#memesheep answers
catpella · 4 years
Valle: 1, 9; Aislona: 11, 12; Sarangerel: 4, 5
1: Where is your character from, and how did they wind up in their starting city (if they’re not from there)?
Valle is mixed ancestry. She was born in Ala Mhigo before the fall, and escaped with one of her mothers to Horizon in Thanalan. They made their way to La Noscea via the ferry and settled into a fishing village, where her mother remarried. The reason she went from her fishing village to Limsa Lominsa was because she wanted more training in leatherworking than she could get in her village. After the Seventh Calamity, she applied to the Maelstrom. Then her arcane and mathematical talents got assessed and she joined the Arcanists Guild.
This has led to feelings of cultural dislocation: Because of this, Valle has always walked the immigrant’s path of assimilating into Lominsan culture while retaining aspects of her culture of origin. How much she’s swayed to either side versus syncretized traditions together has varied over time. wSometimes, she’s tried to behave as though she’s been nothing but Limsan her entire life; living in the village, and especially when she moved to the city of Limsa Lominsa proper. She wanted to fit in and not look like ‘one of those refugees’, and having a Limsan parent added to the mix made that easier. As the realization that reclaiming Ala Mhigo was possible  became more apparent, and she met others who were from Ala Mhigan backgrounds, she re-embraced traditions from her youth. She now sees herself as Ala Mhigan by way of Limsa Lominsa and will always have a deep love for her city by the sea.
9: How does your character approach combat? Are they in the thick of the action? Do they take a supporting role?
Valle has historically preferred to stand backline, remaining out of the thick of the fray so she can cast freely. She started off as an arcanist, with a grimoire of arcanima magic and a carbuncle. Her focus with magic was not pure destruction with the force of the elements like a thaumaturge, but more with debilitating foes by sapping their aether or causing illnesses to the body.
She had never wanted to be a full-time front-line physical combatant. But, because her mother Aleidis is a fully-trained Fist of Rhalgr, Valle grew up knowing minor self-defense moves. After suffering severe wounds in battle at Rhalgr’s Reach, she’s realized she can’t rely on others to physically protect her all the time, and has been incorporating monk training to ensure she can protect herself and others. This has also helped her as she’s learning red magic from her homeland.
11: What’s your character’s family like (found, blood, or both)? Are they still in contact?
Aislona refuses to talk about her blood family. She has a found family among other Ul’dahn courtesans, because there are some who take care of each other, passing along tips about good clients and protecting each other from exploitative clients and employers. She’s also made a found family of sorts out of the Scions and adjacents.
12: Which of your character’s allies do they get along with best? Which do they have the most difficulty with?
Of the Scions team, Aislona doesn’t have a particular fondness for any of them. She doesn’t really understand the very magical ones like Urianger and Y’shtola, so has some trouble with them just because she doesn’t understand what they’re talking about and feels dumb around them. She also finds Thancred’s flirtatiousness and seeming shallow nature obnoxious as all get-out.
Of not Scions, she has a large shallow-crush on Raubahn born of admiration for his looks and battle prowess.
4: What was your character doing during the Seventh Umbral Calamity? Do they still think/talk about that time, or do they try to avoid it now?
Sarangerel doesn’t really talk about that time much because it’s a mixed and painful period. Back then, the Tsaagan tribe still existed, it was before they were torn apart. The calamity was bad and it reshped the land and the world and took away memories, but it also wasn’t the biggest tragedy.
5: What does your character think of the Echo? What was it like when they first experienced it?
Sarangarel’s particular manifestation of the Echo gives her an empathy with animals. She’s able to assess their disposition towards her, project a soothing aura, and can over time and with much concentration build an extremely close rapport. It meant she was apprenticed to the tribe’s beast experts early on in life. She didn’t experience many of the ‘classical’ manifestations like the omnilanguage of the visions of others until she began traveling more widely after the tribe dissolved and she thought she was cursed by ancestral ghosts.
