#melina juergens
thelvadams · 1 year
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SENUA’S SAGA: HELLBLADE II • dev. Ninja Theory
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thegameworld117 · 5 months
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Last night's TheGameAwards blew me away with the incredible Hellblade 2 trailer! And hey, I wanted to share my portrait of Melina Juergens that I turned into Senuas. It's an older piece, but I'm reposting it so new folks can enjoy it too. Let's ride the hype train together and spread the love! ❤️ Hope you like it!
both versions are available as prints : https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/thegameworld/hellblade-senuas-sacrifice/ https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/thegameworld/melina-juergens/
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gamemories · 11 months
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acabasteaqui · 2 years
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Melina Juergens
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judeskewed · 2 years
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Stylized Senua from the yet-to-be-released game, Hellblade: Senua’s Saga
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dare0451 · 2 months
hot take but sfm porn using models from games that scanned in Real Ass People is no better than those skeevy fake celeb nude sites that photoshop actresses heads onto porn star bodies.
julia voth gave the rights to her face to capcom to become jill valentine, daisy ridley gave her face for rey in the modern battlefront games, and now their faces are sucking cock on computer screens everywhere, in full motion.
we're turning unwitting actors into unwilling porn stars. its kinda fuckin gross.
its even worse in cases where the face model and va are the same. the actor gave their face for a video game, and recorded noises for getting punched. now their face is being animated moaning out their recontextualized pain grunts.
sorry, Melina Juergens, you thought you were gonna get big off being the lead in Senua's Sacrifice? bad news! teenagers are jerking off to your visual and aural likeness now.
like yeah, people have always been drawing porn of movie stars, even talented artists who get their likeness close. theres always been lookalikes doing porn. but thats notably NOT. ACTUALLY. THEM. this IS their voice, IS their face. its so gross
id be flattered, but im a freak. most of these people are Regular Ass Motherfuckers. Industry Professionals. they didnt consent to this and they had no idea it was coming.
its been like this for years and i. i dont think ive ever seen it talked about?
this only occurred to me when i was going to add sound to a porn animation a while back and, when using damage grunts from a game this character's actress also performed in, it hit me all at once how fucked up that is to repurpose their acting like that. but its just… standard. and then i realized about the faces and just. its hell on earth.
and putting face scanning aside, for voice its been like this for like Twenty Years if not longer. im not gonna rabbithole to find the first instance of Professional Vocals Recontextualized For Fanmade Porn, but i know off the top of my head those early Zone animations used almost exclusively audio from the shows they were parodying.
it just gives me the fucking willies. it aint right. make your own models and hire porn va soundalikes.
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death-stranded · 5 months
holy fuuuck the new trailer for senua’s saga ❤️❤️❤️
i’m so fucking hyped for this. the original is one of my favourite games, horrendously under-appreciated & also melina juergens is fucking phenomenal.
heilung sounding utterly otherworldly on the soundtrack & their performance at the game awards was excellent too.
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tenderlysharpmidain · 2 years
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Close-up of Melina Juergens in Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, emerging from black mud, long hair with dreads, war blue paint, paint fading, angry expression, dirty face, moody, viking clothes, epic scene, Photography, Cinematic Lighting, Volumetric Lighting, etheral light, intricate details, extremely detailed volumetric rays --ar 2:3 --testp --upbeta --upbeta - Upscaled (Beta) by @VitorUchiha
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gameforestdach · 21 days
Melina Juergens, bekannt für ihre Rolle als Senua in den hochgelobten Videospielen *Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice* und dessen Nachfolger *Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II*, hat offen darüber gesprochen, ihre Plattform nutzen zu wollen, um Licht auf das Thema psychische Gesundheit zu werfen. Mit Bezug auf ihre eigenen Kämpfe strebt Juergens danach, einen bedeutenden Einfluss zu nehmen, indem sie Verständnis und Unterstützung für jene bietet, die ähnliche Herausforderungen erleben. Aus Dunkelheit wird Licht Ausgehend von ihren persönlichen Herausforderungen im Bereich der psychischen Gesundheit sieht Juergens ihre Rolle als Senua nicht nur als schauspielerische Leistung, sondern auch als Möglichkeit, einen sinnvollen Beitrag zur Diskussion um das Bewusstsein für psychische Gesundheit zu leisten. "Ich möchte Menschen helfen, ich möchte Bewusstsein für psychische Gesundheit schaffen und ihnen das Gefühl geben, verstanden zu werden,” kommentierte Juergens in Diskussionen mit Xbox Wire. Ihre Darstellung von Senua – einer Figur, die mit Psychosen kämpft – dient als Leuchtturm der Hoffnung und des Verständnisses