howtodrawyourdragon · 5 months
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Well, look at that, did get something done for Mermay!
Please do not repost or misuse my art in any way.
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spacenintendogs · 5 months
D3 fishlout,,, D3 fishlout rose I’m begging,,,
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his name is fishlegs after all...
ask meme
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 6 months
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New Home From Across the Sea | How To Train Your Dragon X Male Reader
The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!
Description: Fly High Dragon King
More about you: More about you
Prologue: New Home From Across the Sea | (You are here)
Chapter 1: Old Friends from the Starry Sky |TBW
Chapter 2: The Chieftain's Decision | TBW
Chapter 3: My Good Friend and Maybe Yours | TBW
Chapter 4: Understanding This Way of Life | TBW
Chapter 5: Convincing Her of Sky Bound Beauty | TBW
Chapter 6: Lifelong Friends Over War | TBW
Chapter 7: The Queen Faces the King | TBW
Word count: 3,705 words
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The world was different for the boy that lived in the icy nest with the Alpha dragon. He was considered royalty among the rest of the winged creatures, and they all loved him dearly. Even outside the nest, dragons would flock all around to help him. He was found on a boat, abandoned by the rest as an infant. The boy was saved by two night furies that had brought him to the dragon nest.
The two didn't stay for long, but would come by to check on him. Y/n had spent two years learning how to act like the dragons. They would all take turns to care for the boy and Y/n would take care of them. Y/n would start helping out with raids as he rode one of the many dragons, usually commanding them what to grab and what to do. Even if he looked two years old, Y/n was a powerful soul.
After returning to the nest after the most recent raid, Y/n called out to the sky in hopes that his night fury friends would hear his call. The gods had answered his prayer as two pitch black dragons flew down and looked down to the h/c haired boy. Y/n's e/c eyes gleamed with excitement as he quickly got onto the e/c eyed night fury. The three of them flew up into the blue sky, Y/n grinning wide. The two dragons opened their mouths to shoot into the air, causing Y/n to giggle and kick his legs.
One of the shots was right in front of Y/n, and he screamed out in excitement as his face was covered in smoke and his hair slicked back. Y/n leaned his body down onto the dragon he was riding as he stroked his head. The other night fury made jealous grumbles as he flew right below the other. Y/n smiled at him and walked off the e/c eyed night fury, slipping down its wing to be caught by the green-eyed night fury. Y/n hugged the dragon, feeling so content at the moment.
“I love you guys so much. I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you.”
Y/n then roared out into the sky as it rumbled through the wind. The roar sounded like a dragon, as others roared in response. Many other dragons had flocked around the night furies and Y/n commanded them forward just as a king did to his subjects. They all followed as the green-eyed night fury took the lead, with Y/n still riding him, guiding them to a pool of fish. Y/n pointed down at the pool, causing all the dragons around to dive and catch their food.
“Everyone go eat! And save some for the other's back home!”
All the dragons growled in agreement as they all caught various amounts of fish. Y/n then instructed the night fury to fly down with the other dragons as Y/n collected as much fish as he could. Once the fish in the ocean were gone, Y/n had everyone fly back to the nest to feed the others. On the way Y/n snacked on one of the many raw fish he caught, sharing some pieces between the two night furies. The night furies dropped him off in front of the nest as he walked in with a deadly nadder.
He was so excited to share what he got with his huge dragon family. Y/n walked deeper into the icy nest, and to get all the dragon's attention he did his dragon call. It echoed throughout the whole nest, as all the dragons turned their attention to the small boy. Some dragons flew down to crowd Y/n, curious to what he had brought. Y/n jumped up and down in excitement, even if this was a daily thing.
“Time to eat! I brought everyone food!”
Y/n held up the fish he got and threw all the others to the expecting dragons. They all roared in delight, thanking the small boy for the food as he went to where the baby dragons were flying. He loved watching how carefree they were, even if they could be annoying sometimes. The baby dragons had found Y/n and started to pull him to their small nest. The parent dragon that was taking care of them today tried to pull the babies off of Y/n, but he insisted it was fine.
