#menstrual comfort morning em
sleepy-wyvern · 2 years
Eddie Munson x fem!Reader Menstrual Comfort
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Image drawn by me, specifically for this fic ♡ if you like this fic feel free to send a request or let me know if you want more
Synopsis; Eddie breaks into your apartment to help you with your period symptoms. Fluffy and wholesome, no sexual interaction. 
Reminder: Eddie wants you to part take in self care ♡ 
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You look at the time on your phone and groan. 1pm and you’re still exhausted, awoken by the gnawing pain in your lower stomach. You pout as you grasp at the bed sheets, pulling them up to your chin, cuddling into them. 
You hated being unwell and taking any time off of any kind of productivity, but your body ached to stay in bed today. Blinking in the morning sun rays through the curtains, you mumble profanities. In a sleepy haze you notice a glass of water with ice cubes still floating on the surface. Sitting up quickly you wonder if someone broke into your apartment. 
“Relax sleepyhead” a deep soothing voice chimes from your bedroom door frame “cursing out the sun now?” He smiles playfully. 
“And my ovaries” you comment, picking up the glass of water gently into your hands. It was so fresh and cold that the water condensed on the outside, dripping a little onto your bed sheets. You didn’t care though, your parched mouth and chapped lips eagerly sipping. 
Eddie makes his way over from your door frame, holding your favorite pink octopus mug. He wears his normal Hellfire tee with dark ripped jeans, decked out with his accessories. His metal rings make a quiet dink against the ceramic mug as he readjusts his grip upon the steaming beverage, stepping carefully as to not spill it. 
“How did you get in?” You ask sitting back against your pillow. Since the last time Eddie broke in you were making sure to close and lock the windows, lest any thieves get the same idea. 
“Smashed in the window in your door and reached in to unlock it” you rolled your eyes but you welcomed his humor.
 “I found the spare key by the plant on the porch” he admitted, holding the mug down to you. 
"Gotta find a new hiding place for it" you replying hold out your hands carefully accepting the beverage. The mug was filled with steaming yellow liquid and had a peppery sweet aroma. 
“What’s this?” You ask. 
“You texted me in the middle of the night you were having bad camps” he says sitting on the edge of the bed, watching you with warm brown eyes that have an edge of concern. “I came by to make sure you were ok since I didn’t hear from you this morning.” 
He moves a hand to your leg, squeezing it slightly and the gesture sent tingles through your body. He went all this way here to make sure you were okay?
You take a sip of the hot liquid, letting the warmth spread down your body. Ginger with lemons, you note.
“How did you know that it was good for cramps…?” You ask and Eddie looks at the ground shyly. 
“I, uh, saw a bunch of tea in your cupboards” he says embarrassed. “I googled what’s good for cramps” he mumbles afterwards, looking away. 
You can’t help but smile at his effort, this man worked so damn hard to make you happy. You wondered how in fact he could be real despite sitting right in front of you. You’re interrupted by the curdling pain of your stomach and excuse yourself. 
“I, uh, bathroom” you mumble shyly.
 He nods and reluctantly moves his hand off your leg, moving out of the way so you could stand. You immediately miss the warmth of his body, but quickly make your way to the bathroom so you could be back sooner. 
Once you’re back you notice your bed is made but with the sheets pulled back for you to hop back into. Not only that but there's a glass of orange juice on the table, with a container of Midol and a breakfast sandwich from your favorite take out place. You waste no time sitting on the bed and taking a bite out of your breakfast. You wonder where Eddie went and the sound of water running in the tub answers your question. 
He re-emerges not long after you hear the water stop running “I hope you like it, I stopped by for food the way here. I wasn’t sure what you wanted, so I got you what you had the last time we went.”
You think back to the lovely Saturday morning date you had with him, the same day he made it in through a window the first time. Him pulling open the curtains while you groaned at him, not wanting to get up. The sky was blue and the sun was shining, he coaxed you up and out of bed with promises of a yummy breakfast. The spring morning smelled of fresh melting snow as you sat together outside the restaurant. You refused to admit it to him but you enjoyed it, just watching people walk by on the cobblestone path while you ate in each others presence. Birds sang and people chattered while you laughed to yourselves about whatever goofy thing Eddie had come up with. Afterwards you ventured to the old record store Eddie loved, picking out a new one for you both to listen to.
You smile finishing up the last of your meal, snapping back to reality. “I love it” you reassure him “dare I ask what you were up to in the bathroom?” you smile.
