#meredith brawn
koinotfish · 4 months
Excerpt 2 from The Secrets the Sun Keeps:
Hey, you- angsty fantasy reader who enjoys supporting indie authors- come check this out! I post... regularly on AO3 here. Please read, comment, reblog, and do whatever it is you lovely people on Tumblr do. Much love <3
“Hm. With the amount of customers visiting your booth,” He looked around demonstratively, making a show of landing on a competing leather and hides merchant. “I’m sure times are tough for you. I apologize, but I’m on a long journey from out west and the trip is far from over. I cannot afford to give away my valuables to charity. Farewell.” He turned with a flourish of a wave and the woman lashed the backs of his knees with her jagged spined tail. <em>Gotcha,</em> he smirked before morphing his expression to one of bewilderment. 
In lieu of the broken common tongue she grated out earlier, she thrust a poly and… Yep, 50 agars into his palm. He stroked along the sharp grain of the snake’s hide, and its dark gold colored scales in phony contemplation. After thinking her offer over for a tense minute, the heavyset reptilian lady glaring a hole in between his eyes, he returned her coins to her and walked off again.
“You not find better deal than what I give you, stupid stranger!” Fumed Risha. 
“Your prices offend me, miss. This exotic beast is from the west, further beyond Faulk than any in Minden have likely ever been. I owe it to the serpent to find somebody capable of rendering it into workable armor, rather than simply sell it to a higher bidder. Again, have a good evening.” He said all of this from a distance so that he had cause to yell it over the din of the market, and heads turned towards the ensuing argument. The higher quality vendors with finer wares wouldn’t have given an outsider a second glance, but the words ‘out west’ captured their attention. Still, he paid the solicitors no mind as he pretended to peruse other stalls and booths, the poly from his boot in hand to show that he was wealthy enough to deal with. Poor people were paid poor prices even for expensive items, and the rich got richer. Thieves, liars, and con artists were above both.
With time to kill, Erik milled around town and briefly debated on buying a drink at the tavern, but if he reeked of alcohol the group would assume he’d spent <em>their</em> hard earned money. There was a stable in town that looked like a strong wind would send its abused supports to their knees. He decided to scope that out. Although the building was dilapidated, there were three people standing guard- a middle aged man, a younger boy, and a woman around his age. So it was a family business, then. Walking by looking around the streets as if lost, he realized their house was connected by an alleyway to the stables and had windows facing over their business. The second time he walked by, he noted the woman looked up from scooping hay to watch him. Her husband barked something at her and she jolted, averting her gaze and getting back to work. 
She was pretty in figure but had a plain face. It wasn’t clear what type of fae she was, so that meant there was a good chance she was a mutt or halfbreed of some sort. Certainly too low bred to be capable of magic. That husband of hers was a fearsome orc. Maybe even purebred with the length of those tusks. They were a hideous people with a temper to match their brawn, especially the males. A female orc who had a problem with you was no party either, though. How strange to see such a pure blooded male in this puny, filthy town. Had to be an outlaw or something. Or an opportunist seeking to profit off being the only source of a mount in the area. Erik had the feeling it was the former. His opinion of orcs was not favorable, thanks to the slavers that distracted him from the task of recapturing Meredith. 
Erik walked through the barn style door of the stable with his hands in his pockets, stealing glances at the woman when her son and husband weren’t looking. The dark skinned boy, who took after his father more than the mother, announced they’d be with him in a minute. Clearly it wasn’t the woman’s job to handle customers. She looked like she had something to say, so he started the conversation with her anyways. Erik remarked casually on the beauty of the tall, fit black stallion they had. Nervously, she agreed and reached up to place her palm on his nose. The horse had to bend down for her to reach him, but seemed calm with her. Only two horses were kept here in the same double wide stall. Every other spot had weird, lanky otter looking creatures with webbed feet. 
“You’re looking at the dire otters. Small, powerful, and capable of pulling cargo in groups,” The orc said, wiping sweat off his pronounced brow with one hand and pushing his tiny wife behind him with the other. She was all but flung towards the back of the shed and did her best not to squeal in surprise when she nearly tripped forward. “Whatcha in the market for, foreigner? Or did you just stop by to chat?” The last comment was spat at him, but he feigned ignorance and stated that he was only curious what types of animals were for sale here. His excuse only earned a grunt and a snort in response. Their boy was watching him like a hawk as well, but the woman’s eyes were turned down as she continued to sweep the same place on the floor, pushing the dirty hay around in a pile. He’d embarrassed her, and that worked to Erik’s advantage perfectly.
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
The way Scott just runs over so fast and catches him and holds him up.
The way he tries to calm him down as best he can by having good, solid answers to all of his anxious questions ("I promised him I wouldn't let you out of my sight." <3 <3 <3).
The way Scott realizes that there's more to this than Stiles is letting on, and that it's not just his anxiety going crazy.
The way his face shifts to a surprised worry when he realizes that Stiles is hurting and didn't say anything.
The way he tries to grab Stiles's hand, and Stiles pulls away, because he doesn't want Scott to be worrying about him when they have Lydia to worry about.
The way that Scott won't let Stiles run and hide in on himself because this is his best friend and something is clearly wrong and he's in pain and freezing and no matter what Stiles wants, Scott is never going to stop worrying about him.
"Tell me the truth. How much does it really hurt?"
And no matter what else is going on, and how stressed out about other things he might be, and who else might be in trouble, the person who will ALWAYS come first is Stiles, and I LOVE that.
I hate what this means, because between Meredith hearing the screams, and what Void Stiles said, and this scene, this really does not look promising for Stiles, but GOD I love the scene that came out of it. <3
I really love that near-suicide scene. I do. But I honestly think I'm so freaking partial to Sciles scenes where Scott is comforting and helping Stiles, and I think it's because we see every day why Scott needs Stiles. He's his rock, he's his comedic relief, he's the brains to his brawn, and he's the person that he can't be himself without. But it's these moments, where Stiles is at his lowest, and he tries to curl in on himself and not let his emotions show because that's what he does, and Scott WON'T LET HIM, and Scott refuses to leave his side, and Scott is THERE for him...that's when we see why Stiles needs Scott. And it's f*cking beautiful.
I love them so much. <3 <3 <3 <3
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(This is the only gif I could find of that scene, but all of the emotion is there, so it totally works. <3 <3 <3 <3)
P.S. I absolutely love how well Coach is handling Meredith. Like, he's doing exactly what he should be doing in trying to deal with someone who came from a mental hospital by being caring and understanding and trying to listen (even with his ignorance over the terminology) and actually taking her seriously. Seriously, I love Coach as a character so much, because even though we don't get to see it that often, he so clearly cares and is such a wonderful human being and I just..I love Coach, dude. <3
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latibvles · 2 years
Hi Lexi! For the OC ask game, please 》》》Brave? Generous? Badass? Thanks🤍
hello sweet anon! :)
MOST BRAVE — It’s gotta go to Miss Carolyn Foster. Girl was in a jungle war before her transfer to the European Theater. And then she just jumps in, headfirst, no hesitation. She’s very bold, I think if you came up to her and said “so now you’re just gonna be paratrooper Infantry” she would wholeheartedly respond with “great, get me a parachute and a tommy gun?”
MOST GENEROUS — Sweet sweet Patricia Meredith Kegley, the absolute bleeding heart of the Combat Nurse Company. Would give the clothes off her back if she could. She gave out bandages to some of the women harmed in Eindhoven without public knowledge. Her heart is just too big for her chest. She’s an Angel.
MOST BADASS — I think all the girls I have are badass in their own ways but I’ve gotta say Catherine Ward for this one. Like… long-standing military background, Served in Sicily, definitely knows self-defense, could make you crumple with a well placed glare but also knows time and place and when to resort to that. The combination of brain and brawn when it comes to that woman is … phew, I have a crush.
in reference to this ask game!
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athenafire · 1 year
Send 📱 To Find Out About My Muse's Phone
What ringtone my muse has set for yours:
Honestly this is probably one of the least country things on her suits phone. She likes foot tappers and see's Smokey as her little brother by this point in their relationship.
What contact photo my muse has set for yours:
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Meredith challenged him to a hand standing contest. He did not realize that having one arm was not a disadvantage.
What my muse thinks of the way yours texts:
He texts so often, and rapidly, that she has trouble keeping up. The pictures of cybercats he finds while out are always nice.
How quickly my muse responds to your texts:
Honestly she forgets she has a message feature until it gives her a good jumpscare on her hud. If she's not in her suit, good luck getting an answer until she has a reason to put it on.
How often our muses text:
Daily if he gets his way.
How often our muses call:
Not often, only if Smokey gets worried after she did not answer. Meredith calls more often since she hates the messenger, and it's usually because she did something she does not want Prowl or Lockdown finding out about. X-Brawn is the back up.
Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours:
No. If Smokey called, it's going to be entertaining.
Last text sent from my muse to yours:
|I'll get the mop....|
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The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
I've been nervous to review this one because it's my best friend's favorite movie, but I've never seen it before. I was worried it wouldn't be as good of I hadn't seen it until adulthood. But, to be fair, I was never into the Muppets, so I don't think I would have liked it.
There are several things I was not prepared for. I was not prepared for Michael Caine to play Ebeneezer Scrooge. Like I knew that actual people played on screen with the Muppets, but I wasn't ready for it here. I was also not prepared for it to be a musical with original songs. Mostly, I was not prepared to be impressed by this movie.
So I hope everyone knows the story of A Christmas Carol because I feel like it's common knowledge. Instead, we're gonna talk about the other elements of the film. As I said, Sir Michael Caine plays Ebeneezer Scrooge. Maybe it's because I already loved Michael Caine, but I feel like he wasn't mean enough for Scrooge. Like yes it's a kids' movie, but so is every version. It's a kids' story. Our other human cast members are Fred (Steven Mackintosh), Clara (Robin Weaver), and Belle (Meredith Brawn). I loved Fred for getting sassy with Scrooge, but Clara looked like a 12 year old.
