#metal hammer april 03
in-death-we-fall · 2 years
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Sex, Drugs and One Armed Groupies
...is gonna be the title of this since there kinda isn't one. Scans were posted by @fuckyeswednesday13 a long time ago. I really liked this article and now it's nice and easy to read (especially the columns. Ask me how much I hated the columns.) Enjoy! (drive link)
The Big Day Out. The Australian travelling musical circus that steamrolls its way around Australia and New Zealand every winter with the hottest bands on the planet flying from all over the globe to join down under’s best bands in a mayhem filled fortnight. This year’s line-up, features among others, The Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age, Jane’s Addiction, Jimmy Eat World, The Hard Ons and deathglam monstrosities, the Murderdolls. So far, the Mid West (sic) based five-piece outfit have been the cream of the festival, appropriately headlining the ‘Essentials’ stage. This is the band’s first time in the Antipodes and quizzical music fans have crowded to see the much-talked about live set. With Sydney copping the biggest crowds of all the legs on the tour, the band are preparing something special. But at 3pm in the afternoon you wouldn’t know it. Most of the band are still in bed from the night before, well, actually… the week before.
The ‘Dolls have been in Sydney for five days before their Big Day Out show and not finding much to do early on in the week they’ve just been getting down to the (sic) rock’n’roll’s most popular pastime: hard drinking. Drummer ‘Big’ Ben ‘The Ghoul’ Graves and bass player Eric Griffin are recovering from last night’s binge. While singer Wednesday and guitarist Joey Jordison are recovering from the night before the night before. Acey Slade, who maintains his sobriety, but still stays out ‘til dawn, has been up since 11am and is the only one ready for the show. With the band on stage at 7:15pm, things need doing. Staggering through their beer can and ‘paraphernalia’-strewn rooms to the showers, they’re down in their van and on the way out to the Big Day Out site just after 4pm.
Situated at the same place that hosted the Sydney 2000 olympics, the festival facilities are first rate and the sell-out crowd of 52,000 festival-goers are making the most of it. The temperature’s pushing a blistering 35°C and being the middle of a drought-ridden summer in Australia, everything’s dry, dusty and cracked. It’s a good 40-minute drive from the city to the festival and the sun’s stinging in through the van windows. Not big fans of the sunlight, the Murderdolls have got their leather jackets up over their heads to avoid even the slightest hint of a tan.
In the cool, air-conditioned shade of backstage I get to sit down with Joey Jordison and singer Wednesday 13 to gind out how the band are doing after their meteoric rise over the past eight months. Joey is straight down the line, measured and professional. “This si the first Big Day Out for all of us. Slipknot have only been down here once but not that (sic) this festival. This is something I’ve really wanted to play – something I’ve wanted to do for a really long time.”
For Wednesday, this is another notch on his rise as an international rock’n’roller. “It’s awesome,” he says. “I’ve always wanted to be out on the front of a rock’n’roll band at a festival like this. After struggling doing my own band for six years I actually quit my job back in April and I’ve been touring every since. I’ve done all the things I ever dreamed about. I’ve been to Europe three times, Japan twice and here we are now in Australia and that has all been pretty much in the last six months! Holy shit we’re doing some things that some bands have never done!”
“We just checked out the videotape from the Auckland show the other day and fuck man, it was awesome!” enthuses Joey. “People are saying we are pulling the most people to that stage out of everyone. Our band has been doing really well especially since we’ve only been going for a short time. We hope that after the BDO we’ll be able to come back and do some real headlining shows down here. We are having fun though, thinking about it, we’ve never had so many days off between shows before, it’s more like the Big Day Off!”
The band wasn’t supposed to be so idle. Most overseas bands on the BDO bill play a bunch of satellite shows in various cities around the country and for a month prior, the Murderdolls had been slated to perform a Sydney show with fellow US rockers The Deftones. But with very little warning, the Murderdolls were dumped from the bill just before the show. What really pissed off Joey and the lads was a lot of the Murderdolls fans had bought tickets on the basis that the band would be playing but in the end had to watch the Deftones supported by ex-At The Drive-In chancers, Sparta.
Without much choice in the matter the Murderdolls issued a statement on their website apologising to their fans and kept trying to fly their flag with some instore appearances at local record stores. One in particular at Utopia Records, was insane. There was such a roar when the band turned up, they looked truly surprised at the number of kids who had showed up, most dressed in black and red outfits.
“Someone told us there was only going to be about 150 kids, which was supposed to be a good turn-out for Utopia records for a new band,” retells Joey. “But when we turned up there (sic) almost 500! We talked to fans and signed everything that they had. We were there for a good three and a half hours. And at the Channel V interview it was pretty much the same story. Hordes of kids that wouldn’t let us get away.”
“That’s the cool thing with our fans,” explains Wednesday. “We’re not a radio band or an MTV band with this created army of little kids which I think is more pure than being the Number One radio band or liking it because someone tells you to like it. I know that our fans are real. It is really cool to see these hordes of kids show up, they are dressed like us, they know everything about us, it is just awesome.”
Thinking further ahead fans will be please to know the band are not going to let up on the groundswell already created by the Murderdolls. “I have to go back and finish recording some Slipknot stuff,” reveals Joey. “Then we (the Murderdolls) are going to do some more touring. There’s usually a three to four month sort of break between recording and when an album comes out so we are going to tour pretty much all the way from the end of May all the way to maybe the beginning of October. Which will be good because there’ll be less sunlight at that time of year,” jokes Wednesday raising his non-existent eyebrows and throwing his arms, heavily tattooed with b-grade horror heroes, into the air.
As the hot afternoon drifts into an only slightly less simmering evening, there’s a small problem with guitarist Acey. He’s got indigestion. This amounts to a small crisis because first aid officials must follow procedure and administer the medicine. This takes two St. John’s Ambulance men on pushbikes in a five minute ride from their base at the side of the main stadium. Very un-rock’n’roll indeed.
With the gig just 45 minutes away, the boys are pacing around their trailer, having their pics taken for Hammer. Acey inside in front of the mirror still applying the last of his make-up, Ghoul is getting powdered up, Wednesday’s still with the photographer, while Joey’s nervously pacing around, in the trailer, out the trailer, back in… Eric meanwhile is ready for the stage and cracks open the obligatory bottle of Jack Daniel’s. As a Murderdolls ritual, they’re applying the slap, the band have to listen to Kiss. “Must. Have. Kiss.” stipulates Joey. “‘All American Man’! We sometimes change that to ‘All American Ghoul’,” chimes in the Ghoul.
Just 10 minutes before showtime and the long lanky frame of Ben Graves is stretched spider-like up against the dressing room wall. “I’ll be in pain afterwards,” he explains. Wednesday has by now finished his solo shots with Hamer’s photographer. The day is hot enough anyway, and under the photographers lights the heat is even more stifling. ‘Jesus, it’s fucking hot!” exclaims the frontman. “But I don’t mind… I’m a naturally dead person in front of a camera” he laughs.
More Kiss blares out from the dressing room, this time ‘Dr Love’! Then the moment comes: ground fucking zero at the Big Day Out! The band clamber into the van and head around the back way to the Essentials stage. The bottle of Jack’s being passed around as they approach the stage the band take a quick peak (sic) to see how the crow’s building up. It’s the biggest yet, taking up most of the grassy area out the back of the main stadium. Joey – who regularly suffers from pre-gig nerves as his pre-stage vomiting on Slipknot’s ‘Disasterpiece (sic)’ DVD proves in all its technicolour glory – is bricking it.
Five minutes before the band are due to hit the powerchords and the guys are milling around in the wings. Ghoul is banging on some warm-up pads and everyone is getting psyched. They’ve left the Kiss CD backstage so they have to hum ‘All American Man’ together. Then they make their way to the stage.
A couple of huge Murderdolls logos adorn the stage and in an eruption of noise and energy, the Dolls take the stage and instantly kick off with ‘Dawn of The Dead’. Jordison in black leather Gestapo hat is jumping around stage left, Acey is wailing away stage right while Eric bangs away on the bass doing his best Nikki Sixx impression, while the Ghoul wrecks the trap kit. Wednesday is the last to take the stage and screaming, “We are the dead, coming for you!” And the crowd goes fucking wild.
The kids down the front, dressed up in full glam-goth regalia, know every word and sing along fervently with the band while among the throng watching from the side of stage are some of the biggest names in the Australian music industry. Members of bands like 28 days, Machine Gun Fellatio, Cog, Jimmy Eat World, Pre-Shrunk, and Sparta all stand wide eyed and mouths agape at the outrageous rock revisionism being unleashed onstage.
By the time the band have launched into ‘I (sic) Was a Teenage Zombie’, ‘Let’s Go To War’ and ‘Slit My Wrists (sic)’, the crows know what they’re in for. Most who have showed up for curiosity (sic) sake are still hanging around, but if anything the crowd is building and everyone looks like they are right into it having fun. The intro to ‘Twist My Sister’ is a kid’s nursery rhyme ‘Old McDonald’ which gets the whole crowd singing along.
Unbelievably, some lunatic in the crowd starts throwing bangers at the stage, but the fireworks only make it as far as the front row of fans before blowing up in their faces. Wednesday tries to get the guy to quit while geeing up the rest of the crowd. “All the people down the front tell the people at the back to ‘Die Die Die… my bride!’ he yells as the band grind into the song…
Today’s set includes two new songs, and we can report that both are killer kitsch rock rippers. The first, set for legendary status is called ‘The Devil Made Me Do It… And I’ll Do It Again’ while the second is the set closer, a crowd sing along gem ‘I Love to Say Fuck’. Wednesday grabs his big black umbrella, emblazoned with the word FUCK, Eric, Acey, and Joey are going crazy, jumping up and down in unison, Ghoul is all arms and legs behind the kit while Wednesday is right down in the crowd’s face urging them to stick their fingers in the air and yell ‘Fuck!’. It looks great to watch. “It isn’t choreographed,” says Wednesday later. “Everything’s pretty much spontaneous. There are some things like we all jump on an ascent in the music or whatever but everything else is stuff that just happens on stage.”
They (sic) crowd are almost passing out from the combination of frenzied activity and the extreme heat, but still manage to scream out for more as the band leave the stage. “A lot of people don’t know that’s what drives a show,” explains Wednesday about his relationship with the audience. “You have to make fans feel part of the event and I think we do it better than anyone else.”
The band then jump back into the van for the two minute trip back to their dressing room behind the main stage. When they get back there the guys are all super hyped up. Excitedly buzzing around their dressing room, drinking beers, telling jokes. Joey is busy analysing the gig, and the BDO circus in general. He and Wednesday have got an interview to do with Australian TV scheduled for 8:45pm. It’s almost 9pm and Joey has another issue: “I want to eat! I must eat before I talk!” he exclaims. The interview is postponed for 20 minutes.
Bass player Eric is hanging around, so I grab him for a quick chat. Of all the Murderdolls, Eric seems the shyest but is probably the one most up for anything, especially if it is party related. He may only be small, (even in his Ace Frehley six-inch platforms he’s still barely average height!) but he’s a true rock’n’roller with a party attitude to match. “‘Machine Gun Fellatio’ that’s a cool fuckin’ name,” he squeaks discussing some of the other bands on the BDO bill. And he does squeak, kinda, like annoying Brit ‘comedian’ Joe Pasquale.
I bring up the fact that esteemed record producer, Nick Launey (Silverchair, INXS) was side of stage watching the show and had an interesting story to tell me about Eric. “I think I know where this is going,” smiles Eric slyly. “I met him about two years ago in LA at a party and we were all fucked up. I got dragged down three flights of stairs by my hair and he reckoned it was the biggest rock’n’roll moment of ‘00 for him. First impressions count, man.”
“It was so rock’n’roll!” Launey informs me later. “It was the launch of Orgy’s album and they had these models dressed as prostitutes lying on a bed and Eric jumps up on the bed with them, which of course you weren’t allowed to do. So the bouncers are dragging him out by his hair, kicking and screaming, down the stairs. His head was literally bouncing down each stair like a cartoon character and all the while he’s just got his middle fingers up on each hand and is yelling out ‘Fuck You!’, ‘Get Fucked!’, ‘Fuck you, mind the hair!’ Somehow he got back into the party and I asked him ‘how’s your head?’ and he just said “Whaddya mean?” - it was just so rock’n’roll!”
Eric has pre-arranged with their tour driver to take him over to the Boiler Room, where the BDO’s electronica acts are playing. He wants to see German electronic innovators Kraftwerk. “One of the bands I was in before the Murderdolls was very digital and computer based,” he reveals. “Kraftwerk don’t do a lot of live shows and I don’t think I’ll ever get the opportunity to see them again. They’re pretty important to the genre and even if I catch just 10 minutes of their set I think it will be worth coming over. A short ride through the back entrance, we arrive at the Boiler Room and manage to get in, via a bit of a labyrinth, through the backdoor and into the main arena just at the side of the stage. The Kraftwerk guys are standing robot-like in front of their computers while the huge dome-like venue is dripping with sweat from the 10.000+ strong punters who have basically been locked in the room all day listening (sic) the dance bands. We get a good vantage point but after about five minutes we’re leaving. “Jeez! That was the most boring piece of crap I’ve seen!” exclaims Eric when he gets back to the dressing room. “But it was worth going because I scored some drugs!”