He shrugs leaning against the door frame “I ran you a bath if you felt up to it” he folds his arms clearly nervous looking down, making your heart pound. “If not I mean I’ll take one” he laughs to diffuse his own nerves, playing his goofy voice up “bubbles and everything” he regains his courage to look at you. He was always shy to admit how much you meant to him, you thought it was quite adorable.
You go to his side giving him a large hug catching him off guard. Quickly though he hugs you back, running his thumb along your waist. 
“Yeah, yeah” he murmurs, not wanting to accept praise. 
“Thank you, really” you smile. 
“Go take your bath before I do” he winks and you shake your head, smacking his butt before moving to your wardrobe. 
You pick out fresh new pajamas and underwear and venture to the bathroom, pleased to see Eddie has lit a candle even. You leave the door unlocked and open just a crack but he sits on the floor outside to give you privacy. 
Stripping down you let yourself sink into the bubble filled tub. The hot water swirls around your body, soothing the aches and cramps. You sigh, relaxing back taking in the scent of warm vanilla. 
“You didn’t have to do all this for me” you speak, unsure if he’s still there. 
“I know but you deserve it.” He pauses for a moment “I don’t like seeing you in pain” he whispers. You imagine him fumbling nervously with his rings as he usually does when he talks about his feelings, an action you've grown accustomed to and found endearing.
You smile, splashing the water slightly as you shift your weight. 
“The world doesn’t deserve you” you murmur low enough for him to not hear. 
“Did you want me to wash your hair?” He asks and you accept. 
He walks in cracking his knuckles “hairdresser Eddie on duty, welcome to your spa day” he says while kneeling down by the tub to shampoo your hair. 
“What experience do you have as a hairdresser, bathing a dog?” You ask while he lathers your hair, sending relaxing sensations over your body.
He laughs “I did actually. A neighbor's dog. This is a muuuch much better experience" his deep voice purrs over the word much to your delight.
“I can see why you’re a cat person” you say while he rinses the suds out of your hair. 
“You know me, I’m more of a demon person” he scoops up some bubbles from the other end of the tub and attempts to make two horns on top of his hair with a matching beard. 
You giggle, forgetting your bodily discomfort for even a moment while taking in the rest of the bubble bath. He graciously scrubs your back with a wash cloth and you joke around and splash until the water turns colder. You shoo him out so you can get dressed and dry your hair, feeling refreshed and recharged. 
Returning to your bedroom, you’re pleased to see him waiting there in bed for you. On the bed also lies a hot water bottle looking full. Gladly you join him, snuggling close to his chest under the comfort of warm clean bed sheets. 
“Your toes are freezing!” He stammers as you try to warm them against his. 
“This is revenge for the hand incident” you think back to him using your breasts to warm his hands on a cold day, chasing you around your apartment with an evil grin. Begrudgingly he obliges this time, pulling you closer to him. 
“You really didn’t have to do all this you know” you whisper as he turns the tv on, flipping to Netflix turning on your show. He holds the hot water bottle up to your lower stomach, nuzzling his face into your shoulder lovingly.
“I know” he kisses the top of your head “but I did because I want to and you deserve it. You deserve the whole world.”
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bunnyywritings · 3 months
got my period this morning and it hurts so much, my entire body is like shaking because of these stupid cramps so i wrote up some period comfort with my favorite gentle giant mezo shoji
no warnings really, this is like college!au UA so… yeah, could be read as afab!reader, (y/n) used once?, shoji calls reader: honey, sweetheart, lovely, my love, i also think i mention the term “lady problems” and didn’t notice until now, that’s my bad, this is for ANYBODY who experiences a menstrual cycle
mezo shoji x afab!reader
Waking up to a blaring alarm was never pleasant, it was even less ideal when you body was throbbing in pain. As you shut it off and buried your face in your pillow, a suspicious slick feeling between your thighs made your stomach churn.
Reaching below the covers and feeling the damp fabric of your shorts was the final nail in the coffin. “Dammit…” you whined, slowly hauling yourself out of bed.
Luckily your sheets had been spared but you couldn’t say the same about your underwear.
So, you trudged to your drawer and picked out what you had dubbed your “period undies”, a comfortable pair that wouldn’t squeeze at your bloated tummy and covered in various stains that you had never successfully gotten rid of, a pair of comfortable sweats, and a baggy pullover you had stolen from Shoji.
On your way to the shared bathrooms, you texted Momo to ask her if she had any pads she could bring you, relieved when she promptly responded she’d bring you one asap.
So as you used the bathroom and cleaned yourself off, you wrapped your towel around your waist and met her outside the shower area.
“You are a lifesaver Mo…” You grinned, sheepishly taking the pad from her fingers.