und spiegelt ihren Weg hin zur Handhabung ihrer psychischen Gesundheit wider, statt sie zu überwinden. Eine Fortsetzung, die in jeder Hinsicht expandiert Für den Start am 21. Mai 2024 angekündigt, verspricht *Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II*, die narrative und technische Errungenschaft seines Vorgängers zu vertiefen. Ninja Theory, der Entwickler des Spiels, hat erneut die Grenzen verschoben, um ein Erlebnis zu schaffen, das atemberaubende Grafiken, unheimliches Sounddesign und eine ergreifende Storyline mit bahnbrechender Technologie verbindet. Das sehnlichst erwartete Spiel wird für Xbox Series X|S, PC und ab dem ersten Tag auf Game Pass verfügbar sein. Tiefer in Senuas Reise Die Fortsetzung knüpft an die Ereignisse des ersten Spiels an und taucht ein in Senuas fortgesetzten Kampf mit dem Verlust ihres Geliebten Dillion und ihrer Psychose. Durch ihre Reise demonstriert Senua ein entwickeltes Verständnis und Management ihres Zustands, verkörpert eine Figur der Stärke und Entschlossenheit. Ninja Theorys Engagement für eine authentische Darstellung von psychischen Gesundheitsherausforderungen bleibt ein Kernaspekt der Spielphilosophie und zielt darauf ab, Kampf und Erkundung als integrale Teile von Senuas Weg zu Akzeptanz und Handlung zu gestalten. Performance-Capturing Realität Melina Juergens’ Rückkehr als Senua zeigt ihre Entwicklung sowohl als Schauspielerin als auch als Charakter. Mit komplett motion-capture-erfassten Szenen bringt Juergens ein gesteigertes Maß an Realismus in Senuas physische und emotionale Kämpfe und verankert die Kampfhandlungen des Spiels in der Realität. "Wenn all diese Bewegungen – Laufen, Klettern, Kämpfen – aus Performance-Capture stammen, wird es in der Realität verankert sein. Es wird konsistent und echt wirken," erklärte Dom Matthews, der Direktor von Ninja Theory. Fazit Melina Juergens: Eine Stimme für psychische Gesundheit durch Senuas Reise Juergens' Beteiligung an *Hellblade* geht über den Bildschirm hinaus und zielt darauf ab, eine globale Unterhaltung über psychische Gesundheit zu fördern. Durch Senuas Geschichte laden sowohl Juergens als auch Ninja Theory Spieler in einen Dialog über das Verstehen, Managen und Akzeptieren von psychischen Gesundheitsherausforderungen ein und streben danach, einen bedeutenden Einfluss über die Welt der Spiele hinaus zu machen. Für weitere Einblicke in Melina Juergens' Weg und Senua's Saga: Hellblade II besuche GameSpot und Xbox Wire.
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thelvadams · 24 days
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HELLBLADE: SENUA'S SACRIFICE (2017) • dev. Ninja Theory
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thegameworld117 · 9 months
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I am pleased to share with you my portrait of the incredibly talented and beautiful actress, Melina Juergens, who starred in the game Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice. Prints: Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice, an art print by Rodney Amirebrahimi - INPRNT Melina Juergens, an art print by Rodney Amirebrahimi - INPRNT
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phoenixprjct · 1 month
🎮 Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is art first and game second (In-Depth Review) 🎮
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Developer (Platform): Ninja Theory (Xbox Series X)
Publisher (Release): Ninja Theory (2017)
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is art first and game second. It has perhaps the best representation of mental health the medium has ever seen and will undoubtedly hit close to home for even those that haven’t faced the psychosis Senua struggles with. Ninja Theory and Melina Juergens bring the titular protagonist to life with wonderful animations and personal experiences, showcasing significant talent in sound design and atmosphere. The latter benefits from dedicated mixing of metaphor and Norse and Celtic mythology, and the heavy story attempts to balance organic combat with repetitive puzzles. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, with a slower approach to pacing that aims to develop plot points and not player interaction, but for those looking for an honest portrayal of suffering, grief, and hope, there is no better game.
‘The hardest battles are fought in the mind…’
Never a truer word was spoken.
For the full review and more like it, follow me here and visit my site:
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solobrividiecoraggio · 3 months
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Stasera sono uscito con un mio amico, abbiamo cenato da Ramen Girl, un ristorante giapponese dove avevo organizzato la cena del mio compleanno anni fa, tipo nel 2018 o nel 2019. Poi siamo andati in una sala giochi ma ci siamo stati poco. Poco dopo le 23 ero già a casa, lasciate perdere che ho perso tempo, scrivendo o non scrivendo, e sto pubblicando solo adesso mentre vorrei già dormire. In foto a sinistra la cotton cheese cake al ristorante, a destra la mia collana di Hellblade. Anche Melina Juergens ne indossava una nell'ultimo video che ho visto riguardo Senua's Saga.
L'amico di stasera è lo stesso che l'anno scorso, quando già pensavo ad A, mi aveva detto che gli interessava, mettiamola così. Stasera l'ha detto di nuovo e io internamente non ero così sorpreso. Come l'anno scorso non ho detto nulla di me, non mi metto in mezzo. Anzi, quando mi ha detto che ha/avrebbe paura di essere rifiutato, ho fatto intendere che quello non è un motivo valido per non dire niente. Se una persona ti piace davvero certi rischi li corri, fa parte del pacchetto.