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catpella · 4 years
16, tell me about Valle and V'haitha's hobbies
Valle has always enjoyed braiding things. She spent a lot of her growing years in a sea village on Vylbrand and she learned to making plant-fiber ropes of various kinds (for fishing, for the boars, for hanging washing, etc). When she picked up leatherworking, she also made thin strips of animal leather and braided them and made ropes. She likes to craft personalized gifts for friends with this hobby, ideally items that are both practical and pretty. Leather lacing adornments for clothes, ties for hair, necklaces or bracelets on which to put charms or pendants, toys or collars for pets. Everyone she knows gets friendship bracelets. She’ll teach other people to make these too if they want.
Many of her items are simple and created during short downtime and thus not intended to last forever, but for important dates like Starlight or birthdays or for celebrations, she puts work into elaborate ones with great deal of symbology. For example, she’ll do elaborate six+ strand braids with complicated knotwork and incorporate colors and items from the recipients’ culture.
(side note to chars interested in such: Valle’s work with leather and braiding means she has a sideline in impact toys (floggers and whips and cat o nines) that she sells. These are not the kind of things she unsolicited gifts to friends.)
When Valle isn’t making things, her other hobby is swimming. She swims like a fish and was jealous when she found out some of the crew who went to Doma got the blessing to breathe underwater. Other Scion affiliates had to take her there when she was recovered to get it for her as a personal present before she did something like try to give it to herself with arcanima and possibly die.
V’haitha is very serious about her work as her tribe’s shaman and so claims she has no time to indulge in hobbies. She winds up relying on other members of her tribe to help her with downtime. I think being around other people is important to her, especially since a lot of her work can involve time alone balancing aether (of the elements, of aspects of the land around), and of healing ill people, so time she can spend socializing where she’s not on call to Do Labor. Maybe she just likes to find a group of folks doing things and sit somewhere reading or something in the room, feeling suffused by Sociality.
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catpella · 4 years
No anon: I think you're kickass and want only the best for your future with the one you love. Best wishes!
Thank you so much!
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catpella · 5 years
If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
Get that fucking molar pulled instead of getting a root canal and save yourself $2k.
If I’m not allowed to give myself money advice, how about this one:
There will be a transcendent high for you this year. You will find a way of being seen as brilliant and handsome and compassionate and intense, that transforms you into a version of yourself you didn’t know could exist. Strive to be worthy of it, and then turn that high regard back to the other to bring it out in them as well. You are setting out on a road that will be long and difficult, but worth it in the end.
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catpella · 5 years
Fanfic trope meme
Tagged by:  a free tag from a friend
tagging: any friend who wants to!
Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences because why not, gotta choose one (near impossible, but go with your first gut instinct).
slow burn or love at first sight
fake dating or secret dating
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers
oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance with correspondence (both, shit, epistolary fic is my weakness fuck you i can’t choose)
hurt/comfort or amnesia
fantasy au or modern au
mutual pining or domestic bliss
smut or fluff
canon compliant (missing scenes) or fix-it fic
alternate universe or future fic
one-shot or multi-chapter
kid fic or roadtrip fic 
reincarnation or character death
arranged marriage or accidental marriage
high school romance or middle-aged romance 
time travel or isolated together (cabin in a snow storm, desert island)
neighbors or roommates (omg they were roommates)
sci-fi au or magic au (both ;;;;; )
bodyswap or genderbend
angst or crack
apocalyptic or mundane
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catpella · 5 years
ashe and annette for the asks!
Annette - Can you cook?
I sure can! In fact, I’m answering this ask just after dinner, which was chicken + bok choi and mixed vegs + rice, stirfried in a sauce I mixed up! (mix of soy sauce, hoisin, a sichuan broad bean chili paste, and some powdered spices.)
Ashe - What brings you joy in life?
My relationships with other people. I treasure my housemates, my friends, my partner, very highly. I also enjoy settling in to read a good book or play a good game; I like learning new things and being lost in new worlds. But spending time connecting with others makes me so happy.
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catpella · 5 years
Reader meme: A1, B5, C9, D2
A1: When did you start reading fanfiction?B5: Which story have you read more than any other? How many times?
So I need to answer these two together because they're related.