“Oh don’t worry about it.” She scoffed a laugh. “Would you like me to make you some tea for after your shower?”
Your eyes watered, lips pulling down in a soft pout. “Yes please…”
“Okay.” She smiled, squeezing your hand before giving you your privacy.
After showering and changing, you finally made it back to your room and lo and behold, there was a mug of hot tea sitting on your desk and two midol capsules beside it.
You could cry.
Instead, you cranked the AC unit in your room, hoping Aizawa wouldn’t notice, and crawled into bed.
Scrolling through tiktok and sipping on your tea before being lulled into a nap.
Shoji was disappointed that he hadn’t seen you at breakfast but he just brushed it off as you having slept in.
But as the hours ticked by and the clock struck 12pm, he began to grow a little worried.
“Hey, Mina?”
The pinkette looked up from her switch and smiled up at Shoji. “What’s up?”
“Have you seen (Y/n), by chance?”
“Hmm no, I actually haven’t seen ‘em all morning. Sorry Shoji.”
“That’s alright, thanks.”
Just as he turned to walk back into the kitchen, he jumped at the sudden appearance before him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Momo smiled. “(Y/n) is probably still in bed. They started their period this morning.”
A few years ago, even the vaguest mentions of any “lady problems” would have sent Shoji into a flustered state but as he grew older and once he had been around more women, and you, he was a lot more educated on the things that you go through.
And at this new information, he frowned. He remembered how much pain you experience during your monthly and he grew worried. Especially since you hadn’t eaten yet.
“Got it, thanks Momo.”
So, he grabbed his keys and made a small trip.
The first stop was the vietnamese restaurant down the block, picking up some beef brisket pho and to the convenience store to stock up on few snacks he knew you craved during this time.
Once he returned to the dorm, he plated up your food and an iced barley tea and stacked it on top of a tray, heating up a hot water bottle and carrying it up to your room.
When he was met with silence when he knocked, he gently pushed the door open and there you were, curled up underneath your duvet, arms surely hugging your abdomen.
Lips turned downward and eyebrows pinched, he placed the tray down onto your desk and softly shook you from your sleep.
“Hmm?” Your sleepy grumbling was adorable, eyes squinting underneath the sudden light in your room. “Sho?”
“Yeah, honey…how’re you feeling?”He brushed your hair away from your face, hand falling down to cup your cheek.
“M’okay…cramps are really bad this time…”
“Mmm I’m sorry.” He cooed, loving how you leaned into the warmth of his hand.
“S’okay, not your fault.” You smiled, easing his worries, that’s when you turned your nose up and sniffed at the sudden aroma in the air. “Is that-“
“Pho? Yeah, I picked some up for you just now. Was worried that you hadn’t eaten anything.” His heart dropped when you looked up at him with teary eyes, worried he did something wrong.
“Sho…” Your bottom lip wobbled. “You went through all that trouble, for me?”
“Wasn’t any trouble at all, sweetheart. Anything for you.”
His tone was so reverent, you had no doubt he meant it. And it was true.
You could ask for the world on a silver platter and he’d move heaven and earth to do it for you.
“T-Thank…Thank you.” The tears poured over, spilling down your flushed cheeks.
“My love…”
“I’m sorry…don’t know why I’m crying.” You sat up, burying your face in your hands.
“Don’t apologize, lovely. I understand. Now, why don’t you scoot up a bit. I’ll sit behind you and you can eat something. Hmm?”
Content in doing so, you scooted up and let him settle behind you. His arms wrapping around your midsection, big hands holding the water bottle just below your lower stomach, loving the way you melted into him as you ate your late breakfast.
He loves to sit behind you when you were on your period so his body heat would ease the ache in your lower back.
Hooking his chin over your shoulder so he could watch you eat. You hated it but he loved seeing you eat.
There wasn’t really a specific reason. Maybe he just enjoyed seeing you be taken care of…regardless, he loved it.
He loved you.
Once you finished your fill, he placed the tray down on the floor by your bedside and laid down with you.
Knowing you loved being little spoon.
His hands had replaced the water bottle once it had cooled down, his finger tips kneading at your flesh, chuckling softly when you preened and basically purred like a little kitty cat.
“Let’s take a nap, hmm?” He muttered, littering kisses to the back of your neck.
“Sounds good to me…” You slurred, halfway under the spell of slumber.
And later on that evening, when you had bled through your sweats and onto the bedsheets, and his shorts, he quieted your embarrassed cries, shushing you with a tender kiss. He warmed up your towel and shooed you back to the showers, stripping your bed of its sheets and shedding his own shorts, opting to change into some sweats.
