devyndraws · 5 years
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“My lost lover’s locket returned to me on the anniversary of him vanishing. His picture seemingly torn out in a frenzy. With my face, 3 years younger, staring back to me. The scent of freshly turned soil and pine trees lingered in the room. My bedroom window had been left wide open — the moon shining back at me, full with a secret she refused to tell me.”
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bxckynat · 6 years
Where it Began.
Hey guys! I entered in the Buckynat Mini Bang from @fuckyeahbuckynatasha and my work (with beautiful artwork provided by @meowmersdev ) is officially up!
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Summary: Natasha studies James after Avengers 4/defeating Thanos. She recollects on meeting James for the first time, and the moments they spent together in the Red Room before being separated, wondering and hoping he remembers her and the relationship they had.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15432558
I had an amazing time doing this, and I hope you all enjoy!
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devyndraws · 6 years
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“Where you go, I will always follow, Your Highness.” 
Knight Bucky based on how I imagine him in @invisibleanonymousmonsters ‘s Heart of Steel , which I’ll say again, is so glorious and heart-wrenching I could always weep from it. 
Playlist for this artwork | Instagram | Patreon | other ways to connect <3
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devyndraws · 5 years
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A lost lover’s letter, magic, betrayal, something wicked....💀🥀🍂 A series of illustrations dedicated to my favorite themes and era.
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devyndraws · 7 years
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Drift on
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