I first got dial-up internet in the year 1999. I know this because I moved houses between 5th grade and 6th grade, got dial up when I moved. Me and my best friend had fallen hardcore into the Sailor Moon dub when first watching it on TV in hotels in the aftermath of a major wildfire evacuation. We had our own Senshi OC, like you do, and everything. We picked Zodiac OCs at first, again pretty common. Anyway so we're googling around for info about S and the Japanese version, since  we're desperate to learn more. And I stumble across there's this massively sprawling Sailor Moon fanfic series called Sailor Moon Z, by @bailesu. I forget what ep it's on at the time, somewhere higher than 10. Anyway, I read all of it. I bookmark the page. I follow it as it slowly updates for years and years.
It finally finished in I think 2008, and my god, what a ride. I reread it every couple of years. It's charming and traditional to read the plain .txt version but god I wish the author would upload it to AO3 as a single work with all chapters as part of the same fic, so I could download an ePub or MOBI and read it on an eReader and not my screen.
I have definitely read episodes 1-17 at least 10 times each, and even the final eps have been read at least 5x.
...it's probably time for another reread, I haven't done one since 2016. If anyone else wants to join me: http://www.thekeep.org/~wombat/Stories/Z/index.html
C9: What show did you really try to watch, but you just couldn’t?
I'm trying to think of stuff I've really tried to watch...usually when I bounce off stuff I don't keep retrying. I'd say maybe Stargate Universe? I was excited for the concept, but I'd already loved Atlantis less than SG-1, and I bounced so incredibly hard off Universe. Otherwise maybe Agents of Shield, which I was excited for and liked while I was watching on a dorm floor with people but when I moved off I stopped watching. That was season 3?
Really, I have a problem watching shows alone, I can only watch things when watching with someone else, so...I need to co-watch, really, or shit ain't get done.
D2: Who/Where did you get your last fic rec from?
Often I get fic recs while browsing Tumblr and seeing ones suggested in people's posts where they go "omg read this". I don't remember what the last fic I read from a rec is, just that it prob came off Tumblr.
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catpella · 6 years
person-number-meme #21
 We are an awful lot alike in personality and in life experiences. I feel like I can share anything with you. Our talks can range from fun and teasing to serious and meaningful, and we make really awesome things when we work together.  When I talk about you to my friends I often describe you as my drift partner because of how in sync we are and because of all the emotional closeness that implies.
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catpella · 6 years
person-number-meme #57
We don’t talk all the time but I’m always honored when you drop in and leave a comment! We both have neat taste in games and should chill more.
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catpella · 6 years
person-number-meme #23
You have been friends with me for a really long time and I love you! You bring joy and fun to my life and we can talk about everything and anything and I really appreciate that. I want you always in my life as a best friend.
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catpella · 6 years
gerbera and Tulip for the flower ask, please!
gerbera - neon or pastel?
Of those two choices, I like pastels better, neons are too bright forme. I'd say my favorite of everything color range wise is the darkerjewel tones.
tulip - lucky number?
