#people should know i fall into crushes fairly easily
bones4thecats · 4 months
hello! I love to read your writing and I hope you don't mind me requesting something for the amazing digital circus. 😊
Could I request Gangle and Jax either with a crush on the reader or in a relationship with them, where the reader is somewhat stoic and shows affection in quiet ways (such as sitting with them when they think they need company, or giving them gifts) and doesn't speak all too much?
I hope you have a nice day!
Them Having A Crush on Stoic! Reader
Characters: Gangle and Jax Requester: 😊Anon A/N: I’ll call you 😊Anon, since you added the emoji. By the way, people if you are doing an Anonymous request, please add an emoji onto it so I know who you are! Thanks! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: None ⚠️
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»»————————————-  Gangle  ————————————-««
🎭 Gangle was scared when she first met you. She assumed from the get-go that you were a fairly cold and uncaring individual, kinda like how Jax was. But, thankfully, you were far from like him
🎭 Whenever she got her comedy mask broken, you would come up to her and hold the object in your hand before repairing the decorative things
🎭 Let’s just say that when you handed her the mask and gently smiled as you walked away to speak to your other friend, Zooble, her face flushed as she covered it up with her ribbon-made hands
🎭 Gangle also likes it when you get protective of her. Like when you found out that Jax had broken her comedy mask on purpose and resulted in her crying, you found him and held him up by the neck and forced him to apologize
🎭 Hearing you declare that nobody should come in that amount of pain, especially someone as kind as her, she realized just how much she cared for you
🎭 She likes it whenever you pick her up on adventures and defend her with a classic glare that would kill if it was possible
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»»—————————————-  Jax  —————————————-««
🐇 Talk about two different people coming together
🐇 Jax is fairly expressive with himself, not bothering to hold back his bad emotions, though he seemingly holds his more happy-go-lucky side back in favor of letting others shine in that department
🐇 When he had first met you, he was annoyed
🐇 How were you resisting the urge to smack him so easily?! And why were you so gorgeous when you would look at the surroundings on each adventure that Caine would send them on
🐇 He obviously keeps himself from actually showing how much he cares about you. But, whenever you come up randomly missing on adventures, the few, that being Ragatha and Pomni, can tell that he is worried inside
🐇 Your silence is actually something that Jax appreciates. You're far more observant than the others, so you can tell when he is hiding something, such as after a small event that was held to tell Pomni about the other abstracted that the others could remember
🐇 He was hunkered down in a small area and he tried to tie himself together when he heard footsteps approach his hiding spot
🐇 When he saw you, Jax smirked and began to ask you why you were here in an annoyed tone. But, before he could try listing reasons to keep you off his case, you stood in front of him and opened your arms in a gesture of a hug
🐇 He began to sniffle before lunging and hugging you, tears falling down from his eyes as you held him closer with each passing second. By-far, this was one of his most valued memories left in his head of you
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mysterious-gizem · 9 months
Part 1:
For years giants hid from the human race, a small yet brutal and chaotic species. Until eventually the giant race grew to realize they could overthrow the human's easily, human's were cocky, they couldn't accept that they weren't top of the food chain anymore.
Oh, that was their first mistake.
The giant's only requested equality.
Yet, human's waged a war against beings that were stronger, faster, and ofcourse, bigger.
And that was the second mistake, upon many more they would make.
Giant’s prevailed, ofcourse. This time the human's were the ones hiding, small human civilizations stayed strong, deciding to fight back against the giant's. The giant's respected the effort and proposed a peace treaty.
Most of humanity instantly agreed, a few were stubborn and believed that if humans were on top before, they could do it again.
"So you're seriously not gonna eat us?" The brunette hesitantly asked the giant, the giant was just rather relieved that both the humans weren't crying or defensively screaming at him like a few minutes ago.
"L-Look, they forcefeed me human's here, just so they can get rid of other humans they find...inadequate." The taller sighed, "Honestly, it's a miracle they didn't make me eat you." The way the giant said it so casually set some unease upon the two men.
"W-Well I'm Dream, what about you guys?"
Small talk, okay, this might help out our situation.
"I'm George, this is Sapnap." George said whilst addressing to the raven haired male, who was holding him in a protective matter. Sapnap seemed to ease up easily to Dream, George was still rather hesitant yet he considered his situation at the moment and theres really no reason the giant should be nice to them.
"It's nice having company..." Dream blurted out, Sapnap stared up to be met with those unruly bright green eyes, it being the only feature they can get from the other with dim lighting; Sapnap coughed, "How long have you been...down here?"
Silence, it wasn't fairly long, but it was eerie nonetheless.
"Maybe a few months? I don't know, they gave me a clock but it was too small for me to read so they took it away." The giant explained solemnly. "Best if you get comfy, until you guys can escape, it's not safe." Both humans quietly listened as they began to tiredly spur out ideas on how they could possibly escape.
Hour's have passed, both human's falling comfortably asleep side by side eachother, Dream looked down on them, uncomfortably shifting ever so often; afraid of crushing them on accident, the area was too small, if he kneeled his head would already be pushing up on the ceiling. With two other people to worry about he felt even more cramped.
George stirred awake, groaning at the pain that his entire body was currently recieving, the brunette realized Sapnap wasn't near him; his senses became more clear, recognizing a few familiar chattering voices.
"-And suddenly, BAM! George shot an arrow through the zombies head, it was so cool since the forest was on fire and he could still hit the zombie even with his bulky weird goggles." Sapnap giggled.
Dream and Sapnap snapped their attention to the now annoyed brunette, "My goggles aren't weird! They help keep the sun from hurting my eyes when I'm trying to shoot something." He huffed. A raspy chuckle came from the giant as he watched the two humans, it's the most entertaining thing he's seen in a while.
As the raven haired man and brunette bickered a loud rumble interrupted them which caught them off gaurd. They both stared at Dream, who was embarrassed, the giant was avoiding their gaze. "Sorry..." He mumbled. "Do they really not feed you daily?" Sapnap grumbled.
"No- but I've gotten used to not eating for while."
It's been a long, long while...
"They basically took everything off of us besides clothes..." George announced while patting down his pockets. "Look I think we need to keep thinking of a way on how to get you two outta here." Dream said while biting down his lower lip anxiously.
"Sapnap said we could try luring the gaurds in a rushing out, but what about you?" The brunette asked the giant, "I'll be fine we just need to get you guys out." George nodded, not wanting to pry on why he was so persistent of getting them to leave.
Sapnap interjected, "Actually I was thinking about it, that Quackity guys probably thinks were dead. If were the one's making a commotion the gaurds might just inform duck man instead." Dream listened carefully to the human's conversation. "How do we even know if the gaurds can hear us?" The brunette asked, "For all we know this room is sound proof."
The brunette turned to Dream, "What can you tell us about this place?" Startled by the sudden question; Dream thought for a moment. "I-I don't know much, Sir comes visit once a month, and he observes me whenever he makes me eat someone..." Dream mumbled, feeling guilty he couldn't provide more insight.
"Okay...we need more time to figure out a plan..."
Dream suddenly grew more worrisome, while George and Sapnap were oblivious to it; Dream figeted with his fingers, he silently thought of his own plan on how he could get his new friends out of this gruesome, cruel place.
George speculated the liquid that dripped on him, suddenly gaining an idea.
"Dream, do you know what's above you? We're obviously underground but what's above the ceiling." The giant thinks for a moment, "I-I think it's like a lake maybe, or perhaps a waterhole?"
"Hey Dream is it alright if we climb up your knee so we can take a look at the ceiling?" The giant nodded as he positioned himself properly. George grabbed the fabric of the giant's jeans as he began to climb, Sapnap following suit.
George began to press his hands against the dirt ceiling, some small rocks and pebbles were practically the only thing that was holding it together; plus the tension aswell ofcourse. "Hey Sap do you think Dream could break through this?" Hearing his name Dream snapped his attention towards the two men.
"Hell yeah, Dream's definitely strong enough to break through that." George pondered for a moment, "So Dream have you ever tried breaking the ceiling." "No- didn't wanna risk anything, they already barely feed me. I don't know what's really up there, the lake might be surrounded by gaurds for all I know."
"Well we gotta try right? You've been here for months! Probably already developed scoliosis." The brunette explained, "Me and George can hold onto your clothes or something while you push the ground upward."
"Sure? L-Like now?" Dream asked as he shifted uncomfortably. "Better now then never right?" Sapnap snickered as he clung himself on Dream's shoulder while George clung on the other. Dream took a deep breath before positioning his arms.
He grit his teeth as his muscles tensed, the ceiling slowly giving out. Dream panicked as he thought the room was going to cave in, with a rush of adrenaline he gave punch upwards and he hauled himself up, the water dropping down into the room below making the area shake. They were all soaked and it was around mid-day the sunlight burned their eyes yet Dream picked himself up and ran.
George and Sapnap were still tightly clinging onto the man, the giant being kind enough to make sure they didn't fall aswell. Once they reached deep into a spruce forest the giants knees buckled and he fell to the ground.
Sapnap and George both climbed down, fixing themselves at the same time. The two cheered as they turned around to congratulate the giant.
The human's eyes widened in shock and amazement, this was the first time they both got an actual look at the giant before them.
Dream had dirty, unkept hair, George wasn't too sure if it was blond or brown. The bright green eyes that illuminated were now looking a more natural forest green, his clothes were ripped and dirty, overall the giant looked like a wreck.
"Yo man, you alright?" Sapnap tilted his head as he watched the blond raise his head.
The giant bared his teeth, "I-I gotta go."
The two males watched as the giant stood up and fled, both looking at eachother with a worried gaze, pursing they lips and hoped they would meet the giant once again.
As fate would have it, they would.
It was inevitable.
Yoo, I finally got an idea for part 2, Sheena helped me a lot TwT. I got a bit lazy at the end(sorry lmao)
(Honestly, idk if you still wanted to be tagged)
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brightwanderer · 1 year
A phoenixflare idea I may or may not explore in fic at some point: Joshua falls first.
By, oh, give or take 20 years or so.
It’s hero-worship when they meet as children. Joshua is painfully aware that Clive is the one the Phoenix should have chosen, while he’s a frail pile of embers terrified he can’t live up to expectations. Dion, meanwhile, is the strong, brave, perfect heir, who bears Bahamut’s strength so easily, so chivalrous and noble. Everything Clive should have had, everything Joshua wishes he could be - and yet beneath it all, the compelling hint of a loneliness and uncertainty Joshua knows well.
Then, Phoenix Gate. Joshua loses everything. He spends his adolescence being raised in secret and shuffled around by a cult that worships him as something close to a god. Even his closest companion cannot treat him as an equal. I’m sure he’s lonely, and as he learns more of Ultima, I’m sure he longs for someone else to share the burden.
Imagine Joshua drinking in every story he hears of Dion the Bold. Maybe he daydreams about the handsome prince sweeping in to take him away from this stressful, secretive life. Maybe he imagines them joining forces to save the world. Maybe as he gets older, other thoughts creep in, fuelled by everything he hears about how handsome Prince Dion is as an adult.
(Maybe he hears rumours that the prince does not care for women, and maybe it makes his heart flutter with ridiculous hope.)
(Maybe he also has some fairly intense thoughts about what a man with a body like Dion’s could do to him in, on, or anywhere near a bed, but let’s keep this relatively PG.)
Imagine Joshua nursing this crush for years, for more than a decade. Clinging to it like a long-lost keepsake, finding it changes with him as he grows: from something innocent to something heated to something complicated and deep.