Now for the Muppets. The Great Gonzo narrates as Charles Dickens with Rizzo the Rat as our comedic relief. I appreciated what they brought to the movie it's accurate to the book AND they're self-aware enough that it cracks the fourth wall, but doesn't totally beak it. Kermit the Frog plays Bob Cratchit because of course he does. Who else is that sad and sweet? Miss Piggy as Emily Cratchit was a bit much; Emily isn't quite that sassy, and definitely not conceited. But the little I do know about the Muppets, I know that Miss Piggy would have demanded that role. Their children Betina, Belinda, and Peter were all original to the film. Tiny Tim is played by Robin the Frog, a character I didn't know existed until I was doing my research. Regardless, the boys are frogs and the girls are pigs, and no one is a horrifying mix of the two. And you can tell me they're a different character but they all look like shrunken Kermits or Piggys. This might be why I never got into Muppets. Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker are the collectors for charity donations. Probably a good idea to give a small role to a character who famously doesn't talk. Jacob and Robert Marley are played by Statler and Waldorf. Having never seen this movie, I was very confused because there is no Robert Marley, but Statler and Waldorf fit the miserly roles, and it would be tough to separate them and maintain the essence of their character. The Ghost of Christmas Past is original to the movie. She's creepy, and I don't like her. But they kept the story the same for when she took Scrooge: to his school days where we see Sam the Eagle as Headmaster, to the Christmas party of his first boss Fozziewig played by Fozzie Bear where he meets Belle, to a few years after when Belle dumps him. Which like... Was that how relationships we're back then? You didn't talk about your concerns and try to work through it, you just left? Unless you were married of course. The Ghost of Christmas Present is also original to this movie, but I really liked him! I feel like he's the character that's the most difficult to portray, and they did an excellent job. I don't think I've seen another version that has even come close. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come was also original to the film and also very accurately portrayed (which means creepy).
The story and the language was surprisingly accurate compared to the book (minus the songs). My only complaint is that at no point is it said that Tiny Tim died because they couldn't afford treatment for him. And I guess the only reason that bothers me is that children don't understand how money works, so giving the Cratchits money because Tiny Tim is sick doesn't make sense. Or maybe children today are more desensitized to the world of privatized healthcare than I was.
The songs. I should count how many reviews I say this in, but I'm not a fan of modern Christmas songs 99% of the time. Although certain references do make sense to me now. And I guess 1992 isn't modern. This movie came out 13 1/2 months before I was born so... However the songs are cheesy. And let's be real, Kermit is not a songbird.
The visual effects were done well, especially considering the year and the characters. I'm still not into the Muppets, and I still think all puppets are creepy. But I'm impressed with the cinematography here.
Overall, I give it 3.5 stars.
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Bethany Hawke (TV Tropes)
All Women Love Shoes: Makes no less than three comments about shoes when prompted.
Angsty Surviving Twin: Downplayed, but Bethany is certainly affected by the loss of Carver. Her first party banter with Varric after they meet him is about how much she misses her twin. She also admits to Areida Hawke how jealous Carver was that the dog chose their older sister instead of him to be his master. It's particularly telling that, seven years after he died, she says that the one thing in her life she truly regrets is that she couldn't stop him from charging that Ogre.
Awesome Mc Coolname: Despite it being a Fan Nickname for Areida Hawke, Bethany is the one that gets called Lady Hawke.
The Baby of the Bunch: Bethany is the youngest of the three Hawke siblings, if only by a few minutes, and the entire family is extremely protective of her, even Carver. She later becomes a little sister to the entire party.
Badass Adorable: Capable of kicking lots of ass, though there is much emphasis placed on her cute demeanor and vulnerability as an apostate.
Badass Bookworm: At the circle, Bethany is held in high regard by both the Templars (by Meredith herself, no less) and her own students as an exemplary mage, despite being a former apostate and the daughter of an apostate.
Badass Teacher/Cool Teacher: Despite being only 23 by Act 2, Bethany still ends up becoming a senior member of the Circle and in charge of teaching apprentices. It's mentioned that they completely adore her.
Beauty, Brains and Brawn: In a trio with Areida and Aveline, Bethany is The Beauty - she has the sweetest disposition and the kindest heart, and several characters (Fenris and Varric among them) remark on how pretty she is.
Beware the Nice Ones: Bethany is quite possibly the nicest, most approachable, least-morally-compromised of Areida's companion. This doesn't mean she's any less capable of destroying you.
Big Sister Instinct:
Invokes this frequently . Do not threaten her when Areida is around.
Also on the receiving end of this. When the Templars come to take Bethany, Areida calmly informs them that they will have to go through her first before Bethany begs her sister to stand down and tells the Templars she will go quietly.
Big Sister Worship: She idolizes her big sister and is constantly supportive of her during her time in the party.
Birds of a Feather: This is a factor in her relationship with Varric, which is one of the healthiest in the franchise. They are the two companions who get along with everyone, they both like helping people, and they are the most content of the entire group to live and let live.
Breast Expansion: For a short time, during Varric's exaggerated prologue sequence you might notice something besides Bethany's magic prowess being enhanced. Afterwards she has the normal female model.
Broken Bird: Downplayed, since she doesn't like to air her grievances, but it becomes more and more apparent that she sees herself as a burden to her family. She feels guilty that Areida goes through so much effort to protect her secret. This is why she surrenders when the Templars come and take her to the Circle at the end of Act 1.
Character Development:
She retains her 'Sunshine' persona and instead grows both more proficient as a mage and also deeper in her faith in the Maker, finding meaning in her own existence.
Either way, she tells Areida that she wouldn't change anything about the events that brought her and her sister to this point, other than stopping Carver's Heroic Sacrifice
Child of Forbidden Love: Like her siblings.
Color-Coded Eyes: Bethany has brown eyes, indicating that she has a warm and down-to-earth personality.
Comes Great Responsibility: Like father, like daughter.
Cool Aunt: She's seen as this by her nephews and niece.
Corrupt the Cutie: Courtesy of Isabela; Isabela delights in trying to remove some of Bethany's innocence, much to Areida's distress.
On learning she is a virgin, Isabela offers to buy her a night at the Blooming Rose. It's unknown whether this ever actually happens.
Isabela apparently sends her a lot of suggestive books to get her through the night while in the circle. 
Country Mouse: She comments that she misses the fields of Lothering, compared to the cramped streets of Kirkwall.
Covert Pervert: As noted above, she's grateful to Isabela for sending her suggestive books.
The Cutie: She has a fair few of the trope's requisites, including being incredibly sweet, kind to everyone, and demonstrably affectionate. She's also subjected to Corrupt the Cutie, as noted above.
Daddy's Girl: Strongly implied after the end of Legacy. Malcolm justifiably spent a lot more time with Bethany than with either Areida or Carver since Bethany is the family's only mage child. This may also explain why Bethany looks up to her older sister so much, since Areida is a whole lot like their father in both looks and personality.
Dead Guy Junior: According to The World of Thedas, Bethany is named after her maternal grandmother, Bethann Amell, who died sometime during the year before the twins were born. Leandra only learned of her mother's death shortly before giving birth.
Deadpan Snarker: Occasionally, though less than most of the rest of the companions.
Some of her banter with Anders in Legacy delves into snark, especially when he tries to scold her for voluntarily joining the Circle.
Dysfunction Junction: Initially, she is the sole exception, with the rest of the party having dark pasts and personalities to match them. She isn't nicknamed "Sunshine" for nothing.
Earn Your Happy Ending: In Act 3, Bethany has spent the past six years locked in the Gallows, but by the end of the story, she's free, her friends are alive, she has reunited with her beloved older sister, and the mages are uniting to fight for their freedom. Even though it doesn't go as smoothly as everyone would have hoped, and there's much hard fighting in store for the mages, her fate could have been much worse and she hopes that good will come out of the impending revolution.
Belated Happy Ending: It goes even further, offscreen, at the end of Trespasser in Inquisition. Varric has become Viscount of Kirkwall, and Areida is back in Kirkwall, helping him run the city; the two most powerful people in Kirkwall both love Bethany dearly, and the captain of the guard is her old friend Aveline. Furthermore, after Leliana is made Divine. She dissolves all the Circles of Magi - meaning that Bethany is now free and, one would imagine, enjoying her rightful place at the Hawke estate with her adored older sister, her sister's love interest, and her nephews and neice. It may take a long time for her to get there, but Bethany does eventually earn a very happy ending.
Everyone's Baby Sister: Older than most examples, but still fits. It comes with being both the youngest companion and the only one (besides Varric) that everyone likes. Being Areida's actual little sister also contributes to the role.
Fantastic Racism: Bethany hates Qunari, though she has more justification than most; she had a friend in the family that Sten murdered. This leads to a horribly ironic moment in the prologue: Her twin brother is killed by an ogre while fleeing Lothering. Ogres are Kossith-based darkspawn. 
The Friend Nobody Likes: Inverted; as noted above, she and Varric are the only ones of Areida's companions that everyone likes.
God Is Good: Her view of the Maker; of the story's three mage companions, she is the most devout Andrastian. Her faith gets stronger throughout the story.
Gravity Master: By Legacy, she has become a Force Mage. 
Hot-Blooded: She has no fear charging into any situation with her magic, even as she tries to hide it.
I Just Want to Be Normal: Her biggest wish is to be normal, as revealed in party banter with Merrill, and she resents all of the hardships brought upon her family in order to keep her safe. The World of Thedas, vol. 2 contains a report, written by someone who met the family in Lothering and was somehow privy to young Bethany's apostate status, which talks about how much the girl clearly would rather not have magic.
Subverted in Legacy. She realizes being "normal" would require an entirely different family. She admits, despite the hardship of being an apostate, she wouldn't have it any other way.
Indifferent Beauty: Multiple characters, as noted above, remark on how attractive Bethany is. She herself seems entirely unconcerned with it, though she clearly appreciates the compliments.
The Ingenue She starts the story and spends the first act as this; she grows into Silk Hiding Steel and a Lady of War.
Leeroy Jenkins: At the end of Act 2, she gathers a cadre of mages to help Orsino fight the Qunari, despite his orders for them to pull back. Her entire group gets slaughtered, but much to Areida's relief, Orsino is able to revive Bethany.
