#metal sonicxamy rose
cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Oh? The first out of 10, you say..?
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Fic 1: Back when they were still unfinished, Metal Amy and Metal Sonic when he was constructing her and she turned on unexpectedly, he has a conversation with her that piques his interest in this little robot he's constructing, and that's where the evil fondness first starts... but she is innocent and knows nothing, so he kinda stoically continues and teaches her of her functions along the way Also, the beginning of him admiring his handiwork on her and her alone.
I also decided to make some prompts, about 10 maybe? ALL ARE UNEDITED but enjoy :)b
1/10, - - <--will have link to others shortly.
Metal Sonic, still on the old junkyard space shuttle that held the remains of Eggman’s past failures and memories. Salaving through them, Metal Sonic had successfully found useful tools, items, and computer software to build his support systems. Not only would they return to Sonic’s planet with him, but he would also rebuild himself and them to stand against Sonic’s perilous friends that gave his data processing a headache…
Metal Tails’s first prototype was given a stronger brain, a way to calculate and strategize better than the two he would construct later… but with a limit; not to succeed his own programming.
Metal Knuckles was given a sturdy, defensive armor and way to barge through enemy strikes like a battering ram, shock-absorbers and thick, cone-like shovels to dig through their often tough hides… but with a limit to his power; not to succeed his own design.
Lastly… the most trickiest to construct of all.
Metal Sonic scanned the heaps of trash left… he had gathered into piles useful materials vs. trash that would prove unnecessary or too worn to be useful anymore. Some of it had been melted through, shredded by Sonic and his friends in the past, and…
His eyes landed upon an … interesting… power source.
His memories of Rosy the Rascal were limited to a fearful child, one who later could summon a hammer and somehow find the implausible strength and courage to face even the most impossible foe.
And yet… through Sonic’s indirect encouragement and idealized image of a hero, she triumphed.
But how to utilize such a rare and indiscernible talent? Was it even worth replicating? And by his theories, this new Rosy would need the abilities to improve him somehow, along with combating and mimicking the strengths of her mortal counterpart.
He suddenly trembled, growing in rage as he dug through the metal scrap with vigorous swings of his lengthened steel claws, having the ability to reach out far and extend his limps as he continued to track the piece of equipment that had fascinated him so…
Encouragement… bravery… how could that help Sonic?
His eyes then blared red as the light faded while he continued to submerge himself in the chords, slashing through the metal remnants of Eggman’s badniks and old machinery before finally grabbing the square like compartment…
How could it benefit… him?
His eye-lights scanned the object again, checking it’s functionality as he withdrew his long claws and tapped the box with an electrical pulse running down his arm into the box.
The box jolted to life, and shocked him back with an even more powerful electric signal.
The lightning actually caused his finger to sizzle, and he shook it in a very organic way… staring at the box as though an idea had popped into his head.
He checked his energy levels, realizing it had juiced him quite a bit.
There was… fight left in this little package of a square electrical unit.
A battery…. Charged and ready to pulse life again into a form… a form Metal Sonic would provide.
His eye-lights dimmed and he made his way out of the tunnel he had created, blasting the parts away as he swiped his arm out to make sure none of the undeserving debris would even touch him.
He placed the box on the counter he had been working on, which used to be filled with pictures and documented plans all stored on USP drives that were useless to Metal Sonic, already having taken the ones of Tails, Knuckles, and even Rosy to use for later purposes in crafting their metal selves’s brains.
He tapped the box a moment… as though still wondering how to make this function well enough for his needs…
Crafting a Metal Rosy out of scratch… what would he need?
He looked through his memories, blueprinting but scrapping it at every new idea he formed.
Turning over his shoulder, he looked at the finished prototypes of Metal Tails and Metal Knuckles, dangling on chained hooks just barely off the ground.
It took a moment more… before he started on the pile he had already formed, and began to fuze with a fire torch the parts necessary to make the look work.
He thought about Amy Rose… and stopped.
He had almost forgotten how much she had changed… with her pathic Team Rose, he had successfully copied their data too… and was it right not to consider her change?
He looked at his unchanging metallic hand.
The fire flickered in his sights… lighting up his face as he realized that even with the copied data from her… what good would an Amy Rose serve either?
Was she not the same? Though her appearance changed?
He looked around for more suitable armor that would be light enough for the moves Amy Rose used with her Piko Piko Hammer. She had some strength, so to balance that with possibly an ‘armored form’ would suffice.
Amy wasn’t always violent, and if this Metal Amy’s abilities would mostly be charging and keeping the battle going… then some offensive form would be necessary to preserve herself until the battle was won… and Sonic’s lifeless body and friends littered the battlefield.
He noticed an electric spark down at the end of the long, rectangular space shuttle and began to follow it. Seeing that this was something that helped revive him, he picked up the long chord and looked up, seeing it was connected to the ship’s main power supply.
If he wanted a large battery support unit… he may need to harness that.
That would mean the entire ship would be left drifting without power… and he needed some of that power to engage the systems of himself and his supports when they were ready to become functional.
He tightened his grip on the heavy chord, pretty decently sized, like an elephant’s trunk.
He looked at the box on the counter… quite a distance away now.
Near him lay a large robot’s hide, and Metal Sonic finally had a decent enough set of supplies to craft her now.
Hauling the large robot from it’s resting place, he carried it on his back to drop in front of the counter.
Connecting many other wires he ripped from other sources, he created a long snake-vine that connected the sparking wire to his counter.
Steadily… he brought the chord to the box… It sparked like a firework with electricity sprinkling the dull, steel, long hall of Eggman’s contraptions put to an endless grave…
Metal Sonic’s eyes rested on the beautiful scene, his hand moving over the sparks, almost as though fond of the sight and the embers that flew off of the battery.
It was in perfect condition… and still had so much to give... in the ways of destruction and obliterating resistance to Metal Sonic’s ultimate objectives.
He lowered his head, determined to utilize this new strategy of the only useful thing he could think of for why Sonic kept Amy around.
Light. Energy. A spark of powerful life..!
A few days went by, much longer than Metal Sonic had anticipated. He was being too picky about this and that, too particular about her shape, the range of her electrical charging limits, and realizing the large box could be used so much more than what he was offering it to do.
He wanted to see it’s limits, test it’s abilities…
But with all the experiments, he worried it would drain the battery beyond use… however, it proved him wrong time and time again.
Her brain would need to match its energy outlet… so he made it more uniquely able to take in lots of energy sources… unlike Metal Tails.
Her body would have a surplus of kinetic energy to store, and therefore needed a sturdy, limber enough body to fully mobilize herself in both combat and recharging them while in battle… Also giving her the strength to wield such a large, hammered weapon which he took the hide of the battery to forge with the large metal body he salvaged. She would need to be agile, like her counterpart, able to wield the hammer with ease and not have so much tension in her body, but withstand the heavy blows the hammer would power would whiplash or ricocheted back to her. So not only her brain capabilities to calculate battle moves and adjust her weight accordingly would need to be improved, but so would her sense of gravity, and springs and shock absorbers as well… along with an immense tolerance to electrical burnouts, creating a revolving cycle that would allow her to expel and store an impressive amount of power... Unlike Metal Knuckles.
Such care… into a rather insignificant chess piece.
Almost successfully created, Metal Sonic was working on her jets below her rounded, half-cone of a dress, deciding to capture the look of Amy Rose instead of Rosy the Rascal.
While he did so, his long, slender claw accidentally looped and hooked around a chord that tugged on her interal engine, sparking the jet on as a puff of smoke flooded into Metal Sonic’s eyelines.
He blinked, before seeing a spark and removing his hands, watching the flame flicker out from actually making the jets turn on…
But then he heard a crink, and looked up in amazement to see that the electricity created from the slight, unforeseen engine rotation from her inner-motor actually was sent to her kenketic storage unit… starting up the battery as it sent invisible sparks to activate throughout her whole body… kick starting her up.
