operationlove · 6 months
*Puts on my rareship classes* Amy, Shadow... I raise you another hypothesis : Princess Blaze. After all they didn't fight each other in canon games, and they both are relatively introverted individuals with few 'social skills' and a cold class
Well I can say right now that Blaze isn't gonna be in the comic, the main characters have already been listed. But it's probably a good thing she isn't going to show up because I don't think all the readers are ready for my rareships just yet
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silvers-starrway · 4 months
How about another poly ship that, I think, is pretty rare, Metamaze (Metal Sonic/Amy Rose/Blaze)
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Ahhhh yay another poly ship!!!! I love their ship name so much, metamaze... that's so cool. Metal is like a (kinda) cuddleable space heater in my mind.
Request masterlist
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chaospears · 3 months
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so true 😔 @charlesinator @jayeuse @lyndexv
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jennsterjay · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Ooo a fic self recommendation list? Sign me up <3
I'm a multi-fandom fic writer but I've written a few fics
Here are my Top 5:
1) Fuck this, fuck that (and let me hold you)
Fandom: Spider-man: Across the Spiderverse
Pairing: Miles G Morales (Prowler Earth-42) x Ganke M Lee (Earth 42)
Rating/Tags: Not Rated,Hurt/Comfort,Confessions,Fluff,Romance
2) There Was Only One Bed
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog
Pairing: Knuckles the Echidna x Shadow the Hedgehog
Rating/Tags: Not Rated, Knuxadow, Summer vacation,Confessions,Action/Adventure
3) The Metamaze Saga
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog
Pairing: Metal Sonic x Amy Rose x Blaze the Cat
Rating/Tags: Teen, Polyamory, Action, Adventure, Angst with a Happy Ending, Multiple Sonic Games Referenced
4) This is Who I Am
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog
Pairing: Knuckles the Echidna x Shadow the Hedgehog
Rating/Tags: Teen, Action, Adventure
5) Cooking with Sans
Fandom: Undertale
Pairing: Sans (Undertale) x Reader
Rating/Tags: Teen, Friendship/Love, Summer Vacation, Slice of Life
If you out there have read any of these, I hope I put a smile on your face, made you laugh, made you feel, and wrote you a fun adventure :)
Thank you for your support, and happy fic reading ^^/
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dog-d · 2 years
Introspectabilia from ILLO on Vimeo.
introspectabilia.illo.tv is now live!
If you couldn't make it to our pop-up exhibition in Turin, we'd like to invite you to explore its web version. It features the 10 NFT artworks, the interactive experience & a wrap-up of the physical spaces.
Introspectabilia explores our relationship with technology by depicting 10 neologisms, each of them representing an emotion we often feel during our digital, intangible life.
1 — Pinterstellar (Pinterest + Interstellar) 2 — Pingophobia (Ping + Phobia) 3 — Notificanxious (Notification + Anxious) 4 — Metamazement (Metaverse + Amazement) 5 — AI-gasm (AI + Eye + Orgasm) 6 — Disconnectophobia (Disconnect + Phobia) 7 — Bleah-ssed (Bleah + Blessed) 8 — Loopnosys (Loop + Hypnosis) 9 — Not-ivation (Not + Motivation) 10 — NEFTE (No Emoji For This Emotion)
A project by illo.tv e algo.tv
NFTs — Creative Direction Ilenia Notarangelo + Design Ilenia Notarangelo, Cristina Pasquale, Arianna Cristiano, Sofia Buti, Jorge Gallardo, Andrea Vago, Dall-e2 + Animation Matteo Ruffinengo, Riccardo Chiara, Marco De Vecchi, Miguel D'Errico, David Cubitt, Valerio Di Maio, Marco Oggero + Producer Daniel Ceballos + Sound Design Fabrizio Martini

Exhibition — Creative Direction Cristina Pasquale + Project Lead Giovanna Crise + Physical Artworks Giovanna Crise, Sofia Buti, Cristina Pasquale, Alessandra Marin + Exhibition Set Up Giovanna Crise, Sofia Buti, Alessandra Marin, Laura Mazzarino, Jorge Gallardo, Andrea Vago + Animation Fabio Orlando + Event Management Ani Karamanukyan, Laura Mazzarino, Liliana Polidoro, Marina Barbieri
Digital Experience & Website — Creative Direction Luca Gonnelli, Ilenia Notarangelo + Design Camille Pagotto, Ilenia Notarangelo, Luca Gonnelli + Copywriting Luca Gonnelli + Development Nima Farzaneh, Matti

a Giordano
Branding & Concept — Creative Direction Ilenia Notarangelo + Art Direction Arianna Cristiano + Design Ilenia Notarangelo, Arianna Cristiano, Camille Pagotto, Andrea Vago + Concept & Copywriting Ilenia Notarangelo, Luca Gonnelli, Ani Karamanukyan, Arianna Cristino, Cristina Pasquale, Giovanna Crise + Animation Riccardo Chiara, Fabio Orlando
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alpha-beta-gamer · 4 years
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METAMAZE is an atmospheric little existential adventure where a 2D character dreams of moving in 3D.
