joyyywd · 4 years
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Reposted from @cudithecorgi This is super uncomfortable + awkward for me, but I am going to ask for help. I have set up a Go Fund Me and the link is in my bio. I’ve see the amazing magic of the online community and If you can’t donate, it would mean the world to me if you can share my story. 🙏🏼✨ I should have asked for help sooner, but I was too proud. Instead, I have suffered silently, and now it has gotten more difficult. On top of the medical debt I am in from my accident in 2017, I cannot afford health care at this time. I am very scared. I push through, and live day to day, wondering when I may reach a breaking point and need emergency care without access to my therapist or psychiatrist. Unfortunately, the alternative and the only way I could access health care is to quit my job (which I do not want to do) and apply for SSI income (disability via Social Security). It is so unfair that is has come to this. A big part of why we moved to SoCal is because, while the same cost of living in NYC, the quality of life is far better for me. I can be more independent and do not have to rely on the subway. The weather is also a big mood booster ☀️ I’m happy to share more of my story with anyone who wants to learn more. Since my accident, I am not shy about sharing my health struggles (physical and mental) because it has shaped who I am in such a huge way, for better or worse. I don’t wish this on anyone. If you can’t donate, I completely understand. We are all facing such hard times with COVID-19. I do hope everyone will VOTE. Vote Democrat. Even if you do not like Biden! If those of us who are most vulnerable in this country are to have a fighting chance, we must elect the democratic candidate and hold him accountable! We NEED medicare for all. This is literally life and death for millions of Americans. Anyways, if you donate (or even if you do not donate) we are also trying to support USPS and will mail a Cudi sticker (@shukicomics) if you message us ☺️ I only have 50 stickers from the amazing $9.99 Stickermule deal last week 😝 so get them while they are hot 💥 again, the stickers are FREE- so it you want one, just send me a message 💕 #gofundme #mentalhealthc https://www.instagram.com/p/CED_JFxh4va/?igshid=11yzgfdcg8xjs
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What's today's #magicelixir 😃 Water 💦 & Disconnection 🎧 #goodforthesoulfood ..... #outofmyheadday #mentalhealthcation #soulfullypresent soulfullypresent #redefiningsoulfood #goraleigh #raleigh #raleighyall #raleighvegans #raleighcaterer #raleighvegancaterer #veganlifestyle #vegancookbooks #veganrecipes #veganlife #vegan #herbs #herbsarelove #herbalifestyle #herblife #transitionaleating #healingfoods
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adelphipsych · 7 years
A dramatic crisis ended in a murder-suicide on October 22, 2016, according to Channel News Asia. The causes of the two deaths have been recently confirmed by the coroner’s report. The sad situation draws attention to the need for early detection and prompt treatment for mental health issues.
A History of Abuse
Forty-six-year-old Wang Chan Foo, also called Ongko Widjojo, was a husband and father to two children, ages 13 and 7. There had been complaints of domestic abuse in the home previously, including a report from the wife. In 2011, she went to a Family Service Centre to report physical and verbal abuse that had been ongoing since 2006. She also told the care worker that her husband threw all the children’s books from the window of the flat. According to the daughter, Mr. Wang used to throw things at his wife when the couple argued. He would punish the children physically in fits of anger. After more instances of physical abuse, which left bruises, Mr. Wang’s wife initiated a separation from her husband in 2012. She took the children with her.
A Fateful Reunion
At the time of her death, the woman was living with her two kids in Toa Payoh. They met with Mr. Wang at their Novena Suites unit each weekend because of the children’s tuition classes. On the evening of October 22, 2016, Mr. Wang told the children to wait for him in the lift lobby while he spoke with their mother. After waiting for three hours, the daughter finally contacted police in tears. The police entered the family unit and discovered that the 44-year-old mother had died from several stab wounds.
On the roof of the building, Mr. Wang stood at the edge. In spite of the efforts of a crisis negotiation team and a group of police officers, the man leaned forward and fell to his death at 7:12 p.m.
