#men who jerk off when they eat pussy go to heaven
something tells me our ghoulie would be fond of period sex (i’ll go to horny jail now)
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Female Reader
Word Count: 2,839
Warnings: smut (18+), blood play, bloody cunnilingus/bloody kisses, period sex, masturbation (male), rough sex, creampie, biting.
Notes: Can't lie, this was my immediate thought watching him tear into that bloody chunk of meat for the first time. I usually try to include at least a little plot, but this is basically all porn. Very fun submission to write; thank you! Please save a good seat for me on the bench in horny jail, I'll be in promptly.
Fun fact: orgasms can help relieve period cramps for some people.
Today had been a poor choice of start point for this long walk.
Normally, trekking across the bombed out western seaboard was strenuous and uncomfortable enough, the deadly sun baking seemingly the entire planet to a crisp, the cloying dehydration, the constant danger that something or someone was around the corner, ready to eat you. It was a far cry from the safety and monotony of the vault you'd grown up in. Usually, you were able to find lots of beauty on the surface, plenty of things to appreciate. But right now everything was just awful and uncomfortable.
Menstruation was such a nightmare topside. The proper products were apparently incredibly difficult to find anymore, leaving you to make the best of things with old torn pieces of clothing and less-than-ideal medical supplies. But these things didn't provide the absorption you'd long been accustomed to, and you kept having accidents the last few days, the result of a heavier-than-average flow. Normally, these things wouldn't bother you, but it was insanely annoying to constantly feel as if you were bleeding through basically the only clothes you had, doubly so when there was no place to clean them or bathe yourself most of the time. Besides, these pants chaffed terribly when they were damp.
Months back, you'd made the choice to ditch the vault suit. It was surreal and sort of sad feeling, packing away what had truly been a symbol of your identity for so long. However, it attracted far too much attention and caused trouble when people assumed they could take advantage of you, so you'd opted to start dressing like a proper Wastelander, boiled leather armor and denim pants. Right now, however, you desperately wished you'd been wearing the suit. The absorbent liner would have saved you some of this embarrassment.
The old ghoul had been telling you some story or another as you mounted a steep hill, your mind tuning in and out in frustration. You were sweaty, cramping, bloated, and bleeding on yourself, and all you wanted was a chance to clean yourself up and sit down for a minute. Eventually, the two of you came across what looked to be the abandoned skeleton of an old repair garage, just barely maintaining its tall stance against the horizon. As the two of you began to pass it by, you paused.
"I need to stop for a bit." you said, frowning at him as he turned his gaze to the position of the sun in the sky and back to you, confusion plain on his face.
"Whassa' matter?" he asked, "You're not usually this pussy about the sun anymore. Been long enough."
He was right, you were usually able to soldier on better than this. Today wasn't one of those days, though.
"I need like ten minutes alone, okay?" you snapped, short of patience. "I just...need it."
Your companion held up his hands in a silent, play-offended gesture of surrender, stepping aside to let you walk into the ramshackle little garage.
"Ten minutes!" he called teasingly behind you, prompting you to roll your eyes despite him not being able to see it.
Dropping your bag against the wall, you quickly toed your boots off so you could shuck your pants to the ground, groaning quietly at the bloody mess between your thighs. Digging some dirty rags out of your bag, you checked the spare canteen you kept undrinkable water in. Almost empty. You wanted to cry.
You could always ask Coop for some of his, since he was prone to drinking from questionable sources. He might even give you some, close as you'd become lately, thanks to a night of whiskey and Jet by the fire that had led to other forms of entertainment.
But you'd rather not have to explain this to him. As you did your best to scrub away the rusty red covering your skin, you wondered if he even remembered that this was something that happened to women. You had no idea what you were going to do with your pants.
Apparently, time had slipped away from you, as he appeared suddenly in the doorway a moment or two later, already speaking to you like he'd been standing there the entire time.
"It's been fifteen minutes, girlie. I'll have you know--" came his halted snark, quickly cut off as the two of you made eye contact, as he took in your nakedness below the waist. You felt a creeping sense of panic, a desire to flee out the broken window to your side. Neither of you said a word, and after a moment, he stepped forward towards you, softly gripping your wrist in his hand and holding it up to examine it. His honeyed eyes flicked back and forth between the soiled rag in your bloodied hand and where you'd been attempting to clean yourself up, briefly moving over to where your pants lay crumpled up on the floor.
"I'm--" you began, wanting to explain that you were fine, but you were quickly and decisively cut off from speaking when he lifted your bloody fingers to his mouth, sucking them between his lips with an obscene sigh. Your jaw fell slack as you watched him lick them clean, feeling like you were having some sort of erotic fever dream you'd wake up from any moment. Your hormones must've been working in tandem with the sun to drive you crazy.
However, it only continued to escalate as he seized you by the wrist, dragging you a few feet forward towards the rickety, grimy couch that leaned against the back wall, shoving you just enough to make you sit right in the center, a stale plume of desert dust filling the air around you as he rucked your hips up against his chest, your calves hooking over his shoulders. One of your flailing, still-socked feet knocked his hat clear off his head, sending it tumbling down to the floor, but he didn't even seem to notice, too preoccupied with running his hands along your inner thighs, smearing through the patches of drying blood there with fascination.
Your whole face burned white-hot, but you continued to watch him closely as his hands converged at your mound, one thumb tracing lightly over your now-swollen slit, just barely grazing your bud and drawing a hiss from between your teeth. However, instead of touching you there again, as you'd hoped he would, both thumbs traced down the line of your labia, parting them softly and spreading you open for his hungry eyes to see.
This new kind of attention made you squirm a bit at its intensity, the movement making your abdominal muscles clench just right to draw a trickle of warmth from between your legs, your face reaching supernova in embarrassment, but before you could pull away, he dove forward, his mouth sealing itself over your cunt and lapping wildly. The feeling was electric and ticklish and sent you clamoring to grab onto anything for leverage, letting out a screech that was half giggle and half moan.
He had done this before, gone down between your legs and licked and tasted and teased you until you couldn't handle it anymore, and always with great enthusiasm (and more than a little smugness, frankly), but never with a hunger like this. His thick tongue traced back and forth along your folds, seeking out every sanguine drop before dipping back down to your entrance, the wriggling muscle slipping inside with ease, drawing out another cry from you.
You were on fire, being teased more than you could handle; his tongue felt amazing, but largely avoided where you really wanted it to be, leaving you pushing and grinding your hips against his face as best as you could in your strange, folded over position. With one proper swivel, you managed to brush your clit against the bony ridge that sat at the top of where his nose would have been, scraping just right and sending you bucking right back at the same angle. The rough way you pushed against him was met by his hands curling under your ass, attempting to yank you even closer to his face as you felt that knot in your gut begin to tighten.
"Oh god, Coop, I'm gonna cum." you gasped, nails digging into his scalp as your thighs pulsed around his head. The older man, typically quite silent for most of the performance, let out a rather loud groan at that, and the sound was enough to push you right into a tense, crying orgasm, your little mewls ringing off the ancient concrete walls. If he were any other man, you'd worry about smothering him between your damp thighs, your scrambling hands pressing into the back of his head.
Fortunately, Cooper Howard wasn't just any man.
He continued to fuck you with his tongue through your climax, dragging it out for what felt like minutes. However, once you finally came down from that euphoric peak, he didn't stop, his tongue continuing to slather across you in full, wide strokes, his fingers moving up to tease at your oversensitive clit.
This, too, he had done before, this beautiful torture of keeping you constantly on the verge of a new orgasm despite still riding the wave of your current one. You both loved and hated it, feeling like every nerve in your body was alive with electricity, but simultaneously on the verge of pain from all the sensation. Presently, you loved it a lot more than you hated it, feeling the tight, cramping muscles in your belly relax just a little with your release. Glimpsing down at him once more, you could see that he'd tugged his hard cock free from its confines, jerking himself enthusiastically.
The ghoul's lips wrapped back around your clit, long, nimble fingers probing your saliva-slicked entrance. Two of them slid inside to the hilt before you even really registered their presence, causing you to hiss at the slight burn of the rad-rough flesh against your sensitive insides. The suction on your bud soothed the burn, allowing you to relax, and soon a third was added alongside the first two, quickly pushing you into another sudden and intense climax, washing over you like a tidal wave as he stretched you. When he eventually pulled his hand away, it was half-covered in red.
You were still trembling hard as he quickly worked his way back down your thighs, swiping up anything he may have missed. The sensation of his tongue running along your plush flesh made you giggle, earnest and breathless, but the sound was immediately cut off with a whine when he suddenly turned and viciously sunk his teeth into the meat of your inner thigh, not hard enough to break the skin, but damn near.
This, he had never done before.
Of course, you knew the man was intimately familiar with sinking his teeth into human flesh, but feeling them against you didn't frighten you as you expected it might, the sensation exhilarating and primal. The searing, pinching pain made you squeal, and one of his ungloved hands jammed up against your lips to silence you, filling your nose with the smell of iron and gunpowder. Come the morning, you'd be sporting a gnarly bruise there. The knowledge sent another hot tremble down your spine.
Unlatching his jaw from your leg, he pulled himself up to his full kneeling height, right even with you, a wild look in his eyes you weren't sure you'd seen before. So often he had the brim of his hat to obscure them, but now they stared, wide and glassy, into your own.
His fingers fisted into the already wild hair at the back of your head, pulling your forward into a passionate, metallic-tasting kiss. You could feel the way your face attempted to stick to his where he'd smeared your blood around your mouth with his hand. Quickly, he began to lean forward over you, pressing you into the mildew covered cushions as he pulled himself on top of you. The dry-rotted frame of the couch groaned loudly in protest at the additional weight, squeaking and sighing out curses as he repositioned your legs along his hips, falling right into place to rub his throbbing prick against you. Another throaty noise left you, strangled and awkward, but you were past being able to be embarrassed right now.
It distracted you just enough when the old cowboy dropped his head into the crook of your neck, his lips dancing along your pulse point, that you didn't tense when he pushed his way inside you, burying himself nearly to the hilt in one push. Both of you let out soft, satisfied groans as you stretched taut around him, clenching hotly already after all the attention he'd given you, his heavy breathing in your ear making every hair on your body stand on end.
For a short moment, he allowed you to adjust to his girth, warm hands pushing your shirt up to expose your breasts to him. His bare hands felt like they were everywhere, swiping affectionately against your face, tugging and pinching at your nipples, eventually settling into your hair, holding your head steady and forcing you to look at him as he began to fuck you. It didn't take long before he had you built right back up, the rub of his pelvic bone against you too good.
"Go on, gimme one more, baby. I know you can." he huffed, his warm breath tickling you just right. His thumb was suddenly strumming against your puffy, sore clit again, and tears brimmed in your eyes as your muscles seized once again, whimpering almost pitifully as you gave him what he wanted.
"Attagirl." he praised, running the blunted edge of his teeth along your throat as your body tugged at him. Your breathing was hard to control, making you see spots as he shifted your calves back over his shoulders, basically folding you in half once more as he pulled himself up higher and began to rut into you in earnest. The blunt head of his cock slammed into your tender cervix like this, making you jump and whine, but your legs only tightened around his shoulders, pulling him closer as he used your body to get himself off.
Suddenly, there was a loud crack, and the entire couch frame collapsed into a plume of dust, even worse than before, making you screech in shock. Cooper, however, seemed to barely notice, his pace not even slowing as he shifted you a few inches away from a busted 2x4 sticking out in your direction, pressing you harder into the cushions that were now trapped beneath you. Nevertheless, he did seem to be making sure you were okay in his own way, his wild eyes and insistent hands checking over every visible inch as he continued to pump between your thighs. When he dropped his mouth to your breasts, you throbbed around him, cooing as he sucked and nipped at your breasts.
"Fuck." he growled at the sensation, his hips slapping against you even harder, but in less coordinated strokes, his head heavily dropping back into the crook of your neck again, his entire weight resting on you now.
As you felt him begin to throb inside you, signaling his own release, you also felt those strong teeth latch onto the sensitive skin where your neck met your shoulder, digging deep into the smooth muscle as you screamed. You could hear your lover groaning loudly as he gave you a few more rough strokes, his teeth keeping firm at your neck as he pulsed every last drop of himself inside you. Beyond the pinching pain repeating itself, you could feel the burn of him sucking hard on the flesh between his teeth, trying to mark you up as visibly as possible. Remarkably, this was enough to push your oversensitive body into one last muted orgasm, leaving you shuddering against his chest.
Once his teeth released you, his strong arms wrapped around your body, carefully flipping you so that you laid across his chest, the leather of his clothing sticking eagerly to your sweaty skin. No one said anything for a few minutes, his fingers dancing along your spine, tracing the outline of the bite on your shoulder and earning a small whimper, which he chuckled at. Things were strangely blissful.
"Yeah, I think I'm gonna need another fifteen minutes, boss." you sighed eventually, snuggling your face against the smooth leather of his vest and breathing in the smell of violence and sex.
"You can have ten." he responded, drawing a look from you until the hand that had been kneading away at your ass cheek slipped down further, rough fingers teasing at your abused entrance once more, pushing what was leaking out of you back inside.
"Oh? And what happens then?" you asked, trying hard to keep your hips still against his sinful hand and failing.
"Then we're going again."
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ferg0s · 3 years
Love your account so much! Hope you’re doing well 💖💖💖💖 Could we get some NSFW head cannons of Kagami, Aomine, Nebuya, and Kiyoshi when they are eating out their fem!/so? Thanks for all your amazing works!
you guys make me blush sm hehehe
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Oh boy is he something
Eats pussy for his own pleasure (men who eat Pussy for their own pleasure have a special place in heaven tbh)
SLOOPY, he doesn’t hold back when his tongue is exploring your folds or fucking you.
He starts off with kisses down your body, when he gets to your lower half he teases you by giving an ungodly amount of attention to your inner thighs.
The soft kisses, hickies and licks drive you crazy and he knows it lol
Spits on it before going down. As he should
Abuses your clit with his tongue; not a second goes on without his tongue on any part of your clit; he swirled around it, sucking on it, flicking it, occasionally grazing his teeth over it
He heard somewhere that the clit has a shit ton of nerves in it to help it feel - and he plans on getting on every single of them
Expect multiple orgasms; he doesn’t stop when he hears you cum again for - was it the 3rd time? - he’s not done yet. He runs his tongue over your hole, collecting the slick that squeezed out of it again before spreading it over your clit once again. It’s swollen and throbbing, but lol he doesn’t care. He adjusts his position on the bed and takes a breath entire diving back in - his dick jumping at the sound of you screaming.
Doesn’t really penetrate you in anyway - the occasional tongue fuckinh doesn’t count - he really just loves to see you wither in his arms as your body tries to register the sensation
You know those vibrators that are just made for ur clit? Aomine is the human embodiment of them
When he’s finished he comes up to uou - face glistening with a mixture of saliva and your cum - and makes sure to deflower your mouth with the taste of your cunt as he kisses you. Or when he’s too out of breath - he collects the cum and spits it in your mouth and makes you swallow and kisses ur cheek.
Ik he says good girl after 🧍🏽‍♀️ which makes the literal murder of your clit okay in the end.
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Not only can he empty out your fridge but your energy too
Hes very inexperienced - but his huge body provided him with a big tongue and a lot of determination
Cant find the clit without a little help
But - even when he can’t he makes sure his tongue touches ALL of you so he does eventually end up touching against it
A literal dog - licking your slit like an ice cream; he starts off with your hole, the thing he knows best about, and teases it with his tongue before going up - he knows it’s up there somewhere - he feels all around your folds until he suddenly feel your body jerk - he found it.
Once he finds it - rip that pussy aye
Takes him a while to get into the rhythm but when he does; his hands are holding down your legs as he ravished your cunt, tongue caressing every corner of it as he slobs all over it. Does his jaw get sore? Yes. Does it stop him? No.
Forgets to breaths and has almost fainted while giving you head
Expect to get finger blasted - because he knows how to do that without any help
With his fingers curled up abusing your g spot and his tongue boxing your clit - you have no choice but you cum when tears streaming down your face.
The worst part - he drowns out everything when he’s eating you out - and in the midst of his concentration he doesn’t register you cumming over and over and over again until you a) squirt or b) until he gets lockjaw
His favourite is eating you out and getting you sloppy wet before putting his dick in you
That’s for another time tho
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Couldn’t find any other gif of him
One word: rough
He rarely does it - not his version of a fun time, but when he does it’s memorial to put it light
He likes putting your legs over his shoulder - gives him more access - and sometimes he forgets that he is way stronger than average
Like way strong
Expect to her folded
To him he just moves a bit to adjust his position but you end up with your knees touching the pillow under your head as he pushed his head into you
Big tongue
Touches everything at the same time
Omg he grunts so much while eating you out; very Vocal about his liking for the taste of you mixed with his spit. Good soup
Expect to be lifted up in positions you’ve only seen in high budget pornos - on his shoulders, upside down….
He only goes one round but oh my god is that one round so long
He doesn’t realize it but he edges you a lot - pulling back at the right time to breathe or change positions - also the painfully slow pace he goes at; you want him to speed up like he usually does when he’s fucking you but right now didn’t have his dick in you - he couldn’t feel how your walls were clenching as his tongue brushed over your clit. He had you your knees, ass arches in the air for him as he ate you out from the back. He was going to slow - not slow but not fast either - just enough to egg you on without giving you the satisfaction of an orgasm. The next left always happens in a blink of an eye - one minute your ass is in the air and the other you’re on your back with him holding your legs open - and that’s just the first position change of the night
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Literally the most vanilla man on the planet
Not like ‘only baby making missionary’ vanilla
He cherishes you everytime he goes down on you
A vulva? Nah more like Divincis long lost masterpiece
‘you’re so pretty’ ‘already this wet for me?’ ‘You look so gorgeous right now’ ‘you have such a pretty pussy, baby’
Kisses. Lots of kisses.
He knows he’s a big boy - with big hands and the brute force that can easily crush you - so he’s extra gentle.
The entire moment is like floating on clouds
He kisses your clit before starting - making sure to show you that ur just as pretty as he says - and then he slowly begins to lick all around it, slowly coating it with his saliva. He lubes your pussy up with his tongue, making sure to tease you by going everywhere but your clit. And then finally he started to give it attention; it starts off with gently, slow licks. Then he moves on to being a little more rough - not too much but just enough to get you over the edge. He doesn’t eat your pussy - no - he dines on it bestie. He makes sure to savour your taste, explore every inch of you ( as if he hasn’t done it before ) and makes sure to give all of your cunt the attention it needs.
When you orgasm, a symphony of harps play a angelic tune - that’s how it feels, just painting a picture.
