tobias-hankel · 2 years
Hotchreid drabble- something about Spencer throwing hands against someone who takes one too many jabs at Hotch
Can be a verbal beatdown or a physical one
I'm taking Hotchreid drabble requests in honor of the Hotchreid Zine release.
For more information about our Hotchreid Zine, make sure to check out Tumblr - all proceeds go to SharedHope, a charity to combat sex trafficking.
wc: 584
cw homophobia
One thing Spencer loved about Hotch was how he was always able to keep his composure – it could also be the most frustrating thing about him.
Hotch and Spencer were stuck at the police station with one of the most intolerable and prejudice group of officers they had dealt with so far – which only got worse when they found out that Spencer and Hotch were married. Something as small as Agent Hotchner and Dr. Reid-Hotchner didn’t escape the homophobic police station.
It started with a side eye, a huff, a laugh – nothing the two couldn’t ignore but once the rest of the team left, it was open season against the two. Normally Hotch would have taken Spencer into the field, leaving another two team members that weren’t subject to the officer’s hate at the station but with Spencer’s knee acting up and him relying heavily on his cane, it was better to stay put.
Hotch was reading through files and Spencer was working on the geographic profile when they heard some men from the other side of the room. The police station wasn’t big enough to have a separate room for the agents to work, meaning there was no escape from the officers.
“I would have never guessed the Unit Chief of the BAU was a cock sucker.”
“That is probably how he got to where he is.”
“You saying the FBI is full of fudge packers like him?”
Spencer looked over at Hotch as the men talked. He could see Hotch was annoyed but wasn’t going to do anything to stop the men.
“Maybe that is why he stayed behind.”
“Only good at taking dick and nothing else.”
Spencer couldn’t take it any longer. The men weren’t just insulting the Unit Chief, but his best friend and husband. Spencer stood up, leaning on his cane – he heard a “don’t” from Hotch, but it didn’t stop him. “Will you three shut up? We are trying to catch a serial killer.”
The three moved a little closer and the one in the front spoke up, “Aww, did we disturb your coloring?”
“It’s called geographic profiling. I would explain it to you further, but you are clearly too stupid to understand it.” Spencer deadpanned.
“Stupid and alone apparently.” Spencer continued before the man could start yelling. “The tan line on your finger suggests that you were married. You were drinking from a Motel 8 travel cup earlier, so you are living out of a motel room – suggesting she left you but still took the house. Now you have nothing, so you try and feel better by attacking my husband.”
“Why you—” The officer started before lunging at Spencer. Spencer didn’t even think as he swung his cane at the officer, hitting him square in the head and causing him to fall over. He would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy hitting one of the men that was making fun of Hotch.
“He tried to hit me first,” Spencer said, looking back at Hotch – who looked as if he wanted to kill the man for almost hitting Spencer.
“I saw,” Hotch walked up to the one officer on the floor and the two staring in shock. “You three, come with me. Your commanding officer is going to love hearing about this.” As the two start to move to their commanding officer’s office – helping the third man up – Hotch leaned against Spencer, giving him a barely there, yet loving, kiss on the cheek.
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How did you get the name frank? And what's your favorite Tumblr to follow?
In real life, my name is Frank. (Or, I mean, when I went to school I was, but I haven't been in a school in several years.)
My tumblr is my tumblr (I prefer that people I know in the outside world don't follow me on here unless they have to). If you want recommendations, I'd suggest looking for my tumblr recommendations tag.
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This is Boss. This is his idea of "personal space"
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Oh I love
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copperbadge · 2 months
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
bread-tab linked to a fundraiser for boyfriend Tobin, who is raising funds to replace his wheelchair; they are a low-income disabled queer couple, and his insurance is refusing to cover mobility aids. You can read more and reblog here or support the fundraiser here.
Anon linked to a fundraiser for creations-by-chaosfay, who has been dealing with chronic hand pain and has recently identified equipment that would make it possible for her to quilt on a regular machine as if it were a special quilting machine; she received the equipment but it doesn't fit her particular machine, so she needs to purchase a new one as she can't do any hand quilting. You can read more, reblog, and find information on the machine and other support purchases here.
merpancake is raising funds to cover bills after missing work around the anniversary of his father's death, including covering extra costs for his mother; he's taking commissions via DMs/asks at artcake or Merpancake on discord, and also taking donations via paypal here.
