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@meowyautistickitten you didn't explicitly say, but I'm gonna limit myself to books with a butch or masculine woman as a primary protagonist. Since you didn't specify genre, I'll try to give a variety, and I'll focus on characters who think about themselves in butch or masculine terms, rather than just those with a butch or masculine style.
Backwards to Oregon is a historical romance novel about a woman named Luke who lives primarily as a man and is traveling the Oregon trail in the hopes of starting a horse ranch. She has a run in with a prostitute named Nora and her young daughter and, on an impulse, offers to marry Nora so that her daughter can grow up with legitimacy and better prospects. What follows is a very sweet romance obstructed by the fact that Luke is desperate to keep her true gender hidden from Nora, while Nora is desperate to figure out what the fuck Luke's deal is and how she can make sure she and her daughter don't get abandoned. You could probably construct an argument for Luke being transmasc of some variety, but my read was very much that Luke's main objection to being perceived as a woman is all the limits that would put on her behavior - they wouldn't let a woman wear pants and be one of the boys, after all. Be aware that this is set during the US westward expansion and is not particularly interested in interrogating the ethics and politics of that movement. It's not egregiously racist towards native Americans, but their voices definitely aren't being centered. Also, on account of being an older book, some of the ways the author writes about gender read weird to a modern audience.
She Who Became the Sun is historical fantasy fiction following Zhu, a peasant girl in Yuan dynasty China who steals the identity of her dead brother to try to avoid her prophecied fate of oblivion, and winds up involved in a rebel movement. This one has romance, but is much more focused on political and military maneuvering, with a large emphasis on interpersonal conflict. Fair warning that the time period is both brutal and quite prejudiced, and Zhu is absolutely ruthless. Zhu is also much more gender ambiguous, not necessarily butch - her modes of behavior with people who know that she is not a cis man, and the ways she thinks about herself, read to me as some shade of nonbinary.
The Traitor Baru Cormorant follows the titular Baru as she works to infiltrate the government of the imperial power that colonized her homeland and bring it down from within. The series deals extensively with gendered expression and expectations and how those vary across cultural lines - I don't know that I'd call Baru strictly butch, but she definitely enjoys playing a masculine role from time to time, with one of her plots later in the series hinging on the fact that a particular culture would consider her a man because of how she acts and presents herself. This is probably my favorite series of all time; if you somehow hadn't heard about it from me already, be warned that these books deal extensively with colonialism, homophobia, sexism, and racism, and they don't pull any punches. The first book will probably break your heart - if you don't do well with tragedies, then approach with caution.
Hopefully one of those sparks your interest! Thanks for the ask :)
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stormysapphic · 3 months
I included education sciences on the basis of working in a library
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oooh that's so cool❣️ working in a library has actually always been my #2 dream job, after teaching :')
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myautisticpov · 6 years
@autism-significantly-spicy replied to your quote “As well as that, the grasp of how an autistic teen sees / feels things...”
...teenagers are inconsistent....?
@meowyautistickitten replied to your quote “As well as that, the grasp of how an autistic teen sees / feels things...”
Wait but I am inconsistent in how I see/feel things - I have good and bad days and days where everything hurts and days where nothing does
Yeah, for context, the comment was made on a trilogy of books where the main character starts out at age 14 and finishes at age 17. She also starts going through burnout in the third book.
So, yeah, I write her having good and bad days because that’s how I exist, and I also wrote her growing up/going through burnout.
I generally don’t talk about comments/reviews of my writing because I don’t really think that I belong in 99% of discussion around my books.
Buuuuuuut as a queer, autistic woman writing about queer, autistic women, I’m starting to think that there may be a little bit of talking to be done about how people talk about marginalised characters written by marginalised creators. Yes, there are basic “I don’t like girls kissing!” or “the author never explained why so many characters are autistic!” reviews, but I’m definitely more bothered lately by the “I know this author’s lived experience better than they do” reviews that spend a lot of time fixating on how believably I, an autistic wlw, write autistic women and wlw...
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rottenbutrecovering · 6 years
Hi I was wondering if any of your followers have dependent pd? I have an acquaintance who needs someone to talk to
I’ll post this so they can contact you!
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xtoxictears · 7 years
meowyautistickitten replied to your photo: My sleeping schedule has been all over the place...
By any chance are you bipolar? If not, have you considered the possibility you could be/looked into bipolar? (Don’t know your mental health but this sounds so familiar as someone with bipolar lmao)
Mm I don’t think so! There are a few people very close to me who do have it and I’m quite far from like.. I don’t know how to word it. I don’t display the same syptoms I guess?
I do have issues with just general depression though, so thats a bother. And I have some pretty horrendous concentration issues. I’m like, 99.99999999999999% sure I have something in the realm of ADHD (almost certainly has it as a child too but I was never diagnosed, parents never felt the need to bring me to the doctor which I definitely get and I’m kinda glad of for child-me, but causes issues now lmao). Doctors in the UK just do nooot take adult ADHD seriously.
I actually went in to the doctors about it a few years ago, and back then I didn’t know anything about the medication and got treated like a damn drug addict or something and I was SUPER fucking confused because they practically threw antidepressants at me like candy but got super fucking weird with me when I asked about the possibility of help for my concentration issues. x_x  I tried getting help for it a few times and just never got anywhere so that absolutely blows. 