Vanilla King 🙌🏼 just wants to make you feel like a princess and makes sure you know how pretty u are for him
Sorry if it’s taking so long for me to reply to requests 😩 i try to do one post a night. Also don’t send me nice compliments if ur not willing to let me sit on ur face and cum on ur tongue 😔 don’t edge my praise kink on like this
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babyboibucky · 3 years
Devil’s Mark
Pairing: Rockstar!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: You accept a temp job as a runner for a rockstar’s concert.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: TW! Dubcon if you squint, toxic shit, filthy smut, mean!Bucky, rough oral (M receiving), rimming (M receiving), rough sex, slapping, overstimulation, Bucky marking you with a cigarette burn, MINORS DNI I BEG OF YOU
A/N: So this happened lmfao again, this is not to romanticize T*mmy L*e! I don’t care for him tbh, Seb’s tats and piercings were merely inspos for Rockstar!Bucky. Also, this piece sucks because it’s just idk, rushed and filthy and all over the place but I needed to get this out of my system so I can go back to my other WIPs lmfao
Also Rockstar!Bucky’s theme is Nine Inch Nails’ Closer sjcnkjsnakcs and please, he doesn’t have a goatee in this lmfao that fucking goatee ain’t working for me
Devil’s Mark Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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When you accepted the temp job as a runner for a certain rockstar's concert, you'd expected to follow the orders of the staff— bring some equipment to the other side of the venue, fix the lights over there, clean the microphones, buy them coffee— you know, the usual.
You did end up following orders, except that it involved taking the star of the show's cock down your throat.
Bucky Barnes was the epitome of a rockstar with his kohl-rimmed eyes, tattooed skin and piercings in unimaginable parts of his body. He smelled like smoke and leather, tasted like sex, sin and regret.
This was something you weren't supposed to do, hell, you'd never done something like this. At least, not with someone whom you just met a couple of minutes ago. But good god, there was something so irresistible about Bucky that made you say yes to him almost immediately.
Maybe it was the thrill of doing something that your mother warned you about, or the way Bucky looked at you like you were the prettiest thing he'd seen. Or was it his voice and how it sounded velvety-smooth yet rough around the edges whenever he praised you for being his good girl?
Perhaps it was Bucky's entire existence that made you want to desecrate your own image.
"Just like that. Doin' so good for me, sucking my fucking cock like your lollipop. You like how I taste?" Bucky cooed as he sat on the couch, eyes watching you as you kneeled in between his leather clad knees with your lips wrapped around the head of his cock.
You hummed and gripped his knees, hollowing your cheeks as Bucky's hands held your head to keep you in place. He grunted and threw his head back when you slid lower, doing your best to relax your jaw so you can take him further than you'd ever taken someone before.
"Fuckin' hell, sugar." Bucky groaned and violently pushed your head down, making you choke on his cock.
Tears pooled in the corners of your eyes, your lungs burning from the lack of oxygen when he forced you to stay in place. You could feel his cock pulsate against your throat, making you gag on it continuously. Your hands began to hit Bucky's thighs when he refused to let you go, your heart hammering against your chest as you panicked at the feeling of losing all the air in your lungs.
Bucky darkly chuckled, ignoring your actions. "Breathe through your nose, sugar. You can do it, c'mon." he cooed.
A mix of your spit and Bucky's cum escaped your mouth, dribbling along your chin down to your top, soaking through the fabric. You tried to follow Bucky's instructions and inhaled through your nose, your eyes rolling to the back of your head when you gagged again.
"Such a good whore for me, aren't you?" Bucky grunted, finally pulling your head by the hair, allowing you to gasp out for air.
Your cheeks were stained with your tears as you looked up at him, your chest rising and falling heavily with every breath you took. Bucky looked down at you lovingly, his hand tightening around your hair and the other gently caressing your cheek.
"You wanna make me happy, sugar?" he asked and you nodded eagerly.
Bucky then harshly gripped your face in his hand, squeezing your face as he tilted your head up so he could bend down and give you a kiss. It was sloppy, full of tongue and spit but it only spurred you on. The way Bucky was treating you was making you feel things you'd never felt before.
"I need your words, sugar. You wanna make me happy?" he asked again, louder this time.
"Yes, I want to." you said, voice hoarse from having his cock violently shoved down your throat.
Bucky slapped your face before gripping your jaw tightly, "Louder, sugar." he growled.
"Yes! Yes, I want to make you happy!" you exclaimed, eyes fluttering when Bucky tapped your cheek while praising you for being so fucking obedient.
You stayed on your knees and watched Bucky as he stood up, pulling his leather pants down further until he was completely naked. Wetness pooled in your panties as you took in the sight of Bucky, wanting him to just use you however he wanted.
To make you feel useful for once.
Bucky sat back down on the couch, spreading his legs as he gripped your neck, tugging you closer to his cock that rested against his tattooed abdomen.
"You wanna make me happy? I want you to fucking eat my ass." he growled and you blinked, not expecting his request.
Bucky noticed the hesitation on your part and leaned forward to kiss you again, this time taking your lower lip in between his teeth and tugging at it harshly until it bled.
"Not gonna ask you twice, sugar." he warned against your lips before leaning back against the couch.
Your trembling hand took his shaft, jerking him off as you bent forward to lick his balls first. Bucky grunted in response, his hips thrusting upwards as you continued to tug at his cock while your mouth proceeded to work on his sack.
A hiss slipped past your lips when Bucky took a fistful of your hair again, tugging you head back and lifting a brow at you.
"Sugar, I know what you're tryna do and that's not what I asked you." he said, gritting through his teeth and just like that, he dragged your head back down in between his legs as he leaned back against the couch.
Words failed to make it out of your mouth when Bucky pushed your face under his balls, his hand reaching down to grip his cock to jerk at it.
"Stick your tongue out, sugar. Make me feel good, you want that, don't you?" Bucky said, keeping your face in between his head.
You were more afraid to disappoint Bucky than your dignity, the feeling of being forced to do things you'd never imagined was making your thighs clench and your cunt weep. It never occurred to you that it was even possible for someone like you to enjoy being treated this way.
All this time you considered yourself holy, someone who couldn't bear to sin even if her life depended on it. And yet here you were, in between Bucky's legs with your tongue flattening against his puckered hole.
"Oh fuck, that's it." Bucky moaned at your first lick.
Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to get lost in Bucky's taste as you stiffened your tongue to prod his tight hole. His scent enveloped your senses, the sound of his hand jerking his cock coated with his own cum joining his grunts and groans that went straight to your core.
If this act was a sin, then why did it feel like heaven to you?
"You enjoy eating my ass, huh? Sugar? Yeah?" Bucky asked, grinning at you proudly as you looked up at him.
Seeing you like that made Bucky feral, lashes fluttering as you kept your innocent gaze on him while half of your face was buried deep in between his ass cheeks.
A saint who was willing to sin just for him.
Bucky pulled back and smiled down at you as you panted, "You ever been fucked?" he asked.
You nodded, letting him know that you've done the deed but never like this, of course. Bucky chuckled and cooed in amusement while letting his knuckles graze your cheekbone.
"I don't think so, sugar. At least, not like how I'm going to fuck you. Gonna ruin you for other men, make you mine and only mine. You gonna let me do that, sweet cheeks? Gonna let me use you however I want?" he asked but as usual, didn't wait for you to utter a single word to proceed.
Not that you were going to deny Bucky that.
He pulled you up to your feet by the arm, pressing a soft kiss on your lips before he unzipped your jeans and pulled it down together with your panties. Both your hands were quick to cover your mound from embarrassment, not sure whether Bucky preferred his women bare down there.
"Ah, ah." Bucky tutted, slapping your hands away before cupping your mound, making you jolt backwards at the cold sensation of the rings on his fingers.
"No need to be shy about a little hair down there." he said, dragging his hand upwards to play with the triangular patch of hair covering your mound before pushing you down on the couch.
"Open your legs, sugar. Show me how wet that fucking cunt is." he said.
He knelt down in front of you and almost salivated at the sight of your glistening pussy, so pink and so open as you spread your legs. A tinge of pink painted your cheeks as you watched Bucky nose the insides of your thighs, breathing in your scent while his hand continued to pump his cock.
"God, look at you. Dripping just for me." he moaned and then spit on your pussy, making you gasp out loud.
"I want you to make noise for me, wanna hear you scream my name. Wanna hear you beg for me..." he whispered before finally licking your cunt.
You moaned out loud, wanton and desperate for Bucky to keep going. He ate you out like you were his last meal, it was messy with his spit smearing across your thighs. Bucky was rough with you but god, the sounds he'd make as he lapped up your pussy was borderline obscene. Grunts, groans and muffled praises rang in your ear.
"Ride my face, sugar. Move those hips, smother me with your fuckin' cream. I want your scent on me, wanna smell you when I go onstage." he said and dove back in, your hips moving on their own accord as you chased your nearing high.
The surroundings spun around you and suddenly, all you could feel and hear was Bucky. His tongue and teeth on your cunt, his words of encouragement and then you were gone. Letting out a breathy moan when you came, you tried to close your legs but Bucky pinned them down on the couch as he continued to eat you out.
"Keep cumming, I want more. Give me more, sugar. Come on." Bucky urged and added his fingers into the mix.
Your thighs quaked and your clit was burning from how Bucky kept on sucking on it. Patches of your sweat began to soak your top, mixing along with the marks left by your drool and Bucky's cum.
"Bucky, I can't..." you sputtered out, grabbing at his hair and tugging him away.
That earned you a hard slap on your cheek, the sting only adding to the pleasure that was yet again building up within your core.
"Yes you can and you fucking will." he said and started pumping his fingers in and out of your pussy hard and fast until you were crying out again as another wave of orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks.
You weren't even done riding out your first climax when your second washed over you. And Bucky was relentless and damn insatiable, getting up and sliding his cock into your throbbing cunt.
Your throat went dry with how your moans were slowly transforming into a high-pitched shriek. Bucky was unforgiving as he fucked you, ignoring how your hands were scratching at his forearms in an attempt to escape their grip on your waist. The pleasure was too much, it was borderline painful but it was addicting.
The way Bucky's cock was extending your second orgasm to the point of coaxing out a third was making you delirious.
"You gonna pass out on me, sugar? Can't take my cock that well, huh?" Bucky mocked, his palm tapping your cheek to keep you awake.
You shook your head and tried to speak but couldn't do so. All you could do was whimper and babble like a fucking idiot as Bucky pounded into you. Just as when you were about to explode, his thrusts turned slow and languid, giving you an opportunity to recover.
"You still with me?" he asked with a chuckle, running his fingers through his sweaty locks.
Swallowing, you hummed in response and ignored how your body felt like it was literally on fire. Bucky reached for his leather pants on the ground without pulling his cock out from your cunt. Taking out a cigarette stick and a lighter, he placed the stick in between his lips and lighted it up. He slowly pulled back at the same time he took a drag from his cigarette, the pleasure building up once more as he pushed back into you.
Bucky almost looked ethereal like that with the fluorescent light illuminating behind him, puffs of smoke surrounding his figure as he stood in between your spread legs. His nipple piercings glistening, his tattooed arm flexing when he grabbed the back of your knee, pushing it down onto the couch to further open you up.
"Tell me you're mine to use." he said, nodding his head at you.
"I'm yours to use, Bucky." you whispered.
He smiled a charming smile, almost boyish in charm as opposed to his rugged and rough appearance. And then he sped up his thrusts again, making your toes curl and your fingers ball into fists.
"Yeah, you're mine?" he asked.
You nodded, face scrunching up in pleasure. "Yes, Bucky. All yours. I'm yours, please..." you pleaded.
"Please what, sugar?" he taunted.
"So close, I can't..." you didn't know whether you wanted to cum again or if you wanted him to stop.
Your body was buzzing from overstimulation but Bucky loved it. He loved seeing you like this, wrecked and sobbing. He merely laughed and blew smoke into your face.
"You can, sugar. Gonna make sure you cum again." Bucky growled, snapping his hips in a particular angle that brought you so close to the edge.
"Gonna mark you to make sure no one will want to mess with you." Bucky said, taking his cigarette out from his lips and then pressing it down against the inside of your right thigh.
Your scream was from the combination of pain from the burn and pleasure from your orgasm, making your body tremble on the couch. Your eyes rolled, tears spilling from your eyes and your spit seeping from the corner of your swollen lips.
"That's right, fuck. Milking my fucking cock so well." Bucky grunted followed by a breathy moan when he spilled his seed inside of you without any warning.
Too spent to even realize it, you laid on the couch almost lifelessly when Bucky pulled out and started dressing up as if he didn't just fuck your brains out. It took you a few minutes to return to the right headspace and when you finally came around, Bucky was dressed up in a loose muscle tee and his leather pants.
He walked over to you and bent down to squeeze your face in his hand, eyes glazing over your naked body before he looked back into your half-lidded eyes.
"Goddamn, sugar. Lookit you." he darkly chuckled before kissing you sloppily.
And then just like that, he was out of the dressing room. You looked down at yourself, naked from the waist below and flinched at the cigarette burn on the inside of your thigh. The ache was tolerable now, your intense pleasure masking its pain when Bucky pressed it against your flesh.
The burn was in stark contrast to your skin tone. It stood out, haunting you and reminding you that you sold your soul to a devil on earth— the devil's mark.
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @im-squished @tcc-gizmachine @sipsteacasually @prettyintopeerpressure @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit @bloodhon3yx @dressed-in-prada @lizette50 @thatfangirl42 @sunflowerbunny2 @unmagically @okiegirl24 @sugarpunch-princess @enlyume @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp @lyoongx @just-deka @nobody-will @jaziona92 @elisebuitron @dpaccione @suvikamahes98blr @buckybarneshairpullingkink @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes @iloveangstposts @weenersoldierr @asemistablehundredyearoldman @reidbuck @lizzarooni @girlfriday007 @bonkywobble @lost-in-the-stars03 @its-yasbxtch @whoth3hellisbucky
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thegremlincrowsnest · 3 years
Porn Idea #548
I’ll be posting this to AO3 after some final editing but I was too impatient to share it with you guys! 
CW: Afab language, daddy is said, double penetration, anal, Cernunnos just being a really horny mofo You're a new art teacher, married to a fellow teacher, Shouta Aizawa, the history teacher. You started working with him a few months ago, part-time,  after finishing some freelance gigs and wanting a change of pace for a while. It was nice working with your partner and teaching a new group of students to love the arts as you do. However, Shouta slowly gets jealous of how often you innocently flirt with the music teacher Hizashi Yamada and the gym teacher Toshinori Yagi. From there, that’s when he starts picking up some of his old gang behavior, wanting to claim you and make sure no one messes with what’s his. Hizashi definitely tests him by letting his hands linger on your back or shoulders when Shouta is watching. Hizashi was his old second in command from back in the day. He casually speaks in code to Shouta even when you're present. Whenever he was at your house, he lets his hands slide up your thigh or play with the elastic band of your short shorts. He would snap them, chuckling at your squeals and keeping eye contact with Shouta as he says, “Careful, my dear, don’t want to fuel the thoughts of wolves that hunger for you.” All you can do is blush and not fully understanding the weird vibe they’re giving off to each other but doesn’t question it. 
After Hizashi makes that wolf comment what Shouta goes, “Well, I don’t think there are any wolves brave enough to bite what’s mine....” to try and push Hizashi to the edge. Of course, Hizashi rises to the challenge, pulling you back against him, his arms wrapping around you while he looks at your lover, saying, “And what if there was a wolf brave enough?” Shouta walks up, pressing close to your front as you Y/N.exe stopped working as you were sandwiched between two men who have some history. “W-would anyone like some lemonade? Hizashi let his hands trail down your sides, digging his fingers into the top of your thighs. “The only thing I’m thirsty is for you, darling,” Shouta growls at that and leans in to say, “Hizashi...if you wanted me to fuck you senseless again, you didn’t need to tease my partner like this,” to which Hizashi smirks and grabs your throat, tilting your head upwards, saying, “What if I want both?” Shouta chuckles, moving your head back and leaning in to kiss you softly, asking, “What do you think, my love?”
You’re in heaven blushing and letting them handle you like some prized possession. Hizashi just smiles and lets his hands slide back up over your breast. Chuckling at the small noises you make. “You picked a perfect one as always, Shouta.” Then finally, you snap out of it a little and weasels your way out with a chuckle. “L-let me get that lemonade for you boys”“Oh no, you don’t....don’t avoid my question, baby,” Shouta would say as he grabs your wrist to pull you back in. Pushing you to his chest and wrapping an arm around your waist to pin you against his throbbing cock. “I want to know what you think of Hizashi here...eating you out while I pound this ass...” 
Hizashi moans at the suggestion, holding onto your hips and grinding his own dick against your ass. “Don’t tease me with a good time like that, baby...” Hizashi moans in your ear; you could only moan softly and lean into them. Your eyelids drooped, and you press your ass against Hizashi some more. “I-I’d like that a lot, Sir.... mmmm, I think Hizashi is quite handsome, and I-I wouldn’t mind him eating me out if you’d allow it.” The scent of their cologne mixed together made you dizzy. You had to press your thighs together to prevent any of your juices from dripping onto the carpet. The two boys share a look. It was only for a moment, but it’s almost as if they had a full conversation. Because before you could register what’s about to happen, Hizashi chuckles and turns you around, pinning you to the counter, standing in front of you while he leans down to grab the counter by your sides. “You think I’m handsome, baby? Even with your sexy husband around?” He teases, leaning in to kiss your neck. His fingers slipping down to play with the hem of your shorts. You squealed and ran your hands through his hair. “Ohh~ I mean, I’ve always thought you both were very sexy,” you say as you switched from looking at him to Shouta. you rubbed your thighs together and whimpered at the intensity of his gaze. “Fuck boys, if you’re just gonna tease me, I’ll just leave then~” Shouta grabs your neck tightly. Turning you to face him as Hizashi drops to his knees. “Do you really think you could leave right now, baby....” he stares into your eyes. “Your job is to feed the hungry men in this house. And you have two to satisfy,” he says as he leans in to kiss you, wanting to devour you now but knowing the best is yet to come. 