Buy Stuff, Help Out:
sailorsol linked to beloved-monarch, who is taking commissions to raise emergency funds for unexpected vet and mechanic bills; they make crochet plushies for various fandoms including Star Wars, TMNT, MCU, and Transformers, and also have some ready-made stock. They've managed to raise enough to cover rent but a cushion is always helpful; you can read more, reblog, and find commission information here.
News to Know:
rionsanura, who is the cover artist on the Meg Boudoun cover of Star Spangled Man from an old fanfic of mine, is working on an album and hopes to have information up about it soon; Sanura's a longtime fandom friend and makes great music, so I can heartily recommend; if you want more news you can follow the Instagram for the band here.
Recurring Needs:
chingaderita is still facing multiple expenses including for water during a drought, medical equipment and medication for family, and food for a family of nine. You can read more, reblog, and support the fundraiser here.
rilee16 is raising funds to get out of an abusive home situation, where their roommate has been harassing them and vandalizing their belongings; they are trying to move out but need funds to do so. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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lilliesthings · 1 year
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@merpancake huehehehehe I do love ralvez a normal amount
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masterwords · 10 months
blue christmas
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Summary: Spencer finds the perfect opportunity to show Luke that he'd like to kick their relationship up a notch.
Pairing: Luke Alvez/Spencer Reid
Words: 1.4k
Warnings: references to Spencer's time in prison, PTSD mention, reference to Spencer's mother's illness, loneliness and Christmas...that being said, this is a happy love filled romantic comfort story.
Read on AO3: blue christmas
Author's Notes: This is my discord Secret Santa gift for @merpancake! It took me out of my comfort zone and I hope I did them justice. You asked for Spencer being the one to make a gesture and boy did he ever! Thank you for challenging me, and thank you for being you. I know you've had a rough year and I hope that this brings at least a small smile to your face. Much love to you my friend! <3 Merry Happy Winter Holidays!
It was Penelope’s idea. He kept telling himself that as he stood surveying his apartment, the vintage garland strung up over his prized bookshelves and a small, somewhat bare tree lit up in the corner where his favorite chair should have been. Spencer didn’t like change, and the tree had caused some considerable change but it was the only place he could put it. A lit tree needed to be near a window, on display, and he had to admit that it did look very pretty from the street. Inviting. Warm. Festive. Things that didn’t usually describe his apartment this time of year.
“You don’t have to decorate,” Penelope had said with a smile. “It’s just...you have room, your place is bigger than mine. And we always do this stuff at Rossi’s.”
“Because he has a mansion,” Spencer pointed out with a smirk. She nodded.
“Sure, and that’s fun...but sometimes it’s nice to be a little more cozy.”
What she really meant, he realized, was that his apartment was quiet and sad and more of a place for him to close himself off than anything else. It had always been that way, perhaps, but it was definitely worse since he’d been in prison. She wasn’t wrong.
So, it was Penelope’s idea, and she planned the food and drinks and the Secret Santa exchange...all he had to do was open his door and let everyone in. The decorations came from a box he’d had stashed in his coat closet, way up high, gathering dust. Decorations from when he was a child, things he thought might be lauded as containing poison nowadays but brought back good memories. His mother would put them up even after his father left, she would deck their halls to make him feel something good for the season. And she managed it during the good times and the bad times, it was always something she insisted on. Even if she had never been a fan of the holiday herself, and even if it was the wrong time of year when she did it. More than once he’d woken to Christmas garlands and a full stocking in the middle of July, that was just how it was. And it was okay by him, he’d learned to accept that time didn’t move the same for his mother as it did for everyone else.
And now he was following in her footsteps, throwing decorations over his belongings for the benefit of other people. The garland was shedding all over his floor, scraps of silvery tinsel on hard wood.
Surprisingly, once the apartment was full of twinkling lights and silver garland, it made him smile too. Even the mess was festive.
“Oh, Boy Wonder, you did so good!” Penelope gushed when she walked in, her arms full of bags.
That was how it started, with her oohing and aahing over all of his vintage decorations, over how much space he had, over how many books he had. She’d only been here once or twice before and every time she managed to forget how lovely his place was. Not that she was surprised in the least. It suited him in every single way. “People will be here soon! Are you excited?”