Acey’s just hanging around backstage with his camera and a little doll from The Nightmare Before Christmas. He has a ritual where he takes a photograph of the doll in front of landmarks all around the world. “I have him in front of the Eiffel Tower for instance,” he says. “The other day I took a pic of him in front of the Sydney Opera House.” And with that he takes a photo of the doll sitting in front of a sign that says ‘Sleazy’. Hmmm. Odd man.
Acey and Eric are loving every minute of the Murderdolls ride. They’re both on their first trip to Australia and according to both of them it is (sic) has been “Cool as hell!” “The Gold Coast was really on,” says Eric. “It’s been kinda mellow since we got to Sydney because we’ve had four or five days off before this show so we’ve just been trying to find out what’s been going on. It’s been building gradually… and we’ve been partying a lot – maybe too much,” he adds sheepishly. Rick the tour manager – who’s passing by – agrees: “Yep, they’ve been very naughty boys – they’ve got to go to bed early tonight with no supper,” he jokes.
“He knows we’re the most dangerous band on the tour,” counters Eric. It’s a fact that seems to deter any other bands partying with the Murderdolls too. “The only band that has even reached out to us are the guys in Jane’s Addiction, in particular, Dava Navarro,” offers Acey. “He actually came out of his way to come over and introduce himself. And pretty much comes up and talks to us everyday he sees us along with the drummer, Steven [Perkins]. Everyone else is just kinda like, ‘What’s Up?’ Maybe it’s because we don’t look like we’re the most approachable band. Then again no-one has done anything to piss us off at all.”
No one may be talking to the Murderdolls but there is talk of the Murderdolls all over BDO. Most centres around their appearance with most Australian musical luminaries agreeing the band are the best dressed at the festival. One member of Aussie band the Resin Dogs even goes as far as to say, “The Murderdolls rock the wardrobe”. Acey is kinda flattered but non-plussed by the comments. “What image?” he exclaims. “This is how we are all day! Obviously we knock it up a notch for the show but this is the real thing. We don’t care if people like us as sexual deviants or not, but one thing’s for sure – they’ll fucking remember us.”
Big Ben Graves strides over to join us at the table. “Did I hear the words sexual deviant?” he announces in his deeply rounded US accent. “I’ve always been like that! Some people have a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other – I just two devils. There is NO voice of reason!”
We ask him if he has had any interesting adventures since he’s been in Australia and then instantly regret it…
“Dude, it has been nothing but interesting adventures. For instance last night, he (indicating Eric) he almost screwed a one-armed girl!”
“She had three tits and one arm,” giggles the dimunitive (sic) bassist.
“Yeah. It was weird,” continues the Ghoul, “one of her arms was like a stump and it looked like it had a nipple on it. I must admit I almost fucked her just for the freakiness of it.”
And with that starter for 10, the Ghoul is off. He starts ranting on with these sick freak jokes that crack everyone up and inside a minute you get a window to his personality. “Our drummer is one bona fide sick fuck,” jokes Wednesday of him later. “He stills (sic) freaks us out. I’ll just look at him sometimes and say to myself, ‘holy shit, dude, what planet are you from?’”
“It was weird on the Gold Coast,” says Eric, picking up on the tour adventure thread. “The girls there were the hottest chicks I had ever seen in my life but by the same token I had never got as much shit for the way I look than I have there as well. It was like two opposite poles. At first it was, ‘hey freak, where’s the funeral?’ and the next was, ‘sit down have a drink with us.”
“As far as people looking at you weird, I found Sydney is where I got the stares,” admits the Ghoul. “Sydney sucks! Although we did have some girls staking out our hotel which was pretty funny and I did have an over-zealous fan thrown out of the bar. The guy was just touching me a little more than he should and I didn’t like it,” he says animatedly. “I was like, ‘man, don’t make me waste this perfectly good bottle of Heineken by breaking it over your head. I’ve done it before’. Eric looks at him and says, “yeah he has!” But he was on something. I remember thinking ‘I want whatever he’s on… times ten!”
“I gotta say though, the Sydney crowd today was one of the best crowds we’ve had so far,” offers Acey as he joins the throng. “It was insane. It is good for us this tour, because the kids don’t know what we are all about yet so we have to prove ourselves. By the end of the set they all had their hands in the air.”
By this time Joey and Wednesday have finished their feed and their hastily re-scheduled interview and are looking for some more mischievous fun for themselves. “First of all, I’m going to go back over to the stage we played because there are a lot of kids hanging around over there still wanting to see us,” explains Joey. “Then after that, I’m gonna go directly where ever (sic) the free drinks are at…” Suddenly, Eric’s doubled over in the doorway of the dressing room. It’s been 45 minutes since he visited Kraftwerk in the Boiler Room and the pharmaceuticals are beginning to take effect. We ask if he’s OK. “Yeah man, I just think I’m gonna spew!” he grins. The rest of the band are baiting him ceaselessly.
“C’mon chuck it up man!” they urge and all crack up laughing together.
In the middle of all the commotion Wednesday is taking a piss in the corner of the dressing room. The place is a wreck: there are empty bottles of booze, food scrapes (sic), squashed fruit, hairdryers, make-up, boots, clothes (black and red if (sic) course) and of course a giant mirror. Wednesday is actually pissing into a bottle of Corona. At the same time I am just about to pick up my freshly opened bottle of Corona from the table which is besides (sic) a now suspicious looking bottle. “Yeah I always piss in the empty bottles,” giggles Wednesday. And then I leave ‘em on the table just to piss off anyone who might want to grab some of our rider or whatever. Just be careful just to get bottles from down there in the ice box, he laughs mischievously. Suddenly the oddly warm bottle in my hand seems less than appealing…
As the clock turns 1am the only people left at the stadium are the cleaners, the roadies and the still-partying Murderdolls. Last to leave, the van is parked just outside the dressing room and all I can see through the opened door is the Ghoul chucking around a baguette, now baked hard as a rock over the course of the stifling hot day. “Look at this - it could be used as a weapon to seriously maim you!” he screams bouncing the French loaf off the wall. A post vomit Eric cracks up, as the two hold a mock baguette joust oblivious to the outside world. They eventually make off back to their hotel room in the city, but don’t hang there for too long. The weekend lights of Sydney beckon and they cruise down William street in King’s Cross, to an underground rock venue called Club 77. It’s glam night, just their crowd and they spend the wee hours of the morning hanging out with fans and getting stuck into the sauce with a vengeance. Australia has officially been Murderdolled!
Blood and Glitter
Gavin Braddeley charts the rise of shock rock
Glam is hard evidence that what goes around comes around. Long dismissed as the definitive climax of 70s bad taste, in recent years glam rock has arisen from the grave, albeit with a veil of cobwebs draped over its original dusting of glitter. Originally a violent reaction to the 60s happy fad for all things natural, worthy, meaningful and drab, glam was all about being deliberately artificial, selfish, throwaway and garish.
In the States Alice Cooper was impaling baby dolls and throwing blood bottles around the stage from ‘70 onwards culminating in the vaudeville theatrics of the ‘Welcome To My Nightmare’ album/tour of ‘76.
Back in the UK, the Glam pioneer was lame pop pixie Marc Bolan (sic), photogenic frontman with T-Rex, who caused a sensation when he took to the stage on Top of the Pops in ‘71 with glitter under his eyes, clad in what looked suspiciously like drag. Never one to miss a trick, the lizard-like David Bowie soon jumped from the hippy ship to take on his otherworldly Ziggy Stardust persona.
The older generation may have thought that smearing make-up on your face and covering your clothes in sequins made you look like a ‘pooftah’. Alice Cooper got around this by replacing Glam’s overt ‘fagginess’ with ghoulish melodrama, prompting one critic to observe that Americans were more comfortable with necrophilia than homosexuality. And then came Kiss. Gene Simmons’ monstrous blood vomiting, fire breathing ‘Demon’ persona enslaved an entire generation of US children crossing Glam’s theatricality with heavy metal machismo to create one of the most influential bands in rock music history.
W.A.S.P. and Mötley Crüe supercharged Kiss’s sleaze and violence quotient to spectacular effect in the 80s, and provide the missing link between Glam and the Murderdolls, who happily cite the back-combed bad boys as a large part of their creative DNA. The chief inheritor of the Glam tradition in the last decade, however, is cross-dressing controversialist Marilyn Manson. Bowie may have metaphorically murdered his creation Ziggy Stardust in the summer of ‘74, while Bolan (sic) died more literally in a car accident three years later, but quarter-of-a-century on, Manson used his own dark arts to conjure their spirit on ‘Mechanical Animals’, his own tribute to pop’s most decadent decade.
Dead… and loving it!
The Murderdolls’ five favourite movie death scenes of all time…
The Murderdolls are proof positive that nothing gets some folks’ creative juices flowing quite so freely as a truly delicious cinematic death scene. Joey and Wednesday have a few favourites – both carnage connoisseurs identifying the ‘74 classic power toolfest The Texas Chainsaw Massacre as the gory cream of the crop – a movie currently being remade with a certain Mr. Manson in the soundtrack composer’s chair. (As a curious aside, you never actually see the girl hung on the hook – just a shadow – but such is the film’s sordid impact that most viewers swear you do!)
Joey 1. Texas Chainsaw Massacre “The girl on the hook.”
2. Friday The 13th Part IV “When the knife comes through the bed and impales the chick.”
3. The Exorcist “When the priest is hucked out through the plate glass window.”
4. A Nightmare on Elm Street “Where the girl is getting dragged across the rooftop.”
5. Necromancy “Where a group of devils and monsters take a girl apart.”
Wednesday 1. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre “The girl on the hook.”
2. Dawn of the Dead “When the spiked ball comes down and rips the guy’s head apart.”
3. Phantasm “A silver ball hits the guy in the head and sucks out all his brains.”
4. Hellraiser “Where (sic) the end sequence where the guy is being chased by all these hooks. They attach themselves to him and rip him apart.”
5. Nightmare On Elm Street “Where Freddy rips out the guy’s veins and uses them like strings controlling a puppet.”
Schlock n’ Roll
B-movie classics that have influenced shock rockers of now and then…
Some horror movies are best watched not so much with your tongue in your cheek, as thrust firmly through it, films that by accident or design are more about fun than fear. The same could be said of numerous horror loving bands, including the Murderdolls, where an ‘everyday is Halloween’ ethos prevails. Here are a few examples of B movie blood fests which may not have won any Oscars, have been paid tribute to by schlock loving bands over the years…
Plan 9 From Outer Space (1957) It is no surprise that the mother-of-all cult movies inspired the mother-of-all cult bands, and when Glenn Danzig created a label to release early Misfits material he dubbed it ‘Plan 9’. Frequently voted the worst movie of all time with its ludicrous script, mind bogglingly bad special effects, cardboard sets, and even more cardboard artistry, Plan 9 From Outer Space is irresistibly entertaining. Directed by the cross-dressing caliph of crap Ed Wood Junior, featuring proto-goth babe Vampira and Bela Lugosi (dying of drug addiction, he was replaced mid production by a stand-in who looks nothing like him).
The Abominable Dr Phibes (1971) Featuring horror cinema’s kind of camp Vincent Price as the fiendish Phibes, avenging the death of his wife using maniacal methods borrowed from the biblical plagues, all against wonderful, strangely psychedelic sets. Also possessed of a strange psychedelic sensibility are punk pioneers the Damned, though in the 80s, lead singer Dave Vanian’s horror sensibilities took centre stage, attracting a goth following. The 80 track ‘13th Floor Vendetta’ is a classic example of the band’s game-topping which, if you listen carefully, is all about ol’ Doc Phibes.
Mars Attacks! (1996) Director Tim Burton’s tribute to the drive-in shockers of the 50s and 60s, Mars Attacks! was actually based upon a ‘62 series of bubblegum cards, discontinued because of their gruesomely graphic pictures of earthlings being exterminated by alien invaders. As such this inspiration might suggest Mars Attacks! has little by way of plot, but for anyone with a weakness for vintage schlock sci-fi it’s a true Technicolor treat. This must certainly include the Misfits and when they reformed, they did so without the blessing of founder Glenn Danzig, but with their monster movie obsessions intact – among a multitude of horror movie tributes on their ‘97 comeback album ‘American Psycho’ was ‘Mars Attacks’ (and even an instrumental coincidentally titled ‘Abominable Dr Phibes’!)
I Was A Teenage Werewolf (1957) The drive-in movies of the 50s and 60s typically featured juvenile delinquents or monsters, and this bargain-basement effort delivered both in one lurid package. Before becoming ‘Pa’ on TV’s Little House on the Prairie Michael Landon stars as a troubled teen – though when he starts growing hair in strange places, it’s more than just hormones to blame. A howl from beginning to end, Teenage inspired a number on ‘Songs the Lord Taught Us’, the ‘80 debut from drive-in movie loving ghoulish rockers The Cramps.
Murder, mayhem and a right old mess
Minging Murderdoll tales from the Big Day Out
Who is the messiest Murderdoll of them all? Wednesday: “That would be Eric and The Ghoul. They are just messy as fuck. But you know you’ve just got to get used to living with these people. We’ve been on the road since July. You live on a bus for six weeks which means you’ve got (sic) live in everyone else’s shit.”
Who is the tidy anal doll? Joey: “No-one. We’re all pretty fuckin’ messy.” Wednesday: “I just took two garbage bags of mess out of my room. And just put it in the hallway. Just full of chicken bones and beer bottles and all sorts of shit like that, it was just smelling really bad so I had to get rid of it.”
