#merlin s5e4
none-ofthisnonsense · 6 months
Merlin S5E4, "Another's Sorrow"
Is that thingamajig's raven? Ruadan's?
I swear I know Mithian's father's actor.
So Odin and Morgana have captured Mithian's kingdom.
Morgana looks great. Also that hair is gravity-defying.
Did Mithian escape?
Leon I love you SO much.
Merlin knocked??
Stop flirting you two.
…who is that nurse? Is that Morgana disguising herself? I WAS RIGHT!
The parallels between Morgana and Merlin are SO strong here. They've both disguised as old people to hide and fight for their cause. And have been treated as servants, now.
Gedref… that's the land he gave to Mithian, right?
I'm just thinking how this scene parallels S2E3, with Mithian in Morgana's place. IT'S ABOUT THE PARALLELS
I tend to forget that Arthur and Gwen are married. (Also, it's incredibly weird seeing Gwen in her nightdress with Arthur in his chain mail. Like girl put your pyjamas on)
Mithian you're playing with fire here
The PARALLELS with S2E3!!
Gaius! You are not allowed to make that kind of comments!
This is the how manyth confrontation between Morgana and Merlin?
Arthur, just in time! Merlin always saves Arthur's neck, but it's somewhat paid back occasionally.
They better not pull the coma move.
Leon <3
"That's all I have" hear: You're all I have.
Gaius' sheer despair…
But, uh. Merlin's not tired when he uses his aging spell, is he?
My guys. What have you done with Gaius.
God, I'm SO going to rewatch S3E4 after this.
Percival and not Merlin being with Arthur at his side… :(
I do love to see Arthur fight.
I do think that deep down, Arthur still believes in Morgana. He's just so… sad and disappointed.
Leon! <3
Oh really?
I am now 100% convinced Gwaine knows Merlin has magic but just hasn't said anything, because despite his blind faith in Merlin he MUST have some doubts about how his scrawny, dollophead friend manages to take down the same amount of men he does.
I am a sucker for even one (1) second of Leon fighting. Those shot were definitely not wasted, director. I am the #1 Leon fan.
Yeah Arthur I asked myself that question too. ("Is Odin really that stupid?")
Well, actually, Merlin, only YOU have ever talked about uniting this land. Arthur hasn't. Not on screen. (Or not enough to warrant Merlin's comment.)
Do you ever think about the Merlin/Morgana paralles and how they've changed so much.
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arcanespillo · 1 year
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“Another's Sorrow”
Merlin S5E4
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cynthia39100 · 1 year
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The Sword in the stone moment always made me feel conflicted.
I love the concept of Merlin creating the legend. It's cool and powerful, and it gave a new layer to the popular legend.
On the other hand, I hate that while Merlin became more and more powerful, Arthur seemed to lose every specialty. Now he is just a good guy that is chosen by Merlin to be king.
I also don't like the manipulative way Merlin became in season 4, 5. It made me feel like he didn't believe in Arthur's ability anymore.
I kind of hate in s4e10 and s5e4, when Merlin stopped Arthur from killing Elyan and Odin. Maybe I'm biased, but I felt like Arthur wasn't going to kill them anyway, so Merlin's warning only showed his distrust. Arthur's emotional status was far from the Sin of the Father.
I like the Merlin in season 3 the most. At the time, he would throw out wise advises with a smile and let Arthur make his own conclusion. They felt like equal friends that way. I love the scene in Changeling the most. When Arthur was torn between marry for convenience or love. It's far better than with Mithian.....
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.45--Episodes 3-4
I have watched through S5E4; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—Regina looks great in red. And all the ladies look great in the off-the-shoulder, wide neckline kinda deal. Especially Belle. She has an elegant neck.
—It’s fun that Charming gets to be a Knight of the Round Table. I mean, it’s not quite the prize it might be, but it’s still fun. I can’t quite decide where I stand, though; on one hand, Snow is right to be a bit suspicious of how quickly he’s fallen in with Arthur—on the other hand, wanting something in addition to family is fine. To be honest, I’m not sure I would believe anyone who said they were entirely fulfilled by their family alone, because humans are multi-dimensional creatures and we’re not meant to only focus ourselves on one facet of life.
—My dudes, this is a genius take on Camelot. On the outside it looks all shiny and perfect, but on the inside it’s just weak and fake and hollow. And Arthur being a badguy? That’s a take I never would’ve expected to see coming.
—Every time Zelena says ‘dearie’ I want to punch her in the nose. I’m very grateful to Regina for shutting her up. *bows down before my Queen*
—I never really thought about the symbolism of the Round Table before. It’s pretty cool. And I love how the knights have their coat of arms hung on the back of their chairs.
—The Charming coat of arms is pretty. Simple, but pretty.
