re honest and genuine (which people still doubt). Regardless, when the status quo is disrupted, there will be friction and unpleasantries.
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(Chart of Prince Harry on astrotheme.com)
Although Harry’s chart reflects a predominantly earthy influence, which is speaking to the need for structure, permanence and routine, his planets in Sagittarius and Scorpio, gives him a free spirit and emotional endurance. Ever since Harry was little he was notably more impulsive and risk-taking than his brother William. Harry’s Mars (which marks his physical energy and drive) is suitably placed in the restless fire sign of Sagittarius, conjunct Uranus, which gives him a non-conformist and individualistic streak – especially in the context of friends and groups. Apparently, he was a wild teenager, drinking a lot, letting lose in “inappropriate ways”, being aggressively competitive on the polo court and so on. He seems to be quite the mellow type at first glance, his Capricorn Ascendant gives him an outward persona of seriousness and his Scorpio MC gives him a public image of being a bit “in the background” not wanting to attract too much attention or reveal too much. As I mentioned in the previous post, Harry acted passive in the interview, coming off as a troubled man not knowing what he’d gotten himself into – which is quite characteristic of the Scorpio MC and Saturn conjunct. Astrology is a very useful tool when analyzing a person, because sometimes, the public image is only a tiny speck of what really goes on. Harry’s chart shows that he comes off as more cold and guarded than he actually is, and quite understandably so considering growing up with the media on constant watch for slip-ups. Opposite the MC, in the 4th house he has his Taurus Moon, pointing out that his sensitivity and vulnerability only comes out in private with his own family in his own home. It’s a deeply loyal placement that is resistant to change and it might not have been that easy to uproot for him, if he hadn’t had his own family with Meghan to provide some safety and emotional containment.
It has become evident that Harry seems to be a troubled soul that is haunted by past traumas and experiences. His Sun (which marks his individuality, his will and sense of significance) is in the 8thhouse, suggesting that his identity is based on other people’s values. There would be a feeling of having one’s identity and significance being in the hands of other people – of having one’s individuality being owned and controlled. When being part of the Royal Family, one is subjected to rules and values imposed from the outside. Significance is granted based on the opinions and approval of others – it’s given if one succeeds in appealing to their psychology. The 8th house is the house of death, regeneration and traumatic events. The Sun usually signifies the father image and it’s obvious that Harry is very disappointed of his father. He pities him for being trapped, undoubtedly resents him for being a “bad” husband to his late mother and not caring enough to make a change to alleviate his children’s suffering (typical 8th house themes). Even though his father was present during his childhood and inevitably involved, at least physically, he probably wasn’t able to be there as an effective role model and supporter of Harry in the way he needed emotionally. The Sun in Virgo squares Mars and Neptune in Sagittarius, which describes Charles’s disapproval of his son’s recklessness and marked individualism.
Harry’s Sun in the 8th house also points to someone who derives a sense of self from his troubles and tribulations in life. Since the big break with his family he has gained a sense confidence and has undertaken a kind of hero-journey through opening up about his mental health struggles and destructive coping mechanisms used in the past to numb out his emotions directly or indirectly related to his mother’s death. Sun square Mars and Neptune describes someone who struggles to act on his own will as well as finding and pursuing his own ideals and dreams. He is probably struggling and has been struggling with undermined sense of importance his whole life, perhaps naturally given the circumstances of always being the unruly sidekick to his older brother growing up. His 3rd house of siblings is ruled by Aries, which points to competitiveness and head butting, not to mention a strong need to be the best. I’m sure this competitiveness isn’t and wasn’t all bad – it likely kept them alert and motivated to improve their skills and abilities. Another sibling signifier is Mercury, sitting in the 8th house. Harry has admitted that he views his brother to be as stuck as his father, that he is trapped within the system upheld by other people’s values. Charles and William presumably don’t like being reduced to “victims” by their family member in a public statement. It must feel like being stabbed in the back by someone who’s supposed to show loyalty, to only for the sake of the monarchy but for the sake of personal feelings involved. Harry stated in the Oprah interview that he has great respect for all members of his family, but it was done in a business type manner, like an employee respects his employer “in theory”. The true feelings of Harry are obviously more complicated and seep through the carefully portrayed civilized sentiments. His public image being that of Scorpio, it certainly appears to the public like he’s take pains in order to get revenge through strategic moves involving relating secrets to the public of the power dynamics going on behind closed doors. Saturn in Scorpio conjunct the MC is especially prone to build a career by getting to the bottom of shady events. He’s now putting an emphasis in his work on mental health, raising awareness and exploring his own psyche as a way of enlightening the world, which is his Saturn in Scorpio in the 9thacting out. He has collaborated with Oprah on the on the documentary “The Me You Can’t See”, in which several well-known celebrities open up about their own mental and emotional difficulties. As a 9th house Saturn and Pluto in Scorpio person that Harry is, it’s not surprising that he wants to share these things. The 9th house is about sharing and distributing knowledge and Scorpio is about that which is hidden and taboo. Pluto sits in this house as well, putting an even stronger emphasis on highlighting uncomfortable issues hidden underneath the surface.