“I uh…” he started, eyes darting over all of the once empty surfaces she’d covered with punch bowls and food trays almost instantly. His apartment looked like a party now. “Yes. Actually. I am.” He was a little surprised to admit that, a little surprised that it wasn’t a lie.
By the time his apartment was full of people, he was regretting it. Just a little. After spending nearly a year locked up, he didn’t do crowds well. They set his nerves on fire and he found himself looking over his shoulder anxiously whether it was warranted or not. In this case, it wasn’t, not even a little...these people were his family...but every movement out of his periphery made his heart jump. He was wishing the party was over and it had barely even begun.
“Secret Santa time!” Penelope exclaimed, waving her arms in the air to get everyone’s attention. “Everyone go find your gift on the table and open them.”
Spencer watched the crush of bodies headed for the little table and waited patiently until it cleared before going and grabbing his, the only one left. He held it close to his chest , unopened, while watching everyone else tear into theirs. Luke in particular.
He’d manipulated his way into being Luke’s Secret Santa, and while that wasn’t strictly against any rules Penelope had laid out he had felt at least a little guilty for ruining the sanctity of random. It was just...they’d been seeing each other casually for a few months, and he’d found himself more than a little bored by it. Not in a way that meant he wanted to stop, but in a way he hadn’t ever really felt before...he was ready to kick it up a notch. Luke looked into the box full of dog toys, little stuffed elves and reindeer and coffee cups and smiled that bright, intoxicating smile that said Spencer had done well. Very well. When their eyes met he mouthed thank you and Spencer could feel the butterflies in his stomach, a warmth that spread from his chest down into his pants. If they were alone right now that smile would be enough to make him drag Luke into the bedroom, it held that much power over him. Instead, Spencer inclined his head briefly, nodding for Luke to meet him in the kitchen.
There, he presented Luke with another gift, one not intended to be opened in front of a crowd. Just a small box he’d been holding in his pocket. An unmarked little white thing with a bright red bow wrapped around it, simple and elegant. “You proposing to me, Agent Reid?” Luke asked with a smirk and a wink. Spencer flushed. That didn’t help that growing warmth in his belly.
“Just open it before I regret it.”
“You never asked my ring size…”
“You know what? I’m taking it back.” Spencer reached out for the box and Luke playfully batted him away.
“Mine,” Luke huffed, delicately untying the bow and popping the lid open. Inside, nestled in a cloudy bed of cotton, was a gleaming silver key. Brand new, freshly cut. Luke grinned. “I’ve always wanted a key,” he said, always the jokester. Spencer reached into his pocket and procured his own keychain, holding up one that matched the key in the box. A little worse for the wear, a little worn down, but a perfect match.
“I’m not sure we’re ready to move in together,” Spencer started, the flush rising from his neck into his cheeks. His skin prickled beneath his wool sweater. “But I thought maybe you’d like to have a key to my place. It’s closer to work, so if you leave late and need a place to crash...or you know...you can just come in. Anytime.”
“Spencer Reid…” Luke said, stepping closer. “Are you sure?” He knew how Spencer felt about his privacy, and how he’d struggled against the PTSD prison left him with. Sharing his apartment in this way felt...well...huge. Unbelievably huge. Luke almost couldn’t believe it.
“I um, yeah. I’m sure. Come here…” he said, grabbing Luke by the hand and dragging him out into the hallway and toward his bedroom. Everyone was so occupied by their gifts and the music that they didn’t seem to notice the two of them had gone missing. “I got you a toothbrush to keep here...and…” he opened a drawer on his dresser, empty where it hadn’t been the day before. “And your own drawer. If you want it.”
“If I want it?” Luke asked, cocking his head to the side. “Spencer…” But he didn’t know the words to adequately sum up how he felt, so he just reached up and hooked Spencer by the back of the neck before pulling him in for a kiss. Spencer tasted like candy canes, his lips sticky from the candy he’d been nervously eating since the party started. Luke had been watching him with the candy cane in his mouth since he’d come in, it was driving him absolutely insane with want. “I love it.”
“You do?” Spencer asked cautiously. “Really?”
“I do. Merry Christmas Spencer,” Luke whispered into another peppermint sugar kiss, this time deeper, hungrier. He was craving candy canes now too.
“Merry Christmas Luke.”
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thehotchreidzine · 2 years
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Cover Art!
Thank you @aesthetictek for this amazing amazing amazing art for the cover of the HotchReid Fanzine!