So you do that yourself? Wednesday: “I don’t let the cleaning staff come into my room and tidy up. I put the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign for the whole week I am there.” Joey: “The housekeepers are scared shitless to come into our rooms anyway so we keep it easy for them and put the ‘Do Not Disturb” signs up the whole time. They are going to be so scared to come into our rooms and clean up after we’ve been there for a fuckin’ week!”
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black-arcana · 5 months
NIGHTWISH Announces 'Yesterwynde' Album, 'Perfume Of The Timeless' Single
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Symphonic metal veterans NIGHTWISH will release their new album, "Yesterwynde", on September 20, 2024 via Nuclear Blast. It marks the band's tenth studio album, following on from the release of "Human. :II: Nature." in 2020.
NIGHTWISH keyboardist and main songwriter Tuomas Holopainen states: "'Yesterwynde' is a fantastical voyage through time, memory, and the better angels of human nature.
"Three years in the making, we're thrilled beyond words to soon share our tenth album with the world!"
The album's first single, "Perfume Of The Timeless" will arrive on May 21.
"Yesterwynde" track listing:
01. Yesterwynde 02. An Ocean Of Strange Islands 03. The Antikythera Mechanism 04. The Day Of... 05. Perfume Of The Timeless 06. Sway 07. The Children Of 'Ata 08. Something Whispered Follow Me 09. Spider Silk 10. Hiraeth 11. The Weave 12. Lanternlight
In January, NIGHTWISH drummer Kai Hahto spoke about the band's upcoming follow-up to 2020's "Human. :II: Nature." album in an interview with Laureline Tilkin of Tuonela Magazine. He said: "At least it's not gonna be the same as 'Human. :II: Nature.', so… Probably, let's say that we go back to more heavy, heavier things on the new album, but also there's a lot of, again, new winds to blow, so to speak. So, different new elements. But, of course, it's still NIGHTWISH, but, of course, we brought back the big symphony orchestra again to the new upcoming tenth album. Yeah, it's gonna be exciting. And quite challenging music to play as well."
Asked if he is "in a way happy" that he doesn't have to play the new NIGHTWISH songs live right now, in light of the fact that the band is taking a break from touring for the foreseeable future, Kai said: "No, no, no. Totally opposite. I would love to go and play it live. But hopefully the time will come when we go back, charging the batteries first. Of course, it's nice to be home with the kids and wife and dogs, but still, of course, I've always been a player, so I also like to play for the people. But I believe I'm not gonna be bored. So I have a lot of things in the back of my head. Even NIGHTWISH is now taking a break. So, I'm not gonna be bored."
Earlier in January, Hahto told Chaoszine that "it looks like" NIGHTWISH won't play any shows in the next two or three years.
In April 2023, NIGHTWISH surprised fans by announcing that the band was not going to be playing any live shows for the foreseeable future and would be not be touring in support of the group's next studio album.
NIGHTWISH's statement read as follows: "As the 'Human :ll: Nature - World Tour' is drawing to a close, we feel now is the time to tell you of our plans for the next phase in our journey.
"After the planned shows for June 2023 we will be 'hanging up our spurs' for an indeterminate time, as far as live concert performances go, and won't be touring the next album.
"The reasons for this decision are personal, but, we all agree, vital to the wellbeing and future of the band. Be assured that we still love working together, and this decision has nothing to do with Floor's pregnancy or our other individual projects.
"However, an album of 12 new songs will see bright daylight in 2024, as will 3 music videos! The band is positively hyped beyond words over this new upcoming musical adventure."
In December 2022, Holopainen said NIGHTWISH's upcoming follow-up to "Human. :II: Nature." will be the third part of a trilogy that began with 2015's "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" album. He told Metal Hammer: "I immediately knew after getting that album ['Endless Forms Most Beautiful'] done that, 'Okay, we have to do more songs about this, because there's so much more to explore and tell the world. We're not done with this.' And the same thing happened after 'Human. :II: Nature.'; we're still not done. So let's do one more. At least one more.
"In a way, [the next album] is the third part of a trilogy, which started with 'Endless Forms…' and then 'Human. :II: Nature.' There are some major surprises there again, but it feels like a natural continuation to 'Human. :II: Nature.'"
According to Tuomas, NIGHTWISH's next LP will cover previously uncharted ground while continuing in the more cinematic style that has characterized some of the band's recent efforts.
In September 2022, Tuomas was asked if NIGHTWISH's upcoming LP will once again be an exploration of evolutionary science, as was the case with the previous two releases. Tuomas said: "Yes and no. It sails on the same waters, but there's some new surprises there as well."
In August 2022, Tuomas told Rock Sverige that he spent "about a year" working on the music and lyrics for the next NIGHTWISH album.
Asked if he got any kind of inspiration from the pandemic, Tuomas said: "Yeah, lyrically there's a couple of things that reflects the pandemic, but not in the way you would expect."
"Human. :II: Nature." was released in April 2020. The follow-up to 2015's "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" was a double album containing nine tracks on the main CD and one long track, divided into eight chapters, on CD 2.
In August 2022, NIGHTWISH announced the addition of Jukka Koskinen (WINTERSUN) as an official member of the band. Koskinen, who made his live debut with NIGHTWISH in May 2021 at the band's two interactive experiences, had spent the previous year touring with NIGHTWISH as a session musician.
In November 2022, singer Floor Jansen revealed that she was "cancer free" after recently undergoing surgery to have a tumor removed following a breast cancer diagnosis.
This past October, Floor and SABATON drummer Hannes Van Dahl welcomed their second child, a daughter named Lucy. Jansen and Van Dahl already have a seven-year-old daughter named Freja, who was born on March 15, 2017.
Photo credit: Tim Tronckoe (courtesy of Nuclear Blast)
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theart2rock · 8 months
SETYØURSAILS stellen neues Album und Single vor
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Schnallt euch an, denn die deutschen Modern-Metalcore-Urgesteine SETYØURSAILS lassen auch 2024 nicht locker. Nachdem das Quartett im Jahr 2023 die Bühnen von Festivals wie dem Summer Breeze und dem Full Force erobert hat, steht nun ihr zweites Studioalbum Bad Blood an, das am 12. April 2024 über Napalm Records veröffentlicht wird. Mit der ersten Single Bad Blood" legen SETYØURSAILS gemeinsam mit Zebrahead-Sänger Adrian Estrella los und zeigen keine Gnade, wenn sich moderne elektronische Melodien und energiegeladene Schreie zu einem erstklassigen Breakdown aufbauen. Die neue Single und das offizielle Musikvideo folgen auf die kürzliche Ankündigung der deutschen Co-Headline-Tour der Kölner Band zusammen mit Rising Insane, die am 12. April in Leipzig startet. Tickets sind ab sofort im Vorverkauf erhältlich, also sichert sie euch, solange sie noch verfügbar sind und erlebt die grenzenlose Live-Energie der Band! Sängerin Jules Mitch über "Bad Blood": "Dieser Song ist eine persönliche Abrechnung, die zu schreiben mir mehr als leicht gefallen ist. Er erinnert mich daran, dass ich stärker und reifer bin, als es meine Hasser je sein werden. Man bekommt oft Motivation von Leuten, die einen untergehen sehen wollen. Ich hoffe, dass sie so weitermachen, ich bin noch nicht fertig." Adrian Estrella von Zebrahead fügt hinzu: "'Bad Blood'! Der Schlag ins Gesicht, den man braucht, wenn man ausgenutzt wird. Dieser Song hat brutal schöne Strophen mit melodischen, wahrhaftigen Refrains. Ich freue mich sehr, mit SETYØURSAILS ein Teil dieses Meisterwerks zu sein!" Nach dem erfolgreichen Erscheinen ihres gefeierten Debütalbums Nightfall im Jahr 2022 bezeichnete der deutsche Metal Hammer SETYØURSAILS als einen der besten Newcomer der Szene. Die Band, bestehend aus Jules Mitch, André Alves, Henrik Kellershohn und Nicolai Hoch, tourte daraufhin ausgiebig mit Annisokay, Emil Bulls, Cypecore und Lord Of The Lost. Auf diesem intensiven neuen Werk entfesseln SETYØURSAILS eine Mischung aus höchst ansteckenden Tracks und unerbittlichen, elektrisierenden Atmosphären. Jules Mitch sagt über Bad Blood: "Mit unserem neuen Album Bad Blood läuten wir eine neue Ära in unserer Bandgeschichte ein. Dieses Album ist lauter, aggressiver und ehrlicher als alles, was wir je zuvor gemacht haben. Es ist ein weiterer Schritt in Richtung Selbstfindung und Heilung. Es behandelt verschiedene Themen wie Verrat, psychische Gesundheit, aber auch Sex und eine Menge komplexer Gefühle. Themen, die wir noch nie zuvor angesprochen haben. Wir sind bereit für eine Veränderung, für ein neues Kapitel. Eine neue Chance zur Weiterentwicklung." Bad Blood startet mit dem energiegeladenen Banger "Bad Blood", gefolgt von der ehemaligen Standalone-Single "Best Of Me", die zusammen mit einem offiziellen Musikvideo veröffentlicht wurde. Der Track repräsentiert das neue Kapitel der Band und verschiebt die Grenzen verschiedener Genres, während Sänger Jules Mitch gekonnt sowohl wunderbar melodische als auch heftige Passagen miteinander verbindet. Der hochinfektiöse Song "Bad Company", der zum Wiederholen einlädt, wird von krachenden elektronischen Beats dominiert, die mit brutal melodischen Gitarrenlinien kombiniert werden und von einem erdbebenartigen Breakdown gekrönt werden. Mit Tracks wie "Lately" und "Heart Attack" zeigen sich SETYØURSAILS textlich von ihrer sanfteren Seite, indem sie persönliche Konflikte und psychische Probleme ansprechen und die Songs in eine auffallend melodische Atmosphäre hüllen. Bereiten Sie sich auf einen akustischen Ansturm vor, wenn diese deutschen Metalcore-Sensationen ihr zweites Studioalbum "Bad Blood" veröffentlichen, das eine wilde und intensive Meisterklasse des modernen Metalcore verspricht. Bad Blood tracklist: 01. Bad Blood 02. Best Of Me 03. T.F.M.F. 04. Halo 05. Lately 06. Dangerous 07. Bad Company 08. In My Head 09. Heart Attack 10. Eternally Bad Blood will be available in the following formats: - 1 LP Gatefold Pink/Black Marbled - 1 CD Digisleeve - Digital Album SETYØURSAILS are: Jules Mitch – vocals, songwriting André Alves – guitar, songwriting Henrik Kellershohn – drums Nicolai Hoch – bass SETYØURSAILS online: Website Facebook Instagram Napalm Records Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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spy-in-the-house · 3 years
PSYCHO THRILL COLOGNE hosting STROM TON’s 3rd anniversary Episode vol.36 on April 3rd, 2021 via Cologne’s own 674.fm
