#mem: noctis
coconoct · 4 months
with s rank selector coming out next patch, i kinda need help deciding who i should pick
some context: next patch will have an s rank selector up to capri (requirements for getting the selector are similar to the selector back in nanamech patch). iirc theres also a weap selector up to capri too, and ive already decided that i'll get capri's weap since i already have her at sss but w no sig
incoming big info dump below ↓
im gonna omit entropy, lumi, rosetta, and capri from the list since i already have them at sss or higher
so that leaves: empy, plume, glory, garnet, luna, veritas, alpha, teneb, pulse, and ember
most of those characters are at ss0, only exceptions being glory and teneb with ss4.
here are the main builds i use for everyone (minus ember and pulse, they just borrow mems if i ever need to use them which rarely happens now):
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note plume, glory, garnet, and teneb have MULTIPLE sets reso'd (like multiple dps sets or dv set etc etc), i just use what theyre currently holding now the most
whoever i pick i'll essentially just get a small rank up (since you need like 3 copies to sss), the ppl closest to sss are teneb and glory (both are around 2 copies away from sss), but i'm debating on if i wanna get a "head start" with trying to sss empy, luna, or plume (mostly empy)
some side comments i should probably mention:
ice qu doesnt really interest me that much, my ice team rn is kaleido/wanshi/glory but if i want more dmg i'll do kaleido/plume/glory (which explains why glory is carry dv in the screenshot earlier). plus i kinda doubt i'll be playing this game actively post nocti patch so getting qu isnt really smth i have in mind
i dont have scire, nor do i really plan on getting her since her playstyle isnt my thing (i basically skipped ppl from pulao - bambi so that i could get s+ hyperreal lol) (so if i ever do get scire itd be from standard). my dark team rn is luna/teneb/capri
lamias cute but like i mentioned in the first point i doubt i'll be actively playing after nocti patch, so getting her isnt really on my mind rn
i dont use alpha or veritas lol— my phys team is entropy/lumi/rosetta and my lightning team is garnet/arclight/lux
so yeah,, thats the info dump lmao
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aeternaluminanoctis · 2 months
Hello. We are the Lumina-Noctis Collective. Please be kind to us as we have only recently come to terms with our plurality. That being said,
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• Are racist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, MAP/pedophiles, general DNI criteria.
• Are bodily a minor. We are an adult. We only wish to talk to other adults.
• Are against kinning and plurality. It took us months to accept being fictionkin and YEARS for our host to accept being plural.
• Are endogenic. Do not bring ‘syscourse’ up to us. This is a trauma disorder.
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Now, with that out of the way, I will introduce our collective. We are currently in the process of finding a therapist to get diagnosed. We are a relatively small collective with only 4 “consistent” fronters. As of 05/13/2024 we are medically recognized as fragmented. The (fronting) members are as such:
Kuro - Host - 23 - He/they - #💙
Kai - Cohost - 19 - She/Her -#💜
Omori (fictive) - Protector - 18/immortal - He/They #🔪🥀
Vanitas (fictive) - Protector - 21 - He/Him #🗝️
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Tags we will be using:
#nightly updates - for updates regarding our collective
#night vents - for venting about collective stuff
#night rambles - for general yapping
#nightlymedia - for any pictures, art, or poems we make
#night mems - for any and all kin/fictive related memories
#not kin stuff - as it states
#nightly dreams - for the weird dreams we have
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six-eyes-sorcerer · 10 months
Read First:
DNI: Basic DNI criteria (Homophobic, Transphobic, Racist, Map/P*dos and their supporters, etc.)