Because when he’s old enough and strong enough to travel on his own, of course his ears still prick up at every mention of Dion’s name. The battles he’s fought for the Empire. The orders he’s been given, sometimes less than honourable. The Empire’s growing greed, first glimpsed in the treachery at Phoenix Gate, now writ large in its annexation of Rosaria - then later in the invasion of the Crystalline Dominion. The people all say Dion is a good man, a thoughtful leader, a true prince. Is he uneasy with the change in his country and his father? Does he see the shadows lengthening too? Or is he complicit, no longer the shining idol of Joshua’s youth?
And Joshua is smart enough to doubt his own motives. He wants to approach Dion as a potential ally, but can he trust his own judgement? Does he really believe, in objective terms, that Dion will help him - or is he still in love with the stories he told himself all those years?
(And can he bear it, if it turns out Dion isn’t who Joshua wants him to be?)
So he hesitates. He waits. He waits until events make it clear that the Emperor intends to pass over Dion in favour of Olivier. Joshua knows then that whatever else, Dion is not a part of his father’s scheming. Approaching him is a risk worth taking now, as long as Joshua can put aside his childish daydreams and unrequited longing, meet the man as he truly is, see past the fantasy.
No wonder he’s tight as a wire when he steps into that tent. No wonder he keeps his hands gripped out of sight behind his back. No wonder he moves like every step, every breath, every word, is one he considered beforehand. No wonder he buys himself a few seconds picking up the fallen flower, restoring it, keeping his eyes off Dion as he fights his pounding heart.
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And no wonder Joshua blames himself, after the fall of Drake’s Tail, that he didn’t go to Dion sooner.
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2nd2ndalto · 1 year
Fall Down With You
Chapter 1
Here's a little journey through Nico & Will's relationship over several decades written through vignettes based around sleep. It runs around 13k words, but for some reason I'm feeling overwhelmed trying to do final edits on the whole thing, so I'll post it in chapters. It should all be out fairly quickly. Hope you enjoy.
“Oh, you startled me!” Will claps a hand to his chest as he comes to an abrupt stop in the waiting room of the infirmary. It’s late - past midnight now. He hadn’t expected to find anyone out of bed as he was making his rounds of the building.
The dark-haired boy standing at the window turns, looking guilty. “Sorry. I - I couldn’t sleep. I swear I wasn’t trying to escape or anything.”
Will huffs out a laugh. He’s still not quite sure what to make of this boy who appeared out of the sky mid-battle with a giant statue. “It’s okay. I just didn’t think anyone else would be awake. And… you know this isn’t a prison, right? I’m not trying to hold you here against your will.”
Nico raises an eyebrow. “You sure? Because it kind of sounded that way.”
Will shifts awkwardly. “Yeah, maybe it did, a little bit,” he admits.
The other boy smirks.
“Look, you almost died. Surely you can -”
Nico waves a hand dismissively. “It’s fine Solace. I’m not complaining. Like I said, I wasn’t tired. I’m just stretching my legs. If that’s allowed.”
“Yeah, of course.” Will frowns. “I guess you have been sleeping most of the last 24 hours. Your sleep schedule’s going to be really messed up.”
Nico rubs the back of his neck. “Right, sleep schedule. I guess I should think about getting one of those.”
"Well," Will considers, "if you're planning on staying here for a while, that should start falling into place."
Nico had said, yesterday, that he planned on staying. Will's still having a hard time believing it, somehow. He hasn't seen much of Nico over the last few years, but the kid is hard to pin down when he is here. Will thinks he seems a bit less twitchy this time around. But then again, he's spent most of their time together unconscious. So who can say.
The other boy shrugs. "I am. Planning on staying, that is."
Will nods, feeling a smile pull at his lips. "Okay, then. I think that's a good plan."
Nico frowns, taking a seat in one of the waiting room chairs and pulling a knee up to his chest. "Why do you care?"
Will blinks.
"Sorry." Nico shakes his head. "That came out wrong. Why - why do you care, though?"
Will laughs, dropping into a chair across from the dark-haired boy. "You're right, that sounded much better on the second attempt," he teases.
Nico scrubs his hands over his face and huffs out a laugh. "Maybe I do actually still need more sleep."
When he looks up to meet Will's gaze again, there's less defensiveness there. He's still guarded, but he looks more curious now. Like those dark eyes are boring into Will, trying to figure out what makes him tick.
Will finds he needs to look away for a moment. Why does he care? He can't very well tell the other boy it's because I've always thought you were really cool and I might have a little crush on you and also you're one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen. Unless he wants him to immediately disappear again, of course.
"I think... I think this is a good place for you," Will says carefully.
Nico looks dubious.
Will sighs. "Okay, look. I know we barely know each other, but I'd... I'd like to get to know you better." He shrugs, feeling his face heat. Stupid face. "You seem... I don't know. You're smart. And funny. You seem like someone I'd like to be friends with. I don't know if that's a good reason, but that's... that's why," he finishes, now mumbling into his lap.
"That's a good reason," Nico says quietly.
Will glances up to see the other boy looking somehow softer, more vulnerable than he's ever seen him. It's a little bit shattering, and with some despair, he realizes that he's not going to be able to shake this crush very easily at all. He offers Nico a smile, which Nico returns, looking shy.
Nico clears his throat. "Hey, um. What are you reading?" He gestures to the book in Will's hand.
"Oh." Will glances down, momentarily confused - he'd forgotten all about the book - but honestly he’s a little relieved at the change of subject. "It's just The Hobbit." He holds the book up to show Nico.
The other boy's brow creases. "The Hobbit? I don't think I know that one. Was that... a movie?"
Will feels his eyes go wide. "Oh you've never read it? It's so good. Yeah, they made a movie a while back, but the book is, like, pretty old."
Nico nods. "Cool. I guess I - um. I was kind of in a sort of... time warp. For... decades," he says awkwardly.
"Right, I remember hearing that," Will nods. "So you've missed a lot of media, I bet. Books and TV and movies and... everything." He blinks at the other boy, trying to wrap his head around what that might be like.
Nico looks a bit like he's starting to close in on himself again, and Will is hit by an unreasonably fervent desire to drag the other boy back. "I can help you get caught up!" he says eagerly.
This brings a small, hesitant smile from Nico, and on some level, Will is aware how truly ridiculous it is, the way it makes his heart swell in his chest. He has a fleeting, stupid thought that he’d like nothing better than to spend the rest of his life trying to make Nico di Angelo smile.
"Have you seen any of the Star Wars movies?" Will asks before he can help himself. Or before he can say something even stupider, he’s not sure.
"Um. I don't think so," Nico says hesitantly. "That isn't the one with the guy who time-travels in the phone booth, is it?"
Will beams. "Not even close. Oh man, we have a lot of work to do."
Nico laughs, and it's like starlight.
"Hey, since you're not doing anything right now, I could - I could read to you?" Will asks.
Oh gods what the fuck did he say that for? What a dumb thing to offer. Will feels himself flushing, hard. But Nico's nodding slowly, looking shy and pleased.
"Yeah, okay. Like, from that?" Nico points to the book in Will's hand.
"Yeah. My - my mom used to read to me. Most nights. But especially when I couldn't sleep."
The boys gaze at each other for a breath before glancing away at the same time. The moment has Will’s stomach leaping far more than should be physiologically possible.
Will swallows. "Okay. So I'll start back at the beginning. I've already read it a bunch of times anyway." He clears his throat, flipping to the first chapter. "Um. I'm not the best at reading aloud. So just tell me if you want me to stop. You won't hurt my feelings."
“Chapter One,” Will begins, “An Unexpected Party.”
Nico doesn't seem to mind Will's oral reading skills, though. He laughs in the right places, laughs harder when Will attempts a Gandalf impression, and sometimes interrupts to ask questions. They're three chapters in when Will realizes Nico’s been quiet for a while. He glances up to see the other boy with his head tipped back against the wall, eyes closed, breath slow and steady. Will studies him for just a moment longer than he should, probably: long dark eyelashes feathered against pale cheeks, soft, full lips, his face peaceful in sleep.
Will is so lost already, he’s sure of it. But somehow he can't bring himself to care.
Tearing his eyes away, Will turns back to the chapter he was reading earlier in the evening.
(next chapter)
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summoner-of-arkas · 1 year
Gungeon Ask Meme: Object edition
Half Heart - Do you need a full reset or just some time resting when exhausted?
Heart - Any interesting medical stories, yours or someone else's?
Armor - Light and nimble or heavy and protected?
Old Crest - What moment in your life do you constantly come back to?
Key - What do you have on your keychain?
Blank - How often do you need time alone?
Ammo - What do you do when you're running low on energy?
Spread Ammo - Do you have a lot of responsibilities on your plate?
Hegemony Credit - If money was no object, what's the first thing you do?
Bronze Casing - Opinion on coins?
Silver Casing - Is it worth it to splurge every now and again?
Gold Casing - Anything you're saving up for?
Cell Key - Ever had lock related troubles?
Gnawed Key - Would you like a hidden room and where would it be?
Rat Key - Fight fairly or win no matter what?
Barrel - Do you have a temper?
Explosive Drum - What are your pet peeves?
Toxic Barrel - How bad does mess need to get before cleaning up?
Oil Barrel - Opinion on fire?
Water Barrel - Bath or Shower?
Wooden Table - Where do you commonly eat?
Stone Table - Where do you keep constantly used belongings?
Portable Table - Ever had the thought to flip a table?
Coffin - Top of your head, what's the difference between coffins and caskets?
Clutter - Do you have any decorations in your room?
Brazier - Weirdest way you ever cooked something?
Cursed Pot - Are you superstitious?
Oil Lamp - What's your plan in a blackout?
Minecart - Do you use brute force or find leverage to decrease exertion needed?
Green Gun Muncher - Know any strange food combos and do you like it?
Red Gun Muncher - A buffet or one well cooked meal?
Mirror - What do you do in front of the mirror?
Demon Face - Has something seemed scary at first glance but turned out not to be?
Chandelier - When is it better to get a professional instead of a Do-It-Yourself solution?
Sawblade - Do you actually measure twice before cutting?
Spikes - Did you ever choose to do something you knew would upset someone else?
Rolling Spikes - How easy is it to throw you off your groove?
Flame Vent - Favorite way to start a fire?
Flame Pipe - Do you feel safe when someone else said they used a DIY solution?
Rotating Fire - How inconvenient does something need to be to turn you away?
Trap Door - Have any stories about falling?
Boulders - Opinion on survival-crafting games like minecraft, terraria, don't starve, ect?
Turret - How good is your internal clock?
Minecart Turret - How long should you rest before moving on?
Crush - Is it satisfying to destroy things?
Fire Ring - Do you fall into patterns easily?
Brown Chest - Do you judge things at a glance?
Blue Cheat - When does uncommon become rare?
Green Chest - How much is a life changing amount of money?
Red Chest - What was your luckiest moment?
Black Chest - What's the rarest thing you own?
Fuse - Are you indecisive?
Synergy Chest - Do you dwell on what could've been?
Rainbow Chest - Has something seemed too good to be true but was true?
Glitched Chest - How much of a shake up breaks monotony?
Rat Chest - Has ironic karma ever happened to you or someone else?
Truth Chest - Do you need the answers to the big questions?
Revival Chest - What's your approach to trying something again?
Ammo Shrine - What's the worst way you've been ripped off?
Angel Shrine - Has your pride blinded you before?
Beholster Shrine - Do you prepare for niche situations?
Blank Shrine - Do you fall for the Sunk Cost Fallacy?
Blood Shrine - Have you hurt people for your own benefit?