STROM TON Cologne impresario Stefan Eul invited the Psycho Thrill CGN boss-man and radio colleague Claus Bachor especially for the 3rd anniversary of his 674.fm broadcast. And he played a consistently slammin' BreakBeat/ HiTechFunk/ House set on the cutting edge aof TECHNO, that Cologne/Düsseldorf club aficionados otherwise got or get to hear in the legendary BNKR, on the BangTech12 rooftop of the Detroit Bookie's or currently in pandemic free times at the Golzheim Club in Düsseldorf. Not really a surprise, but definitely the appropriate sound framework for everyone who feels committed to real Techno underground. In addition, the whole thing "handmade" only from vinyl and without compromises, featuring 44 Vinyl-Only-Tracks by The Beneficiaries/Eddie Fowlkes, Jeff Mills, Jessica Care Moore (Intro/Outro 2), Calibre (5), Attila Jahanvash, Shawn Rudiman, N-ter (2), Electro Nation, MAS2008, Ole Mic Odd feat. Drakkar Noir, Sound Synthesis, Nonentity, Shed (4), Distance Dancer/ Shed/ René Pawlowitz (2), Surgeon (3), Stef Mendesidis, Sigha (remixed by Planetary Assault Systems), Shifted (4), Menwood (2/ remixed by Answer Code Request), VCO, Ron Wilson, Stephanie Sykes (3/ remixed by Janice), LUZ1E, Oliver Hess (2/ remixed by Sterac/ Steve Rachmad), Robert Hood (3) and Mr.G //  TRACK LISTING 01 THE BENEFICIARIES [EDDIE FOWLKES, JEFF MILLS, JESSICA CARE MOORE]: Metallic Stars [ A-side from “The Crystal City Is Alive” Axis AX087 US 2x12" | 2020 ] 02 CALIBRE [DOMINICK MARTIN]: Time To Breathe [ B-side from “Feeling Normal” Signature Records SIGLP-016  UK 4x12" | 2021 ] 03 CALIBRE: Has To Happen [ C1-track from “Feeling Normal” Signature Records SIGLP-016  UK 4x12" | 2021 ] 04 CALIBRE: Wrong [H2-track from “Feeling Normal” Signature Records SIGLP-016  UK 4x12" | 2021 ] 05 CALIBRE: Feeling Normal [ C2-track from “Feeling Normal” Signature Records SIGLP-016  UK 4x12" | 2021 ] 06 CALIBRE: Good Times [ E-side from “Feeling Normal” Signature Records SIGLP-016  UK 4x12" | 2021 ] 07 ATTILAH JAHANVASH: High Rize [ Previously unreleased Demo-track from Psycho Thrill Recordings/ Authentic Music Dubplate-12" | 2002 ] 08 SHAWN RUDIMAN: Caustic Hammer [ B1-track from “TRO-3” TRO-3 / Clone Distr. NL 12" | 2020 ] 09 N-TER [BOJAN JASCUR]: Detroit On My Mind [ A1-track from “Detroit On My MInd EP” Electro Records ER-0011/ Electro Transmissions ET-006  ESP 12" | 2021 ] 10 ELECTRO NATION [THOMAS P.HECKMANN]: Vocoded Industry [ A1-track from “Abduction Krew” Electro Records ER-002/ Electro Transmissions ET-001  ESP 12" | 2020 ] 11 N-TER: Detroit Where It All Begun [ B1-track from “Detroit On My MInd EP” Electro Records ER-0011/ Electro Transmissions ET-006  ESP 12" | 2021 ] 12 MAS2008 [IVE MÜLLER & RENÉ KIRCHNER]: It Started in Detroit [ B1-track from “Abduction Krew” Electro Records ER-002/ Electro Transmissions ET-001  ESP 12" | 2020 ] 13 OLE MIC ODD [MICHAEL PADGETT] feat. DRAKKAR NOIR: Crystal Drip [ B1-track from “Various Artists Vol.1” Source Material SM-005  UK WL-12" | 2020 ] 14 SOUND SYNTHESIS [KEITH FARRUGIA]: I Lose My Mind [ B2-track from “Abduction Krew” Electro Records ER-002/ Electro Transmissions ET-001  ESP 12" | 2020 ] 15 NONENTITY: Ode 2 Detroit [ B2-track from “Various Artists Vol.1” Source Material SM-005  UK WL-12" | 2020 ] 16 SHED [RENÉ PAWLOWITZ]: Sweep [ B-side from “Tectonic EP” Tectonic Recordings TEC-112  UK WL-12" | 2020 ] 17 DISTANCE DANCER [SHED/RENÉ PAWLOWITZ]: Brain Dance [ A-side from “Distance Dancer” The Final Experiment TFEx10 / Hard Wax GER  12" | 2020 ] 18 SURGEON [ANTHONY CHILD]: Place Of Angels [ B1-track from “Europa Code” Ilian Tape IT-045  GER 12" | 2020 ] 19 DISTANCE DANCER: Distance Dancer [B-side from “Distance Dancer” The Final Experiment TFEx10 / Hard Wax GER  12" | 2020 ] 20 SHED: Untitled B [ B-side from "#008" Equalized EQD-008 / Hard Wax GER WL-12" | 2018 ] 21 STEF MENDESIDIS: Critical Ratio [ A1-track from “Memorex EP” Clergy CRG-022 NL 12" | 2020 ] 22 SURGEON: Winged Assassin [ A1-track from “Europa Code” Ilian Tape IT-045  GER 12" | 2020 ] 23 SCUBA [PAUL ROSE]: This Is For You _ Luke Slater Long Version (Part Two) [ B-side from “This Is For You” Hotflush Recordings HF054I  UK 12" | 2021 ] 24 SURGEON: Crater 101 [ A2-track from “Europa Code” Ilian Tape IT-045  GER 12" | 2020 ] 25 SHED: Untitled B [ B-side from "#009" Equalized EQD-008 / Hard Wax GER WL-12" | 2021 ] 26 SHIFTED [GUY ALEXANDER BREWER]: Deft Hiss [ B1-track from “Too Stupid To Be Anxious” Drifting Over DRFT-003  GER 12" | 2021 ] 27 SHED: Untitled A [ A-side from "#008" Equalized EQD-009 / Hard Wax GER WL-12" | 2021 ] 28 SHIFTED: Octave Dawn [ B2-track from “Too Stupid To Be Anxious” Drifting Over DRFT-003  GER 12" | 2021 ] 29 MENWOOD: Lidenbrock B1 [ B1-track from “Vengeance” Burst Records BRST-008  GER 12" | 2021 ] 30 SHIFTED: Dead Pixels [ A2-track from “Too Stupid To Be Anxious” Drifting Over DRFT-003  GER 12" | 2021 ] 31 MENWOOD: Lidenbrock _ Answer Code Request Remix [ B2-track from “Vengeance” Burst Records BRST-008  GER 12" | 2021 ] 32 SHIFTED: Bark Echo [ A1-track from “Too Stupid To Be Anxious” Drifting Over DRFT-003  GER 12" | 2021 ] 33 STEPHANIE SYKES: Interference _ Janice Interference Remix [ B-side from “Interference” Animal Farm Records AFR-030 UK 12" | 2018 ] 34 VCO [ARTIK & GUILLERMO ROJAS]: Frequency [ B2-track from “Same Bitches” SMB-X01 / Hard Wax GER WL-12" | 2021 ] 35 STEPHANIE SYKES: Interference Original [ A1-track from “Interference” Animal Farm Records AFR-030 UK 12" | 2018 ] 36 RON WILSON: Never Flacid [ A2-track from “Same Bitches” SMB-X01 / Hard Wax GER WL-12" | 2021 ] 37 STEPHANIE SYKES: On The Other Side [ A2-track from “Interference” Animal Farm Records AFR-030 UK 12" | 2018 ] 38 LUZ1E: Dynamix [ A1-track from “Various Artists Vol.1” Source Material SM-005  UK WL-12" | 2020 ] 39 OLIVER HESS: Ionic _ Original Mix [ A-side from “Ionic”Musik is Egall GER SusMig002 GER 12" | 2021 ] 40 OLIVER HESS: Ionic _ Sterac Remix [ B-side from “Ionic”Musik is Egall GER SusMig002 GER 12" | 2021 ] 41 ROBERT HOOD: Fear Not [ A2-track from “Mirror Man” REKIDS 168  UK 2x12" | 2020 ] 42 ROBERT HOOD: Run Bobby, Run [ C1-track from “Mirror Man” REKIDS 168  UK 2x12" | 2020 ] 43 ROBERT HOOD: Falling Apart [ B2-track from “Mirror Man” REKIDS 168  UK 2x12" | 2020 ] 44 MR. G [COLIN McBEAN]: Time [ B2-track from “Positive Connection EP”NDATL Muzik NDATL-027  US 12" | 2020 ] 45 THE BENEFICIARIES [EDDIE FOWLKES, JEFF MILLS, JESSICA CARE MOORE]: The X [ D1-track from “The Crystal City Is Alive” Axis AX087 US 2x12" | 2020 ] ** this one only via FB-streaming/ studio-live-reciording.VIMEO: FULL TonStrom 674.fm stream   All about Claus Bachor/ Psycho Thrill Cologne/ SpyInThehouse via LINKTR.EE
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ioannemos · 3 years
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
i was tagged by @thisbrilliantsky
01. Ridin’ High in April...
I’m pushing myself to my feet, shouting, kicking the gun away from his limp hand and checking him for a pulse.
02. Leading Moses
“I can’t believe you’re going to leave me the sole female homicide detective again,” Lily teased, bumping her hip against Elisa's desk.
03. The Crossover
John blinked a few times to clear his vision, affected by the flash despite his sunglasses.
04. Poison
The door is thrown open, revealing a house full of people.
05. Ocean Eyes
It’s too damn quiet.
06. Vanished
Elijah’s voice kept going, rambling the way it did when he was high on his own brilliance, and like so many times before Gavin felt his brain tuning out.
07. I’ll Think About Tomorrow If I Can Get Through Tonight
The suits are exoskeletons, keeping the softness inside safe.
08. You Don’t Come Home
Bill does not go out to get hammered.
09. Time to Decide
Claremont Psychiatric Hospital is a step down in terms of prisons, Dani decides.
10. Temet Nosce
I’m halfway to the car when I realize it’s a dream.
11. Strange and Untrue
Sunlight has crept across the rug in exactly the same way for so long there’s a faded arc to it.
12. The Dancer
Bill comes in from the parking lot with his case in hand and a drop still cool under his tongue, so when the scowling man in a bad suit opens the door for him at first he just walks through and steps aside to give the guy plenty of room to leave.
13. no such thing as an innocent bystander
The hand on her chin is flesh, not metal, and the mouth wider as it presses a kiss against her neck.
14. of gates and lions
Everything was going to go to hell any minute now.
15. Part of Me Died Here
“I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice,” John offers.
16. Human After All
“Major, I’m terribly sorry to bother you...”
17. And One Fine Morning--
John Sullivan is a fixture of Gordo’s life.
18. A Fistful of Postcards
Rodney avoided ties when he could and suit jackets at almost all costs.
19. All That Is And Used To Be
Red and blue lights flash across the front lawn, there’s chatter over the officers’ radios, and between one question from Satch and the next John feels like his mind’s slipped out of sync, like an engine grinding between gears.
20. Almost Forgotten
“Rodney, for fuck’s sake answer me.”
no such thing as an innocent bystander starts with a make-out scene, probably the most risque thing i’ve ever written
it’s very funny to me both of the frequency fics i’ve started are in here (17 and 19)
the crossover and of gates and lions are both a. crossovers b. co-written with my sister and c. these are not their opening lines. they’re the first lines i wrote: my sister wrote the prologue and the first chapter, respectively
remarkably these were all worked on this year; almost forgotten was last edited january 7th
eight out of twenty are titled from songs (1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 19)
highest wordcount: 37,777 (the crossover)
oldest fic: august 3rd, 2017 (of gates and lions)
most frequent fandoms: stargate atlantis in first with a clear lead (3, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20), followed by allwinter in second (3, 6, 10), and mindhunter (8, 12), prodigal son (9, 11), and frequency (17, 19) tied for third
most niche fandom: jesse stone (5)
closest to completion: i have ideas for expansion but technically the dancer is complete at 4k words
favorite opening line: 18. i forget the term for it but ‘ties’ in this case refers to both the clothing item and personal connections, an important theme in the story
seventeen are totally in third person, and another is partially -- the second chapter had way too many uses of “he” and was getting confusing, so i changed it to first
thirteen in present tense, seven in past tense
twelve male narrators (includes stories where the narrator changes but to other males only), five female narrators (includes stories where the narrator changes but to other females only), and three stories where the narrator changes between both male and female narrators
i tag any writers who want to use me as an excuse
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nuclearblastuk · 6 years
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Next month, Finnish heavy metallers BATTLE BEAST will unleash their fifth studio album 'No More Hollywood Endings', on March 22, 2019 through Nuclear Blast Records. Their new tracks will also be presented live on the world's stages. Kicking off in their home country (with one show already sold out!), the route will lead the group all across Europe in April & May. Watch the brand new tour trailer, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSB62di6iPs BATTLE BEAST 'No More Hollywood Endings European Tour 2019' w/ CYHRA, ARION, TYRANTTI 22.03. FIN Helsinki - Black Box 23.03. FIN Turku - Logomo 29.03. FIN Tampere - Pakkahuone *SOLD OUT* 30.03. FIN Oulu - Club Teatria w/ ARION Presented by Metal Hammer, EMP, metal.de, Rock It!, piranha, Start 02.04. D Bielefeld - Forum 03.04. D Leipzig - Hellraiser 04.04. PL Warsaw - Proxima 05.04. PL Krakow - Klub Kwadrat 07.04. PL Poznan - u Bazyla 08.04. D Berlin - Lido 10.04. D Bochum - Zeche 11.04. D Saarbrücken - Garage 12.04. D Nuremberg - Hirsch 13.04. D Mannheim - Delta Metal Meeting 14.04. A Vienna - Szene 16.04. CH Pratteln - Z7 17.04. I Milan - Legend Club 18.04. F Lyon - Ninkasi Kao 19.04. E Barcelona - Razzmatazz 2 20.04. E Madrid - But 21.04. E Sevilla - Custom 23.04. P Lisbon - Lisboa ao Vivo 25.04. E Bilbao - Santana 27 26.04. F Toulouse - Le Connexion 27.04. F Clermont-Ferrand - La Coopérative de Mai 28.04. F Paris - Le Trabendo 30.04. UK London - The Dome 01.05. NL Leiden - Gebr. De Nobel 03.05. D Munich - Backstage 04.05. D Stuttgart -Im Wizemann 05.05. B Vosselaar - Biebob 07.05. D Hanover - MusikZentrum 08.05. D Hamburg - Markthalle 09.05. DK Copenhagen - Pumpehuset 10.05. S Gothenburg - Pustervik 11.05. S Stockholm - Klubben 12.05. N Oslo - Parkteatret ---Festival dates and more can be found at the end of the PR!--- ICYMI: 'No More Hollywood Endings' OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZzhUPe-Bck Trailer #1 - Recording 'No More Hollywood Endings': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LlcotZz2O0 Pre-order No More Hollywood Endings now: All formats including Limited Edition Coloured Vinyl - nuclearblast.com/battlebeast-nmhe CD - nblast.de/HollywoodCD Vinyl - nblast.de/HollywoodVinyl Pre-order the album digitally on iTunes to receive the title track instantly: geni.us/BattleBeastNMHE Pre-save via Spotify: geni.us/BBSpotifyPreSave Listen to 'No More Hollywood Endings' in the NB Novelties Playlists: http://nblast.de/SpotifyNovelties / http://nblast.de/AppleMusicNovelties No More Hollywood Endings track list: 01. Unbroken 02. No More Hollywood Endings 03. Eden 04. Unfairy Tales 05. Endless Summer 06. The Hero 07. Piece Of Me 08. I Wish 09. Raise Your Fists 10. The Golden Horde 11. World On Fire Bonus Tracks (DIGI and 2LP only!) 12. Bent And Broken 13. My Last Dream No More Hollywood Endings was recorded by keyboardist Janne Björkroth, Viktor Gullichsen and guitarist Joona Björkroth at JKB Studios; with the record also being produced and mixed by Janne. The cover artwork was created by Jan Yrlund (KORPIKLAANI, MANOWAR etc.), who created the cover for the band's last album, Bringer Of Pain.