This was a daily occurrence, and Y/n loved feeling wanted by the babies. They only ever listened to him, as did all dragons, but the babies were a special case because they listen to no one. Y/n sat down in the nest with a baby Hideous Zippleback sitting in his lap. The other babies tried to push and shove the baby dragon, but Y/n held his hand up to stop them. The other babies stopped as the Zippleback cuddled into Y/n's small lap.
“You will all get your turns little ones, just a bit of patience.”
Y/n then started to pet and preen the Zippleback as its two heads caused small sparks of happiness. Y/n loved when the dragons had a small fiery reaction to him just being there. It was much how the night furies were when Y/n rode them in the sky. Y/n giggled as some sparks caught onto his hair, panicking the overseeing dragon. A big dragon paw hit Y/n’s face as the overseeing dragon pat out the small fire that started on Y/n’s h/c hair.
As Y/n helped clean the Zippleback, a baby monstrous nightmare and snuggled up to Y/n’s side. The other baby dragons saw this and all piled Y/n, causing him to fall back to the ground. Y/n was slightly suffocated by all the weight on his chest, making the overseeing dragon panic once more. Y/n was flailing in the pile, trying to breathe while the overseeing dragon pulled the babies off. The babies started to whine as they tried to get back onto Y/n, only to be stopped by the overseeing dragon. 
Y/n couldn’t help but burst out laughing at how needy the baby dragons were. The overseeing dragon bumped into Y/n’s back, making sure he was okay. He slung the dragon’s head over his shoulder and started to stroke its nose in hopes of calming it down. The baby dragons all flew away to go do whatever the gods know what, and Y/n’s waist had been trapped by the overseeing dragon’s tail. 
Y/n leaned into the overseeing dragon as one of its wings were draped over Y/n's lap. Y/n marveled at all the dragons that flew around the nest seeing how happy they looked. He closed his eyes with a soft smile, leaning deeper into the dragon that was cuddling him. The same zippleback Y/n was cleaning had placed itself back onto Y/n’s lap and fell asleep. Many of the other baby dragons had done the same, creating a cuddle pile.
This was the routine Y/n had lived by for ten full years, and he couldn't complain. There was this itch in his brain that he couldn't ignore, however. The other dragons had noticed the way Y/n looked at himself in the reflection in the water, and the majority conclusion to help was to steal books and items from the ships they looted. On usual raids, Y/n would only ever ask the dragons to steal food and help the other dragons that were trapped. On these raids, Y/n never went as the dragons claimed them to be too dangerous for him to join, but it was all because they wanted to bring these books and items back as presents.
Y/n had read through each and every book he had ever received from the dragons. Over the next five years he had memorized each and every page. The information felt so new to him, this was the other half of who he was. A viking brain and a dragon heart, both making him tough through and through. One book scared him though, the dragon killing book.
He knew that vikings had killed dragons, but he never wanted to admit it. He wanted to believe his dragon friends were safe from harm. But out in the open world, Y/n could only do so much. Y/n had wandered out of the nest and onto one of the rock formations connected to it, watching the dragons fly away to do whatever they wanted. Y/n then stumbled as he felt a gronkle nudge him closer to the edge.
Y/n started to panic the closer he got to the edge of the water, not wanting to get wet. Y/n heard the frenzy of dragons flying above him, a boat being pushed closer to Y/n. The boy was left confused as he looked at each and every dragon. A monstrous nightmare had brought Y/n his books and tossed them into the boat, pulling Y/n into it soon after. Y/n stood at the edge of the boat as all the dragons of the nest flew out and stood around the boy. 
“What’s going on? Is everything okay?”
The dragons all roared out in response, a low flame from their mouths lit up the area. Y/n finally understood what was going on. This was a farewell to Y/n as they all kept roaring. Y/n felt tears drip down his cheek as he was finally able to go out and explore. Y/n started to push the boat as he waved to the dragons. 
He couldn’t help but cry as he was leaving his home, his family. Y/n started to sail slowly away, but his boat started to rock slightly. He looked over the edge of the boat to see scauldrons helping him push his boat along. His tears dripped into the water as one scauldron rose its head out of the water to lick Y/n and gently squirt semi warm water on his face. Y/n giggled as his tears mixed with the salty seawater. 