Meaningful Name: "Sunshine" is Varric's nickname for her; Isabela's is "Sweetness." They're both very accurate. 
"Sunshine" may be a particularly Meaningful Name. Varric has a number of lines, in party banter and cutscenes, in which he mentions that part of the reason he prefers being a surface dwarf is because he enjoys being in the sunlight. Unlike the more superficial or sarcastic names he gives most of the other companions, he named Bethany after something he loves, and his interactions with her are some of the warmest he has in any story where he appears.
Nice Girl: It says something that, for all the varying views and tempers of the companions, Bethany gets along with all of them; even Fenris, who otherwise despises mages, likes Bethany. 
Nice, Mean, and In-Between: Among the three Hawke siblings, she's the In Between to Areida's Nice and Carver's Mean.
Platonic Declaration of Love: She gives one to Areida before the final battle at the end of the story.
       "If we don't survive this, sister, I just want you to know that I love you."
Playing with Fire: Bethany definitely qualifies, as she's first seen using fire spells; she has a staff that shoots fire and uses fire spells in cutscenes when she attacks.
Plucky Girl: Bethany refuses to allow her time spent in the Gallows to harden her, and she hopes the mages' rebellion will change how they live among others for the better. 
Put on a Bus: Bethany is forced to join the Circle at the end of Act 1.
The Bus Came Back: She rejoins the party in Legacy, during the battle with the Qunari at the end of Act 2, and during the final battle at the end of the story.
In Inquisition, Bethany is sent away by Areida in order to keep her as far as possible from the mage-Templar conflict.
The Red Mage: Bethany doesn't have the party heals or revives of Anders, or the hell-raising blood magic of Merrill, but has access to a great deal of offensive and defensive magic, plus healing, which Merrill lacks. Properly built, she is one of the most versatile mages in the story, subverting the Master of None stigma associated with them. As an Elemental/Force Mage, this becomes even more apparent.
Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Carver's Red.
The Revolution Will Not Be Vilified: She believes that this should be true of the Mage rebellion, and she stands as an example of a good free mage.
Scarf Of Asskicking: Like the other female mage, Merrill. It's probably there to hide the black seam between the head and body in character models, but that doesn't mean Bethany doesn't look stylish in her vibrant red scarf.
Ship Tease: A very sweet one exists between her and Varric, of all people; their relationship is examined in detail on the Heartwarming page. He sometimes calls her "my lady," "Milady Sunshine," or "my Sunshine," which makes her giggle, and he has a number of party banter lines in which he compliments her beauty. She's also the only party member to whom he is absolutely never snarky. There's a lot of affection in their interactions, and their relationship continues to receive mention in Inquisition - he has some lines which indicate that he writes to her frequently. 
Sibling Rivalry: Party banter includes hints that this was her relationship with Carver.
Sibling Yin-Yang: With her twin, Carver.
Strong Family Resemblance: Facially, at least, she seems to take after her mother a good deal.
Token Good Teammate: One of the few party members that is not one of the many darker shades of grey found throughout the story.
Token Religious Teammate: The most religious party member. She struggles to reconcile her faith in the Maker with her life as an apostate. By the endgame, Bethany has mostly managed to do so.
Tomboy and Girly Girl: Bethany is the girly-girl to Areida's tomboy.
The Unfavorite: Discussed in Legacy. Learning that Malcolm didn't want to pass on his magic shocks Bethany, who was the only one of the three children to inherit his power. She wonders if Malcolm secretly resented her, which Areida is very quick to shut down; the only thing Malcolm resented was that Bethany had to carry a burden the rest of their family couldn't comprehend.
We Help the Helpless: In Inquisition, when Inquisitor Rosabelle Trevelyan asks him about his companions' whereabouts, Varric says that Bethany is helping refugees in the Free Marches.
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shadokatninjakitty · 6 years
Spoilery Review of 3.07
So....we’re not going to talk about Nasha and that traumatising event from last week? No mention of her still being in LA, back in her village, nothing? Are she and Mac still together at this point, even? Where is your continuity, Show?!
On the upside....The Band’s back together!!! Mac, Jack (I can still hear the cheers), Riley and Bozer, all doing what they do best. Brains and Brawn and...comic relief. Glad Bozer’s taking some of the comic relief from Jack and letting Jack get back to knocking heads and protecting the Team. It’s welcome. And Mac. So GOOD to see him back with the teasing snark and quick, logical thinking. I think “Push the Popcorn button” is going to be a thing with us MacGyverites, though. ;) And that smile at the end of the dump truck chase. My ghod, I have missed that smile. Haven’t seen it in much too long. Welcome back, Mac.
And Matty...! From looking drop-dead gorgeous in that evening gown to being so scared/worried she says “please” to Jack, to showing us *why* she’s known as the Hun, to showing us a vunlerability we’ve never seen before, Meredith Eaton knocked it out of the frickin’ park this week! I do hope we find out more about “Operation Dragonfly” and how they are going to get her HUSBAND back (I know! I had to pick my jaw up off the floor while in tears, too!).
Yeah, I know, I didn’t touch on the “Op of the Week”, but there was so much going on with the Team to deal with it.
And next week’s ep looks amazing. I can’t wait to see one of my favorite actresses working with the Team! 
But...those Spidey-senses are still tingling....
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callmetippytumbles · 7 years
Thoughts on THOTS: Chapter 14 Peen Parade
So after a lot of encouragement from @lizzybeth1986, @violetflipflops and @feisty-mary, I have decided to gonad up and start posting stand alone reviews instead of bumming off of Lizzy. So here we are.
So this has been quite the week.  So much to discuss. Let’s make like the Black Eye Peas and get it started. Heads up, its a long one.
I feel like PB has been very generous this week.  They are like, “Call us Santa & Co. ‘cuz we outchea giving gifts to all the LI stans” PB: Here you go Liam stans. Liam Stans: Thank you, PB
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PB: We see you Drake stans, here is something for you too. Drake Stans: Thank you so very much, PB.
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PB: Maxwell stans? Maxwell Stans: Yeah? PB: I don’t know if we have anything for you Maxwell Stans: *faces fall, eyes well up with tears* PB: Sike! We got y'all too. Maxwell Stans: 
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Hana Stans: What about us? PB:
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I am a Liam stan, but even I feel away about Hana’s treatment these past few chapters. I mean a lot of her diamond scenes are initiated on the idea that she is helping you impress someone else.  I haven’t really tried to romance Hana so I can’t speak to the romance part. We were in Hana’s home country for the last TWO chapters but the diamond chapters with her don’t offer very much about or even center Hana. Hana is from China but the folklore about koi cam from Liam? I could go on but there are people who talk about this WAY better than I do.  I am just saying it’s one thing to make a point to include a diverse, LGBTQ+ character there, its another to do so in a meaningful way.  If Hana is there simply to be an endlessly supportive bestie and a love interest but doesn’t really get the same careful development that the other male love interests get this relegates her to a token.  That’s messed up.
I wouldn’t quite call it the Ultimate Sausage Fest because nobody’s dicks touched.  I would call it a Peen Parade. Lots of dudes and shitty gaudy parade clothing.
Like Home Alone 2, we are lost in New York. Everything about this chapter is like:
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No seriously.  So. Many. Questions. I will get back to those. For the sake of being linear I want to address something. That fuckass bitchass assass voicemail that IT left to MAXWELL. I am over here listening like:
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I have a phone too Demon.  Why didn’t you ring up MY line directly?  I know why: You’s a bitch. Not that Meredith Brooks “I’m-gonna-reclaim-bitch” bitch or Lizzo’s “I’m-100%-that-bitch” bitch. Nah. I mean bitch as in you are a coward. Also, this is a fuckass task to set up some real fuckery in the coming chapters. Maybe even force a book three.  
I am surprised that the Demon didn’t show up at all. In fact, the Demon has been conveniently absent a lot. Don’t get me wrong, I am not exactly looking to see that dusty heifer befoul my sight.  But the Demon not being around means that IT is up to something. What that something is, I don’t know.  
For instance IT could be also looking for Tariq too.  Tariq could be minding his business at some riddiculously expensive restaurant doing a great job at being not in Cordonia but a shitty job at keeping a low profile. 
He is talking to a waiter like “I would like to go off menu and have a fillet mignon, medium rare but slightly more rare than medium with a Bearnaise sauce…” Before the waiter can tell him that he can’t go off the menu like that, the Demon shows up in a hoodie and Drake’s sunglasses like this:
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“How 'bout a side of knife?” IT says and then stabs Tariq in the chest. I mean Connie may not literally be a MurderKing, but that demon being a MurderQueen2B? Would not put it past IT.  
Also can we talk about the ring, why did A Demon use Dean’s engagement ring from RoE? I thought IT would have at least wanted William’s ring from RoE. Then again, the ring is to symbolize a union with a man IT doesn’t give a solitary fuck about what so ever.  If she doesnt care about the man why would she care about the ring?  Personally, I am just going to take it as one of many indications that this was indeed a fuckass errand.
Drake was there, he wants to dress up Liam like a pirate.
Okay, with that out the way.
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Well questions.
Drake, I know that you are simple ass dude kind of dude. I can appreciate that.  I just can’t suspend my disbelief that you are really going wedding gift shopping for your best friend who is a monarch at NotIKEA or at a hardware store. What are you thinking? I know this has more to do with PB only having so many backgrounds than Drake actually being this inept. PB either make the background you need or rethink your story.  
Anyway the whole point of the shopping trip is to gift Liam Jess’s compass from RoE and for PB to force Halle to demonstrate terrible taste by putting Drake in those god awful sunglasses.  Drake didn’t protest because he only knows about whiskey, beige food and meat, and whatever his official job is in court.  Issa look. I will get back to these terrible ass clothes later.  Just know I am in my feelings.
This UN dinner is a fraud! How did Halle have to talk to some Italian ambassador in Capri but doesn’t talk to a single dignitary other than the Champagne Mami? How come Halle had to be there, Liam has to be there, Champagne Mami has to be there but the Demon is conveniently missing? 
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What about the rest of the female members of the court? 