Meanwhile, Hizashi chuckles while he pushes your thighs apart, enjoying the view. “How could you leave when you’re a mess like this?~” he teases as he runs a finger through your pretty wet lips “what do you want me to do about it?”You couldn’t help but squeal as you came. Squirting onto Hizashis face as your thighs quivered and your back arched, blushing furiously. “Oh god...I-I’m so sorry Hizashi...t-this has never happened before. I’m so embarrassed.” Your heart pounded as you looked up between Shouta and him, expecting a laugh or look of disgust. ”Well, that was a first. Fucking hot, that’s what it was,” They say to one another. With a primal growl, Hizashi roughly spreads your thighs open and dives in to devour you. His tongue teasing your entrance as he takes the time to also suck on your clit. Shouta gets stunned for a moment before giving a low chuckle, “who knew my darling love had more tricks up your sleeve?” He says all sweet as he then rips the front of your shorts open, “if you’re gonna act like a whore you should look like one.” You threw your head back and moaned loudly again. “Fuck yes, I’m a whore~ a cock drunk whore! Jesus that feels so good~” you tugged his hair gently as you looked to Shouta. “Please, sirs have your way with me...I’ve been dreaming of this for so long. “In that case....” Shouta pushes Hizashis’s face away from your cunt and lifts you up, to then roughly toss your ass up onto the kitchen table “in that case, well, eat you up till there’s nothing left.” Shouta spreads your legs open by kicking your feet apart, and after he lets his erection out, he slaps it onto your ass. “Beg bitch”. Meanwhile, Hizashi strips and moves to stand in front of your mouth. His dick sliding across your pouty lips. You squeal and push back to try and grind against his cock. “Fuck me, sir~ please fill me up and use me!”  You licks against Hizashis’s cock gently before opening your mouth for him, looking up at him with a soft whine.  Pushing back, almost sliding Shouta’s cock into you, but he groans softly as he pulls back. “God, I need you both inside me so bad~” You moan out. “What do you think, Hizashi?” Shouta teases, letting his cock rut gently against your lips, not giving you the friction you desire just yet. “Aren’t they beautiful?” He asks while his hand caresses your ass and slaps it occasionally. Enjoying the moans coming from your lips. “I agree with that,” Hizashi says as his breathing gets heavy, holding onto your chin and letting his thumb run across your bottom lip. His cock throbbing against your cheek. “But I think we both know how to make them look even prettier,” he taunts. Looking up to Shouta. In silent understanding, ignoring your begging, they both ram their cocks into you fully at the same time. Shouta grabs onto your hips and fucks you slowly, while Hizashi holds onto your head. You could only squeal as they began to use you; looking up at Hizashi, he swore your pupils turned to hearts as they fucked you. Drool and precum began to drip from your lips as you push back against Shouta, clenching around him and grinding against his hips. Slowly you move your hands onto Hizashis hips, gripping them as you helped him fuck your throat.  You squealed and moaned helplessly, in pure bliss at the two men ravaging you like an animal. The men moan and grunt as they thrust into you. Shouta makes sure to slap your ass to keep you moaning underneath him. “You like that, huh you whore? Being treated like a cocksleeve just for us?”  Hizashi moans at that even. His hands running down your chest to pull and pinch your nipples. “If you want more slut you’re gonna need to make us cum. That’s what you’re best at, isn’t it?” Hizashi says. You pull back and jerks Hizashis’s cock as you whimper. “Fuck, if you let me ride you both, I’ll be able to show you want I really can do~” clenching around Shouta, bouncing against him slowly.  You look up at Hizashi with big eyes as you say. “Don’t you wanna fuck my ass Hizashi~” Hizashis knees buckle a bit at that suggestion. He looks from your messy face to Shouta’s with pleading eyes. Well, who is he to say no? He pulls out of your pussy and takes a step back. He twists you around to lay on your back and pushes your feet towards your head “hold onto your ankles, baby.” With a giddy smile, you do as your told, holding your ankles to your head. “I’m ready~” He smirks down at you as he slides his cock into your pussy, moaning appreciatively as he does so. And then he wraps his arms around you to lift you up, clutching you against him. Without missing a beat, Hizashi comes up behind you. Kissing the back of your neck and sliding a finger into your ass to get you ready for him. You let go of your legs, allowing them to hang off of his shoulders. Whimpering softly, you nuzzle into him as you feel Hizashis’s fingers. Desperately wanting to grind against those fingers and the cock deep inside you groaning in frustration. “More~ please more!” Hizashi smirks, bringing his hips to your ass, massaging your cheeks with his fingers. “What are we to do with such a naughty kitten like you?” He teases, slapping your ass roughly. “Already so full of cock but wanting more...” he pushes his tip against your tight entrance. Shouta tilts your chin up to kiss you, “I guess we need to punish them then by filling them up.  You can’t leave the house if you’re full of cum.” He says. You could only whimper as you felt him press against your entrance “H-Hizashi, don’t be a tease anh!”  You said as you tried to push back. Hearing Shouta say they’ll fill you up sent you into a spiral. Shivering and squirting on his cock you whimpered. “Yes! F-fill me up, please!~ I’ll be a good Kitten.” you babbled on as you felt your mind slipping. "Tsk tsk making such a mess..." Shouta says. "Looks like it’s time to plug them up~" Hizashi continues for him, thrusting his full length inside your ass. The two of them thrust at different times, constantly changing the pressure inside of you. They both lean into the sides of your head, Hizashi giving you praise while Shouta continues to degrade you. You couldn’t help the whimpers that escaped your lips as you were filled. Threading a hand through Hizashis hair, you leaned back. “So good~ you guys make me feel so good,” you moan softly.  You can feel the beginnings of small bruises on your hips and thighs but accepted them fully. Your holes leak and throbbed around the two cocks inside of you. Then you had a wonderful idea “C-come on, Shouta~ Don’t want Hizashi to outdo you.” Hizashi chuckles at that. “Am I making you feel that good baby?” He says as he looks Shouta in the eyes. Continuing, he says, “Make you feel so good you wanna be bred on my cock? Make you full with my cum to have my babies?” This makes Shouta possessively growl and slap your ass “who are you to be making such claims bitch?” He then grabs onto your throat to slightly choking you. “you will cum on my dick, and you will enjoy it. Like the cock whore you are. Be bred.” You moan softly at the feeling of his hand. Then smirks when you say, “Make me~” you loved pushing his buttons and seeing how far you can take him. “Make me, or else I’ll ask Hizashi to hold me up while he fucks my ass in your face.”  You clenched around their cocks as you felt Shouta growl and thrust faster. Hizashis hands move up to pinch and pull your nipples, reaching down to rub your clit as he keeps slowly fucking your ass. In return, he tightened his grip on your hips, his fingers pushing deep onto your muscles, forming bruises that will be visible all week long. He was going slow to be nice and match Hizashi in your ass, but if you wanted to be a brat like this, he’d treat you like the ragdoll you want to be. He growls and starts moving you on his cock and thrusting faster and deeper into you. “Looks like I need to remind you who’s in charge here, kitten....” he leans in and marks up your neck as he says, “If you behave and tighten up, maybe I’ll fill you up like you’ve wanted.” Your eyes crossed as you squealed, “yes, daddy~ fuck, please fill me up. I want your babies!” Your resolve faded as you felt his cock hit against your womb entrance. Hizashi chuckled and started speeding up as well, making your body shiver. “H-harder, please, daddy fucking put me in my place, please!”  You say as your pussy tightens up around them both.  You reach down to rub your clit as you watch his cock disappear inside of you. He grins and keeps this pace, making sure every thrust into your sloppy pussy hits you deep. “Look at this whore, playing with their clit while we fill them up, Hizashi....” he teases and smirks at the blonde “what do you suggest we do?” Hizashi also smirks and leans in to kiss your shoulder, picking up his pace to match Shouta’s. “I think we need to fill them up for days....that sound like a good idea?” He grins and keeps this pace, making sure every thrust into your sloppy pussy hits her deep. “Yes, yes, fill me up! Fuck I want your cum so fucking bad~” you lean back and pull Hizashis’s face close. Kissing him deeply as your other hand cups Shouta’s cheek. “I feel so good~ god, you’re both so fucking thick~,” you say as you feel them throb deep inside of you. It’s a nice sight, seeing the two of them kiss. Not that he’ll admit it for now. But he knows he’s getting there. He leans his head on her shoulder and focuses on how soft and wet and warm you are. God, he can get lost in you for hours. You’re gonna look so good full of his kids. Over and over. “God baby, I’m gonna fill you up...” he moans, shuddering as he thrusts fully into you and filling you up with his cum. You hold onto him tight as you feel him cum deep inside.  You whimper softly and bite down on his shoulder as you cum as well.  You feel Hizashi stop and look back, confused. “What’s wrong?”  You ask cutely. He helps Shouta pull out before thrusting into your pussy cumming as well. He groans and rubs your clit softly, helping you through another orgasm. “Oh god~ I’m so full~ fuck daddy, it feels so good” Well shit...that was a surprise. Shouta thought, but you look so happy being full, so it’s okay for now. Carefully he and Hizashi get you to sit on the couch. More so, sitting on a combination of their laps. Their hands and kisses soft on your skin, helping to soothe you. “What a good kitten you are, baby...” Shouta praises you, “maybe we need to have guests over more often.”
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ppersonna · 4 years
who’s your daddy? - jhs | thirteen
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➸ in order to get over your hopeless crush, you sign up for DADDI, a daddy-dom dating site.  you can’t tell your friends, especially your best friend hoseok.  but as weeks go on, you’re desperate to meet the man behind the screen.
thirteen- all yours.
warnings- oral sex (m,f), penetrative sex, unprotected sex, edging, orgasm denial, spanking, dirty talk, slightly degrading dirty talk, D/s, possessive dirty talk, fingering, cum eating, creampie, teasing, vibrators, praise
rating- explicit/nsfw/18+
a/n-Oh my god. it’s here.  it’s done. we made it.  we did it. pls let me know your thots. special thanks to @wwilloww​ for beta reading and @kookiesjoonies​ @ladyartemesia​ @xjoonchildx​ @taetaewonderland​ for the hype. ily all.
With a few finishing touches, the room is set.
You’ve dimmed the lights, closed the blinds, iced the champagne and prepped the bed.
Your body is smooth, exfoliated, ready.  You’ve never scrubbed and shaved and plucked more thoroughly in your life.
You can’t help it. You’re excited and nervous and scared and hopeful.
You want things to work out with Daddy.  You want to see if there’s a possibility of a future with him.  You want to meet the man who set your entire being on fire.
And yet, 
There’s a longing.  A deep-seated need for one singular man.
Jung Hoseok.
He’s all you can think about lately.  While Daddy always lingers—is always there in the back of your mind, Hoseok is omnipresent.   You think of his smile, the way he held you so close when he kissed you, the jokes, the years of friendship that built into something so romantic and easy.   
Your heart thumps heavily in your chest as you think of him.  As you think of him sitting at home after you turned him down for the date this weekend, as you think of him wanting you and you’re… preparing to sleep with another man.
But you couldn’t think of that.  Not now, not here.
It’s now or never with Daddy.  You have to know.  Or you’d live the rest of your life wondering.  
Your phone pings with an alert.
I’m here.
Your heart rate increases and you nearly pace the floor of the expensive hotel room.
How should you wait for him? Standing at the door?  Hiding in the bathroom?
You settle on the bed, lying as comfortably, yet as sexily as possible, ensuring your cleavage is visible in the baby blue robe you’re wearing.
You suck in a breath.
It’s happening.
It’s really fucking happening.
Over the pounding of your heart, you can hear the keycard click in the lock, allowing access to the cardholder.  You can’t see the door, it’s down a short hallway, but you can hear everything.
The door opens, footsteps, then it closes.
Then, it’s silent.
Your lungs burn—you haven’t taken a breath in for what feels like years.
You exhale loudly, hands nearly trembling with nerves.
The footsteps move closer, closer, even closer to the end of the hallway where you will both become visible to one another.
And then,
He’s there, and you’re gasping out loud. Your world slows, your brain short-circuits.   Every vein in your body is screaming out, begging for the man that sets your world on fire.
Jung Hoseok stands at the end of the hallway in his finest slacks and button up, Gucci belt tying the look together—black leather bag in hand.  His eyes are wide as he drinks you in—as reality settles in his mind.
“W-what are you doing here?” You ask through shaky breathing.
“I-,” he begins, then clears his throat. “I’m Daddy.”
You can’t move for too long.  You’re stunned to silence and frozen to the spot on the bed.  
You don’t have to choose anymore.
You don’t have to decide who to choose.
The choice was always Hoseok—it was always him.
As quickly as you froze, you’re leaping off the bed and throwing yourself onto Hoseok’s body, hugging him as tightly as you can.  He wraps his arms around you as you bury your face into his neck, tears springing up at your eyes.  
He smells like heaven; you realize.  He smells like your home, your future.
You pull back to press your forehead to his, smiling through watery tears.
“It’s you,” you murmur.
He nods, swallowing a lump in his throat as he does so. “It’s me.”
You kiss him with all the passion, all the pent up desire, all the need you’ve held onto in your body for both men.  For Daddy, for Hoseok.  For the man who made you feel so sexy, and the man who made you feel so loved.  
And lucky for you, he is both.
He pulls away from your lips, his bright smile mirroring your own.
“We really thought we missed out on a date with each other at coffee,” he laughs. “And we were on the date the whole time.”
You pull him tighter and press your face to his shoulder to laugh, amused at how fucking clueless you had been.
“I thought you stood me up, but I ended up having the best time of my life with you.  I can’t believe how stupid we are.”
Hoseok nods, and as you lift your head back, he cups your cheek.
“I am so fucking crazy about you,” he admits. “And I’m fucking wild for baby girl.  And you’re both.”
“I really like Daddy, but I fell for Hoseok.”
His hands tighten around your waist, and he presses soft, gentle kisses to your lips.
“That’s brilliant news,” he speaks through kisses roving your face. “Because I’m both.”
He guides your body towards the bed until the back of your knees hit the soft surface and you’re sinking down onto the plush mattress. 
Hoseok kisses you so deeply, like you’re the only person left on earth, and your body feels like it’s been set on fire.  Every part of you is singing in rapture from the man’s touch. 
His eyes are black—pupils blown wide when he pulls away from you.  It makes you shiver to see the sunshine in his eyes turn into sin. 
“Lay down on the pillows, baby,” he whispers as he stands up straight at the foot of the bed.  
You obey him without question, without falter. You slide back until your head rests on the plush, expensive pillows. Your body vibrates with excitement, trembling with need.  Hoseok’s eyes observe you, dark and lustful gaze as he undies the cuff buttons on his shirt, and rolls up his sleeves. 
“Untie that robe, angel.  Show me what’s mine.” 
His words imprint in your mind. His.  
You are his, fully and without question. 
Shaking fingers pull the belt that ties your robe together. The silk slides apart and you open it slowly like a gift until you’re exposed completely to the sharp-dressed man fixated on your every move. 
His lungs feel tight as your perky breasts come into view. 
He’s seen them on his phone, jerked off to them nearly a hundred times, but now he knows that it’s you and his cock pulses in his slacks. 
Your nipples prickle and peak in the chilly hotel air, and his lips are itching to wrap and suck and pull on them until you’re quaking. 
You work the robe completely off of you, and throw the expensive garment to the floor as if it’s nothing, as if you wanted nothing more in life than to be naked for him at all times. 
His eyes trace up your long legs, soaking in each curve of your slender calves and thick thighs.  They trail to the apex of those luscious legs, and he nearly salivates. 
“Spread your legs, baby girl,” he chokes. “Show me your pretty cunt.” 
Your face flushes, heat blooming in your cheeks—and yet you comply.  You’re unable to refuse. 
“Yes, Daddy.” 
Hoseok’s eyes flutter closed for a moment, affected by hearing your voice use the honorific.  It’s something he never thought he could have in his wildest dreams—you and baby girl existing within the same body.  He can be himself, fully, both parts of him—with you. 
Your legs part instantly, slowly opening up your most intimate parts to the man who makes your heart burn with need. 
He can’t stop staring as your pussy opens up to him. Your legs spread wantonly, knees up to the sky and hips open wide.  Even from the end of the bed, he can see the way you drip with arousal.  
“Look at you.”  His voice is reverent, speaking a prayer to your cunt as he descends onto the bed and crawls towards your open legs. 
“Look at this sweet little pussy—so wet for Daddy.” 
You nibble at your lip, watching him with growing anticipation that makes your cunt seep out even more. 
“All for y-you,” you agree, nervousness making your words shaky. 
He begins his journey to your body by holding each calf and ravaging them with kisses. He presses his lips up to your knees—before peppering gentle adorations to your thighs. 
“My beautiful, beautiful girl,” he intones. “I’ve wanted to do this to you for so long.” 
Your eyes slip closed as you feel his adoration linger up and down your legs. It’s like Hoseok’s finished his pilgrimage to the altar of your body, and he’s here to offer his piety to you and you alone. 
He moves in further, allowing his fingers to trail closer to your cunt, tracing the moisture that has gathered up and down your slit with one finger 
“I’m gonna make you mine, baby doll.  All mine.”  He whispers the words like a prayer. 
“Yours, Daddy.”
He smiles. 
“And what’s your Daddy’s name?”
You gulp and shiver as his finger continues its teasing trace. It’s so light that it makes your needy core throb. 
“H-Hoseok,” you swallow. “Jung Hoseok.” 
His smile splits to a grin, and he rewards you with one fat lick of his tongue on your clit that makes you keen. 
“All fucking mine.” 
Your legs shake as you groan at his mouth that leaves you as soon as it comes. You need more, need all of him. You feel as if your core is burning, screaming with life. 
“P-please! Daddy!” You whine. “I need you!” 
Hoseok chuckles darkly, kissing the smooth skin of your mound and hips. 
“I know you do, angel,” he says. “And I intend to make you need me more before I give it to you.” 
Your back arches off the bed in a mixture of frustration and aching need.  Hoseok is determined to drive you to the ends of your wits tonight, make sure you’re literally putty in his hands by the time he fucks your desperate hole. 
He travels up to your breasts, licking and suckling marks on the full globes before he pulls your taut nipples into his warm mouth.  You’re whining his name, singing his praises as he nibbles and pulls on each bud. 
He spends enough time on each nipple they’re turning a crimson shade from his ministrations, and the skin of your breasts will bruise and be marked with love bites for days after. 
“My sweet baby girl,” he coos as he finally reaches your lips, kissing you sweetly as if he isn’t teasing your body within an inch of its life.
“I have so much planned for you,” he says as he kisses your face. “I can’t promise I will be this gentle all night.  Is that okay with you?”
His words stoke the flames in your tummy. You know Daddy can be hard, dominant, sadistic.  Knowing he’s Hoseok makes it even more thrilling, more intoxicating. 
“I want you—all of you,” you agree. “I want Daddy as much as I want Hoseok.  You’re one and the same.” 
He cups your cheek with a hand and tucks loose strands of hair behind your ear, eyes softening for a moment as he gazes down at you. 
“Then, you can have all of me.” 
One last sweet kiss is all he gives you, kissing you like you’re his one and only, his final. 
When he pulls away, his eyes are dark like an incoming storm you refuse to take shelter from. Hoseok and Daddy become one, and your body is screaming for the attention of the one who dominates you combined with the one who loves you in one singular body. 
“I think you still need a punishment for the way you spoke to me this week,” he tuts as he pulls away from your body to stand at the edge of the bed.  He remembers the bratty attitude you had as you messaged him, the way he had to put you in your place in your phone call.  He still remembers the way he could hear your soppy pussy squelch with the force of your fingers, and it makes him yearn.
Your doe's eyes simper at him apologetically, making his cock strain harder in its confines.  You’re the prettiest little submissive doll he’s ever laid eyes on, ever spoken to. Online, he fell for your sexual energy and passion. In person, for your character and your humor.  Both parts of you culminate into being precisely what Jung Hoseok no longer simply wants, but needs. 
“I’m sorry, Daddy,” you speak gently. 
He retreats to the corner of the room where an elegant and plush armchair sits. He takes a seat and smiles at you, but the smile holds no sweetness in its meaning. 
“Come here, baby,” he beckons. 
As you’re rising from the bed and standing to walk towards him, he shakes his head and tsks. Your eyes focus on him in confusion. 
You inhale shakily, head cloudy with lust as you comply and sink to the floor on your hands and knees. 