Y/n had sailed like this for a month, before the scauldrons had to leave to find food elsewhere. Y/n understood and waved them off, as he was now alone. His boat floated in the sea, in no particular direction. All Y/n had were his books, so he decided to reread them over and over. Sometimes he would pass other viking’s ships and hear them singing, intriguing Y/n. 
He picked them up and would hum these sea songs to himself whenever he got bored with the books he read. He sailed for about two months, or what seemed like it because Y/n had no sense of time. It was dark as the moon reflected the moonlight. Y/n was laying on the boat’s floor as he slept soundly. Y/n’s boat suddenly crashed into a nearby rock formation, destroying the front of the boat and making it sink. 
The sound of crashing had alerted the chief of the island Y/n had crashed on. He ran toward the location and saw the boy almost being consumed by water, his books completely drowned and surrounding the boy. The chief dove into the icy water and brought the small boy to the shore. He called a few men to save the books while he pulled the small boy out of the water. Y/n yawned as he stretched his small arms and looked at the man holding him with his e/c eyes. 
The chief looked at the boy with a raised eyebrow, curious as to how such a small child sailed here all by himself. It concerned the muscular man, and the others that had now surrounded the chief. The chief’s wife ran up and saw the boy he was holding, taken aback that such a young boy had crashed into Berk. Y/n looked to the chief and then to the woman that had stood right next to him. He had seemingly no concern for almost drowning. 
“Where am I? And who are you all?”
The chief sighed in relief and put the small boy down on the floor as he stood by himself. The group of people were amazed by the boy surviving in the frigid water after crashing. The chief’s wife knelt down and checked the boy for any wounds, as if she was his own mother. One of the chief’s greatest friends that had a peg leg and a hooked hand joined the group to see the boy. The chief knelt down next to his wife and put his large hand on the boy's small shoulder.
“You are on the island of Berk. And where might you have sailed from?”
Y/n thinks for a moment to try to think of a place to say, but he can’t think of any. Y/n looks up at the chief, messing with the hem of his shirt. The chief had tilted his head in curiosity, trying to make sense of the boy’s actions of trying to self soothe. The chief’s wife kept her hands tenderly on the boy’s cheeks and looked at him with gentle eyes. Y/n felt an odd sense of comfort here.
“I do not know where I came from. I just sailed from the open ocean until I crashed onto this island.”
The group that surrounded the boy started to murmur themselves in whispers they thought Y/n couldn’t hear. Y/n looked around the group with curious, childlike eyes that could melt any soul into a puddle. But those very eyes held that of a dragon's. The chief's wife saw it in the boy, the soul he had and she was enthralled. The chief had a questioning look on his face, trying to find any reason why a young boy like the one in front of him would have sailed all the way out here on his own.
"I see. Well, I am Stoick the Vast. You have landed on Berk."
From that point on Y/n became apart of Stoick’s family. He was treated as just another Berkian by everyone else, even though his view on dragon hunting was different. Time went on, and Y/n became incredibly close with the village’s smith, Gobber. The two were a colorful duo, Y/n indulging in Gobber’s stories and Gobber teaching Y/n about dragon history as well as inventing. 
Stoick found the pair to be quite troublesome, but found it endearing nonetheless. Stoicks’ wife loved Y/n as if he were one of his own. She saw eye to eye with y/n about not wanting to hurt dragons and seeing no reason for it. Y/n was seemingly able to win everyone over.
After three years, people began to notice the lack of Y/n aging physically. Many tried to ask the boy, but he always managed to dodge the question. It always made Y/n really uncomfortable whenever he was asked. He just found his new family, there wasn’t anything that would pull him away from it.
It unsettled the chief, but Y/n never seemed to be affected when eating the raw fish so he tried to keep his worries low. In his mind the child was odd no doubt, but having Y/n with him for so long Stoick got attached. Stoick then decided to make it a rule for the village to never question Y/n’s habits or lack of aging.
Stoick had noticed Y/n’s uncomfortable feelings around the questions pertaining to his lack of physical aging, but there were more things he had noticed about the boy. Whenever Y/n would eat, his teeth would show, and they seemed sharper than normal. Not only that but Y/n only seemed to have a craving for fish, raw.