—Robin legit just spent most of a day sitting in Granny’s. I mean, there’s not much else to do in Storybrooke right now, so he might as well score some food.
—Arthur can’t drive and Charming is fricking nuts. What sane person stands in the bed of a pickup truck and jousts a man off his horse using a two-by-four?
—Okay, so I’m really happy that Rumple is awake, but the fact that Emma has him is stressing me out. It’s not like he has the capacity to fight his way out of her basement right now, and anything she wants him to do can’t be good.
—But it is cool that he gets to choose between light and dark now. Historically, he hasn’t made the greatest choices, but now that he’s a blank slate he at least isn’t having his thinking warped by evil.
—It’s sad that Belle wasn’t there when he woke up. It would’ve meant a lot to both her and Rumple.
—Emma messing with Hook’s emotions makes me so mad. 1, they’re supposed to be good together, but now that she’s the Dark One they aren’t compatible atm. 2, I’m ride-or-die for Hook now, and especially with Emma being evil I’m gonna take his side.
—It’s kinda the good version of nitpicky, but the way Hook talked about his and Rumple’s first meeting was a brilliant piece of writing. His dislike for the crocodile is still evident, but he has admitted that he was the villain in that wife-stealing, life-threatening scenario, and I think that speaks well to his character. He’s not so blinded by hatred for the crocodile anymore that he refuses to see both his past villainy and the fact that Rumple used to be a decent person.
—The spooky spooky swamp was not a fun place. But the hollow armor was cool.
—I’d like to kick Merlin. He hasn’t even done anything and he’s still managing to be a pain in the ass.
—I was so relieved when it turned out that Charming and Snow were playing Arthur. If they had been lying to each other and sneaking behind each other’s backs I would’ve been crushed.
—MMkayy, so that Avalon sand is an interesting plot device. To a point. It should work for Arthur’s marriage and for Camelot because those things were both broken. But I actually don’t like that it worked on Snow and Charming. Just because they didn’t agree with Arthur doesn’t mean anything’s broken there.
—Arthur’s manipulation of Guinevere sucks. But I adore the take this show has on Lancelot and Guinevere. At the beginning of episode 4, I thought the husband overworking and ignoring the wife, leading to an affair, was a lazy cliche. But Guinevere and Lancelot are both played sympathetically; they first realize their feelings on accident, and then don’t want to act on them because they’re loyal to Arthur. Heck, Lancelot wants to leave Camelot, and Guinevere gives Arthur the chance to choose their marriage over his quest to fulfill the prophecy. They both made every effort to do the right thing, and even though they gave Arthur every chance to do the same he didn’t.
—It’s kinda interesting that the Darkness can apparently exist in squiggle form at the will of the Dark One.
—SQUEEE!!!! More Merida!…Oh, wait. Emma stole her heart. If a pretty girl isn’t the one to give it back to her, I’m not interested.
—Merida being an enemy of Arthur is a decent idea. I really hope she and Lancelot team up to orchestrate a jail break.
—Once again, it’s Robert Carlyle’s insane mastery of body language that gives Rumple his signature depth. He acts noticeably different from how he did as the Dark One, even as Mr. Gold. He’s much more similar to original, human Rumple, which is exactly how he should come across. Whether or not the audience consciously realizes it, it makes an impression, and it efficiently and neatly sets up his personality.
—Since when is Hook a horse whisperer? Has he ever even met a horse before? It’s not like those tend to frequent pirate ships. And isn’t it hard to climb a horse with a hook hand?
—As much as I dislike Arthur, I can’t help seeing a little bit of myself in him. Not in the evil bits, but in the way he basically drove himself insane trying to become what he was told he was supposed to be. Maybe Merlin could’ve just *not* and let the sword be pulled from the stone by whomever found it and was worthy, Arthur or not. Probably would’ve gone better for everyone.
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astranix · 3 years
say what u will but bbc merlin writers really knew how to write characters threatening people. i think those kind of scenes are littered everywhere in the show but my favorite ones are:
morgana (in s1e7)
"If anything happens to Arthur, I'll find you. However long it takes."
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arthur (s3e12)
"Touch me again, you die."
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merlin (in s4e13)
"Be careful."
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arthur (in s5e4)
"Then you don't know my knights. They will hunt you. And they will find you. And they will not rest until they're done."
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mordred (in s5e11)
"This time you've gone too far. You'll pay, Merlin."
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descendingspiral · 12 years
Warning: Merlin rant below
I really wish because the show's title is Merlin  that they would focus a bit more on Merlin's character development in the way that he gains confidence in himself that he KNOWS he's right when he gets a "bad feeling" and not have them dismissed by Gaius and Arthur until it's too damn late. 
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