Challenge Shrine - Do you look back on past events and feel accomplished?
Cleanse Shrine - How do you process your stress?
Companion Shrine - Do you have a best friend?
Dice Shrine - Any Question Goes. Roll the bones.
Glass Shrine - What's the weirdest spot you found something religious?
Hero Shrine - Can cycles truely be broken?
Junk Shrine - Is there a character you hold close to your heart? Why?
Peace Shrine - Do your emotions control you in the heat of the moment?
Y.V. Shrine - Do you miss the old days of internet culture?
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mundmutter · 1 month
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SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)? Within Deathleads, the OTP with her is with Atlas! there are a few others I ship her with within the story, but Atlas has always been her endgame eeeeeeeeeven though they're just not online anymore lol
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping? She can be fairly toxic, there are many bad aspects of being with her that I would love to write out
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable? She's immortal! So, it depends on what verse I'm writing in. If she's in a more modern-world like mha or jjk, the cutoff would be 1-2 years younger than her age. She's around 20-25 in these verses so she'd be uncomfortable if they were younger.
Are you selective when shipping? it definitely has to be with someone I can communicate with and someone who can understand the type of character she is. not trying to change her, but challenging her. keeping up with her, it has to be a certain type of muse that can really stay compatible with her. She's a romantic heart that can fall easily, but she is not an easy woman to love ( at times ) it all depends on the muse.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW? when the clothes come off or we're mentioning body parts
Who are other muses you ship your muse with? I'm assuming this means with muses I'm not shipping with? I don't want to make anyone feel awkward about it but I guess I can list off some muses I'm not interacting with right now lol in I guess the most active fandom?
Aizawa! he's a very no-nonsense teacher who loves his students and is very passionate about his hero work and Hawks who is just dubious enough to make her interested and also he's a bird that I think should take her flying sometime !! And I think he would have some really good dialogues with her, Twice is an interesting option too, as someone who is very out-there and beyond what she's used to, but I can see him with interesting back and forths with her and actually caring about her. Maybe something one-sided on her side? oh but also All Might because she has a very big crush on him shhhh.
Does one have to ask to ship with you? I remember dynamics that have formed by just talking to people about our muses back and forth and that's how the ship happened so. no
Are you multiship? Yeh
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less? I don't have many active ships and would really enjoy a few more, because it is really fun to get into her head and watch her fall slowly and steadily in love, try to deny it and hurt herself in the process. sometimes it's bittersweet and sometimes it just doesn't have an ending at all and I think that's neat. But I wouldn't say I'm ship obsessed
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Finally, how does one ship with you? like I said, you really have to tell me if you want to ship because I am very anxious and I do not ask people if they want to ship anymore based onnnn certain past experiences lol I also have a habit of, when talking about dynamics, shooting myself in the foot by suggesting one-sided things, to give people an out. I like starting things off as friends most of the time, but even when I think they could go beyond friendship I just uhhhhhhhh don't say anything
tagged by: it was in my drafts I have no idea
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marastriker · 2 years
🏳️‍🌈💤🦾💝🫂💔🔪🌟❤️‍🔥🖕for C.B., Dustin and Dinah!
Sorry this took longer than others, it was just a lot for me to cook up !
🏳️‍🌈 A sexuality headcanon
So gay, so very obviously homosexual. The only exception is Dinah
💤 A headcanon about their sleep
Tosses and turns and jumps and almost falls off the bed, but claims he always sleeps really well. Is it true? We don't know for sure.
🦾 A disability headcanon
Partially deaf due to a childhood accident. Wears his radio headset with built in hearing aids to help.
💝 A headcanon about their love language
Touch touch touch touch physical affection lick lick gently bite
🫂 A friendship headcanon
Friends with Dinah for the longest time before they became an item. She's his closest friend still and trusts her with (almost) anything
💔 An angsty headcanon
He regrets leaving the only family he had so early, he didn't have the skills developed to be on his own at such a young age (13).
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence
He's unfortunately too much of a tiny macaroni to really inflict much damage should he decide to fight, so he's learned, mostly from his brother, how to talk his way out of situations. Sometimes he also uses the fun little tool of distraction/diversion to slip away quickly.
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes
CB is rather escapist, and sometimes just wishes he could live in a Disney movie, where problems are easily solved and he lives happily ever after. He knows it's not realistic, but-
❤️‍🔥 A romantic headcanon
Romance isn't very intuitive for him, so he tends to express it in very cliche ways that he's seen on TV. Flowers, chocolates, etc. Though he's taken to the flowers fairly easily because he also thinks they're pretty.
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
He keeps most of his anger inside, which isn't really super healthy, but better than exploding on whoever. Most think he doesn't actually get angry but he's really good at silently seething.
🏳️‍🌈 A sexuality headcanon
As far as she's concerned, she's straight, but she tends to be more traditional and has not done much to explore her gender and sexuality.
💤 A headcanon about their sleep
She usually sleeps very soundly, hardly moves much at all! Sometimes she snores very softly, especially if it's cold.
🦾 A disability headcanon
I think she suffers from body dysmorphia.
💝 A headcanon about their love language
She LOVES cooking and baking for people. Her gift will always be a home baked good to anyone new at the yard.
🫂 A friendship headcanon
CB is a very close friend of hers, but Buffy and Ashley are also very trusted confidants, always willing to support her when she needs it.
💔 An angsty headcanon
She is not always as confident as she pretends to be. She's rather insecure about her weight and emotional status and can often feel like she's a burden on those around her.
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence
She doesn't believe fists will solve anything.
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes
She wants to believe that she's beautiful and enough. Sometimes she does, but it's also very easy to fall back into a more negative mindset.
❤️‍🔥 A romantic headcanon
She is a hopeless romantic and has had a tendency to be codependent in her relationships in the past, but she's absolutely working on it and trying to do better.
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
She isn't loud when she's angry - she definitely doesn't yell. But there is certainly a very scary and threatening look on her face that will tell you she's not happy, and if you don't shape up, she might do something irrational.
🏳️‍🌈 A sexuality headcanon
On the asexual spectrum, it's not something he thinks about very often, but he's certainly very romantic and gets crushes on boys and girls alike.
💤 A headcanon about their sleep
Sleeps rather soundly most nights, but does get nightmares more often than normal and can have trouble getting back to sleep due to anxiety.
🦾 A disability headcanon
Not a disability in the traditional sense, but anxiety is something he struggles with and he is often left wondering if people actually want to be his friend or if they're just pretending to be nice.
💝 A headcanon about their love language
Quality time. He is a very good listener and an empath and puts others needs above his own. This makes him a very loyal friend and/or partner, but he does need to be reminded that his needs matter too.
🫂 A friendship headcanon
Flat Top is one of his closest friends and someone who will drop his tough exterior to have a heart to heart with him. And Dustin very much appreciates that. He's learned that when others - like CB or BV - drop their normal demeanor to ask what's wrong, it shows that they do care for him to some extent.
💔 An angsty headcanon
He has cried himself to sleep before.
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence.
He is a pacifist, through and through. Wouldn't even dream of hurting a bug, let alone another person.
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes
He wants a future with someone like minded and kind, who loves him despite his flaws and struggles.
❤️‍🔥 A romantic headcanon
He's also a hopeless romantic and loves to hear about other's relationships as well. He often asks the coupled pairs in the yard how things are going with them and is delighted when he hears adorable details.
🖕 A headcanon relating to anger
He's very slow to anger and always takes the time to try to understand other people's perspectives.
Thank you Jenny! ❤
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books-and-science · 2 years
Too Little Too Late Chapter 1
Pairings: Ienzo/Reader
Summary: You're the local Potion Master and Enchanter for Radiant Garden, after meeting and getting to know one of the local scientists, you've managed to fall head over heals for him. Little did you know your love for him would be your downfall, as an illness takes a hold of you causing you to cough up lilac petals. You could easily cure it by telling Ienzo how you feel, but you can't help but notice the new face around Radiant Garden and he seems very close to Ienzo. 
Rating: G but its got some swearing.
A/N: I know this chapter is short, but I found the flow to work better by cutting it where I cut it. This fic is going to be pretty angst, but with hurt comfort and I swear there is a happy ending. This fic also involves the hanahaki disease of the reader so have fun!
You couldn’t help the grin that spread across your face, “Ienzo, how are you?” you had a huge crush on him. Ever since you met him two years ago when Radiant Garden was coming back to life, you both became such good close friends. When you met him he was so fragile and emotionally unstable, he told you why and what had happened to him when he was a child, and how he had ended up in the organization. But, you convinced him to talk to someone, and you did your best to support him.
It was about a year into your friendship that you realized that you were interested in him, and from there it escalated and you found yourself in love with this man. But he had never shown interest in dating anyone, so you never tried to pursue it. You always hoped that one day he would make the first move, or at least he would find someone and you would be able to move on, but he was always around. You both spent so much time together, and the more he healed and worked on his guilt and pain, the more his personality started to shine through. So here you were, hopelessly in love with this wonderful science boy.
“I’m doing fine, but I’m hungry and I wanted to see if you would accompany me to get some lunch in town,” He was always so polite, and he’s so handsome. How could you say no.
“Where are we going?” you asked leaning over to set the potion in the crate with the others.
“I was in the mood for ramen, if I’m honest,” you could hear the rustling in the background of the video from his end.
“Ienzo,” you heard from the background, “You need to stop eating out all the time.”
Ienzo took in a deep breath and let it out before turning to Even, “Thank you for the advice, but I’m going to choose to ignore it.”
Even rolled his eyes at Ienzo, “Fine, but you need to think more about your health you know.”
“I’m going to continue my phone call now,” Ienzo concluded before turning back to the phone. “What do you think, [Y/N]?”
“Ramen sounds good to me, I’ll never get enough of it, honestly,” you could eat it everyday, “Want to meet there at like 12:15?”
“Sounds great,” he grinned, “I’ll see you then, oh could you bring some potions along? We need some for around the lab, I can send a list and bring the munny.”
“Abosolutely,” you gave him a thumbs up, “I’ll make sure to have it ready, I was just working on restocking so it should be no problem”
“Awesome, I’ll see you soon the-?” The new guy to Radiant Garden was in the frame throwing his arm around Ienzo’s shoulder.
You hadn’t realized that they had known each other, you noticed the new face a couple weeks ago, he must have been from a different world. You didn’t remember him from before the fall of Radiant Garden, maybe Ienzo met him before Radiant Garden was restored.
“Hey! Are you Y/N? The best friend?” He asked through the call, Ienzo gave a heavy sigh. It was nice that Ienzo talked about you.
“This is Myde, he’s living here in the castle for the time being,” Ienzo allowed him to wrap an arm around him. You were surprised, he didn’t let many people touch him, friendly or otherwise.
“Thanks for keeping this guy in check!” Myde pat his chest, Ienzo seemed fairly comfortable with him. “He’s not so great at taking care of himself.” Ienzo rolled his eyes at the comment.
“Oh yeah, I always make sure that he’s actually eating and taking breaks,” You laughed, Ienzo’s face was now a slight tint of pink. You didn’t know that Myde had worked in the castle with the others.
“You better get back to Even before he decides to make you a test subject,” Ienzo warned and at that Myde laughed awkwardly before running out of frame. “Sorry about that, I’m going to head out now so I’ll see you at the ramen place.”
“Of course,” you both said your goodbyes, and hung up. You decided to get a few more potions done before heading out, but you had this strange tickle in your throat. It started as a few coughs, you kept drinking water, but nothing seemed to help. “what the fuck?” you whispered to yourself.