Over the three years of staying in Berk, Y/n tried his hardest to convince people not to hurt the dragons. It happened so often, the other vikings started to think Y/n was crazy. No one said that to his face though out of fear of Stoick’s wrath. Stoick tried to explain the reason for hunting dragons over and over but Y/n never accepted those reasons.
Things changed however, when the chief had a son. His birth son who was named Hiccup. Y/n was excited because not only was it someone who he could connect with at his age, but another person to his found family. Hiccup also changed Y/n because as soon as he was born, Y/n started to age physically.
The two boys grew up together, Y/n teaching Hiccup about the world and following Stoick everywhere to learn about the history of Berk. Hiccup found a passion with dragons, watching them from afar and seeing his father hunt them. Y/n noticed this affinity and decided to nurture it.
Y/n told Hiccup all that he knew about dragons, even things that other vikings never knew. Many considered the information to be made up or embellished, but it had Hiccup hooked. The two explored and did everything together. Y/n metaphorically attached himself to Hiccup, going everywhere Hiccup went.
As the two aged, both were considered weird and different. Albeit for different reasons, but they were reasons nonetheless. It was another thing the two boys connected over. Being outcasted by the village and having differences that others didn’t agree with.
When Hiccup was busy, Y/n found himself at the forge. Y/n’s other friend was Gobber. He loved helping him with inventions and weapon building. It became a pastime for the two to create new weapons and learn how to improve old ones. Gobber was another best friend to Y/n.
The closer Y/n got with Gobber, the more the urge to tell him about his past grew stronger. Gobber seemed to notice Y/n’s hesitance around him and the little slip ups when Y/n spoke to him. Eventually, Gobber decided to question the boy’s behavior. Both were in the forgery, working on weapons for the village.
“Mind telling me what all this talk of living with dragons means?”
Y/n immediately dropped the weapons he was working on, onto the floor. Fear crept up into his heart and he looked utterly dumbfounded. How did Gobber find out? Well to Y/n’s obliviousness, it was Y/n’s own fault.
Y/n turned around slowly, but kept his head down. Gobber raised an eyebrow at the boy’s behavior, but kept his silence. He wanted to hear the full story, he wanted to know about the boy’s past. It felt only right to Gobber that he knew based off how long Y/n’s been around him. Y/n took a deep breath and decided this was the time.
“It means how it sounds. Before I crashed onto Berk, I lived with dragons. I was raised by them. They taught me how to fish and survive. But then I left and well you know the rest after that…”
There was an uncomfortable silence between the two. It was only interrupted when Y/n went back to the weapons he dropped. The clanking of the weapons being placed on the table sounded more deafening as Y/n waited for a response from Gobber. Y/n’s mind raced with all the terrible what if scenarios.
“Well that's certainly on par with my dragon stories, wouldn’t you think?”
That wasn’t a response Y/n was expecting at all. Sure, Gobber had his own tales of adventuring and such, but comparing it to Y/n’s was something the boy didn’t quite understand. Gobber only laughed at Y/n’s confusion and proceeded to tell him stories of how he lost his leg and hand. This ended up taking half the day and no new weapons were made.
The forgery were full of shared anecdotes and laughs. Y/n felt safer than he did before with Gobber knowing his secret. One thing that still plagued Y/n’s mind though was if Gobber was going to tell Stoick. Gobber noticed Y/n’s shift in mood once more.
“What’s on your mind, kiddo.”
Y/n stiffened once more, caught off guard with how perceptive Gobber was. It honestly astounded Y/n that he was, but he also remembered how close Gobber was to Stoick and all the battles the two fought with each other.
“You’re not going to tell Stoick are you?”
“Tell Stoick what, exactly?”
“My past… What I had shared with you.. Can you please not tell Stoick?”
Gobber had nodded, understanding Y/n’s unease with the chief knowing Y/n’s true past and who he really was. Albeit his past did explain Y/n’s strange behaviors and his defense for dragons, but Berk’s chief is one who is not as open-minded. After that, the two went back to chatting and just sharing stories once more.