BATTLE BEAST live: 17.05. RUS St. Petersburg - Opera Concert Club 18.05. RUS Moscow - Station Hall 19. - 22.06. FIN Nummijärvi - Nummirock 10.07. D Balingen - Bang Your Head!!! Warm-up Show 11. - 13.07. D Neukirchen-Vluyn - Dong Open Air 11. - 14.07. CZ Vizovice - Masters of Rock 01. - 03.08. D Wacken - Wacken Open Air *SOLD OUT* 09. - 10.08. NL Leeuwarden - Into the Grave 16. - 17.08. A Graz - Metal on the Hill The Shadow Tour - North America 2019 w/ KAMELOT, SONATA ARCTICA 10.09. USA Silver Spring, MD - The Fillmore 11.09. USA Philadelphia, PA - Theatre of Living Arts 13.09. USA Worcester, MA - Palladium 14.09. USA New York, NY - Terminal 5 15.09. CDN Montréal, QC - Club Soda 16.09. CDN Québec City, QC - Impérial Bell 18.09. CDN Toronto, ON - The Phoenix Concert Theatre 19.09. USA Detroit, MI - Harpos Concert Theatre 20.09. USA Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre 21.09. USA Chicago, IL - Patio Theater 23.09. USA St. Paul, MN - Amsterdam Bar & Hall 24.09. USA Kansas City, MO - The Truman 25.09. USA Denver, CO - Ogden Theatre 26.09. USA Salt Lake City, UT - The Complex 28.09. CDN Edmonton, AB - The Ranch Roadhouse 29.09. CDN Calgary, AB - The Gateway 01.10. CDN Vancouver, BC - Venue Nightclub 02.10. USA Seattle, WA - Neptune Theatre 04.10. USA San Francisco, CA - Palace of Fine Arts 05.10. USA Anaheim, CA - City National Grove 06.10. USA Tempe, AZ - Marquee Theatre 08.10. USA Dallas, TX - Canton Hall 09.10. USA St. Louis, MO - The Ready Room 11.10. USA Atlanta, GA - The Masquerade 12.10. USA Tampa Bay, FL - Jannus Live BATTLE BEAST is: Noora Louhimo | vocals Eero Sipilä | bass Joona Björkroth | guitars Juuso Soinio | guitars Janne Björkroth | keyboards Pyry Vikki | drums --- More info: battlebeast.fi facebook.com/battlebeastofficial twitter.com/battlebeast instagram.com/battlebeastband youtube.com/battlebeastband nuclearblast.de/battlebeast
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metalmessage · 2 years
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Illustrious longing poetry ! Action: BERGFRIED Base: Lorraine & Savoyen Genre: Romantic Medieval Metal Title: Romantik I FFO: Lordian Guard, Slough Feg, Hammers Of Misfortune Format: EP Label: Independent Release: April 17, 2022 Bulletpoints: • Fabulously original EP of a real top artist • Unique noble mixture of highest catchiness • Equally stylistically inventive as maximally atmospheric https://bergfried.bandcamp.com/ 🌐 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙤 & 𝙋𝙍 Action: 𝗠𝗘𝗧𝗔𝗟 𝗠𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗔𝗚𝗘 ᴳᴸᴼᴮᴬᴸ • 𝓔𝓼𝓽. 2001 https://www.metalmessage.de/PR_BERGFRIED_en.php When heavy metal experienced its worldwide flight of fancy in the mid-1980s, countless band cults emerged, not a few of which are still fervently praised around the world today. After all, many of the defiant, rebellious players at the time were emphatically obscure, mysterious, mystical, occult, conspiratorial, etc. 

Ultimately, manifold legend formation was also promoted by bands which were hermetically shielded from music media events, and about which one simply knew nothing at all, because there was initially for years simply zero to learn. As a Heavy Metal fan in these wonderfully unspoiled times after the acquisition only the release itself was in hands and sense - artwork, band photo and lyrics resulted with the music itself an often super delicious overall experience, which was not diminished by any other factors. That was more than 35 years ago. Nowadays, even the darkest of Black Metallers not infrequently post pictures of breakfast, the car, sometimes even superfluous silliness and more on the 'social' networks. So a revelation like BERGFRIED comes just in time for serious and profoundly interested genre recipients! Because here, too, there is intentionally very little to rummage through that goes beyond the actual art - because the idiosyncratic master behind it attaches little importance to self-promotional or even profile-neurotic posturing. In this sense, there are also deliberately no band photos from Bergfried. Multi-instrumentalist and jack-of-all-trades Erech Leleth, who as a composer was clearly blessed by the gods in unanimous union, teamed up with exceptional singer Anna de Savoy for this - in BERGFRIED, he even plays up under the noble title of Erech III of Lorraine, swinging and always spot-on. 
 LINE-UP: Anna de Savoy • Vocals Erech III. von Lothringen • All instruments The immediately all-around convincing debut EP Romantik I contains four finely selected pieces that could not be more original, atmospheric, gripping and worth listening to - also stylistically unique, the four pronounced hits already unfold within seconds a very own, individually elegant ROMANTIC MEDIEVAL METAL charm. 

 TRACKS: 01. Hungry Hearts 04:24 02. The Battle 03:53 03. War-Torn Lovers 05:00 04. Oh Lord 02:10 total: 15:29 min. For lovers of focused medieval-aristocratic and romantic to longing song material, the first release of BERGFRIED plays perfectly into the tasteful cards. For example, who can seriously resist the irresistible magic of an all-around happy over-composition like "The Battle"? The living anyway not - and even in the realm of the dead old knights are guaranteed to swing blissfully along. (Markus Eck)
[ Logo: Digital Sorcery ] [ Pic: Haharobin ] [ Artwork: Haharobin ] DISCOGRAPHY: 2022 • Romantik I • EP MEDIA FEEDBACK: 9 / 10 ➤ "… works quite fantastically , immediately carries away and represents a real listening pleasure ... unique arrangements ... Anna de Savoy: a terrific rock voice with a very warm but gritty timbre that glides perfectly through the stylistic diversity … " (Der Hörspiegel) 9 / 10 ➤ "… a fascinating release that reflects an incredibly eclectic approach … comparisons could be made to Lordian Guard … BERGFRIED is the sort of band that is simultaneously tailor-made for niche appeal while also offering a sound that anyone could potentially be into …" ( Chris Latta ) 87 / 100 ➤ "… very reminiscent of Lordian Guard in many places … BERGFRIED impress right away with their first release, which makes you want more … Erech Leleth is a gifted musician who has a lot to say on a musical and lyrical level …" (Epic Metal Blog)
80 / 100 ➤ "… Anna de Savoy delivers an exceptional vocal performance … swings from all out Heavy Metal through to Folk/Metal … appeals of Lordian Guard, Wytch Hazel and Grendal’s Sÿster whilst stretching out on its own accord … very good, it does something which is quite unexpected …" (Metal Digest)
80 / 100 ➤ "… a very well done EP … Erech Leleth is a very talented multi-instrumentalist … unique production … mix of heavy/folk Metal … totally unique and very different … has an atmosphere and color of epic and medieval times with an acoustic predominant in those great strings as well as catchy and romantic sounds … if you are into broad musical styles, you will like 'Romantik I'!" (Darkzen Dragon)
➤ "… a Heavy / Folk mix, recommended for fans of Wytch Hazel, Lordian Guard, and Grendel’s Sÿster … totally unique-sounding … I am pretty sure I have not heard anything like that before … the female vocalist is nothing short of brilliant … super-tasty … sounds awesome and authentic …" (Metalstorm)
➤ "… a notable effort to establish a new subgenre that cannot be compared easily to other subgenres that require too many labels to describe … a promising beginning … integrating Black Metal, Folk Metal, Pagan Metal and classic Power Metal, the EP tells an epic tale … 'Romantik I' is surely an experience …" (Asphyxium Zine) ➤ "… the meeting of the voice of No Doubt’s Gwen Stefani with Deep Purple or even Uriah Heep … Rhapsody Of Fire with female vocals would also address well the music in here … so unique …" (Metal Addicts) ➤ "… complete with their signature Medieval Metal sound. Anna de Savoy’s vocals are haunting and amazing, so you gotta check out this … great …" (Wanna Hear a Great Song Today?) ➤ "… shoots off in all directions, from Neoclassical, Medieval and even a bit of Black Metal - and it's basically a super catchy jig - very good songs … excellent …" (Smorg) etc.
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stephaniemarlowftw · 6 years
Their Relapse Debut LP Weeping Choir will be out May 17th, 2019.
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Please Post and Share: https://youtu.be/ob6y1mmILfc
Extreme harsh-grinding quartet FULL OF HELL make their Relapse debut with their most explosive album to date, Weeping Choir, coming May 17th. Dynamic, pissed, and wholly urgent, the highly anticipated Weeping Choir is a definitive statement of intent by one of the underground’s most dynamic and virulent entities.  
Watch the official video for Weeping Choir’s opening track “Burning Myrrh,” directed by Cody Stauder, on YouTube.
On Weeping Choir, FULL OF HELL have once again culled the extreme elements from hardcore, metal, and power electronics to redefine darkness and sheer brutality. Distorted guitars, and ominous, disparate electronics grind and gnash against rapid-fire drumming, as FULL OF HELL take themes of religion, loss, hatred, and set them ablaze. Recorded by the critically acclaimed Kurt Ballou atGodCity Studio, Weeping Choir sees FULL OF HELL fully unleashed. Abrasive, confrontational, none equal!  
FULL OF HELL will the headline the Weeping Caustic Torment North American tour with labelmates Primitive Man & Genocide Pact starting May 24 at Maryland Deathfest. All confirmed tour dates are available below. Following that tour, FULL OF HELL return to Europe for a co-headlining trek with The Body beginning July 4 at the legendary Roskilde Festival. Full of Hell & The Body will perform a collaborative setlist on various dates throughout the tour. More info about these tour can be found here.
Weeping Choir is due out May 17th on CD/LP/CS/Digital. Physical packages are available for pre-order via Relapse.com. Digital Downloads / Streaming Services are available here.
FULL OF HELL are featured as the cover artists for Decibel Magazine’s April 2019 issue. The band will release a limited Decibel Flexi exclusive track “Thundering Hammers,” remixed by JK Broadrick, in the near future.
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FULL OF HELL Tour Dates:
---Weeping Caustic Torment Tour Dates---
May 24  Baltimore, MD @ Maryland Deathfest 
May 25  Columbus, OH @ Spacebar ^
May 26  Chicago, IL @ Reggies ^
May 27  Kansas City, KS @ Riot Room ^
May 28  Denver, CO @ Syntax Physic Opera ^
May 29  Salt Lake City, UT @ Kilby Court ^
May 30  Las Vegas, NV @ Bunkhouse ^
May 31  Oakland, CA @ Metro ^
Jun 01  Los Angeles, CA @ Teragram ^
Jun 02  San Diego, CA @ Brick By Brick ^
Jun 03  Phoenix, AZ @ Club Red ^
Jun 04  Albuquerque, NM @ Sister ^
Jun 05  Oklahoma City, OK @ 89th St ^
Jun 06  Fort Worth, TX @ Ridglea ^
Jun 07  Austin, TX @ Austin Terror Fest ^
Jun 08  Little Rock, AR @ MOTM Fest ^
Jun 09  Nashville, TN @ The End ^
Jun 10  Detroit, MI @ Sanctuary ^
Jun 11  Toronto, ON @ Velvet Underground ^
Jun 12  Montreal,QC @ Bar Le Ritz ^
Jun 13  Boston, MA @ Middle East ^
Jun 14  New York, NY @ Brooklyn Bazaar ^ 
^ w/ Primitive Man, Genocide Pact 
 --- European Tour July 4-20, Select Dates w/ The Body ---
Jul 04  Roskilde, DK @ Roskilde Festival +
Jul 05  Kassel, DE @ Goldgrube
Jul 06  Leipzig, DE @ Conne Island
Jul 07  Warsaw, PL @ Poglos *
Jul 08  Prague, CZ @ Modra Vopice
Jul 09  Budapest, HU @ Durer Kert
Jul 10  Munich, DE @ Backstage
Jul 11  Paris, FR @ Gibus
Jul 12  London, UK @ The Dome +
Jul 13  Dour, BE @ Dour Festival +
Jul 15  Nijmegen, NL @ Valkhof Festival
Jul 16  Berlin, DE @ Zukunft am Ostkreuz
Jul 18  Helsinki, FI @ Kuudes Linja *
Jul 19  Tampere, FI @ Vastavirta-Klubi *
Jul 20  Lahti, FI @ Torvi * 
* Full of Hell Only
+ Collaboration Setlist 
Sep 06-08 Sao Paulo, BR Setembro Negro Festival  
Weeping Choir Tracklist:
1. Burning Myrrh
2. Haunted Arches
3. Thundering Hammers
4. Rainbow Coil
5. Aria of Jeweled Tears
6. Downward
7. Armory of Obsidian Glass
8. Silmaril
9. Angels Gather Here
10. Ygramul The Many
11. Cellar of Doors 
Dylan Walker
Spencer Hazard
Dave Bland
Sam DiGristine 
Full of Hell on Facebook
Full of Hell on Instagram
Full of Hell on Bandcamp
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Album Art Credit: Mark McCoy
Artist photo credit: Reid Haithcock
0 notes
metalindex-hu · 6 years
Delain koncert a Barba Negrában – az új dalokból is hoznak ízelítőt a holland szimfonikus metalosok
Delain koncert a Barba Negrában – az új dalokból is hoznak ízelítőt a holland szimfonikus metalosok - http://metalindex.hu/2019/03/01/delain-koncert-a-barba-negraban-az-uj-dalokbol-is-hoznak-izelitot-a-holland-szimfonikus-metalosok-4/ -
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Február 22-én jelent meg a 4 új dalt és 10 koncertfelvételt tartalmazó Hunter’s Moon című DELAIN EP, a holland szimfonikus metal zenekar ősszel pedig útra indul Európában, a The Masters of Destiny Tour pedig szerencsénkre november 24-én a Barba Negrát is érinti.