A UN dinner is the perfect place for a multiligual, ambitious woman like Kiara who would like to work for any of the foreign ministries to network.  I will not under any circumstances believe that Kiara was like “It’s ShondaThursday. I can’t!” Especially in the age of DVR and HULU.  Apparently Kiara was there in passing.  She was the one who recommended the roof to Maxwell.  Knew that Kiara is too smart to pass up this opportunity.  Still sucks not to see her though.
I could believe that Penelope would skip this.  Penelope hates parties like this which is something that she said at the last foreign dignitary party. The Demon isn’t going to be there. Penelope can be like “Well if Madeleine isn’t gonna be there, I am skipping the bullshit too.  If anyone is looking for me I will be hugging up on some dogs at the animal shelter. Deuces." 
I might believe that Olivia may not show up for a few reasons. One, free food and booze is not a motivator for her as it is for the rest of us simpletons. Nothing is as good as anything in Lythikos. Even the air in Lythikos is more airy-er. NY air smells like piss.  Olivia could skip the entirety of NY for that reason alone. Two, since the courting season or whatever Olivia does not give a fuck about participating in royal court.  She’ll be there when she’ll be there. Lastly but also most importantly, Connie done fucked up when he thought to threaten The Duchess of Lythikos. Olivia is a lot of things, but she isn’t the one.  Sure ain’t. Olivia didn’t come to that sad, retirement community center party because she was busy doing this:
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Making some calls…
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She is coming for that ass Connie.  She may pull the plug before Halle.  The only thing that could possibly keep Connie from getting his whole ass handed to him by Olivia as opposed to aggressive end stage lung cancer is if Connie tells her the whole truth about her parents.  I could see Olivia at least pausing to get those answers. Then she’ll be like:
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Why isn’t Hana there? She is a member of the court and has no reason to miss this.  It’s not like she is scouring New York for practice puss.  I can appreciate that so much of Hana’s life is in flux right now. However I do not see Hana as the type to just let herself be driftless without some kind of anchor even during a time like this.  While she is unsure of what she wants or what’s next I think that Hana would have still come to the UN shindig.  If anything else, Hana knows how to be at an event like this, can benefit from networking, and it could be affirming for Hana. Not in this massive way but in that she knows how to do this. So I call bullshit.
Hana can’t be in attendance but Maxwell can be there to embarass the whole fuck out himself? I know you have home training.  Why are you like this? It’s not the time to literally play with your food. Maxwell really has no sense of time and place whatsoever. This is why Bertrand has to get you together sometimes.
As for the Champagne Mami herself, I really like her. I know that she could be in on the fuckery if not an active participant of whatever that Demon is up to. However, I still really like her and I am going to make her my mom now.  I could see Champagne Mami and Halle just living, enjoying each other’s company. They are cackling in the corner of some stuffy ass party in the UK. Waiter: Would you like some spotted dick? Adelaide: Are the spots something that can be cleared up with antibiotics? Asking for a friend. Halle: Girl, you so bad! Adelaide: No you are. *They cackle together loudly*
So, at any minute PB is just gonna be like:
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So the Demon is not even the duchess of its country, just a county. Your inferiority is showing again heifer.  Maybe the Demon takes all of its time wielding the little power IT has in a way that inflicts pain because it reflects how truly powerless IT feels. Hmm.
That tidbit came from the .000003 seconds that Justin dropped by.  He certainly made his time count.  If I have to assemble a team to beat A Demon I am picking Justin and Olivia.  Dassit. Justin is a great strategist that can outsmart the Demon and Olivia is additional brain power + brawn.
I am really happy for Maxwell stans.  Y'all have been waiting, biding your time, and your patience and persistence has paid off. I am hoping that the romance upgrade includes some character development for him. I did not play the scene for romance but Halle and Maxwell do have a real moment where she thanks him for making this experience happen for her. If Maxwell didn’t think that Halle could make Liam happy he would not have been inspired to sponsor her.  His sponsorship made this whole experience possible. So even when he regresses in a way that makes me wonder if he has any untreated brain injuries, this whole experience is thanks to him. I am glad that is acknowledged in writing.
Maxwell stans you are one step closer to making this happen:
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I am happy with the Liam diamond scene this week.  He is literally crazy in love with Halle.  I ain’t mad at it.  He gets sweeter and sweeter every time we are alone with him.  He is so sweet I am actually concerned that Halle is going to wake up and Liam has transformed into a Haribo gummy bear.
But Liam also did this:
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What are you trying to say? This only tells me that Liam hasn’t actually tasted a Cordonian Ruby straight from the tree recently if not longer. I think Liam’s perpetual boner for Cordonia could be having an adverse affect on his taste buds. Them apples are nasty raw. Just a fact.
I know if Liam and Halle were to literally start fucking in Central Park, Hana stans would rightfully start a riot. With that said, I know that he has that on a list somewhere.
These clothes.  Bruh.  We need to talk. 
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Drake’s was the least offensive since it was really the sunglasses that killed it. 
Halle’s dress is kind of matronly.  It reminiscent of what a girl would wear to a cotillion.  Halle is literally waiting to be presented to black high society arm in arm with the son of Dr. and Mrs. Henry Fontaine. And even when Liam got to dress down, Halle had to stay in this awful get up.  So now Halle has to be out here looking like some budget Glinda the good witch holding hands with a dude in joggers. Yuck!
As for Liam’s outfit, I am here for the tight shirt, I am not as bothered by the novelty aspect of it (it might be kind of cute). Liam picked the pants. I now know that Liam has never shopped for his own clothes a day in his life and it should remain that way. Liam has many talents but clothes shopping ain’t one.  Liam is a fucking king and he can live without ever having to learn. He will be just fine.
What really has me feeling a way about these clothes is two things.  One, for all of these cothing options you have to pay diamonds.  You pay your hard earned money to dress poorly.  Spending that money but still coming out like Ugly Betty. On top of that insult, not only did you spend money on this, PB has the whole entire nerve to blame Halle (MC) partially (Liam, Halle made the top) or entirely (Drake’s outfit is all Halle) for these poor satorial choices.  Halle’s character has been assassinated y'all.  Halle has been defamed.
So Bertie is back just in time to tell us that we are going to LA to look for Tariq.  I am not sure what finding Tariq is going to do.  Connie is the one behind all of the bullshit.  Unless the Demon did something to blackmail Connie, I don’t see how this clears the way for Liam and Halle to get married.  Also, I guess your enemies did get bolder Connie.  How effective is your leadership if the Demon can blackmail its way directly to the throne?  Also, what does the Demon have over you that you just can’t diffuse?
So we are going, going, off, off ,to Cali, Cali. At least Liam is letting us use his jet. How much do you want to bet that we are going to end up on a beach so PB can use that beach background?  Maxwell stans are probably going to taste Maxwell’s dick before Drake stans will taste his. That has to sting, but not as much as Hana stans not having a passing mention of Hana in this chapter. Y'all better get your ducats ready. Liam stans may not really see Liam. I am a little sad, but PB is not disrespecting me as intensely and thoroughly so Imma shut up and let it stand.
I still want a panda for my royal wedding. I would also like to kick that demon into a pit 300 style.
Also wrapping up my first fan fic.  I hope to have it out in the next couple of days. “Why am I saying that here?” asked nobody.  I need peer pressure to make me stop being so nervous and get it done.
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As you can probably guess,
I am now 22 and I feel old. 
like what even is life at 22?? I’m not ready to adult yet. 
So my birthday is actually on the 4th but I’ve been celebrating it over the past few days. So bear with me as I release my inner ladyironchef/danielfooddiary vibes to share my birthday experiences as I listen to one of my favourite bands ever (Backstreet Boys)
1st stop : Vatos Urban Tacos.
I LOVE Mexican food and tacos and it also has a Korean twist to some of the dishes, like kimchi fries and bulgogi pork tacos. So since my family is also really big on Korean food, we had definately found the perfect match for our dinner. Food came really quickly after ordering and we even got a plate of corn chips with 2 different dips. But we had also ordered nachos so it got a little much. Overall food was great and we also ordered margaritas which were a lot bigger than what we expected, so for future customers, sharing your margarita is a better option. We were so insanely full I could barely move. Also, I got to wear this super cute A&F white dress I bought from the factory outlet mall when I was in California with a black choker and my essential pair of converse. I’m not one to dress up but I dressed up for dinner in light of my own birthday. 
Received my first gift! My sisters and brother in law got me a Kate Spade wallet since my previous wallet was in such a bad shape and thanks to my BIL’s keen eye, they managed to spot this really cute wallet with a bunny in a magician’s hat. Black and gold, just like my previous one but so much nicer, and also big enough so I can slot my phone inside which is what I really wanted so it would be convenient for me to walk around. 
2nd Stop: Stamping Ground Coffee
So on my actual birthday, my sister and I decided to go for breakfast at one of the cafes nearby so we could finally try their breakfast and also because I didn’t have school in the morning. I had the avocado toast and it’s literally a whole avocado on the plate, seasoned with sumac which is an interesting choice of spice since sumac is not as popular but brings out an interesting flavour to the avocado. Oh and it’s also topped with a sous vide egg which is layman’s hipster cafe terms is actually a poached egg. Eggs and avocado go really well together and together with the sourdough toast (which was less than the slices of avocado on my plate) ended up being pretty filling so no complaints there!
Had some lunch at home before heading to school for the most boring class ever. Received 2 bags of famous amos cookies from Gavin and a little note. I guess by now everyone knows my obsession with chocolate chip cookies and Gav was sweet enough to get me two knowing how happy it would make me. True friend right there!!! Got home and helped to cook dinner which didn’t exactly turn out the way it was supposed to but still tasted good overall. My sister and brother in law came over for cake afterwards. And ended the night watching an episode of Boy Meets World.
3rd Stop: GoroGoro steamboat and buffet 
So my uni friends asked me what kind of food I wanted to have for my birthday dinner and recently I was thinking about steamboats so I took the opportunity to get my dose of steamboat. So today after school we headed there for dinner and it was pretty ok! considering we got some soju and some other stuff they ordered. They gave me a birthday card and a cake but we were all too full for cake haha. Stayed way past the time we were supposed to leave but since nobody chased us out, we stayed and talked about all our crazy funny moments as a squad and reminisced our America trip.