And awake.
He looked up to see her head begin to unlock on it’s rotating neck made within the head’s construction, and heard the scraping of her metallic coat against the turning motion of her head to look over her shoulder.
She was locked in position, but that was quickly changing as her arms remained straight out….
She buzzed a moment, but he already set up communication links in her software, and felt the signal translate to him.
His eyes opened slightly wider, registering her for the first time and identifying her within the communication wavelengths, his systems automatically translating her meanings to him.
It was the first word her still processing brain could communicate.
His eyes lowered, hoping for a bit more of an intelligent response.
“Metal Amy.”
He knew she wouldn’t remember this moment, having not installed a memory core chip into her yet. It was sitting behind him on a counter, with some functions and objectives already pre-programmed through the functioning computers on Eggman’s junkcraft out in space.
He continued working, expecting her battery to give out since the engine didn’t rotate for that long.
But he forgot… how that battery could take one little shock… and expand it through the power already stored previously from within it.
She tried to twitch an eye down to see him, but there was clearly some glitching going on, and the eye kept wobbling up as though vibrating between up and down.
“No.” she responded, and in a bit of aggravation at his ‘creation’ being sentient for a moment, he glared up at her. “What you?”
He was surprised she wanted to know more about him than her own self. He tilted his head, “What am I?” he gave a low, metallic hum as a laugh. He lowered his head from her and closed his eyes, thinking this quite suitable for a support unit he literally created to care about his functionality than it’s own.
He gave her a snarky look as he met her barely functioning eye again, “Your master.”
She remained unresponsive.
He glared, “Metal Sonic.” he stated more abruptly, as though having figured her systems should immediately respond to that.
But they didn’t.
She looked away from him and towards the dark expanse of the long hallway down the corridor of Eggman’s ship.
“What that?” her communication was evolving, but Metal Sonic was infuriated by her dismissal of his stature.
“What is your objective?” To test how well her brain was actually operating, he began to question her to answer in her most basic of commands. Her module should immediately respond, but instead, she continued to have her shifting, shaking eyes examine the world around her.
“...Useless.” he had spent so long… so many days more of labor that he wasn’t even sure should have been wasted on this metallic folly of a machine!
He rose up, and gripped her head, threateningly. “You will answer to me. What is your objective?”
Her head jolted up and immediately, her attack mode was activated.
“What!?” He released her and watched as the panels on her dress shifted, her soft edges creaked and folded into a hard edge and like a jack-in-the-box, her hammer was deployed out behind her like a spring… shooting Metal Sonic all the way back into the counter…
Her engine was now flaring, and causing her to smoke. Her jets engaged and without proper control over them, she blazed forward and rammed into the walls, destroying her right hand and arm… then shot over to bash the left side of her face, destroying the eye that was there and leaving it to be missing in the rubble below. Her hand grinded quickly against the walls, almost destroying her left arm as well before Metal Sonic blasted after her, his hand looping around her waist from above and behind, and gripping her arm to twirl them both into the center of the lane. Dodging left and right the standing machines, dead badniks, and large obstructions that plagued them in the air.
“Shut down!” he commanded, as her single eye looked up to him, and startled him to his very core.
They were bent… they almost looked… afraid.
There was a sudden feeling in Metal Sonic… as though code that had never before been triggered before.
He turned around and kicked off a robot, skidding his own foot against the steel wall to try and fight against her one-functioning jet.
Like trying to stop a speeding rocket, he gripped her and pushed with his own rockets to the front, and slowly… his determination did slow down her momentum.
‘Her battery is more unlimited than I logically thought possible,’ he determined, though didn’t want to admit he couldn’t imagine, such an organic term, that her power supply would be this complexed to compliment.
He had striven to find suitable power outlets for the battery to fully send it’s power too, but it looked like might have thought it too small… it was proving to him that it was large for a reason… and carried a willful punch.
“Help.” the signal suddenly caught him off guard.
He looked to the struggling robot, unable to comprehend or control itself.
She was still looking at him… for guidance and aid. “Save.” … what did she mean by that..?
He felt them travel further down the corridor, and looked to see they were far passed the sparking chord he had connected through many more abandoned chords previously…
They were going deeper into the graveyard than he had been…
They could bash against the safety lock at the end and end up getting sucked out into space… he’d have to drain her battery to get them back.
Why… did he care about getting her back with him?
Was it all that time spent? Or the fact that she needed him to survive?
He shook his head, ‘Organic! Stop thinking with such foul terminology!’
He wondered if she meant ‘save’ as in to save this new data into memory, but couldn’t. Was she just pointing out her obvious flaws with being half-finished?
“You weren’t meant to awaken.” He didn’t care about terminology, looking behind him, he knew they were at risk if they didn’t slow down enough to brace for an impact that at least wouldn’t rip a hole in the large junkship.
“But since you are…” he was dedicated to saving her… why?
The old data of Organic Sonic’s influence began to spark new life in him, he gained a power he had not before known possible to a being made of oil and steel.
His jets suddenly launched out a flame so bright and big, it shouldn’t calculably be possible for him to transcend his own rusted makeup to be able to pull off.
He held her closer, yanking the now loosened jet off from her under as she tipped up turned him into a spin.
He had the moment in hand, though, and straightened himself out as he and the unfinished Metal Amy bashed into the wall of sealed steel behind them.
They made a dent… but they didn’t destroy the seal.
He fumed with rage as she slid off from him and started trying to toddle along like an organic infant, making her way through the piles of scraps and looking at the figures of older makes of Metal Sonic.
Silver Sonic..? Scrapped into an orb it looked like… but also tossed aside.
“You…” Metal Sonic’s eyes blared red, watching her waddle over and climb through the messes with no hands, but using her one little stick arm to reach the silver model that used to be a before-model to his own.
He jammed an arm out from it’s indent in the wall, raging with how everything turned out.
“You could have ruined everything!!!” still holding her jet, he felt it finally give way, now disconnected from its power source, and blasted towards her, bent on just scrapping the whole idea of a Metal Amy anyway.
But her battle mode disengaged and she looked to him with one that eye… that looked tenderly towards him in innocence.
He halted his assault and stared at her, floating in spot in the air.
She took her little stem of an arm and tried to point it over at him, tilting as she did so in her damage. “M… Master… Master is … in need of… recharging…” she communicated, a little stream of electricity pulsing from her arm that sparked through the air in an attempt to reach him.
He just watched, amazed she wasn’t afraid, but even more so… that with this limited about of potential… her battery kept her functioning for so long… and now her mind seemed to understand her objective.
Unaware of her own existence, she was trying to send a long enough beam of electricity to spark through the air like a lightning rod to reach his metallic frame.
It was a pathetic attempt… but the display of loyalty…
He had only programmed her to obey and fulfill a functionality… this determination of using her entire power, the last strands of her energy,... to recharge him?
He hadn’t taught her that word.
Wasn’t even in her systems.
His eyes dimmed in their red.
“Thank… you…”
As she fell back, her one eye dulling into a grey, she sent one last shockingly powerful bolt of lightning that did reach him.
“Ah!” he exclaimed as his systems were recharged and the sensation left a permeant impact on his engine…
A small stream of red heat created a shimmer… then some simmering smoke on the affected area…
His eyes shook in wonder, “This… can’t be.” It was more than impressive… his trembling hand turned from aggression to an admiring shaking that he held up in front of him. He gripped the spot she had hit… like his heart.
He watched her continue to fry her systems… but determined then and there he would finish what he could of her.
Though the others thought she was unfinished, to him… he knew she had lost her hands and what have you from the little ‘adventure’ previously.
He knew when she looked and saw the universe that her processing had somehow found some of Metal Sonic’s organic-tendencies… and it bothered him immensely under the surface.
She knew how to use organic-like tendencies to get an idea across… but just didn’t seem to understand the languages implied pretext.