Hoseok crosses a leg over the other and watches you interestedly, a finger propping up his face in a laid back and casual sort of attitude that has your cunt dripping. 
He thrills as he watches you make your way towards him, crawling on your hands and knees for him.  He watches the way your perky breasts bounce and swing, and he is sure if he could see it, your pussy is dripping with arousal.  He can see it in the look in your eyes—the desperate need to be dominated swirling behind your seductress gaze. 
You stop at his feet and kneel in front of him, waiting for his word on what to do next. 
He’s silent for a moment and watches you.  So obedient. So good. His cock is begging for him to take it out and stuff it into you, but he’s patient. He has to be.  He doesn't want this to be a quick and rowdy fuck. That will come later in the evening.  He knows now if he drags this out, makes you cry enough times from orgasm denial, the one you’ll have when he’s finally cervix deep inside you, will ruin you for any other cock, any other man, for life. 
He sits upright, feet flat on the floor, and pats his lap.
“Lay over my knee,” he demands gently. “Put your ass in the air for me.”  
You shiver as you realize what’s coming.  Your body keens for the feel of his warm, firm hands delivering blows to each cheek of your ass. 
With delicate hands, you crawl up his legs and drape yourself over, bare tits pressed against the soft fabric of the chair, tummy on his expensive slacks. You lift your hips to extend your ass higher and Hoseok groans out loud.  
“God,” he sighs. “Such an obedient girl.” 
He spreads your legs apart so he can see the lips of your cunt peek through, so he can watch as your arousal growls with each blow like he expects it to. 
He lowers a hand down gently to rub at the smooth skin of your ass, tracing the globe gently. 
“Good girls who take their punishments get rewarded,” he reminds you. “... eventually.” 
He laughs gently and you shiver, knowing you’re in for a long night of delicious, pleasurable torture. 
“Yes, Daddy,” you agree and wiggle your ass slightly. “I want to be a good girl for you.” 
He rubs your ass for a moment longer, then lifts it away. 
“Then, tell me what you did to deserve my hand.”  
You swallow hard and close your eyes. 
“I back talked you,” you say. “And I was being a brat.” 
He hums in approval and nods, although you can’t see it. 
Instantly, his hand comes down hard on the skin of your ass, leaving a stinging strike on one cheek that makes you gasp. 
“You were,” he agrees as he soothes the red skin for a moment.  “And, what else?” 
You take a moment to catch your breath and gasp your response. 
“I didn’t believe you! I thought you stood me up.” 
He smiles as he remembers the coffee date with you, how cute you were as you sipped on shared drinks with him. 
Another smack to the opposite cheek now, just as hard and stinging as the first. 
The pleasure transcends the pain and the sizzle of the skin directs itself straight to your core. You can tell your cunt is juicing, perhaps even leaking onto the luxe fabric of Hoseok’s slacks.   You can’t help but moan and arch in his grasp. 
“Mm,” he sighs. “Do you like that, baby?  Does your pussy get nice and sloppy wet from getting spanked?” 
You can feel tears building up in your eyes as he brings his hand down again and again, the slaps echoing around the room.  
“I need you, Daddy!” You beg. Your core is burning with desire, aching for a touch. 
“I know you do, angel,” he says as he slaps your ass again, grunting with exertion. “I can see your greedy wet cunt, so needy for my cock.” 
He rubs another teasing finger down your slit and it feels like bliss, like torturous heaven. 
“P-please,” you cry. “I need you.” 
His fingers plunge into your wet heat, fucking into your tight channel.  Your eyes nearly pop out of your head at the feeling of his thick fingers and your grip on the chair tightens. 
“Yeah, you like that?” He asks breathlessly. “You like Daddy’s fingers fucking your slutty cunt?”
Tears are pouring down your face, the pleasure so overwhelming that you can’t hold it back anymore. The remaining stinging pain on your ass combines with the stretch and thrusts of his fingers. 
“Answer me!” His voice raises slightly and you whimper in reply. 
“Yes! Yes, Daddy!” 
He uses his free hand to spank your ass again, hardest of all this time, while he continues to fuck into your desperate cunt. It’s overwhelming and your moans escalate in volume. 
“That’s right, slut,” he murmurs as he scissors his fingers inside of you, stretching out your hole for what he expects to be an endless night. “I’m the only one who can make this little cunt so juicy.” 
Your stomach tightens as you feel your orgasm building, feeling the sizzling heat of it swell from the tips of your toes and envelop you. 
“G-gonna c-cum, Daddy!” 
Hoseok becomes even more relentless, thrusting harder. 
“I don’t recall you asking for permission.” 
Instantly, he removes his fingers from you and gently encourages you to slip back to the floor.  You let out a sob as you crawl off his legs and down to the floor, kneeling in submission at his feet. 
“I’m s-sorry, Daddy!”  Your voice is shaky from having your oncoming orgasm ripped away from you.  
“Show me how sorry you are,” he speaks as he presses a thumb against your lips until they yield to him and open. “Show me you’re sorry by sucking my dick like the cock-hungry slut you are.”
You’re undoing his slacks before the words even leave his lips, trembling hands gripping the button and zipper to tug them down as far as you can. 
Your eyes widen as you see his expensive underwear bulge with what he’s packing. You know from photos that Daddy is impressive—thick and long. It flexes and slaps at his stomach in the videos he sent you of him jerking off to selfies of your tits. 
But now that it’s connected that it’s Hoseok, it’s almost like unwrapping a surprise as you pull the boxers down to reveal his hard length. 
He hisses as he feels the cool air, and his cock feels relieved at the freedom from confinement. It nearly pulses in excitement as he watches you stare it down, tiny hand coming to grip it firmly. 
“Shit,” he whines as your hand moves up and down the shaft. “Dreamt of this for so long.” 
Your lips curl into a smile and you rub the moisture beaded at the tip. 
“Dreamt of me or of baby girl?” You ask, coyly. 
You nibble at your lip and return to stroking him carefully.  Your heart feels swollen with love, adoration, excitement at finally having the man of your dreams and your secret crush here, cock in hand.  You’re determined to show him just how glad you are to be the object of his desires. 
Your tongue darts out and licks gently at the mushroom tip, making Hoseok breathe harshly through his nose at the touch. You lick at the spot just underneath, where the tip meets the shaft, and Hoseok is gasping out loud. 
“Christ,” he whines. “Don’t be a tease, please.” 
Hoseok’s gentle nature shines through his dominance at your touch, his bravado momentarily slipping away from the pleasure.  You can’t refuse him—you don’t think you ever could. 
Effortlessly, your mouth opens wide and you suck in his length, moistening and swirling your tongue around him as you descend further and further down, all the way until his tip is forced at the back of your throat and your nose is buried in his abs. 
Hoseok’s eyes widen as he watches you—feels you take all of him in one descent. He can feel the back of your throat and knows you’re stuffed as far as you can take—perhaps even further—and yet you remain. His cock warms up in your hot mouth, tongue still anxiously working up and down whatever parts it can wrap and reach. His hand grips your hair at the back of your head gently, cooing praises as he lifts you back up with a gentle pull. 
“That’s my good little baby girl, taking Daddy’s cock so well.”  
You preen under his praise and as you resurface to the tip, your energy quickens as you bob your head and set a sloppy, slobbery pace. 
Hoseok watches you proudly, helps your head bounce on his cock with a firm hand on your skull. His cock has never been so hard in his life, and your hot little mouth is hitting spots that make him see stars. 
“Ahhh, fuck yes,” he whispers. “You suck my dick like you were made for it. My personal little cocksleeve.” 
His words flame like an inferno inside of you. 
“God, I can’t wait to fuck your sweet pussy, baby.  Bet your cunt was made for me too, meant for my cock only.”  
As if it knows, your core tightens and pulses around nothing.  
Hoseok watches you adoringly, eyes steady on you as your head bobs expertly. He maintains a steady stream of praise, dirty degrading comments about how good of a whore you are for him—comments that go straight to your cunt. 
He can feel his orgasm building and he knows he doesn’t want to yet, doesn’t want to cum anywhere but inside your hot, tight hole. 
He pulls up on your head, chuckling at your desperate eyes boring into his with confusion on why you’ve been stopped. 
“Go lie on the bed, baby. I need to get something for you.” 
You rise on weak and useless legs, doing as he asks and moving towards the bed and lie back on the pillows, watching as he digs through the black leather bag he arrived with.  He pulls out an impressive Hitachi wand that has you squirming on the bed from the sheer sight of it. 
He stalks towards you, predator towards prey, and lets the wand rest on the bed.  He slowly begins unbuttoning his shirt, slowly and purposefully dragging it out to watch your eyes widen and body shake with anticipation. 
His body is toned and perfect, just like you thought—just like you knew.  You’re nearly salivating as he pulls his slacks and underwear completely off and his cock stands proudly against a background of defined muscles. 
“Holy shit,” you breathe.  
He loves this, is thriving off the fact that you’re just as enamored as he is. 
Before you can register, he’s crawled on to the bed and is hovering over you.  Your lips are a breath apart and you’re sure you’ve stopped breathing—stopped thinking about anything that isn’t Hoseok. 
The wand lays heavy in his hand as he flicks the switch on.  The powerful vibrations are near thunderous in the otherwise quiet room and your pussy reacts with no stimulation.  You can feel your slick drip out of you, down to soak the blankets below.  
“Eager,” he muses as your legs spread wantonly with no instruction.  “Look at your soaked pussy.  You’re making a mess of the bed.”
Your cheeks flame, embarrassed by just how desperate you are for Hoseok, but your embarrassment doesn’t linger.  Hoseok doesn’t mention it to shame you. He revels in it, euphoric at the idea that he alone can turn you into a cock-hungry whore.
He lowers the toy and scoots towards you, kneeling in front of your open cunt.   The toy is centimeters away, you can nearly feel the air between it and you vibrating.  It stills your breath, seizes your lungs.  
“Are you going to be a good girl?” He asks, holding the device from your folds purposefully.  
You nod quickly, too quick.  Your brain is effectively shutting down, only working with the parts that scream of need for his cock. 
He chuckles his amusement at your anticipation.  Your fingers are working their way up your body, dancing on your skin and closing in on your nipples.  Hoseok notices and smirks. 
“Play with your pretty nipples, baby.  Pinch ‘em tight until it hurts.”
To show your obedience, your finger snags a bud in its grasp, pulling up and twisting slightly.  The pain is more than satisfying.  It wrenches a groan from your lips, as you ache for him to close the distance of the vibrating toy to your pussy.
“Good girl.”
He leaves you no room to reply, simply uses one hand to spread your cunt open with his fingers, while the other presses the ball-head of the toy directly to your clit.  
Your body spasms in reaction, a litany of screams falling from your lips as your back arches off the bed and your legs convulse.  The vibrations on your anguished clit makes your entire body feel electrified—like he’s attached a live-wire directly to your veins.
“H-Hoseok!!” You scream.  Your cunt drips more, pools below you and Hoseok thrills in watching the theater performance you’re putting on for him.
“Yeah, you like this, baby?” He asks, voice gaining a hard edge.  “You like it when Daddy plays with your clit?”
Your eyes are lolling back in your head, the indulgence of the act on your needy slit turning you brain-dead.  
“I asked you a question, baby girl.  Don’t make me punish you.”
Your lips quiver.  You’re not even sure how words work, not sure how to form what you’re thinking with any language you can convey.  Your moans come out blabbering, gasping a mixture of his name and ‘yes’ and ‘please’.  
The licking flames of your climax expands, reaches up and strangles you with intensity.  Your legs shake even further and your cunt is nearly pouring out your slick arousal.
Hoseok can tell you’re close now; he can tell by your increasing volume, your shuddering body that your orgasm is mere minutes—no, seconds away.
And, he can’t let that happen.
He takes the toy away and turns it off just as your mouth opens in a frenzy to scream your bliss.
Your eyes fly open.  Your body screams in agony, in desperation to cum, and cum hard, at that.  Hoseok has brought you to the brink so many times and never lets it stay.  He wrenches you back down to earth, and you’re gasping for more, body clenching and quivering.
“P-please, Hoseok,” you whisper.  Your ability to speak is still pitiful, still nearly impossible.  Tears of frustration pool in your eyes and slip down your face.  You’ve never been so turned on, so on edge, so absolutely frantic for someone in your life.
Hoseok wipes a tear away from your eyes with his thumb, shushing your needy whines.
“You’re going to cum on my cock,” he tells you.  “You’re going to cum so hard around me, and no one else—nothing else.  Only me, forever.”
Hoseok has you—hook, line and sinker.  He’s captured you completely in every aspect.  He has your heart, your soul, your cunt.  You knew you’d fall fast when you met the right one, and now he sits in front of your weeping pussy and promises you you’ll never need another cock, another man, in your life.  And you believe him.   You’ll never want another again—you’re sure of it.
He crawls up your body and kisses at your tears, kisses your lips sweetly and waits until your breathing settles.  He knows the edging is too much, nearly agonizing to take, and he’s desperate to reward you for your tolerance.
His hand grips his cock, lines it up and rubs it teasingly at your soaked slit. The action alone makes him grit his teeth, loving the way your soppy cunt leaks your arousal for him and coats the tip of him. 
“I’m going to fuck you until you can’t see straight, baby,” he whispers. “Gonna show you who’s cunt this is.” 
You don’t speak—you couldn’t if you tried.  You’re absolutely spellbound by him, and lost in the way his cock teases you and rubs at your engorged, needy clit. It throbs with desire for release, for his touch.  He’s dragging it out, teasing you as much as he can. He knows you’re on the edge—that you’ve been near an orgasm the whole night and he’s yet to allow you one. 
“I need to hear you,” he states. “Need to hear you beg for me.” 
You swallow hard, trying your best to activate your mind to formulate the words you need.
“Hoseok,” you gasp, eyes widening as he continues to tease your hole.  “Hobi, please.”
He nearly loses it at the sound of your nickname for him, nearly gives in to you completely—but holds back.  Just a bit longer, just a few moments more.
“I need you so bad,” you weep as a fat tear rolls down your cheek—tears forming from how desperate you are and how captivated you are that it’s him, that he’s the one above you giving you the world.  “Please fuck me, Daddy.”
There’s no need to whisper a reply.  Instead, he finally, finally, sinks his cock into your drenched heat, groaning as your slick walls stretch to accommodate him.
Your back arches up and you press your body up into his, prickled nipples pressing into his bare chest that makes him shiver as he bottoms out.  
He’s still, only for a moment, giving your body a moment to adjust.  He knows you’re so wet you won’t need long—your cunt is primed to accept his thickness.  
He grabs your legs and opens them, throwing them over his shoulders so he pushes in even deeper.
He leans forward, makes your body bend, and kisses you deeply.  He kisses you with passion, with sincerity and longing.  He wants you to know you’re the girl he’s insane for—you’re the one.  
After he pulls away, he lingers close to your lips and smiles.  
“You’re mine, baby girl.”  
He slowly drags his cock back until it’s nearly completely out of your channel, before his hips snap and he fucks into you—hard.  
The pace he sets is punishing.  He fucks into you like he’s wanted to for years now, thrusts into you so deep that your body bounces with each push forward.  He watches you, watches as your mouth opens to gasp out screams and pleas.  He relishes in the way your hands grip at his biceps, hold on to him like a lifeline.  Hoseok is absolutely basking in the way your body blooms and accepts him, only him.  Your cunt feels like heaven.  It’s hot and tight and gripping him so tightly he’s sure he’ll cum without nearly any work.
His pace picks up, burying his cock into you hard and fast as he pushes your legs until your knees are up to your head.  He wants to watch the way your dripping cunt takes his cock.
“God,” he whines as he watches himself slide in and out of you, covered in your creamy slick.  “You take this cock so well.  You were made to be my whore, baby.”
You babble a positive response, try to tell him that your body was designed for him to use, to take and please as he sees fit.  
He continues. 
“This tight little cunt is all mine, only mine.  I’m gonna make sure I stuff you full of my cock every fucking night, baby girl.  Gonna be nice and fucked out every day of the week.”
The tears of frustration turn into tears of bliss, crying in rapture as they streak down your cheeks.  You’ve never felt so good from a fuck, from any hook up or relationship in your life.  Hoseok has taken you to another world, another universe where the only thing that matters is his dick filling you up to the brim, and how close his body is to yours.
“Fuck,” he grunts as he feels his orgasm work itself up.  “Can’t wait to cum inside this fucking pussy every fucking night.”
He grabs the Hitachi wand that’s lying on the bed and flicks it back to life.  He grins as he sets the head back onto your clit and watches as you jolt even higher in response. 
He can feel the vibrations against his cock as he fucks you and his mind spins.  The sensation, tied with your sticky, slick channel sends him reeling towards the edge.
“Cum for me, baby girl,” he demands.  “Show me I own this fucking pussy!”
Your mouth opens in a silent scream as it washes over you.  All sound leaves as your back arches off the bed one final time and your cunt clenches down impossibly hard around his length and convulses wildly.  Your orgasm hits you like a hurricane, battering down your body with its intense waves.
Hoseok watches in wonder, eyes wide as you cum harder than you have in your entire life.  He’s mystified by you, by how responsive you are to him.  It only takes a few more hypnotic pulses of your fiery pussy around his cock to send him skyrocketing towards his own climax.
His cock pulses with the intensity of his ropes of cum.  Your walls accept him, coax and milk him to spill more and more and more, until he’s filled you up past your breaking point.  It paints and coats your walls, pools in your womb, and he’s desperately crying your name as he grips your thighs.
The return to earth from a combined, world-shattering orgasm takes a few minutes.  You struggle to catch your breath and focus your blurry vision.  Hoseok struggles to keep himself upright and falls to rest on top of you, only holding himself up slightly to keep from crushing you.
“Oh, my god,” you whisper meekly.  “I’ve never cum so hard in my life.”
Hoseok chuckles a weak laugh and presses a kiss to your ear, too lazy to lift his head.  
“All for me.”
You smile and let a hand rest on his back, grazing the toned muscle gently with your fingertips.  He finally lifts his head and stares down at you.
He looks so beautiful there above you. The remaining light from the night sky sparkles in his eye and he stares at you like you’re the most beautiful woman in the world.
And to him, you are.  You’re everything and more.
“It’s you,” he sighs, still unbelieving that the girl of his dreams is the girl of his fantasies too.
“It’s you,” you echo.  
There’s time for speaking later, time for adding everything up and confessing and planning.  
For now, as Hoseok catches his breath, he crawls his way down your body to your spent cunt.  His tongue peeks out of his mouth and kitten-licks at the drizzling cum that seeps out of you.  You squeak in overstimulation, but spread your legs further open to encourage him.
“You’re all mine.”  
He’s not sure if he’s telling you, or reminding himself.  
Hoseok laps into your hole, licking and suckling at the combined juices.
“Yours,” you moan.  “All yours.”
And Hoseok intends to make sure you never forget it.
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moonlit-jeno · 4 years
everyone can go thank @gentledreaming for this bc not only does she write the absolute best nomin scenarios, but she also sent me the asks that inspired this
[8:35pm] Jeno’s head is tilted back, jaw clenched tightly to silence his moans. He’s still breathing harshly through his nose, showing how affected he is.
