#mercenary duo
earlgreylucas · 2 years
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this is how purpled and punz's confrontation went right
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catsandgoodbooks · 8 months
No. 21: “See the chains around my feet.”
Vows | Restraints | “Don’t move.”
TW/CWs: Referenced mind control, murder plots
Punz stepped forward and immediately the boy in front of them spun around, a sword slipping into his grip and coming to rest against Punz’s neck. “Don’t move,” he hissed. “Wait, Punz?”
Punz smiled. “Hello to you too, Purpled. It’s been a while.” It really had been, and things had changed. Purpled had always been a bit cautious, maybe even paranoid (which Punz supposed was their fault, really, as the one role model parent the kid had consistently through his life), but it had only gotten worse. His whole demeanor was more withdrawn, defensive, now.
“What are you doing here?” Purpled asked, cautiously pulling his sword away from them but still holding it tightly. Good. They weren’t planning on getting killed today. “How did you even find me?”
“I heard that Quackity blew up your base. Thought you might want some help getting revenge on me,” Punz told him smoothly, sidestepping his other question. It wasn’t technically a lie, even if it wasn’t the full truth. Nobody needed to know that.
“Why do you care? I’m pretty sure I didn’t hear anything about Quackity doing something to you, and, if you didn’t notice, we haven’t talked in months.”
Punz grimaced at the accusation. “And I’m sorry about that, but you weren’t exactly reaching out yourself or clammering for me to talk to me. I was also possessed for more than half of that, so,” Punz shrugged, “eh, a bit of a difficult time for both of us.”
Their smile twisted. “And that’s where Quackity came in, of course. Blew me up while trying to get at the Egg. Whole canon life gone in an instant, and it wasn’t even about me.” Punz scoffed. That was some common ground, at least. They were both mercenaries, and that meant they both knew what it was like to be targeted for something you were paid to do (to be treated like a weapon and nothing more, loyalties ensured with coin and that meant you didn’t have to worry about treated them well because they would obviously never desert you, because they weren’t people, and Punz was going to stop themself there).
Purpled relaxed a little bit at that despite their bitterness. “He would fucking do that.” He rolled his eyes. “And that’s it?”
Punz nodded. “Yep. But, well, if you don’t pay back your debts, anyone’s free to take advantage of you. We both know that,” they added.
“Of course.” Purpled narrowed his eyes. “We both know that.” He sighed. “So, you want to help me go kill Quackity.” 
“Kill him and burn Las Nevadas down,” Punz clarified, voice clean and even.
“I’m not opposed that,” Purpled commented. “Would be fucking catharic.” He raised his gaze up towards Punz again. “And if I said ‘no, I don’t want your stupid help’?”
“Then I’d leave. Let you deal with it yourself,” Punz responded flippently.
“You wouldn’t tell anyone else about it?” Purpled asked. They could hear the tiny bit of desperation he was trying so hard to stamp out in his voice.
Punz smiled. “Of course not.” They wanted Quackity dead, by any means necessary. (He had to pay for what he had done, and if Dream wasn’t going to come take his pound of flesh, Punz would do it for him instead) No way they were going to foil a murder attempt by going and telling him about it.
“Okay. Fine.”
“Do we have a deal?” Punz asked, reaching one hand out, one eyebrow raised.
Purpled took their hand and shook. “We do.”
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transfemoliorionsound · 9 months
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If its not a bother could you draw c!punz and c!purpled just being themselfs?
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not entirely sure what their deal was 👍
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noneknxws · 2 years
so c!purpled has started anew right?
mercduo. mercduo pos.
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crazydaymycrazyway · 4 months
Cale: Sometimes I forget that you're smart because all you ever do is get drunk and do dumb stuff
Bud: It's okay, I do too
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bleue-flora · 1 month
There’s something about Punz’s “You think I’m not his friend?” and Dream’s “Unless you’re saying that I’m not a person?” that just speaks volumes to me. Something about the questions that aren’t really questions but dares, calling out the unjust mentality at the root of their hurt.
A monster isn’t a person, nothing but inhuman evil. A mercenary doesn’t have friends, only loyal to money.
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greeenchrysanthemums · 5 months
What do you mean by Scott has a sinking feeling that he has seen Pearl before in your GG rival au??? You made me super curious and I need to know
Simply put; they've met before.
Many years ago, when Scott was new to being a knight and Pearl was fresh into her mercenary business, they somehow ended up on the same escort job.
Scott was given charge of a group of knights that were tasked with protecting a nobleman on Ren's orders. They were to escort him to his summer home and ensure nothing happened to him on the way there. The protection of castle knights still wasn't enough for the nobleman to feel safe, though, because he also hired outside protection. That is where Pearl comes in.
Pearl was distant in every sense of the word during this job. She trailed behind the rest of the group, barely spoke, and didn't interact with anyone unless strictly necessary, and when she did, she only gave short answers. She wasn't in a good head space during this time; she still isn't, really, but she was particularly bad back then.
Scott sensed a sadness in her from the moment they were introduced, and he wanted to help, so he tried to reach out to her multiple times throughout the entire 2 weeklong journey, but she always kept him at arm's length. He was just losing hope when she finally opened up to him the night before their journey was to be over. She confided in him that she was lonely and wanted nothing more than a friend, but no one seemed to ever stick around in her life. Scott offered to be her friend and she said she would like that.
