#merkel atomic blonde
I need Bill skarsgård x reader asap please someone make fanfic of him I swear to god,He's so fine. I need more fanfics of this man in real life and his characters that he plays like I'm begging 😭 😩 😫 🙏
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evrensadwrn · 2 months
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oh you cunt merkel
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1liv · 2 years
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Bill Skarsgård as Merkel in ATOMIC BLONDE (2017)
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Bill Skarsgard & Co.
Status: Archived Indefinitely
Axel Cluney from Deadpool 2
Gordon Merkel from Atomic Blonde
Henry Pearl from Battlecreek
Mark from Assassination Nation
Mickey from Villains
 Roman Godfrey from Hemlock Grove
The Kid from Castle Rock
Willard Russell from The Devil All The Time
Mateo from Soulmates
Preference Lists, Starring All of Them
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nestito702 · 1 year
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Bill Skarsgård as Merkel in ATOMIC BLONDE (2017)
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rp-partnerfinder · 6 months
Hi I'm 33 female writer looking for any 18+ writing partners for discord for the Hemlock Grove and Bill Skarsgard fandom. I only double up for roleplay.
I am looking for a Roman Godfrey to rp against my OC. Other ships I will roleplay for you.
Roman Godfrey x Peter Rumancek
Roman x oc
Peter x oc
Pennywise x oc
Mickey (Villains) x oc
Merkel (Atomic Blonde) x oc
Axel Cluney / Zeitgeist (Deadpool) x oc
Keith Toshko (Barbarian) x oc
Marquis Vincent de Gramont x oc
Marquis Vincent de Gramont x John Wick
I'm in the EST time zone. We can talk about reply length and how often to reply upon discussion.
If interested and serious just like this or comment on this post and I'll reach out to you.
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Is Bill Skarsgård only in remakes ?
This will be long. Really long.
After the relase of The crow 2024 , a lot of comments have surfaced saying that Bill only do remakes and nothing else. That he is where he is because of nepotism and that he only plays dark characters.
How about we review his trayectory according to his imdb page ? Lets see his eldest credit, how long it took him to position himself in america ( his big break) how many remakes has he done and what genres he explored.
If we go all the way down we will see that his career started in Sweden. His first credit come from the 2000's movie Järngänget where he worked with his brother Alex. Bill was 9 years old aprox. Since then he worked ocationally until his teenage years ,when he took the job more seriously , in consecuense he started to gain fame for himself in scandinavia, even nominations for some roles. Like with simple simon (I rymden finns inga känslor)
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In The crown jewels ( Kronjuvelna) we have Alicia Vikander and Bill skarsgard sharing the screen, both are swedish, and later both participated in the 2012 american adaptation of Anna Karenina (Leon tolstoi novel) sadly for Bill ,being Stellan Skarsgård son did not help his small role from being cut out of the movie. Alicia is the one who gets her big break from this by playing Kitty.
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Role: Captain Makhotin
But things don't end there, he may have not done it in american movies yet but he did land the role of the vampire / upir Roman Godfrey in Hemlock Grove (series), another adaptation from a book with the same name, on netflix ( small streaming plataform in the early 2010's) he did a total of 3 seasons.
In 2016 he gets another small role but in the Divergent series , in 2017 Atomic blond ( as Merkel). Now it's in 2017 at 27 years old when his first remake and big break comes: IT (pennywise) . But first lest define briefly what is a remake?
wikipedia says: A remake is a film, television series, video game, song or similar form of entertainment that is based upon and retells the story of an earlier production in the same medium—e.g., a "new version of an existing film".A remake tells the same story as the original but uses a different set of casts, and may use actors from the original, alter the theme, or change the flow and setting of the story. A similar but not synonymous term is reimagining, which indicates a greater discrepancy between, for example, a movie and the movie it is based on
It is a novel by stephen king ,the first adaptation was for tv miniseries of 2 episodes in 1990 with Tim curry as Pennywise. In 2017 another adaptation is released and here is where we open the main debate: The 2017 movie was a remake or another adaptation? I guess is matter of perspective, while is true that the first popular reference we have about the subject is the 90'series , the new production based his storyline and character design in the book... So if you are more familiar with the book you'll call it an adaptation but if you have never read it then it'll be a remake "with differences".