I'll honestly just block you if you make me uncomfortable
BYF: I'm particular about interacting with 'doubles' (fictives/introjects are fine). So if we share a fictional rep and you'd like to interact with me, just ask. I usually don't mind unless our media memories heavily overlap. It's a psychological discomfort. If you just leave likes and reblogs though then that's alright. Also, I swear a lot
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Heya. You can call me Noctis, or my divine name Ciel. I'm 23 and my pronouns are He/Him. I am a Fallen Archangel / Incubus as well as many characters in media. This will be my otherkin / fictional rep blog. I'm going to try not to type too much as most of this info will be in my carrd at the bottom once it's finished. I am not anti-kin, but I personally don't identify much with the word kin, I just am these species and 'characters'. I would prefer not to have the word kin used to describe me, but I'll use the terms otherkin and fictionkin for the sake of tags to find others like myself or mediamates. I personally would prefer the terms rep/representation or IRL. If you call me a kinnie I will block you. I DO NOT KFF. On this page I will make posts or reblogs pertaining to angels/demons/divinity/ etc. As well as posts about my fictional representations. There may be an occasional risqué or NSFW art reblog due to my Incubus tendencies but they will be tagged accordingly
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My personal tags:
#archangel-ciel: Angel related posts
#incubus-ciel: Incubus and Demon related posts. Most likely NSFW, proceed with caution
#ciel-mem-bank: Memory posts. Such as my life as an angel/incubus before I got stuck in this human body, and my memories as my fictional representations
#ciel-infinite-void: Rep related posts. Such as about my media's, how I feel about my mediamates, or lovemail for characters I remember being in relationships with
My carrd link will go here once it's finshed:
Divider credit to: @/mmadeinheavenn
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RLLY NSFW/// but omg i was getting off and while i came i had a memory of proms o face and i started crying
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findthebae · 4 years
hulloo i'm noctis from final fantasy xv, and i'm looking for everyone except the following:
ardyn izunia, ravus nox fleuret, ignis scientia, and titus drautos. (ardyn, ravus, and ignis r friends of mine, drautos just irks me :( im sorry! ur valid)
i'm ESPECIALLY looking for regis, luna, gladio, and prompto!
doubles are valid, but i'd rather not interact, if it can be helped. my discord is noctis#0015 if you'd like to talk mems! i have many canons. <:)
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kin-squad-finder · 4 years
pretty long ffxv call - prompto argentum
hey there! i’m prompto argentum from ffxv, and i’m looking for ignis, gladio, dino, and cor! i don’t have a lot of mems (i don’t think?), but in my canon us four chocobros were dating, i was also dating dino too, luna and noct were qpps and just married for the sake of the kingdoms not like. married married if that makes sense? luna and i still wrote letters for a while, but then switched to texting? iggy doesn’t go blind, none of the chocobros died, cor was like a dad to me! i’m 18/19 and body is 17 so 16-22 year olds only! react to post or dm me please!
my memories:
-i was dating the other 3 chocobros -gladio first, noct second, iggy third -noct started dating iggy first, then me, then glads -i was also dating dino and everyone knew and it was chill -noct and luna were qpps! still got married but it was 100% platonic, luna knows about the polyam chocobros and supports us -cor was a father figure to me???? he was the one that taught me to use a gun, and got me my first camera -luna and i kept writting letters but eventually switched to texting -gladio was my protector?? always knew when i was sad or needed to cuddle, he also carried me around a lot and although we all slept together in one big bed when we stayed in hotels gladio was the one to calm me down from panic attacks and night terrors -noct helped with depression the most!!! like i did for him -iggy is my favourite person to take pictures of -i tried to help iggy with cooking once and almost burned down the entire camp so i was never allowed anywhere near his cooking spot after that -iggy didn’t go blind -none of us died
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squenixkinhelp · 6 years
@bikerbutter submitted:
Slightly longer request/canoncall hybrid: 
I recently confirmed Ignis (FFXV) and I realized I forgot to ask/request to update the kin directory - also if that part gets delayed bc of the changeover to listography that’s completely fine, i mod a kin blog, i know how it gets.. -  Anyway in terms of the canoncall: I’m Ignis looking for everyone except for Prompto! Prom was NB and easily the most clumsy person I’ve ever seen. He and Noctis got married a bit before Gladio and I got married. I helped bake the cake for them; it had gummy swords, sugar chocobos, and large sugar crystals all over it. Gladio helped me a lot with the cake and honestly seeing him listen so intently and try his hardest to help really really made me fall in love with him even more than I already was.  Another good one is involving basically everyone but one time Gladio wanted me to bake a cake and make a surprise party for her. Everything was set up, and everyone was in place - Cor, Noct, Prom, Gladio, Cindy, Cid, and even Aranea dropped in for a bit. I told Prom to get the cake and walk it out to her when she came in as we shouted the surprise. True to Promptos nature as he was walking out he went too fast, tripped over his own feet coming around a corner, and faceplanted straight into the cake. I was kinda pissed but Iris laughed so hard that she was crying which made it all worth it. I rushed out to get something after it for a replacement – 99% sure it was cupcakes.  My favorite memory though is that I needed a few days every few weeks to detox - I was a really social person, and still am, but I just needed 2-3 days every now and then to recharge my batteries. All I would do was sit at home, read books (I was a voracious reader btw… 3 books in one sitting, etc etc) and listen to jazz and occasionally smoke. One of those periods I was so tired and exhausted that I’d completely forgotten that it was my birthday during that period. I was sitting and reading a book when suddenly Gladio kicks in the door and is immediately followed by Noctis and Prompto who were wheeling in a massive cake. It scared the living shit out of me, but it was worth it. 