You kiss your way back up his length, meeting Jaemin at the top. He turns to face you with an evil look in his eyes and one hand fists itself in your hair. You’re pulled forward, lips meeting lips, tongue meeting tongue.
Jaemin kisses you with a fervor, moaning at the press of your lips against his. His tongue is in your mouth, but Jeno’s cock is right there and your stomach jolts with electricity as you realize you’re kissing around his cock.
The older man has his eyes locked on the two of you, a hazy quality in his pupils. His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, low groans leaving him as Jaemin moves to play with his balls.
“Fuck. Is-” Jeno’s voice breaks when you take him fully in your mouth, sucking harshly. “Is this really happening?”
Jaemin laughs and pulls away to take a much needed breath. “I know that we’re straight out of your fantasies, but yeah bro. It’s really happening.” “Don’t call me bro when you have your mouth on my dick, the fuck?” You put an end to their argument by sinking your mouth down all the way to the base. He hits the back of your throat and you gag, choking around him a little bit. Jeno shouts in pleasure and fists a hand in your hair.
Jaemin sits back on his heels and watches as you work at his best friend. You watch out of the corner of your eye as he reaches down to palm himself. “You look so hot with a cock in your mouth.” You try your best to send him a wink but there are tears in your eyes and you’re wincing at how abused your throat feels. Jaemin licks his lips and finally rips his eyes away from your lips, leaning back in to mouth at Jeno’s thighs. You reach forward and move his hand away, pulling Jaemin’s dick out of his pants before stroking him smoothly.
Both men are panting now, and it feels good to know that you’re the cause of this. For two guys who are normally stubbornly in charge, it feels good to have them coming apart at the seams because of you. The power runs through your body and ends as liquid heat in your core, wetness pooling in your panties.
Jeno pulls you down on him one last time before abruptly pulling you off of him, letting you rest your head on his thigh as you cough and catch your breath. Jaemin strokes your back, cooing at you the whole time, though he cuts the act when you give his cock a harsh squeeze.
You pout up at Jeno. “You don’t want me to finish?”
The guy licks his lips, watching you with the darkest gaze you’ve ever seen. “No, I’m too close. I want to fuck you.” Your stomach jolts at his words and you nearly whimper. “But first, I’m going to eat you out.” “What am I meant to do? I mean, not that I have a problem with watching...” Jaemin asks, his chin propped up on Jeno’s thigh. He huffs a laugh when Jeno smacks him for pinching the skin. “Here, I’ll suck you off.” You offer. Jeno lays back and lets you straddle his face, smoothing his hands over your thighs. Jaemin sits on Jeno’s lower stomach, giving you easy access to lean over and take his cock between your lips.
Jeno’s hands grip tightly onto your hips, pulling you down until his mouth makes contact with your core and you sigh sweetly around Jaemin’s cock. The younger man moans, gathering your hair in one hand.
You try to give him a good blowjob, but it’s just so hard when you can’t even think straight. Jeno eats you out so well, fucking his tongue deep into your hole, licking teasingly at your clit. You have to pull off and rest your head on Jaemin’s thigh to catch your breath.
Jaemin doesn’t seem to mind, his moans growing louder and louder with each passing second. Curious, you raise your head to see what has him so worked up, considering that you’re not touching him. It takes a moment for you to process what you’re seeing, and you let out the most depraved noise you’ve ever made when it does.
The younger has his hand behind himself, sloppily fucking two fingers into his hole. He throws his head back and shakes as he adds a third, spilling way too much lube into his hand in his desperation.
“Fuck,” You moan, pushing yourself up so that you can kiss him. Jaemin kisses back happily, moans slipping into your mouth as he curls his free hand around your neck.
Jeno lets out a deep groan at the sight, the vibrations feeling like heaven against your pussy and you jolt at the pleasure. It takes a moment for you to detach yourself from Jaemin, tossing your head back to allow him better access to your neck. You glare back at Jeno for lifting you off of his face, the orgasm that had been building quickly receding.
He looks too pretty for you to be that upset, though. The lower half of his mouth is shining with your arousal, his eyebrows furrowed with the pleasure, eyes glazed over with lust. Jeno throws his head back into the pillows, head rolling to the side.
“Fuck, Jaemin, you’re so fucking- ohgod,” Jeno’s abs are tense under your palms, and Jaemin lets out the neediest moan you’ve ever heard, and it takes you much too long to realize that Jaemin’s sitting on Jeno’s cock.
It’s your turn to let out a moan, your eyes roaming over the two as you greedily drink in the sight in front of you. Jeno’s feet slide against the mattress until he manages to get them planted flat, his thighs tensing as he fucks up into Jaemin. And Jaemin still has his hand on the back of your neck, his grip getting tighter and tighter as he tries to figure out how to handle the pleasure. He looks stunning like this, feeling blissed out of his mind. His jaw hangs slack with the pleasure, his head rolling back on his neck as moans of your names leave his lips.
You’re suddenly yanked back onto Jeno’s face and he eats you out like a man starved. It’s sloppy and messy with him letting out a constant stream of moans into your pussy, and it feels so fucking good that you feel like you’re losing your mind.
Whimpering, you lean down to take Jaemin’s cock into your mouth, wanting him to feel as good as possible. He jerks into your mouth and you choke, coughing around him. His hand keeps you from pulling back.
“Oh, shit- y/n, you feel so fucking good. Just like that- Jeno,” Jaemin cries out. He almost looks like he’s in pain with how good he feels, torn between rutting back on his friends cock or forward into your mouth, chanting both of your names like his life depends on it.
It’s no surprise that Jaemin comes first, spilling into your mouth and letting out the prettiest of moans. Jeno doesn’t stop fucking him, doesn’t even slow down, but he does pull you tighter against his face, slipping two fingers into your hole.
He brings you to the edge in no time at all and you cling to Jaemin as you come, sloppily marking up his neck and chest. Jaemin holds you tight against him, and you know it’s for you as much as it is for him.
You roll off to the side, still shaking from your orgasm. Jaemin doesn’t have that luxury, hanging on for dear life as Jeno increases the intensity of his thrusts, fucking him at an almost inhuman pace. Little sobs leave Jaemin and you stroke his cheek, pressing kisses to his jaw.
“It’s too much,” He cries out, shaking in top of Jeno. “It hurts, please-” You shush him, covering his lips with yours.
And maybe it’s a little cruel, but you reach down to grab his cock, heat jolting through you at the sob he lets out. His body jerks as he tries to get away from the constant stimulation, curling in on himself.
Jeno finally comes, slamming himself inside as deep as he can go and rolling his hips to drag out his orgasm. Jaemin all but collapses and you hold him up, noticing that your hand feels wet. It’s covered in come when you look down.
“Fuck, Jaem- did you come again?”
He only groans, melting into your side as you help him onto the bed. “I think I just ascended.”
You laugh, licking the come off of your hand. He moans. Jeno joins your cuddle pile. “Good dick will do that to you.”
He yelps and scampers off the bed when Jaemin kicks him.
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hammeredalcoholic · 4 years
inspired by: Cake by Melanie Martinez
so i’m taking back what’s mine, you’ll miss the slice of heaven that i gave to you last night
Jotaro leaves without a word after every visit to your hotel room. It pisses you off.
rated: 18+
send me a request
How did you get into this situation?
What made you think this deal was a good one?
Currently, you were walking along with the rest of the Stardust Crusaders in the dusty desert of Egypt. But, that’s not what you were focused on right now. You were focused on the man that walked in front of you, part of the reason you were on this goddamn trip to begin with.
Jotaro Kujo. The tall, black haired high schooler that was the root of all your problems. Specifically the deal that you had both made before the trip. Friends with benefits? Fuck buddies?
It doesn’t matter what you called it, it was just a way to relieve stress and get all of your sexual frustration out. But, for you at least, it has developed into much more.
You liked Jotaro. You liked him a lot, and being on this trip wasn’t helping. He’s definitely saved your ass more than once, despite you having your own Stand and being able to defend yourself.
It wasn’t that you just liked him- it was also the way he treated you after every visit to your hotel room. He wouldn’t say anything to you, pull his pants back up, buckle his belts, and leave the room. And then everything would be back to normal in the morning at breakfast.
You were missing something. You wanted him to like you back. You wanted him to stay with you after every time he visited. You wanted to feel loved by him.
It made you angry, how he treated you. Like a dessert that he took a single bite of, and then threw away immediately after. You hated feeling like that, despite the way he knew your body.
You just wanted something more.
In your thoughts, you didn’t notice that the group had come across a decently sized town. You glanced around, looking at the different buildings, trying to push your anger down.
“Well! It looks to be getting late, so I’d say we find a good place to eat dinner and go get rooms at the town’s hotel. Sounds good?” Mr. Joestar said, looking at the different restaurants and trying to pick which one looked better.
“Yes, there isn’t another town past this for several miles, so we need to stop and rest before continuing.” Advol spoke up, walking toward a building that looked promising for food.
You nodded, to no one in general, and followed the other men towards the restaurant. Jotaro glanced back at you, noticing that you weren’t really focused, lost in thought. “Good grief.” He thought to himself.
Luckily, the shop had a menu that was translated so it was easier for everyone to order. You didn’t order anything, not feeling too hungry due to your anger. You just wanted to get to your hotel room and take a scalding hot shower.
Polnareff noticed this, and looked over at you. “Ah, mon cherie , are you alright? Not ordering anything is so not like you!” You looked over at him, smiling softly. “Oh, I’m just feeling a little under the weather. Nothing to major.” You replied easily, lying through your teeth.
One thing was clear out of this whole situation, and it was that Jotaro had made you promise that you wouldn’t tell anyone about it. Despite your anger with him, you respected him enough to give into his wishes, and you haven’t spoken a word to anyone about it.
Polnareff gave you a final worried glance, before turning over to what Avdol and Mr. Joestar was talking about. You sighed slightly, grabbing your drink and taking slow sips, trying to get your mind off of anything related to the man sitting to your left.
As you might expect, it was a little hard.
Jotaro must have noticed your strange acting, and you saw him repeatedly glance in your direction. You rolled your eyes to yourself, you didn’t want anything to do with him right now, and of course his attention had to be on you.
Soon enough, everyone’s food had come out and the group quickly devoured every bite of it. You just sipped your water, having it refilled every so often. Both Kakyoin and Polnareff had offered you some of their meal, but you smiled softly and said that it was alright.
Mr. Joestar paid the bill, and you were pointed into the direction of the nearest hotel. It wasn’t anything special by all means, simple and clean, so it would work for one night.
You had gotten your own room, which was pretty much every time you stayed in a hotel. Sighing to yourself, you walked down the hallway to the door of your room.
You unlocked the door, pushing it open and walking inside. You quickly closed it behind you, and leaned back against the door.
Stupid Jotaro. Stupid handsome Jotaro.
You brushed your hair out of your eyes, and took in the room. It had one large bed placed in the middle, a small desk in one corner, a tv stand with a tv placed right in front of the bed. It seems like all hotels have the same exact layout.
You then noticed the balcony. Smiling to yourself, you pulled the pack of cigarettes out of your travel bag. You didn’t smoke often, but tonight was different, so you felt it was worth it.
You set your bag down on the bed, and walked over to the sliding glass door or the balcony. You pulled it open, and stepped out into the night. There was a slight chill in the air, causing your arms to break out in goosebumps.
You pulled out a cigarette from your pack, and slipped it between your lips. You fished out your lighter and lit it, taking a long drag. You let the smoke sit in your lungs for a moment before exhaling, watching as the smoke lifted in the air and disappeared.
You continued to smoke, letting the nicotine hit your system. You calmed down, and quickly finished the cigarette and threw the butt over the edge of the railing.
You reached for another, before you heard a knock at the door. Sighing, you knew exactly who it was. You summoned your Stand, not bothering to walk over there yourself. It quickly turned the knob, and opened the door, before being dismissed.
You flicked your lighter, and lit the second cigarette. Glancing over your shoulder at who was in the doorway.
Jotaro looked back at you, He quietly entered the room and shut the door behind him. You heard the deadbolt slide into place. You leaned your arms against the railing, taking another long drag from your cigarette.
His footsteps sounded behind you, and then stopped at the glass door. You chose not to acknowledge him, staring out at the buildings that surrounded the hotel.
“Good grief. What’s your problem?” Jotaro asked, looking at your figure through the doorway. You just shook your head at him. “It’s nothing.” You replied easily, not willing to give him the satisfaction of an actual answer.
You heard him step out on the balcony with you, before pulling your shoulder to have you face him. “I know you’re lying.” He spoke, his eyes staring down at you.
“So what if I am? It’s none of your business anyway.” You replied, turning back to the position you were in. That’s when he gripped you, forcing you to stay towards him. He leaned in quickly, and crashed his lips against yours.
You shook, your half finished cigarette dropping from your fingers. A million thoughts were running through your head, until it settled on one.
No. He wasn’t going to use you this time.
You pushed him away, and he looked surprised. “No, Jotaro. I’m not letting you do this to me again.” You said, stepping towards him. “I’m not going to let you use my body for your satisfaction anymore.” You took another step closer. “Actually, I think I’ll turn the tables on you. I’m going to use you.”
You summoned your Stand, and it pushed Jotaro inside the room and towards the bed. You walked calmly behind it, watching Jotaro’s confused face.
Your Stand was dismissed, and you straddled Jotaro to the bed. “That’s right. If you’re going to treat me like a piece of cake, then I’ll treat you like the piece of meat you are.”
You crashed your lips onto his quickly, your teeth clacked against each other. You quickly entered his mouth, exploring with your tongue. His hands moved to grip your hips, but you stopped him. Your Stand quickly grabbed his wrists, and held them above his head.
You continued kissing him, moving your hands up his body. Grabbing his jacket, you ripped it off him, throwing it to the floor. Next came his shirt. You pulled away from him, pressing hot kisses against his neck before biting down harshly.
Jotaro groaned, struggling against your Stand’s hold. “Woman, what are you-” He started to say, before being cut off by a harsh grind against his crotch.
He huffed out a breath, and you continued your ministrations on him, leaving large hickeys all over his neck and collar bone. One of your hands traveled down his body, feeling his abs and the sharp V that led into his pants.
You expertly undid his belts, and pulled down his pants. His dick was hard, staining against the material of his boxers. You palmed him, rubbing your fingers up and down the length.
He growled low in his throat, his eyes staring bullets into you. You grinned at him, before pulling his boxers off of him in one movement. You slowly jerked his cock, not going too fast, with a loose grip.
He squirmed, “Tighter- C’mon, this isn’t funny.” You laughed at that. “I never said it was, Jotaro.” Pushing yourself off of him, you pulled your own clothes off, chucking them in the same direction as Jotaro’s.
Once you were fully nude, you climbed back on top of him, positioning your pussy in front of his face. “Let’s put that mouth of yours to good use, hm?” You gripped his hair, pulling his mouth up against your wet folds.
Jotaro let out a shaky breath, before licking gentle strokes against your sex. You moaned softly, rocking your hips against his tongue. He quickly found your clit, and pressed soft kisses to it, before running his tongue along your entrance.
You jerked, your thighs tightening around his head. “Do that again. Suck on my clit.” He followed your orders, pressing more kisses to your nub, before pulling it into his mouth and lightly sucking on it.
You gasped, bucking up against his lips. You pulled on his hair tighter, which caused him to gasp and pull his face back. You sighed, before smirking again. “Good boy, let’s put your cock to work now.”
You moved back, positioning your hips above his dick. You gently pushed yourself down on it, loving the way it stretched you. Jotaro was definitely packing.
You gasped as he was finally all inside you, and you waited a moment before lifting your hips up and slamming back down on him.
He threw his head back, moaning lewdly. You repeated the action, over and over again. You gasped and bit your lower lip, enjoying the feeling of being so full and fucked.
You leaned forward and put your hands against his chest, using the leverage to speed up your hips. Jotaro couldn’t keep quiet, lowly groaning out your name and curses, tring to buck his hips up into your wet heat.
His cock hit a spot inside you that caused your vision to go out for a moment. “Fuck- Jotaro!” You moaned, hitting yourself in that spot over and over again. You felt your orgasm quickly approaching you.
Quickly pushing your hand down, you rubbed your clit between two fingers, causing you to twitch and clench around Jotaro’s cock. He bucked his hips harder, your Stand’s hold finally coming loose. His hands went to your hips, lifting you up and slamming you down erratically.
You cried out, your orgasm hitting you like a bus. You felt the tingles of pleasure rack your spine, and you clenched hard against his dick. Jotaro was soon to follow, gripping you hard and leaving indents where his fingers were, bucking his hips and releasing his load inside you.
He let his head fall back against the bed, and you laid against his heaving chest. You both just laid there in silence, trying to catch your breath.
You were the first to move, getting off of him and grabbing tissues to clean yourself up with. Jotaro looked over at you, sitting up on the bed.
“What was that for?” He asked, pulling his pants up.
“I’m tired of this Jotaro. I’m tired of being left here after every time we have sex, not a single word between us.” You threw the tissues in the trash. “I liked you. I know this wasn’t supposed to happen between us, but seeing you on this trip has messed with my feelings. I let it get to me today.”
He stared at you for a moment longer.
“Good grief.” He smiled. “I was worried I was the only one.”
You did a double take. “The only one? What does that mean?”
Jotaro sighed, looking back up to you. “There was a reason I leave so quickly. I also have feelings for you, but I didn’t want to seem like a jackass for leading you on.” He adjusted his hat. “Because, truth be told, I don’t know how to express my emotions very well, and I didn’t want to mess with you.”
You stared at him for what felt like ages. He just confessed? To liking you back?
Walking over to him quickly, you pulled him into a tight hug. He quickly returned, wrapping his arms around you. “I’m sorry for making you feel that way. It wasn’t my intention at all.”
You pulled back, before pressing your lips to his softly. “It’s okay. I forgive you.”
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80s-roger · 5 years
a night to remember 2.2 - roger taylor {two females}
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summary: tonight Roger would bring another female after the deal you both made when Freddie joined your sex life. Now you're the one who doesn't like to share her man with a girl. He low-key wants to take revenge.
warnings: FMF, f receiving, scissoring, pl, dt, swearing, face sitting, oral, protected sex (we don't want accidents!)
word count: 2475
note: it was requested, however i was thinking if I should make a pt two or nah. but since you liked it, here it is! thank you for the unholy support! we're the best fandom and I say it on my experience, I was at the little mix fandom for many years, it was toxic af.
After that remarkable night you spend with your boyfriend and Freddie, it was about time to return Roger's favour. A female joining you this time. You didn't want another girl fucking your man, he's literally one of the most attractive men in the world; every female would like to spend a night with him. Your jealousy surpassed the limits.
He'd bring Jess, the girl with the big tits he was telling you about. You couldn't handle the competition. What if she's better than you on everything at sex? What if he just wants to sleep with another woman but he's throwing it like a favour after your request. Many questions bombed your head. Many insecurities came after your doubts. Aren't you good enough? Is he looking for a woman with big breasts, unlikely you? What if she's thin? Supermodel's height and weight? You wouldn't know until he would bring her home.