The Cause of the Crisis
In the family unit, investigators also found notes written by Mr. Wang to his children, apparently before he killed her. The notes directed the children to “listen to your mother” in the event that “Papa is no longer around,” indicating that although he planned to kill himself, he did not originally plan to kill his wife.
According to further investigation by police, Mr. Wang was dealing with terrible insomnia and deep depression. A month before the murder-suicide, he overdosed on red wine and sleeping pills and was sent to a hospital. A note that he wrote to his sister at that time reveals his despair and his wish for death.
Getting Help Before It’s Too Late
Do you sometimes feel irrationally angry or deeply sad and hopeless? Do you know someone who has been repeatedly abusive to others? Don’t wait until the situation turns tragic. Seek help today from a profession psychiatrist in Singapore. The mental health care team at Adelphi Psych Medicine Clinic is ready to offer help and hope, along with effective treatments and holistic therapies. Call us today to get help with a mental health care crisis in your family!
News Feed from Adelphi Psych Medicine Clinic
Source: Channel News Asia, March 22, 2017
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adelphipsych · 7 years
Is there someone in your life who seems to have no concept of social norms, no conscience, or no empathy? You may be tempted to classify such a person as a psychopath or a sociopath.
Before you label the individual, discover the difference between these terms and learn about better ways to refer to this kind of disorder. An article published on WebMD offers a succinct, clear explanation of the differences between psychopaths and sociopaths.
The Psychopath
Most people have a conscience, a small voice inside that tells them when something is right or wrong. A psychopath has no conscience. He may seem charming and intelligent on the surface, but he wouldn’t feel any remorse about stepping on you to climb the corporate ladder, or stealing your money to make himself richer. According to L. Michael Tompkins, a psychologist at the Sacramento County Mental Health Treatment Center, psychopaths are “skilled actors whose sole mission is to manipulate people for personal gain.”
The Sociopath
A sociopath is more rash and hot-headed, often acting cruelly or selfishly and then making excuses for the behaviour later on. The sociopath has a conscience, but it’s so weak that it has no effect on his behaviour. Both the sociopath and the psychopath suffer from a lack of empathy. They cannot sense or imagine how their actions might make others feel.
The Fear Factor
Should you be afraid of someone in your life who lacks a conscience or empathy? If you watch TV and movies, you have probably seen many villains depicted as sociopaths or psychopaths, ready to hurt or kill someone at the slightest provocation.
According to WebMD, most real-life psychopaths and sociopaths are not violent. However, they can be ruthlessly manipulative, reckless, and calculating, ready to use anyone or anything to achieve their end goals. For some, that may be receiving a promotion, gaining a coveted reward or possession, or achieving power over someone. In some cases, violence can become a factor; but it isn’t the go-to option for most individuals with this disorder. You’re more likely to be hurt by the fact that the sociopath or the psychopath in your life really doesn’t care about you as a person— only what he or she can get from you.
The Preferred Terminology
You probably won’t hear a psychiatrist in Singapore call someone a sociopath or a psychopath. Instead, the official diagnosis would likely be “antisocial personality disorder.” It’s a milder, less fear-inducing term to refer to someone with an under-developed sense of right and wrong. Be very careful before calling someone a psychopath or a sociopath. You could damage relationships, incite that person’s anger, or cause harm in other ways.
No Case Too Hard for Hope
At Adelphi Psych Medicine Clinic, you’ll find some of the top psychiatrists in Singapore. Our team is dedicated to the rehabilitation of even the most troubled individuals, along with their eventual reintegration into society as healthy citizens. We believe that treatment, medication, and therapy can help reduce the symptoms of mild, moderate, or severe mental illnesses.
If you believe that someone in your life needs to be monitored and treated for a mental health condition, please contact Adelphi Psych Medicine Clinic immediately. Our Singapore psychiatrist and his team will evaluate your friend or loved one’s case and develop a plan for treatment and medication as needed. With professional intervention, your loved one may have a much brighter future than you anticipated.
News Feed from Adelphi Psych Medicine Clinic
Source: WebMD, 24 August, 2014
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