Soon you were doubled over coughing, the longer it went on, the more terrified you were that you would suffocate. You felt something fluttering in your throat, your eyes were watering and you were on your knees on the floor unable to stand.
After what seemed like so long, you finally coughed up what ever was stuck in your throat. You looked down at your hand, flower petals? Lilac specifically. You glared at the lilac you had on your desk. You must have breathed in petals at one point and not noticed, well at least you were alive. You looked at the time, “shit!” You jumped up and quickly gathered the potions that Ienzo requested and quickly put up the closed sign and locked the door.
When you reached the Ramen shop Ienzo already got a table, “Sorry,” you immediately apologized, “I almost died.” you took a seat across from him.
He raised an eyebrow at you, “do you want to explain how you almost died?”
“I breathed in flower petals while I was working on potions,” you admitted. It was a bit embarrassing, but at least you had made it to the ramen shop, “which reminds me,” you placed the bag of potions on the table. “I believe these are for you.”
He laughed and took the potions, “I’m sorry for asking for something so deadly from you, but I appreciate your sacrifice for these potions,” he then reached into his own pocket and handed you a small bag, “Here is the compensation as well. But, do you feel better?”
“Yes,” you reached out and took the bag, your fingers brushing his, “I-I just didn’t realize what had happened and it hurt, but I think some warm ramen should do the trick.”
“Ramen makes most things better,” Ienzo agreed, when you two became friends, one of the first places you went to eat was this ramen shop. You had an idea that he associated the ramen shop and in turn, the actual bowl of ramen, with comfort and safety. It helped that the family that ran the shop were very kind and knew both of you by now. They always loved having you two in the shop.
“I have to agree with you,” You sighed happily settling into your seat, “it’s starting to get colder out, so I feel like we’re going to be coming here more often.”
“I will always agree to come here,” he grinned, “thank you for all of these potions though, Even will be very happy.”
“Glad to help,” you smiled.
“But I wonder if I should bring my supplies to your shop and keep watch on you.” You had to admit you were a little clumsy. He had witnessed quite a few unfortunate incidents; you tripping, you hitting your hips and arms off of railings and walls, as well as watching as things just dropped from your hands almost like a ghost had decided to knock it from your grip.
“I’ll live!” you waved him off, “I’ll keep you in mind when I almost die again.”
“You better!”
After lunch you went back to your shop and restocked, you were able to get caught up on all of your enchanting work, and the day was actually kind of slow. You were were thankful for it, and messaged Ienzo on your gummi phone.
[Y/N] 3:03 pm I literally ran out of things to do and I’m kind of glad I get to sit down and drink some tea.
[Ienzo] 3:09 pm That sounds lovely. Unfortunately, Even has me entering in data. I find that data entry can put me right to sleep.
[Y/N] 3:11 pm Sounds like you’ll need a nap after work today :P
[Ienzo] 3:16 pm What is :P ?
[Y/N] 3:17 pm It’s a face sticking its tongue out, Sora showed it to me :D <--- smiley face
[Ienzo] 3:20 pm I can see it :D <--- my face when I finally understood.
“OH NO!” you yelled out loud, thankfully no one was in the store to hear you. But, how could he do this to you!? He was so fucking cute!
[Ienzo] 3:21 pm :D <---- me when I eat ramen.
“He’s going to kill me!” you yelled out loud once more! you felt that weird tickle in your throat, like when you had that coughing fit from before. You coughed to try and make it go away, while trying to type back.
[Y/N] 3:22 pm :D <--- me watching you be excited over typed out faces.
Unfortunately, the cough came back at full force, you were soon doubled over the counter coughing into your arm. You didn’t want anyone to walk in on you like this, so you did your best to shuffle into the back taking your phone with you just in case you needed to call for help. Your eyes were watering and tears streamed down your face, it was awful. But, soon you were able to cough up whatever was stuck in your throat.
You pulled away from your arm and look down to see more lilac petals, but you weren’t even near the lilac this time. Maybe this needed more research. But first, you decided to look up a potion for coughing fits. Even if it didn’t stop them completely, it should help make it less terrible to experience. You wiped off your face and got up from the floor. You checked to see if Ienzo had messaged you back.
[Ienzo] 3:23 pm :D <--- me when I finish my data entry.
[Ienzo] 3:24 pm Oh no, Even saw me and yelled at me.
[Ienzo] 3:26 pm Wait I’m an adult. I can message whoever I want.
You took in some deep breaths and typed back.
[Y/N] 3:30 pm You are an adult!
[Ienzo] 3:32 pm Thank you :D
You smiled down at your phone and closed out of the messenger and went to the counter to clean the surface. Didn’t want to spread germs.
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chussyracing · 1 year
give the opinions please I'm bored at work
getting myself cancelled? why not. i'm on mobile (and it's too late to make coherent sentences) but i'll try to put it all under the cut
in the order anon sent them:
Sebchal - one of the less bad ones but honestly? so much about it was idolised and cliche-ed out of proportions over the years. Seb was going through a lot at the time, as much everyone knew. As a 4 times champion coming to the most prestigious team, the pressure must have been enormous and he was failing the mission he set for himself. I think all of us dumb red horse team fans wanted him to win a championship with said team but it didn't look good and turned basically impossible the day Charles stepped a foot in the team. He probably had a bit of an boy crush on Seb who was still the mighty 4 times wdc and number 1 driver in his dream team. At least for some time it turned pretty sour especially on the track and ultimately every piece of content from that time (minus the infamous helmet message) falls a bit one sided and always has. Not to speak about how fan space is made up by fans first and content second and a lot of fans of sebchal just try to push the "he's like father to him" narrative that I can't help to find mildly disrespectful. I get and appreciate the fandom jokes about grid dads and grid kids and don't get me wrong, sometimes they are funny, but in this particular case it always felt like some people take it too far.
Chewie - one of the best ones honestly. I think they are friendly towards each other, Lewis hypes him like he always does with young drivers and Charles has a lot of admiration for him (and let's be real probably some jealousy too, because Lewis is the greatest driver there has ever been). So far so good but when people in the fandom get involved in shipping them I can easily imagine it as mildly problematic in the classical produced content (like fics fanart and stuff) - with age gap or stereotypes or whatever.
Piarles - I love that Charles has a bestie in the paddock that he grew up with and that he knows better than any other driver and hangs out with outside of racing too. But that's it. It was a lot sweeter back in the day and came out as more genuine. Maybe I just never paid that much attention or their different career moves changed them (and that's valid and definitely not something I should judge) but... if you follow the subtle patterns lately one side comes out as exploiting the opportunities that come out with hanging out of the other more. If you asked me years ago this might be my first go to though so to some extend I understand why people like it. What I don't understand are those who see besties hanging out together and start yelling about them being on a date or being in love or whatever. They got used to it no doubt, because one they're properly famous (which naturally comes with lots of people being weird about you) and two they're both fairly present on social media so I bet they saw things. That's on people who ship them and not on any of them personally tho. As someone who was on the receiving end of those "ur dating haha ur so in love" talks with multiple of my friends in the past, I can tell u that there's just a few things that made me so uncomfortable.
Chalex - this might honestly take the crown for the best current Charles ship? Alex knows him for a long time as well and also knows what it is like to be his team mate during the worst times (puberty lol). I can openly admit I wasn't always very fond of Alex because.... you guessed it, Red Bull. He just came out as quite arrongant (and I guess because for one you need to always be confident about yourself in this sport to continue doing it on such a high level and the moment you stop, you're out, and two of course your self esteem increases if you get a seat in a top team). I properly enjoyed him during the twitch sessions though, he always seemed (and seems currently) as the sweet happy-go-lucky person who knows how to live life fully. He's also a little tease and paired with Charles it just works somehow. Again, I just don't really enjoy when people take it too far and start speculating if it's real and what not. Alex is happily in a relationship and they're good friends who often joke with each other during driver parades.
Charge - this might be short, because there's not much to say. It's cute and I love the vibes. They give off the energy of George calling him snickerdoodle or gigglebunny or fuzzybear while Charles grows more confused and concerned each time and asks what if means to which George just thinks "goodness gracious...." and tries to patiently explain the british gibberish. Sweet, fun and niche but I don't think there's much to work with nowadays so twitch days were definitely more fruitful time for Charge shippers.
In short: I don't have any big problem with Chewie, Chalex or Charge (and if so, they're minor) but Sebchal and Piarles are not as ideal as people make them seem. But then again I don't consider myself a shipper at all, so as long as people use correct tags and don't flood charles' main tag with shipping posts I don't mind them.
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britesparc · 1 year
Weekend Top Ten #583
Top Ten Fictional Coronations
Oh look, topicality.
I had a whole other list ready to pop today and then I thought, er, I probably should try to tie something in here. But it was hard! I nearly didn’t bother! Because I found about two-thirds of this list fairly easily, but I really did struggle to get to ten. It turns out there are a lot of coronation scenes in films and TV that, er, I just don’t remember. And a few that I’ve not seen, either. I really wish I’d watched The Man Who Would Be King, partly because there’s a coronation in that and partly just because I really want to watch The Man Who Would Be King.
Anyway, yes, of course this is tying into real events. But I’ve got my rules and I’m sticking to them. So this is fictional coronations; no movie adaptations of real-life coronations are allowed. This is pretend people getting pretend crowns. And I’m deciding what counts as a coronation; in fact, crowns don’t have to be involved at all. Basically if someone goes from “not being an undemocratically-elected ruler” to being a “an undemocratically-elected ruler”, then it counts as a coronation.
But – and here’s where it gets truly slippery – I really do want to see that moment. The bit where they become king; or, like today’s shenanigans, the bit where it’s sort of made official at least. You’ll see that below. I wanted to include King Ralph because I love John Goodman, but I don’t actually remember – and couldn’t find online – a scene of him actually being crowned. I mostly remember him playing rock and roll in the palace, and stuff with Peter O’Toole.
(Incidentally, it’s in looking for King Ralph clips that I discovered that his girlfriend in that film is Doctor Who’s Jackie Tyler, Camille Coduri!)
Anyway, where was I? Falling down a John Goodman hole. Back to the coronations. Yes: these are my favourite scenes of crowning in movies outside of Knocked Up.
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King Elessar, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003): Aragorn’s journey from scruffy-looking nerf-herder Ranger to leader of armies to a King with a neater beard is the backbone of the trilogy. In the simplistic, fairy tale (not a criticism!) logic of Middle-Earth, we know he’s a Good Man and will be a Good King so his coronation – with all the pomp and regality Gondor allows – is a celebration of the victory over evil. He sings in Elvish, he gets surprised by his new wife, they share a very sexy kiss, and then the bit that always makes me tear up: “You bow to no one”. Every single person bows to the four hobbits in a sumptuous wide shot. Incredible!
Starscream, The Transformers: The Movie (1986): “Who disrupts my coronation?” “Coronation, Starscream? This is bad comedy.” No, Galvatron, it’s good comedy. Seeing Starscream finally get his dream – ruling the Decepticons – and seeing what he does with it – vainglorious imperial faff – is delightful, as are the little comic beats (shooting off the bugles). But then Galvatron straight-up kills him, his body crumbling into dust, and then Galvy – in one of the franchise’s mot iconic shots – steps on and crushes the crown. “What’d he say his name was?”
Queen Elsa, Frozen (2013): the actual moment of coronation is a wickedly tense affair, because we know Elsa has these powers that she doesn’t want to show. Will she be able to keep it in check? Her tension grows, as does the frost on the sceptre and orb she holds. Its wonderfully played and animated, and that’s before the whole coronation ceremony goes tits up and she freezes the world. Bonus point here: her sister’s coronation in Frozen II is much shorter and simpler but also rather nice.