Over the years, Y/n grew up in this new world as a viking. Learning and training, but not to hurt dragons. No, but to defend them and his found family from them. Y/n would convince Stoick to have Hiccup help with Gobber in the forge, much to Stoick’s dismay and concern. Hiccup would learn how to invent things with Y/n always by his side.
Y/n’s new home was not ready for Y/n, however. The gods seemingly having different plans for the boy. One faithful night would prove that Y/n’s two worlds of vikings and dragons would converge. Be it for better or for worse.
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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ziggityzigg · 7 months
Mermaid au where Snotlout was just swimming because he was mad at the others and was then caught in a net which turned out to be a pirates ship.
Thats really all i got 🤷
Ur ideas are appreciated, i might draw this lol
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nosuda-cringe · 6 months
🥺👉👈 c-can you talk a lil more da mermaid AU, I loved da idea and prob gonn make a small storyboard for it
Hey! Sure, I have little parts of it fleshed out, but I can tell you a little abt the general idea! And please tag me if you do! I would love to see it
In general it’s more of a magical creatures AU than a mermaid au, just happens that half of the gang are mermaids XD. Thing is, Hiccup is a deep water merman, they are bigger and a little different looking than shallow water merpeople, who look more like Disney mermaids. Hiccup is tiny of a merman of his kind, and he is fascinated by humans, and the whole world outside the ocean, yet his father has it absolutely prohibited for him to go, very the little mermaid of Stoick, he lost Valka because a pirate ship took her, as mermaid scales and flesh are very valuable and expensive, and deep water merfolk have harder scales and supposedly delicious flesh, that is even more looked after since it’s so complicated to get.
Fishlegs is a shallow water merman, and just like Hiccup he is fascinated by humans, their behavior and technology, they are closely friends and they sneak out a lot to go and explore shipwrecks and shit. Snotlout is Hiccup’s cousin, he is a warrior and lost the arm because of pirates, saving Hiccup’s silly ass actually, now he isn’t much for the idea of him exploring and stuff but you know that man, promise him to get him something shiny and he will tag along. Astrid is a sailor, she meets Hiccup by accident and makes it her personal goal to capture him and sell him, after all she is the best there is! (She has never captured merfolk).
Also Toothless! He is a little silly buddy that Hiccup found one day when he was supposed to go hunting and learn how to catch a good meal! Toothless is not like any marine animal Hiccup has ever seen, and he has a weird glow on his eyes like the one cursed creatures emit! Maybe this is not his real form?
The twins are something snake related, can’t remember the actual name now but they are bored as fuck where they are, old ruins of a temple, they like to play with people but those silly little pranks usually end with dead folk so it’s highly advised to not go near them (it’s usually never on purpose! Humans are so fragile!)
I have more to say if anyone is interested! Just ask away because rn I can’t think of something specific AKSJSKKS
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In regards to the new HTTYD live action remake. The characters are Vikings who were Scandinavian therefore White. Astrid is blonde, blue eyes & based off of Camicazi who is a blonde, blue eyed white person. I'm all for representation so dontt start with the "oh you're so racist" bullsh!t coz I love the Little Mermaid live action. However, they're taking away historic white people. For example, we wouldnt change Martin Luther King to a white person or change Cho Chang into a non Asian character (although we might change the name to a less stereotypical one) so why are people doing this for people who are white? Especially blond(e), blue eyed folk! The only thing I would change about the Little Mermaid remake is that I would make Ariel's hair redder! If film companies really want to add representation then add a brand mew character! For example, have a remake only family in Berk that is not white & say they moved there! That way you have the representation & you're sticking to the source material! Trader Johan could be a POC as he always seemed like he came from a far away land. Drago Bloodfist was voiced by a black person so he could be cast as not white - Heather and Dagger also come to mind. Snotlout could be mix raced because we never see his mother so who knows? Hiccup could be mix raced as well as - from what I remember - Valka wasnt from Berk either.
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dragonmasterhiccup · 9 days
She gasps excitedly, gently squeezing him. “I would absolutely love that, Hiccup. It would be so magical.” The girl sighs happily, once again resting her chin on his shoulder. 