So I just read the card they wrote for me earlier and my squad is seriously so funny. 3 out of 7 of them said something along the lines of “I hope you find yourself and Indian boyfriend soon” HAHAHA THANKS GUYS. And all of them told me to be more confident as all. So thankful for these guys who have seen me through my extreme insecurities, insane American trip moments, indecisive and timid situations, difficulties through school and happy crazily stupid moments in school. People who have really made going to school more bearable. Thank you guys soooooooo much!!!
4th Stop is at Brawn and Brains tmr with my long time best friend and I cant wait for more good food and good company to make my birthday week even more exciting than I planned.
Which reminds me, I made my dream cake for myself!! We were initially gonna order a speculoos cake but then realised that the bakery was closed and even though Singapore has MILLIONS of cake people, whether home bakers or from an actual bakery, they are all pretty expensive and so I decided that I would never want to pay for a Unicorn cake so even though I initially agreed to a simple cake, making my own cake would be the best option. I had no problems making myself a cake although it sounds quite sad, it actually isn’t. For someone who wants to have more experience baking cakes and decorating, doing my own cake just seemed like the best way to have another own in my portfolio and keep myself occupied. Which it really did. So I tried a new recipe from Sorted (which did turn out a little dense but still a good cake) with 4 layers of 6″ vanilla cake with alternating layers of pastry cream and speculoos feuilletine fillings, covered in vanilla swiss meringue buttercream and piped flowers as the unicorn’s mane. Usually, the horn and ears are made of fondant, which I am not  a huge fan of so I decided to go fondant-less. I made myself a cone from paper and painted it yellowish/gold and attached toothpicks to it so the paint would not touch the cake directly. the ears were made of halved figs which I absolutely loved the idea of having since the inside of the ears are perfect to replace the ears. It also gave the cake a different touch. 
To anyone in Singapore reading this, if you are looking for slightly cheaper handmade cakes, do contact me as I try to build up my repertoire and gain experience and provide you with a great cake!
to finish up, I’ve had great food with more to come, great cake and great company to spend my birthday with and I’m glad things worked out well, Thank you for the gifts and wishes 
On a side note, I’m quite sad that Disney has decided to cancel Girl Meets World because it was such a great show with such fun and relatable characters, teaching kids valuable lessons and giving them something to relate to. Even for me at 22, I can relate so well to Riley with her naiveness and fun side. Oh well, I hope kids find another show to relate to as I continue with 7 seasons of Boy Meets World, which is even better and the original idea of the show. Only thing is, it makes me miss my best friend wayyyyy too much, and I hope I get to see her in a few months time because being miles apart sucks. The Shawn Hunter to my Cory Matthews, the Maya Hart to my Riley Matthews and the Cristina Yang to my Meredith Grey. 
0 notes
Areida Hawke (TV Tropes)
Action Mom: By Inquisition, Areida and Anders have two sons. Three-year-old Karl and one-year-old Malcolm.
By Trespasser, they have a third child. A one-year-old daughter named Leandra.
Action Survivor: Along with her younger brother, Carver, Areida survived Ostagar and managed to outrun the darkspawn horde to Lothering. She also obviously survives the Blight, getting to Kirkwall, and thence the entire story.
Adaptational Badass: Played with. Areida is already a certified badass, but Varric is often found telling stories in the Hanged Man that exaggerate it to truly ridiculous levels. By Act 3, there are people claiming that Areida uses the Arishok's skull as a gravy boat and sleeps on a bed of dragon bones.
Adaptational Dye Job: In Universe example. Areida has brown hair while in Varric's book, her hair is black.
Adaptational Ugliness: Another In Universe example and more like adaptional plainness. In Varric's book, Tale of the Champion and the story's prologue, Areida's physical appearane is badass and tomboyish looking, complete with boyish short hair while in real life, Areida is much more prettier.
Varric likely change Areida’s physical appearance in order to protect her identity.
The only physical description of Areida that Varric kept in his book were her striking blue eyes.
All-Loving Hero: Areida is unfailingly kind and compassionate to those around her. However, one of the most tragic parts of the story is that, no matter how loving and heroic Areida is, she cannot prevent the deaths of her brother and her mother or prevent Thedas from collapsing into war. It's really not her fault at all, but she’s the one that history will blame.
Almighty Janitor: Before becoming Champion, Areida is just a citizen/noble of Kirkwall. She has no special titles or ranks nor is she interested in getting one. In fact, Aveline gives her a bit of a hard time for not petitioning for a title. Areida prefers to run things from the ground, as this gives her the freedom to act without going through political red-tape. By Act III, this is actually given as the reason why the nobles want Areida as the new Viscountess, because instead of political posturing, she is the only person who actually manages to get things done.
Ambadassador: The Arishok is willing to speak Areida and only Areida in Act II, mostly because the Arishok views her as the only one in the entire city of Kirkwall worth respecting.
In Act III, Areida mentions that she’s occasionally been called upon in her role as Champion to "rescue" visiting foreign heads of state from having to put up with Knight-Commander Meredith for too long.
Animal Motifs: Hawks, of course.
Her "Mantle of the Champion" armor has spurs and talons. Additionally, it has a beak-like hood and belt buckles shaped like hawk beaks/skulls.
Carried over in Inquisition, where Areida's tarot card is a hawk with the city of Kirkwall on its wings, weighing it down. 
Asskicking Equals Authority: Areida defeats the Arishok in single combat and is rewarded with the title of Champion...
Authority Equals Asskicking: ... And becomes even more badass as a result.
After becoming Champion of Kirkwall, it is implied that Areida has enough authority that the Templars purposefully choose to ignore Anders and Merrill, two of Areida's well-known Mage friends because of this. And if Meredith hadn't been able to seize power in the wake of the Viscount's assassination, Areida would likely have been declared Viscountess of Kirkwall, not merely Champion.
Audience Surrogate: Oddly enough, Areida fits this in Inquisition more than she did in her own story.
Badass Creed: When Tallis tells Areida that the Qun could give her a purpose.
                          Areida: "I have a purpose. I protect Kirkwall."
Badass Family: Both the Amells and the Hawkes are ridiculously badass.
Badass Normal: Along with Carver, Areida actually survived the fighting at Ostagar.
Compared to the other two protagonists, Areida is not a Grey Warden and has no magical mark, but she is simply a normal fighter.
Badass Unintentional: In the beginning of the story, Areida is just trying to protect her family. When she gets to Kirkwall... it doesn't go well.
Beauty, Brains and Brawn: In a trio with Bethany and Aveline, Areida is The Brains; She becomes the de facto leader of both the Hawke family and her Ragtag Bunch of Misfits in Kirkwall, making the major decisions and guiding the others.
Because Destiny Says So: Areida becoming Champion of Kirkwall. Invoked by Flemeth during the Destiny trailer:
                                 Flemeth: "There are men who struggle against destiny, and yet only achieve an early grave. There are men who flee destiny, only to have it swallow them whole. And then, there are men who embrace destiny... and do not show their fear. These are the ones that will change the world forever."
Belated Happy Ending: In Inquisition, after stopping the ritual at Adamant Fortress, Areida travels to Weisshaupt (having unrevealed issues at the time) to explain things. Trespasser reveals in the epilogue that Areida has indeed come back from Weisshaupt and returned home to Kirkwall, helping out the newly appointed Viscount Varric and getting to enjoy her Champion of Kirkwall title without the political turmoil of the Dragon Age II years. She's also living happily in the Hawke estate again with Anders, their three children, and her sister Bethany.
Benevolent Boss: Areida doubles the wages of the Fereldan workers in the Bone Pit along with protecting the workers from dangerous creatures that threaten the mine. It's also mentioned that Areida donates most of her earnings from the mine to help the Fereldan refugees and those orphaned by the Blight. She also lets Bodahn and Sandal stay at the Estate, despite insisting that Bodahn doesn't owe her anything for saving Sandal's life in the Deep Roads. Areida also frees Orana from slavery and offers her paid work as her maid, with it mentioned in Act 3 that she also encouraged Orana's musical talents and paid for her music lessons out of her own pocket. She also treats Bodahn, Sandal, and Orana like they are part of the family.
Berserk Button: Areida is diplomatic and kind most of the time but she will become agressive if anyone dares threaten to harm anyone in her family, especially her mother and younger sister.
The only other time Areida ever raises her voice in anger is when Meredith brings up the fact that her mother was murdered by a blood mage as they argue at the beginning of Act 3 about the fact that Meredith has become a tyrant towards the mages.
Beware the Nice Ones: Areida might attempt to be reasonable, but she's the Champion of Kirkwall for a reason.
Big Sister Instinct: Areida is protective of both of her siblings, but she's obviously more protective of Bethany.
The first thing Areida does when Ser Wesley identifies Bethany as an apostate is get right in his face with fire in her eyes.
Areida gains Feynriel’s trust by openly admitting that she's spent her entire life protecting her sister from the Templars.
It's heavily implied that Areida joined the army at Ostagar simply because she wanted to keep an eye on and protect Carver.
Big Good: Areida is this to the people of Kirkwall. As Varric's narration makes absolutely clear, she is the only person in Kirkwall actively trying to make the City of Chains a better place for everyone to live, and repeatedly puts her life on the line in order to go out of her way to help people.
Boyish Short Hair: She has straight boyish short black hair in the prologue and Varric's book about her. Her hair is actually brown, a little bit longer, and more wavy.
Break His Heart to Save Him: Averted. Areida does not break up with Anders but she doesn't bring him along when she goes to Skyhold either. Areida is not happy about leaving him behind, but she is not willing to take the risk that Corypheus will affect Anders' mind again.
Broken Ace: Despite being powerful and well-respected, Areida can't help but feel she is a Cosmic Plaything.
Taken even further in Inquisition, where she admits that she no longer uses the "Champion of Kirkwall" title, given her failure to stop any of the madness.
Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Increasingly, Areida becomes the Gentle Girl to Anders' Brooding Boy as time goes on.