He simply put the soiled objects into the washing machine, on a cold cycle, and once your shower was finished, he scooped you up and brought you to his room. Giving you another one of his hoodies and pulling you into his bed.
Reassuring you that he wasn’t at all grossed out and you shouldn’t be embarrassed. There are some things you can’t control, and this was one of them.
Sheets could be washed or replaced, same with his clothing.
But you? You were the most precious thing on earth to him. Nothing could take that away.
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devildomdisaster · 3 years
Mc you're hurt! The case of the mistaken period. (Part 3: Mammon)
The last part of a request:
In which Mammon smells blood on the MC and thinks she is injured. But MC is just having her period.
Part 1: Diavolo, Part 2: Barbatos
Content warnings: Periods, Blood, Demons who are sometimes stupid when human biology is concerned.
When Mammon smells human blood, your blood he is frantic. He’d just stepped in after you were picking a fight with some lesser demons outside of RAD. Which was stupid Mc! Hot but Stupid!
He’d walked out of RAD minutes after you, strolling leisurely to the flowering tree you meet him under each day he walks home with you. Nothing should be different today. Only he walks in on three lesser demons advancing on you. And you, you ridiculous, stubborn, beautiful human are standing your ground, wicked twinkle in your eyes, taunting them. Throwing insults in the face of three beings who could snap you like a twig. Mammon is there just in time to jump between you and the first lunging demon. Full demon form, growl ripping from his chest. No one touches his human.
Mammon bats the first demon away easily. The other two take one look at their companion and beg Mammon for forgiveness. Mammon scoffs and waves them off, allowing them to pick up their unconscious friend before running off.
He turns to you, and you’re caught breathless in awe and fear at his display of power. ‘Hot,’ you think to yourself, shaking your head to quiet the inappropriate thought.
“What were ya thinkin Mc? Do ya realize how much danger you were in?” he demands.
“I-I didn’t. I…” you breath shakily. Latent fear washing over you as the dam of adrenaline breaks. Mammon sees you start to shake and immediately folds his wings away, demon form dissolving back into his more human appearance. He takes a hesitant step forwards and when you don’t back up he wraps you in his arms. Fingertips running soothingly up and down your back.
“Hey Mc, yer alright. I got ya. Ain’t no one gonna hurt you when I’m around.”
You pull yourself closer against his chest, shaking subsiding as he comforts you. “Don’t know what I was thinking,” you murmur against his chest “they just came outta nowhere and I knew I couldn’t outrun them. So-so I just figured if I could buy myself some time until you got here…”
“Hey, hey Mc, ya did good. That’s good thinkin what you did, no way they’d expect a human to stand her ground. Gave ‘em pause long enough for me to get to ya. Not to mention it was kinda hot to see ya hold yer own against them.”
That made you laugh against him “Take me home Mammon?”
He’s about to nod when he gets the first whiff of your blood and all-out panic consumes him. On your part, you know exactly what's happened. You can feel the blood drip out of you and you curse yourself for not wearing a panty liner this morning. Mammon’s guiding you to an arms-length distance from him. Still holding tightly to your upper arms he begins to search for the source of your blood. He lifts your arms up one after the other to search for cuts, finding nothing obvious he begins to panic more as the smell of blood gets stronger.
“Mammon I-”
He let those demons go because they hadn’t touched you, but now? Now that he can smell your blood he swears he’s gonna hunt them down and make them wish they’d never been spawned. But first, he’s gotta get you help. “We gotta get you back to the house!” He cuts you off “Figure out where you're bleeding from when we get there.” He’s picking you up and cradling you in his arms before you can get another word out.
“Mammon!” you squeak as he shifts to his demon form again, and takes off into the air to get you to the house of Lamentation quicker.
“S'alright human, I’ll get ya help. Where’s it hurt Mc?”
Half distracted by flying in his arms for the first time you can hardly process his words. “Hurt? Mammon I don’t. I’m not hurt, I-”
“Course you are, I can smell your blood. Shit. Must be worse than I thought if ya can’t tell me where you're hurt.”
“Mammon I’m not bleed- fuck,” you realize. He’s smelling your period. That’s mortifying. “Ok so I am bleeding but it’s not what you think. It’s just my period.”
He swoops down to land in front of the house of Lamentation, “Mc, I don’t know what that is but there's a lot of blood so we gotta-”
“No! Mammon! I’m not hurt!”
He looks at you like you're crazy, thinks maybe blood loss has made you loopy. “Mc…?”