Read More & Play The Full Game, Free (Windows & Browser)
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chaospears · 3 months
yo, dare you to give us some hcs or ships or something🔫
idk, I'm just bored and need something to do rn
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silvers-starrway · 4 months
Sonic Rarepair Requests!
So for pride month I thought it would be fun to take some art requests specifically for rarepairs in the fandom to show them some love!! The level of completion will just be what I'm feeling at any given moment but will likely stick to sketches or maybe flat colored pieces. Feel free to either reply to this post or send in an ask! I also retain the right to not do your request for any reason, hope y'all understand!!
Entries so far:
Sticks x Surge
Nicky x Amy
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jennsterjay · 6 months
The way I'm still getting comments on my Knuxadow fics and then a friend pulled out Metamaze rarepair content in 2024 (when I was the only one posting in the tag) has me gaining 9 lives and sailing the seven seas 💜💖💜💖💜💖💜 I love the Sonic Fandom!!
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jennsterjay · 3 years
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Wake up Sonic fam XD, new OT3 dropped
Welcome to the Metal Sonic x Amy x Blaze Ship, Metamaze
For you fic readers out there, I wrote an entire story surrounding these 3 that I’ll link below :) but I’ll also include part of the story below too (as a treat lmao)
I hope you like the artwork and enjoy the story!
[Background pictures and stone textures used: 
Trees: https://unsplash.com/photos/EDHst2XFkoo
Stone texture: https://unsplash.com/photos/LEd4OsXVqB8
Sakura Trees: https://unsplash.com/photos/0-0nQxBHJ84]
The Metamaze Saga, Full Story Link (and part of the story below)
You can read the full story here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36488248 
[A juicy part from the story]
Characters/Ship Focus: Blaze x Metal Sonic, and Amy Rose
“The duo that started as rivals, are now faced with another growing dynamic between them, that they realize they can't shy away from anymore. Not when they know each others feelings now more than ever, like the back of their hand. The quiet stares that linger on a bit too long, the little personal space when talking to each other, a pat on the shoulder here, a ruffling of the hair there as an excuse to talk and touch each other, wanting to hold each other's hand, sitting next to each other instead of either side of Amy, and sitting next to each other without Amy. They were both at their limit and haven't needed to voice their underlying feelings like this since the time they both confessed to Amy years ago. Now there was just the question of how Amy would feel, and if she had any advice. On the same day, both Blaze and Metal at two different times admit to Amy Rose that they like each other. Metal is the first to say that he loves Amy, and always will...but he's grown feelings for the cat too. Amy spits out her milk and tells him to continue. She enjoys his story like a sitcom and Amy gives him advice, and gives him the go ahead. Blaze, unaware that Metal did the same a few hours ago, also tells Amy she loves her very much (Amy tries not to laugh) and Blaze says she's considering dating Metal Sonic. Amy tries not to spit out her coffee from laughter, knowing the caffeine isn't helping. Despite Amy's attempt to remain calm, Blaze has pieced together that Metal had also told Amy the same thing, the irony. Amy listened to Blaze's story and feels like she was reading the other half of a point of view fanfiction, and was very entertained. Amy then gave Blaze the same advice she gave Metal with slightly different wording, and Amy gives her the go ahead. When Metal and Blaze confess to each other, the buildup and execution is Oscar-worthy and Amy is watching with binoculars from the woods into her own home silently cheering them on”....