The former mermaid looks down at the village, taking in every detail, leaning over slightly to get a better look. “Look at all the little people!” She giggles. “They’re like a ton of little minnows down there!” As Melodía studies the people, she tilts her head curiously. “You know how I said you’re a good walker? Well, some of these humans aren’t as good at walking as you are.” She chuckles. “Like, see that one down there? With the funny helmet with curly horns?” She points to a tiny Snotlout, who’s making his way through the village. “He walks like if a starfish tried to walk on two of its arms.” She giggles. “He’s silly. Aw, look at that one!” She points to Fishlegs, who was currently taking a stroll with Meatlug. “He walks like a hermit crab, scuttling along.”
As they descend, she holds onto him tightly, giggling as her long hair whips an auburn trail behind her. Once they land, she looks at his hut, utterly confused as to what it could possibly be. It was like a boat, but… different. 
She smiles, taking his hand and attempting to slide off of Toothless’ back, but she immediately stumbles, losing her balance and landing face first into Hiccup’s chest.
"Yeah, I guess they do look a little like minnows, huh?" Her perspective was unique, and fun to listen to.
He laughed as she compared Snotlout to a starfish. "Don't let him hear you say that! Though I may not be able to keep myself from thinking that anytime I see him!"
Seeing her confusion, he said, "Oh! I suppose you wouldn't have huts where you're from. Uh, this is where I live, where I sleep at night, that's one way to put it, I guess?"
"Oh!" He wrapped his arms around her as she fell into him. "Are you alright? Here, let's get you inside, and have you sit somewhere comfortably..."
Supporting her as they walked, he helped her get inside, Toothless trailing behind, and led her to a wooden couch with furs spread across it.
"Is this better?"
It was then that Stoick came out of the other room, surprised to see his son brought someone home.
"What's the meaning of this?"
Hiccup straightened up immediately, turning to face his father. "Dad! Hi! Uh, this is Melodía, she was shipwrecked in last night's storm, and washed up on our shores, Toothless and I found her in the cove. She's a little shaken, but otherwise is uninjured. Melodía, this is my dad, Chief Stoick the Vast."
As Hiccup spoke, Stoick looked between his son and the young girl. She seemed to be Hiccup's age, and he saw how she looked at him. A small smile formed, hidden under his mustache.
"Well, son, since there was damage from that storm, I'm afraid our usual huts for guests are full at this time...but, I don't see why she can't stay here, if she doesn't mind, that is?"
Hiccup was surprised, to say the least. "Wait, really?"
"Of course! She can take your room upstairs, son. You and Toothless can bunk down here. A lady needs some privacy, you know."
"W-well, yes, I'm aware of that..."
"Why don't you get her settled in, I'll come back with something suitable for her to wear, hm? I hope you enjoy your time in Berk, Melodía."
Chuckling, the chief left, and Hiccup was dumbfounded.
"Well, that was... unexpected. Are--are you okay with that? With staying here?" He ran a hand through his hair, a little uneasy but also a little relieved.
She didn't know anyone else here, and at least she'd be out of danger, but still...
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evilwriter37 · 10 months
archer hullo! strange questions time:
what is your favourite bug?
which httyd characters would Anaria, Girad and Hali each get along with?
what’s something (a trait, or a feature, or a backstory) you notice several of your ocs share?
do you have a favourite Shakespeare play? (If not, do you have a favourite play in general?)
would you rather live in the sea or the sky?
what’s a word you really like? (Bonus- what does it mean?)
Yes! Hi! I always love your questions!
what is your favourite bug?
Oooh, moths! I love moths!
which httyd characters would Anaria, Girad and Hali each get along with?
Oh my god, this is such a good question. Anaria would definitely bond with Heather. They've both got trauma and got turned kind of bitter and violent because of it.
Girad would get along with Snotlout, Hiccup, and Fishlegs. Snotlout because they could bond over having terrible fathers, and Hiccup and Fishlegs because they're both gentle, but brave.
Hali, surprisingly, would get along with Ruffnut, despite how quiet and reserved she can be. I could see Ruffnut pulling her out of her shell.
what’s something (a trait, or a feature, or a backstory) you notice several of your ocs share?