Weirdly they also won’t try me on literally the only antidepressant I’d be willing to try (Wellbutrin) - I have literally NO idea why for this one, I’m not aware of it being possible to use it recreationally so like ??? why tho?? lmao. Prozac was practically forced on me (an exaggeration, but ya get me) but it feels like anything that could actually help me is just a massive no-no so I’ve given up and I’m just trying to deal with it all the best I can. Which.. is apparently not very well ffs LOL
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alvierdri · 4 years
I was tagged by @trauma-rat to do this fun little game. (Thank you I really love being tagged in things I get like 0 interaction on this site most of the time)
First: Google Your name+core+aesthetic
Ex: andromedacore aesthetic (andycore was really boring)
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Post the pictures and then answer these questions!
nickname:Andy, mostly this is what I get called💜
zodiac: Cancer sun Gemini moon Rising Scorpio
languages: just English, I can understand a little bit of Spanish and speak it vaguely
season: Fall or spring
scent: fresh print, like the smell of ink on fresh hot paper. Fucking that’s the shit 🤩🤩🤩
animals: aaah. I can never decide. I love a fennec fox (or any fox) see also hedgehogs and otter.
fictional characters: Current: Idk
But my for always include Sam from stargate sg-1 and jack and like the entire team basically.
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Hot tea especially cinnamon apple flavors or hot chocolate with peppermint in it with whip cream on top.
average sleep: haha there is no average idk 4-6 hrs maybe
dogs or cats: Cats holy shit cats are my babies. I love them so much
blankets: I sleep with two and a sheet it’s really about the pressure for me it’s gotta be heavyyy.
dream trip: I want to live in a Van and travel with my boyfriend. We’ve talked about getting married at one of the spots we come across.
blog established: Oh fuck like 2014-2015?
followers:I don’t know last time I looked we bounced around 420 it was funny to me.
random fact about me: I do yoga now as just one of my many attempts to do something for my anxiety disorder.
I’m gonna tag @adifondra @sxriel and @meowyautistickitten ! (You don’t have to do this just thought it was something to do!)
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meowyautistickitten · 7 years
I just remembered that there was one clear obvious traditional time I was bullied...sohp year in high school by another guy in band...and I feel uncomfortable...having been the target of idk normal? bullying...id forgotten it happened ..I remember the comments from elementary school...but not the being laughed at and made fun of until I cried and hid in the stairwell
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chinquix · 7 years
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@meowyautistickitten i actually love mightyena & houndoom equally, but i really wanted to draw that fun tail! and doublade is one of the few pokemon whos middle evo is my favourite
send me a type and i’ll draw my favourite pokemon!
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@meowyautistickitten Yeah, I figured, but I also figured you wouldn’t mind me using your comment to expand on my point. I suspect that the habitual ritual is also why I have been drawn to UU churches and Jewish Synagogues throughout the years. Ritual patterning is deeply comforting for most humans.
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purplespacecats · 7 years
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@meowyautistickitten thanks for um. Clarifying that / confirming that that's a reasonable statement most people believe. Got it ok
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xtoxictears · 7 years
mythmoon replied to your post “meowyautistickitten replied to your photo: My...”
Have you seen psychiatrist? They know more about medications for mental illness.
I waited 6 months for an appointment to finally see a psychiatrist only to completely forget said appointment because I happened to be in an especially bad mental state at the time. Which puts me right back to having to wait another 6 months..T___T lmao. I know its my own fault for forgetting but STILL, COME ON.
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pisagnome · 5 years
Hey I saw you’re in Lexington is that still true?
No, but still pretty close. I live in Frankfort now :)
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@meowyautistickitten Both of those sound perfectly plausible! Fortunately, the flour was brown rice flour, so the bread was going to be a good color regardless, and it ended up crushing over fine. I don’t know if it was there to react to yeast or not. The dough ~seemed~ to rise perfectly well on it’s own, but it was still super dense, so who knows! Maybe I’ll try the recipe with the sugar next time just to see what the difference is.
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@grapefruittwostep We keep talking about getting us all together now that you’re nearby, so maybe baking practice is a good excuse to do it! Either way, I would definitely take any advice you have! To my extremely inexperienced eye, the major difference seems to be trying to figure out what to substitute in order to make doughs soft and able to rise without gluten proteins. All the gluten free recipes I run into warn about the doughs being a lot stiffer, denser, and less fluffy. @meowyautistickitten Oddly I’ve never really been able to eat cheesecake safely. Actually, in light of the whole “undiagnosed wheat allergy causing your entire GI tract to inflame and swell up” thing, reacting poorly to dairy products maybe isn’t so surprising. I think pies and cheesecakes are definitely my best bets for gluten free desserts, because the only major hurdle is the crusts. I tried to make some pies for the holidays. One of them turned out decent enough, tho the crust was way too dense (yummy tho), and the other was a goddamn travesty. I really want to learn how to make a proper “graham cracker crust” that’s gluten free so I can try my hand at key lime pie again since I’ll never be able to eat my Marie Calendar’s Key Lime again and since they don’t sell it anywhere anyway.
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@meowyautistickitten Yeah, my ability to ingest dairy is ~extremely~ fickle these days. Basically, because of how badly the wheat has fucked up my digestive system, it’s extremely sensitive and reactive to other potential allergens. For example, there is now only one brand of yogurt I can still safely eat, and I am only able to safely use non-cow-based cheeses in my cooking. I can definitely do goat cheese and such tho!
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