#mesquite tarot
hawazilian · 7 months
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Mesquite tarot, the magician, el mago, ARCANO I
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pageofpomegranates · 1 year
Does anyone have a Mesquite Tarot deck they'd be willing to sell to this lil Texan
I want to work with it so bad
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feral-babe · 1 year
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The Nine of Antennae card stands as a testament to resilience and the unwavering spirit in the face of adversity. It portrays a figure who, despite being wearied by life's trials, clings to their defenses, a sentinel guarding their realm. This card embodies themes of endurance, perseverance, and the courage to face challenges head-on. In this light, the Giant Mesquite Bug provides an insightful parallel. These distinctive insects inhabit the arid landscapes of the American Southwest, navigating a harsh environment where sustenance is scarce. Despite their challenges, they embody tenacity, serving as a testament to adaptation. Challenges are an integral part of life. Our resilience can be our greatest asset. The Nine of Antennae encourages us to draw strength from our experiences, to bear our scars with pride, and to stand tall when the odds appear insurmountable. Even in the most challenging landscapes of life, our tenacity and determination can guide us through to brighter horizons.
The Giant Mesquite Bug embodies the wisdom of using nature's offerings to survive and thrive. When threatened, the nymphs unleash noxious chemicals acquired from plants in their surroundings. Their ability to produce these compounds stems from a symbiotic partnership with a species of gut bacteria, underscoring the power of collaboration and mutual support. Additionally, these chemicals also serve as a means of communication. They function as pheromones, guiding these insects to form gatherings or disperse, a reminder that unity is essential for both survival and growth. Just as the Nine of Antennae underscores the idea of seeking help when needed, the bug's reliance on symbiosis teaches us the strength found in alliances and mutual assistance.
Ultimately, this duo teaches us to fortify our defenses in the face of adversity, draw strength from our inner resources, and embrace the power of collaboration. By applying these lessons, we too can weather life's challenges with resilience and emerge stronger, just as this remarkable insect thrives in the harshest of environments through adaptation, resourcefulness, and unity.
Prints available on Redbubble and Inprnt
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shivunin · 2 years
🙤 Unusual OC Associations 🙧
I forgot I was working through my OCs with this lol. Two more after this. Consider this a tag if this is something you want to do, too :)
Salshira Lavellan
Seasoning: Cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove
Weather: Windy—not the kind that steals your hat, but the playful kind of wind that skips fallen leaves down the street.
Colour: Russet brown—a color that seems almost red in some lights and definitely brown in others; the color of leaves about to fall in the autumn.
Sky: A cloudless sunset that makes the whole world seem a little extra golden for a whole.
Magic power: Fire; the kind that reminds one of the crackle of logs in the hearth when it’s chilly outside, and the kind that catches frighteningly fast in dry grass.
House plant: One of those touch-sensitive ferns that folds its leaves in tightly when brushed with a fingertip
Weapon: A staff carved of warm mesquite wood and inlaid with brass, flashy in direct light and sturdy in the hand.
Subject: Communication; she is the kind to sign up for it because it’s supposed to be easy, only to find that it’s a concrete way of thinking about things she already does. (she uses these skills as like, a bartender who talks people through their relationship issues because a nine to five is not her style)
Social media: Probably Insta. Careful perusers might notice that despite the pretty pictures, she almost never actually says anything about herself.
Make-up product: Waterproof mascara (to frame her beautiful eyes, and it won’t give any hint that she’s been crying)
Candy: Red Hots (any cinnamon candy, tbh; it’s her favorite flavor)
Fear: That if she is actually, truly herself someone she cares for will look at her—no masks, no jokes, no hiding—and be disgusted. (Also caves, tight spaces, and spiders)
Ice cube shape: Those giant round ones. She would spin it around and around in a glass as a means to avoid paying attention to boring conversation.
Method of long distance travel: Dracolisk. She saw one and fell in love immediately, even though she rides a hart to places she thinks people might be frightened of one. She has little nicknames for all the dracolisks in the stables and she babytalks to them.
Art style: Art nouveau. All curving, flowing lines, nature, and artful asymmetry
Mythological creature: The alchemical salamander, creature of transformations and fire.