That lovely Trauma TM. I can't make an OC that's not traumatized. Either they have trauma that happened before the story, or it happens within the story. No one is safe.
do you have a favourite Shakespeare play? (If not, do you have a favourite play in general?)
Hamlet, Hamlet! I fucking love Hamlet! I've sadly never seen it performed. I've read it a couple of times though. It's great.
would you rather live in the sea or the sky?
The sea! I used to want to be a mermaid!
what’s a word you really like? (Bonus- what does it mean?)
Defenestration. The act of throwing someone out of a window.
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hiccupbutpurple · 1 year
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Boom this is Seki (it’s a nickname but I don’t actually have a full name for him so it’s just been Seki for years now). He’s a pirate and Snotlout’s kinda boyfriend/fling,,,,it’s probably a situationship for a long time.
- he is a pirate and runs into the riders, has a fling with Snotlout after a night of drinking and singing. He pulls the ultimate pirate/sailor move and sails away and probably sings songs about his escapes with the riders (rip Snotlout)
- at some point they meet up again, they would either be a couple or just be close friends
- they wrestle and talk about being muscley. Despite being 5’3 he could absolutely manhandle Snotlout around.
- this dude is a himbo, also kinda has Eret vibes ngl
- sad backstory (got kidnapped at a young age but eventually got escaped onto another ship. The pirates there were a bit nicer and took him in. For years he wanted to find his home again, but he had no name and very little memories, when he’s probs 19 or so he finds it and meets his family. He stays there for a year but the call of this sea is to hard to resist so he gets his own crew and sets off to sail and explore once more).
- when I was looking for old records I found that my original version of him was a mermaid girl that Snotlout saved from a prison and had blue hair. He broke off and became his own thing separate from httyd, evolving into this, but Snotlout came back due to sea shanties and sparked my memory. So now he’s trans and his blue hair tie is a reference to his previous hair colour.
- good growley/guttural singer - loves clapping and dancing in a circle while singing.
- tries and fails to keep his clothes from tearing but he’s pretty clumsy all things considered. Snotlout sewed up his outfits at one point, it didn’t last.
- the gold buckles on his shoes are just pieces of gold he stole and decided to make into an accessory and tied them onto his shoes.
- The ties on this waist come from his older clothing. He keeps them as reminders of the stages of his life.
- opposite coat/hair thing:
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afriend410 · 1 year
Okay so I'm not in favor of the live action httyd movie at all. I guess I understand why they are doing it (money, popularity, and exposure for new theme park opening the same time)., But for the love of Thor please try to make your characters look like the animated one. I'm not talking about race either. I'm talking about characteristics. Astrid has blonde hair so they better be making her hair temporary blonde, Hiccup's eyes better be green so they better have colored contacts and his hair should be a mud red, Gobber better have his prosthetic limbs, Snotlout better be short, Fishlegs should be larger than the rest, and tuffnut should have blonde dreads, stoick should also be a mountain of a man who has red hair. Ruffnut should hunch her shoulders and have three large braids.
These are physical characteristics ( that can be temporary changed on the actors/ actress) that these animated characters are known for. And it's not like it can't be done or anything we have the tools to do this, so it's not a hard request.
Oh and just throwing it out there but if the live action little mermaid can still have red hair then this isn't too big of a request either.
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talkingfishb0ne · 3 months
RP Rules
⸻ [ about the writer . ]
Sup! You can call me Fish.
This is my account for roleplaying, specifically for the cinematic adaptation of Cressida Cowell’s book and Dean De Blois’ animated series How To Train Your Dragon.
I’m a roleplaying writer and small digital artist (20) originally from platforms like Twitter, Amino and Instagram- but finding roleplayers there has either been too toxic or too bland of an experience, so now I’ve decided to see how Tumblr works. (If you have seen this RP rules wiki elsewhere, it’s cause I have a separate blog for the ACOTAR series called surielgossips :) )
I’m new to this app, so please be patient as I gain my bearings and try to figure out how this platform works.