36! also I adopted 25 from the Myst games, but 36 was my original
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catpella · 6 years
Tagged by  @pyrrhesia​
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself
last 1. drink - iced chai 2. phone call - my doctor’s office 3. text message - to a friend asking when she’s coming over to watch Aggretsuko 4. song you listened to - Futatabi/Reprise, Spirited Away 5. time you cried - earlier today
ever 6. dated someone twice - yes I have (we’re still dating) 7. kissed someone and regretted it - yes (it was a few years ago) 8. been cheated on - yes (it was a decade ago) 9. lost someone special - yes  10. been depressed - yes, including today 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - yep
fave colours 12. midnight blue 13. silver 14. teal
in the last year have you… 15. made new friends - absolutely! mostly from the Ships game, a few from fandoms. some great new friends 16. fallen out of love - no but i’ve done the opposite 17. laughed until you cried - this happens a lot  18. found out someone was talking about you - which way does this mean, because there’s the “talking bad shit behind your back” and the “people talk about you like you’re awesome”. either way both have happened to me.  19. met someone who changed you - discovered parrhesia​ and i are drift-compatible 20. found out who your true friends are - you know this phrase “true friends” has always bothered me. but I have had changes in who is just acquaintances and light friends and who turns out to be ride-or-die for me, so, I guess so 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list -  hmm - only use my FB for convention group matters and my FB friends list I think only contains convention people and I’ve kissed some of them so, yeah i guess so
general 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - see above about them being people I’ve met/know from Mysterium, so like, all of them? 23. do you have any pets - one! bailey the cat 24. do you want to change your name - I have already done this legally! it cost like $300 and was worth it! 25. what did you do for your last birthday - cake was brought to me! hung with friends! ships game and gay flirting IC! 26. what time did you wake up today - like at 11:40am and i hated it. I was briefly awakened at 8am for drains drainage.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - probably talking to people on discord! 28. what is something you can’t wait for - short term: the drains to be out. medium-term: surgery recovery to be over.  30. what are you listening to right now - a music box album of Bee Gees music 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - yes 32. something that’s getting on your nerves - fucking surgery recovery 33. most visited website - I really don’t want it to be Reddit or Tumblr but odds are it might be one of those. 34. hair colour - it varies, it’s like a light brown normally but I also dye it a lot 35. long or short hair - it’s shaved right now down to a 1/4″ so very short.  36. do you have a crush on someone - it is a known fact that i am often in the state of “i am ambiguous if i have a romantic or a friend crush” (so, crush or squish), and that that state can vary in intensity. right now i have two crushes of the absolutely-sure-it’s-a-crush kind, and both are of strong intensity. 37. what do you like about yourself - i think i’m real good at connecting with other people and being an emotional support for them because i’m such a strong Feelings type, maybe i’m not your best for logical advice but i’m gonna be great for you if you wanna have emotional talk 38. want any piercings? - thinking about the ears but I’m a coward 39. blood type - AB+ 40. nicknames - Cat, Cap, Cappy 41. relationship status - in a co-habiting long-term relationship, am in a state where i am open to additional relationships 42. zodiac - Aquarius Sun ( Capricorn Moon, Pisces Rising if you wanna get complicated) 43. pronouns - they/them or he/him. he/him are the ones i use at work and legally. 44. fave tv shows - Star Treks! Battlestar Galactica (1978 only). Sailor Moon (original or Crystal). 45. tattoos - none but I think about it someday 46. right or left handed - right 47. ever had surgery - a hysto and top surgery, which was last week so i’m still recovering from the latter 48. piercings - none yet because I’m a coward 49. sport - I don’t play any now but I used to do synchronized swimming. i follow the Rochester Americans in AHL hockey because they’re local, cheap to see, and hockey has great fights 50. vacation - I love to go to the beach. so please take me to a coastal city! I also unironically love going to Disney but am so over going with people who aren’t legitimately excited to go. I really wanna fucking leave the country at some point. so ideal vacation would be a coastal city in another country? 51. trainers - uh like...shoes? i have a pair of sneakers and multiple pairs of those vibram toe shoes cause they’re super comfy.
more general 52. eating - sweet things. french fries. love french fries
53. drinking - also super sweet things
54. i’m about to watch - nothing atm, but probably more Sailor Moon Crystal later this week 55. waiting for - I feel like 28 answered this? “drains to come out” and “surgery recovery” mostly. 56. want - finally fucking having a crush on someone who is interested back. (if i can’t have that, i really want to do the thing where you’re having a nice quiet intimate voice-chat with close friend at after-midnight in a dark room.) (i guess i just want reciprocated-intimacy) 57. get married - in the case it’s useful as a legal construct then yes 58. career - i kinda like this IT support gig. a writer would be a great career but then i’d have to learn to carry through with something so i’d need focus. if we had UBI and i could meet all my needs otherwise i’d love to go back to being in a coffee shop.
