vexedsystem · 1 year
Term Coining Post - Memory Writing
Noun - [eks-oh-mem-wahr]
A written record of (exo)memories from outside the current timeline that the body did not experience.
Noun - [soo-doh-mem-wahr]
A written record of false (pseudo)memories that the body did not experience.
Noun - [met-uh-mem-wahr]
A written record of memories of metaphysical or spiritual nature.
Credit to co-coiners Butterfly Houses & Morpho Collective!
Terminology Derived from...
Memoir - Noun
A written record of a person’s knowledge of events or of a person's own experiences.
Exo- - Prefix
Outside, outer.
Pseudo- Prefix
Meta- - Prefix
1. Occurring later than or in succession to, after. 2. Situated behind or beyond. 3. Change, transformation
Other Sources Used
Pluralpedia - Exomemory
Pluralpedia - Pseudomemory
Pluralpedia - Metagenic
Pluralpedia - Spirigenic
Pluralpedia -Parogenic
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entomo-maniac · 1 year
I believe that Able being hit in the head by a rock explains a lot of his character. 
A hit on the frontal lobe can cause:
(Attention) Changes in activation and orienting responses and decreased directed forms of attention.
(Social and emotional behavior) Lack of respect for social norms, emotional lability, sexual inadequacy, excessive familiarity, and inadequate emotional interpretation.
(Language) Aphasia, mutism, naming errors, and lack of verbal control over behavior.
(Memory) Amnesia, defects in working memory, and metamemory.
(Motor skills) Pathological reflexes, neglect, tone and gait abnormalities, changes in sphincter control, hyperactivity, utilization behavior, and perseverance.
(Perception) Limitations in eye movements and inadequate perceptual interpretation.
(Personality) Moria, impulsivity, pseudo-depression, and pseudo-psychopathy.
(Intellectual processes) Difficulties of abstraction, concept formation, and tendency to present infantile ways of thinking.
So, what's the big deal with this? The big deal with all of this is in real-life examples of serial killers who suffered from a head injury during their childhood and adolescence, examples are Ed Gein, Jerry Brudos, Gary Heidnik, Richard Ramirez, Henry Lee Lucas, and Alexander Pichushkin.
The symptoms listed above are from Dysexecutive syndrome, noted before to be caused from a head injury, specifically in the frontal lobe, the most notorious symptoms of Able correspond to social and emotional behavior, personality, and intellectual processes, which are noted in his article.
(I don't know if Dr.Clef has this in mind while doing the revision, but I like this explanation better than "he just has the mind of an edgy teenager" that is usually writen).
Summary: Abel probably has Dysexecutive syndrome and that Cain really fucked up big time.
So thanks for reading my little thoughts before bed.
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maaarine · 7 months
The Philosophy of Metacognition: Mental Agency and Self-Awareness (Joëlle Proust, 2013)
"Similarly, children tested on various forms of cognitive control, self-evaluation, and source monitoring have trouble distinguishing the perceptual appearance from the real nature of objects (such as a sponge that looks like a rock) before they reach four to five years of age.
The development of epistemic self-evaluations in human children, furthermore, appears to be roughly parallel to that of mindreading.
When three-year-olds are asked whether they know what is inside a box they have never seen before, they, surprisingly, find it difficult to make a reliable judgement.
They often answer with a guess, but do not seem to distinguish knowing from guessing before the age of four or even later. (…)
Similarly with the control and monitoring of memory: children do not seem to try to retrieve events or names before they have understood that they have a mind able to remember.
On the basis of such evidence, Josef Perner has persuasively argued that the development of episodic memory in children derives from the ability to introspect an ongoing experience and interpret it as representing an actual past event. 
His explanation is in line with Flavell’s: children do not possess episodic memory until they are able to understand the representational nature of their own minds.
A longitudinal study by Lockl and Schneider (2007) explores the parallel between children’s competence in mindreading and metamemory: both co-vary with language development.
Children’s level of expertise in metamemory at age five is predicted by that of mindreading at age four. 
In summary, when asked to verbally report about what they know, what appears to them, what they can remember, and so on, children seem unable to offer reliable answers before they are able to read their own minds.
However, once they have acquired, through verbal communication, the concepts for the basic mental states, and thereby become able to understand how other agents can be wrong about the world, children learn to attribute errors and misrepresentation to themselves as well."