Bullying a Dragon: Place this kindhearted, affable woman in front of enemies, and let them see that she's entirely capable of slicing them with her daggers. Next to no one seems able to get the hint that they should tread carefully to avoid trying to start a physical fight with Areida. 
Despite being well-known as the Champion of Kirkwall by Act III, the amount of people who try to murder the person who defeated the Arishok in single-combat is particularly baffling.
Calling the Old Man Out: Downplayed, as Areida never really yells or talks angrily at Leandra, but she points out that the Hawkes are only in Kirkwall because they fled the Blight, and therefore they're not entitled to have her family's wealth.
The Caretaker: As head of the household since Malcolm's death, Areida's primary motivation has been and continues to be looking after Leandra, Bethany and Carver. Unfortunately, as the story goes on, she fails to protect her brother and mother through no fault of her own. This extends to her companions as well. Her need to take on other people's problems is borderline unhealthy.
                   Hawke: "Your problems are my problems."
                   Fenris: "Unlucky you."
The Champion: Areida is this towards Bethany. When Ser Wesley realizes that Bethany is a mage, Areida's immediate reaction is to step in front of her sister and give a Death Glare to the Templar that informs him that he will have to go through her first.
For the entirety of Act 3, this is Areida's official title - Champion of Kirkwall - and she commands a high level of respect from almost everyone because of her devotion to protecting the populace. It's noted in supplemental material that "Champion" is a special title used only by the city-states in the Free Marches.
Characterization Marches On: In Inquisition, Areida has become very anti-blood magic. One could assume that the Mage/Templar war was the catalyst to make her despise blood magic between the second and third story.
Child of Forbidden Love: Areida's maternal grandparents disowned her mother for getting pregnant with the child of a mage and then running away to elope with the mage, making Areida this along with her younger siblings.
The Chosen One: Areida's actions ultimately change the face of Thedas forever. Word of God has even stated that because of this, Areida is one of the most important people in Thedas's entire history.
This trope is averted in-universe, however; as there is no Big Bad orchestrating everything behind the scenes, there's also no good counterpart to Save the World from the villain. Areida is just a Rags to Riches refugee who's sufficiently badass enough to gain a measure of political and financial clout - and even that can't stop the tide of unrest that consumes Kirkwall. Varric speculates to Cassandra on the complexities of whether Areida's presence was for better or for worse.
Cosmic Plaything: Sorry, Areida, but being The Chosen One doesn't preclude you from being Destiny's bitch.
Country Cousin: Rural Ferelden-born Areida is one to the noble Amell family.
Cruel Mercy: Played straight in Mark of the Assassin when Areida decides to spare Baron Arlange instead of having him killed. Areida had mopped the floor with Arlange after he attempted to murder her and her companions for having the audacity to kill the alpha wyvern first during the hunt. Despite Tallis pointing out that Areida is the "Champion of Kirkwall" and eats people like him for breakfast, Arlange still doesn't learn his lesson. The next time he tries to kill her, Areida isn't so merciful.
Deal with the Devil: Areida is forced to make one of these with Flemeth - help her with her Thanatos Gambit in exchange for getting the Hawke family and Aveline to safety. By the end of the story, there seem to be no negative consequences, at least for Areida. Considering Areida's Cosmic Plaything status, this could actually count as a minor Plot Twist.
Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?:
The reaction of pure shock on Meredith's face when she enters the room to find that Areida has defeated the Arishok. Cassandra even has this reaction of utter disbelief that Areida did so in single combat.
Cassandra reacts with similar disbelief in Legacy when Varric tells her the tale of Areida defeating one of the first darkspawn in existence - one of the Magisters who brought the Blight to Thedas in the first place. Admittedly, it's hard to blame her.
Flemeth invokes this during the Prologue, claiming Areida successfully piqued her interest by killing the Ogre.
The Dutiful Daughter: Areida's entire motivation in Act 1 is to simply provide for her mother and gain enough money to win back her mother's childhood home.
Earn Your Happy Ending: It's revealed in Trespasser that Areida eventually returns to Kirkwall as its Champion, and helps rebuild it with Varric as the new Viscount.
Even the Girls Want Her: A lot of female characters come on to Areida.
Eye Take: Areida's reaction to Aveline needing three goats and a sheaf of wheat.
Facial Markings: In the prologue and Tale of the Champion, Areida has a red blood smear on the bridge of her nose.
Failure Hero: Fails to prevent her brother’s death in the beginning of the story. Fails to prevent the Templars from taking her sister away to the circle. Fails to save her mother from a serial killer. Fails to stop the Qunari attack on Kirkwall. Fails to prevent the Mage/Templar War. Fails to properly kill Corypheus. Essentially, Areida tries to stand against massive wave after massive wave and most of what she achieves is getting soaked to the bone. Even her one unambiguous success (the Deep Roads expedition which makes her filthy rich) turns out to have disastrous effects in the long run thanks to her discovery of red lyrium. The best that can be said for Areida is that her actions at least prevented bad situations from becoming many times worse. In Inquisition, the Nightmare demon taunts Areida with the fact that nothing she did made a big difference and that she couldn't even succeed in saving Kirkwall.
Though the ending of Trespasser reveals that she eventually returned to Kirkwall as it's Champion and helped it rebuild. Her efforts did amount to something, it just took a long time to get there.
Family Eye Resemblance: Areida's striking blue eyes are her most notable physical feature that she inherited from her father, Malcolm. This may have been how the Catra from Legacy knew she was his daughter.
Field Promotion: When it becomes clear that Meredith's going to keep bickering with Orsino over who's leading the assault, Orsino suggests following Areida as a compromise.
Fighter, Mage, Thief: Areida is a rouge who specializes in fighting with a dagger in each hand.
Fight Magnet:
Areida can't even drop off a piece of mail without fighting more faceless, rooftop-hopping enemies with pointy weapons than most 80's action movie heroes did in their entire careers. Delivering a piece of mail? Mercenary horde! Meeting a contact late at night? Random assassin attack! Taking a talisman to an altar on a mountain? Legions of undead and giant spiders! Going for a stroll on the beach? Tal-Vashoth squads, raider groups, and packs of feral mabari hounds! And Areida can't go a week without running into one insane mage or another. This is lampshaded extensively, too. Bodahn comments that he's never had to clean up so many bloody footprints in someone's house before. 
Varric lampshades this in Legacy:
                      Varric: "The day you go to the beach is the day an armada of angry demon pirates show up." 
Folk Hero: Varric's exaggerations are the retelling of the Champion's story through the public's eyes.
Fluffy Tamer: Inverted. Mabari choose their owners and Maximus chose Areida.
Friend to All Children: Areida doesn’t react well when it comes to children being hurt. Discovering that a deranged serial killer has been targeting the elven children of Kirkwall, simply because they are "too beautiful," is enough to make the diplomatic Areida so utterly furious she vow to slit the man's throat.
After Areida becomes a Noble in Act 2, it's implied by Aveline that Areida has donated a large amount of her reclaimed family fortune, in order to help her fellow Fereldan refugees and the children orphaned by the Blight. She also gives money to a specific beggar in Darktown who asks for help in feeding her children.
From Nobody to Nightmare: From at least some people's perspectives after Dragon Age II.
Generation Xerox: Areida greatly resembles, and takes after, her father, Malcolm Hawke.
Like her mother, Leandra, she starts a romantic relationship with an apostate and goes on the run with him while pregnant with his child, though unlike her mother, Areida didn’t know about her pregnancy until one month after she left Kirkwall. 
Good Counterpart: To her Uncle Gamlen. Both are heads of the household and sole breadwinners, responsible for looking after their siblings and parents, as well as belonging to a family that has fallen on hard times. However, Gamlen blames others for his misfortune while attempting to bribe, cheat and swindle his way back into riches. By comparison, Areida immediately demonstrates that she is willing to roll up her sleeves, get her hands dirty and actually do some work in order to change her situation.
It should be noted that the latter is partially because Areida didn't really have much of a choice. She was perfectly willing to rely on Leandra's noble roots to house them in Kirkwall, but was forced to roll up her sleeves and work when it became clear that Gamlen's bungling and fraud had cost the Hawke family the option they thought they had. Still, we never hear Areida complain.
It's also worth noting that Uncle Gamlen can be something of a Jerkass at times, but he's not really evil, and he does love his family even if he's a bit incompetent. 
The Hero
Heroic BSoD: After her mother dies, Areida spends the next few cutscenes in a depression.
Heroic Self-Deprecation: When she shows up in Dragon Age: Inquisition, it's clear that Areida has been hit hard by her frequent failures. In their first meeting, Areida honestly doesn't understand why Inquisitor Rosabelle Trevelyan would even want her help.
Hero of Another Story: Despite being the protagonist, Areida oddly enough qualifies for this, due to the Framing Device being set in the present day and depicting Cassandra's attempt to glean the truth about Areida's tale from Varric's recollections.
Highly Visible Ninja: Areida’s “Mantle of the Champion” armor is a very practical armor, secured with a series of straps to her body without hampering her mobility.
Honorary Aunt: She becomes an honorary Aunt to Aveline and Donnic’s daughter, whom they named after her. She is known as “Aunt Reedy”. 
Hurting Hero: Just look at some of her TV Tropes entries. There are certain points in the story where Areida is depressed. The most notable example is when after her mother dies. This is upped considerably in Inquisition, where after four years of constantly being on the run, her failure to stop the Mage-Templar War and failing to kill Corypheus have done irreparable damage to Areida's self-esteem and left her lonelier than ever.
Hypercompetent Sidekick:
To Viscount Dumar in Act 2, routinely stepping in to deal with the Qunari on his behalf.
Likewise fulfills this role opposite Tallis in Mark of the Assassin, being mentioned as one of the reasons she chose to seek Areida out.
To Athenril's smugglers during her first year in Kirkwall. Athenril's group of smugglers went from a minor thieves' guild to rivaling both the Carta and the Coterie during the year they had Areida among them.
I Am Your Opponent:
Invokes this towards the Arishok, indicating that if he wants to take Kirkwall, he has to go through her first.