which is better 59. hugs or kisses - hugs! i find kissing a little weird but if the person i like wants to do it i will do it 60. lips or eyes - eyes for sure 61. shorter or taller - taller! 62. older or younger - either? i’m open to a flexible age range but all my recent dates have been younger than me... 63. nice arms or stomach - arms are a turn-on, but i don’t find stomachs a turn-off, they can be great to pillow on 64. hookup or relationship - i want to have both of these things in my life. so, which i want always depends on the specific person i’m thinking about 65. troublemaker or hesitant - i usually go after the hesitant types, so i’d love to date the troublemaker kind for once! but i’m such a sucker for the shy hesitance
have you ever 66. kissed a stranger - yes 67. drank hard liquor - yes 68. lost glasses - no 69. turned someone down - yes 70. sex on first date - yes (well, we’d been dating online for awhile but had sex the first time we met IRL) 71. broken someone’s heart - yes 72. had your heart broken - yes (multiple times) 73. been arrested - no 74. cried when someone died - yes 75. fallen for a friend - all. the. fucking. time. this is a thing i do a lot. see above about my difficulty distinguishing between squishes and crushes. 
do you believe in 76. yourself - not really, which is tough. 77. miracles -  I’ve had enough weird life coincidences that I’ll say sure 78. love at first sight - i believe in meeting someone and knowing that they’re going to play a significant and meaningful role in your life, and then having that feeling pan out as a reality. sometimes it’s been meeting someone who i wind up dating (so love), once it was meeting a random stranger who helped me on a train who turned out to be my mentor in college for the next year. sometimes i just click with someone and go “i know you’ll be my best friend”. so i’d generalize this to “i believe in recognizing a significance” 79. santa claus - no 80. kiss on a first date -  yes 81. angels - they might exist?
other 82. best friend’s name - man i can’t have just 1 best driftmate! don’t ask this :( 83. eye colour - Green 84. fave movie - Pacific Rim 85. fave actor - Idris Elba
am tagging: anyone who wants to, as idk how many of you have patience for all of these  questions! but it’s fun!
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catpella · 7 years
meme: jim kirk, han solo, raleigh becket
ohhhhhh jeez alright. fake date: Jim Kirk, because it would be a comedy hour and tons of fun while happening and I know the Enterprise is first in his heart. enemies to lovers: Han Solo because we’d get on poorly at first and work it out. slow burn: Raleigh Becket for sure.
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catpella · 7 years
A meme for SWTOR Thing!
indirectly tagged by @tehjai
Do you have more Imperial or Republic characters?
I started out with more Imperials on EH but I definitely have more Pubs. Do have a couple dupe chars who are cross-faction.
Which class do you play as the most?
My Trooper and Sith Warrior have the most /played time. I keep rolling SW/JK for the gameplay mechanics love and JC and Trooper because I love the stories. (I hear they’re less popular in general but fuck that.
Which race do you play as the most?
Humans. To an extent that’s affected by duplicates - 2 Ishev, 2 Auriva, etc. Otherwise I have 4 Zabrak and 4 Togruta as the next most populated.
How many have completed KotFE/KotET?
Only Ishev.
How many have completed up to Copero?
Only Ishev.
Who stayed loyal to their class romance?
Well most of my OCs romance OCs in RPverses. In terms of the game verse, Ishev remained loyal to Elara. Few others have gotten through non class story content to change their romance or flirt elsewhere.
Who started a romance with Lana, Theron or Koth?
Auriva got through KotFE ch9 to romance Lana. I really want a Kothmancer because I like him a lot...
Who is your oldest (having played the longest) OC?
Auriva was rolled at launch. Ishev was my first Republic character.
Who is your newest?
Hmm.. My server-formerly-known-as-Harby kids are pretty new, as is my new Chiss agent. and if they gave me Nautolans I’d be rolling my Jedi Nautolan siblings ASAP.
Who is your favorite?
Asking for “favorites” can be kind of painful because they’re all my babies. Are Ishev and Auriva my favorites because they’re my most-played or do I play and develop them the most because they’re my first and thus I know them longer? Other ones I love but don’t get asked about or played as much include Vakell, Karreja, Thrasis, and Dakhri and Yza-lir.