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exd1000 · 3 months
Day 31:
Early morning (as per usual) worked out. Was still sore from yesterday but pushed through. It does not matter how slow you go as long as you keep going right haha. Definitely need more rest/sleep but you know what luckily for me I can try to focus on that too lmao. I’m really grateful for the universe bc wow how did it all just happen to be like this. It gets me all excited and giddy just even thinking about it bc I know that if things are right for me the universe always has my back and gives me actual signs. I know it sounds hokey pokey but it is what it is. Obviously I am still barely learning to trust the universe (/myself bc clearly it is also a part of me) but each and every time I do it never proves me wrong. The only time it proves me wrong is when I’m vehemently going against something I know is against myself/morals/feelings/thoughts/etc. I can’t even express how truly grateful I am for everything. Blessed be universe.
I’m gonna lay in bed and rest up a bit bc I’m honestly exhausted but I’ll look into more articles/work later then get ready for the bonfire. Hopefully I get back at a decent time then I’ll text Noah to take the dogs out bc I also want to hang out with him too. Idk I just am really happy and grateful for all the people I’m meeting and how great they are. New chapter with new characters haha. But I really need to slow it down with all this people meeting bc I also need to prioritize and focus on my work. Thank you universe for blessing me with an abundance of people I pray you now give me the guidance, strength, courage, and willpower to help me figure out and move forward with my work/studies to be successful.
Looking into all these articles I have so many tabs opened but apparently that's just a thing especially if you're a researcher BC YOU NEED TO READ ALL THESE RELATED RESEARCH ARTICLES LMAO. But I think I'm getting closer to what specificities I am interested in. I have always been super into memories and how that is the quintessence of who we are. The absolute epitome of a human being.
Semantic encoding (processing the meaning of information) and decoding is something that is similar/very on par to this. I am also interested in metamemory/consciousness/the self because essentially that is the idea I aim to do. And I am also interested in AI/memory models simulating human processes and behavior because I want to be able to simulate that. But the thing is I am not trying to understand consciousness or study memory models in depth. It is more so the memories that I want to study. The autobiographical memory and narratives we tell ourselves. It hangs upon our morals and belief systems as well but to not get too philosophically involved let's just leave it at narratives. I am interested in how semantic memory is processed and how that relates to what we tell ourselves and embodies who we are as individuals. And so I will continue reading because this is love to me. I am really in love.
Currently at the bonfire and it is a bit weird not really my kind of people but it’s okay! So I won’t be able to hang out with Noah tonight bc it is a bit late and that’s okay but he texted me he’s at the beach too!! So funny. He also sent me a pic of his nephew so cute haha but also ??
Anyway I want to make this short bc I just got home and showered and honestly I am exhausted and tomorrow is also an early morning. I really really really don’t want to be with anyone honestly truly. And so while I do find myself giddy with Noah we both said we aren’t looking for anything. This is strictly for the dogs and that’s it. Also in every event in every thing in life I am doing it alone. I do not want to be with someone where I am texting them at an event. Either they are there with me or they are not. I am full on my own and they will just miss out. Like for example Noah didn’t make it to the pool party yesterday but he checked in with me and it’s like meh you are not even my boyfriend. I will no longer text anyone when I am elsewhere and they are not there. I am not attached to anyone I am just my own self and I am usually happier at events and places myself. I’ve been single for quite awhile already. Or should I say I havent had an actual bf for quite awhile already so I am doing things on my own and I like it that way. I don’t want them coming around for the most part if at all bc I am that person lmao. So if I were to be with someone and they were to come with me as my actual boyfriend then I would have to be REALLY into him to tell people we are together. Otherwise I don’t want anyone there with me as anything or calling him anything of mine. Okay that is it I feel like I’m just blabbering bc I’m so tired. Goodnight.
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surveycircle · 2 years
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "What Matters in Eyewitness Identification" https://t.co/VduwghfmND via @SurveyCircle #identification #eyewitness #psychology #metamemory #EyewitnessIdentification #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/POb0E8SB6o
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Mar 29, 2023
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abwwia · 2 years
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Melanie Bonajo and Kinga Kielczynska, Metamemory from the series Modern Life Of The Soul, 2007, dye coupler print, 23 5/8 × 34 5/8 in
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neurosciencenews · 7 years
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Brain Changes Accompany Development of Metamemory from Childhood to Adolescence
Being able to assess our own memories helps us to avoid errors and prompts us to collect more information to fill the gaps. Psychologists know that this ability is present in elementary school-age children. Now a new study shows how this "metamemory" improves from childhood through adolescence, with accompanying changes in brain structure.
