#menstrual Pads
incognitopolls · 9 months
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Menstruating is hard enough without cis-men judging us, acting like we're clean or impure because of it. Normalize menstral cycles.
I'm high school my boyfriend was holding my purse and I let him be nosey (he was legit just being curious and I didn't care). And the moment he saw my pad (unused single use pad) he got so grossed out he refused to even touch my purse after that. Like wtf. It's no different than me keeping bandaids in my purse (which I also did because I'm extraordinarily clumsy).
Anyways. This dude's content is amazing. Normalizing menstruation.
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m-eowdy · 1 year
menstrual pad users!
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nickysfacts · 1 year
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Turns out the world wars were actually good for something!
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chronicsymptomsyndrome · 10 months
In theory if I wanted kids, I wouldn’t want my grandchildren paying out of pocket for price-gouged basic necessities, at the mercy of major corporations. Remember those free water guys that were all over social media giving out free water bottles and explaining to people that it was entirely funded by the ads on the bottle??? How is that going for them I’m curious bc can we please do this with menstrual products..maybe even basic first aid supplies…..pls
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marysmith8816376 · 14 days
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mrwong80 · 1 year
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aromanticduck · 1 year
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camille-lachenille · 8 months
Ok so this is a bit of a rant but also a real problem so bear with me. I went to buy menstrual pads at the pharmacy today and I saw that the price is higher than two months ago (a pack generally lasts me 2 months). Not only that but the VAT is 7,7%. 7,7 fucking %! Menstrual pads are taxed like luxury goods when condoms are considered as necessary goods (which is good, mind you, but also very unfair). Fuck, even liquors and wine aren’t taxed as luxury goods!
And I have to pay 6 francs for 10 pads, which is outrageous. And people (like my mum) may say ‘but buy the pads at the supermarket, they’re way cheaper!’ And yes but no. Because the brand I use is organic cotton, without any perfume or chemicals, and the cheap brand at the supermarket gives me allergic reactions . And believe me, you don’t want an allergic reaction down there. The cheap brand also has organic pads, slightly more expensive but still waaaay cheaper than the ones I buy. I tried those, but I have heavy periods so I end up changing pad every 2 to 3 hours even when I buy the extra absorbent ones. With the expensive brand, I can keep a pad for 6 to 8 hours without any leak. Again, the cheaper brand is just not worth my money. I do use the cheaper organic pads for the last days of my periods, when the bleeding is less abundant, but it’s not much compared to the rest.
‘But there are washable pads now! And did you try the cup?’ some might ask. Yes, these are options. But, besides the fact that these options are expensive too, if more rentable on the long run, they don’t work for me. I have chronic pain and fatigue so I simply cannot deal with the extra laundry washable pads or period underwear create; and anything inserted makes the pain so much worse it’t not worth it.
I tried pretty much any period protection under the sun: regular tampons and pads, reusable pads, menstrual cup, menstrual sponges, but the only one I am both comfortable with and is compatible with my disability is this specific brand of organic cotton pads. And I have to pay so much for that it makes me so angry!
The point is, I can afford the expensive menstrual protections I need, tho it is a signifiant part of my budget. There are so many people who menstruate and can’t afford even the cheapest protections, because it’s that or eating. And the prices keep going up, and the government does nothing to even acknowledge it is a fucking necessary product and the VAT shouldn’t be 7,7%!
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liyawritesss · 8 months
My day just started and I saw the most trifling shit on tiktok I'm deleting that app for the rest of the day I can't
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pumpkin-padparadscha · 3 months
So the people who make the (admittedly decent) lavender scented pads also have some that say they are cooling menthol, and can I just say DO NOT BUY THEM it's like Vicks vapor rub or the icy part of icy hot directly on your nether parts, 0/10 do not recommend!!!
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Period product alternatives that you can buy at the grocery for trans men and trans mascs. (I mean I guess all enbies can use it but they are products marketed towards men so that may cause just as much dysphoria as the feminine products)
Are they specifically designed for periods? No. But they may work good enough if you can't order online for whatever reason.
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rinabirgul · 1 year
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Some post-menstrual sendrome problems
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hjellacott · 1 year
"Always" period pads - toxic as hell
After 15+ years of periods, I moved to a new country and decided to give the "Always" period sanitary pads a chance. I got the sensitive, soft, unscented ones — and hell began.
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Within one day of using them, I was super itchy in my vagina. Now bear in mind I had never before in my life had vaginal itchiness. Pubic itchiness, occasionally, yes, even the odd vaginal itch now and then, but not during an entire period, practically every hour, and with a level of intensity that was driving me insane. I'd never had an infection there, nor a virus, I hadn't had sex, no way I had STDs. But it itched horribly and when I peed, the itchy area stung. And so I began worrying.
I read everything I could find on diseases, bacterial infections and viruses affecting the nether-lands, I looked down there with a mirror, tried to feel for blisters, checked the smell, analysed fluids and dryness... and I still couldn't find anything remotely abnormal other than the fact that it itched. At last my period ended and, two-three days later, so did the itchiness. Phew.
And then the next period began, and the next. It took a few tortuous periods filled with horrifying itchiness and burning down there for me to realise that the only thing I was doing differently to pre-stinging days was changing the brand of my period pads. I had bought two boxes of "Always" sensitive, soft skin pads. Two. (Note to self, when trying a new brand, only buy one box). I still had half about twelve pads left to get through.
Desperate, I looked online to see if the brand wasn't good, and here's the hell I found:
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I've now stopped using Always pads and my symptoms have immediately improved. I've contacted the supermarket demanding explanations, doubt anything will happen, but still. I've also contacted my doctor to see if this can be reported, because I can't believe that with studies saying Always pads contain irritants and carcinogens, they're still being sold left and right.
Please, please, please, for the love of God DON'T BUY ALWAYS PADS. REPORT THEM. SPEAK TO ANY CONSUMER'S ASSOCIATION YOU'VE GOT IF THERE'S ANY (here there's none useful). Contact your representatives! DON'T LET A BIG COMPANY GET AWAY WITH MAKING WOMEN ILL ON PURPOSE.
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Pls shut up about diva cups.
If u use them and prefer them thats awesome.
But they aren't the solution to EVERYONEs problems and pls stop insisting I just haven't tried THIS one that will TOTALLY work for me.
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polarpanda01 · 2 months
if you see someone stealing diapers, formula, other essential baby supplies, or menstrual products like pads or tampons, no you didn’t.
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