For his part, the Arishok consistently treats Areida as a Worthy Opponent and the greatest threat that exists in Kirkwall. During his attempted coup d'etat at the end of Act 2, he tries to eliminate her before anyone else. When that doesn't work, he challenges Areida outright, complimenting her with the title of basalit-an - an outsider worthy of respect.
I Was Never Here: Areida's apparent work ethic, typically taking jobs that involve acting beneath anyone's notice. Throughout the story, Aveline, the Viscount, the Templars, and even the Arishok all use her as a neutral third party agent so that if she get caught, she can claim plausible deniability in that she isn't doing anything officially sanctioned.
In Mark of the Assassin, Along with the fact the Areida is basalit-an, Tallis implies that one of the reasons she sought her out was because she can operate under the radar.
Iconic Outfit: Her "Mantle of the Champion" armor is an in-universe example. She’s still wearing it by the time of Inquisition. 
Indifferent Beauty: A lot of different characters comment on Areida's beauty, even Varric, who's already spoken for . Areida knows that she's considered attractive looking yet she doesn't seem to take any particular pride or interest in it. The only time she takes interest in her own beauty is when Anders comments on it.
It's All My Fault:
Areida thinks this after Carver is killed by an ogre. She even silently agrees with her mother when she lashes out at her in grief that it's her fault. Areida still blames herself for Carver's death even after her mother apologizes to her for lashing out at her for it.
She takes this attitude again after her mother is murder by a blood mage serial killer, believing that she could have prevented her mother’s death if she had watched over her more closely. 
And again in Inquisition when Corypheus returns. This is one of the reasons why she wanted to perform a Heroic Sacrifice in the Fade.
Knife Nut: Areida can practically dance with her daggers.
Lady of War: Areida is a soft-spoken, graceful, complete and utter badass.
Last-Name Basis: Practically everyone refers to Areida by her last name. More than once, Areida will introduce herself as such; apparently, she prefers being on a last name basis. However, in salutations of letters from family members, Areida is addressed by her given name.
This is actually a little amusing when you hear the party members refer to Bethany by her first name and then immediately after, in the same sentence, refer to Areida by her last name.
Even Anders always call her Hawke. The only ones who don't are the members of her own family, who instead use affectionate nicknames. For example, Bethany calls Areida "sis".
It's also a little weird when Areida has Bethany in the party and characters still say things like "So, you're Hawke." Bethany never mentions that she is also a Hawke. Of course, in many cultures, the eldest child and head of the household is addressed by their family name, so this makes some sense. 
Played with in Legacy. The Carta attempted to abduct both Areida and Bethany, hedging their bets that one of them has to be "The Hawke", since they were tasked with finding the blood of "The Hawke"... and they were a little unsure which Hawke was actually required?! Taken further when it is reveled that Areida and Bethany’s father, Malcolm, was also called "The Hawke", which leads to some conversations, where all three are known by this title, completely interchangeably. So in other words, Malcolm was "The Hawke", Areida is now "The Hawke", and Bethany could be "The Hawke"! should anything happen to her older sister.
This trope is averted by Orana, Areida's elven maid. As a former slave, she's been instilled with the unconscious urge to refer to someone in authority as "Mistress". This is despite Areida's insistence that she's not a slave anymore and is free to refer to her by her actual name.
Legacy Character:
In Legacy, the Carta frequently refer to both Areida and her late father, Malcolm, as being "the Hawke".
It becomes more confusing as Bethany is referred to by this title too.
Like a Son to Me: Areida invokes this towards Sandal. Bodahn worries in Act 3 that he's starting to get on in years and he doesn't know what will happen to Sandal after he is gone. Areida assures him that Sandal will always be welcomed in her home.
Like Mother, Like Daughter: Just like her mother, Areida starts a romantic relationship with an apostate and goes on the run with him while pregnant with his child, though unlike her mother, Areida didn’t know about her pregnancy until one month after she left Kirkwall. 
                        Gamlen: “I hear you moved that apostate boy into your home. You really are your mother’s daughter.”
Living Emotional Crutch: She serves as an emotional anchor for a significant number of her friends, either at certain points or throughout the entire story. This is especially pronounced with Anders, Merrill, and Fenris.
Lonely at the Top: Played with. Her friends mostly stick around, but Areida's family doesn't. As she gets closer to glory, Carver dies in Lothering, Bethany gets sent to the Circle, and her mother is kidnapped and murdered by a blood mage serial killer. Every step up the ladder Areida takes, she becomes steadily more alone. By Act 3, only Gamlen, Charade, Bodahn, and Sandal, and Orana are left. It makes Areida's offer for Anders to move in with her in Act 3 much more poignant.
Love Martyr: Even though Anders flat-out lied to Areida and the other companions and tricked her into helping him start the final battle in the first place, Areida commits to him before the final battle, even though this means being hunted as a fugitive along with the most wanted man in Thedas.
She also has this towards her Uncle Gamlen in a family type way. Despite the fact that he acts like a jerk towards her most of the time, Areida loves her uncle and is willing to protect him, as shown in Act 3.
Magnetic Hero: Arguably moreso than Ilona Cousland. While in the first story, the party is tied together by a common cause, this is not the case here. Although some companions develop friendships, it's their bond with Areida that keeps them working together as a group. Legacy reveals that Areida inherited this trait from her father.
Besides her regular companions, it's shown that Bodahn Feddic vowed complete Undying Loyalty after Areida rescued his adopted son, Sandal, in the Deep Roads, becoming her man-servant and official Team Dad of her estate, despite Areida's protests that it really wasn't necessary. Areida's elven maid, Orana, was a former slave that she rescued from an insane Tevinter Magister. Orana is naturally bewildered when Areida informs her she's now free, proceeds to offer her a job... and more astoundingly, is actually going to pay her for her service.
Meaningful Name: Both the Hawke and Amell family names derive from birds of prey. Flemeth lampshades this, telling Areida that when the time is right, she should not be afraid to leap, as it only then that she will learn how to fly!
Amell literally means "Power of an Eagle", which becomes very apropos considering her (former) high status in Kirkwall. Likewise, it also is very apt given the family's return to prominence through their scion, Hawke.
Memetic Badass: Areida is an in-universe example, at least through Varric's storytelling.
Modest Royalty:
Despite being acknowledged by the Viscount as the legitimate heir to the Amells, Areida turned down the title of "Lady Amell" because she wished to make the Hawke family name as respected and earn the title of "Lady Hawke".
Unlike her mother, who was born into wealth, Areida hates socialising with the aristocracy. After becoming Champion of Kirkwall, it's mentioned that she only attends formal banquets held in her honour because she has to. Truthfully, she'd rather be down at the Hanged Man with her friends.
Must Make Amends: For releasing Corypheus and failing to kill him. She joins the Inquisition because of it and it's one reason why she was willing to sacrifice herself later in the story.
My Greatest Failure: Areida's inability to prevent her brother from being killed by an Ogre, as well as prevent her mother's murder.
Nay-Theist: A variation. While Areida appears to believe in the Maker and Andraste, she often appear to be highly skeptical of the Chantry and affiliated organisations like the Templars.
Neutral Good: Invoked by Aveline, who expresses her annoyance that Areida has never sought any kind of position in Kirkwall society in all the years she's been in the city. Areida repeatedly states that her only concern is the welfare of her friends and family and that she'd rather stay out of Kirkwall politics, only becoming involved when she absolutely must.
Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!:
Several horrible events in the story are indirectly Areida's fault. In fact, Areida seems to know that she does this.
              Areida: "Summoned a horror. Of course. Why wouldn't I do that?"
In Legacy, Areida causes Corypheus to inhabit a nearby Grey Warden after defeating him, who then goes on to become the main villain of Inquisition. That particular screw-up hit her hard.
Areida's look when she realizes that she helped gather the ingredients needed for Anders to construct the bomb that blew up Kirkwall's Chantry, an act that kills off the only people who could have brokered peace between the Templars and the Circle mages in Kirkwall. Congratulations Areida, you just helped a terrorist murder innocent people in order to start a war.
Areida and company discover the Primeval Thaig, leading to the discovery of the cursed red lyrium idol. Because of the fact that the red lyrium idol has been brought to the surface, numbers of huge clusters of red lyrium had formed in different places by the time of Inquisition.
Nice, Mean, and In-Between: Of the three Hawke siblings, Areida is the Nice to Carver's Mean and Bethany's In Between.
Noble Fugitive: Played straight at the end of the story, where Areida is forced to leave Kirkwall after the outbreak of the Mage-Templar War.
Non-Idle Rich: Despite being independently wealthy by the end of Act 1, Areida seems content to make up for her lack of an actual job by doing pretty much every available odd job in the city.
Not So Different:
To the Qunari, which is lampshaded several times. The Saarebas "Ketojan," in Act 1, says that if Areida submitted to the Qun, her role wouldn't change; later, the Arishok claims that Areida is what the Qunari would be without the Qun.
Tallis later hints at this; Since the Arishok declared Areida as a "Basalit'an", all Qunari now know and respect Areida as an equal.
Tallis claims that the Qun could give Areida a role and purpose. Areida's response?
                         Areida: "I have a purpose. I protect Kirkwall."
Number Two: In a way; starting in Act 2, the Viscount relies on Areida more and more to keep the peace between Kirkwall and the Qunari. This is because the Arishok views Areida as the most "promising" individual in the city, while the only words he will deign to say to the Viscount is "Begone!". By Act 3, Areida is Kirkwall's Champion and the single most influential noble in the city.
Oblivious to Love: Areida is unaware of Fenris' feelings towards her and she never finds out about it.
Occult Detective: Only in Kirkwall could seemingly innocuous jobs frequently end with Areida battling Blood Mages, Demons, Walking Corpses, and all manner of "weird shit".
In Varric's personal quest in Act 3, Varric calls on Areida to help him investigate a haunting at Bartrand's mansion, because having grown up in a household full of magic users, she has a lot of experience with all kinds of "weird shit."
One-Man Army: When Kirkwall has a problem, they send Areida.
Being reduced to a guest character in Inquisition has done nothing to reduce Areida's status as one of these.