The one thing he could never fully give to her, craft for her,... create with her.
9 notes · View notes
cutegirlmayra · 6 years
Hi rezfrosting here! ; 3 May I please request some metal sonic x modern Amy?
You may.
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(Did I mention my guilty pleasure is evil and villainous Metal Sonic with feelings of twisted affection? Did I? DID I????!)
Neo Metal Sonic spun on his way to the ground, flopping with metallic clanks against the mud as the wet dirt clogged his engine.
He leaned up, scraping the ground as he revved his center turbine to splash the mud out.
“You try my patience… Amy.”
Amy Rose: Female Hedgehog. Power: Strong Hammer throws. Affinity to Sonic The Hedgehog. Weakness:….Everything.
Amy held her ground, “Where’s Big and Cream!?” she demanded, holding her hammer firmly in her grasp.
He scooped up some mud and swiped it at her.
“Ah!” she swat at the air, wiping her eyes and spitting out the mud before he charged her, hitting her down and causing her to fall to the mud.
“Offph! Grr… You’ll pay for that!” Amy tried to swing her hammer up, but he caught it. His grip was like trying to shake off a titanium beam, there was no way she was getting out of his hold… “Grr.. Rah…” she struggled, only making his eyes flare to a brighter red as he leaned his head up in pride.
“Resistance is futile. You will fall. As will the rest of Sonic’s friends.”
“No!” Amy kicked and squirmed, but nothing she did made any difference.
“… You’re still fighting… a foolish use of wasted energy.” He pulled her up, causing her to slip on the mud and be dragged up with now two hands on her hammer.
“Ack!” her muddy hands left no grip to be able to hold onto the hammer’s hilt.
As she slid back down, her body slipped under his spread and sturdy stance, as he looked to the hammer and then down to her, realizing how pathetic this duel really was.
Amy’s eyes started to water, “Where… where is Sonic?”
“You seem to like asking questions…” he flipped the hammer around, hoisting it back. “But I think it’s time your new master started making inquiries…” he gripped the scruff of her white collar, and pulled her up to him, still threatening the hammer hit if she resisted.
But it didn’t stop Amy from struggling, gripping his clawed hand and pushing the steel fingers away from her throat. “Let… me go!”
“Enough talk.” His eyes narrowed.
“Gruff! Ah! Hek! Ohhh!!! This isn’t fair! You’re not a master of anything! Especially me!” she continued to struggle. Ever since their failure to stop his Metal Overlord, Sonic was forced with Tails and Knuckles into a pocket-dimension. There, they could escape certain doom, and they had the Chaos Emeralds to come back to save this universe when they had gathered their strength back.
But with Sonic gone… Neo Metal Sonic’s rage intensified. Not only was nature out of control, but Metal Sonic was cruelly enslaving all living organisms. Amy wouldn’t allow her friends to be put in harm’s way and instructed them to fall back and seek the other teams.
But Blaze and Cream never came back…
And Amy’s eternal struggle to hold Neo Metal Sonic’s rage back only seemed to really last a few minutes…
He had given up his ultimate form for a later day, waiting upon Sonic’s return to fully finish him… but until then.
“Your attempt to save your friends is futile. You will all submit to me or perish. I care not which. So for my last warning, tell me where Sonic has hidden his weak and unworthy self away… and I may let you live…”
“Being enslaved is no way to live! Either way, we’re all suffering!” Amy kicked, but with one fatal whiplash of swinging her around, she was unable to keep up her fighting spirit…
“Tell me…” His eyes shone even brighter…
“…He’s… far out of your reach… you’ll never defeat Sonic… not permeant, anyway…” she was slipping… her hands falling to her sides and her head moving back.
He didn’t move… expressionless, his eyes suddenly flashed and started to make calculations.
He read that her breathing was fainter than normal and her body was giving way to exhaustion.
He laughed, dropping her and watching fall without a noise.
“Pathetic… I suppose I shall use you as leverage to lure Sonic back to me… Your insolent existence will have purpose after all…” he watched her a moment, still scanning her vital signs before he noticed her twitch and start getting up.
“…What?” he seemed genuinely perplexed.
She started to lift one arm under herself, then the other. Soft grunts showed her effort as she hoisted her torso up and looked back at him with a muddied face.
“…This isn’t possible.” He squinted his eyes, his red growing dim. “Your body is at its utter limits. Your oxygen intake halved from the smog and your exhaustion at its peak!” he formed a fist, showing the hopeless situation. “You should be begging at my feet for life! Why do you still insist on prolonging your demise?”
“B-because… I love him…” Amy closed one eye and opened the other. She panted a moment before straining herself up again, trying to get on her knees.
Neo Metal Sonic just stared at her, emotionless.
He kicked her and whammed her hammer into her side, causing her to spit out a groan of pain and clutch her stomach, turning around.
“…Ack!… ugh… ha…hah…hahah…”
“What are you laughing about?!”
“The fact… that you can’t… you can’t stand… to see me unable to quit.” She laughed with limited breath.
His head twitched in rage. “What angers me is your likeness to that blue hedgehog.” He twisted her hammer in his grasp, readying to pummel her again with new hits.
He walked towards her, gripping her head and forcing it up, holding it directly beside his own. “Tell me where he is…”
“O-or what? You’ve already…” she coughed, “Threatened me with death!”
“…If death does not sway you…” he placed her hammer under her chin, pushing up to limit her air supply once again as she choked to regain some air.
Her hands weakly clawed and gripped at his arm… as he started to push up from his knees… forcing the hammer up even more and making her stand.
He couldn’t understand her response from the faint squeaks of noise she made to try and speak with little air… but it satisfied him enough to see there was no way for her to survive other than surrender.
“Would Sonic want you to die?” he switched tactics. “Become my slave and I’ll show little mercy…” He slowly removed the hammer from her throat…
She coughed and gripped her throat, his other hand let go as she stumbled to remain upright.
To keep her up, he gripped her white collar from the back and kept it still slightly choking her, but not nearly enough to keep her from speaking again.
“Choose your words wisely… Amy Rose.”
She peeked through the slits of her eyes at him… her glare like daggers before closing them again and concentrating on breathing.
Her voice was harsher now, the effects of the choking showing through…
“Why would I… take little mercy..?”
“Because that’s more than any other creature has been offered.” He glared right back, pushing on her back to have her bend down. “Beg…” he rose his head up. “Tempt me to spare your insufferable existence… Make me want to keep you alive…” his voice grew darker, even with the robotic manifestation in it, it still sounded like he was toying with her…
She fell to her knees, unable to do anything more to stall for her friends… and wondering if Neo Metal Sonic had already taken care of them…
She squinted her eyes shut even more, shaking her head. “I won’t…” she began to cry. “But Sonic would want me to survive… until he returned…”
Neo Metal Sonic looked down, his glare intensifying.
“…Do your worst… but I will never give up!” she reached for his hand to her back as he pulled up and hoisted her over his shoulder.
“…You will suffer yourself to me.” He stated, still carrying the hammer in one hand and keeping her steady upon his metallic shoulder on the other.
She cried and kicked, trying to fight him but it was all pointless.
He had created for himself a castle, where Eggman was also enslaved to do his bidding, carrying metallic trays of electrical cords and providing tomfoolery entertainment for him… getting zapped for his pleasure…
Neo Metal Sonic laughed, patting Amy’s head as she sat below one of the armrests, chained up with a bowl of water next to her.
It wasn’t just humiliating, it was inhuman.
She shook her head and dipped herself below the throne, trying to hide from his touch.
When his hand couldn’t feel her head he stopped laughing and reared downwards, gripping her head and shoving it back up to look at his face…
The red of his eye reflected back in her own glossy eyes… as she tried to turn her head away from him.
“And what… do you think you’re doing?”
“…Grr… erk…”
He laughed again after a moment of staring at her, and pushed her away, causing her to topple down to the ground and spill the bowl of water over.