“S’just my period Mammon!...er menstrual cycle?” you try. Relief floods through you as a look of dawning realization come over his face, followed closely by a look of horror as he realizes how much of a fool he’s just been.
“You know what that is?” you ask, needing to know that he doesn’t still think you’re dying.
“Sorta. Mean it’s somethin human bodies do when they ain’t pregnant. But the blood?”
“Yeah, the blood's part of it. I thought I had a few more days till it started but, guess not.”
“So you ain’t hurt treasure?”
“No. I’m not hurt.”
“I thought those demons…”
“I know. Thanks for taking such good care of me Mammon.”
“Course, I can’t let nothing happen to ya treasure,” he’s silent for a moment and then “I know the blood’s part of it and all, but where’s it come from?”
You feel your cheeks heat up in a wave of embarrassment, “i-it’s the uterine lining Mammon.” You gesture to your lower body and between your legs.
“Oh right, yeah. That makes sense.” Red blooms across his face but he takes your hand and leads you inside anyway. “You wanna get cleaned up treasure? Then we can watch a movie or somethin?”
“Thanks, Mammon, that’d be nice.”
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anders-hawke · 3 years
Hey, loaf! Based on that post from the other day, would you be up for writing something where Scully finds out she is infertile in s2?
Yeah, I can do that for you, loaf. 💓 I definitely took this prompt and ran away with it kjsdhfjsdhf. The first section fulfills the prompt but the rest leads into an AU because I decided that I don’t want to hurt my Scullybaby <3.
The doctors all agreed that once her body readjusted, her menstrual cycle would follow suit. It was irregular before due to birth control but she’s been off it since she was... Scully hates to even think the word. It’s been months since Mulder stopped looking at her as if a simple hand on her back could break her, and her menstrual cycle isn’t even irregular—she just doesn’t have one anymore.
It’s baffled all the doctor’s she’s seen. Scully writes it off as an effect of whatever experiments were done to her and accepts her doctors’ conclusions that there’s nothing to be done about it unless she’s interested in having children.
The idea hasn’t crossed her mind much, aside from a distant yearning when she’s with her godson. She always assumed that she’d have kids one day after she fell in love with the right guy. Scully doesn’t know what she wants for her future anymore. All she knows is that she wants justice, and she wants the truth—both for herself and for Mulder.
Her newfound infertility is...something. She doesn’t want more pity. If she was stifled after her—if she was stifled before, Scully can only imagine that if she tells Mulder and her family that she can’t get pregnant it’ll be worse. The—what happened to her is something she can move on from, but this is not.
She’s experiencing early menopause, her doctor declares. It seems so final. She cries herself to sleep and goes into work the next day as if the shards of her future haven’t been ground to dust.
Though she’d tried not to give any of this much thought, she’d somehow assumed that the chip had been inhibiting the release of her ova for an unknown reason—maybe propagation is counterintuitive to Their agenda, who knows—but to find out that she didn’t have any, that all her chances at motherhood were gone... It’s a grief unlike any other.
Allentown. The name sends shivers down her spine if she so much as thinks of it. Flashes of her abduction (say it say it say it, don’t let them control you, you’re stronger than the trauma) and the knowledge that all the women at the MUFON meeting had chips and fertility issues and cancer... She takes off the next day and books an appointment with an oncologist.
The scans come back negative. The women said it could take up to two years to appear, though. Scully prays to God that it never happens.
She’ll never be a mother. Some days it hits harder than others. Some days she wishes that she could lay her head down and wake up in a world where she and Mulder have the lives they always wanted. She feels so violated and so disrespected, some days. On those days, she lashes out at Mulder, tries to leave him and this life of lies behind, but she can’t.
He’s not someone she can just walk away from.
These are the days that she smokes. These are the days that she calls up Ellen and asks for all the gossip she’s amassed. These are the days she gets drunk over the phone with her friend and spills secrets that no one else gets to know. Trent’s turning eight, Danes. I’m infertile, El. It’s funny how the person she sees the least knows the most about what’s happened to her.
These are also the days when she hits the town and drinks until she forgets. Sometimes she’ll go home with someone for the night and leave early in the morning, Mulder on her mind. He doesn’t know. He can’t know. It would break him even though it’s not about him, even though it’s not his fucking life.
She wakes up to a nosebleed and prays to God that he’ll give her a few more months to live. Just until Mulder’s ready, she thinks, tears running down her face as she holds a wad of tissues to her nose. Just until he’s ready to let go. He’s been such a constant in her life, such a tether. When things get bad, they go their separate ways, but they always come back to each other and find their balance.