Lord Farquaad, Shrek (2001): it’s something of a shotgun wedding-cum coronation, as little Farqy is only marrying Princess Fiona because it’ll make him a King not a Lord (not sure of the logic there; wouldn’t it make him a Prince? Anyway…). The ceremony is complete, and he grabs the crown and puts it on, declaring himself King – before being eaten. Short dude, short rule.
Simba, The Lion King (1994): so we come to our first one where technically there’s no “coronation” as such. Simba, the rightful king, should have ruled Pride Rock from the moment Scar killed Mufasa, but he went on the run instead. Coming back, he has to wrestle the “throne” from his uncle. The moment, in my opinion, of coronation is when he does finally ascend Pride Rock, the music swelling and the clouds parting as a holy light shines down on him as king. And then he roars.
King T’Challa, Black Panther (2018): T’Challa became king, technically, in Civil War, when his father was killed. But here is his real “coronation”, and again it’s not just a “here’s a hat” moment. Instead, he has his superpowers removed and has to earn the throne, welcoming challengers into a groovy mountain-top fighting, er, pool. As he’s challenged by Killmonger, escapes, and returns to defeat his cousin, you could argue that the entire second half of the film is one long coronation scene. But I digress; the bit where they fight is cool.
Emperor Palpatine, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005): so I’m counting this, I don’t care what you say. Chancellor Palpatine is an elected head of state, ruler of the Republic. Obviously he’s also the Dark Lord of the Sith. His plans basically complete, the Jedi more or less vanquished, he stands up in the Senate and declares that the Republic will be reorganised into a Galactic Empire – which himself as ruler. Emperor, king for life. He basically crowns himself. And democracy dies with thunderous applause.
Thor, Thor: Ragnarok (2017): Thor spends three movies basically running away from the throne. He learns humility, he finds happiness elsewhere; he was content to be an Avenger, basically, with his dad running the show. But the events of Ragnarok take away his parents and his homeland, even as they reunite him with his brother, and with a heavy heart he realises that his people are now looking at him to lead. And so, with what appears to be a great deal of reluctance, the film ends with him accepting the throne, sitting before his people as the new King of Asgard. Spoiler alert: it really doesn’t last.
Bob, Minions (2015): ah, King Bob. One of our greatest kings. Minions is a slightly underrated little film, full of wacky weirdness, and arguably the peak of peculiarity is when Bob literally draws the Sword from the Stone and becomes the rightful King of England. Mostly this scene is remembered for the hilarious “King Bob!” scene with him on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, but we do see his coronation in a news broadcast, with a very grumpy Queen Elizabeth angrily plonking the crown on his head. King Bob!
Robb Stark, Game of Thrones (2012): there are few coronations you could pick from Gamey Thrones, but I decided to go with this relatively early one. Already at this point there’d been a fair bit of misery, but the show hadn’t quite conditioned us to expect the worst possible outcome in any given situation; as such, when the various lords bend the knee and anoint Robb as King in the North, it’s a euphoric moment for our heroes. This, we can safely assume, is the Good King who’ll ultimately fight all the Bad Kings down south. Ah, you sweet summer child.
Someone who really nearly made this list was Chancellor Gowron from Star Trek. But I struggled with whether he was a “king” (I mean, he’s meant to be ruler of an Empire!) or a political leader; he’s basically elected by a ruling High Council, but is that really any different from Robb Stark? But then you do get Kahless coming back as a new Emperor, so I dunno. Plus I can’t remember if you actually see Gowron become Chancellor, do you? Anyway, Gowron rocks, he gets an honorary all ten places.
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catpella · 6 years
Tagged by  @pyrrhesia​
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself
last 1. drink - iced chai 2. phone call - my doctor’s office 3. text message - to a friend asking when she’s coming over to watch Aggretsuko 4. song you listened to - Futatabi/Reprise, Spirited Away 5. time you cried - earlier today
ever 6. dated someone twice - yes I have (we’re still dating) 7. kissed someone and regretted it - yes (it was a few years ago) 8. been cheated on - yes (it was a decade ago) 9. lost someone special - yes  10. been depressed - yes, including today 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - yep
fave colours 12. midnight blue 13. silver 14. teal
in the last year have you… 15. made new friends - absolutely! mostly from the Ships game, a few from fandoms. some great new friends 16. fallen out of love - no but i’ve done the opposite 17. laughed until you cried - this happens a lot  18. found out someone was talking about you - which way does this mean, because there’s the “talking bad shit behind your back” and the “people talk about you like you’re awesome”. either way both have happened to me.  19. met someone who changed you - discovered parrhesia​ and i are drift-compatible 20. found out who your true friends are - you know this phrase “true friends” has always bothered me. but I have had changes in who is just acquaintances and light friends and who turns out to be ride-or-die for me, so, I guess so 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list -  hmm - only use my FB for convention group matters and my FB friends list I think only contains convention people and I’ve kissed some of them so, yeah i guess so
general 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - see above about them being people I’ve met/know from Mysterium, so like, all of them? 23. do you have any pets - one! bailey the cat 24. do you want to change your name - I have already done this legally! it cost like $300 and was worth it! 25. what did you do for your last birthday - cake was brought to me! hung with friends! ships game and gay flirting IC! 26. what time did you wake up today - like at 11:40am and i hated it. I was briefly awakened at 8am for drains drainage.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - probably talking to people on discord! 28. what is something you can’t wait for - short term: the drains to be out. medium-term: surgery recovery to be over.  30. what are you listening to right now - a music box album of Bee Gees music 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - yes 32. something that’s getting on your nerves - fucking surgery recovery 33. most visited website - I really don’t want it to be Reddit or Tumblr but odds are it might be one of those. 34. hair colour - it varies, it’s like a light brown normally but I also dye it a lot 35. long or short hair - it’s shaved right now down to a 1/4″ so very short.  36. do you have a crush on someone - it is a known fact that i am often in the state of “i am ambiguous if i have a romantic or a friend crush” (so, crush or squish), and that that state can vary in intensity. right now i have two crushes of the absolutely-sure-it’s-a-crush kind, and both are of strong intensity. 37. what do you like about yourself - i think i’m real good at connecting with other people and being an emotional support for them because i’m such a strong Feelings type, maybe i’m not your best for logical advice but i’m gonna be great for you if you wanna have emotional talk 38. want any piercings? - thinking about the ears but I’m a coward 39. blood type - AB+ 40. nicknames - Cat, Cap, Cappy 41. relationship status - in a co-habiting long-term relationship, am in a state where i am open to additional relationships 42. zodiac - Aquarius Sun ( Capricorn Moon, Pisces Rising if you wanna get complicated) 43. pronouns - they/them or he/him. he/him are the ones i use at work and legally. 44. fave tv shows - Star Treks! Battlestar Galactica (1978 only). Sailor Moon (original or Crystal). 45. tattoos - none but I think about it someday 46. right or left handed - right 47. ever had surgery - a hysto and top surgery, which was last week so i’m still recovering from the latter 48. piercings - none yet because I’m a coward 49. sport - I don’t play any now but I used to do synchronized swimming. i follow the Rochester Americans in AHL hockey because they’re local, cheap to see, and hockey has great fights 50. vacation - I love to go to the beach. so please take me to a coastal city! I also unironically love going to Disney but am so over going with people who aren’t legitimately excited to go. I really wanna fucking leave the country at some point. so ideal vacation would be a coastal city in another country? 51. trainers - uh like...shoes? i have a pair of sneakers and multiple pairs of those vibram toe shoes cause they’re super comfy.
more general 52. eating - sweet things. french fries. love french fries
53. drinking - also super sweet things
54. i’m about to watch - nothing atm, but probably more Sailor Moon Crystal later this week 55. waiting for - I feel like 28 answered this? “drains to come out” and “surgery recovery” mostly. 56. want - finally fucking having a crush on someone who is interested back. (if i can’t have that, i really want to do the thing where you’re having a nice quiet intimate voice-chat with close friend at after-midnight in a dark room.) (i guess i just want reciprocated-intimacy) 57. get married - in the case it’s useful as a legal construct then yes 58. career - i kinda like this IT support gig. a writer would be a great career but then i’d have to learn to carry through with something so i’d need focus. if we had UBI and i could meet all my needs otherwise i’d love to go back to being in a coffee shop.
which is better 59. hugs or kisses - hugs! i find kissing a little weird but if the person i like wants to do it i will do it 60. lips or eyes - eyes for sure 61. shorter or taller - taller! 62. older or younger - either? i’m open to a flexible age range but all my recent dates have been younger than me... 63. nice arms or stomach - arms are a turn-on, but i don’t find stomachs a turn-off, they can be great to pillow on 64. hookup or relationship - i want to have both of these things in my life. so, which i want always depends on the specific person i’m thinking about 65. troublemaker or hesitant - i usually go after the hesitant types, so i’d love to date the troublemaker kind for once! but i’m such a sucker for the shy hesitance
have you ever 66. kissed a stranger - yes 67. drank hard liquor - yes 68. lost glasses - no 69. turned someone down - yes 70. sex on first date - yes (well, we’d been dating online for awhile but had sex the first time we met IRL) 71. broken someone’s heart - yes 72. had your heart broken - yes (multiple times) 73. been arrested - no 74. cried when someone died - yes 75. fallen for a friend - all. the. fucking. time. this is a thing i do a lot. see above about my difficulty distinguishing between squishes and crushes. 
do you believe in 76. yourself - not really, which is tough. 77. miracles -  I’ve had enough weird life coincidences that I’ll say sure 78. love at first sight - i believe in meeting someone and knowing that they’re going to play a significant and meaningful role in your life, and then having that feeling pan out as a reality. sometimes it’s been meeting someone who i wind up dating (so love), once it was meeting a random stranger who helped me on a train who turned out to be my mentor in college for the next year. sometimes i just click with someone and go “i know you’ll be my best friend”. so i’d generalize this to “i believe in recognizing a significance” 79. santa claus - no 80. kiss on a first date -  yes 81. angels - they might exist?
other 82. best friend’s name - man i can’t have just 1 best driftmate! don’t ask this :( 83. eye colour - Green 84. fave movie - Pacific Rim 85. fave actor - Idris Elba
am tagging: anyone who wants to, as idk how many of you have patience for all of these  questions! but it’s fun!
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justauthoring · 2 years
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*friable: easily broken into pieces or reduced to nothing
word count: 1,643
a/n: listen, i actually think bakugou is inherently a very sad character and i will die on this ship. fight with the wall.
Bakugou didn’t express his emotions really with anyone.
Actually, Bakugou didn’t express his emotions well with anyone.
He could be angry. He showed that very often and fairly easily (scratch that, he showed his anger really well). Hell, Bakugou felt he even expressed his happiness pretty well; when he learned a new trick to his quirk, when he beat Deku or Todoroki at something, usually something along those lines.
But, he did know he was... rather, cut off from other emotions besides anger. 
He always had been.
He showed his care for people by yelling at them or cursing at them. He called people nasty names with good intentions, and he screamed at about everyone--whether he liked them or not--and that was just who he was and who he will continue to be. Bakugou didn’t feel like there was much of a need to change himself or his ways for anyone.
Well, except maybe you.
Because the second he sees your face fall and the tears well up in your eyes, Bakugou knows he screwed up. Royally. If it’s not the look on your face, or the glares on his back as he hears multiple people call your name out in worry, it’s the deep guilt that festers deep, deep inside his chest almost instantaneously. The second the anger from your own eyes fades away and is replaced by this distant, hurt look, while your lip wobbles; Bakugou regrets everything he said.