She glared at him, only making him look as though fondly to her and lean upon his elbow. “You know… I could be zapping you instead of him.” His eyes narrowed, another threat that seemed to humor him as he thought about it. “Would that please Sonic? Seeing you burnt to a crisp when he comes back for you and this world?”
Amy bit her tongue and didn’t say anything, looking away.
“…That’ll be all, Eggman.” Without shifting his position, or moving a muscle really, Neo Metal Sonic dismissed Eggman as he rubbed his butt from the electrocution and bolted away speedily.
“…Eggman surrendered to my whims… why not you?” He slowly fiddled and twisted her chains that were upon his throne around his finger… then around his arms… “…You’re like a fish. Not knowing when you’ve been caught!” he pulled, forcing her to slam into the throne and be dragged to his legs.
“Grr… You’ll regret this… all of it.” She flinched through the pain, shaking from the weakness in her body from lack of food…
“You’re still sure he wants you back? A girl with no sense, poor and malnourished, unable to accept defeat?!” he tugged again, forcing her body and shoving it towards him.
She was now laying across him, his arms back from having taken the chains as far back as they could go… her eyes never wavering to show her conviction…
“…What keeps those eyes…” he tilted his head, releasing some of the chains to touch her face as she tried to lean back, away from them… being cautious… “So purely faithful to him..?”
“…He’s never not come for me…”
“…Yes. I remember.” Neo Metal Sonic looked annoyed, his eyelids sinking a bit. “He’s too ‘good’ to let an organism go unsaved.”
“It’s more than that Metal…” she suddenly moved closer, her body sliding over his own metal hide as she moved the chains from his arms.
He was suddenly paused in processing… not sure if this was her surrendering… or something else.
“Sonic is a symbol of hope… without Sonic, we’re all nothing.” She slipped her arms around him, her voice almost like a coo that confused him…
Her change of voice caused his systems to start scanning her, finding details within her eyes and the shape of her figure… pressing over and against him.
“…Sonic is gone.” Her distraction led to him not hearing the sliding of metal against metal… the chains wrapping around his neck…
“…You’re right. But he’s-“
“No more.” His eyes burned red again, as he shifted from under her. “Your female charms don’t tempt me. I’m a robot… your attempt at saving yourself is useless and irrational.” He moved up a bit, but his eyes stayed fixated on her own, turning from confidence to slight fear.
“However, …” he tapped his claws to her back, causing her to flinch. “I’ve always been curious… what he sees in you…” his frame moved to skim against her muzzle when she suddenly pulled on the chains, and his head went flinging back.
“WHAT?!” he struggled, realizing she had looped her chains around his neck, and started walking off of him, tugging and straining to pop his head off.
She shook the chains and slipped once or twice on the ground from the spilled water, but kept trying to put enough force into the chains to rip his head off its metal pieces…
“You… you think this will save your friends?!” Neo Metal Sonic struggled, gripping the chains.
Electricity sparked everywhere around his metallic neck as Amy remained steadfast, giving as much force to the chains as she could muster.
“You’ll be their end for this!” he cried out, before feeling a dent upon his metallic screw that held his head in place.
His eyes wobbled, realizing the threat level just skyrocketed, and began to fight back more forcibly, tugging on the chain to pull her back.
“Ah!” she fell and started to be dragged back to him, the chain loosening. “Yes… fight, Amy Rose… Show me that you’ll die in vain… I’ll kill each and every one of your precious companions in front of your eyes! Then we’ll see who’s able to fight the inevitable now!”
Amy’s foot slammed against the throne, as she looked up with absolute power in her eyes to him, making him stop his rambling and look for a moment in terror to her.
“…I…” she took in a deep breath. “Have no fear.” She ripped the chain from his grasp, and with it, severed his head from his body.
The explosion pushed her back, knocking her out.
When she came too, she noticed fire and began to panic. Eggman, in his brown slave attire, was hacking away at the melting chain with a rock.
“E..Egg…man…” she panted out.
“No time, you brilliant girl!” he kept banging the chain before finally it released her and he helped her up, cupping her head between his two hands, and smiling gleefully to her.
“You did it! You beat him!” he kissed the top of her head like a doting father, before slinging her under his armpit and rising up, making a poise with his hand in a fist.
“See that, Metal Sonic!? Even without Sonic! His friends are even good enough to take you down, until me! Whohohoho!” he laughed and gloated, even though it was Amy’s triumphant, not his.
He raced out of the burning fortress… as Neo Metal Sonic’s head blipped back to life for only a static moment…
Amy Rose: Female Hedgehog. Power: Strong Hammer throws. Affinity to Sonic The Hedgehog. Weakness:…
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Had this idea,.. was so trippy, I had to write it XD
Amy walked along the streets of the abandoned, her hammer close, up by her shoulder, as she cautiously looked around.
Sonic turned back, “Amy?”
Her eyes shot open, joy filling her at even just hearing his voice again, “Sonic!”
Suddenly, right as she turned around to see him, Metal Sonic burst from around the corner, taking Sonic down.
“Sonic..!” Amy outstretched a hand as she saw Metal gripping his face, just below his muzzle, propelling him upwards on the side of a skyscraper.
Amy quickly took action, rushing to the top of the roofs, but they were still locked in heated battled when she got there.
Sonic and Metal were a few skyscrapers away, also battling at light speeds uptop... how was she going to reach them?
She looked around, before below her, her feet shuffling back as some pieces of the tall buildings crumbled off the sides as she came close to it.
This apocalyptic world... she couldn’t imagine fighting any more for it without Sonic...
She took a gulp,... and moved back.
With a dash, a jump, a spring in her step-!
A leap of faith.
She made it! Miraculously rolling as she got to the other side.
Her eyes blinked while she lay on her side, amazed at her luck, before looking back behind her.
It was no small fleet.
Taking courage from that first jump, she narrowed her eyes and continued on, trying to make her way to Sonic.
She was advancing well, however...
Amy leaped as she saw Sonic’s frame being knocked off, his body falling her way, his back to her eyes...
She fell with the blue hero, before grabbing his back as they fell, the wind lashing against their hides as they rapidly sped to the ground.
She could barely squint her eyelids shut under the pressure, having them slightly still open, watering from the dryness consuming them by the air as she fell.
“Sooniiicc!!” she called out, terrifyed this could be the end.
Sonic shook his head a minute, his eyes also being raised by the same force of wind, before looking down, and over, and all around him before seeing Amy.
“Woah!” He suddenly snapped out of having the wind knocked out of him and powered up, the chaos emeralds spiraling around him.
Amy screamed a moment... before the camera let them fall out of view.
Was it too late?
Slowly, a glowing figure, holding Amy in his arms rose back into sight.
Sonic glared up at Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic, having watched the whole scene, rose a metallic hand up, robotically flinching each finger before gripping them tightly together.
Sonic’s face held a muted growl, his grimace clearly showing the anger he was feeling.
“Stay here, Amy.” Sonic slowly lowered himself to the ground, a serious look on his face as he held himself with great power. The aura of the chaos emearlds was hard to not feel, as Amy looked worried, but watched him nod and then speed off after Metal Sonic.
Amy stepped forward, solemnly....
Something in the shadows opened their glowing red eyes...
Sonic returned to see Amy looked slightly in a daze, gripping her head.
“Amy?” He walked over to her.
Startled, as if not really recognizing the name, Amy turned back. “..M...My name?”
“Uhh..” Sonic made a kinda awkward face, “Yeah.” he smiled, thinking her usually weird anyway.
“Come on, time to head back.” He gestured for her to come toward him, standing to her side and about to carry her home.
It was a normal thing for them, at least, for him to move fast and just hold her while he traveled.
She seemed... disoriented, and looked around a moment, before nodding to the ground. “That’s right... Sonic... Sonic is my hero.” she turned back to him, as he raised an eyebrow, a little creeped out as he tilted his head to her, then eyed the spot of ground she was talkin’ too.