It makes sense for him to be the first person to see confirmation of her cancer. It feels like the final blow. First, they take away her ability to make life, and then they take away her own life. She’s made her peace with it.
Mulder hasn’t—he refuses to do so. Standing there in the hospital hallway days later, Scully lets herself love him. His lips are soft against her chapped ones and her edges feel burned and frayed, but his love keeps her together.
“I found something, Scully,” he murmurs when their kiss has faded into an embrace with her head on his chest.
Her brows furrow. “What do you mean?”
“I found your ova.” There’s so much going on in that four letter sentence that it bowls her over.
“You—you did?”
“I took as many vials as I could and got them into a freezing container. I shipped them off to the Gunmen before I came here. They can keep them safe for when you get better.”
Scully’s chin starts to tremble and she presses her face into Mulder’s chest. “What if I never do?”
He cups her cheeks and gently makes her face him. “I won’t let that happen.”
She wants to believe him with all her heart. “I want to believe...” she whispers, a tear streaking down her cheek.
“Give me your fear,” he tells her, “and believe. I need you to believe.”
She nods against his chest.
Scully cries when she gives him the news of her remission, pulling Mulder into her embrace and showering his head with kisses and thank yous. He’s given her a second chance at life, but more than that, a chance at motherhood.
(“Dana, I have excellent news for you: your cancer is shrinking. You’re going into remission.” And then, when the shock and the joy had run their immediate courses: “It also seems that, in due time, your menstrual cycle will resume, so no worries on that end.”)
It’ll be months before she can truly start the process but she already feels lighter than ever before.
She waits a week after her return to work to ask him. They’re at his apartment, Scully curled against him as the movie’s credits roll. “Mulder,” she whispers, checking to see if he’s asleep.
“Hm?” He rolls his head to crack his neck.
“Will you make a baby with me?”
He looks down at her, eyes wide. “What?”
“I’ve been seeing a fertility doctor, a friend of mine. She’s examined the ova—along with several of her colleagues—and declared them viable.” Scully can’t keep the tremulous smile off her face as she gives him the news. “She said that I just have to secure a donor to begin the treatment plan. I want that donor to be you. I mean, you practically threw yourself at me in Home last year...”
She traces her finger along the back of his hand, looking away to give him some space. After a moment, he says, “You want me to...to be part of that equation?”
Scully takes a deep breath and sits up so that their faces are level, shaking her head. “I want to have kids with you.” She maneuvers one leg between his thigh and the arm of the couch so she’s straddling him, and sits down on his thighs. “I want you to be the father of my kids.”
Mulder gazes at her like a lost puppy until she reaches out to wipe away a tear trailing along his cheek. “Me?”
She nods and cups his cheeks. “You.”
He nods with her, a smile spreading across his lips. “Okay.”
“Yeah! Yeah.”
They’ve been reduced to monosyllabic words in their joy, giving up on words all together as they fade into deliriously happy teary-eyed laughter. Scully leans forward and kisses him.
To no one’s surprise and Bill’s chagrin, she tugs Mulder along to her family’s Christmas gathering at her brother’s place in San Diego. Emily’s existence only reaffirms their decision to do IVF together and their relationship. They’ve been more of a team than ever, and perhaps that’s what saves Emily in the end.
Mulder and Scully put off all the major changes they were planning to make in favor of giving Em time to adjust to her new life. She clings to them until she gets familiarized with everything, until “Dana” and “Mul’er” phase into “Mommy” and “Daddy”.
He learns how to make chocolate chip pancakes with his eyes half-closed at six in the morning. They both learn car seats like the back of their hands. They get used to this new life where the only reason they wake up in the middle of the night is to comfort their daughter and not board a red-eye flight for a case.
Scully’s known that Mulder’s a thorough person when he wants to be since they met. What she didn’t know is that he’s also extremely sappy. He kisses her frequently for no reason in the office, and his porn mag collection has been replaced by a stack of books on IVF and pregnancy and childhood developmental stages. He has a calendar tacked to the wall next to his door with all the important dates on it.
They tell Skinner about their relationship and the IVF in confidence, filling him in on all the relevant things to their decision to leave the X-Files. The department must go on, but they can’t be the ones to breath life into them with Emily and a baby. Skinner says he knows “some excellent agents” that can fill their roles.
Mulder goes with her to every appointment, even if he can only sit outside in the waiting room until he’s called in. He holds her hand during every comprehensive pregnancy test that’s done, and kisses away her tears when they come back negative.
