#melee and dual wield my beloved
thehappiestgolucky · 2 years
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Odessa sweetie I’m so sorry I keep sending you on doomed salmon run shifts it will happen again-
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faolan-red-eagle · 1 year
For Ru please? 5, 7, 8, 9, 16, 18, 28, 34 and 40? :3
5. What were they doing before their adventure began?
Mans was literally just Going Out lmao he was intending to go to Bruma to trade some of the "bloodstone" (red jasper and agates) his clan had mined to Imperial merchants like he did every summer and then unfortunately he got nabbed at the border by Imperial soldiers, poor guy.
7. What non-combat skill do they excel at?
My beloved boy can sing! Very well! And also sewing. He tailors or mends his own clothes in his down time. (He can also do some super cool embroidery but that Takes A Lot out of him because he has nerve damage in his hands, so it's hard for him to do Fine Detail work for long stretches, but he can do it if he sets aside basically a whole day or two to do Just That and nothing else.)
8. What is their combat style?
Ru is an archer, so he tends to be a long-distance fighter for the most part but he dual wields a sword and dagger combo for melee fighting. He's also a lefty, which does give him a slight advantage in close quarters. As for style, though, I'm not sure what it would be called exactly but in melee he does tend to like. borrow some of the dance moves he knows and add them into his fighting. Mostly because Random Bandit #3 is not going to expect the guy with the sword to roundhouse kick him in the face :)
9. What skills do they fall short on?
This man CANNOT ride a horse. He is legitimately terrified of them and absolutely refuses to learn how to ride for a long time. Ruaidri is also severely dyslexic and is illiterate. (Yes, he has used the Jarl of Falkreath's fancy stationary as doodling paper and kindling before.) Ru also has trouble with identifying sarcasm, but I don't know if that a skill exactly.
16. Did they feel any sympathy with any villains they came into contact with? If so, who and why?
Ru definitely feels terrible for A Lot of Bad Guys, like Miraak, Ancano, Vyrthur, mostly because he has the attitude of You Are Clearly Mentally Ill and I Want To Help You.
18. What's their favorite armor?
Ooh, gotta be the Savior's Hide because it's a gift from his patron deity!
28. Are they an "explore everything in the area" type of person, or do they go "straight there and back"?
Ru is absolutely the Explore type, lol, man has ADHD and must Look At Everything, rip Lydia's blood pressure tho
34. What is their most preferred weapon type? (Ex: glass dagger, dwarven bow, etc.)
Ru prefers using his father's old bow, a dwarven sword he definitely didn't steal from Mercer, and a dragonbone dagger he crafted himself from Mirmulnir's bones.
40. Do they have any piercings or tattoos? If so, how many and what are they?
For the purposes of this question, I'm counting scarification as tattooing. Ru has five rings in his left ear and three in his right ear; one of the rings in his right is a kind of enchanted hearing aid because he's a bit deaf on that side. He has a nipple piercing as well but doesn't wear it often because it could get caught on stuff. Ru also has i think five tattoos? One's to commemorate his parents, one is a joke tattoo he got on a dare when he was 20, another one for his sisters, and the other two are a set of scarification tattoos to protect him and guide him on his quest as the dragonborn
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elfcow · 11 months
I found my new favorite Armored Core build. It's the closest I've gotten to dual wield melee in this game so far. Gonna hang my beloved rife over the proverbial door for a sec and play with this for a while.
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