The contrast beetween both vertions of IT is too big to consider the latter ( 2017) a re-do/ remake of the miniseries. You can notice that just by the approach Bill and Tim took on Pennywise. Tim's version was more human, a psycopath like in John Wayne Gacy-esque type. Bill's was a monster, not one trace of humanity in his character, it was out of this world and enjoyed playin/ torturing its meals cause it tasted better basically.
My own take is that IT CHAPTER 1 AND 2 are not remakes of It (1990). But due to pop culture they are considered as such.
Between the IT- MANIA he was in the following productions: Battlecreek , deadpool 2 ( short role), Villians, Assasination nation and Castle rock ( series). He also participated in shortfilms like: A stone Appears, Alteration and Do you like the taste of beer?
Is in castle rock where he plays another creepy role as the kid .For battle creek he is an artistic vulnerable depressed dude. In assassination he plays a misogynistic teen asshole. And with Villains we see him explore his comic side.
This is what I would like to call the transition period, besides Deadpool and castle rock, all the projects previously mentioned are in some way small projects , that he for some reason decided to take on ,maybe for scheduling reasons cause by the end of 2019 IT CHAPTER 2 was premiering.
2020- 2022
The pandemic hit and changed things, he losses momentum. The whole industry was shaken actually. Movies that were supposed to be released in cinemas went to streaming, projects were cancelled and others got delayed.
For example Bill was set to work in The northman with his brother Alex again , he was already in Eggers radar, but due covid he had to drop out: Here
He left that project because something else was scheduled: Clark. (netflix nordic) a series he helped to produce too.
From this time we got Nine Days, The devil all the time (one of his best works and one of his most underrated film. He plays Willard a traumatized ww2 veteran), Soulmates (a series - one ep. He plays a uptight gay man who finds love while vacationing in Mexico), Naked Singularity ( he's an lawyer with adhd and a weird obsesion with ears) , Eternals ( KRO) ,Barbarian (horror movie where he is just a good guy who's in the wrong place at the wrong time )
By this time he was still under the shadow of " pennywise" but he had built a reputation for himself, he was a good actor before the critic and public that followed his work. Not as popular as Alex ,for example , but he was known by now.
2023 -24
After the pandemic we enter the period I woud like to call : COMEBACK.
The projects we find here are more "commercial" because these are action films, which is not bad , it was about time, most of his films usually dont get too much of exposure or are small projects. If someone said Bill Skarsgård automatically people thought in the clown 🤡 and not in Kro, mickey, willard or Clark for example. So we see here some sort of rebrandig he's now a killing machine, a cartoonish villain and anti hero.
John wick 4.
This offer came to him thanks to a previous work he did in Atomic blonde. Chad stahlesky let him choose what character play ( here) , and he went for the bad guy. A cartonish kinda old school villain , with funny accent and great suits: The marquis de Gramont.
Now, a very common observation people do is that roles are offered to him and his just takes them. That he is like a passive actor who only plays what he's tell to play, but since Pennywise he has always talked about how much he gets involved in the making of a character. The marquis was not the exception. That annoying accent was , for example, his idea. here more about it
This participation was a breath of fresh air, and brought new eyes to him. New fans arrived, people saw more of his work and he stepped a bit away from the IT shadow. Later was confirmmed that his next project would be BOY KILLS WORLD a pure gory action film with some comedic touch for which Bill prepared hard.