A zenekar így üzent a magyar rajongóinak:
“Budapest mindig is különleges hely volt számunkra, már jóval azelőtt is, hogy saját képi világunkat varázsoltuk a Széchenyi Lánchídra az April Rain klipben. Mindig is jól éreztük magunkat ebben a gyönyörű városban, és még inkább különleges volt az az energia, amit a közönségtől kapunk itt vissza. Nagyon várjuk már, hogy újra Budapesten álljunk a színpadon, ahova természetesen az új dalokat is elhozzuk!”
A holland szimfonikus rockerek már több, mint egy évtizede járják a világot egyedi hangzású, dallamos, fogós metal muzsikájukkal. Jelenleg 5 nagylemezt, 2 EP-t, és egy koncert DVD-t tudhatnak a hátuk mögött, melyeken a műfaj olyan nagyjai is vendégeskedtek, mint Sharon Den Adel (WITHIN TEMPTATION), Marco Hietala (NIGHTWISH), Alissa White-Gluz (ARCH ENEMY), Burton C. Bell (FEAR FACTORY). Az elmúlt 14 évben  turnéztak már a NIGHTWISH, a SABATON és a WITHIN TEMPTATION társaságában is, és részt vettek több nagy nevű fesztiválon, mint a Wacken, Graspop, Download, illetve a Fortarock, ezzel elfoglalva helyüket a műfaj legismertebb nevei között.
A remek fogadtatású Moonbathers lemez utódján jelenleg is dolgoznak, és valószínűleg még idén hallhatjuk a végeredményt. A két stúdiólemez közötti űrt a 2017-es “A Decade of Delain – Live at Paradiso” DVD-vel töltötték ki, amely az első ilyen volt a zenekar történetében, illetve kiadták a 4 vadonatúj dalt tartalmazó “Hunter’s Moon” EP-t is, ezzel a stílusuk egyik legproduktívabb zenekarává válva. A 2017-es “Danse Macabre” turné rengeteg pozitív visszajelzése után úgy döntöttek, hogy a 4 számos EP-t egy DVD-vel, és a turnén felvett 10 dal élő verziójával – és így Marco Hietala (NIGHTWISH) vendégszereplésével – is bővítik a kiadványt. 
❒ A Hammer Concerts bemutatja: DELAIN 2019.11.24. BARBA NEGRA
❒ Facebook esemény: www.facebook.com/events/411060239450597/
❒ JEGYLINK: jegy.rock1.hu/delain_20191124
❒ JEGYÁRAK: 5499 – early bird, kizárólag a Rock1 online rendszerén, csak három napig! (március elseje éjfélig!) 5999 – elővételben, május 31-én éjfélig 6999 – elővételben, július 31-én éjfélig 8499 – elővételben november 23-án éjfélig 8999 – a koncert napján és a helyszínen
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Hammer Concerts Facebook oldal:  www.facebook.com/hammerconcerts/
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Hammer Concerts Instagram oldal:  www.instagram.com/hammerconcertshungary
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goldcoins0 · 6 years
Heads Up on 6 Interesting Stocks
Source: Clive Maund for Streetwise Reports   03/30/2018
Technical analyst Clive Maund talks about some stocks he will be looking at in coming days.
This a "heads up" on a number of stocks that we will be looking at in coming days, as time permits. In addition to these we will also be looking at a range of gold and especially silver stocks, for reasons set out in USING COTs TO TIME THE 1st BIG PM SECTOR UPWAVE.
Contagious Gaming Inc. CNS.V, KSMRF on OTC, C$0.125, $0.10
This stock got as high as C$6.40 back in 2014 and is now a paltry C$0.125. Do not be fooled by the name. The attraction of this company is that it produces a refined cannabinoid substance that is clear and palatable, unlike the competition, which produce it as a kind of offensive sludge. Apparently there are a lot of contenders after this product and perhaps the company itself, although fundamentally nothing more is known about it. Chart looks very bullish, with a preliminary breakout in January followed by a reaction back to support. Thinly traded and speculative, therefore only suited to experienced traders. Avoid on OTC as volume non-existent.
Distinct Infrastructure Group Inc.DUG.V, DSTFF on OTC, C$1.33, $1.03
This is a solid company with bright prospects. It supplies 5G internet infrastructure, which will be necessary for driverless vehicles, that use a huge amount of computing power, presumably useful for preventing them mounting the kerb and mowing down cyclists and pedestrians etc. The demand for this companies' services is expanding rapidly. Regarded as a relatively sound investment at a good entry point after the long reaction from early last year. Avoid on OTC as volume non-existent.
Guyana Goldstrike Inc. GYA.V, GYNAF on OTC, C$0.23, $0.166
After a cyclical reaction back from November, this advance stage gold explorer is believed to be at a good point to buy for a new uptrend on the back of a sector advance.
Jericho Oil Corp. JCO.V, JROOF, C$0.96, $0.74
Jericho reacted back more than expected – if we had expected it we would of course have taken profits and stood back, like we did after the earlier rally. The reaction has brought it back to support and with volume having died down, it should soon turn up again. So we stay long and it is a buy again here.
New Pacific Metals Corp. NUAG.V, NUPMF, C$1.66, $1.28
Whilst the sector has reacted back, New Pacific has continued to plod higher, which is thought to be because drilling results are expected soon, and there is a chance they will be very good. So we stay long and it is also rated a buy here with a fairly close stop, in case the results fall short. Volumes light on OTC.
UGE International Ltd. UGE.V, UGEIF, C$0.255, $0.193
Just as you should not drive a car by staring intently into the rear view mirror, you should not get fixated on last year's results when considering whether to buy this stock. It made a pretty heavy loss last year, but its performance in the latest quarter is vastly improved and it has a full order book. Believed to be at the 2nd low of a large Double Bottom pattern with the low of late 2016, after a long and stubborn downtrend from April of last year, which is seen to advantage on a 3-year chart. Yesterday's "bull hammer" on the chart on good volume may signal the final low. Regarded as a strong buy here.
Clive Maund has been president of www.clivemaund.com, a successful resource sector website, since its inception in 2003. He has 30 years' experience in technical analysis and has worked for banks, commodity brokers and stockbrokers in the City of London. He holds a Diploma in Technical Analysis from the UK Society of Technical Analysts.
Read what other experts are saying about:
Guyana Goldstrike Inc.
Jericho Oil Corp.
Want to read more Energy Report articles like this? Sign up for our free e-newsletter, and you'll learn when new articles have been published. To see a list of recent articles and interviews with industry analysts and commentators, visit our Streetwise Interviews page.
Disclosure: 1) Clive Maund: I, or members of my immediate household or family, own shares of the following companies mentioned in this article: None. I personally am, or members of my immediate household or family are, paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. My company has a financial relationship with the following companies mentioned in this article: None. CliveMaund.com disclosures below. I determined which companies would be included in this article based on my research and understanding of the sector. 2) The following companies mentioned in this article are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: Guyana Goldstrike and Jericho Oil. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees. As of the date of this article/interview, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports has a consulting relationship with Distinct Infrastructure, Jericho Oil, New Pacific Metals and UGE International. 3) Statements and opinions expressed are the opinions of the author and not of Streetwise Reports or its officers. The author is wholly responsible for the validity of the statements. The author was not paid by Streetwise Reports for this article. Streetwise Reports was not paid by the author to publish or syndicate this article. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. 4) This article does not constitute investment advice. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional and any action a reader takes as a result of information presented here is his or her own responsibility. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. This article is not a solicitation for investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company mentioned on Streetwise Reports. 5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article, until one week after the publication of the interview or article. As of the date of this article, officers and/or employees of Streetwise Reports LLC (including members of their household) own securities of Contagious Gaming, Distinct Infrastructure, Jericho Oil, New Pacific Metals, Guyana Goldstrike and UGE International, companies mentioned in this article.
CliveMaund.com Disclosure: The above represents the opinion and analysis of Mr Maund, based on data available to him, at the time of writing. Mr. Maund's opinions are his own, and are not a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities. Mr. Maund is an independent analyst who receives no compensation of any kind from any groups, individuals or corporations mentioned in his reports. As trading and investing in any financial markets may involve serious risk of loss, Mr. Maund recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction and do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial ramifications. Although a qualified and experienced stockmarket analyst, Clive Maund is not a Registered Securities Advisor. Therefore Mr. Maund's opinions on the market and stocks can only be construed as a solicitation to buy and sell securities when they are subject to the prior approval and endorsement of a Registered Securities Advisor operating in accordance with the appropriate regulations in your area of jurisdiction.
from https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2018/03/30/heads-up-on-6-interesting-stocks.html
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andreagillmer · 6 years
Heads Up on 6 Interesting Stocks
Source: Clive Maund for Streetwise Reports   03/30/2018
Technical analyst Clive Maund talks about some stocks he will be looking at in coming days.
This a “heads up” on a number of stocks that we will be looking at in coming days, as time permits. In addition to these we will also be looking at a range of gold and especially silver stocks, for reasons set out in USING COTs TO TIME THE 1st BIG PM SECTOR UPWAVE.
Contagious Gaming Inc. CNS.V, KSMRF on OTC, C$0.125, $0.10
This stock got as high as C$6.40 back in 2014 and is now a paltry C$0.125. Do not be fooled by the name. The attraction of this company is that it produces a refined cannabinoid substance that is clear and palatable, unlike the competition, which produce it as a kind of offensive sludge. Apparently there are a lot of contenders after this product and perhaps the company itself, although fundamentally nothing more is known about it. Chart looks very bullish, with a preliminary breakout in January followed by a reaction back to support. Thinly traded and speculative, therefore only suited to experienced traders. Avoid on OTC as volume non-existent.
Distinct Infrastructure Group Inc.DUG.V, DSTFF on OTC, C$1.33, $1.03
This is a solid company with bright prospects. It supplies 5G internet infrastructure, which will be necessary for driverless vehicles, that use a huge amount of computing power, presumably useful for preventing them mounting the kerb and mowing down cyclists and pedestrians etc. The demand for this companies’ services is expanding rapidly. Regarded as a relatively sound investment at a good entry point after the long reaction from early last year. Avoid on OTC as volume non-existent.
Guyana Goldstrike Inc. GYA.V, GYNAF on OTC, C$0.23, $0.166
After a cyclical reaction back from November, this advance stage gold explorer is believed to be at a good point to buy for a new uptrend on the back of a sector advance.
Jericho Oil Corp. JCO.V, JROOF, C$0.96, $0.74
Jericho reacted back more than expected – if we had expected it we would of course have taken profits and stood back, like we did after the earlier rally. The reaction has brought it back to support and with volume having died down, it should soon turn up again. So we stay long and it is a buy again here.
New Pacific Metals Corp. NUAG.V, NUPMF, C$1.66, $1.28
Whilst the sector has reacted back, New Pacific has continued to plod higher, which is thought to be because drilling results are expected soon, and there is a chance they will be very good. So we stay long and it is also rated a buy here with a fairly close stop, in case the results fall short. Volumes light on OTC.
UGE International Ltd. UGE.V, UGEIF, C$0.255, $0.193
Just as you should not drive a car by staring intently into the rear view mirror, you should not get fixated on last year’s results when considering whether to buy this stock. It made a pretty heavy loss last year, but its performance in the latest quarter is vastly improved and it has a full order book. Believed to be at the 2nd low of a large Double Bottom pattern with the low of late 2016, after a long and stubborn downtrend from April of last year, which is seen to advantage on a 3-year chart. Yesterday’s “bull hammer” on the chart on good volume may signal the final low. Regarded as a strong buy here.
Clive Maund has been president of http://www.clivemaund.com, a successful resource sector website, since its inception in 2003. He has 30 years’ experience in technical analysis and has worked for banks, commodity brokers and stockbrokers in the City of London. He holds a Diploma in Technical Analysis from the UK Society of Technical Analysts.
Read what other experts are saying about:
Guyana Goldstrike Inc.
Jericho Oil Corp.
Want to read more Energy Report articles like this? Sign up for our free e-newsletter, and you’ll learn when new articles have been published. To see a list of recent articles and interviews with industry analysts and commentators, visit our Streetwise Interviews page.