Piece of stationery: A postcard with cramped handwriting and a picture of somewhere lovely on the other side
3 emojis: 😘 🔥 🍂
Celestial body: Mercury, bright and fast as it sprints through the sky.
Tarot Card: Knight of Wands; passionate and enthusiastic, prone to action over thought
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comparativetarot · 3 years
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The Lovers. Art by Bronwyn Walls, from Mesquite Tarot.
VI. the lovers. you might have heard that love is a choice-- this usually makes people bristle. what beauty though, this willful connecting of things. real love not only in romance, is about the coming together of the separate. sometimes this is joining seemingly opposite beliefs. sometimes it is the joining of people, or connecting to larger knowledge, or letting go of fear, not foolishly, but with open eyes and a generous heart. this card reminds us that both love and choice often pair with sacrifice. it might be a moment to ask yourself: what is worth connecting?
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coffeewithariadne · 4 years
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A spread from ages ago, I've lost track of when. The colors were so calming and pretty. The Mesquite Tarot is one of my very favorite decks. I always find myself coming to it when I am looking for the deepest self-honesty and inquiry because something about it speaks straight to the center of my heart.
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cozyburrowvibes · 5 years
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Hello lovely people, I hope you’re all doing ok with everything going on in the world right now. If you would like a lovely and good-vibey distraction, I am currently offering free tarot readings for folks who could use a little encouragement and clarity. I use the mesquite tarot deck, which you can see in this image. I love this deck because it has a quiet, gentle, direct energy which works well with my reading style. If you would like a reading, just send me a message with your query (no future predictions or medical advice please!) and any useful info and I’ll get to work. If you’d like a reading but aren’t sure what kind of question to ask, here are a few of my favorites:
What kind of energy can I best bring to the situations in my life right now?
What do I need to feel safe and cared for right now?
How can I support my own well-being at the moment?
What can I offer the world today?
What good thing is coming to me right now?
What unexpected blessing can I gather from this time?
Hope this gives people some ideas, and brings you a little joy!
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cupsnpentacles · 5 years
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I can't figure out what I'm hoarding.
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flowingrooted · 6 years
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Cards for the Year of Thirty ♥
The Star for carrying onward the wisdom gained from 29′s harsh lessons, in renewed hope and trust; the Knight of Swords for clear aim, sharp knowing, and the courage to always speak true; the Queen of Wands for sustaining the fierce radiance of self & living a life dedicated to expression; and The Lovers for the intertwining, integrating, harmonizing — heart, soul, body, mind — that is required to live according to one’s own rhythms, to embrace all facets. Eyes open, heart willing. 
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glamourzombie · 7 years
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I had to send in my phone for repairs on Thursday as its battery had swollen for no apparent reason. Mind you, it's not even one year old and I take really good care of it. It won't be here until Wednesday and you know what? I am kind of enjoying my time off. Smartphone detox. It has actually allowed me to bond with more decks at a time, and today I've chosen to introduce you to the wonderfully soft Mesquite Tarot, created by Bronwyn Walls and Aleisha Fitz.
This deck is very special to me, as it aligns with my meditative practices. Here's something you can read on the site: "Tarot is a practice of seeking clarity, of setting aside time for introspection and reflection. As in other meditative practices, it can give us perspective on the big things and the little things. It carves space to zoom out and gather insight [...]". It's about symbols, awareness, human experience, understanding. This breathes into the artwork making it an exceptional tool for engaging in conversations with oneself.
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This deck is described as soft and simple. This is seen on the pastel, mellow colour palette that is present even in the darkest cards (though some black is of course seen). The simplicity of the symbolism aids when focusing on a clear idea, symbols being really well chosen to convey the traditional messages of the cards with a twist, and spark this self-conversation I mentioned earlier. And they are so so so pretty. There is a mix of lined and lineless artwork, which works really well for focusing on different elements. The illustrations feel super airy, but also have this grounding touch to it that makes them balanced and welcoming. Eyes, hands, people, flowers, skies, animals..., come together in a deck where even the tiniest detail makes sense. One thing I love is how the court cards (in this deck, character cards) have been renamed to novice, student, knower and leader; which provides gender-neutral labels as well as a more clear idea of the messages of the cards.