Moritz Mohr: Bill is a terrific actor. The only thing we weren't sure at that point was, "Can he deliver on the action?" He basically just promised, "No, I'm gonna put in the work, I'm gonna get ripped, I'm gonna train, and I'm going to learn the choreography." Which is a huge commitment, because it's just months and months of training and rehearsing, and I'm so glad that he did it. He overdelivered sometimes, he was really committed to it, and I'm very lucky that he was, because I think the results are just phenomenal.
In BKW we see Bill has good comedic timing, as if that wasn't clear with previous projects like Villains , but here he delivers comedy without talking. Conclusion : he can also be funny.
So far we are very into 2024 and NO MORE REMAKES in sight for him besides IT and we have talked about how many movies- series ? Almost 20 since his first big job in America (Hemlock G.)
The recent fame of " remake actor " comes from the next two jobs he landed. The crow 🐦‍⬛ and Nosferatu. 🦇
The crow 🐦‍⬛: How Bill got the script on his hands? it was given to him because he is known for remakes, because of his lastname , because no one else wanted to do it ? Luckily for us , Empire magazine tell us the following:
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The project was conceived to be a separate work from the 1994 movie the crow, the source of inspiration was THE CROW graphic novel of J.O Barr. Again, by this and more interviews around we see Bill as an actor who played and active part in bringing a unique version of eric. From the physique ( something he kept from filming BKW) to the aura he's nothing like Brandon lee's Eric Draven.
The big differences between the 2024 and 1994 version, are confirmmed now after its release with heavy critics of people claiming it to be a "bad remake cause it looks nothing like the original " Here I ask rethorically , so is Bill a remakes actor or not?
Remakes are in full force lately, examples are whatever Disney has been doing lately, the ghostbusters, robocop , etc. Movies that go frame by frame , super close to their media source.
The same way Dune 2022 is not considered a remake of the 80's movie , The crow 2024 shouldn't be considered one either. Not even IT. Because, primarily, the source material is not the previous movie or series, but a book or a novel. So the best term to use is , I believe, adaptation or reimagining.
But what about Nosferatu?
I'm glad you asked random tumblr reader. I'm almost finishing and this is where I want to suggest that this upcoming film is actually the first remake Bill Skarsgård has done.
Robert Eggers ( director of this new remake ) shares with anOther magazine, that he planned to film Nosferatu after The witch , that's how he met Bill , who was 25 by then ( at 25-26 he was also auditioning for IT) . Eggers recalls Bill's audition being excellent for Hutter . Unfortunatelly the project fell but they stayed in contact and planned to one day work together , Bill was later set to work in the northman , we already know how that played out.
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As we see here Bill was the one trying to get the opportunity to work with the director, having another role in mind ,until Eggers proposses to him the opportunity to be Count Orlok thanks to the work he did as Bob Gray in IT chapter 2.
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Eggers knew about his capacities as an actor to embody darkness while having a youthful and pretty exterior that's why he tought of him as the right choice for the project.
Once again we read an interview that highlights the joint work of the director and Bill on the character, from the psyque to the make up. He was very proactive, long conversations, audio tapes, isolation, voice coach , etc. All of which finally paid off
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Bill Skarsgård has proven his desire to become a versatile actor, just by reading his imdb page we see a variety of works forming his resumee , but he has a particular preference for dark, scary , creepy roles. In this review since the Hemlock grove days he has played a total of 7 obscure characters ( from antagonist to conflicted ones). This alone is not bad, and they aren't that many either. Every actor have a genre they prefer , characters they feell more pulled to work with. Bill is a goth king and I respect that.
His career itself also proves to be the result of organic growth, although he was lucky to be part of one of the most successful and respected acting families in sweden , that alone couldn't have granted him is current success. He started in America with a small show that most people haven't heard of till this day, and was in his late 20's when he got his first big opportunity. He sent emails, he sent tapes, he auditioned, he gave his word promising to deliver a good job. He works his ass off for what he wants. He doesn't seem to be the classic textbook nepobaby.