Pre-orders are going on until Jan.2nd, if you want a copy make sure you order now because we won’t be printing more. Proceeds go to SharedHope, a charity to combat sex trafficking! Yay HotchReid 😝❤️
@goobzoop @brillianthijinx @thaddeusly @tobias-hankel @dark-blue-dark-blue @sbeno22 @cl0wnb0yyy @desperately-human @herbstfarbenfuchs @dr-charlie-eppes @katytheinspiredworkaholic @sirmatthew1972 @slyprentice @merpancake @angelsmoonbaby @not-easy-being-green-124 @lassiesspanishaccent @sparklinspence @theserpentgirl @hotchxreid
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artcake · 1 year
Hello friends~
So a lot has happened in the last two weeks and I wanted to put out both an update and a plea for help:
My dad died last week after a stay in the ICU for a biking accident. Currently coping by staying busy. Not working the best but nothing will I suppose. Trying to help my mom manage the aftermath of losing her husband and facing all the red tape and bills on her own for the first time in 40 years.
The AC unit for my son's bedroom failed (internal component issue) and we had to put both kids into the same room temporarily to keep them cool at night. I used all my PTO for dad and we don't have the funds to get a new one right away.
I'm still taking commission work, so if you are in the market, please DM me here, on Twitter or Insta, or on Discord (@merpancake)!
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kenni-woodard · 16 days
TV show tag game
Thanks @merpancake for the tag.
Rules: without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite TV shows, then tag people to do the same (I'm not tagging anyone. Just whoever wants to do it, feel free).
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blackbird-brewster · 18 days
TV Show Tag Game!
Thanks for the tag @gaelic-symphony
Rules: without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite TV shows, then tag people to do the same.
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Tag You're It: @storiesofsvu @merpancake @swpf @phantomhag-666 @the-kazoo-kid @battlestarbones
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Dual Correspondence
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Pairing: HotchReid
Summary: Sequel to Correspondence, picking up where we left off. Spencer has moved in with Aaron and Jack, and everything is perfect. Until it’s not. But then it is again. And up and down they go, on a rollercoaster filled with every twist and turn that life can throw at them. Navigating such obstacles isn’t easy, or fair, with difficult foes and situations that test everything they are and dream to be together. But the thing about trying to be with someone you love through it all, is that sooner or later you realize the hard times don’t have to be conquered alone. 
Important Tags: established relationship, timeframe around season 8-9, self beta'd, shameless use of ‘The Five Love Languages’ as a theme, relationship problems and solutions, exploration of family dynamics, angst, fluff, sex, peril, swoon-worthy life events. (Do I have to say it? You all knew it was coming.)
CW: prominent age difference, probably some cursing let’s be honest, show-typical violence and psychopathology, sharps and guns at some point, discussions of relationships that get pretty deep and personal, talks of PTSD, mental illness (specifically Spencer’s mom), death (Haley’s) and mourning, personal boundaries (physical, emotional, and sexual), some miscommunication in places. But also mentions of marriage, adoption, families and all the shapes and sizes they come in. Finally, sexy times: explicit sexual content in certain chapters. More/specific CW/TW will be added as the story is written.
Posting Date: 04/01/2023 (updates every 1st of the month)
Spotify (still under construction) | Pinterest (spoilers) | Ao3 link (TBA)
((See below for links and tag list, send me a message/ask/rb comment if you want to be added))
Snippet Previews
Part 01 (Found Family vibes)
Chapters Links!
Chapter 01, 
FANART/ Additional Moodboards
((coming soon))
Tagged list so far: @spencehotchner @ssa-sarahsunshine @gothamapologist @reidology @marsjareau @dragon-snaps-fandom @emmyraebird @just-an-emo-rat @aaron-hotchner187 @dk18077 @more-heid-pls @fakin-it-til-i-make-it @merpancake  @derekluvbot  @transpenelope  @thaddeusly @whyareusernamessohardtomakeup @stilin-ski​ 
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amyreadsandstresses · 2 years
Here we go! We have returned! This time with some BBC Sherlock, BBC Merlin and Stranger Things
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*Complications - EstravenAi
20k, 15/15, Johnlock, Medical Trauma, Permanent Injury, Angst with a Happy Ending
Heat and noise... 
After John is seriously injured during a case, he and Sherlock must deal with the fallout.