But he can’t take them back. He should. He knows he should. And his lips part to do so, to apologize immediately, but Mina and Jiro are already falling next to your side, the former taking you gently into her arms while Jiro sends a nasty glare his way. The whole class is there--which, of course, makes sense since it was after classes and everyone was getting ready to go to bed--and he can even see Kirishima, the one who despite his faults always takes his side, sending him a look of disappointment.
So he gets embarrassed. And pissed off that everyone’s there so he can’t just talk to you alone. And instead of apologizing like he wants to, Bakugou scoffs and rolls his eyes, crossing his arms across his chest whilst turning away from you.
You grab firmly onto his arm before he can, nails digging into his skin and Bakugou’s eyes flicker to yours in surprise. You’ve ripped yourself from Mina’s grip and she’s already trying to pull you back, coax you away from Bakugou so you don’t get hurt anymore. But you ignore her, eyes firm on his own as you stare at him with no anger, not even a trace of sadness, just...just an unwavering glance and say;
“I was only trying to help.”
And those words crush him more than any sorrowful look could.
Mina pulls you back, you don’t fight her, and then suddenly you’re being dragged away from him, up the steps into what Bakugou can only assume your room where the girls will dot on you and comfort you.
There’s a beat of silence, none of the boys say anything, just slowly filter away. 
But it’s Kirishima who stays, of course it’s him, who steps in front of Bakugou a few minutes later and says; “not cool, man. Not cool.”
And then he’s leaving with nothing more than a shake of his head and before he knows it, Bakugou’s left standing there in the common room all by himself. The silence is deafening and his legs feel stiff, so he’s forced to stand there and think back to how it all started.
It had been a tough day. Aizawa-sensei seemed to be particularly on his ass that day and none of the new moves he was trying out were working. By the end of the day, he was tired, frustrated and a had a particularly nasty burn across his bicep from a faulty step and an explosion gone wrong. Of course, being the kind person you were, you noticed his injury the second you both got back to the dorms, and had immediately doted on him with wide, worried eyes that any girlfriend would have for their boyfriend. 
It wasn’t anything different. Normally, you were the only one Bakugou let dote on him like that and normally, he’d even take your worry and care for him as a sort of win, knowing the way some of the guys watched in envy.
It didn’t excuse it, but he’d been annoyed already that day. From the training, from the failure of it all, from Aizawa, from Deku doing better than him and a multiple other number of things. So he snapped at the one person that didn’t deserve it.
He’d give you credit; you’d stood up for yourself at first, fought back, been just as angry as him (with better reason). But then...
“I don’t need some stupid weak girl like you worrying about me, I’m better off on my own.”
You weren’t stupid.
You weren’t weak.
And you weren’t some girl.
He still said them though.
And it still hurt you just as much.
You ignored him the next day, and the day after that; until a week passed and no matter how hard Bakugou tried, he couldn’t seem to break past the sort of defensive barrier the girls had built around you.
You were practically impossible to talk to you.
He’d worked out a different apology probably hundreds of times by the end of the week. Gotten Kirishima to help more times then he could count. He tried to be nicer to Deku like you were always grilling him for, tried to play nicer with Todoroki like you’d constantly suggested to him, done all of this with the hope that it’d catch your attention.
It didn’t.
By Friday night, Bakugou was desperate. He prided himself on always getting a good, full eight hours of sleep every night but it was already two in the morning and Bakugou hadn’t been able to close his eyes for more than a second. Every time he did, he saw those tearful eyes, wobbly lip and hurt expression that you’d held that night and he’d huff in frustration.
Fuck it.
He couldn’t wait anymore. He couldn’t handle not talking to you.
Bakugou may tease you, may complain, but he missed your clinginess so much. He missed having you dote on him. He missed having you to talk to. He missed training with you. He missed you.
Bakugou wasn’t good with expression himself; but he didn’t care, you deserved it.
It wasn’t hard to sneak up to the girls level. Everybody was fast asleep by now, so quiet footsteps and a cautious look everywhere he went stopped him from being interrupted by anyone and allowed him to easily reach your room. He knew you always used to keep your door unlocked in case Bakugou ever wanted to come sleep with you, and he hoped that fact was still true.
You’re a creature of habit, and Bakugou’s never been more thankful.
You’re wide awake when he pushes the door open, surprised eyes on him as you point your phones flashlight right at his face, eyes squinting to see who it is. 
“Jesus!” You hiss into the quiet of the night, “what the fuck, Bakugou--!”
He shushes you firmly, shutting your door behind him as you huff at his interruption. But you don’t say anything nonetheless at his beckon and simply watch as he rushes over to you, grabbing you by the hand as you move to sit up and nearly knocks you on your ass when he yanks you quicker than you can find your footing.
He catches you before you fall and your eyes flicker up to his.
“I don’t want to talk to you,” you interrupt firmly, “haven’t I made that clear?”
“Just-Just! Hear me out, okay?” He whispers, shaking his head. “Please.”
Never one able to resist him, you nod slowly.
“I’m a dick.”
You blink at him.
“I’m a massive dick.” He continues, swallowing thickly. “I’m an asshole and you definitely deserve someone better. Someone who treats you better, someone who isn’t always angry, but... but, I love you. I really love you. And I’m--... sorry for snapping at you. It wasn’t okay, it still isn’t and nothing excuses it and--”
He falls silent as he feels your hands on his cheeks.
When he meets your gaze, Bakugou’s surprised to see you smiling softly up at him.
“You are a dick.” And he grimaces while a soft laugh leaves your lips, quickly leaning closer so he’ll listen. “But I forgive you.”
His eyes practically pop out of his head and he swears he’s never been so relieved.
“I forgave you a long time ago, honestly,” you shrug, slowly meeting his eyes once more, “I just wanted you to apologize first.”
“I tried to,” he huffs, eyes narrowing as he thinks back to the week. “But I couldn’t get past Mina and Jiro.”
You laugh, eyes crinkling with warm; “you had to work for it, of course.”
Hands falling on your waist, Bakugou squeezes it lightly, huffing but there’s no real mirth in it. “Naturally.”
You’re smiling, bright and wide just the way Bakugou remembers and just the way he loves and he’s not one for expressing himself but he can hardly stop himself from leaning forward, pressing his lips against your own and expressing it all. Every time he’d wanted to kiss you that week, every time he wanted to hold you, talk to you.
The next day the girls are positively flabbergasted at the sight of you and Bakugou holding hands as you walked down to get breakfast, but you merely shrug and smile at them, saying with a giggle;
“Bakugou apologized.”
Like it’s such a shocking thing...
(It is.)
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magicianpanache · 2 years
Edward Cullen’s Mad, Mad World
Part 2: The Change
Edward gets changed during the Spanish epidemic that kills his parents. This, coupled with the fact no human friend of his has ever been mentioned, means that most of the links to his human life have been severed.
During his first year as a vampire, he spends most of his time learning basic control. Interestingly, during a flashback, we learn that Edward immediately fell into the “son” role with Carlisle.
Considering Edward’s fragile relationship with his father, this isn’t the most surprising thing he could do, but it is quite strange considering Edward is 17, on the cusp of adulthood and ready to go to war, while Carlisle looks barely 23. While Edward and his father probably weren’t close, I find it slightly odd that Edward was willing to replace his father so easily.
In any case, Edward quickly adopts Carlisle as his father. It’s quite clear Edward has a profound devotion for the man, seeing him as everything that is good in the world. When Carlisle mentions vampires have covens, Edward reflects the word isn’t strong enough for what Edward and Carlisle are. I will only say this, but Edward’s opinion of Carlisle reads very much like a school boy crush. Considering the opinion about homosexuality at that time, it would not be farfetched for Edward to have interpreted his romantic love as filial love, especially since he had a distant relationship to his father.
A lot of things change in Edward's life, but some stay similar. Edward goes from rich kid to vampire, which informs his opinion about wealth. Edward keeps his family's wealth, even after being changed, after all.
It’s also important to mention that Edward is thrust into a world where he is no longer a protector of maidens, but a dangerous monster, one slip away from murdering innocents. Yet, despite his doubts, Edward tries to embody virtue, until he can’t.
A few years later, Esme was changed. It’s worth noting that Esme is born barely six years before him and is barely nine years older than him physically. Edward still adopts her as his mother figure because she’s everything a mother should be. She’s kind, feminine, nurturing and beautiful...
We don’t know if Edward started calling her his mother before or after Esme and Carlisle got together, but I’m inclined to think Edward got them together because he felt like they were his parental figures in the first place.
In any case, Edward tells Carlisle that Esme loves him, so Carlisle marries her.
Despite this nurturing nuclear family, Edward will be tempted and will soon leave the comfort of his home.
Edward also remembers being profoundly disturbed by his transformation, especially his appearance. He cares deeply that he sparkles or that his hands are pale, but not as much as what makes him truly monstrous, like his bloodlust (though he does think about it). This is a recurring theme when he’ll talk to Bella.
The most damning change in his life, though, is his gift. He is now plagued with every inane, odd, private and disgusting thought people have. This clearly changed his ability to relate to other people, since he can here all their judgment (ugh, mom is sooooo annoying), shallowness (he's so handsome, I hope he'll notice me), and intrusive thoughts (I wonder how many people would die if I crashed this plane?).
What can we conclude ?
Edward already sees the people in his life as fairly replaceable. His parents, including his mother whom he loved and was very close to, are replaced within five years. His father is replaced within the year with a man Edward just met.
We also see Edward creating for himself a cocoon of which he is almost the center. I say almost, because the only thing Carlisle cares about more than him is the diet. Is it surprising he falls off the wagon a few years later ?
His self image also drastically changes, along with his image of other people. He is no longer a young man ready to protect a fair maiden. He’s struggling against the monster, but has never killed anyone. He can also here every thoughts people have: he "learns" just how inane and superficial the world is.
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ava-achlys · 3 years
The Boyz NSFW Scenarios
Lee Jaehyun (Hyunjae) - Intoxicated [Requested]
Request: dom Hyunjae + overstimulation
badboy! ceo! Hyunjae x PA! fem! reader
Warnings: petnames, dirty talk, slight degradation, a lot of grinding lol, some choking, Hyunjae is a narcissist here
Finally finished this one for @jaepocket ! Thanks for requesting, I hope you like it 💕hope you don't mind that I made Hyunjae an asshole lol
Work parties have taken a toll on your boss, and as the best personal assistant in the world, you help him home.
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You kept a watchful eye over your boss throughout the Christmas party. Year-end parties were lined up back-to-back for the most influential entrepreneur under 30 in Seoul. Jaehyun was being extra charming tonight, wooing men and women alike with his dazzling smile, charisma, and powerful aura. He knew he was untouchable, and it showed in his walk. Long legs that could rival any model, perfectly coiffed light brown hair, and a designer tailored suit hugging him in all the right places, showing off his broad shoulders. He glances over to you, and shoots you a wry smile from across the room. No one else might have noticed, despite the fact that everyone who spoke to him couldn't take their eyes off him, but a subtle flush dusted his cheeks and there was a slight glassiness in his eyes that alerted you. Jaehyun has definitely had too much to drink. You stride over to him, and he politely excuses himself from the flock of older women giggling and sidling up to him, and meets you halfway on the dance floor.