That's why I think that considering him just a remake actor is unfair and narrow minded. Said statement reduces a still growing career full of exploration to just opportunistics cashagrab roles ... and this guy is far from being that. Also because not everything that shares a tittle or character's names is a remake. It dependes on what the creators are having in mind for the new work.
That's so , after reading the most recent AnOther magazine interview , that I came to the conclusionI expressed before: Nosferatu is his first remake . Both Bill and Robert Eggers have always in mind the 1922 movie as source of reference and they worked Count Orlok and the story around that.
He's still a rising star, and has a lot more ahead, im confident the general public will see what directors and fans have seen in him: A good mfucking actor who wants to leave a mark but in his own terms. Taking risks , exploring, chosing roles that may not look right for him but always improving himself to expand his potential and keep taking on new and more promising challenges.
Its intersting how everything connects , IT oppened the door of Nosferatu. After all the issues that came to him at the right time , and I can bet my left arm he will deliver !
*Im sorry if this was too long it took me 2 days finishing it ,i'll go to sleep now .
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kingkat12 · 2 months
thoughts on gordon merkel from atomic blonde? sorry i just watched that movie and bill is so cute in it😭
my thought is that I HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE?? I can't believe that I haven't seen it yet😭 but I've seen the gifs and some clips and HAVE to agree he looks mighty fine (as always)... will have to come back to this when I get out of my writing cave long enough to watch a movie!!!!
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lihikainanea · 2 years
Hey Lei! So glad you're back. And just in time for all the fun drama with Bill's "sick look" due to a certain "life partner". Enough of that ... was wondering if Bill would ever play a character for Tiger like she did with Scarlett? Maybe it's one of his characters she's always been turned on by. Or like with Halloween coming he dresses as her favorite super hero? But then gets jealous when she's really into it.
Ohhhhhh.....Ohhh I'm thinking tiger has a real thing for Merkel, because honestly, how could she not?
And like, usually their Halloween costumes are pretty uh...pretty lit. Bill didn't really grow up celebrating Halloween so he has a real fondness for it as an adult, and tiger just likes any excuse to dress as something insane. But maybe this year there was just a lack of time, or it wasn't a priority--maybe tiger was sick (selfishly speaking, because I'm sick again), work was crazy for both of them, a bit of the impending-winter-doldrums hit them both. It's not that they got lazy, it's just that while Autumn is incredible sometimes there's just also a complete lack of willingness to do anything other than sit on the couch, watch the same TV show, and drink tea.
And maybe one of their friends always has a party, which usually they both look forward to. But Tiger played it lazy this year, drawing some whiskers on her face and getting some plain black cat ears that she taped some stripes on herself, so that she's...well, a tiger. Bill rummaged through his closet, he got a stroke of brilliance a few days ago and it's both easy and convenient.
He pulled out a pair of leather pants--ones he would never buy but from some Swedish fashion company, sent to him as a gift hoping he'd promote their business. Tiger almost fainted when she saw them, clutching her gut in laughter. They were slim fit, and full of...all kinds of belt buckles and zippers and shit.He rummaged further in his closet and pulled out the winning piece--an obnoxious, puffy, grey fur coat.
Bill makes a habit of keeping something small from every film set--but he really does try to keep it just that, small. A piece of jewelry from his character. Maybe a shirt. But when they plopped this fur coat on him in Atomic Blond, he knew he had to have it--he didn't know why, but something in him thought it was so ridiculous that he just couldn't give it up.
And sure enough, all these years later, it was going to come in real handy.
Sneaking to the bathroom, he slid in behind tiger and grabbed some gel, slicking his hair back.
"Okay," tiger eyed him as she put the finishing touch on her whiskers, "Are we going for creepy thin man?"
Bill genuinely looked insulted.
"Sorry," she mumbled. He glared, pinching her ass playfully as she shrieked.
"So what are we going for?" she asks.
"You'll see."
And in a flurry he's gone, grabbing a pair of scissors and some black gloves from the hallway closet on his way back to his room.