They look at apartments together when they find the time between Emily and their new assignments, and sometime between moving in and starting Em with her new pre-school, something wonderful happens. When the test comes back positive, they both start crying at the clinic.
“You’re really okay with passing on the torch?” she asks in bed that night once Emily’s sacked out.
He nods against her forehead, his hand on her belly. “I’ve spent my whole life looking for Samantha, but I’ve never let her move on. Maybe she doesn’t want to be found. Maybe she’s dead. Maybe I’ll never find out. But I can’t pursue the answer to the question of what happened to her at the cost of everything else. You’re the one who taught me that there’s more to life than trying to solve mysteries.”
Scully nuzzles his nose. “You taught me something, too.”
“You taught me how to have the courage to believe.”
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samwrights · 4 years
Two Little Lines
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Let’s just keep playing around with the pregnancy/baby theme, shall we? 😂😈 it’s going to be on the fluffier side, however, we are gonna sprinkle in some very mild NSFW. And we got real angsty with Kenma and we’re just gonna make em all real long. Sorry this took me a few days to do!
Let’s be honest, Kenma would be the cautious one that would more so plan for pregnancy.
Life’s going great for Kenma—great job, cushy life, hot wife??? How did he get so lucky?
Cause he’s cute af that’s how
He was finally ready to add another player to the party.
However, life can’t always be perfect and apparently neither can the two of you trying for a baby.
For the last year and a half now, Friday nights were your thing. No streaming, no work, no phone calls. You and Kenma—that’s it. And while he definitely had become very explorative in that time, every negative pregnancy test was wearing his drive down.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that Kenma isn’t a fan of going to the doctor, even to check on how his little swimmers are doing. “If it’s not meant to be, we’ll find another way.” But you could tell it was breaking his heart a little bit.
Frisky Friday’s became fragile Friday’s, in which the two of you really just cuddled in bed together, fireplace lit, and talked about hopeful dreams of finally having a child together, until one of you hopefully got in the mood.
Shit, this whole ordeal was even making your marriage rough. Kenma had been so hard on himself lately that he could barely look at you, which caused you to start to feel insecure, causing the both of you to fight.
It’s Friday night. No streaming, no work, and no phone calls. That was how it was supposed to be. But instead, Kenma is naked in bed atop the comforter, playing with his switch.
It’s pissing you off.
“I don’t know what you wanna do anymore, Kenma. Do you even want a family? Do you even want to be with me anymore?”
“Why would you even say that?” It’s Friday night. The two of you are supposed to be hanging out in bed, naked and just being together, not picking fights with each other. But since that seems to be the case, you see Kenma flush with anger.
“Maybe because you’re playing Animal Crossing instead of looking at me??” Your husband sighs before putting his switch on the night stand before taking down the loose knot that his hair typically resides in. He’s anxious. “You’re acting like I’m not upset about this too.”
As you’re talking to him, you cautiously clamber over him, your face filled with raw emotion. And, after being married for the better half of a decade, you can see what he’s feeling. Failure, distress, and pain were only the start of it. “Please, Kenma. One more time, and we’ll start looking at other options.”
Apparently one more time was all it took, according to the three pregnancy tests you’d taken a month later. Seeing those two little lines on one of the tests that your husband had bought in bulk sent your heart into palpitations. You were going to be a mom.
Kenma comes home from work that Friday—you decided to surprise him. “What do you want to do tonight Kenma?”
??? “Honey, it’s Friday. Don’t we usually...” he stops. Either you were giving up on trying, which you two would have discussed, or... “wait, you don’t mean...”
Holding up the positive pregnancy test, you begin to cry. Kenma does too.
“Baby Kozume has joined the party.”
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Only the two of you would get pregnant while having an IUD implant. Literally, that was just your luck. But it was still possible.
Which you had yet to tell Kuroo—at the moment you were thankful the two of you weren’t cohabitating yet because you were able to hide your unbearable morning sickness.
You were at least waiting to see your doctor to have your IUD removed before telling him, mostly out of fear but also because, if he did notice your morning sickness, you could pawn it off as symptoms of the removal.
You hoped that this wouldn’t take too long or as be as painful as it was going in, but then again you were going to be pushing a human out in nearly 8 months.
It’s a Wednesday afternoon; Kuroo has already finished classes for the day while you’re still out at your appointment. He did have a key to your appointment, but it was strange that you weren’t home considering you didn’t have classes.
He wasn’t gonna call you out on it though—Kuroo trusted you. Instead, he opted to just rummaging around your apartment, cleaning up dishes that were left standing in the sink and making lunch for the two of you.