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Astrological Prediction For Meghan Markle: What Do Her Stars Say in 2019?
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We all know that the British Royal Family is one of the most respected families who are the immediate family or the close ones of the current Queen Elizabeth II. So, whoever is entitled “His or Her Royal Highness” is a member of the family. The son of Queen Elizabeth II, Charles Prince of Wales has two sons, and one of his sons Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, got married to the gorgeous retired American actress Meghan Markle in the month of May 2018. Meghan Markle, the beautiful and glamorous actress who has done a number of great movies and television series, has acted in films and TV series like Remember Me, The Candidate, A Lot Like Love, Dater’s Handbook, When Sparks Fly, The Boys, and Girls Guide to Getting Down, Horrible Bosses, etc. One of her best roles where she displayed her acting abilities was on the legal drama series, The Suite, where she plays a character known as Rachel Zane! Not only this, but she has earned a lot of respect because of her outspoken Feminist attitude as she has addressed a lot of gender issues and talked about gender inequality as well. She has also been involved in various Humanitarian work in the year 2010 apart from representing numerous international charities as well! Although she was married to the actor and producer Trevor Engelson for three years from 2011 till 2013, which didn’t work out that well, she then went on to marry Prince Harry in the year 2018 and became the Duchess of Sussex. The good news is that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are expecting their first baby which is due spring of 2019! The Kensington Palace announced this when the couple arrived in Australia for their first Royal Tour, though they yet haven’t announced the exact date for the delivery! But we are pretty excited as we all know how loved up and adorable the couple, the Duke and Duchess, look together. Do you want to analyze more about the childbirth-related problems? Buy the Child Birth-Related Problems Report. Astrological Prediction: She is Emotional and Analytical As per her birth chart, Meghan Markle is quite imaginative, caring and peace-loving by nature. She has a strong drive for recognition and acceptance. She has a strong attachment towards family and home as well. Sometimes she may be moody, touchy and possessive too but usually, she is sensible and may take her own time in making her decisions which are based on practical grounds. She is sociable, friendly and amicable apart from being analytical, inquisitive, thoughtful and introspective in her essence. Want to know more about your emotional relationship regarding marriage? Buy the Marriage Ask Question: Detailed Advice Report. May Face Some Health Issues The transit of Saturn through the 6th house from the natal Sun will add to the fatigue factors during her pregnancy. There will be frequent changes in her mood and this may result in anxiety for which she has to take utmost care of herself. Due to the effect of the planet Saturn, there are chances of experiencing frequent fevers and problems pertaining to the weakness of bones or low immunity. Also, the transiting Rahu is passing over the natal Sun, which may create health issues and she will have to be careful with regards to her health especially till February 2019 as her health may fluctuate during this period. Later part of the year 2019 will help her in maintaining good health by the grace of the transiting Jupiter. Jupiter Will Keep Her Healthy Looking at the overall planetary combinations the current transit of Jupiter is favorable as it is transiting in the trine from the natal Sun which indicates that the transiting Jupiter will help her in maintaining good health. But all she has to make sure is that her health is perfect and she can expect a healthy child in the year 2019 which will add to the happiness and bring a spring of joy in the royal family! We wish her and the royal family the best of luck. With Ganesha's Grace, Acharya Shandilya The GaneshaSpeaks.com Team
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