It takes some shimmying to get the pants on, but you know, he does take a moment and does a 360 in the mirror. They're not his style, not in the slightest--but if they were, he'll admit, he could pull it off.
He cuts the fingers off the gloves, and grabs his big combat boots. He forgoes the shirt--he doesn't really have anything that'll match this ensemble anyway--and throws the big fur coat on over his bare back. Finishing the look, he dangles a cigarette from his lips and walks out the room. Tiger's in shelving room waiting for him, and he hears her sharp intake of breath.
"Oh my," she breathes, "Bill, you look--"
"Who?" he puts a hand to his ear, then gives her a cocky smirk.
"Oh, um," she stammers, "Who...who are you?"
"Someone who doesn't answer your questions," he snaps, German accent and all.
Tiger just drinks him in--those leather pants slung so low on his hips and hugging his long legs, his broad chest, the fur coat, the hair, the cigarette. Bill just stands there and smirks--but then in a flash, he's moving again.
"The car is waiting," he says, still in his accent--then he goes to her and grabs her chin roughly. "Stay in my sight always, and stay out of trouble. If trouble finds you, I won't be far behind."
And then he's gone--out the door, down the stairs, across the walkway. Tiger can barely breathe, and it takes her a few minutes to get her legs moving.
And the whole night, tiger keeps her eyes on Bill--er, Merkel--and he equally just hovers. Every time she thinks she loses sight of him, he pops up right behind her.
"Always be aware," he threatens lowly into her ear from behind, and tiger shivers.
And maybe while the party is still quite young--hell it's barely 11PM yet, maybe Bill sidles up beside her again.
"Time to go," he says sternly, lowly.
"Oh?" tiger asks, "Is it?"
He makes a show of checking around, his eyes sweeping the crowd.
"Now," he says with a curt nod, "Follow me."
And like, these two idiots just bounce. They ghost. No goodbyes, no thank you for the party, no happy halloweens. Just Bill sneaking her out like this really is some covert mission, his hand gently but insistently on her back, guiding the way. He opens the car door and even presses a hand on her shoulder, folding her into it.
He doesn't say anything when they get home, other than to grab her arm to stop her from opening her door herself. Instead he gets out, goes to her side, does a quick look around before yanking the door open. He guides her up the steps, through the front door, and when they're in the safety of the hallway tiger lets out a small laugh--it's slightly incredulous, and a whole lot turned on.
"That was incredible," she giggles--but it's stifled, literally, when Bill closes a big hand over her mouth and backs her into the wall.
"Ears everywhere," he whispers, his nose touching hers.
But listen, my girl tiger? Tiger's a RAGING on the scale of one to turned on, and this Merkel dude? Ohhh he looks like a good time.
"Then let's give them something to listen to," she says loudly. Bill's face hardens, and he grabs her throat.
"Quiet," he hisses.
"Make me," she challenges.
In a flash one of his gloves are off, and they're across her mouth like a gag.
"I don't take orders from you," he seethes, "But in this case, okay."
Listen, Merkel? He becomes a rather frequently requested character every few weeks.
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melodymunson · 4 months
looking for hemlock grove/Bill Skarsgard fandom roleplayers
Hi I'm 33 female writer looking for any 18+ writing partners for discord and a private server for the Hemlock Grove and Bill Skarsgard fandom. I only double up for roleplay. 18+ writing partners only. Be willing to communicate/talk ooc and no ghosters please.
I am looking for a Roman Godfrey to rp against my OC. Other ships I will roleplay for you.
Roman Godfrey x Peter Rumancek
Roman x oc
Peter x oc
Pennywise x oc
Mickey (Villains) x oc
Merkel (Atomic Blonde) x oc
Axel Cluney / Zeitgeist (Deadpool) x oc
Keith Toshko (Barbarian) x oc
Marquis Vincent de Gramont x oc
Marquis Vincent de Gramont x John Wick
I'm in the EST time zone. We can talk about reply length and how often to reply upon discussion.