*The Imaginary Boyfriend - Oliver_966
2k, 1/1, Johnlock, The Yard finds out, Humor, Angst, Fluff, Married Johnlock
John and Sherlock met after Johns first leave, and have been in a relationship for years. Sherlock hasn't ever mentioned this to anyone at the Yard, and when he does they turn it into a joke. Sherlock doesn't care though of course, because he knows his John is real.
*Illusory Correlation and Confirmation Bias - VanillaBroompolish
10k, 6/6, Johnlock, Greg is a good friend, Molly Hooper, Sally Donovan, Relationship Reveal
Looking back, there were a few things that should’ve tipped Greg off long before that night at the pub. A few things Sherlock left fairly obvious, that on reflection, made Greg question how he’d gotten his job in the first place.
*Limits - WhatLocked
41k, 23/23, Johnlock, Baby Watson, Mentions of Infidelity, Mary Ships Johnlock, Mycroft is a good brother and uncle, Arguments and Confusion, Fluff and Smut
Basically, John leaves, without a trace, after discovering that Mary has left and the baby is not his.
Sherlock gets frantic, Mycroft gets sassy and limits are reached.
Sherlock somehow acquires a baby that he didn't expect to meet and eventually John comes home.
That is when things get tricky...
*Sharp Angles and Thin Measurements - wistfulpisces
TRIGGER WARNING, 1k, 1/1, Sherlock-centric, OCD, Eating Disorders, Unilock, Stream of consciousness
Sherlock has always been sharply aware of his body.
Perhaps too aware for his own good.
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*For Now and Always - merpancake
996, 1/1, Merwaine, Proposal, Short and lovely
It was a joke, surely just meant to be a joke, but- suddenly Gwaine could see a future unrolling in front of him like a tapestry.
*Mornings - ShipsUncloaking
320, 1/1, Merwaine, Short and Fluffy
Merlin and Gwaine have been married for a year, and at this point their morning routine is pretty much set in stone.
*to spill soup (down someone else's front) - southfarthing
615, 1/1, Gwen & Merlin, Gwen/Arthur, Fluff and Humor
A visiting noble says something rude. Merlin and Gwen try to out-friend each other.
*the things that you hold - EachPeachPearPlum
1k, 1/1, Merwaine, Gwen/Lancelot/Arthur, Magic Reveal, Fluff
“I’m a sorcerer,” Merlin announces, the second Gwaine closes his bedroom door behind himself (our bedroom, Gwaine would insist, but Merlin’s been hesitating on that, holding back until Gwaine knows all of him, because how can anything be theirs when Merlin is keeping so much from him).
Gwaine stares at him, somewhere between a little bit startled and actually alarmed, and Merlin curses internally. Idiot, he tells himself. You idiot, this wasn’t the plan.
*Little Miracles - Lola_Rose_Robins
3k, 1/1, No Slah, Parent Merlin, Parent Arthur, Queer Platonic Relationship, Family Fuff, Adoption
One of Merlin and Gaius' patients dies in childbirth, leaving behind two young children with nowhere to go. Merlin decides to take them in and pretty soon the entire castle is fully on board.
*A Golden Coin (With Two Sides) - Lilmia_Casand
939, 1/1, Merthur, Fluff
Merlin gets hit by a spell that gives him dragonish tendencies, it's really too bad that Arthur's hair is as golden as Merlin's brand new hoard. Because Merlin might try to hoard Arthur and that would just be- soft, fuffly, adorable. I could go on.
*It's The Little Things - KellyDrake6
1k, 1/1, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Gwen, Language of Flowers, Fluff, Hugging
Arthur notices Merlin hasn't smiled in awhile so gives him flowers to cheer him up
*Faithful Are the Wounds of a Friend - VikingSong
4k, 1/1, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Gwen, Knights of the Round Table, Scar reveal, Magic reveal, Angst and Humor and a Happy Ending
Arthur catches sight of a scar on Merlin’s back which he can’t explain, so he asks each of the members of the Round Table if they’ve seen it, too. They have...but it wasn’t the same scar.
*The resident oddball - Lola_Rose_Robins
4k, 1/1, Aroace Merlin, Aroace Leon, Stimming, Oblivious Arthur, Autistic Merlin, George is a good friend, Arthur knows about Merlin's magic
Merlin's autistic, he's got some sensory issues, his friends help him.