Disclosure: 1) Clive Maund: I, or members of my immediate household or family, own shares of the following companies mentioned in this article: None. I personally am, or members of my immediate household or family are, paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. My company has a financial relationship with the following companies mentioned in this article: None. CliveMaund.com disclosures below. I determined which companies would be included in this article based on my research and understanding of the sector. 2) The following companies mentioned in this article are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: Guyana Goldstrike and Jericho Oil. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees. As of the date of this article/interview, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports has a consulting relationship with Distinct Infrastructure, Jericho Oil, New Pacific Metals and UGE International. 3) Statements and opinions expressed are the opinions of the author and not of Streetwise Reports or its officers. The author is wholly responsible for the validity of the statements. The author was not paid by Streetwise Reports for this article. Streetwise Reports was not paid by the author to publish or syndicate this article. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. 4) This article does not constitute investment advice. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional and any action a reader takes as a result of information presented here is his or her own responsibility. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports’ terms of use and full legal disclaimer. This article is not a solicitation for investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company mentioned on Streetwise Reports. 5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article, until one week after the publication of the interview or article. As of the date of this article, officers and/or employees of Streetwise Reports LLC (including members of their household) own securities of Contagious Gaming, Distinct Infrastructure, Jericho Oil, New Pacific Metals, Guyana Goldstrike and UGE International, companies mentioned in this article.
CliveMaund.com Disclosure: The above represents the opinion and analysis of Mr Maund, based on data available to him, at the time of writing. Mr. Maund’s opinions are his own, and are not a recommendation or an offer to buy or sell securities. Mr. Maund is an independent analyst who receives no compensation of any kind from any groups, individuals or corporations mentioned in his reports. As trading and investing in any financial markets may involve serious risk of loss, Mr. Maund recommends that you consult with a qualified investment advisor, one licensed by appropriate regulatory agencies in your legal jurisdiction and do your own due diligence and research when making any kind of a transaction with financial ramifications. Although a qualified and experienced stockmarket analyst, Clive Maund is not a Registered Securities Advisor. Therefore Mr. Maund’s opinions on the market and stocks can only be construed as a solicitation to buy and sell securities when they are subject to the prior approval and endorsement of a Registered Securities Advisor operating in accordance with the appropriate regulations in your area of jurisdiction.
from The Gold Report – Streetwise Exclusive Articles Full Text https://ift.tt/2q3x25c
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2pZbfMX
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theart2rock · 4 years
Neues von Mister Misery
Nach der Veröffentlichung ihres gelobten Debütalbums »Unalive« im Jahr 2019 hat sich die moderne Horror-Metal-Band MISTER MISERY, die aus den verlassenen Teilen Schwedens hervorgegangen (2018) ist, trotz der Tatsache, dass eine globale Pandemie die Zeitpläne zerschmettert, nicht lähmen lassen, war während der Quarantäne beschäftigt, schrieb neues atemberaubendes Material und veröffentlichte in der Zwischenzeit weiteres Material für ihre Fans.
Heute starteten MISTER MISERY die Vorbestellungen für ihr zweites Album »A Brighter Side Of Death«, das am 23. April 2021 via Arising Empire veröffentlicht wird.
“We feel super excited to finally release the pre-order for our brand new second album “A brighter side of death” It’s been one hell of a ride to say the least, and we have pushed our musical abilities to the maximum on this one! We look very bright on the future for this band and we have never looked more forward to stepping onto a stage again in 2021!”
MISTER MISERY präsentiert heute auch die erste Single des Albums: ‘Ballad Of The Headless Horseman‘, kombiniert mit einem atemberaubenden Musikvideo. Die Single markiert einen Meilenstein für die Band und schlägt das nächste Kapitel ihrer Horrorgeschichte auf! Stärker, beängstigender und vielfältiger als je zuvor.
“Ballad of the headless horseman was absolutely the peak of making this album for me. I was in a great state of mind writing this song and it took me back to the first album Unalive where every riff, every melody and lyric came together in one night. Those usually turn out to be the best songs.” – Harley 
“I remember when Harley sent me the first version of Ballad Of The Headless Horseman, and I was immediately blown away! Just as with “‘My Ghost’, Harley had just created something huge out of nowhere. It was perfect and I knew the rest of the album was gonna be more massive than we’ve ever sounded before!” – Alex
»A Brighter Side Of Death« wird als CD, limitiertes Splatter-Vinyl und special Surprise Bundle erhältlich sein, das die CD und weitere seltene Gegenstände beinhaltet, die im Zuge der Veröffentlichung enthüllt werden.
Die Band wird bald auf ihrer zweiten Headline-Tour durch Europa marschieren und weitere Shows für das Jahr buchen, mit dem Ehrgeiz, dass die Welt wieder auf den Beinen steht und bereit, wieder wild zu werden!
»Unalive« war die Geburt. »A Brighter Side Of Death« ist der Aufstieg von MISTER MISERY!
»A Brighter Side Of Death« tracklist: 01. Ballad Of The Headless Horseman 02. Buried 03. Mister Hyde 04. Burn 05. Devil In Me 06. I’ll Never Be Yours 07. Under The Moonlight 08. In Forever (We All Fall Down) 09. Clown Prince Of Hell 10. We Don’t Belong 11. Home 12. Through Hell 13. Ballad Of The Headless Horseman (Bonus Track – Orchestral Version)
  Die Band veröffentlichte im Oktober 2019 ihr Debütalbum »Unalive« via Arising Empire! Kauft und/oder streamt euch »Unalive« hier: https://MisterMisery.lnk.to/Unalive
Pressezitate: “Willkommen bei der neuen Shock-Horror-Rock- und Metal-Generation.“ – Rock Tribune “„Eine große Gothic-Zirkusshow mit einem Soundtrack zwischen Metalcore und Visual Kei. Diese Mischung hat man so noch nicht gehört oder gesehen!“ – METAL HAMMER “Hier kommt die ultimative Metal-Sensation aus Schweden! Horror und theatralische Melodien in einer Mischung aus frühen Avenged Sevenfold und Wednesday 13.” – Rock Hard IT „Eine superenergetische Platte voller packender Ohrwürmer, die ich in den nächsten Monaten nicht mehr aus meinem Kopf bekommen werde.“ – AARDSCHOK „Die Melodien fräsen sich unaufhaltsam in die Gehörgänge und so reiht sich hier ein Gassenhauer an den nächsten. So klingt Entertainment erster Kajüte!“ – Legacy „Jede Nummer von „Unalive“ wird noch lange in deinem Kopf spuken! Newcomer des Monats!“ – ORKUS! Magazin “Die Szene im Sturm erobern, das werden sie mit “Unalive” ohnehin.” – Sonic Seducer
‘The Blood Waltz (Orchestral Version)’: https://youtu.be/KgExvIeijh4
Holt euch den Song hier: https://mistermisery.lnk.to/TheBloodWaltzOrchestral
‘Strangeland‘: https://youtu.be/_sfN1BJyZMI ‘Tell Me How’: https://youtu.be/hl02oJRTm1I ‘Alive’: https://youtu.be/vuruUqV9Wkw ‘The Blood Waltz’: https://youtu.be/svwrrY9iN3Y ‘My Ghost’: https://youtu.be/ccxbK4ZVUeg
MISTER MISERY Sind: Harley Vendetta | Gesang/Gitarre Alex Nine | Gitarre Alister | Bass Rizzy| Schlagzeug
Quelle: Arising Empire
Neues von Mister Misery was originally published on The Art 2 Rock
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Gears Tactics is more Gears of War than you think • Eurogamer.net
You can do the Gears of War slide into cover slam in Gears Tactics, and honestly that would probably have been enough for me to say ‘yes please’ to this spin-off. But the developers at Splash Damage haven’t just plopped slide-to-cover in this top-down, turn-based tactical twist on gaming’s most famous cover shooter. They’ve made it useful.
You see, if you slide into cover in Gears Tactics, your unit gets a little bonus distance. It’s the game’s equivalent of that cover-hugging crouch walk we’re so used to seeing Marcus Fenix, the Cole Train and, more recently, Kait Diaz perform with the camera placed in third-person. And it tells you all you need to know about how Gears Tactics feels to play: yes, it’s Gears of War meets XCOM, but Tactics wants you to keep pushing forward. It wants you to move your units up and get in the face of the Locust. As far as these sorts of XCOM-style turn-based games go, Gears Tactics is relatively fast-paced. Hunkering down and waiting for the Locust to swarm you will do you and your units no good. Best to take the fight to them.
Gears Tactics has genre staples, such as chance to hit, overwatch and actions per turn.
Across the board the mechanics nudge you to go aggressive. Gears Tactics does not play out on a grid. The maps are open, and you can move your units anywhere, which lends movement a fluidity you don’t often get from the genre.
Most turn-based tactical games let each unit move and shoot each turn and that’s about it. Gears Tactics gives each unit three actions per turn by default, and you can use them in any combination: moving, shooting, class skills, whatever. Three actions isn’t the sexiest of features, but it gives you plenty of scope to do some interesting stuff with your units each turn. Strategists should find it liberating.
Interestingly – and in keeping with the game’s more aggressive playstyle – you can use a unit’s secondary weapon (a Snub pistol, for example) to interrupt an enemy’s overwatch, opening up a flanking route that was previously impossible. This Disabling Shot ability is available to every unit, and while it has an eight turn cooldown, it can swing momentum your way.
Oh look, it’s a Brumak.
Gears’ trademark gory executions are in Tactics and yet another example of the game pushing players forward (yes, you can carve a Locust in half with a Lancer). Nail an execution and you’ll buff your entire squad, adding up to three actions across the team. Rolling forward and creating momentum helps you push your turn farther and take down more enemies – and this really is the name of the game.
All this should make Gears Tactics feel a bit faster than your average turn-based tactical game, which makes a lot of sense for a Gears game, I think. The main Gears series is no slouch, of course. It’s an action shooter series known for chucking tonnes of horrible beasts at a small squad of beefy soldiers who must keep on the move – and behind cover – to survive. Gears Tactics does its best to replicate that feel in the turn-based genre, but this is not simply reserved to the combat. You can tell Splash Damage has tried its best to work out how to put as much of what we know and love of the main Gears series into Tactics. A surprising amount has made the cut.
Gears cutscenes, for example, are in – and they look fantastic. Good enough to be in a mainline Gears game, in fact. You get a cutscene before a mission starts and when it ends, and occasionally in the middle. Cutscenes mean story, of course. Gears Tactics is a canonical prequel to the first Gears of War game. It stars a group of soldiers who find themselves in a bad situation against impossible odds – pretty much par for the course in the world of Gears. The protagonist is a rather vanilla-looking COG called Gabe Diaz – Kait Diaz’s father, in fact. He has to track down the Locust mad scientist, a chap called Ukkon, all the while the government kicks off the Hammer of Dawn programme in a desperate last ditch attempt to wipe the Locust out. It doesn’t sound like the greatest story ever told, but Gears fans who fuss over the Carmine family tree will probably get a kick out of it.
The story takes place 12 years before the first Gears of War.
The idea is you gather a group of soldiers as you make your way through the story. You’ll recruit the main characters, of course, but there are plenty of procedurally-generated soldiers to snap up, too – and you can name them. The hope is you’ll grow attached to certain soldiers, and care about their fate in battle. You’ll build a history with your favourites, cheering on their attempts to hit the enemy even when the odds are against them, and crying when they bite the dust. All this will be familiar to anyone who’s played XCOM, but I’m glad it’s in Gears Tactics all the same.
Gears Tactics is a single-player only game (there is no multiplayer of any kind, either co-op or competitive), which I think makes sense for the genre. Firaxis’ XCOM has multiplayer but it’s almost besides the point. Much better to focus on a deep campaign and single-player modes, than to offer a multiplayer no-one cares about.
To that end, complete the Tactics campaign and you unlock extra modes, such as a veteran mode and an Ironman mode, the latter of which makes your choices permanent. Also, Microsoft plans to add challenges and optional objectives to remixed versions of the campaign levels to keep players coming back. There’s no fixed endpoint to the game, I’m told.
It’s expected there will be plenty of progression and collectibles left for players to fuss over once the story is finished, anyway. Each unit has three different armour slots: helmet, torso and legs, and there are loads of armour sets to chase. There are five classes, each with more than 30 unique skills and a signature weapon (Gabe is a support class and so carries a Lancer). That weapon has four slots of its own for mods that change the stats of the weapon and, in some instances, add new skills to the unit. Tactics lets you change the configuration of a weapon – a first for the Gears series. So, for example, you can extend the mag on a Lancer, or change your scope. There’s plenty to work towards when it comes to the units, powerful builds made up of all sorts of armour, skill tree combinations and weapon mods, and plenty of that will be chased post-game.
There are plenty of skills to unlock as you progress through the campaign.
There are loads of cosmetics to unlock, too. I’m shown COGs in all sorts of outlandish colour schemes, with various armour patterns and metals, from beat up to chrome. There’s a whiff of Warhammer 40,000 to the cosmetic customisation on offer. If you want your squad to coordinate when it comes to their armour, you can make that happen.
I am surprised to learn there are no microtransactions in Gears Tactics, given the scope for cosmetics. So, if you want new and extra equipment, you have to go out of your way to open cases dotted about the levels. Some of these will be on your way and relatively easy to find. Others will not, and you’ll need to think about the risk that comes with chasing rewards.