The research is in PNAS. (full access paywall)
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solipsistful · 3 years
metamemory nonsense:
ace (or the body’s shared memories? hard to differentiate :V):
significant bias toward semantic rather than episodic memory. things fade pretty quickly into The Void after like a few weeks lmao
ties memories to places. i can tell you were we were when listening to certain podcast episodes for the first time. i can tell you where on the page, like vertically, certain passages in novels are most of the time. this is an entirely useless way to structure childhood memories when you lived in the same house for the first 18 years of life.
outright dissociative compartmentalization for pre-system memories. can't report on a specific event? ask again later, when different subsystem parts are fronting
continued emotional amnesia all the hell over the place, rip
pre-system memories pretty much entirely semantic, with gaps on the scale of "did I have siblings? lol idk, probably unanswerable"
apparently some influence on shared memories by forgetting interpersonal exchanges like immediately and things more or less going straight into semantic memory. i stg please remember something episodically i’m begging you.
the closest thing to "normal"?? we think??? one time we were at, like, not quite a fair but a day when this local park fills with booths and activities, and Eli surprised us all by going "lol the fairs my parents took me to when I was younger were a lot more impressive, here have some pretty convincing decently vivid memories of that” like lol.
memories are tied up in the age slider thing, like he knows his entire timeline but certain memories are actually "relevant" depending, with "future" stuff feeling very hypothetical. (i should ask him whether that means, like, episodic vs. semantic or what.)
probably not more able to remember things, not really, but definitely more likely to recall things. "Hey this reminds me of this thing that happened in our past" (me: "oh yeah, but i would've never thought of that, wtf.")
- ace
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johnlo101 · 6 years
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biopsychs · 5 years
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Spent the day studying at a coffee shop for my psychology of memory final this week. Today I covered lectures on: metamemory, memory and reality, memory and the law, memory and development, and amnesia.
The material is so interesting and I really want to learn everything I can but this is my last final so I don't have much energy for studying at this point.
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surveycircle · 2 years
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "The Effect of Age and Metamemory on Eyewitness Identification" https://t.co/5yZyXLeinx via @SurveyCircle #EyewitnessIdentification #metamemory #accuracy #UniversityOfPortsmouth #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/kT1dEow8vs
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Dec 23, 2022
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somedaysitry · 6 years
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It started as a joke, but I attach memes as an appendix to all my stats assignments. It keeps the TAs happy when they have a ton of similar assignments to grade. Sometimes I make a bonus meme that’s more about my week than stats jokes. Positive news for this week: I submitted my first big project to the IRB on Monday. There is still so much to do, but that submission was the culmination of 21 days straight in the lab or library. It has to go full-board because I study physical state variables and metamemory, which means that I have to alter one group’s physical state in order to make a proper comparison. IRB cares less about how well-normed the IAPS is and more about the fact that I’m asking to show people pics that have ‘mutilation’ as their description. Valid. 
Less-positive news: I have a migraine that is making it impossible for me to concentrate on the reading an assignment due tomorrow. My first midterm of the semester is also tomorrow morning. I feel ok about the material, but wish my brain would stop going full-Hildegaard and let me get some studying in.
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Creating an adaptable intelligence with metamemory is a big step towards making machines that have memories like ours.
 #ML #AI #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #deeplearning #datascience #metamemory #fintech #softwaredevelopment
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tabbednews · 2 years
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Artificial Intelligence With Metamemory Acts More Humanlike
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ebouks · 2 years
The Oxford Handbook of Metamemory
The Oxford Handbook of Metamemory
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usunezukoinezu · 3 years
''The term metamemory refers to one's personal knowledge of his or her own memory system. It seems that much of the difference between good and poor learners can be attributed to metamemory. Bransford (1979) has summarized this: . . . (E)ffective learners know themselves what they need to know and do in order to perform effectively; they are able to monitor their own levels of understanding and mastery. These active learners are therefore likely to ask questions of clarification and more efficiently plan their study activities. Such activities are quite different from passively accepting (yet momentarily actively processing) the particular information that a person or text presents, (p. 248)''
-Diane F. Halpern
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