He chuckled nervously, walking over to her instead. “O-o-okay, Amy. I think the heat’s gotten to your head.” He scooped her up, startling her a moment before situating her in his arms with a few bobs up, and then smiled down to her.
“You’ll be fine once we get you something to eat.” he winked, and sped off.
Amy continued along in the game, a little odd at first, since it seemed like everyone had to re-explain to her things she should already know. Tails was the first to question if Amy had hit her head on something, and how strange it was she was spending more time talking to Shadow then Sonic, and how she barely smiled, but almost always seemed confused on things.
Out on a mission, Amy was fighting before recognizing a street she knew.
Squinting her eyes to it, she heard muffled screams in her head, as sudden traumatizing flashes of memory screeched across her mind. Head shaking, mouth covered, something pulling her away, dragging her with glowing red eyes..
Sonic had never fully caught up to Metal Sonic...
At this point, Amy had sought knowledge and understanding from Shadow on most occasions, so by rare chance, they seemed to get along.
Because of this new found abnormality, Shadow stopped his attack to see her gripping her head, shaking it about, her hammer dropped to the ground.
“N...nnn.....nugh!” she opened her eyes.
They shook with such fear.
The figure had dragged her into a shed, where she faintly remembers her cries for help, fighting as if for her life.
The figure definitely was Metal Sonic, she could now see the swinging of the lamp, him driving something into her...
“Augh!” she was pulled towards the memory, taking off just before...
Metal Amy...
She stopped her dead in her tracks, and swung a robotic hammer out towads her.
“Erk!” Amy held in a frustrated grunt, but she still bit down hard on her teeth, about to fight her before Shadow intervened, slamming a kick like a rocket into the robot’s side.
“Run.” he swished an arm at her, and she obeyed, racing off.
Later, Amy felt distinct impressions, and convinced Sonic to follow her instincts into another area.
It was an ambush, and her whole heart dropped as she had felt so sure to come to this place...
That’s when more memories flooded her mind...
Electrical shocks...
Metal plates all over her body...
She gripped her head again.
The teams struggled against the gorilla warfare of the ambush by Eggman’s forces, but Sonic and Shadow saw Amy leaving.
At this point, Sonic didn’t want to believe betrayal, as Tails may have suggested from suspicions, even though his heart told him he was wrong... something just wasn’t right with Amy...
Coming to that same street... Amy raced to the building’s alleyway, and continued as her memories instructed her.
Shadow, feeling a strange connection with her, skated as fast as he could to trail her.
“She’s different.” he stated, as Sonic’s anger at his new interest in her well-being seemed to come out more and more.
Sonic was clearly irked by this...
“I know she’s been acting a little weird lately but-” Sonic ran along beside him, still wanting to trust Amy.
“Not weird... off.” Shadow narrowed his eyes. “Something’s not right. She’s being triggered.”
“Triggered? Like.. post-trauma triggered?”
Shadow sped up.
“Hey! Hold on a second!” Sonic charged even further away from Shadow, not caring to be sneaky like he was.
He wanted answers from Amy herself now... but she had stopped and fell as she opened a shed behind everything, seeing wires hang down...
She knew.
She dropped to her knees, then to her hands, holding herself up as she shook with disbelief.
The two hedgehogs stopped, looking to her and then to each other.
“Amy...” Shadow finally spoke up.
“Did you lead us to that ambush?”
“I’m... I’m not...” Amy’s whole body trembled, as she held herself.
She was awakened in water.
She was programmed to deceive.
She was a clone.
“You’re real Amy..” after explaining some things about Metal Sonic... she slowly got up, turning around to the two, seeing their shocked and horrified faces.
“Is trapped inside Metal Amy’s armor..”
“No...” Sonic’s eyes shook.
“NOOO!!” he slammed his fists to the ground,.. quite a few times, realizing what had truly happened.
He didn’t move his head up, but ducked it further down as Shadow looked away, his eyes scanning the surface of the ground, as if thinking this through.
“She’s robotized..?”
Sonic sighed in relief, his shoulders lowering, before falling to his own knees.
“Where is she..?”
“As I’ve stated, her body is literally surrounded by the armor that makes up Metal Amy. Metal’s crew joke at taking away something precious to you.. and having you fight your friend without even knowing you’re hurting her.” Her words were painful to say. Remembering her true function... her true lie.
She turned her head away, truly having thought she cared about him like she was the real Amy...
“I’m so sorry, Sonic... I couldn’t remember until now... when my objective was complete.” she tightened her fist.
Shadow looked back to her, sensing some kinship almost to her.
He knew how it feel..
To discovers ones abominable design for their existence.
Sonic got the strength to stand again, not looking back at Amy’s clone.
“I’m going to save her. Thank you.” he nodded, without giving her even a passing glance, and turned around, heading off to save his true friend...
In utter agony... the Clone fell to her knees, bursting out into tears at her betrayal, something she had no idea was built inside her.
She was a danger to the man she thought she loved.
She was a threat to her team she considered her family.
Just like with Sonic’s disregard of her now... she would be shunned by her friends, abandoned now that they had the real Amy returned to them.
In her grief and misery at the consequences to follow... she hadn’t heard the footsteps... of a sympathetic creation walk up in front of her.
“Get up.”
His harsh tone broke her from her solitude, and she removed her hands, catching her tears as they had previously pushed up against her bleak face, and looked to him with a child’s innocence.
He held out a hand to her.
...He said something... only one other being had ever told him.. that truly gave him any comfort in this miserable existence.
“You are not monster.”
Maria’s words were spoken once more in Shadow’s life, but this time.. it was him to a stranger... a clone... like he possibly was.
He held her stare a moment.
She hesitated... lifting her hand up to his.
“You won’t reject me..? Although I am not your friend..?”
“It doesn’t matter what you are, now.. You are a creature without a purpose. There’s no need to feel you’ll harm anything now.”
it was logical, sound.... but it gave her great comfort.
She took his hand, as he helped her up, and she cried on him, as he held her with a steady frown, looking straight ahead...
He knew this misery all too well... And closed his eyes, accepting that at least for now... he wasn’t alone.
Amy was freed of her metallic prison, but like Clone Amy had thought, the team was weirded out about ‘two’ of her running around.
Amy didn’t know what to think of her, having no idea about her, but was still willing to show kindness.,, although cautiously, as others had instructed her.
Shadow defended the clone, keeping her close to him, never out of sight, and mentoring her in life and battle.
She learned to not trust anyone, that her memories were not her own, to make her own, and that her lingering feelings for Sonic...
She stared at him from a distance.
“Can never be reciprocated.”
Shadow stated the obvious, as she watched her real self laughing and speaking with him, the joy in his eyes... the joy she’ll never know again.
She walked back, backwards to grip Shadow’s arm.
He looked to the gesture, oddly with a bit of skepticism, before ‘hmph’ing and leading her away.
It was all the comfort she’ll ever know.
Her and Amy shared one final glance, the whole air and moment stood still... a slow recognition of some faint sisterhood that could have been...
Then... clone Amy turned away. She denied herself of that feeling. She denied herself of Sonic and his team, her once beloved friends.
She walked with Shadow... the only being resembling any possible sympathy and future for her.
This was the start... of a tragic... but beautiful fable.
She leaned to rest on Shadow’s shoulder, as he looked down, before his eyes slightly softened, turning towards the sunset.
She closed her eyes, feeling the moisture in the air nip at her nose before he spoke.
“I suppose this means you’ll stay with me.”
Till this moment, she hadn’t realized he couldn’t tell.
She smiled, sweetly to him. “If my face does not bother you... then I will.”
He looked back at her, his eyes scanning her features.
He then sharply looked away, moving on as her grip weakened and she let him walk away.
As he did so, she could hear him quietly state, “No.”
She nodded, and carried on trailing after him.