You didn't dress sexy, just some pyjamas, you didn't care. You would also leave these two in the bedroom do the dirty to avoid any body insecurities. You sat in the living room, watching tv until he opened the door and Jess walked first, looking at the house decoration impressed.
"Hey baby." He greeted you, placing a kiss at your lips.
"Hi." You greeted.
"This is Jess!" He was so excited, more than you were with Freddie and him. Jess came next to Roger, giving you her palm to introduce herself.
"Yeah fine, it's Y/N." You impolitely ventured.
Jess looked at Roger triggered. Roger tried to save the unsaved. You walked inside your bedroom, closing the door, unsure about everything. That could be abuse. Roger walked a few seconds later, closing the door, leaving just you two inside.
"Why are you being like this now?" He questioned, removing his black leather jacket; that one you love tearing off when you're both drunk.
"Because I don't want to do it!" You firmed.
"But you agreed with it!" He firmed back.
"Yeah because I wanted to do that! It wasn't some kind of revenge! What are you trying to prove me? You're a good fucker? I trust you!" You barked annoyed.
"I am, Y/N! But deal is a deal! And you have to accept it whether you like it or not!" He hissed.
"Fuck the deal! Just think about it; a woman I don't know is going to touch my privates! Do you have any idea how uncomfortable this makes me feel?" You stuttered.
"But she's a female, female body is the most attractive thing in the world." He moved his shoulders.
"That doesn't make sense Roger. You want me to touch her but you didn't want Freddie to touch you. That's unfair." You mocked him.
"Yes because that's not up to my standards. Its easier to get along with a female." Your voices got lower than it already was before. "Please, love, give it just one chance. Just one." He begged. "She's waiting outside." He whispered kissing your lips and later moved to your neck.
"I'm doing this because I love you." You consented, hugging him. You didn't tell him a single thing about your body insecurities. She must have the body.
"Jess, come inside!" Roger yelled at her. "Take off these pyjamas, they hide that fine body of yours." His voice got deeper. You let him undress you, leaving you at your lingerie. "I love that ass of yours." He bit his lip and squeezed your butt cheeks.
Jess walked inside wearing only her red lingerie. She was taller thank you, close to Roger's height. She was thin, having big tits, an average ass, a small waist, blonde long hair and juicy lips. Of course he would bring a woman like that.
"Hey beautiful." Jess smiled at you, hugging you provocatively, getting you away from your man's hug. She placed her hands at your cheeks and her lips at yours, kissing you gently and slowly. She smiled after your kiss. "I hope you'll like this. For your information, I'm bisexual, if that makes you feel better. I won't steal your man." She stated and that made you feel really better. You looked Roger relieved.
He removed his clothes, staying on his underwear, watching you two making out in front of him. You liked kissing her. Her hands caressed you everywhere. Roger was laid at his pillow, teasing his dick. He was in heaven right now.
"Y/N, don't be shy." Jess said between the kiss smiling. You weren't shy. Just the first time with a woman and your boyfriend watching. You had to overcome the obstacle of awkwardness so you just moved your hands at her back, removing her bra. Her breasts were now exposed to you. You looked at Roger, watching his reaction or if he'd like to see the rest.
"Fuck my baby, go on." He moaned.
You had her tits on your mouth, sucking them and licking them. She was softly moaning when her hands finally removed your bra too. You were both just on your panties' now both of you kissing and touching.
Roger stood up, facing you two. He gently grabbed your head kissing your lips while Jess sucked your nipples.
"You're so dirty when you want it." He whispered in your ear and moved to your neck biting you.
"Your dick is inside me tonight, I don't care." You provocatively said, grabbing his hair.
"Fine, you are so good already I can't say no." He closed his eyes when his hands touched your panties. "And wet too." He added.
Jess took off your panties, being the first of you all naked person. She gave kisses at your thighs, until she reached your pussy.
"Lay down beautiful." She smirked at you and Roger helped you get laid on bed.
Jess was between your legs, spreading them and revealing a wet pussy ready to be eaten out.
"I know you're liking it, already." Your boy whispered in your ear and walked behind her, removing her panties. She didn't really pay attention to him but to you. Her tongue began moving like crazy at your small lips and reaches your favourite part; your clit. Her two fingers were already inside you, thrusting inside-out. Roger was back at her, licking her pussy but you didn't bother as soon as she was more interested in you.
"Fuck..." You moaned biting your lip and your hand was pulling her hair, closer to your core.
"And you were hesitating..." she giggled and laid on top of you, kissing your lips and finally receiving a taste of you.
Roger was sitting right there, watching you. He already took his protection, ready to get inside you, standing between your legs while Jess, was sitting on your face.
"I really want to know how good you're going to eat me out." she grabbed your hand, and began moving her hips back and forward. Your other hand, grabbed her hip, squeezing it gently as your tongue started moving at her pussy. You couldn't deny how hot it was. You enjoyed that moment, you enjoyed sucking her.
"Baby, you're getting it right now, don't lose your tempo." Roger caressed your stomach, destructing you from the moment you shared with the model. You moaned as a sign of agreeing with him.
His dick, was inside you, moving in and out slowly. His hands were caressing and squeezing your hot curves and he was nothing but a moaning mess, seeing you in a middle of this explosive threesome. He sexually liked you even more than a week ago when Freddie was with you. "You're so tight baby, I can't stop moving inside you." He moaned.
"Fuck me Roger..." You said back, when your fingers began fucking Jess's pussy. She was up there, on top of you, rubbing her clit.
"Ah yes y/n, you're so good!" She loudly moaned and laid next to you, still rubbing her clit while watching Roger taking the entire control on you. He was standing on top of you, his face on top of yours, kissing you and biting you while he was still inside you. It was just you at the moment. He grabbed your thighs and his thrusts were more intense and slow against you.
"Fuck baby, I'm cumming." He said at your ear while your hands  were scratching his flawless back.
"F-Fuck, shit..." You gasped as he removed himself from you. Both of you breathing fastly. Jess got at him, jerking his dick off fastly, she was intensely looking at his eyes and put his size inside her mouth.
"Ah fuck... Fuck me." He moaned closing his eyes. She sucked his entire size like it was the easiest thing in the world, unlikely you, ready to be choked by the lack of air and the thickness of his penis. Instead, you got behind Jess, eating her out again. You got obsessed with that action.
She finally blew him off, and he just laid himself at the bed ready to see more. Jess was masturbating after the second orgasm you gave her, next to Roger as you got on top of him. Your tits were bouncing up and down at the beat you were moving around him.
"I want to taste you baby, I want you to cum on my mouth." He provocatively told you and bit his lip as you got up to his face. Enjoying the view, his tower. Jess took the chance and sat on his dick, moving at the beat you got to fuck him seconds ago. Roger was living the dream. Two women on top of him. Jess was playing with your nipples as you moved your hips on Roger's head.
Roger rubbed your clit as he found out you were on the edge of cumming again. He knew, you didn't have to tell him. When you came on his mouth, you sat at his stomach, making out with Jess when she was still fucking your boyfriend's material. "You enjoy fucking my boyfriend, don't you dirty slut?" You finally said a word, Roger didn't expect to.
"Wow fuck baby, that was unexpected." He moaned, unable to move.
"Get off his dick." Jealousy took over you and she laid next to you, watching you taking his size inside your mouth, accepting the challenge.
"Holy shit y/n... Ah..." He shouted when he pulled your hair, closer to him. "That's... f-" you stopped him by biting some of his skin down there. You finally got his entire size inside your mouth, reaching your throat until you couldn't stand the air lack. He looked at you proud and pulled your hair behind your ear. "You wanted another female to do that before you?" He smirked at you.
"No." You foretold. "I was awakened." You added winking at him.
"I knew you'd like it babe." He leaned in kissing you.
"But there's something more to try out." Jess opened her legs. "Just sit there and watch Roger. Jerking off is highly recommended." She implored.
"I'm so ready for this." He shook his head in anticipation.
You followed Jess's lead. She had your one leg on top of hers, sitting on top of her pussy.  "Move your hips baby..." She softly said touching your moving hips.
You did as she told you. Your pussies moving together, mixing your liquids that came out of them. Roger couldn't stop seeing you moving so harmonically when his dick was around his hand. He enjoyed watching you doing things with another female, especially scissoring.
"Ah fuck Jess..." You moaned when heat was about to take over your body.
"You eventually like this dirty whore?" She moaned, pulling your hair back and both of you moved faster.
"I can't do this anymore." You loudly said, when pleasure took over you. "Fuck." You said laying next to Roger when he cummed with you.
"That was perfect." Roger commented kissing you. "Good job my baby. You have to agree it was better than the previous time." He kissed your hand.
"Yeah because you had to fuck two females." You answered.
"Don't be petty, girl. He's a lady's man. What do you expect from him?" She genuinely asked looking at both of you. "I better get going. It was a hot night." She stood up, wearing her lingerie from the floor.
"Let me get the door for you." Roger said, wearing his underwear. "I'll be here in a minute." He turned his gaze at you.
"Enjoy the rest of the night." You greeted her when she vanished from the bedroom with your man.
"I could tell she's bisexual. So opening to the positions." Jess laughed when putting her clothes in the living room.
"I thought she'd literally leave when you stepped inside our home." Roger jested.
"Same but I changed my mind when she walked towards your bedroom." She wore her coat and opened the door.
"It was nice having you Jess." Roger smirked.
"Same Rog. Tell your girl, she had some good mouth skills." She laughed.
"Oh you better be sure about it." Roger bit his lip. "Goodnight." He held the door.
"Night Rog." She left and he closed the door returning to you.
"Where were you hiding these mouthing skills?" He laid next to you, destructing you from daydreaming.
"In a place called competitive department of mind." You ironically asserted.
"You've got a big mouth, don't you, young lady?" He grabbed your chin.
"I do have a big mouth." You raised your eyebrow, staring at his eyes.
"Do you think we should tighten it a bit?" he bit your lip within a short kiss you shared.
"No, it's not beneficial for your size." You mocked him but laughed on the joke.
"After praising my size, I won't tighten it." He laughed and pulled you closer to him. "I think I can happily die now. I had a threesome including a bisexual model and my future wife. I can say I did that with you." He said looking proud. Of course you wanted to marry him and have kids with him, you literally wanted to jump from happiness but you had to keep a low profile and probably jump on him another time, when he actually proposes because his words go with the flow.
"You would marry me when I'd let you bring a female in our bed? You can be an asshole from time to time." You shook your head annoyed.
"I'd marry you anyway. You just give extra credits." He boasted and both of you, turned opposite sides to sleep. "Oh. And I'm always an asshole." He bragged about it like it was an achievement.
"Fuck you and goodnight." You closed your eyes ready to sleep.
"Sure, with you tomorrow morning." You heard him murmur and rolled your eyes.
What a sex animal. He's never tired.
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Wayward Huntress : Chapter 10
WOOOOOH! Chapter 10 ! I made it yay!
This chapter is fully SMUT related I hope you’ll enjoy it!
For the readers who are like me and are suckers for some !GraceKink! well... you’ll be served!  
*Bold is used to illustrate thoughts*
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-Y/N? What are you-
-Tsk tsk tsk. You softly shushed as you managed to stick your index up on the angel's lips. You were slowly crawling at his feet, entirely covered by the bed blanket. You let your fingers slide on the skin of his chest, while pampering his enochian tattoo with kisses. You could swear his abdomen was carved by God himself, without forgetting to mention those sharp hip bones that lead straight towards paradise.  
You stopped halfway from your final destination and unzipped his trouser pants carefully pulling them down and leaving Castiel in his skinny orange underwear. You smiled to yourself as you saw his member twitched while you massaged his crotch, still captured inside his clothed prison.
-Relax, my angel.  I'll show you what's Heaven on Earth.  you whispered as you finally freed his hardening member.
You could feel him getting tense as you felt his legs tremble under you. You wrapped your fingers around his shaft and started to gently stroke it as it gained stiffness. When you were satisfied with his now fully grown erection, you bit your lower lip in apprehension to what you were about to do. You were so minded, you woke up confident and filled with a relentless desire of showing him what you were able to do. You wanted to give Castiel the best oral sex ever, even if you knew you were probably the first conqueror and that he had nothing else to compare it with, you wanted that angelic being to squirm under you.
While you maintained a rhythm with your right hand, you tried to turn up the excitement by licking, blowing and kissing everything but where he needed your mouth to be. You heard his low grunts and you instantly pulled the cover from your head so you could admire the flushed angel beneath you. His lips were partly opened as he looked down at you with lustful eyes. You smirked at him, you felt empowered as you were taking charges of his pleasure. You started off slowly, exploring the terrain using slow wide strokes with your tongue on his manhood, making sure to use a lot of saliva to lube it entirely. You couldn't hear his pants but the way his chest frantically heaved told you he was enjoying this new experience. Enough with the foreplay, you circled your lips around the tip of his cock and took it in your mouth while making sure your tongue flattened every sensible spot as your head travelled up the underside of his member. You felt the angel jerked under you and when you looked up, you caught a sinful glimpse of Castiel with shut eyes and a gaping mouth, completely lost in delight. Thunderstrokes of desire hit you right in the core as your eyes fixed the angel in ecstasy while you kept working your magic. You were stroking with your hand the base of his shaft in unison with your mouth which was going up and down, particularly paying attention to its head since every times your tongue pressed there he would twitch under you.
-Y/N... This- This is-    
*low and deep moans/grunts*
As you both started to get caught in the heat of the moment, you reached for your pussy with your free hand to rub your clit as in a way to help building your orgasm as well. You wanted him to know how much you loved doing this for him so you hummed against his cock causing gorgeous vibrations to travel his manhood and he instantly thrusted his hips. The angel continued thrusting inside your mouth and you thought his release was close as you both moaned loudly. You shot him a glare as you suddenly felt his grace working on your throbbing clit, consistently pressurizing and titillating it as if a starving obsessed mouth was covering it. You stopped your movement, leaning your head on his hip as you let yourself get immersed by that blissful wave of pleasure.
-Cas... St-stop. This morning is a-all about y-you. you managed to say aloud without flinching to those incredible sensations that were happening down there.
Everything instantly stopped and you restarted from where you left. It didn't take long before the angel reached the peak of his orgasm. You heard his rasp breath and as you kept working his climax, the room lit up with a powerful white light that would have burned your eyes if you had kept them opened. A millisecond later, the light died as Castiel spilled himself inside your mouth, grunts and enochian words escaping his lips.
You climbed back to the head of the bed and kissed on the pink cheek of your flushed angel.
-We should probably get out of bed. You claimed as you watched the time on your cell phone. Shit, it's almost 2 pm. They gonna think I died in here. you joked while peering back at Cas who had a satisfied grin plastered on his face.
-And I thought angels would have more stamina than that. You threw him a cushion as he laid there, motionless. C'mon get up, Feathers. you giggled
The angel's eyes flashed up opened as soon as the word feather left your mouth. He squinted his eyes at you as you got up from bed.
-What? you added while trying to look innocent. You don't like that nickname? Huh, Feathers?  
You barely had time to turn around to gather some pieces of clothing off the floor that he was already fully dressed, while a second earlier he was still naked under the covers. You cocked one of your eyebrows as you tried to maintain the wave of laughs that were threatening to get out, but the seraph rapidly took one of your arms and pulled you close to him, so close that you could taste the smell of him. He looked down at you with severe eyes, the same look he gave you the first night at the bunker when you were arguing in Sam's room.
-Don't call me Feathers, Y/N. Castiel warned with his deep voice.
-Or what? you challenged with the best sterned voice you could afford. Your cocky reply did not even seem to surprise the angel whose lips slightly curved up into a malicious grin.
-Or... you'll see how I tend to punish those who do not listen to my warnings. he answered while spoiling with kisses the hollow of your neck. Your body was now firmly molded against his and you felt a hard bulge pressing on your thigh that almost took your arrogance out from you.
But not quite yet.
-Game on... Feathers.
-Hey there, sleepy head! Dean sarcastically applauded your arrival in the kitchen, interrupting the conversation in which Sam and Castiel were immersed leaning over some papers scattered over the table.
Sam quickly lifted his head and raised his eyebrows as he looked at you from head to toe. Dean smirked as he side-eyed his brother and his friend who both held their breath as they appreciated the view. Cas quickly glanced at Sam and returned his attention back on the papers, flustered. You wore with pride your silky lavender gown which barely covered your physical assets and made sure to sway your hips as you stepped in the kitchen.
-Hey, Y/N. Sam greeted as he regained control of his dangling jaw. Coffee's ready if you want some.
-Oh, okay cool... I smell bacon. Where's the bacon, Dean? you squint your eyes playfully, pointing an accusing finger towards him.
-Sweetheart. Dean shocked in head, in disappointment, you should know by now that bacon is reserved to people who gets up before the sun rises.
-Pfft. Right. As if Sam eats bacon. you huffed as you poured yourself a cup of coffee.
Your felt pairs of eyes lingering on your back as you stood in front of the kitchen counter, which confirmed why you wouldn't usually wear that kind of clothing around fellow hunters. But in this time of war, all weapons were on deck. You peered back at the table and noticed a free spot next to Dean, right in front of Cas and Sam.
-Nice PJs Y/N. Dean cooed jokefully as you sit next to him, a grin smacked on his face. First time I recalled you're a girl since we saw you dancing at that bar. he continued, teasing you.
-Shut up, Dean. you nudged his side without leaving the upset angel out of your sight. Have you told that jerk about what we found yesterday night? you asked Sam as you tried to seem interested but what you really wanted was sitting right in front of you.
- ...Sam?
-Oh uhhh, yes. Sam looked as if he zoned out for a while. Actually, we've been looking more into those Men of letters reports and they're a couple that you should really find interesting. See....
After a couple minutes of discussing with Sam, Dean and Cas, you finally saw the opportunity to carry on with your malicious plan. Dean stood up and stretched himself getting ready to leave.
-Aight, enough with the books for today. I'm out. Gonna go make some errands.
-More like a beer run, huh ? Sam reported with a knowing look, always one step ahead of his big brother.
-No.........Maybe.... Shut up.
You snorted as Dean left the room, leaving you alone with both Sam and Cas. The three of you then returned your attention to the files for a while. A nasty smile grew on your face as you slipped on the bench to be directly in front of the angel who had not spoken a word since you sat at the table and you could feel the excitement rising inside you while you prepared your next move.
-Sam, could you pass me that document please? you implored as you began to subtly rub your right foot against Cas' leg under the table. Your heart hammered in your chest under the tension of being caught.
The hunter pushed the file on the wooden table without drawing his eyes away from his book. You took advantage of Sam's concentration to push further your nasty scheme. The seraph jerked unintentionally as you got bolder, your foot climbing up to his inner thigh and for the first time yet, you met his gorgeous azul eyes which were filled with curiosity. You bit on your lower lip as you looked down to your revealing neckline and let the flow of naughty thoughts submerge your mind. Castiel's eyes followed yours and he couldn't help the predatory look on his face as he understood what was on your mind.
‘'Castiel, I want you. I need you, need to feel your body pressed against mine.''
