that-one-i-think · 4 hours
Temple Of Menphia Lore!
SO having a character that is a follower of Menphia has resulted in me making a religion from scratch SO HERE IS THE MAIN POINTS OF THE RELIGION FOR THOSE INTERESTED! (Like most of my lore posts, feel free to use. Sharing is caring and all.)
The Temple of Menphia is a religion that focuses battle and justice, with the defining feature being the "Fury of the Righteous". I based a lot of the principles off of Sikhism and partially from the DC Amazonian's. Essentially, based it off of religious warriors. (seriously though, look up Sikhism. Super fascinating)
The temples were established by Menphia as her own way to combat shadow knights. Warriors with a strong sense of justice who are able to combat the rage of shadow knights and channel their own. It is much more difficult for a person who is in control of their emotions to be corrupted than someone dealing with religious shame. Equality and social justice are incredibly important aspects.
An important aspect of the temple of Menphia is injustice collecting. Think of them similar to bounty hunters and cops. Most temples act as a form of Judge, Jury, and Executioner, with locals coming to them with issues and the temples acting as a way to solve problems. Essentially, if a villager cannot get their lords to act on a crime, a temple priest will delegate it instead.
Temples also handle a lot of lord corruption as well. An example of this is a farmers daughter who was the mistress of a lord ending up dead. The farmer asked the temple to investigate, believing it was fowl play. One of the judges (a temple priest who is more skilled with words than battle) investigated and after finding out a Lord was he one who killed her, dispatched justice accordingly.
Unlike the Church of Irene, the Temple of Menphia is incredibly separate from politics. For they need to in order to treat everyone fairly. This also means that Temple Warrior won't join in on a war unless the know that the side they are fighting on is correct. They are for the people, not for a nation.
The temple of Menphia is very open to sex and violence. Menphia was the Divine Warrior of Fury and Passion, so as long as it can resemble a fight, you are set. It is also why tattoos are a part of the religion, it is withstanding pain and coming out on top.
Now onto some flaws about the religion. While being a very open religion, it is very difficult to join a temple. For temple members require years upon years of training, unlike the Irene church. The Temple of Irene is also a temple that isn't really that knowlegeable about science, math, or magicks. They are essentially a church of Lawyers and Warriors, they are focused on social issues and justice. They are taught to read though, but aren't taught many languages beyond Havasi (The Tu'la langauge)
A lot of Menphia followers have an extreme prejudice against shadow knights. When many of the temple warriors have been taught how to kill them since the age of 4, it leads to prejudice. The temple doesn't really do guest well either, they will nurse you back to health but claiming sanctuary isn't really a thing unless you are in genuine unfair danger.
That is all for right now. Again, feel free to use and comment or ask questions. Story building is the best when other people can chat about it.
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Aphtober #3
I'm not really a fan of how this one turned out tbh, it was a bit rushed. And I really don't like Menphia's design, but dw, I'll come up with something better for her eventually.
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Originally, the boys were supposed to be in the background as well, but I just couldn't bring myself to finish them this time </3
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jurysbane · 2 years
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this is TECHNICALLY a late aphtober day 21 - LOYAL
so Menphia it is :)
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blockgamejournals · 2 years
uh oh *drops hot women all over the floor* have a menphia doodle. i like drawing women. its just more fun tbh. 
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rassotheraccon · 2 years
I imagine menphia being this middle ground. She didn't help Irene in the fight but nor did she help Shad. She stays her distance and she thinks through everything. I wish there was more to her that we know other then she is serious. Like why is she called the fury?? what did she do?? what powers does she have??
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ariensart · 8 months
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my interpretation of the fury and the matron
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xielianslver · 2 months
I have all the Divine Warriors deaths in mind. I'll eventually draw somethings about them but here you go.
Shad: Never truly died, as we know. Which is funny. God of death yet she continuously tries to live. He wears clothes not meant to be buried in a casket. But ones made to attend the funeral because they are alive. Even after becoming who he is today, her "armour", although reaks death. Shows how he will kill to live.