He walks to you with a slight wobble, and reaches out to steady himself... by grabbing your hips. "Hey you," he grins, thumbs softly rubbing your waist through the thin material of your dress. You resist the shiver that runs down your spine, the warmth emanating from his hands a welcome sensation since the place was freezing. A mansion full of people and it was still cold? The hosts hadn't bothered to turn the heaters on. That's probably how the rich stay rich, you supposed. It definitely didn't help that you were wearing a skin-tight cocktail dress, with a little slit up the thigh. "Sir, I think you've had enough to drink tonight," you murmur, gently tucking a lock of golden hair back into place. Jaehyun grimaced. He had a glass of wine with every group that approached him that night, and he wasn't feeling too well now, considering everyone wanted to meet with the Lee Jaehyun™, one of Seoul's most prominent and eligible bachelors.
"Let's get you home then, sir, you really need some rest. Or rather, your liver does," you sigh, offering your arm for him to hold on to so he doesn't fall flat on his face in public, possibly ruining his reputation. He lets out a hearty laugh, and intertwines his arm with yours, trying to maintain a power walk out of the place, nodding at other party-goers that greet him in passing. He gratefully gulps the fresh air outside as you wait for his chauffeur to pull up in his stupidly expensive limousine, helping him to clamber gracefully into the backseat once it arrives. You're about to shut the door to book a ride home for yourself when he tugs on your arm, a blazing fire in his eyes as he looks up at you, and you know he wants you to come home with him tonight.
You glance around quickly, making sure no one is watching you get into the car with him, but really, who would question a PA ensuring that her drunken boss gets home safely? You quietly slip into the plush leather seats, leaving a space between you two just in case he feels stuffy or nauseous. Jaehyun roughly loosens his tie, and you can't help but stare at his large, veiny hands. Before you can snap out of it, he catches your eye and smirks, using those very hands to yank you closer, almost sitting on his lap. You yelp in surprise, your hands flying up to his broad shoulders. He smashes his lips onto yours, messy with tongue and teeth and a moan escapes you when you taste the sweet alcohol on his tongue. His warm hands roam all over your body, deftly pulling up the hem of your short dress so he can run his hands up your thighs and grope your plump behind. "Been staring at your ass all night, who said you could wear a dress like this?" he growls against your lips, squeezing the flesh tightly to prove his point.
You weakly push him away, and he stares at you, offended that you don't seem to want him, when you're usually so pliant and obedient for him. "I don't think we should do this, sir, you're not thinking straight," you stutter. Jaehyun barks out a laugh, startling you. "Am I? I'm not drunk, kitten, I only spoke and acted like that so we could get out of that damned party. And maybe I'm not thinking straight, because all I've been thinking about the whole time is ripping that fucking dress off your body, you fucking minx," he snarls, grabbing you again and manhandling you to straddle his lap, sounding completely clear and level-headed. He had everyone fooled; even you, and a crushing disappointment engulfs your heart.
You don't get to feel sorry for yourself though, because Jaehyun is pulling you close, grinding the obvious bulge in his slacks against your clothed pussy as he makes out with you again. You let him run his hands all over you, feeling his lips trail down the side of your lips and down your neck, smudging your lipstick everywhere. Jaehyun doesn't care, clearly, he just wants to make a mess out of you, and you gladly let him, both of you so absorbed in each other that you didn't feel the car roll to a stop. You hadn't even noticed the opaque partition had been pulled up until you heard the electronic buzz of it being lowered, and the indifferent voice of the chauffeur came through. "We've arrived at your destination, sir and miss."
Without so much as a thank you, Jaehyun flings the door open and tugs you into the building's lobby. He owns the whole building obviously, but he lives in the penthouse suite, swiping his keycard to unlock his private elevator. He wastes no time attaching his lips to the back of your neck as he presses you up against the walls of the elevator, grinding on your ass the whole way up. He leaves you panting when the doors open, and he goes to punch in his keycode. The lock beeps, and Jaehyun snarls when he's halfway through the door and you're still lagging behind, knees too wobbly to walk properly thanks to his earlier ministrations. "What are you waiting for kitten?" You shake your head, embarrassed that sloppy make-outs and grinding like lovesick teenagers is enough to make your head spin.
Jaehyun strides towards the bedroom, stripping his expensive clothes as he went, but instead of making a right turn to the master bedroom as he usually does, he makes a left to the guest bedroom. You don't have time to ponder, because he's pulling you in and shoving you onto the bed, dark eyes staring you down as he fumbles with his belt. The intensity of his gaze makes you tremble. Is it from fear, excitement, or a morbid combination of both? He finally gets all his clothes off, and his hard cock is swinging heavily with every step he takes towards the bed. He prowls, like a predator, and you're too petrified to even strip or prepare yourself, but apparently that didn't matter to him.
"You still on the pill?" Jaehyun demands, and you nod feverishly. "Good." And with that he rips your lacy panties off in one fluid motion, and hikes your dress up to bunch up around your waist. You hear the material rip, but before you could bemoan the hefty price tag, Jaehyun slides his throbbing cock inside you, making you arch your back as you moan loudly at the intrusion. He gives you barely any time to adjust, knowing how much you like taking it raw, and starts thrusting harshly. You can't help but moan loudly, almost going cross-eyed from the mixture of pain and pleasure. You clamp a hand over your mouth when a particularly shrill moan slips from your lips, but Jaehyun tugs it away, wanting to hear how good he makes you feel. It's nothing more than an ego boost for him, but you comply.
Jaehyun gets sick of missionary fairly quickly. He does enjoy seeing your pretty face contort with pleasure, and watch your makeup run. But he likes fucking you from the back even more, loves the way you get on all fours for him, loves the way your ass jiggles when he spanks you, and loves how your legs give way when he's done making you see stars. He pulls out for a moment, flipping you over onto your hands and knees easily, ignoring the surprised gasp you make when he shoves his cock back into you. He picks up the pace, hitting your g-spot dead-on with this new angle. He wraps a hand around your throat, the expensive gold bands adorning his fingers pressing delightfully into your windpipe. He squeezes lightly as he slams into your core, and you scream, climaxing without warning.
The sudden clench around Jaehyun's dick has him swearing lowly. "Did I say you could cum, kitten? You know you have to ask for permission," he grunts, fucking you through your orgasm, maintaining his relentless pace. Your head is foggy, and you try to apologize, but every sharp thrust Jaehyun makes cuts your words off. He doesn't let up, using you to chase his own climax, slightly aggravated by yours. He presses down the middle of your shoulder blades, pushing you down further into the sheets so you're not holding yourself up with your hands anymore. You're grateful, because you can barely support yourself anymore, and you need a break. Except he doesn't give you one, hoisting you up by the hips to pummel even faster and harder into you, and your upper half is practically dragging along the sheets with every snap of his hips.
The delightfully torturous graze of silk sheets against your raw nipples, and the rough pads of Jaehyun's fingers relentlessly abusing your swollen clit sends you teteering close to the edge again. You can't cum, no, you won't cum until he tells you to. You want to be good for him, even though you're so close to climax again that it hurts. You hold out, gripping the sheets so hard that your knuckles turn white, when a particularly hard press against your clit and a low growl of "Cum for me now, kitten" sends you screaming once more, vision turning white as your searing-hot orgasm rips through your body.
You barely register Jaehyun's groan as he continues grinding into your g-spot, your pussy clenching almost painfully tightly around him, milking his cock dry as he blows his load deep into your warmth. You collapse forward onto the bed, trembling from exhaustion, chest heaving desperately to replenish your lungs with oxygen. Your whole body is sore and you know it's probably going to be worse tomorrow, and dark fingerprints are going to decorate your skin too. Above you, Jaehyun is still holding your hips up, pulling out of you with a grunt, cock hanging limply as he pants harshly. He watches idly as his cum drips out of your abused cunt, trickling down your legs, and drops your legs unceremoniously.
He stretches his legs, and gathers his sweat-drenched, possibly cum-stained designer clothing off the floor as he walks towards the door. "Clean yourself up, you know where everything is. I need you in the office early tomorrow morning." Jaehyun utters without so much as a glance back at your naked body, and the door shuts behind him with a loud click that echoes through the suddenly cold room. You hear him humming to himself and drawing a bath, and you shut your eyes, trying to suppress a sob at how horrible you feel, both physically and emotionally. Sex with Jaehyun was always hot, rough and mind-blowing, but recently you realize you always felt empty afterwards. Because he'll immediately turn cold once he's gotten his fix, leaving you to clean up after yourself and sometimes even make you hail a cab to go home afterwards. At least tonight he let you stay over, even though it's in the cum-stained bed in the guest room, without any post-coital care.
As you lay there, fresh hot tears stream down your cheeks, and you wonder if all the alcohol in the world could wash away the pain you felt of being used as Jaehyun's personal fucktoy; manipulating you into catering to his every whim and then carelessly throwing you aside once he's done.
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tothemeadow · 3 years
How Genshin Characters View the Traveler (aka crushes galore)
I know this isn't a Genshin blog but I need to get this off my chest and organize my thoughts because I believe in Aether harem supremacy ✌
Disclaimer: this is meant for fun, so don’t get your knickers in a twist
Albedo blatantly admits that the traveler fascinates them. He'll usually ask to hear of their numerous journeys and take notes on them. He quite enjoys their company, but Albedo is pretty clueless about his own feelings, especially those of the romantic sort. He wonders why he catches himself staring at them so much.
Amber is easily one of the traveler’s biggest supporters. She almost gets a bit too excited whenever they’re around, but she’ll also outright deny that she has a crush on them if anyone were to poke fun at her. If time allows it, she’ll often ask them to go gliding around Mondstadt with her.
Ever since she first heard of the traveler, their accomplishments genuinely impressed Ayaka. However, once she first met them in person, she was taken aback by how attractive they were. Furthermore, once they helped her out, she gets more insight of how truly wonderful they are and her affections (hence the dance performance).
Barbara truly believes they are an actual gift sent by Barbatos himself. Not only are they kind and helpful, but they treat her with respect as a person, not some glorified object. She tends to get flustered easily and turns shy whenever the traveler compliments her.
Beidou likes to laugh, and she thinks the traveler is funny. She often swaps stories about fights and adventures with them, so there’s definitely a bond between them! She especially appreciates their fighting spirit and would be honored to have them join their crew or at least be a drinking buddy (despite what the traveler says).
The traveler is essentially an idol in Bennett's eyes. He admires them so much, but it never gets to the creepy level of obsession. He jumps at the opportunity to travel with them every time. Bennett isn't really good with distinguishing feelings, but knowing that they treat him as an equal makes his stomach flutter.
Hey girlie 😏 Childe gets off to the idea of someone successfully kicking his ass or potentially being able to kill him, so he is an absolute simp for the traveler. He genuinely loves it when they show disinterest at his flirting, and he swoons whenever they're sarcastic with him. He's not pathetic, he's just a sadomasochist.
Frankly, Chongyun’s just happy to have another friend besides Xingqiu. He also really likes the way they don’t push him out of his comfort zone, but instead try to gently coax him out. He’s often very cold to the touch and constantly chilly, but he feels oddly warm whenever the traveler is beside him.
Appreciates the fact that the traveler isn't full of shit (unlike some people). He's impressed by their competence and their fighting abilities, so he doesn't hesitate in complimenting them. He usually says things without really thinking through them, so sometimes Diluc says something sappy or embarrassing without meaning to.
Diona thinks the traveler may or may not be cute. She won't admit it, though. She won't admit that she cares about their wellbeing either. The traveler is just another person who's going to come and go, so there's no point in getting invested in them. It's a relatively simple crush, nothing more.
Eula is more or less impressed with the traveler. She views them as a truly reliable person that is able to get the job done. Although she may seem skeptical at times, one of her greatest fantasies is to find more rebellious people like them and break free of Mondstadt and her lineage.