⸻ [ rules / info . ]
I’ll try to make this as concise as possible so I’ll put it into dot points:
Themes || Adventure | Quest / Prophecy | Horror / Gore | Survival | Fluff | Mystery / Investigation | Angst | Comedy | Spice | Multi-Perspective | Trauma / Healing
Literacy || Semi-Literate | Literate | Adv. Literate | Novella
Dynamics || Romantic | Platonic | Monogamous | Friend Group | Mentor/Student | Found Family
Style || Third-Person Omniscient/Limited
Disclaimer || I haven’t read Cowell’s books.
Do || Discuss the plot with me | Introduce any ideas you have while we’re RPing | Tell me about your OCs in more detail | Read all the rules and say the password before DMing me | Be 18+
Don’t || Force AUs or characters from another fandom | Mary Sue / Gary Stu | Describe excessive gore | Make unexpected turns in the plot that have not been discussed
Triggers || Inc*st | P*dophilia | R*pe | Ask if you think you have a triggering theme or these might be part of background trauma of your OC.
Muses || Hiccup | Astrid | Fishlegs | Tuffnut | Snotlout | Hertha (OC) | Xarius (OC) | Alvis (OC) | Meria (OC)
Pairings || Hiccstrid | Hiccup x Fem!OC | Hertha x Fem!OC | Xarius x OC | Alvis x OC | Meria x Male!OC
AUs || Motorcycles | Hunger Games | Modern | Aquarium / Mermaids | Mute | Blind | Genderbend | Ask if you have something in mind.
⸻ [ outro . ]
Thanks for reading this post! Password is pegleg. Be sure to message me or comment if you are interested in RPing with me and building a plot together!
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local-dragon-haunt · 2 years
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Oh Fishlegs.
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snotlout x krogan but merman AU
I wanted to try a new way to shade tails so ✨
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ziggityzigg · 10 months
hot take: merman translout. merpeople can naturally change sexes like some fish and his top scars are gills
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funkytoesart · 7 years
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Mermaid Hiccup AU | Chapter 1 | Page 10
Masterpost of Pages
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dragonmasterhiccup · 14 hours
“You know, on rare occasions I’ve seen sharks work together with Scauldrons to hunt, specifically when it comes to really big schools of fish. That way they both get food faster, and there’s enough to share.”
“Well… yes, humans do have a bit of a reputation when it comes to merfolk… but so far, you’ve proved all of it wrong, just like I thought.” Melodía grins.
She giggles. “Sometimes they can figure it out. They do a little thing like this.” The former mermaid gives a little shimmy, wiggling her hips back and forth. “But if that doesn’t work, then yes, we help them to right themselves. They can’t stay upside down for very long. We just keep them like that long enough to get our food. Then when we’re done, we flip them back over, and they swim away.”
The girl smirks. “Hopefully, I’ll be competing in the next races. I’m gonna collect so many land clouds, you won’t know what hit you.” She gently pokes his chest.
Melodía nods as she listens. “Well… something tells me you would have figured it out, one way or another. You’re resilient, I admire that. I’m glad that it all worked out the way it did though.”
As he mentions his leg, she looks at it, a bit of a sad look on her face. “Does… does it hurt?”
"I've seen dragons do that with other dragons, but I haven't seen them work with other species like that on their own. That's incredible!" He'd have to make sure he told Fishlegs...
Except...how could he, without revealing the truth about Melodía? Fishlegs could be trusted with secrets, that he knew, but this wasn't his secret to share.
He'd have to just keep that new information to himself, then.
"Why can't they stay upside down for long? Does it disrupt the way their gills work? Is it uncomfortable for them to be upside down?"
He laughed. "Dragon riding takes time to get used to, you know. You'd be competing with some pretty experienced riders, if you got in." He wasn't in charge of the list, but so far it has stayed with the same competitors: Astrid, Snotlout, the twins, Fishlegs, and Hiccup, on their respective dragons.
Nodding, he looked over at Toothless, who was napping in the sunshine. "Me too."
Looking back down, he shrugged. "Uh...sometimes. If I keep the prosthetic on too long, or the temperature outside changes drastically. Other times, too, but I haven't figured out the pattern yet..." Looking back at Melodía, he added, "It could be worse."
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