Irene: She never really died, just "disappeared." (or something I haven't thought that far). Much like Shad but different. God of life yet she tries every waking second to die. All those that she has loved, have been met with a tragic end. Her clothes resemble that of the body laying in the casket. Even in her new form she can't help but wonder when her death would come.
Menphia: She died while saving the one she loved. Enki. In the fierce fight with Shad she was the first to go. The one to make the sacrifice that saved centuries of people. Menphia wasn't one to make sacrifices, she was a selfish woman. Yet, Enki and Irene were important to her.
Enki: He set fire to himself inside his library. It was suicide. He took all the knowledge with him. No one knows why, as they never found his journal.
Kul'zak: He died doing what he loves best. Getting drunk and dancing on a ship. He death was peaceful, and calm. Mature if you will. Much like himself.
Esmund: He was mauled to death. Perhaps it was Xaiver, the boy he helped build into a man. Xaiver was the first Shadow Knight. But who knows. It was a gruesome sight. Despite Esmund's eagerness to protect those. He seemed to have failed at protecting himself.
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mcd-brainrot-hours · 2 months
worldbuilding (kinda) hc:
menphia didnt have any kids so before she passed, she declared that each time a fury died, a fight to the death would be held between candidates would be held in the gladiator ring. whoever emerged victorious (think of the hunger games) became the holder of menphia's relic.
as time progressed, this became one of tu'la's biggest events and turned into a spectacle of sorts. the tu'lan royals throw parties and flaunt their wealth during parades in which the king would show off the possible furies, menphia's gladiators.
as fate would have it, aphmau and gang end up in tu’la just in time to watch it unfold, maybe even participate in.
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shadowqnights · 3 months
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some more divine warriors and a few of their gods . irene and menphia as well as some other figures in my rewrite , some forms for the nature gods that predate the divine. raiya, ai and dei'lune .
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Alright sooo, i did a little redesign work or did alittle touch ups on each symbols of each divine god for Misteria about a few weeks ago...
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i double checked at least a few times to be extra sure the symbols of each god at least looked like SOMETHING and so i came up with this!
kul'zak's is a tree (to represent him being the god of destruction and karma)
menphia's is a firey bolt (to represent her being the god of war and hope)
shad's looks like a torn apart heart (to represent him being the god of death and reanimation)
esmund's is a shield (to represent him being the god of protection and judgement)
enki's is shears (to represent him being the god of time and the space)
irenes is a sort of plant like it always has been, basically unchanged honestly (but its to represent her being the god of life)
also if you want to compare these with the og designs look no further! here they are for your eyes....
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Ask box is always open for questions on Misteria/my MCD+Mysteeet rewrite!
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that-one-i-think · 3 months
Another thing to help me characterize my Divine Warriors - Vices
Shad: Bloodshed - After becoming the Destroyer he was always hungry. He craved to consume and destroy everything in his path, whether it be people, animals, or towns.
Irene: Attention - While attention in itself isn't bad, too much of it can be bad. Irene was subscribed to "Any attention is good attention" and was how she became the most worshipped god. She encouraged it so more people would come to her for help. She was a fixer.
Enki: Power - The man was a hoarder of knowledge, and in this world, the quote "knowledge is power" is directly inspired by Enki. She was the Keeper, and they constantly wanted more.
Menphia: Booze - She was the fury, the one who constantly got into fights. The definition of a warrior, but as a warrior, she often killed people in her bouts of fury that she never meant to. This led to her taking moments to... calm her mind with a stiff drink.
Esmund: People - This man was a self-sacrificing maniac. He desperately wanted people to love him and, more specifically, Irene to love him. He wanted to wrap everyone in his big strong arms so no one would ever be unsafe again.
Kul'Zak: Smoking - After becoming immortal against his will, he took up the habit so he could at least feel like death. After all, a smoked fish is a dead fish.