Sorry this was so long, I’ve got a lot of mems for that canon oof. Hmu/interact if any of this sounds familiar! (Also I’m a minor for the moment, my 18th is coming up soon though) 
added! thank you, and good luck, Ignis!! <:
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fiction-canon-calls · 4 years
hello!! this is noctis lucis caelum from final fantasy xv sending out a canoncall for anyone except Ignis, since i've already found my ignis. UHH basically we were polyship roadtrippin it up! and prompto was trans. i have a lot more specific mems id be willing to discuss in dms! heads up that im 16 and my iggy is in his 20's so please be ok with that ^^ interact or dm me!
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elusive-monarch · 4 years
Kin mems for tonight
Meeting ignis and asking my dad if that meant ignis could play with me and my dad initially saying “no, noctis, hes here to protect you not play with you” but eventually loosening up and allowing us to play together
Ignis and I playing together and hearing commotion, he would instantly put himself between me and the noise and push me behind him
^^ me actually telling ignis that it scared me when he did that because I really didn’t want him to get hurt but him saying “it’s my job” and trying to change the subject in order to cheer me up (funny that I could never really fathom the thought of ignis getting seriously hurt over me until The Incident™️ and feeling my whole world come crashing down )
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roosaurusrin · 5 years
Short, super self indulgent practice piece for FFXV.
In the ten years that Noctis has been gone, the world has fallen to darkness, and those that live there have fallen somewhere between human and daemon.
Noctis must make a difficult choice.
(Or an alternate take on Ardyn's: "I was so very close. So close to taking those friends of yours, and making them into daemons.")
Finally done with school, so I hope to get back to Dam. Mem. very soon. Also got Halloween fic in the works too~
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kin-squad-finder · 4 years
hey there! i'm prompto argentum from ffxv, and i'm looking for the rest of the chocobros, luna, dino, and cor! i don't have a lot of mems, but in my canon us four chocobros were dating, i was also dating dino too, luna and noct were qpps and just married for the sake of the kingdoms not like. married married if that makes sense? luna and i still wrote letters for a while, but then switched to texting? cor was like a dad to me! i'm 17 so 16-19 year olds pls! (canon age is different) react to post
this is the prompto that was just posted! i'd like to add that i have found my noctis, and he's looking for his ravus! they sent letters just like me and luna, and they were really close buddies! but then tenebrae happened and then they were less close because he was super sad but still pretty close. I can ask him if i can share his mems with you if this sounds familiar to you!
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i had two nsfw mems of prompto dkdhdj one was that we did have casual sex and he would even make jokes during it and thats rlly nice the other one was of him slightly chocking me while fcking me but not rlly cause he was scared of actually hurting me
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mem dumb since i havent posted them here yet prompto was left handed luna stole the ring from father so i would have a reason to seek him canon didnt follow the story ardyn didnt exist on my canon
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i remember i faked my own death and stayed near hammerhead as a hunter with prom but what.. happened to insomnia and my people and the whole thing with luna and the empire why cant i remember
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nfskdj i remember sharing the bed in the motel with prom and it was awkward tm before we started dating
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luna in my canon sounds a lot like source canon ravus so the question is what was ravus like in my canon
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