You elegonted your foot so you could reach his crotch and you felt his trouser pants getting tighter under your touch.
''Two can play that game, Blossom.''
You smiled when you heard the echo on his voice in your mind but you couldn't care less even after he warned you. You were savoring this instant.
''I can feel your warmth under the sol of my foot, angel. I know you want me too. I know you want to bear me down to that table and fuck the stubbornness out of me.''
The angel blinked lethargically as he contempted your wicked grin. You didn't know if he would jump across the table or just magically disappear but you knew he was on the verge of exploding, which made your buzz even more agreeable.
'' I can still feel your thick chapped lips scrapping my skin as you kissed my naked breasts. I c- I ca-hmm...I... what the???''
You knocked your knee under the table as you abruptly straightened up on your seat and took away your foot from Castiel's.
'' You want me to fuck you in front of Sam, Y/N? Show him that you're mine?''
You tried your best to keep a neutral facial expression as you felt Castiel's grace unrelentingly shove into you. His sudden boldness caught you off guard and a subtle victory smile was drawn on his face as you squirmed on your seat, desperately trying to seal yourself by squeezing your thighs together.
You took a deep, long breath to release the steam that was accumulating inside you. You haven't said your last word.
You were mentally plotting your next move when you were suddenly taken aback as Sam stood up out of the blue.
-I'm starving. Y/N, you want something? Cas?
You shook your head. You could not even pronounce a simple no without fearing of letting go one of the ravenous whimpers that threatened to break out from your throat at any moment.
-No. thank you, Sam. Castiel calmly stated. You squint your eyes at the seraph as he answered, how could he remain marble like that? You gathered what little strength was left in you.
-You know Feathers doesn't eat, Sammy. Why even bother asking. you sneered back at the angel who clenched his jaw as his fingers drummed tempestuously on the table.
You both stared deeply at each other and from Sam's point of view you were about to rip each others throats. If he only knew...
-Hey guys, bring it down a notch. Please, I know you can't stand each other but, no fighting. the hunter implored as he made himself a sandwich.
He sighed as he returned his attention back to his lunch when he understood it was a lost cause. You turned back to face the angel a proud smile on your lips, blinking innocently as if nothing happened.
'' No need to play with words when in my case, I can just... brush'' you felt a shiver down your spine as invisible feathers grazed your skin.
''Grip'' you gasped as hasty hands grasped your inner thighs and pushed them opened.
''Kiss'' you craned your head to the side and your eyes closed as you felt lips pecking all over the skin of your neck.
''Massage'' you bit your lip as you felt hands palming your breasts.
''Pinch... Lick...Suck...''
All those feelings at once was more than you could handle. You were in conflict with your own body as you tried your best to suppress the involuntary movements which responded to his grace. You heard the heavy metal door close shut in the background, indicating that Dean should be back but you couldn't care less as you got more and more worked up by that unheeding angel.
-ENOUGH. you barked as you roughly stood up and every sensations instantly died.
You rushed outside of the kitchen leaving a dumbfounded Sam and a more than pleased Castiel behind.
- What the hell happened to Y/N? I heard her shout all the way to the front. Dean asked his brother as he uncapped two bottles of beer and shove him one.
Sam shrugged as he bit into his sandwich. Castiel left just after Dean arrived without mentioning where he was heading to.
-I don't know... I think Cas made her upset...
-They had a go at it again? I thought they learnt to get along. Dean huffed as he ruffled through his hair with one hand while trying to subtly shove Sam’s plate with the other.
-Actually, do you wanna check up on her? Just... I think Cas might have followed her. Sam demanded his brother as he scolded the back of his hand off his meal with a slap.
Dean rolled his eyes and got up snorting.
-And I thought it was you that had a crush on her. he hissed as he left the kitchen.
As Dean was walking towards your door, he noticed that the door was cracked open.
“Hmm….maybe I should burst into her room and scare this little asshat out of her skin”
Dean; feeling proud of himself for his soon to be mischievous behavior, he heard a commotion from your room and stopped dead in his tracks.
“What the hell is going on…..is Cas in there with her?! Are they fighting?! Shit this could be bad”
Without a moment of hesitation Dean entered flight or fight mode and bursted into her room.
- WHAT THE HELL IS GOING…….on? Dean is left standing in the middle of room completely dumbfounded to what is before his eyes.
Cas had you pinned against the wall with your shirt off, and your legs locked around the angel’s waist. You both peered at the intruder who is now left with his Jaw wide opened.
- Son.Of.A.Bitch 
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bluepenguinstories · 5 years
Intention Headaches Chapter Four
Croaking, creaky, doors to heaven or a flash of bright lights reminiscent of a distant city for gambling purposes. Seed or glitter tossed to the audience of bird; dove and pigeon swooped down from above in the guise of hundreds of humans, all ready for a night of party. Sign changed to that of a welcoming invitation, an embrace fulfilled.
Swooners and swingers, uppers and downers. Sitters and stands found their places, some on stages, some in the dimmer recesses. In the middle of it all, a mild-mannered strict enforcer of peace among chaos cleaned glasses.
Some folks, card and dice in hand, bet high stakes; those playing Russian Roulette with a full clip. Some were on their last leg. There was one, solitaire player, alone at a table, with two legs, and mouth full of stake.
She had become without arm nor ornament, having to chew the fat and whatever else was left through the means as one would have at a pie-eating contest; mouth against the table, table against the grain. Although a steak, recent losses also reduced the quality to that of a super rare rather plus ultra.
“How goes your loss of arms?” One privateer sans privacy peeked at two stumps beside a line added.
“Shit's easy 'cept can't afford prosthetic 'til our gang gets a win. Love usin' my mouth, however.”
Sage nod, wisdom as a slow up and down motion.
“Experience any phantom limb?” Phantom crook hovered over, pale and ghastly gourd in hand.
“Don't believe in ghosts.”
Damned nod dawned on hovering attention hoarders.
Toward center:
“I had a wife once,” said old friend to tender of bars.
“I know,” gave a master of tender bars.
Old friend man strolled toward former owner of arms. He relaxed a pat on a shoulder, lest a back be pat.
“One day my story will be told,” he assured more lines added.
“Yeah, and who's gonna tell it, asshole?” She shot back, less with a gun and rather chunks of meat flying from a gaping hole in a face where food at times enters. “'Cause if it's from you, it's not worth hearing about!”
His stature was far from a statue, yet his manner was monumental. Rather chipped shoulder came crashing down, upside on a frown.
“It becomes more clear.”
However, smudged was what entered from behind a hue.
“What do you have against autobiographies? My dear, a automatic biological response toward the self is a circular motion. Jerking, ever forward, sliding sleight of hand marks for a rotary notary.”
Add a shiver to a line. Creep tingled spine.
Behind, vociferous virginal cackle crackled. Stooped stature. One and only entrance, where all else was least expected.
“It has come to my attention that my family of misfits have suffered some losses!” Such an announcement. “No more! I say! We shall overcome this laboratory love, seek shelter from ourselves! Turn inward and a new leaf forward! All who join my gang today gain free drinks on me!”
Thunderous lightning in bottles.
Adeline kept head down, as head above water came skin deep.
“There are two I fear: Sylvie and Virginia.”
To the other Woolfs, howls were deafening. Fangs were spiked in drinks. Yet, when in the presence of a Virginia, her commands were akin to carrying rocks in one's pockets and heading out to sea.
Right on cue, a tunic beat sprung from leaps and bounds of snapping fingers, rickety floorboards, and pickled shoelaces. Such a hall dedicated to tango. Dancers took a new center stage. Pinstripe, tuxedo, tutu, and tunic.
“May I have this dance?” One said to the other.
“No,” other said to one.
The two proceeded to tango. Separately. Creating their own moves. Spun and hiss from the potter's wheel.
“Sing us a song, piano man!” One in the crowd cheered and jeered, a jaunty musk enchanted a nostril torpedo humanoid.
Tune in minor D, flat. Singing in major G, sharp.
“I was born in an institution, so take me to the institution. Hollow out my skull for me, baby.”
Everyone snapped their fingers, sans those without or those with taste buds. Budding tastes abased. Upper right square, centerfold, holy ritualistic loneliness devoured a devout silent speaker.
Muttered, a sufferer. Alone, red wine.
“The church claims to hand out prayers to those in need. The church claims to heal all those with wounds. But how can such wounds be shaved when they come from the hands of one above? How can prayers reach, how can one pray, when one is prey to a praying mantis?”
Her words were a sermon, to and from her alone. All those to see, herself. Though there were two, seeing her.
“Annie, the sharpshooter. Tricky, thick needle. Not one made claim to touch her.”
One of two. Pointer. Point and jeer.
“Sharpshooter or fragile flower?”
Other, drinker. Just as most. Mostly morose.
“Church. We've been over this. Bullets. She knows this.”
“Her mother keeps a keen eye.”
“Of the Sextons?”
“Not one made claim to touch her, but one.”
Turtle and porcupine pawned a torch through a blazing trail, overheard outcrop of silent words.
“Yo, Buddy?”
Turtle had a back, no shell.
“Was that my name?”
“Such a dilemma, that Annie case.”
“Which one?”
Porcupine did a sit, then pointed to a sit, then took a stand. Syd was still on the fence. Respect on a mend.
“I respect women, but what about women who disrespect women?”
Turtle dove, diving down a crown.
“Respect a little less?”
Adeline, minding less of a mind and a little more risky business, less stake for steak, took to munching carpet. Similar texture, less cost.
Decimation, ten of them. Torturous conditions. Smaller and smaller, then lesser and greater than the sum of their tears for fears. Out on the other end, next kareoke session.
“My cue!” Glee, jitter bug and shut-in cough tourist.
As all else, empty, Syd, short for a name forbidden, spoke aloud.
“MOOD CHANGE TONIGHT!” Brought impassioned introduction, then a sing along to a line of lyric. “GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUUUUN!”
Abridged, bridged gaps, two ladies took hands. Unmarried, unbridled, in bridal regalia as regal as larked tongue.
“Why do you date him?” Lustrous loss owner inquired.
“He's harmless. Undangerous man, a safe, sure bet.” She curled over her hair, flexing her neck, sticking it outward in case ladies were to observe. Star tattooed, shoreline above the mantle.
Annie, less drink, more sorrow. Sylvie, more observant, sharp gaze.
“I prefer not to comment.”
“Leader of Sextons, her mother. Weren't the three of us in the same hospital?” Less Victoria, more Virginia mouthed audible.
“I share not her views. We begin and end with being acquainted.”
“Oh, come on, dear,” Sizzled, swizzled nails. Swerved, curly hair. White, silver, grey, painted. Glasses that zoom in and out of frame. “Do we not share our fascinations with death? Look around us, we have all suffered losses. We are dead among the dead. Is that not cause for celebration?”
Silent. Serene. Hostile.
“There are a million reasons to die. There are a million reasons to live. Regardless, we all experience one and the other at one point or another.”
“Hmph. Well, darling. We could talk for days about it.”
“Between nature and nurture, I do not force hands.”
She strode her stroll toward a grassy knoll within inner chambers of a table toward the back, varnished and vanished driftwood matte. Drink, had hand tilted with glass. Knotty bramble ale, crisp to the core of an apple and cider.
“I think I don't want society, but then I think I want society because society wants me to want society,” silver, slivered Syl.
“Societal pressures?” Verge in a woman inquiry.
“More that I don't know what I want if I don't have it. But do I only not want it because it wants me to not want it? And when I want it do I want it because it wants me to want it or is it my own desire? Do I desire to live in a society, or live outside? Do I desire to live, or without?”
Another fucking sip, babes took their places, hips and waist belly dances. Boomed a bounce off another end of another corner, crowd gathered to sharks and gatherers.
“I once knew a man named Dave,” dealer dealt shame.
“Say, pal, y'bought any penises recently?”
“Couldn't afford it. Couldn't win enough missions. Tried going in, trying on different dicks. Saw a penis I liked and asked the register. Clerk clocked me. Caught me and coughed up foul interplay of lessons in lack of funds and lack of missions won. Said come back when gang's more renowned. Screwed up, balls of screws.”
“What about a vagina?”
“Those are in even rarer supplies, mate. Try buyin' pussy and folks say 'our selection is for higher ranks. Come back with a little more, no a lot. Lot and lot of renown. Everyone wants one, those who can fit into one can't afford to have one. Now, them Hemingways, too good, little respect. Ain't know what to do. Men who love men, ain't go for dick, ain't try on pussy. Tell ya what's what?”
“My life's a litter box,” interjected strands of hair attached to a face, earl and mache.
“What, Dave?”
“We talking about cats? Because I own a house full. Over 20.”
“Yes, we know, Dave.”
“Y'know,” sized up undulate leader sliced up with a ruler lines of coke. “People think I do drugs, but I DO NOT DO DRUGS. What especially gets me is when they think I do heroin. No. None in this household. I am a vegan. I AM KOSHER. There are those who would call me a post-modernist, but lemme tell you guys somethin': if you measure out the diameter of a filthy swimming pool, describe the height, length, width, dimension, how clean the pool is and what made up the filth in the pool, in details, y'know what that is? REALISM. The real post-modernism is modernism, if you ask me. If you're too afraid to do a little research, then maybe DON'T GO OUT IN THE FIELD.”
Spread out were the cocaine powder locomotive rollercoaster. Salt or sugar, bitter pickle, all snow white.
“Now, anyone want some? I can't have any, I'm allergic.”
Grime, grit, salami-based muscle, pungent four fingers and a thumb attached to a potato called a palm reached for the flour, only for Dave to slap it away.
“Just so you know, a footnote is an endnote if it's at the end.”
Syl emerged from her drink, still in.
“Problem with Hemingway, when us women are ill, we are seen as the illness. When those men are ill, they are martyrs, brave soldiers. We are sent away to a hospital. To get better. Do we get better? Do we get worse? I think we change, in and out, there is a change, no doubt.” Slow sips.
Syd's singing. Unprompted.
Syl laugh. She does on alcohol.
“Do you love him?” Virginal census.
“I think I love love,” first responders. “I think I love loving love. But do I love? I think I would love to.”
“Are you in love?”
“Is love something to you as it is to me? I love love as a being, in or out. Am I being in love? I am loving being.”
Hunched, secrets whispered, lungs scattered. Liquids spilled. Glass intact. Bile of much knotty bramble.
“With me,” virgin of the wolfs. “We have much to discuss in the toilets.”
Two ladies followed the vortex of a single file line toward a horizontal stadium of stalls for all to enter. Few leave 'til close. Moss turns, moss directional, director of dissection, wash basins full of mossy oak. Ultimate of bidets on display, only few take. Most wash, some sign off on air.
Some folk wondered what the house special of the night would be, others wondered who belonged to which gang, or which gang belonged to who. There were those who wondered what constituted ale and bourbon and who owned the bonbons.
“You're probably wondering why I decided to show my face tonight,” leader of a ton of sex, hands spread, pose in a alphabetical T.
Nobody wondered that.
“Have mercy...” Mumbling Annie chit-chattered, tiptoed through tapped toes. No one took notice.
“Our gang has received a mission. Simple one at that. Simple, poetic. Seek out a member of the church,”
Others mumbled. Muttered, even.
“I know some of my children are in the audience tonight. Sippin' on some whine, wine, whinge, chardonnay. I ask: who would be willing to make me proud? My dear husband, perhaps? Or maybe I'll return to the hospital and seek if one of the doctors would be willing to join my family,” toot, tort, ruptured spinal speech, with a hoot and a howl to boot mixed in with something afoul afoot.
Splash spot, stood up was fraught fair-minded resolute, daughter with resolve.
“I'll go.”
Crone critter crept forward, slithered toward child (adult as she were).
“Ah, yes. Annie, my dear daughter,” hands upon Annie's shoulder, only her shoulder. Only her shoulder. Still, a flinch. Nerves before determination. Flushed, relieved, two faces attached to complete figures emerged and heard.
“Knowing how she operates. Disgusting.” Silver leadership spoke up.
“No flame, no phoenix. Speak of passion, yet dejection,” verge in a wolf shared opinion.
“True leaders fight alongside their people, or better yet, be the first to die.”
“At the least, inspire passion.”
“Instead, modifications.”
More shivers, between Sylver (if ever her name), Annie (a face green of gables expressed), or the great wolf.
Outside of it all, smokers smoked in the smokers' lounge.
“Wanna go back inside?” One asked.
“Nah. Hear some of the gang leaders are in there.”
Shackled awe, tight spot for jaw.
“What would they be doing here?”
“As private as they are, leadership have every bit of access to ales and spirits as any of us.”
“Now that I think of it, Ernie's always there.”
“Ah yes, 'blood of a unicorn' kid.”
“Blood of a unicorn?”
“Very same one.”
“Damn. Blood of a unicorn. I've been to the woods once or twice. No unicorns spotted. Rabbit, yes.”
“Rabbit? In the woods?”
“Very live rabbit!”
“Hopped along.”
“Deadass? Rabbit?”
“No, alive rabbit.”
“No way. Those haven't existed for a while.”
“Anyway, we should head back inside. Bar's about to close.”
“Still, a rabbit.”
Some shady men, couple in fact, hand in hand, looking inward. Last drinks ordered: Brisk Bristol bourbon and Tempura Tequila.
Soon after, or not long, rather seconds after counting down the hours, safety in numbers huddled from day-to-day monotony began to rain away as seconds ran dry, as did the barrels.
“My doors will close,” bartender took to announcing, image appearing within every visible area of the distracted establishment. “Get your asses out and have a lovely hunt.”
Hemingway leader set down a sturdy book.
“War is ongoing,” Ernie walked, stuck to a miniscule cycle.
“Yes, my friend,” tip of the bartending hat toward world weary pint.
Other nights, others less dry. For a street of blood, oft wanted is a lick of water.
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my-emotional-self · 7 years
Harbinger of Doom Part 3/? (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 1,725
Warnings: Swearing, Mild Smut
Rating: Mature
Summary: Being a precognitive and empath was no easy feat. Your parents labeled you the devil and kicked you out when you developed your powers when you turned 15.  After being on your own for years, Hydra is after you and you had nowhere to turn…except to the Avengers.  
 Life for you at the Avengers Facility was a whirlwind since the minute you arrived.  It had been six months since you walked through that door, had a discussion with Tony and Director Fury, and had been accepted as the newest member of the Avengers.  Natasha had given you a tour of the complex and showed you to your room.  For being on your own and being homeless the last ten or so years, it was really nice to have a place to call home.  Your bedroom was practically a mini hotel suite! There was a small living room area with a couch and a lounge chair along with a damn fine television mounted to the wall.  Your bed was a queen size which you loved to sleep in as long as possible.  The closet was decent size even though you didn’t have much of anything to store in there; and the bathroom must have been what heaven felt like.  There was a whirlpool tub and a walk in shower.  You had never seen anything so magnificent in your life; your first night there you had taken the longest shower of your life.