(I wonder... if Silver is the creation of clone Amy and Shadow’s love child..? *SEGA proceeds to slap me three times* I’M SORRY </3 kept it way canon tho, I mean, COME ON!)
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
can you write anything about AmyxMetalSonic? something romantic. maybe Metal feeling weird about having feelings for her for some reason despite being a robot
You just hit one of my guilty pleasures >///-///evil sometimes when thinking Metal Sonic has a hard time with that. Especially since we all know she can change a robot’s heart (Omega’s XD).. So~ I’m excited!
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“Metal! You’re main job is to kidnap the girl! Don’t harm her or anything, just get Sonic!”
Metal commuted his objective, and sensed something outside the Doctor’s HQ.
He turned to the window.
“Ah, I see.” Eggman smiled, looking out at the sunny, bright day. “You’ve been deactivated for long enough. If you do this task well, and DESTROY SONIC! E-ehem.” Eggman lost his cool a moment, bending down and tensing his hands out, looking obsessed with obliterating him, before clearing his throat and standing up straight again. “Then you may do as you please till I call for you again. Sound like a good deal?”
Was this… freedom?
Metal Sonic nodded his head.
“Excellent~” Eggman rippled the tips of his fingers down in a villainous devising manner, and then turned to press a button, lowering the window as if it was secretly a ramp as well.
“Fly off, now. I want that hedgehog’s head by morning.” he yawned, and walked off. “Wonder what else I could create before breakfast?”
Metal Sonic stared at the window, calculating the hours till the next day’s morning, and then tried to retrieve archives of his memory of this… ‘girl’ Eggman was speaking of.
His circuits sparked to life and he lowered his head, looking fierce as he scanned through his memory data-boxes and found the only female organism he had ever known.
Her face appeared as bright and wonderful, almost like the day outside.
He didn’t feel anything at first with it, but tried to find points of weaknesses.
The whole video played through as it was Sonic’s original memory, and then turned to his first capture of the pink girl, and then his inevitable defeat.
He clenched his metallic finger-shards together into a tight fist, glaring as he recalled that memory file.
But still… There must be some connection with his increase in speed and power.. due to being determined to save her, he concluded.
His super-powered computer brain sparked to life once more as he fired up his engine, knowing he had to find the girl, but almost disgusted by how many points of weakness he could find on her appearance alone.
She was vulnerable on all sides.
He looked up to the sun as he took off, trying to determine if he could bring up her heat signature again or at least some way to track her down.
He circled the skies for quite some time, before he finally flew down and went towards a lake, shining brilliantly in the light of the day.
As he stared, he suddenly heard a foot fall, and spun around, firing multiple missiles towards it.
A flickie flew out in a chirped uproar, terrified as it flew off.
He watched it flail and spaz out mid-flight, and just seemed almost annoyed by it, as he looked forward, but moved his arm back to fire out another missile to completely erase it from existence.
A hammer intersected his missile, and his eyes shot back behind his shoulder, recognizing the sound waves and simultaneously overlapping them with Rosy the Rascal’s signatures.
The two vocal lengths and patterns lined up as he tuned down and matured Rosy’s vocal lines, and his computer sensors blinked green when it matched about the level of a 12 year old.
He computed time to be exact, and when he was sure it was her, he pulled himself back after turning around, and launched himself off to follow where the sound came from.
He heard breathing, but it was muffled by the squawking of the Flickie, who dived down to try and seek shelter from the threat.
Following it was Metal’s best option.
He kept scanning the trees, looking for heat signatures, before finally seeing the Flickie land on something living, and the heat signature looking his way, before taking off deeper into the wood.
His eyes widened slightly, trying to get more range in his sights as he measured the distance and air-speed needed to catch up to them.
Her breathing was easier to track now, and he took off in the best direction to intersect with her now.
“He’s back!? How can that be?!”
Her voice was now easily identifiable, and he downloaded a separate track of it to make sure he wouldn’t lose that valuable information.
He found himself looking forward, away from her heat signature, puzzled.
He tilted his head.
Why is her vocal signature… suddenly… valuable?
It’s true he may need it for the future, but she was a weak organism with a strange hammer-summoning ability. Nothing truly valuable to her unless it’s to lure out Sonic.
He sped forward and caught her off guard by blasting himself out in front of her way, looking menacing as he held his arms to the side and wide out, spread, ready to take her on.
“Ahh!” Amy shrieked, skidding to a halt and holding the flickie with a protective arm around it.
She narrowed her eyes, summoning her hammer and…
He was now even more discombobulated.
His thinking was spiraling, even now he could see all the weak points easily identifiable in her positioning, but for some reason…
This life form was still going to kick back.
He found that highly intriguing, knowing that she didn’t stand a chance.
“You’re definitely NOT my Sonic!” she almost said that as if she was confident.
Was she confident?
Had time changed so much that something so inferior to him could have even the slightest inkling of a possible chance at defeating him?
He almost mentally laughed at the improbability…
Then… if he was so confident…. why did he compute the actual statistics?
According to his data of Rosy and himself, the odds were 12% for her succeeding.
He reared a clawed hand back and went for the stun, having his hand sparking and flinching from the electric wave-current meant to knock her out in one hit.
Considering… logically she would die at just one swing of his claws.
He was amazed at her speed, at first.
He looked up from where she had jumped and saw her land on a tree branch.
Flexible. Acrobatic. Even graceful as he could barely hear the landing.
His mind computer continued to show him the stats.
His eyes widened in rage.
Just that little show of skill in maneuvering brought her odds up.
His anger drove him to emote, a very Sonic like thing as he held out a hand and tensed it like he saw the Doctor do, then swipe it away.
“Huh? Did you not like that?” Amy blinked, a bit surprised. “What? You thought I’d just flail around crying for help like last time?”
His red eyes blared brighter, glowing with his rage at that insult to his calculations and predictions.
“Ha! You did!”
He flew up at Sonic speeds, not playing it off as easy anymore, to swipe at her again.
She jumped and this time, hooked her hammer on the branch so it was caught with her going down.
She winked, charmingly, before letting her hand go off her hammer and having the branch fling up and whack him straight in the face in a perfect vertical line down his body.
The hammer flung up too as she rolled, still holding the flickie in one arm, and caught it.
He wiped his face from the left over bark, dirt, and leafs on his screen and splinters in his engine before looking back down at her.
He was growing more fascinated than enraged though… strange, for his programming.
“Run along, now~ Okay?” Amy let go of the scared flickie, as it fluttered weakly off down the road and she lovingly patted the air as if helping to give ‘wind beneath his wings’.
Metal Sonic seemed to want to test her limits, thinking the data useful for later reviewing, and hovered down to access her.
He watched her turn around and size her up.
“…Huh? What’s wrong? Aren’t you gonna fight anymore?”
His scanners were tracking every moment, trying to find more fault and flaw.
She pouted on his screens and suddenly… his eyes moved up to only scan her face and features.
He tried quickly comparing her old self to her now, grown self, and find himself strangely… mirco-syncing them. As if studying each feature of her face more than he should.
“…Huh, strange robot.” Amy put her hands to her hips, “I remember you being a lot more terrifying.”
He twitched, as his scanners turned back to attack mode.
He shook as he lowered himself down, his fingers moving excessively as he was truly insulted by that statement.
“…Aww~ Did I insult the wittle robot’s feelwings?”
He darted his head up, and sprang to attack her.
This time…
No stun.
Eggman’s words were speaking the back of his memory files, his objective blazing through him to not hurt her.
He wanted too.. oh so badly… but he quickly, last second, turned on stun and went for the kill shot.
She…. she blocked?!
How on earth could she be that swift and concise? Powerful with a direct hit!?
She swung her hammer down to guard and then smirked, “What’s wrong, Metal? Have I caught you off-guard?”
He looked up at her, completely frozen in how illogical it all was.
Females are naturally weaker in nature.
Yet, she was fighting with a strength he had never encountered before.