*Cloth Armour Series - a_chilleus
2 works, 6k, No Slash, Autistic Merlin, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Era, Sensory Overload
He brushed his hand over the smooth metal of the freshly polished helmet, smiling at the cold texture, before picking up the breastplate. He carefully wiped the mud off the shoulders, revelling in the soft swish sound of the cloth against the metal, moving slowly simply to draw out the satisfying sound for longer. There was no hurry.
*Scenes From A Summer - vensre
2K, 1/1, Merthur, Autistic Merlin, First Kiss, Gwen, Gaius, Hunith
If Merlin had Asperger Syndrome on top of being magical, his life might be something like this.
*Taking a Chance - cordeliadelayne
2k, 1/1, Lancelot/Merlin, Arthur is a good friend, Light Angst, Getting Together
Merlin doesn't think that having something of his very own is too much to ask, not this once.
*On Shapes and Stories - TyalanganD
2k, 1/1, No Slash, Dyslexia, Light Angst, Humor
The spell book that Gaius gave Merlin upon his arrival in Camelot, is a really precious gift. It would be even more precious if Merlin could fucking read.
*Breathe - kriadydragon
9k, 1/1, Gen, PTSD, Friendship, Torture, Hurt/Comfort
Merlin saves the day - yet again - when he manages to get an injured Arthur and knights to safety. But Merlin's troubles are far from over when an investigation into what had happened to the king and knights leaves him in a bad way, and now it's Arthur and Gwaine's turn to be there for him.
*In Deep and Out of Control - LFB72
5k, 2/2, Gen, PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Injury
Arthur and Merlin are trapped with no means of escape. Merlin is injured and struggles to control himself as a past trauma comes back to haunt him
*The Time Tried our Souls, and Through the Darkness we Overcame - mollrach13
8k, 1/1, Gen, Hurt/Comfort, Grief, Healing, Torture, Magic Reveal
A fill for this prompt at kinkme_merlin: Merlin goes through a lot of trauma and has gotten very used to hiding it, moving on (or at least appearing to), and coping silently and without anyone noticing, because most of the time no one can know something happened. One day something traumatic happens to him, which everyone knows about, and everyone is waiting for Merlin to snap, only for him to...not. Arthur is caught between worried and suspicious, and sets about to get to the bottom of this.
*The Burning Truth - FoiblePNoteworthy
2k, 1/1, Gen, Magic Reveal, Drama, Merlin's Backstory
“My Father was a sorcerer,” Merlin said into the silence.
*Darker State of Grace - Nabula5030
6k, 1/1, Merwaine, Gaius & Merlin, Trauma, Serket Stings, PTSD, Scar Reveal, Chronic Pain, Physician Merlin
While on a patrol gone wrong, Gwaine leaps between Merlin and a serket, taking the sting himself.
*Over, Under, Around, and Through to the Heart - anarchycox
4k, 1/1, Merwaine, Arthur Pendragon, Elyan, Gwen, Fluff, Minor Angst, Secret Courtship, Happy Feels
In Ealdor, you court someone by braiding their hair. Gwaine does not know this. Merlin knows Gwaine does not know this. Which means that braiding Gwaine's hair can be just because Merlin wants to, not because he is really courting the man.
He is really courting the man.
*No Badges to Wear - mollrach13
12k, 7/7, Merwaine, Getting Together, Angst and Romance, Scars
“You could do with a good mark. How a man trails around after King Trouble-Magnet for years without a mark on him is an impressive feat.”
Merlin stills under his touch. It’s only for a short moment but Gwaine feels it none the less before Merlin’s body melts back down into the sheets.
“Oh, you know me,” Merlin says with a small shrug. “Just lucky I guess.”
Or; You've all read scar reveal fics. Well, this is an anti-scar reveal. With Merlin/Gwaine because there isn't enough imo.
*A Study in Natural Philosophy - Mad_Mauldin
13k, 1/1, Series 01, Daemons -His Dark Materials, Magic Reveal
It wasn't all that unusual for people to hide their daemons; Merlin, however, seems to be taking it a little far.
*take me up, cast me away - redkay
12k, 1/1, Merthur, Canon Era, Pre-slash, Gwen, Gwaine, SO GOOD
In which Merlin has a selective understanding of the term banishment, Arthur needs to lock his doors, and neither of them are half as good at mending themselves as they were at breaking in the first place.