The 190 page book is a treasure. After a welcome and an invitation, we are introduced to the cards in a very logical but creative way, by firstly approaching the arcana in general, then dealing with the majors and the Fool's journey, later focusing on the minors, and finally focusing on the character cards. After a note on pronouns and another on reversals, we are given example questions and spreads before getting to the individual cards. For each, there are two pages, one which includes the black and white illustration of the card and another which features basic keywords, the meaning or message of the card (written in a beautiful literary manner), and closing with keywords for the reversed positions. The set also includes a printed ouroboros canvas pouch where to keep the deck (which has its own custom tuckbox), and a cute sticker. Everything is designed so as to make this softness linger even when the deck is not being used, even the smaller size and super smooth finish of the cards.
The Mesquite Tarot is soft and simple, but it is also more than that. Its gentle and kind energy doesn't have the pretension of masking or sugarcoating what needs to be discussed. Sameways, its simplicity can be said to lie on the surface, as once that this set reveals its full potential, you are faced with much more to soak up than what could have been expected. That is very difficult to achieve both artistically and pragmatically, so I think it is only fair to highlight how incredible and powerful this deck is. If you're looking for a motivating tool to meditate, this is it, so be sure to check it out!
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silent-k-tarot · 6 years
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A tarot forecast for everyone, and for no one. 🌑♉️ April 16-22, 2018 ♋️🌓 • How do you keep at it (whatever it is) when it’s difficult to do so? • This question is especially pertinent for the passions that don’t pay our bills: activist work, raising a family, exploring and embracing complicated a identity, forging relationships, honouring your spirituality, community organizing, writing a book, learning an instrument, developing a workshop, ETC. Look at the fire energy represented by these cards - this spread is about the projects and activities that you are driven to by the most fiery parts of your being.
The word “validation” keeps coming through. Where do you get a sense of validation? Does it come from within? Do you look to external gauges - like the words and reactions of the people around you? How do your beliefs and expectations about validation shape your beliefs about your own accomplishments?
The lesson this week is the value of rest. Honour your need for rejuvenation; embrace the specific form(s) that takes for you. What activities help you to feel genuinely well-rested?
The guidance asks us to have some fun! To celebrate ourselves and our communities. Even if goals and aspirations are ongoing, there is value in appreciating the many forms of progress that you’ve made so far. If things are feeling stuck, or dreary, lighthearted shenanigans can be more productive than another meeting or work session.
Does your will-power suffer when you lack meaningful time for yourself? What roles do rest and celebration play in your life at present? Have you discovered how to give yourself permission to relax? • TL;DR: Nothing happens in a vacuum; none of our actions and interactions exist in isolation. The ways that we decide to care for ourselves inevitably impact our capacity to care for others. The time that we make for rest, serenity, and celebration have significant influence on our ability to stay motivated and involved for the long haul. • Energy of the present: 6 of Wands rx. Primary challenge/obstacle: 7 of Wands rx. Lesson: 4 of Swords. Guidance: 4 of Wands rx. Shadow card: 8 Strength. • What’s important to convey: Novice of Wands. 9 of Wands. Shadow card: 2 High Priestess. • Decks used: Prisma Visions; Mesquite Tarot.
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seeker-of-depths · 7 years
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#TarotAdLib Day 16, Feb 16, 2018 - Advice. 
Dear Beginner Me,
When it comes to divination, you do not need to worry so much about being a reading “carving space for unique expression - you own it” [Leader of Wands, quoting from guidebook]. What you should actually focus on is “drawing strength from old scars” [Nine of Wands, quoting from guidebook] and “learning by doing, figuring it out as you go along” [Novice of Pentacles, quoting from guidebook]. This will take you far. Don’t be discouraged if things get too much for you to handle.  Take your time and have fun. This is part of the process. 
Wow, strange to say, this does hit the nail on the head on what beginner me struggled with. Particularly the bit about Nine of Wands. I still struggle with that.  And, yes, I have definitely learned by doing! 
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a-lavender-moon · 7 years
This gorgeous deck is halfway towards being funded! If you like minimalist decks, this one might be for you <3 
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welcometohighwater · 6 years
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this is my personal ideal, tbh
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subtlepsithurism · 6 years
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A fine day for divination
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comparativetarot · 3 years
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Ten of Cups. Art by Bronwyn Walls, from Mesquite Tarot.
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