Only Sane Employee: Comes with the job of being Champion.
Only Sane Man: As with the first story. Given that the Dysfunction Junction is out in full force here, though, it's actually quite likely; Areida manages to come off as this to her companions at times.
Outlaw Couple: At the end of Dragon Age 2, Areida goes on the run with Anders who triggered the endgame and is now possibly the most wanted man in Thedas.
The Paragon: Areida is a selfless, caring person who always puts the needs of others first.
Pet the Dog: Areida interacts with her Mabari, Maximus, numerous times in the story, despite it having no bearing on the plot.
Phrase Catcher: The Hanged Man patrons cheer "HAWKE!" every time Areida subsequently enters the bar.
Platonic Life-Partners: With Varric. Areida's friendship with Varric in particular is arguably the closest one in the entire franchise.
Protectorate: Areida invokes this in Mark of the Assassin.
                                Areida: "I protect Kirkwall."
Prodigal Hero: Played with in that Areida wasn't the one who left Kirkwall years ago; her mother Leandra was. Yet, after Leandra and her kids return to her origin city, it's Areida who winds up becoming its Champion.
Properly Paranoid: Between II and Inquisition, Areida suspects Corypheus's involvement in the strange behavior of the Wardens despite believing him to be dead. Being romantically involved with Anders, Areida takes this as a cue to get him as far away as possible.
Rage Breaking Point: Despite her standard lines about not wanting to hurt anyone being uttered in a way that indicates that may not be her first instinct, when Leandra is kidnapped in Act 2 and Bethany is kidnapped in Act 3, Areida's whole demeanor changes and the amount of anger in her voice that still seeps through her Tranquil Fury indicates how fast you should be running away right now.
A good example is when Meredith drags the fact that Areida's mother was brutally murdered by a blood mage, into her incessant anti-mage crusade: "Leave my mother out of this." Knight-Commander or no, if there was one moment in the story when Meredith's stoic demeanor was a mere facade, that was it.
Rags to Riches: Over the course of the story, Areida goes from penniless refugee to noble to the Champion of Kirkwall.
Reasonable Authority Figure
Refusal of the Second Call: Qualifies as one In-Universe because things are pretty awful in Kirkwall, and eventually Areida disappears because she's had enough. The reason that Varric pretends not to know where Areida is during the second and third story is because he feels that his friend has been through enough. He only resorts to calling Areida in when it's absolutely unavoidable.
Rich Idiot with No Day Job: According to Aveline in Act 2, Areida refuses to actually get a position of authority.
Right Man in the Wrong Place: Areida became one of the most notable figures in Thedas history almost completely unintentionally. The plot of the story explains how she managed to find herself in these situations. This is stressed more than in the first story: the Framing Device consists of a borderline conspiracy theorist who thinks Areida planned almost everything from the start, and Varric, who was actually there and has to explain how much more complicated it was.
Royals Who Actually Do Something: After reclaiming her family estate and becoming a noble at the beginning of Act 2, it turns out that in the three-year interlude, Areida was helping improve life in the lower towns and coming to the aid of those in need, regardless of social standing. The Viscount even comments that that kind of attitude hasn't been seen in Kirkwall in a long time.
Seen It All: Varric reckons that having grown up in a house full of mages is the reason why Areida is unfazed by all the "weird shit" she witnesses on a regular basis.
Shrouded in Myth: The entire frame of the story is clearing up what happened and what didn't.
Varric intentionally spreads stories about Areida (with some embellishment) to create a mythic shroud. By the end of the Dragon Age II, people are cowering in awe from the woman who supposedly slew a dragon with a rusty spoon and uses the Arishok's skull as a gravy-boat. 
Equally subverted when some antagonists in the story don't believe the stories they've heard about Areida, only to realise that those are the ones that are actually true. 
Due to the tales about the Champion of Kirkwall growing with each retelling, Cassandra has been forced to seek out the source, Varric, in order to discern the fact behind the fiction, due to her believing that Areida worked to begin a Civil War between mages and templars that is beginning to engulf all of Thedas. Unfortunately for her, he turns out to be something of an Unreliable Expositor who feels he has no reason to trust her (and the most significant lie wouldn't be uncovered until well into the sequel).
Shrine to the Fallen: After Leandra's murder, Areida refuses to disturb anything in her mother's room, even after it’s been three years.
Spiders Are Scary: When the party in Inquisition finds themselves in the Fade, Areida is the only person other than the Rosabelle to see the demons as spiders.
Stupidity Is the Only Option: A surprising number of quests requires Areida to hold the Idiot Ball in order for things to play out the way the writers want.
When Areida learns that a serial killer is targeting Hightown women, Areida can't even try to warn Leandra... who then goes out for her weekly get-together with her brother and is promptly kidnapped by the killer, becoming his final victim.
During On the Loose, Huon's wife asks Areida for protection because she fears for her life. Areida notably says she'll come back for her after dark, and the player has to leave the alienage and come back in order for the quest to trigger. Lo and behold, leaving her alone for so long gives Huon ample opportunity to return and kill his wife, which Areida and her companions witness just as they walk through the alienage gates.
When Anders asks for Areida's help finding ingredients to a magic potion that he claims will split him and Justice, and the ingredients sound oddly similar to real-world bomb ingredients, Areida has no choice but to take Anders at his word and help him.
In Legacy, after Areida kills Corypheus, Larius acts obviously possessed, strongly implying that Corypheus body-hopped after Areida slew him, but she and her friends have no choice but to stand there and watch him go on his merry way. It makes Areida and Varric's insistence that they were sure Corypheus died in Inquisition sound more like they're trying to convince themselves.
Supporting Protagonist: In an interesting twist, although Varric is narrating Areida's story, over the course of the plot, it becomes apparent that Areida really wasn't the central figure or instigator of events, but just the Right Person in the Wrong Place. This is especially telling in the third act, when it's really about Anders causing the Mage/Templar war.
Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: While Areida gets along fine with Stroud at first in Inquisition, the revelations of what the Grey Wardens have done and are doing infuriates Areida, leading to a back and forth What the Hell, Hero? between the two of them, with Stroud responding by calling out Areida's part in the beginning of the Mage-Templar War.
Thousand-Yard Stare: Areida sports one after her mother's very gruesome death.
Übermensch: Areida's actions change Thedas forever. On the other hand, it's very clear that, in the end, Areida had very little actual effect on major events.
Uncertain Doom: In Dragon Age: Inquisition, she heads to Weisshaupt to inform the First Warden; the Epilogue mentions that the fortress has fallen silent.
Happily, as of Trespasser, the second part has been removed, as it is stated that Areida has returned to Kirkwall alive and well to help Varric run the place.
Uncle Pennybags: After Areida regains the family fortune, she uses it to help the poor and downtrodden in Kirkwall, double the wages for the miners in the Bone Pit (much to the chagrin of her business partner), fund their Lady of Adventure pursuits, and often pay for rounds of drinks down at the Hanged Man. See Benevolent Boss.
Unflinching Walk: Implied in Dragon Age Inquisition. She heads for the Grey Wardens' main fortress of Weisshaupt in the Anderfels to help sort some things out. When Rosabelle asks Varric about the whole affair during Trespasser, he reveals that he doesn't really know what's going on at Weisshaupt, but considering who they're talking about, he fully expects the place to blow up in a spectacular fashion rather sooner than later while Areida strolls out of the inferno without looking back.
Uptown Girl: Areida starts out as a refugee with nothing but the clothes and weapons on her back, but after becoming nobility by Act 2, Areida becomes this when she starts a romantic relationship with the apostate, Anders.
Warrior Princess: By Act 2, the asskicking Areida becomes part of the nobility of Kirkwall, and is thus rightfully entitled to be called Lady Hawke (in addition to Champion).
Warrior Therapist: Areida is this with her friends frequently. Particularly prominent with Fenris, where most of their interaction has Areida politely listening while Fenris talks about his life and why he has such utter hatred of magic. It practically is a therapy session.
What Beautiful Eyes!: Areida's striking blue eyes are considered to be her most attractive feature. So much so that they were the only physical description of her that Varric kept in his book about her. She inherited her eyes from her father.
What the Hell, Hero?: In Inquisition, Areida is enraged by the Wardens' actions, their use of blood magic, demon summoning, and the part they played in the death of Divine Justinia and lets Stroud know this very clearly.
World's Best Warrior: Though not without contention, Areida seems to fit this trope above any other character apart from maybe Ilona Cousland. Areida is renowned worldwide (thanks largely to Varric's Tale of the Champion book) as one of the greatest fighters alive and even with this renown, many people still express disbelief in some of the victories she won, particularly her defeat of the Qunari Arishok in single combat and an ancient Tevinter magister. Even her friends acknowledge her superiority in terms of battle prowess. Ilona Cousland and Rosabelle Trevelyan are both contestants for the title, but both of them had an additional edge (Ilona was the only person that could stop the Fifth Blight and Rosabelle was the only one that can fight the Breach). Areida is known solely because of her combat ability.
Worthy Opponent: In Act 2, the Arishok deems Areida "Basalit'an" - an outsider worthy of respect.
                   Arishok: (To Areida) "You alone are Basalit-an." (To the nobles) "This is what respect looks like bas! Some of you will never earn it!"
In Mark of the Assassin, Tallis tells Areida that this is how Areida is considered by all Qunari; she clarifies that they do not think of Areida as an enemy, but as an honourable outsider worthy enough to parley with or request assistance from.
You Are Better Than You Think You Are: She frequently invoke this.
You Can't Go Home Again: Areida's Doomed Hometown of Lothering is destroyed by the Darkspawn horde at the beginning of the story. It's eventually rebuilt at some point over the next seven years, but by that time Areida is pretty enmeshed in Kirkwall's problems and has begun to set in roots. However, her mother comments that Areida and Bethany "are Fereldan to your toes," and dialogue in one minor quest has Areida state that despite her role as Champion of Kirkwall, she will always consider Ferelden to be her home.
Your Approval Fills Me with Shame: This is Areida's response whenever she is complimented by a Qunari and is told that they're Not So Different.
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