*hide and seek - southfarthing
11k 2/3, Gen, Aithusa, ANGST, Recovery, Happy Ending, Post Magic Reveal, Good Morgana
In Arthur’s more selfish moments, he catches himself wondering whether it would be better if Merlin were dead. Better being at peace than fearing Arthur in a self-imposed exile.
On the run from Camelot, Merlin is captured and locked away with a dragon. It is years before Arthur can find him and bring him back.
*Dying to Return - StormDancer
19k, 1/1, Merthur, Gwen/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot, Future Fic, Angsty but so good
When they try to hang him, he floats.
They put him on the pyre at dawn.
He doesn’t burn.
*All the Colours in Disguise - inktomi
3k, 1/1, Gwen/Arthur, BAMF Merlin, Magic Revealed, Humor, Angst
Arthur knows. Arthur knows that Merlin knows that Arthur knows. They don't talk about it. (They don't need to.)
*hide your dragons - southfarthing
6k, 2/2, Gen, Aithusa, Gwen is a good friend, Adorable and fluffy and so good, Humor
'It is clear in the law,' Arthur says. 'No magical creatures allowed in Camelot. Sorry.'
Merlin lifts Aithusa up so Arthur can get a better look.
Arthur blinks. 'I will make an exception because she looks very polite.'
In which Merlin tries to raise a very illegal dragon in a very dragons-aren't-allowed sort of place.
*Do You Have Need of Me? - TheActualAuthor
33k, 5/5, Gen, Assasins, Druids, Spy Merlin, Emrys Reveal, Grief, Angst, Identity Crisis
Merlin is Camelot’s spymaster and must reveal himself as such to Arthur when he becomes king.
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*chosen family - safi
3k, 1/1, Hurt Steve Harrington, Sickfic, Joyce Byers
Sometimes the best family is the one that we choose, not the one we're born into.
Steve's parents never make him their priority, so when he's sick, he is left to his own devices. When Joyce finds this out, she treats him like one of her own sons and makes sure he gets the care he deserves.
*hungry heart - babadak
1k, 1/1, Steddie, Fluff and Crack, Eddie Munson Lives
The realization should be scary, but his perception of scary went down the drain after beating a demon with a baseball bat in Jonathan Byers' house in '83. And then being tortured by Russians in '85. So, being gay should be... it should be something bigger, he's well aware. But it isn't.
Or: Steve Harrington likes boys and isn't freaking out about it.
*The Steve Harrington Triptych - ouijaboy
6k, 2 works, Steddie, Disabled Character, Angst with a Happy Ending
Sometimes, he wishes it had been Vecna. At least they could’ve done something about that.
*Ignore my hurts (Silence my cries) - MossTheMarauder
3k, 1/1, No Slah, Head Trauma, Chronic Pain, Vision Impairement, Steve-centric, Child Abuse
It turns out there’s only so much damage a brain can take before something has to give, and when that brain frequently gets treated like a pinball perhaps side effects should have been expected sooner. Having said that, Steve didn’t realise the permanent harm being done until it was too late to stop it; not that he would have if it meant the people he cared about getting hurt.
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domestikhighway58 · 1 year
9 (shit nine?) People you'd like to get to know better.
Thanks for the tag @masterwords & @eldrai, IDK how to do these so i did the old person thing and copy/pasted lol.
last song: before you snap by Yonderboi
favorite color: Green
currently watching: Criminal Minds when i need to work, write or sleep (lol), Young Royals when i feel like learning more Swedish, and call the midwife, always. parks and recreation smattered in there to remind me i have work in the morning.
last movie: Catch Me if You Can. baby bad boy Leo and FBI agent Tom talking about unsubs, puleaseee, it is perfect.
currently reading: .... can we not say fanfic? all i read is fanfic or advertising copy anymore. so much for my English major. if i had time to delve into a book again, it would be, without shame, Pride and Prejudice. because fuck it, I fucking love Jane Austen and it's been too long. I need to go to the damn beach.
sweet/spicy/savory: spicy/savory. i don't do sweet. unless it's winter and it's a really delicious cinnamon treat, like monkey bread on a Monday snow day or sweet cream my mom left behind in the fridge after a frigid visit.
relationship status: partnered for eleven years this October. it's been a ride. he's snoring at the foot of the bed right now. and no, he's not a dog. he just likes the foot of the bed. probably covered in fiberglass shards.