If interested and serious just like this or comment on this post and I'll reach out to you or DM me first.
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neonhairspray · 1 year
10 Characters 10 Fandoms
I was tagged by my ladies @sihtricfedaraaahvicius and @whitedarkmoonflower. Thank you a lot! (:
Let's goooo:
Gordan Merkel Atomic Blonde (still horny for him...my guy!)
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2. Eyk Larsen 1899 (he was just as good in DARK, but in this show? Damn, Andreas could get it!...Despite the fact that he's like 20 years older than me lol)
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3. Sihtric Kjartansson The Last Kingdom (I sacrifised Hild just to have this man here. Th decision was made by my p*ssy I know)
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4. Noah Dark (I started the show hating him and ended up liking him a lot. Noah deserved better)
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5. Allison Reynolds The Breakfast Club
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6. Daria Morgendorrfer Daria
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7. Cordelia Goode American Horror Story: Coven
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8. Bunny Tsukino Sailor Moon
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9. Luna Lovegood Harry Potter (Not interested in HP anymore, but Luna will always be my girl)
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10. Dr. Frankenfurter The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Watching this movie and especially Tim's character was ...an experience. I was so damn aroused and confused at the same time)
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That was fun ^^
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Dating headcannons: Merkel
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The whole reason you even met was because you knew he was the best person to go to for fake IDs, and you needed one for yourself.
You met again after bumping into each other at one of East Berlin’s notorious underground parties. He calls you by the fake name on the ID before asking for your real name.
When you had your first kiss, you were at Merkel’s special spot: the rooftop of some building downtown where he keeps chairs, blankets, cigarettes and a radio. He slips in a Rolling Stones cassette, watching the way your face tilts up to look at the stars, until he can’t help himself anymore and pulls you closer to him.
When the heat goes out in the shitty apartment you share, Merkel wraps you in his heavy fur coat to make sure you stay warm.
When giving Merkel the side shave haircut he’s wanted for so long, it takes everything in him to sit still and not focus on how close your lips are to his neck
You’re favorite thing to do on dates is go to fancy restaurants and fake proposals to get free food
When Merkel comes back from missions, you practically have to force him to sit down and let you take care of him while he keeps insisting he’s fine
Sometimes he’ll let you listen as he stums away at his guitar, singing softly to some of the lyrics. He thinks his singing voice is terrible, but you love listening to it.
He tries to teach you some phrases is German, and can’t help but laugh when you completely butcher the words
You can always tell when Merkel gets home before you by the sound of David Bowie songs blasting from inside the apartment
Showering together is all fun and games until the hot water runs out after just ten minutes
Him trying to teach you some self defense skills may or may not always turn into a make out session
He likes to watch you fall asleep as he slowly runs his fingers through your hair. You both end up moving closer to each other while you sleep to keep warm
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evrensadwrn · 2 months
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the coolest mf ever (part of a youth rebellion in east berlin in the 80s, fakes government documents, assists a bisexual spy) and then frenchman (constantly losing)
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someiconsx · 6 years
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merkel (atomic blonde) - headers.      ✧ like or reblog if you use/save.      ✧ @dearcardan on twitter.
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Gordon Merkel
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Patch Up
Stop Smiling At Me
My Sunshine
NSFW Content. Reader Discretion Advised. Minors Do Not Interact.
Little Bunny
Time Apart
Taking Care Of Him
Soft dominance 
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therangersmistress · 5 years
I have so many disgustingly good thoughts about Roman, and Merkel and Axel and Mickey... I mean the list goes on. And I’m a very open person, I’m that person their friends wish WASN’T so open, but for some reason writing smut, like, terrifies me. I feel like I’m just gonna come across too clinical. Like a fucking robot who’s just discovered sex for the first time. Oh this is where that goes? Who woulda thought. 🤷 So please, loves, help a girl out and send me all your smutty asks so I’m forced to get over this fucking irrational fear of mine. Thank you.✌️ 
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