I am also surprised to learn that Gears Tactics launches on PC but not on Xbox One at launch. Gears Tactics is also built from the ground up as a PC game, I’m told, with all the PC graphics options you’d expect. There’s a Tac-Com, off by default, that displays all the numbers and stats you could possibly want on the battlefield. And while an Xbox One version is promised, it’s clear Microsoft is gunning for a PC audience here.
Missions end with big boss fights – just as they do in the main series.
My gameplay demo ends with a fight against a Corpser, Gears’ huge, spider-like monstrosities fans of the series will be familiar with. (In Tactics there’s a boss fight at the end of each act, just as there is in the main Gears series.) This fight works as it should – the Corpser’s legs are rock hard, so you need to wait until it exposes its innards before dealing damage. All the while, Locust units assault you, and Emergence Holes erupt from the ground. How do you deal with an E-Hole in Gears Tactics? Just like you do in the main Gears games: lob a frag grenade in it.
Gears Tactics throws a lot at you, then. But so it should. I don’t want XCOM in a Gears of War skin. I want interesting mechanics and a unique twist. A Gears of War twist. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t look like Gears Tactics is rewriting the turn-based rule book. But it’s doing enough to make me want to give it a shot.
Gears Tactics launches 28th April 2020 on Steam, the Microsoft Store, and Xbox Game Pass for PC.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/03/gears-tactics-is-more-gears-of-war-than-you-think-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=gears-tactics-is-more-gears-of-war-than-you-think-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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Things to do in Roswell, Georgia I had operated at an office as soon as a week for ten years, and never ventured out throughout the day. Then I review a write-up concerning the very best thrift shops in Atlanta, as well as found one was right down the street-- that began my weekly strolls outside the workplace to the second hand shop where I found lots of designer acquisitions for simply a few bucks. I felt the same way regarding Roswell, Georgia, concerning thirty minutes north of Atlanta. I made the expedition up GA Highway 400 for many years, as my papa lived there until he passed away 2 years back. However we never ventured outside his home to explore this historic city of 88,000. I just recently spent a little bit of time there and got an outstanding facial and also mani-pedi, drank a tea at an adorable cafe, boutique-hopped on Canton Street, and also saw Santa Stipulation getting his hair done. Right here's a things to do in Roswell, Georgia, whether you're choosing a day or a weekend. Get Pampered I hardly ever make the moment for a manicure or pedicure, however I was reminded that the outcomes include greater than simply pretty nails. It is just one of the best anxiety relievers I recognize. I really felt comfortable right away when I strolled into Jolie Beauty parlor & Nails and also promptly saw the absence of that overpowering nail salon smell. That's due to the fact that the beauty parlor is 98% chemical free. I spent a relaxing early morning there and entrusted charming nails. And also a recognizable reduction in anxiety. And the prices defeated anything near to me in Buckhead. For instance, specials this month consist of a 90-minute stone massage therapy for simply $95. A day plan includes a one-hour massage therapy, 1- hr face as well as mani-pedi for simply $150. I've avoided facials as they normally made my face break out, yet I chose one at the charming Plum Tree Salon & Spa, situated in a previous residence on Canton Road, the primary street of Roswell. Opened in 1999 by Barbara Sangenito and also Cindy Lowden, these women and also all the other stylists make you really feel right in your home. The day spa area of the lively beauty salon is embeded the back edge in a quiet place, where I had the best face of my life. And Plum Tree is additionally where Santa obtains his hair done, and also where I discovered that being a Santa is a high-maintenance, year-round venture. Contrary to popular belief, Santa is not lounging on a coastline all summer appreciating time off. No, Santa Doug is making appearances at parties and area occasions, as well as for that his blooming white locks as well as beard need to be in photo-worthy form. Shop on Canton Street Canton Street is lined with welcoming shops as well as restaurants, and I discovered several unique present products I couldn't withstand. All these stores are conveniently walkable from each various other, and also staffed by friendly clerks. Attempt Luck and also Southern Design for enjoyable gift items. Southern Design additionally has clothing and also home decor. The prominent boutiques The Bilt-House as well as Perky Shops also have areas right here. Head a little bit additional up the road to Raiford Gallery, a big two-story light-filled gallery with art from 400 artists in the United States and also Canada. We were fortunate adequate to be revealed around by the proprietor, the exceptionally enjoyable Judy Raiford, who is likewise a talented jeweler. (A Judyism: "I got involved in jewelry because it's tough to make a living with medicines and rock and roll.") She took us downstairs to her studio where I was fascinated by the huge range of treasures as well as metals, and chuckled at her hammer collection, classified "Hammer Pornography." Eat at one of the 200 independent dining establishments Fail to remember the idea that chains policy outside large-city limits. It's all about the independent restaurateur in Roswell. We chose lunch at Salt Manufacturing facility Bar, which includes things like Thai beef lettuce covers, Guard's pie, and also veal as well as mushroom meatloaf, along with pizzas and also hamburgers. At dinner, I indulged in an abundant, decadent recipe of shrimp and also grits at Peachtree Restaurant. For Cajun cuisine and scrumptious beignets, try Adele's on Canton, appropriate beside Raiford Gallery, where New Orleans-born Chef Marc makes sure the credibility of the food. The newly opened Crazy Love Coffee House deserves a quit for a mug of coffee and to take pleasure in the style of the previous cottage transformed coffee home. Excursion Historical Sites Beginning your browse through to Roswell at the Roswell Visitors Center to discover the background of the location along with its contemporary tourist attractions. Roswell was a cotton mill town, and also on the financial institutions of Vickery Creek you can see the damages of Roswell Manufacturing Firm, shed throughout the Civil War. As you might have heard, very little of Atlanta made it through the Civil Battle. For your antebellum house solution, Roswell is the location to go. A trilogy of lovely residences is open for tours. The owners of Roswell, Roswell King and his boy Barrington, established Roswell and developed Barrington Hall. Bulloch Hall was built in 1839 by Significant James Bulloch, one of Roswell's initial settlers. His little girl wed Theodore Roosevelt Sr. in the home as well as their boy was Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States. Smith Vineyard was built by servants in 1845 and also three generations of the household lived right here. Idea: Excursion all 3 residences with a Trilogy Pass for $18. Fire the Booze While I had not formerly spent much time in Roswell, I had actually visited Azalea Park on the Chatthoochee, a preferred location for us to introduce our kayaks. The water streams so gradually on the weekends, it's a breeze to paddle upstream then switch over directions for our return. On one recent browse through, we saw individuals floating on nearly every item possible including massive blow-up mattresses, some sunburnt and also weary, moving themselves ahead with the slow-moving current while huge groups of roped-together inner tubers partied to the soundtrack of their portable songs. There are a few outfitters where you can rent out kayaks and canoes. Or simply take a barbecue and also kick back in the park. Attend Alive in Roswell and also Other Celebrations Alive in Roswell is a regular monthly family-friendly celebration hung on the third Thursday of the month from 5-9 from April with October. The event gets on Canton Street and the Historic Roswell Square, and also includes food vehicles, video games, vendors as well as home entertainment. There are lots of other festivals held throughout the year.
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photosofusly · 7 years
Mastodon Announce Fall Tour With Eagles of Death Metal
Mastodon’s spring tour with Eagles of Death Metal and Russian Circles will extend throughout the year. A slate of new North American dates begins in the fall, with a UK stint to follow in December. Check out their full itinerary below. The new dates follow a series of North American shows the groups completed together last month. Mastodon released Emperor of Sand last April. Their tourmates Eagles of Death Metal put out Zipper Down in 2015. Last year, Russian Circles released Guidance. Mastodon: 06-12 London, England – Metal Hammer Awards Show *06-14 Budapest, Hungary – Barba Negra *06-15 Nickesldorf, Austria – Novarock *06-16 Zagreb, Croatia – Culture Factory *06-21 Lisbon, Portugal – Sala Tejo *06-23 Madrid, Spain – Download Festival *06-25 Strasbourg, France – Artefacts Festival *06-26 Stuttgart, Germany – LKA Longhorn *06-27 Utrecht, Netherlands – Tivoli Vrdenburg Ronda Hall *06-28 Hamburg, Germany – Hamburg Docks *06-30 Norrkoping, Sweden – Bråvalla Festival *07-02 Helsinki, Finland – Tuska Open Air *07-04 Gdansk, Poland – B90 *07-05 Hradec, Czech Republic – Karlove Rock for People *07-06 Frankfurt, Germany – Batcshkapp *07-08 Viviero, Spain – Resurrection Fest *08-20 Las Vegas, NV – Psycho Las Vegas Festival *09-23 Denver, CO – High Elevation Fest *09-26 Orlando, FL – Hard Rock Live *09-27 Charleston, SC – North Charleston Performance Arts Center *09-29 Knoxville, TN – Civic Auditorium *09-30 Louisville, KY – Louder Than Life Festival *10-03 Raleigh, NC – The Ritz *10-04 Charlotte, NC – The Fillmore *10-06 Atlanta, GA – The Fox Theater *10-07 Camden, NJ – Rock Allegiance Festival *10-09 Montréal, Québec – Metropolis *10-10 Rochester, NY – The Armory *10-11 Grand Rapids, MI – 20 Monroe Live *10-13 Oklahoma City, OK – Diamond Ballroom 10-14 San Antonio, TX – Aztec Theater *10-15 Houston, TX – Houston Open Air *10-17 Albuquerque, NM – Historic El Rey Theater *10-19 San Diego, CA – House of Blues *10-21 Sacramento, CA – Aftershock Festival *10-24 Spokane, WA – Knitting Factory *10-25 Vancouver, British Columbia – Orpheum Theatre *12-02 Cardiff, Wales – Great Hall *12-04 Wolverhampton, England – Civic Hall *12-05 Nottingham, England – Rock City  *12-06 Newcastle, England – Northumbria University *12-07 Glasgow, Scotland – Barrowland Ballroom *12-09 Manchester, England – Manchester Academy *12-10 London, England – Brixton Academy * * with Eagles of Death Metal
Watch Mastodon’s “The Motherload” video, via Pitchfork.tv:
View Full Article Here: Mastodon Announce Fall Tour With Eagles of Death Metal
Mastodon Announce Fall Tour With Eagles of Death Metal was originally published on CALM | We Drive The Calmest, Strive Regardless
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ricardosousalemos · 7 years
Mastodon Announce Fall Tour With Eagles of Death Metal
Mastodon’s spring tour with Eagles of Death Metal and Russian Circles will extend throughout the year. A slate of new North American dates begins in the fall, with a UK stint to follow in December. Check out their full itinerary below. The new dates follow a series of North American shows the groups completed together last month. Mastodon released Emperor of Sand last April. Their tourmates Eagles of Death Metal put out Zipper Down in 2015. Last year, Russian Circles released Guidance.
06-12 London, England - Metal Hammer Awards Show * 06-14 Budapest, Hungary - Barba Negra * 06-15 Nickesldorf, Austria - Novarock * 06-16 Zagreb, Croatia - Culture Factory * 06-21 Lisbon, Portugal - Sala Tejo * 06-23 Madrid, Spain - Download Festival * 06-25 Strasbourg, France - Artefacts Festival * 06-26 Stuttgart, Germany - LKA Longhorn * 06-27 Utrecht, Netherlands - Tivoli Vrdenburg Ronda Hall * 06-28 Hamburg, Germany - Hamburg Docks * 06-30 Norrkoping, Sweden - Bråvalla Festival * 07-02 Helsinki, Finland - Tuska Open Air * 07-04 Gdansk, Poland - B90 * 07-05 Hradec, Czech Republic - Karlove Rock for People * 07-06 Frankfurt, Germany - Batcshkapp * 07-08 Viviero, Spain - Resurrection Fest * 08-20 Las Vegas, NV - Psycho Las Vegas Festival * 09-23 Denver, CO - High Elevation Fest * 09-26 Orlando, FL - Hard Rock Live * 09-27 Charleston, SC - North Charleston Performance Arts Center * 09-29 Knoxville, TN - Civic Auditorium * 09-30 Louisville, KY - Louder Than Life Festival * 10-03 Raleigh, NC - The Ritz * 10-04 Charlotte, NC - The Fillmore * 10-06 Atlanta, GA - The Fox Theater * 10-07 Camden, NJ - Rock Allegiance Festival * 10-09 Montréal, Québec - Metropolis * 10-10 Rochester, NY - The Armory * 10-11 Grand Rapids, MI - 20 Monroe Live * 10-13 Oklahoma City, OK - Diamond Ballroom  10-14 San Antonio, TX - Aztec Theater * 10-15 Houston, TX - Houston Open Air * 10-17 Albuquerque, NM - Historic El Rey Theater * 10-19 San Diego, CA - House of Blues * 10-21 Sacramento, CA - Aftershock Festival * 10-24 Spokane, WA - Knitting Factory * 10-25 Vancouver, British Columbia - Orpheum Theatre * 12-02 Cardiff, Wales - Great Hall * 12-04 Wolverhampton, England - Civic Hall * 12-05 Nottingham, England - Rock City  * 12-06 Newcastle, England - Northumbria University * 12-07 Glasgow, Scotland - Barrowland Ballroom * 12-09 Manchester, England - Manchester Academy * 12-10 London, England - Brixton Academy *
* with Eagles of Death Metal
Watch Mastodon’s “The Motherload” video, via Pitchfork.tv:
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