Of course, things didn't go so well after that.
Later that night, when Pearl was the only one awake, one of the many people who wanted the nobleman dead approached Pearl and offered her double what she was paid initially to kill him instead. After a sleepless night contemplating, she decided to do it. She killed him in the early morning while everyone was asleep and then skipped town before she could be discovered, stealing Scott's horse to make her escape in an accidental extra bit of salt in the wound.
Scott was shocked, he felt betrayed that she would do this after the seemingly heart felt conversation they had only hours before. He did end up getting in trouble for allowing the nobleman to die, receiving a month's suspension over it. He nearly lost his place in the ranks because of her. He does not remember her fondly. He thinks she's a liar.
Though she carries a similar sadness to that of what she had when they first met, she is a far cry from the gloomy and bitter girl he met years back. She seems happier now. She has a pep in her step, particularly when she's around Gem, and her smile reaches her eyes despite the hint of dishonestly and wariness in them. Not only that, but she used to dress differently and wear her hair over her birthmark to hide it. She's entirely unrecognizable to him, and it drives him crazy that he can't place where he's seen her before.
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zofi-persson-quotes · 7 months
Green, to the Mercenaries and the Royal Duo: You know, Sec can be really aggressive, especially when they're trying to sleep, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching.
Green: blows airhorn to wake up Sec GET FUCKED!
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morninkim · 4 months
decided Wren and their world's version of Elle had a kinda toxic romantic/horny fling during that campaign's timeskip - excerpt from the thing i'm writing for it under the cut
(idk if this getting posted anywhere since it is uh. definitely smut. and i don't have anywhere to appropriately and comfortably post that atm. but mostly just using it to practice writing again and i liked this little bit so sharing it hehe)
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C! Purpled
"He blew up my UFO, you know."
Punz's eyebrows were already furrowed, his mouth was already set in a thin line, but Purpled could see his expression tighten even more. "Really."
Purpled shrugged and took another loud, whistling sip of McDonald's sprite. "Yeah. He was trying to get me to join his country, and for some reason, he thought that would work. That's why it's been gone." He thought of his other home, of smoking wood chips flying into the air and crops left untended and refusing to look back at the wreckage as he and Dogchamp walked away, and frowned harder. "And... why I was in a cave. I wondered when somebody would ask."
"Wish I could say that's the worst thing he's done."
"He's a fucking asshole."
"You don't have to tell me twice. I spoke to him months ago and didn't even know..."
Purpled twirled a french fry between his fingers, then used it to mop up the last few drops of his soda in his cup. "You get it, though, right?"
"What... what does that mean?"
"Eh, bosses are shitty. No offense meant, since I'm apparently working with yours soon."
Punz still hadn't touched his chicken nuggets, Purpled noticed. His hands remained tucked into the pocket of his hoodie. "He's not really my boss."
"He pays you, right?"
"Oh, he pays me plenty."
"For doing messenger duty."
"We..." Punz had a good poker face, but Purpled - a fellow mercenary from a nation of gamblers - still knew one when he saw it. He waited for Punz to finish. "I do anything Dream pays me well enough to do," he finished evenly.
"Gross. I'm still eating, dude." Purpled reached across the table, snatched one of Punz's untouched chicken nuggets, and dunked it in his ice cream.
Punz, halfway through a lighthearted protest, paused with his mouth agape. "What the..."
"So. We were discussing payment."
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wizardmarriage · 3 months
[looking at armorwd core stuff] wow... rusty... just like my friend sabi from krgotcha...
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earlgreylucas · 2 years
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/breakdances swaggily/
mercduo comic based on this post
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catsandgoodbooks · 1 year
Purpled managed to reach the cabin (his house, not his home, his home was gone in a burst of flame and smoke and there was no way to undo that or get it back). Immediately after he slammed the door, he limped over to the cabinet where he kept his medical supplies, notably including some healing potions, despite the searing pain he felt at the motion and no longer being powered by the adrenaline that had kept him going. Purpled immediately pulled the potions out and drank one, the pain lessening and his head clearing somewhat. It wasn’t enough.
Purpled escapes from Quackity's "care" a couple of months after not getting away when he killed Charlie. Alone and hunted, Purpled turns to the one person he could always depend on.
A random fanfiction I decided to write because I was reading a lot of Purpled fanfics and was disappointed by the lack of Punz in them
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“Purpled and Punz aren’t brothers” of course they’re not. Punz is nonbinary. They’re siblings
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shuruzy · 2 years
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Next up on the chopping block Wind God AU design ideas... Silver (& espio a little)! He ain’t got a finalized outfit yet, & I might think of even more outfits before settling on any. But yeah I’m going for that “mage/warlock with flowy cloak(s) and a sophisticated flair” look...
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crypticcherriez · 1 year
I’ve been really brain rotting over C!Purpled recently but the question really is. What if he never joined Las Nevadas and remained to stay in the Eggpire? MercenaryDuo would’ve been real and the Eggpire would’ve had themselves a bodyguard to protect them.
I want to make a fic of this or something. Maybe later?
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