The minute you walked through your door, the smell of his cooking wafted through the air and absolutely did not agree with you or the baby’s sense of smell. “Fuck,” you grit out before bolting to the bathroom to hurl.
??? = Kuroo.
“Babe? You okay?” Your response was more vomiting, which was apparent both by sound and by visual—you hadn’t even closed the door to the bathroom and Kuroo got to witness the scene clear as day.
In comfort, Kuroo rubs your lower back in an attempt to coax the remaining bile from your body. Disturbing, was the only way Kuroo could describe it, considering you rarely ever puked. In the last six years of dating, he’s only seen it once while you drunk.
When the nausea finally passed, Kuroo cleaned your face up with a warm rag before sitting you on his knee while he sat at the edge of the tub. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“That, actually.”
“What?” Kuroo’s a smart guy, however it took him a few minutes to decipher your two word puzzle. “Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah, I was gonna tell you today, actually. I just had to go get my IUD removed.” For a moment he’s stunned—the IUD was supposed to be nearly foolproof. But nearly is the key word.
“Babe, you’re pregnant! Holy shit, I gotta call Kenma and Bo and tell them they’re gonna be uncles!” 💀💀💀
“Sooo, you’re okay with it...?” After all, there was a reason you had chosen to go with an IUD after your guys’ last pregnancy scare two years ago.
After all, being a freshman in college wasn’t necessarily an ideal time to start a family.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He balks.
“Because we’re college students that still have another year to graduate?” You deadpan as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“And? Now we’re gonna be married college graduates with little baby Kuroo.” M a r r i e d?
“I think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself, Tetsu.”
“What, you don’t wanna marry me?” For a minute, his face contorts with...confusion? Sadness? Anger? A myriad of all the above? “I’ve wanted to marry you since high school.”
“Is this a proposal?”
“The rings been in my gym bag since senior year.”
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Akaashi Keiji, contrary to popular opinion, was a real romantic.
Even as college students, while your focus should be on your studies, Akaashi never slacked on making you feel special and loved. He knew it, you knew it, and your poor neighbors that shared the wall between your bedrooms knew it.
Kinda made it awkward when the two of you would leave for class and you’d meet your neighbors’ eyes in the apartment hallway. But ya know, it is what it is.
Honestly, it’s too challenging not to go at it every day when your boyfriend is the sweetest, most endearing human to walk the planet.
But enough gushing about Akaashi. Four years into your relationship, you had never felt so off in your life. The last three weeks, all you wanted to do was sleep and eat, you couldn’t focus on anything at all. You couldn’t even have sex with Akaashi.
You know, your wonderful partner that you literally boned everyday? Yeah.
It felt like a permanent, three week PMS for a period that never came. Not that that was entirely abnormal for you—intense amounts of stress can throw off your menstrual cycle and stress was certainly no stranger to you.
But no. You knew your body and you knew it well. Something was wrong.
Just in case things went awry, you scheduled a doctor’s appointment with Keiji’s knowledge. After all, it could very well be nothing and there was no point in causing your man to worry.
“Miss, were you aware that you’re nearly six weeks pregnant?” 💀💀💀 obviously not, doc.
Not entirely convinced, whether because you’re a tad dense or because you really just don’t want to believe the doctor, you swing by a local drug store to grab a test. Just in case, like somehow the doctor would be wrong.
Thankfully, you get home before Akaashi is back from work for the evening, giving you the privacy of seeing your results with your own eyes. Even though you literally could go look at the results and notes from your doctors visit, but ya know.
You don’t even know how long you sat on the floor of your shared bathroom, just staring at the two little lines. You didn’t even realize Akaashi came home.
He calls your name, at first not necessarily concerned that the only light in the apartment was peeking from under the bathroom door. But with no answer, he calls out your name again. No answer. “Honey, is it okay if I come in?”
“Y-yeah?” You aren’t really sure how to answer. How the hell was Akaashi going to react? You guys didn’t have time for a kid?? You’re completely zoned out, staring blankly at the bathtub in front of you. Lowkey, you’re freaking out Akaashi.
Even more so when he sees your hand loosely cradling the pregnancy test—judging by your reaction, he knows what the result is. But he can’t think of anything to say, what is there even to say?
He’s not upset, no. Shocked? Obviously. Mad, not at all considering he’s just as much responsible. The “R” word is what triggers him.
Responsible, in the sense that in less than a year, the two of you were going to be parents. It swelled joy within him. While the two of still had yet to speak, Akaashi comes to your side, sliding down the wall to sit beside you before wrapping his arms around you.
“So, are you hoping for a boy or a girl?”
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