He blinked, a very silly think for a robot to emote.
She giggled, as he found himself recording it for some reason, and then she knocked him around.
He got up, rubbing his head, and then looking more seriously to her.
He wiped his muzzle, something Sonic would do, and flung the arm away as if emoting he was going to fight seriously now.
She got into a much more prepared position, but he didn’t allow himself to look impressed.
He charged her, and their battle was high speed, missiles fired through but she rotated her hammer to explode them and minimize damage.
His eyes shook as he continued to give an on-slaughter of missiles, attacks, and finally got a few kicks and spins off on her.
She rolled back on the ground, as he stomped on her hammer, making sure that was out of the way.
His computer screens were fully locked onto her, but he didn’t see her moving.
His eyelids moved up.
He looked her over, before his systems started to panic, and he bent down, a very weak thing to do, as he held out his hand to her back, checking for…
Ah… there it was.
His eyes closed.
He measured each heart beat, and listened to it, recording it before hearing her move a bit and toss her head around.
He could stun her now… it would be quick and the pain would knock her out before she got the full-force of it.
He didn’t know why he was calculating that pain intensity.
With his hand off her back now, he hesitated.
He then narrowed his eyes, not liking how his curiosity was keeping him from fulfilling his objective.
It was freedom against fascination. He wasn’t going to trade up on his-
She looked up a moment, her head still down but her eyes lingered upon his for a moment, as she breathed in exhaustion from the magnificent fight.
Wait… magnificent?
He stared at her a minute longer, before deleting all files of Rosy the Rascal, and replacing them with every screenshot of her during the battle.
Amy looked to her hammer, and tried to reach for it.
His hand gently sparked a light jolt, and placed it at a pressure point on her neck.
She shook for a moment before he caught her and lifted her up, seeing her knocked out.
A small tase, she’d be fine.
It was only the objective that was making him hesitated.
It had to be.
There was no other explanation.
He held her over his shoulder, before staring a moment off in front of him.
His eyes looked to the corner of the sky as he recalled a memory file of Sonic carrying her away in another form…
He looked down, before gently pulled her over his chest, and carrying her bridal style.
He… thought this more comfortable… actually.
He also… could now look down at her face.
But… why was that important?
He looked away, confused by these irrational thoughts, and looked up to plan a good spot to lure Sonic out with, and took off into the sky.
(I love Metal Sonic! I ship him in a evil way with my version of Metal Amy though XD he’s terrible! but I love it nxwnx)
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
#9 Sonamy?
“You’ve always been bad at pick-up lines, but great at getting picked up, huh?”
There was some grumbling in a chair… as Amy was tied up once again, her mouth covered and her arms being untied by none other than Sonic The Hedgehog.
“Have to admit… but it’s a lot easier to tease you when you’re silent.” he chuckled, leaning over her and off to the side to get the last ropes, already having freed her feet…
One swung up to kick his butt, but he hopped out of it’s way, dodging by leaning away and balancing on one leg. “H-h-he-hey, it was only a joke.” Sonic sweat dropped, before finally getting the ropes off.
After he did so, she glared at him.
“…Erk.” He held a hand up, realizing he was in trouble now. “Heh,…heh… don’t tell me I went too far on the jokes now, Amy..”
She lowered the hostility and gave him a look like he should really know by now what that means.
“…Aaaaand I just earned head trauma.” he rubbed his head, looking forward as he realized she was hinting at hitting him now.
She tried to untie her mouth, but some robots charged into the cell block she was being stowed in.
“Woah! No time for playing around!” Sonic scooped Amy up, as she had gotten the gag off her mouth.
“Pah! You should apologize!” she shouted out, but he was already flying through corridors of the abandoned ruins of the ark.
Eggman had lured Sonic there, through Amy, of course. But the real twist was that he was using Sonic’s chaos energy to start and ‘jump start’ the remaining Ark pieces he collected to launch it back into orbit again, and hopefully, start up his own experiments of engineered lifeforms again! Just like his dear old grandpappy!
Sonic saw some robots with spears charging in formation, and Amy held tighter as she noticed he had no where to go… but through them.
“SoooniiiiIIICCC!!” as he didn’t slow down, Amy shouted out, seeing his face look cocky with that signature smirk, and started to scale along the sides of the wall.
The robots followed his movements, as the first spear hit the robot behind it, and that robot hit the robot behind him, and so the entire army fell like domino without Sonic even having to lay a homing-attack on them.
“Waahhh!” Amy and Sonic landed back down once getting to the end of the line, and headed out before-
“Metal me!” Sonic turned, having a claw rip some quills off his head, and dropped Amy in the process.
“SOOONNIIICC!!” Amy was flung away from him and started to roll on the ground, as he shook his head and rubbed a wrist up against his muzzle.
“Urk… you caught me off guard…” he looked over Metal’s shoulder to Amy. “Hang on, Amy!” he then looked back to Metal, ready to fight, like old times!
“Fighting over the same girl again? You really need to get yourself a girlfriend.” Sonic teased, as Metal threw up his feet for a fast pace kick, but Sonic skillfully hit each swing he tried, matching him speed for speed…
“Ha! Is this all you’ve got? You’ve slowed down, Metal Me! Time to show you how much stronger I’ve really become!”
“Sonic!” Amy flung herself up from the ground, “Be careful!”
Sonic spun up into a ball, and launched himself at Metal.
Metal Sonic held his arms over himself in the ‘x’ formation, and tried to withstand Sonic’s quills shredding into him…
“Sonic…” Amy whined out, looking worried.
She placed both hands together and seemed to almost be praying, looking worriedly to Sonic. “You’ve got this… I know you can do it, Sonic!”
Metal’s glowing red eyes darted back to her face.
His computer screens locked on to her expression.
His eyes suddenly widened.
A memory clip played on the corner of his screen, seeing the same exact positioning and look in Amy’s eyes as she had when she was young… the first time he kidnapped her…
Metal Sonic registered a speed shift in Sonic, and darted his eyes back to the rotating, living spinball in his hands.
Sonic’s blurry ball suddenly glowed blue with his speed, triggering his blue blur speed as he made progressively increasing nudges towards Metal Sonic, having his grip weaken and sparks fly off Metal’s hands.
Metal looked amazed a moment, not understanding what triggered the shift in power, endurance, and speed, before Sonic nailed him in the chest, and he strained under the pressure to his core.
A few seconds later, and Sonic spun straight through him, as Metal Sonic fell to the ground, convulsing.
Sonic unspun, and grinned confidently down at Metal Sonic. He got up back on his feet from being on one knee and his hand out, with a bit of flare to the fast fight, and stood proudly tall.
“Heh. After 10 long years, you’re still just a bad copy and paste.”
Metal Sonic’s remaining engine flared, as his eyes blared red, his anger at that comment fully being expressed as he turned himself over to his back, and reeled his back into an arch, trying to desperately get up, and prove Sonic’s words otherwise…
Sonic just snickered, seeing his helpless state, and walked calmly over to Amy.
Metal Sonic’s eyes refocused from his hatred to see Sonic’s hand move in front of Amy.
“Let’s go.” he nodded, as Amy returned it.
Metal’s eye screens burst into windows.
Amy’s images of younger and older with the same exact expression each appeared before Metal’s conclusion of defeat.
His eyes spread out to their fartherest limits.
Sonic quickly turned back to look behind his shoulder, but Metal had already gotten to his feet, jets kicking in as he slammed into Amy, and thrust down the corridors.
“SOONIIC!!” Amy cried out, terrified, before summoning her hammer and hitting Metal on the head. “Let me go! Let me go! Don’t you ever give up!?”
Metal endured the head banging ‘piko’ noises from her hammer, before looking up, and seeing the radioactive chaos energy about at it’s peak.
His eye scanners concluded it to be toxic, and dangerous to Amy’s lung cacapity.