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jennsterjay · 3 years
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Blaze, Amy, and Metal Sonic fall asleep on their couch... Blaze is probably how I'd wind up sleeping lmao
Their Brief Backstory: When all three were younger/ close to their canon age, Blaze and Metal became rivals and often played a lot of catch-and-release with Amy, where Metal Sonic would try to capture Amy for Eggman, and Blaze would often save her when she was still in their dimension. When they got older, Blaze had to return to her dimension but promised to return to make Amy her girlfriend. A few years passed and Eggman was defeated for the last time, so Metal Sonic tried to avenge him by taking matters into his own hands. He was defeated, and later rebooted by Tails with empathy processing and free will. After Tails, Amy approached him and they became friends for the first time. Metal then reveals that Eggman had a secret last resort called Project Doomsday that was essentially a mega robot war. With Metal Sonic's help, Sonic and team wins the war and know how to defeat every robot. After the war, Metal Sonic finds Amy, and the two live together at Amy's house. Metal confesses to her, and Amy says she loves him too but she's waiting on someone so she can't accept his confession. Metal says no prob, and that he'll support her no matter who she wind's up with. Fast forward and Blaze returns, joyed to see Amy, but confused and suspicious of Metal Sonic. After some chaotic rival shenanigans where Amy is forced to choose one of them, she admits that she loves both of them and wants to for the rest of her life. After a few hiccups, Blaze and Metal Sonic finally put aside their rivalry to love Amy equally and make their dynamic work. After a few years of dating Amy, the two also realize that they have a lot in common and date each other two. Shortly after that, Metal finds some ancient tech to decipher and tells Blaze that the files in the tech suggests she's from another dimension other than the Sol Dimension. With Amy's permission, the two travel across several dimensions until they find the lost dimension of where Soleanna is. Blaze regains her memories and true powers, and due to dimensional shenanigans, Metal Sonic returns as an 80% organic hedgehog. He has an Iron-manlike power core in his chest, bones of metal like Wolverine, and with his normal arm he can can manifest projections to show his thoughts and data findings, and turn them into usable formats like a USB stick or a Hard Drive. From then on, the three live together in a relationship and bounce around between Amy's dimension and Blaze's dimension. {Ages} Amy and Blaze: 22-24 Metal Sonic: ??? Ageless/ Physically 23-25 ------------------------------------------- Art: Quick colored doodle. With this pic I wanted to draw them with the Polyamorous Flag colors somehow since I thought the flag looked cool. The colors in the flag are blue, red, black, and gold/yellow, and I used them in a low-keyish way here. It was fun messing around with the color palate here and it really gives it a lofi vibe lmao. Sonic Lgbt+ Lofi beats to study to XD Till next time, catch ya later with more art and stay safe out there
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jennsterjay · 3 years
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Metal Sonic (Future)
This is a quick doodle of Metal Sonic from my Metamaze (Metal x Amy x Blaze) Fic here lol: archiveofourown.org/works/3648… He turns into an 80% Mobian Hedgehog after he helps his partner Blaze the Cat find the lost dimension where Soleanna exists. When he returns with Blaze to Sonic's dimension where Amy is, dimensional shenanigans result in him no longer being all robot. His red and black glove work similar to Silver's, except is is powered by the Iron-manlike power core in his chest. Specifically his powers are more projection based, so he can create diagrams and show his thoughts and memories. He can also solidify this holographic information into a usable format like a USB stick, CD, Hard Drive, or anything that can transfer data. These are the only things he can really make into a solid form though without much trouble.   Metal started as a robot so he doesn't have a clear age but the trio is in their late 20's by the end of the story.
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