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catpella · 7 years
RULES: answer 30 questions and tag 10 blogs you are contractually obligated to know
Nicknames: cat, Capella, Cap, Cappie, cat no
Blood type: AB+
Height: 5'4 or 5'5 depending on if I'm slumping
Time:  2:36 PM
Fave Bending Element: Water
Birthday:  3 Feb
How many bees can you fit in you mouth:  Zero (and why is this a question?)
Music:  I've bee on The Biggest J-Pop craze lately; Ayumi Hamasaki, Utada Hikaru, Kiroro, Do As Infinity, hit me up if you're a weeb and want a random fav j-pop song in your askbox
In what year did you get your driver’s license: I don't have one because of that no-depth-perception only-half-use-of-one-eye thing. I ride the bus.
How many steak knives do you own: I don't know if we have a designated steak knives, we just have one of those blocks o knife and IDK what's in there.
What’s your favourite movie genre: sci-fi and fantasy
Why did you create your blog?: Because I noticed post LJ a lot of the fandom stuff moved to Tumblr instead of Dreamwidth (but personally I wish we'd all gone there)
On a scale of one to seventeen, how much do you love star wars?: 17! It's not my oldest or most favorite fandom but it's in my top 5.
Last thing you googled?: rootstock cider
Other blogs?: I've got a few dedicated Tumblr sideblogs for people who follow me for just 1 thing. Myst content is: @thedeepcity  SWTOR content is:  @sunfall-legacy and I should make a GW2 specific one... I’m also catpella on Dreamwidth.
AO3: Capella 
Do you get asks?: I get usually at least one per meme I reblog but I'm shit at answering all of them so I wouldn't be surprised if people stopped sending me things cause I don't fulfill them...
How did you get the idea for your URL?: so my online handle from the time I was 10 was Capella (like the star) but it was usually taken lots of places so someone was like “well you're a cat so make it cat-pella” and I was like “that's fuckin' great let's do it”
I follow: 167 tumblrs
Followers: 357 tumblrs
Fave star wars species: This is an unfair question as I love so many. I guess I'm going to say Twi'lek because I loved my Twi'lek purple staff saber lady from my 500 hours of Jedi Academy multiplayer days from HS… runner-ups were Zabrak and Togruta.
Most complicated word you can spell without having to look it up: Shit, I don't know, probably a dinosaur name. I once won the 8th grade spelling bee in my county because the prompt was “a dinosaur called the shark lizard” and it was Carcharondontosaurus  
Swords or Guns: I like the sword aesthetic
What are you wearing?: cargo pants, a fuzzy sweater. Probably changing back into Star Wars fuzzy pajamas  soon.
Fave cuddly toy: my large stuffed dolphin named Elara, twin to the giant stuffed dolphin at my mom's house which I named Rachel
How are you doing today?: Bit sore from shoveling out the drvieway.
What colour should Sabine’s hair be in the final season of Rebels?: I don't watch Rebels so I don't really have an opinion
Tea or coffee or other: I drink tea a lot more because I can drink it all of the time (black teas in the mornings for caffeine, rooibos teas in the evenings for decaf), but I do like coffee and espresso from years working in a coffee-shop job!
Are you always cold or always hot?: Always cold. Though since I've started T I've warmed up some, weirdly?
Tagging: @kotorswtor @droukhunter @karanan @kotorswtor @bitsypookums @aileuromania @krahka @bunnyiscthulhu
 (but nobody has to if they don’t want)
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catpella · 7 years
Re: the dating sim meme, My sweet/sensitive-nerdy-dude-who's-a -soldier-out-of-necessity kink is Known. Also Aeren would date Eri in a heartbeat if she wasn't conscious that (A)Eri is way out of her league social-prestige-wise and (B)They're probably some kind of distantly related.
Yeah, Ishev definitely hits that trope and it was a conscious creation (though not consciously crafted to lure you specifically I swear, it was just Serendipity!) I prob have a few more who hit the trope in some way - Yza-lir comes to mind - but that wasn’t an aim of intention.
For Erianthe, B is probably more of a concern than A. I can definitely imagine her route would involve a lot of nerding out out over mechanical interests so would be off-putting to anyone who didn’t find such interesting…
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