Come l'anno scorso, ha parlato di A ma ha parlato anche di altre ragazze. Non lo giudico per questo. Si guarda intorno, lo capisco, usa Tinder e infatti l'ha usato anche stasera lasciando like a qualche ragazza. Ho usato anch'io Tinder per un periodo ma già da prima di avere la certezza di provare dei sentimenti per A non l'avevo più aperto perché non aveva senso. Attualmente ha ancora meno senso, io non devo cercare niente. Sento che il mio cuore è occupato, chiamo ancora il suo nome, anche senza volerlo.
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tastydregs · 1 year
New Videogame Facial Animation Is So Realistic It's in the Uncanny Valley
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MetaHuman Animator, the next-gen version of Epic Games' MetaHuman avatar tool, is here — and we gotta say, it looks pretty remarkable.
Epic's MetaHuman tool, which was first unveiled back in 2021, was already impressively good at generating hyperrealistic avatars of people. But actually animating those characters was still a difficult, time-consuming process.
But not anymore, it seems. With this new tool, as The Verge reports, creators can easily employ motion capture tech to quickly animate the facial expressions of incredibly high-quality avatars — even if all creators have to go on is smartphone video. Yes, seriously.
Per the Verge, Epic flaunted the new Unreal Engine-powered tech at this year's Game Developers Conference. There, the company showcased the impressive speed and fidelity of the program in a clip taken from the development of the game Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, in which Ninja Theory performance capture artist Melina Juergens, who plays the game's titular character, is transformed from her real-life self into her animated in-game character.
this is absolutely stunning realtime facial animation in a video game. Xbox studio Ninja Theory is using Epic Games' MetaHuman Unreal Engine system in Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II. The result is incredibly lifelike. Make sure you watch the full 4K version https://t.co/uvE0aVCwDV pic.twitter.com/y8gkjyKrNp
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) March 22, 2023
Acquisitions, Baby
Of course, you can use equipment more sophisticated than a smartphone. But still, for quality and ease like this, the fact that you can use a phone if you need to is pretty astonishing — not to mention great for low-budget indie game creators, who might not have access to the same tools that big-budget studios do.
According to Ars Technica, Epic VP of Digital Humans Technology Vladimir Mastilovic took to the stage for a post-demo panel later on Wednesday, explaining to conference-goers that the MetaHuman Animator is, unsurprisingly, a machine-learning tool powered by a "large, varied, highly curated database" of face-capture data.
Much of that data, as Ars Technica points out, was likely gathered through Epic's acquisitions of motion capture and facial animation firms 3Lateral, Cubic Motion, and Hyprsense. You know what they say: if ya can't beat 'em, buy 'em!
"The MetaHuman framework has been decades in the making. Companies like 3Lateral and Cubic Motion have been pushing the limits of digital human creation for years," reads a blurb on the MetaHuman website. "Now, as part of Epic Games, they've been able to push the technology even further—and make it happen in real-time."
"Most importantly," it continues, "they've made it accessible to everyone."
If you have your eye on the animation tool, it's reportedly set to launch this summer.
READ MORE: Epic's hyperrealistic MetaHumans can soon be animated using an iPhone [The Verge]
The post New Videogame Facial Animation Is So Realistic It's in the Uncanny Valley appeared first on Futurism.
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finalbossproject · 1 year
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¡Bienvenidos! Hoy queremos hablar sobre un juego muy especial que ha dejado una huella en la industria de los videojuegos: Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice. Este juego desarrollado por Ninja Theory, cuenta la historia de Senua, una guerrera celta que se embarca en una peligrosa misión al infierno nórdico para salvar el alma de su amado. En Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice se exploran temas muy profundos como la salud mental, la psicosis y el trauma. El juego es muy intenso y presenta una experiencia única de inmersión, gracias a los efectos visuales, la música y la actuación de Melina Juergens, quien interpreta a Senua. Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice es sin duda un juego emocional y conmovedor que nos invita a reflexionar sobre temas sensibles. En Final Boss Project estamos comprometidos con la salud mental, y en este juego se aborda de manera muy acertada la importancia de la atención y el cuidado de la salud mental. Por eso, queremos invitarles a apoyar nuestra causa y ayudarnos a recaudar fondos para organizaciones que luchan por la salud mental. Si desean saber más sobre Final Boss Project y nuestras actividades, pueden visitar nuestro canal de YouTube o seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales. ¡No dejen de jugar Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice y de reflexionar sobre los temas que trata! Pueden encontrarlo disponible en varias plataformas como Steam, PlayStation, Xbox y Nintendo Switch. Recuerden siempre que la salud mental es importante y que debemos ser conscientes de ella. #Hellblade #SenuasSacrifice #NinjaTheory #FinalBossProject #ProyectoWotobe #SaludMental https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpua4EkN7RX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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edwardwillenberg · 2 years
Some charcoal portraits for practice.
Models: Hannah Morgan, Tokyo Rin, Alina Igorevna, Melina Juergens, Valentina Kumer and Gafarilo.
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