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wyverndreamers · 25 days
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in honor of Hades 2 i offer THE OFFICIAL most underrated divine warrior in a style study attempt
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little-laurance · 8 months
Aphtober Day 3: Divine
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(Song Shallow River by The Crane Wives)
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dilucsfavorite · 2 months
I have gotten inspired from my most recent ask, about my opinions on the DW. This time, I am going to talk about how I believe they are worshiped by the people, and how they affected the present world. Not going by village, just the general most common ways they are worshipped.
Irene: Much like how hospitals have the red cross symbolizing medicine and hospitals, Irene's symbol is that. Wherever a doctor and where a hospital is, is the Irene symbol. The matron symbolizes healing due to her many healing abilities, and so that translated over to hospitals and doctors when the idea of medicinal herbs and such were made popularized. Churches are typically where she is worshipped, sermons and days specified when they will join together and pray. The believers also believe that all plant life should be looked after and taken care of, destroyed only if necessary. Many of the bigger villages have green houses filled with medicinal herbs and native flowers that are religiously taken care of. However, there is a dark side. Bandits, kidnappers, just evil doers in general, use the promise of prosperity the name of Irene brings, to bring down and dangers unto others. There were even historically recorded times of people sacrificing others in the name of prosperity and good health.
Enki: Enki was the one who coined the idea of recording history and knowledge within books, less in murels. He was also someone that pushed education buildings and the idea that everyone should get the chance to learn, even if societies at the time did not want that to happen. He was also the cause of the publishing of the first maps to be made of the entire world and the nations. There is one major university using his symbol as the colleges symbol, even if that is not historically accurate. However, most books were destroyed in book burnings that he had created, ones not stored in a major library that is still hidden to this day. He is worshiped by scholars and sailors alike, though there is not one set place people worship him. Though the library could count.
Kul'Zak: Kul'Zaks symbol is used at camps and hotels people own in order to convey the idea that this is where wanderers and travellers can stay. He also had helped Enki publish the maps, though he was the one who had created them. He is not necessarily worshiped, but he has a small mantra that goes around camps that adventures learn, one that is said to bring safety and protection to those going between cities and nations.
Esmund: Esmund is the symbol of the guards order and is used at the guard training facilities around the different nations. He is the symbol of protection and people use his plus Irene's when them or a loved one is sick or injured. Irenes for health and healing, and Esmunds used for the protection of the person. It is also a symbol used alongside head guards, next to the cities symbol. It is only used by the head guards of said village, since they are the main protectors. It is rumored that one can learn the skin hardening ability he has, but it had only been done once, and it was an old man close to death.
Shad: Before he became the destroyer, he was the fighter. Unlike the idea of the protector, he was always on the front lines. He worked with blacksmiths to make different types of weapons that are used today, some were even the basis of better weapons made at later dates. He was worshiped among brash men who only want to become fighters within the wars, but he had the respect of weapon makers. When he became the destroyer, he was worshiped by small cult like villages, ones who praised him to the brashness he had faced as well. They do not believe in the other DWs, and they believe that Shad is the one and only being, the one true DW. Whenever someone was close to death, they were killed to be sacrificed to the Shadow Lord. When young promising fighters come along, they are sacrificed to Shad. Thus, the Shadow Knights began.
Menphia: She is actually the most less known DW, one who is not widely known. Only the oldest witches (and that's few) know of her and worship her. Other than that, there is folklore surrounding her. She would stay in the back lines and rain fire or ice balls from the sky to hit enemies in the lines. Though, that story became less of her and more of a ghost story that surrounds battle fields. That if the battle is gruesome enough, the sky would rain fireballs to torch those who dare make such a gruesome display on nature. Though that type of story is common within Irene believers. She was fine with being the most less known DW, as she did not want fame or worship.
YIPPEE!!!!!! I hope you like and pls expand on your own ideas as well :3
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bread-squid-uwu · 1 month
I love Tu'la in my rewrite, all of the plants and forests are orange pink and red. The sands are peach and white. The wood of the trees are red and various shades of purple. The water is clear and almost looks glittery. It's covered in purple flowers.
Sun Beach, or "Love~Love Paradise" is the only beach with yellow sand.
The region of Menphia is basically a big lesbian flag
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ariensart · 6 months
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rest, at last
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