Perhaps the traveler is a dashing monarch from another world! It genuinely excites her that they follow along with her roleplaying, even when some of her messages get lost in translation. She appreciates their friendly gestures and the fact they don’t treat her like an outsider.
A lot of people have a difficult have a hard time understanding Ganyu’s feelings, so it came as quite as a surprise that she and the traveler clicked almost instantly. The traveler treats her as another person, not as some ancient being; this type of behavior is what made her become flustered around them in the first place ☺️
Hu Tao
Thinks they’re super cute! She’s one who’s playful and flirty; however, her ways are a bit odd. She usually tries to tell what kind of casket she’d lick out for the traveler, what she’d dress them in, etc. Sometimes, she’ll bake “special cookies” in the shapes of bones just for them.
Much like Barbara, Jean sees the traveler as a blessing. However, unlike Barbara, Jean doesn't swoon over their looks or mannerisms; frankly, she's just glad that someone rational is willing to help and not make too much of a commotion (like some certain members of the Knights of Favonius).
Has feelings for the traveler and makes no effort to hide them. Often times Kazuha will write them poems or haikus; sometimes he'll add dried flowers or a pretty leaf. He truly has a way with words, and it never fails to stir something inside the traveler's chest. He's very gentle and mild-mannered, so he never forces anything too heavy on them.
Kaeya is a humongous flirt and everyone knows it. However, he seems even more so once the traveler is in the picture, and he has the tendency of showing off in some sort of way. He knows he's attractive and uses his looks to advantage whenever he can, though he makes sure to keep it somewhat subtle.
Keqing isn’t the type to deal with people’s shit and isn’t fond of fools. Fortunately, the traveler doesn’t fall into either of those categories, so she gets along with them quite well. She can find similarities in their personalities (like working constantly), so she appreciates the fact that she can openly discuss these sort of problems with them.
Genuinely sees them as an older sibling! Klee often goes to them for advice or to spend the day together; often times, she'll send letters or drawings whenever they're apart (and yes, the drawings usually consist of her and the traveler blowing something up).
Another flirt, no problems asked. Lisa makes euphemisms quite a bit, and it truly brings her joy when her comments make the traveler blush. Despite being scolded by Jean to tone it down a bit, she genuinely can't help it. The traveler is her personal cutie, and it's only natural for her to treat them as such, isn't it?
She could easily tell right away that the traveler was someone special upon first glance. Mona sometimes dreams about them - especially about how they helped her out and landed her a place to stay in Mondstadt. She’s grateful for everything that the traveler has done, yet she’ll deny any feelings for them with a bright blush on her face.
The traveler is seen more as a pet. Ningguang is straight up the sugar mama type, and she openly flaunts it. Granted, she respects the traveler highly, but something about their being Liyue’s hero sounds very, very charming. Whether or not she makes a romantic move is entirely up to her, but it’s not out of the question.
Needless to say, Noelle gets flustered fairly easily, so whenever the traveler shows affection and support towards her abilities, she somewhat short-circuits. She'll usually try to play off the fluttering in her heart and simply convince herself that the traveler is only being nice, but she can't deny the fact that she has feelings for them.
Another one that looks up to the traveler as an older sibling. She often refers to her notebook to remind herself as to why she likes them so much; they’re patient with her and genuinely try to help her remember things, plus they’ll bring her candies from Mondstadt sometimes.
Razor has no idea what romantic feelings are or how he should identify them. All he knows is that he gets excited whenever he sees the traveler, and his metaphorical tail wags furiously. He's keen on protecting them and bringing them food, plus he likes to lie next to them when they relax by the fire.
Like Diluc, Rosaria likes how the traveler isn’t full of shit and can actually put up a decent fight. However, she isn’t the type to compliment them, but rather points out how they can further hone their skills. If anything, she acts more like the traveler’s drunk aunt.
She’s mostly indifferent towards the traveler, but - like with most people - she envies their height. Sayu appreciates that they don’t make fun of her size, plus they somehow always manage to find her when she’s hiding for her nap, so she’s fairly interested in what kind of person they are.
Like with most people, Sucrose is quite shy around the traveler, but for some reason she feels more comfortable around them than anyone else. She respects them much like she respects Albedo. She also thinks the traveler has a very nice smile.
Thoma is another flirt, but he’s much more reserved in his ways. He’ll often make encouraging comments or flatter the traveler with a bright smile. His flirting either makes the traveler blush or it goes right over their head. There is no in between.
Venti has a slight... obsession for them. Not in a creepy way, but more in a clingy sense. He practically hangs from them whenever he's messing around, and he unashamedly writes them songs. Venti is also a big fan of hugs! When he's drunk, though, that's when things take a darker, more seductive turn...
Xiangling’s poor little heart goes doki doki whenever she gets to cook for the traveler, have them cook with her, or eat a meal that they prepared. The way to her heart is definitely through her stomach! It’s a fairly small crush since cooking is her true love in life, but if the traveler pops up at Wanmin Restaurant and specifically asks for her again… Oh boy.
Secretly has feelings for the traveler, but he refuses to admit it. Xiao thinks feelings like these are a waste of time and only bring pain; since he's been through much and the ultimate emo, he's even more emotionally constipated than the normal person. Although he doesn't outright say it, he'll often show his affection through actions.
Two words: library dates. Whether if it's meant to be romantic or not, Xingqiu has an affinity for those who show genuine intelligence and is willing to discuss stories with him. Xingqiu could literally sit there all day and listen to the traveler tell him about the different worlds he's been to. It's quite refreshing!
Like Venti, Xinyan will write songs for the traveler, but she's more timid about showing them since rock music has yet a long way to go in Liyue, much less in Teyvat. She'll casually invite them for a jam session and ask for their opinion on how her songs sound. All in all, she thinks the traveler is pretty rad 👀
Yanfei is very skilled and knowledgeable in a wide range of topics, but when it comes to the art of seduction… not so much. She isn’t entirely sure if she has affections towards the traveler or not, but she enjoys being in their company nonetheless. However… she may or may not have tried to teach them Liyue law while over tea 😅
Thinks the traveler is a lot of fun! She was already interested by the mere fact that they were an outsider, but once they showed their worth and came to her aid, it really sealed the deal. Viewing fireworks with them was an incredibly crucial moment, and she’ll keep that memory stored in her heart for all time.
Zhongli is very protective of them and wants to spoil them, but at the same time, he's also very, very broke. It's not sugar daddy status, obviously, but he enjoys treating them out to a dinner or a night on the town. The traveler thinks he's doing it just to be nice, but Paimon calls bullshit.
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rintarhoes · 3 years
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“ʜᴀɴɢɪɴɢ ʙʏ ᴀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ”
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— suna rintarou x reader
— cw: fluff. slight angst. pining. rin seems like he's leading you on. wc: 1.1k
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You always prided yourself in how well you hid your feelings beneath the mask of a friendship. You remember, in fifth grade, you had a crush on the smartest boy in class—something you dealt with simply by befriending him and finding some sort of happiness over the little benefits of being friends with your crush, like talking to them so freely.
It was kind of like that with Suna Rintarō—and it was so, so easy. Suna was the mind-his-own-business type, bored expression ever prominent across his prettily crafted face as he simply looked over people that crossed his field of vision with headphones on and his arms behind his head in a relaxed posture; this Suna was the same Suna you had the luck of being seated in front of, the same Suna who nudged you from behind once upon a time to ask if he can look over the songs you listened to.
His head tilting up slightly in regards to the phone held between your hands that displayed the songs you were choosing from, "Hey, can I check that out?" he asked nonchalantly.
Something that easily makes your blood boil, whether at him or God or the universe, was his undeniable attractiveness. Green eyes heavily lidded and slanted prettily, his nose upturned and perhaps you can go as far as saying, cute; his lips, where your eyes had effortlessly flickered to, plump and soft from the looks of it. All that and you haven't even gotten to the fact that he was easily the tallest person in your class, or that his shoulders were noticeably broad, or that his torso was evidently well defined even through the uniform he had on.
Your eyes follow his movements as he shrugs off the headphones he had on, placing it around your neck, "Have that to listen to for a bit," he said; you didn't realize how you had instinctively nodded at him in response and you were already tilting your phone for him to take, but it had already happened and you suppose you were already a goner by then.
Even more so as you heard a familiar song playing through his headphones, the one you moved from around your neck to finally place on your head.
It was so easy then—Suna was someone who was easy to get along with, easy to like, easy to talk to (save for the fact that he was quite a dry texter) easy to maintain a friendship with. He'd have an ice-pop shoved in between his pretty lips whenever he's back from lunch break and he'd have an extra one for you—and you'd always know it's for you because it's your favorite flavor. In no time, you're his go-to when he finds a new band, new artist, new song to listen to; and soon enough you start thinking that you may hate the way you always love the way he nudges you from behind, puts his headphones on your head and securing it against your ears, then effortlessly pulls your phone from you. (Yes, he knew the password. You stopped changing it after the third time he figured it out.)
"You're really something, Rintarō," you spoke as you laid your head on his shoulder, both of you sitting on the rooftop of Inarizaki's third year building. Suna pulled you away after class today, telling you they didn't have practice, and brought you to the rooftop.
"Got a splitter for us," he smiled as he hastily dropped his bag to the floor, slowly sitting down and leaning against the wall.
He patted on the space beside him, inviting you to sit—and of course you do. You watch him connect the splitter to his phone, plugging his earphones to it, then holding his palm out to you. You understand it fairly quickly, giving him your own pair of earphones for him to plug in, then putting it on after. Your eyes follow the way he opened his phone to pick a playlist, and you hate the way he has a playlist named, with you, because it puts your mind in shambles.
You. With your name on it and all the songs that remind him of you—songs that makes you wonder if he likes you too. But you could never know.
In no time, a song starts playing, but you also hate the way his hands find the other side of your head, pushing it lightly until your head was resting on his shoulder—yes, he was the one who did that.
Just like that, you no longer knew if you should run far, far away from him or if you should finally tell him what your mind was already practically shouting at you; that you love him, love him, love him.
You always prided yourself in maintaining a good connection with your stupid crushes—but you think maybe this time you had it all wrong. Because it's hard to look at Suna without hearts in your eyes when all he does is make you fall deeper.
"You're something else too, y'know," You hear his voice, low and unfocused. If it tensed him, he did a good job at hiding it.
He makes it so hard to come to terms with staying friends, with being content.
You pull your head back from his shoulder, and you turn to him. Your eyes trail over everything that made you like him so much, but this time it feels like everything is too much. This time, you see the exact shade of green and gold in his eyes and the way it looks particularly mesmerizing under the sunset dripping on his face.
This time, you see the way his hair falls over his face and frames it so nicely—your fingers twitch, it's hard not to reach over and brush it away. You suck in a breath, pretend it's okay.
Instead, you tug on your earphones, reach for his phone to unplug it because you're not so sure anymore how long you can lay your head on his shoulder, listen to the songs he wants to listen to with you particularly, and let him walk you home.
But he takes your hand the moment it connects with the splitter, there's a frown on his face that pinches at your heart—then he's pulling it away, with his hand still wrapped around yours.
"Don't go," He tells you. Indearingly vulnerable, hardly looking at you. His hand around yours is warm and then he's pushing both your hands inside the pocket of his hoodie.
You think you might cry. Loving him hurts, you figure. But how can it hurt just like this? You're friends and it's not like he's in love with someone else.
So why does it hurt?
And why do you push your earphones in, lean in to him, and let yourself hurt?
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