You had been able to meet Bruce about a week after you joined and he ran a lot of tests on you. Of course you were a bit nervous at first, as it felt really intrusive of your mind, but it was part of the deal you had made with Tony and Director Fury.  Turns out it wasn’t all that bad actually.  You didn’t quite get the answers you were looking for, but Bruce was able to find ways for you to help you better control your empath powers; more so than you had before.  Now, when you are close to someone or even physically touch them, you don’t feel anything from them at all; you were able to block everything until you opened up a part of your mind that allowed you to sense and feel things.  Bruce was also able to help you with your visions; they became clearer rather than blurry.  It helped you focus and hone in on direct areas and people that were going to be in bad situations.  
Because you had the Avengers on your side, you weren’t the one that had to go and warn people of what would happen; which pretty much kept you sane and you could not have been happier. You were also able to see more dangerous visions involving the Avengers now that you had been around them for months. All in all, it turned out great because you were able to describe when they would happen on future missions so they could avoid getting hurt.  You felt on top of the world and Director Fury was very impressed with your abilities.
Not only were things going good with being an Avenger and all the trainings; things were starting to heat up between you and Steve.  Over the past six months, the two of you started growing really close.  First there was mild flirting between the two of you. You had caught Steve a number of times checking out your ass while training; your tight leggings really gave him a good view of your ass.  You would bend over in front of him on purpose just to see him give you those beautiful bedroom eyes.  The flirting soon grew into nighttime cuddles on his couch in his bedroom as you caught him up to date on the best movies he had missed over the years.
“What movie are we watching tonight?” Steve asked you as you were finishing up your grilled cheese and tomato soup dinner.  Bucky was on the other side of the table quietly eating his dinner.  “I was thinking The Shining” you quipped before taking your last bite of grilled cheese.  “Sounds interesting” Steve replied as he sat down next to you. Bucky scoffed at his answer and you both turned your heads in his direction.  You raised your eyebrow at him, “would you like to add to that Bucky?” A deep rumble came from his chest as he cleaned up his dishes.  “Stevie won’t like that movie” Bucky stated matter of factly.  “Well maybe we won’t be watching the movie” you said, biting your lip and giving Steve a wink.  A suggestive smile tugged at Steve’s lips once those worlds left your mouth.  You had told Steve you were a virgin; hell, Steve knows everything about you.  There was something about it, something in the way he made you feel that made you open up to him so easily.  He never pushed you and found him even more appealing after that.  Most men nowadays didn’t care as long as they got into your pants.  “Uughhh, why don’t you two just fuck already?” Buck groaned as he walked out of the room; your face instantly became red at the thought.  Steve got up and gave you a kiss on your cheek, “I’m going to go kick his ass while we spar….I’ll see you tonight?”  A smirk graced your lips as you nodded your head to him.  
You decided to take a shower to cool yourself off; your mind drifting to naughty things you wanted your Captain to do to you.  As you made your way down the living quarter’s hallway you felt something odd in the pit of your stomach.  It was kind of kind of like a gut feeling, but this felt different.  It felt stronger, it felt like a warning.  You leaned into one of the walls as you tried to breathe through the mild pain as you winced.  You didn’t receive any visions and as you opened up your mind, no emotions came in.  The mild pain subsided and you threw the thought into the back of your mind as you ambled into your bedroom.  
Sexy Captain: My room for our movie date at 8pm
Y/N/N: Wouldn’t miss it for the world ;)
A few hours later you were knocking on Steve’s door to his room.  “It’s open” he called from inside as you pushed open the door.  Tony liked to keep it cooler in the facility so you were wearing a baggy night t-shirt and a pair of Steve’s sweat pants that you stole. You couldn’t help it, they were so comfy!!  “I see you are stealing my clothes again” Steve said, his face satisfied.  “I can’t help that your clothes are comfy” you gave him a shrug as you plopped onto the couch.  
As soon as the movie started, something spurred both of you on and you two couldn’t keep your hands off each other.  His arm around you would gently caress your arm, which sent chills down your spine and to your core.  His hands on you, even something simple as a gentle touch, always made you wet with desire. Your right hand caressed his left thigh as it went higher and higher.  Before you knew it, his lips had crashed onto yours, taking the breath right out of you.  While his lips were soft, his actions were anything but.  One of his hands gripped the back of your head to hold you close to him while his other had a bruise tight grip on your hip.  You took his bottom plump lip between your teeth and nibbled, earning a predatory groan from Steve that soaked your core even more.  
Your leg kicked up and over his so you were straddling him; both his hands now gripping your hips tightly. You knew there would be bruises from his grip but you didn’t care; you wanted him to mark you in any and every way. Your hips gyrated down onto his hardening cock and you both moaned into each other’s mouths as your tongues danced gracefully.  Steve pulled his lips away and started assaulting your neck, slowly making his way up to your ear.  “What are you doing to me?” he growled into your ear, making you grind down on him yet again.  “I-I could ask the same thing” you whimpered out as he kissed your sweet spot on your neck. “Fuck,” came out as a breathy moan as your hands went to his hair and you tugged harshly.  
His hands roamed from your hips to your ass as he squeezed making you cry out into his neck.  You kept on grinding on his now fully hardened cock, needing more friction on your throbbing clit.  With one hand still attached to your ass, Steve’s other hand made its way to the front of your sweats.  “Can I?” he asked between kisses on your neck.  “Fuck yes…please Steve…I need you” you begged out.  He took no time in dipping his entire hand into your panties; his lengthy fingers quickly finding your nub and putting pressure onto it. Using his fingers, he drew slow sensual circles around your clit and it was the best feeling you had ever experienced. You’ve played with yourself on multiple occasions, especially after high sexual tension days with Steve while sparring. But this felt ten times more amazing. His expert fingers dipped lower, spreading your arousal around your opening.  “Fucking hell doll…are you always this wet?” he growled out. “Only-only you…Captain…make me this wet” you cooed into his ear.  You felt his body jerk when you called him Captain and you knew it must had been a turn on for him.  His long middle finger slowly plunged into your pussy and you cried out in pleasure; your hips rocking back and forth.  “That’s right doll, ride my fingers….good girl” he mewled out as he inserted a second finger into you.  As he crooked his fingers just right, it only took a few more jerks of your hips before you screamed out “Captain” as your orgasm wracked through your body; your walls clenching around his fingers.  
Your body went limp on top of Steve as you shuddered in place; your breathing ragged as your forehead leaned against his.  Steve removed his fingers from you and brought them to his mouth as he sucked them clean.  “MMmmmmm, so sweet” he said huskily and you thought you could cum right there again from his actions.  Who would have thought that Captain America, the man out of time, knew how to please a woman so well, and had a wild side behind closed doors?
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viralhottopics · 7 years
35 People Share Hilarious True Stories About The Time Things Went WAY Wrong During Sex
Found on AskReddit.
1. Middle of sex this girl goes, I can’t believe I’m cheating on my boyfriend for this.
One night stand in college. Middle of sex this girl goes, I can’t believe I’m cheating on my boyfriend for this. That put a damper on things.
2. She looks up and says Have I ever told you how much you remind me of my brother?
She’s in the middle of giving me head, pauses for a second, looks up and says Have I ever told you how much you remind me of my brother? She proceeded to get very upset that I lost my boner.
3. As I was climaxing, her Rottweiler licked my butthole.
I was having sex with my ex-girlfriend on her parents kitchen counter and as I was climaxing, her Rottweiler licked my butthole. Buckets.
4. She said, Mmmm….I’ve always wanted to fuck a black dick…. as she was on top of me. I’m a pale redhead with a red beard.
She said, Mmmm….I’ve always wanted to fuck a black dick…. as she was on top of me.
I’m a pale redhead with a red beard.
She just apparently figured that moment was the perfectly right time to let me know she’s always wanted to have sex with a black guy.
5. He ended up yawning during his orgasm.
A previous partner of mine was really tired while we were doing it but wasn’t really showing it until he ended up yawning during his orgasm. Never once before did I think someone would do their best Chewbacca impression to me while ejaculating.
6. Screamed, make me a baby! This was gay sex.
Screamed, make me a baby! This was gay sex.
7. You want a taste of this pepperoni? No. No, I don’t.
Old FWB liked to dirty talk (so do I ), but in one of our sessions, he kept referring to his penis as his pepperoni.
You want a taste of this pepperoni? No. No, I don’t.
Dried me up like the Sahara Desert.
8. At the moment of mutual climax she moans out her ex’s name.
Had to be at the moment of mutual climax she moans out her ex’s name. God, that’s a memory I wish had stayed buried.
There were tons of I’m sorrys and I feel so bads, etc. etc. etc. but for me it was like pulling the sword out after having not meant to run me through with it.
9. She interrupted sex to see of the old lady she was caretaking was still alive.
One-night stand. She just stops in the middle of the act, goes to the adjacent room naked and starts yelling “Mrs X, helloo… Are you alive? Are you breathing?”. Returns promptly and continues as if nothing happened.
Turns out, she was hired to take care of an elderly woman so she could live with her rent-free.
The old lady was found dead a day or two after that.
10. He screamed as loud as he could into my butthole.
My husband spread my ass cheeks…and got face real close to my butthole and just screamed. Like screamed as loud as he could. It was so violating for a second and then i died laughing.
11. I once dated a guy who giggled when he…finished.
I once dated a guy who giggled when he…finished. That was definitely unexpected the first time we had sex.
12. It was like having sex with an auctioneer.
My girlfriend is a talker. However, at one point, mid gasping orgasm, I always assumed I’d have a wide variety of sexual partners but if this is what you do then I don’t see it as a high priority! It was like having sex with an auctioneer.
13. She just broke down crying.
She just broke down crying. And it wasn’t just a few tears, but a full-blown crying. I held her tight telling her if everything was alright but she still cried for the next ten minutes. This was during fairly vanilla sex and we’ve done a lot rougher BDSM stuff before so it was confusing. I asked her if she forgot her safe word: No. Did I hurt you? No. What made you cry? I don’t know. It’s a mystery to this day and she can’t figure it out either.
14. She was on top and we were having a really good time when she says, I think we’re better apart.
She was drunk and we had just gotten back from a party. She was on top and we were having a really good time when she says, I think we’re better apart.
I completely froze and asked what she meant. She then explained why we work better apart while riding my completely still and rapidly deflating penis.
15. Her mom called mid-sex.
Her mom called mid-sex. She was expecting the call because of some family issue so when the phone rang while she was riding me, she looked at the caller ID, got off me and just said I have to take this, wait (she explained after the fact who it was and why she was expecting it, on the moment it was really unexpected for me).
The call lasted around 30 minutes and we were both sitting naked on the bed, her talking about something serious to her mom and me just awkwardly there with my now flaccid penis hidden in a cold and wet condom.
After she was done, it was clear for both of us that the mood was gone but she told me you should have finished without me. Yeah, I would have felt really weird jerking off right next to her while she was on the phone with her mom…
16. My tooth goes through my lip and I’m pouring blood all over us.
I met a girl on Tinder, and we went out a few times, she was honestly amazing and I fell for her pretty hard.
The last time we saw each other, it was late, like 3 or 4AM, and we were having sex in her room. She tells me she has a fighting fetish, and asks if I’m comfortable with it. I agree and we start getting a little rough, slapping and what not.
Out of fucking no where she winds up and punches me directly in the mouth. My tooth goes through my lip and I’m pouring blood all over us.
I freak out and run into the bathroom naked and covered in blood, and run into her roommate in the hall.
They start fighting and I grab my shit and slip out. Once I get to my car she calls me saying shit like I thought you could handle it and don’t be a pussy.
Haven’t talked to her since.
Edit: She saw this and messaged me. Fuck.
17. She said to me, Pretend like you love me.
My first time with her (I had known her for all of two days), she tried to finger my butt hole, bit my dick rather hard, and said to me (as we were having sex) Pretend like you love me and I just want to pretend like someone cares about me.
Absolutely none of those things were turn-ons.
18. She came really hard and then sharted.
She came really hard as I did too, her vagina clenched really hard (that felt like heaven) which then pushed my penis out and she sharted.
19. I told my girlfriend I love her dick.
Well it was something that I did… Was having sex with my girlfriend and I had an extreme head cold I kept saying the wrong thing all day and sneezing and all that gross shit.
But during sex she kept talking about how good my dick feels, that dirty talk kind of stuff I got close to her ear and just said in the most absolute serious tone I love your dick.She just stopped and looked at me and started bursting out laughing almost crying from how funny and serious I sounded. I sat there in disappointment of myself she just kept saying dick so the word dick came out of my mouth instead of vajayjay.
Not proud of myself.
TL;DR Told my girlfriend I love her dick.
Edit: My first majorly up voted comment thanks Reddit. And P.S. I did laugh along with her I was just dying inside as well. But its all good now.
20. One of my first girlfriends screamed harder daddy in the middle of sex once. We were both women.
One of my first girlfriends screamed harder daddy in the middle of sex once.
We were both women.
21. I managed to smash her mouth off the headboard.
When I got together with my (now ex) girlfriend we went back to hers quite drunk. In an attempt to show off my strength and sexual prowess I hoisted her up onto my face so I could eat her out and managed to smash her mouth off the headboard. Still finished tho, thank you drink.
22. Mid-fucking, she said I fucked Chris yesterday, too, with a huge grin.
Mid-fucking, she said I fucked Chris yesterday, too, with a huge grin. I don’t think I’ve ever exited a bed that fast. She forgot that it was her /previous/ bf who was ok with her fucking other men, women etc. How one forgets that youre not with the same person, I will never know. She seemed to remember Chris from yesterday lunchtime well enough though. Epic unamused face.
23. The most ridiculously thunderous QUEEF you could imagine lazily spat my previous cum back into my own mouth.
Me and my ex had been going at it for a while, I was nearly ready for round two so I thought I’d buy myself some time and go down on her quickly. As soon as my face was fucking aligned with her fanny, the most ridiculously thunderous QUEEF you could imagine lazily spat my previous cum back into my own mouth, my nose and in my eyes. Was NOT in the mood for round 2.
24. A fly, out of nowhere, swooped into my mouth.
One time my fiance was going down on me when a fly, out of nowhere, swooped into my mouth. I coughed loudly but didn’t want to ruin the mood. She looked up and saw… that I had coughed up the fly. There it was. On the side of my face, a dead fly covered in my saliva.
She started Wait is that a fl- I told her No and pushed her head back down.
Later, I would tell her the truth, and she found it hilarious.
25. While I was in the bathroom, he had gone to the kitchen and rubbed salmon on his dick.
He had initiated things and I took a moment to get ready in the bathroom. He wanted to start things off with a blowjob, so I get down on my knees and pull my hair back and lean in, and it hits me. This pungent smell. I’m like wtf is that? but I’m a trooper and I try to go for it anyway. But it reeks, it’s like the worst fish ever. Literally fish. Salmon. So I lean back and I’m like I don’t know what’s going on, but something’s wrong. He fucking bursts out laughing and yells GOT YOU!!!!
While I was in the bathroom, he had gone to the kitchen and rubbed salmon on his dick.
I still can’t even fathom why he thought that would be a good idea.
26. She started choking me and telling me she hates me right after telling me she loves me.
My GF started choking me before she came and started getting angry saying you fucking piece of shit, I fucking hate you. Immediately after she told me how much she loved me. This basically became our form of conflict resolution for about a year until it got a little out of hand…
27. He pulled out a razor kid and wanted to do bloodletting during the middle of sex.
I was having a one night stand with this guy from the bar. Everything was fantastic until he pulled out a razor kit and wanted to cut/do bloodletting during the middle of sex. I noped the fuck out of there.
28. She cuts one of the smelliest farts I’ve ever experienced
First date. She’s kinda drunk. I am going down, just chowing her box. She cuts one of the smelliest farts I’ve ever experienced. With my nose so close to her sphincter, the pure vinegar of it went straight up. It was like smelling salts, but worse. For a minute, I thought I was going to puke in a pussy. It was tough, but I powered through. Got laid.
29. Mid-thrust he turns to the screen and points out a continuity error on .
He and I love background noise, so we put on . Something easy to ignore, or so I thought. He loves friends, can quote the show. Mid-thrust he turns to the screen and points out a continuity error.
30. I whispered the word squirrel in her ear.
Alright, this is what I did to my wife, so she did not expect it. Hope that’s OK, because it’s been years, and she is still a little pissed.
So, we are in the middle of things. Nothing crazy, missionary position, but having a good time. She’s about to orgasm, and it’s obvious. So, I get an idea, because I’m a special kind of asshole.
I keep going, and when I can tell she is just on the verge, I lean in like I’m going to kiss her neck, and whisper directly in her ear, .
She is immediately WHAT THE FUCK?! and pushes me off of her. Apparently, the surprise and awkward nature of the situation killed her progress, as well as her mood. No orgasm, just confused anger.
I fully admit, I laughed my ass off, and I am a horrible person for it.
I have never done it sense. She is still a little peeved.
31. I have never gone soft quicker in my life.
About 8 or so years back I was a party hosted by a couple of good friends of mine. The wife of the couple tells me she wants to introduce me to her sister and heavily implies that a one night stand thing is probably on the table, so I bite and chat her up. She’s pretty cool, definitely into the one night stand thing and thats where the night heads. We are both pretty drunk in one of the spare rooms when I realize I don’t have a condom. Fuck. Her response was Don’t worry I’m a good mother and tries to get on top and mount me. I have never gone soft quicker in my life. I went and slept on the floor in the living room while she passed out on a princess single bed in my shirt.
32. The sex was going well and then the Ambien kicked in.
My ex used to get very horny on Ambien. I would always take it as well. One time the sex was going well and then the Ambien kicked in and I forgot what we were doing while I was inside her and couldn’t make sense of what was going on and she started talking about Mickey Mouse and orange ice cream trucks. Needless to say things went from good to weird very quickly. After that first wild experience, we used to play a game where we both take like 5 and see how far we could get before everything fell apart. Had some interesting nights with her doing that.
33. Oh shit my wife is home…I’m a guy and the chick turned out to be a lesbian.
Oh shit my wife is home…I’m a guy and the chick turned out to be a lesbian….this was years agodefinitely an experience.
34. We both immediately realized she had also lost bowel control in the peak of the experience.
One of my exes, years ago, was on top and REALLY feeling it. Way more than usual and usual was always impressive. She started like, spasmodically wearing it out and I watched someone literally have an eye roll back and show the whites orgasm…I was like I am a God until we both immediately realized she had also lost bowel control in the peak of the experience…
So, that was an awkward shower… there was no talking. I was ready to laugh my brains out, but if I did I knew she would cry for days. Poor thing.
35. She takes the full water bottle and pushes it deep up my butt.
I met up for a one night stand with a girl from Tinder; we were doing some pre-sex foreplay when she stopped completely to tell me that she likes to use strap-ons. I thought OK maybe I’d like it and why not give this thing a try, I tell her I’ve never done it before. She says I’ll need to work more up to it before we try this, so in order to see if I can handle it she takes a water bottle that was nearby and instructs me to turn around. She takes the full water bottle and pushes it deep up my butt, crunching and spreading its way up there. I will never look Aquafina the same ever again.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2iUWW5E
from 35 People Share Hilarious True Stories About The Time Things Went WAY Wrong During Sex
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