current obsession: hah. the same one i found Winter of 2021, coming down from long COVID while fighting back against poverty. writing silly CM fanfic and subtly attacking the status quo will be my obsession for the foreseeable future. holding onto my house and land, I guess, too.
last thing i googled: spicy Serrano hot sauce recipe. i have a few pounds of Serrano peppers waiting to be made into something wonderful. if anyone has ever tried to make hot sauce, i think you'll agree... developing the recipe is everything. the SFW search before that was "how to treat internal burns from repeated electrical shocks." same vein, really.
currently working on: i am obsessively writing one single fic right now. i have many just sitting there waiting to be updated and while i feel guilty that they're in limbo, I'm just happy they're there at all. it took a lot to start writing and i don't want to limit that by feeling guilty over imaginary deadlines for completion. i ain't gettin' paid. there is no boss and no editorial staff here in free fanfic land. <3 my main project is to write whatever i want to write in the very little free time i have. i used to have more time, and the fact that i now don't is a good thing. still working on how to balance it all.
zero pressure tags: @chaotic-librarian @tobias-hankel @brillianthijinx @goobzoop @starzzyeyed @merpancake @aesthetictek goodness i don't remember everyone's names on here at all but ayo <3
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copperbadge · 1 year
Radio Free Monday
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday! Ways to Give: Anon linked to a fundraiser for a friend who has had some unexpected bills come up, and is having trouble asking for help himself because of anxiety; you can read more and support the fundraiser here. v-ahavta's childhood friend's mother recently had to be hospitalized for a perforated appendix; both she and her daughter are disabled, and are looking at a $250K+ medical bill. You can read more and support the fundraiser here. nivchara-yahel and rivalconga are disabled queer siblings with ongoing support needs; they are raising funds for help covering housing, food, and medication for chronic illnesses while one looks for from-home work and the other applies for SSDI. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here. thatmangoka is raising funds for top surgery; you can read more and support the fundraiser here. Anon linked to a fundraiser for littlefluffbutt, who is facing homelessness with two daughters due to a predatory loan and support falling through; you can read more and reblog here or support the fundraiser here. merpancake's father recently passed, and she had to take some time off work while he was in the hospital; her bank account is now in the red and the AC unit in her son's room broke down and needs replacing as soon as possible. They're raising $400 to replace the specialized unit and trying to get back on their feet above and beyond that; you can give via paypal here and she is also offering art commissions at artcake. Recurring Needs: beatlesandbards and her partner are being forced out of their apartment with less than 30 days notice (illegally) after the landlord refused to treat severe mold damage and they reported him; they've filed a complaint for retaliation but that takes time, and they have to come up with cash for a security deposit and moving costs, and while still recovering from their car (a source of income through Uber driving) being stolen. You can give via venmo here. Anon linked to a fundraiser for Jamari Woodard, a young Black teen who was recently attacked by a white man and stabbed in the head with a tire iron. He is doing well but not out of the woods yet, and is going to need a lot of support, plus will be facing medical bills. The perpetrator has not yet been caught, but I understand the attack is being pursued as a hate crime. You can read more and support the fundraiser here. And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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spielzeugkaiser · 4 years
Merry Christmas! 30min prompt: Dom!Jaskier giving geralt some aftercare? He'd be so good at it, lots of massages and cuddles and reassurance
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valdomarx · 4 years
Re: delicate sensibilities, I love the idea of Jaskier, who has had many sexual partners and is know for a love 'em and leave 'em attitude, getting just entirely overwhelmed by Geralt's ardent love. The idea that someone would care for him as more than a bed partner...would tenderly hold his hand and revel in his company...oh! He might actually swoon! Geralt, catch me!
Geralt can't, because he caught a glimpse down Jaskier's shirt and is having a fit.
Jaskier: Talk dirty to me, Geralt.
Geralt: ...
Jaskier: Come on, lay the most shameful thoughts you have on me. Tell me about your sordid desires.
Geralt: I love you. Most ardently. Nothing in the world could make me happier than holding you close and treating you with the adoration you deserve every single day. But I shall continue to love you without expectation of recompense or demanding of favours of any kind, for your mere presence uplifts my very soul.
Jaskier: ...
Jaskier: *passes the fuck out*
Geralt, looking at Jaskier in a heap on the floor: Oh dear.
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