He flew up, as his fuel tanks on his feet had survived enough to keep him standing in the air, even if his main engine meant he couldn’t keep up with Sonic’s speed any longer.
Sonic did, in fact, catch up to him, and he quickly had to act fast.
He hovered over the toxic goop below him, as Sonic felt his chaos energy draining from inside him, and just like kryptonite, he slowly fell to his knees, twitching.
“What… what is this thing..?”
Metal’s eyes narrowed as he glared down at Sonic’s weakened state.
With his engine out, he concluded that Sonic’s speed would now be reduced to equal his own injuries, due to the chaotic effect of draining his inner power core…
He dropped Amy only to catch her with other hand, having her scream a moment to catch Sonic’s attention, as his head shot up to them.
“Soooonic!” Amy had dropped her hammer, and it was instantly disintegrated as it sank into the goop below…
Her eyes shook in horror, before bending her knees up to herself and holding her arms back. “Yeee! I think he’s really trying to kill me this time!” Amy cried out, as Sonic’s eyes held a slight fear in them.
“Metal! Stop!” Sonic swiped a hand out, but panted, sweat trinkling down the side of his face…
He had to place a hand out to balance himself, and lowered his head, closing his eyes as he tried to regain himself around the strange substance.
Eggman’s laugh slowly rose on the speakers, as Sonic looked around him.
“You’ve done wonderfully! My little blue creation~ Now, time to end this once and for all!”
Eggman’s walls revealed canons and guns, coming out from hidden, sliding panels to the side.
“S-shoot.” Sonic twitched more violently, the radioactive substance was starting to boil over, having enough power to be a power-source for launching the space colony arc’s remains back into the atmosphere.
“You’ve done wonders in helping out my plan, Sonic. I only feel it right to do you a favor…”
Eggman’s voice faded slightly.
“Give him the girl, Metal.”
Metal held a fixed stare on Sonic.
“…Metal? Hello? I-is this thing on? Orbot, is this thing on!? It is? Then why isn’t he… oh… no..”
Sonic’s head shot up again, “Don’t say that!”
Metal held his head up, matching Sonic’s proud look beforehand, before he released his hold on Amy.
“NOOO!!” Sonic charged forward.
“AHH!!!” Eggman’s voice shouted from the speakers, “Robots! Do something!”
Sonic scaled up the containment bowl, almost looking like a giant black cauldron, as Amy barely let out a noise in her shock from being released.
That look…
Sonic’s eyes narrowed on her expression.
So much fear.
So much sorrow.
His feet carried him faster than he mentally knew how to propel them, and the same streak of blue flew him across the wide chaos-draining goop, before grabbing Amy, and successfully clearing the distance.
Metal Sonic’s eyes widened in amazement, as he turned his head to watch them roll on the ground, Sonic getting up and helping Amy in his arms.
“Are you okay!?”
“I… I think so..” Amy panted, the toxins havin’ gotten into her lungs, and Metal concluded the poison of the exposure left residues of acid in them.
She would bleed a bit internally, but it wouldn’t kill her.
He glared…
“Metal! What on earth!? After all I’ve done to revive you to top-notch glory!”
Eggman’s voice was ignored, and Metal flew straight down…
For Amy.
“Sonic! Look out!” Though her voice did sound awful from the affects of breathing in the radioactive toxins, she managed to move Sonic out of the way.
Metal threw a clawed hand back.
“Ah!” Amy gasped, as Metal had frozen in the air.
He was twitching, the jets in his feet were giving way, and he smashed against the ground, not having enough ‘umph’ from his feet to keep him flying, and scrapped against the ground, sliding over to her.
His head twitched under the skidding screeching to keep his eyes fixed on his objective.
His arm still raised…
If he could destroy Sonic’s source of a power boost, he could beat him the next time! Without him having any help to stop Metal from obliterating him!!!
Sonic slid a foot down and knocked Metal off his course, having him roll and crash up against the wall, his head sparking and twitching so badly that he exploded, and a hand went flying out by Amy’s feet.
“Yeek!” She pulled away from it, before kicking it away, getting up on her feet and rushing to Sonic with her eyes squinted shut tight in fright.
“SONIC!” Amy jumped into his arms, as he held a moment, sighing in relief.
Instinctively, he put a hand on her head, and lowered his head to hers, panting still from exhaustion.
“It’s okay, Amy. You’re safe.” He looked up at Metal Sonic, and the look in Sonic’s eyes could only mean one thing.
“I would never let anything happen to you.” The level of depth in his voice broke through Amy’s small sobbing, as he peered down with such indignation.
“This wasn’t very fair, Eggman!” Sonic looked up to the ceiling, as the guns almost seemed to bow their heads down, personifying Eggman’s shame.
Sonic dipped his head down and to the side, as Amy’s hand moved up to hover by his head, as if also wanting him to turn away from looking so upset.
He looked down at her, but clearly, he wasn’t going to just ‘stop’ feeling upset that easily…
She gave him kind eyes… a soft expression to look at.
Immediately, he left out some air of tension, but held his protective stance and slight glare to Eggman’s guns.
“Whatever you’re planning.. I’ll be back to stop it! But first, at least let me get Amy out of here!”
Amy’s eyes arched, but she saw the guns slowly withdraw, obeying Sonic’s command.
Sonic looked back down at her. “I appreciate the encouragement,” he began, looking much, MUCH kinder towards her. “But I think it’s best I take it from here.”
She smiled slightly, and nodded as she dipped her head down. “Em,…right.”
He also bent his head down, “You’ll be safer there.”
“…I… I’m sorry I’m so much trouble.” she looked away.
He looked up over her head, surprised to hear her say that.
He laughed, mostly for her benefit, and then pulled away to look her over more carefully. “Trouble? I’m practically married to it!”
His joking grin made her feel a lot better, realizing he had said it to calm her down and comfort her.
She nodded and started to make her way out of the ark, him escorting and protecting her from behind.
Once he reached the door, he felt his power returning to him, and nodded to her when she turned around, staring a minute to convey that she would wait and be safe outside.
He gave her an encouraging thumbs up.
She gave him a beautiful smile.
His eyes arched at it, before looking down and gripping his hand he had just flexed into a thumbs up tight.
Metal Sonic… had noticed how much Amy’s face left an impression on him.
Eggman may be oblivious to it.. even she might pretend to be as well… but he can’t let it get that close again.
He ran back inside, looking determined to erase any hope of the Ark leaving earth’s floor every again!
He had to play it safe…
‘Sorry, Amy.’ he closed his eyes.
‘I can’t let you look at me that way again…’
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
I think out of all of them my favorite story of yours was "Metallic Need" because it's something that I have never seen anyone else do. And you did it so well, I was so hooked on this one I couldn't go to sleep until I finished it. I loved every single chapter. You really brough me to care for Metal Amy despite her being practically an OC (You pulled of a 50k story with an OC and made me enjoy every second of it, that's impressive).
You mean my MetalxOmochao story? (LOLOLOL SPOILER ALERT! HAHAHAH!!!)
Yeah… I always try to kill off the OC if I ever include one in a fanfiction. (Note: Old Wizy, Data, Metal creations, etc. Have all died and never return. The ones that survive are never heard of in any other story- example: Cosmic, Dark Amy, etc.)
I do love that story! I have a special place in my shipper heart for Metal Sonamy, and I liked showing the contrast of evil Sonamy vs. good Sonamy, and how Metal is just PLAIN EVIL. a few writers said they actually wanted him to end up with Metal Amy… I was like- DID YOU SEE WHAT HE DID!? but I guess that means the double-ending served a bit of it’s purpose? Still, I’m glad I pulled it off, it’s comforting to hear that. :3
That was the one where I tried to write detail on robotic makeout -shivers- Because I was too scared to do it with real characters xD
Anyway, thank you so much!!! :D I’ll try and get new stories out there for you to read when I find time and get my lists done! :) Thanks precious Anon! You made my night xD
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