#mexican president
mexicanistnet · 3 months
Regarding alleged practices of nepotism by politicians who are part of the Fourth Transformation, the President commented that politics is an ethical imperative, “it is a noble profession.” In this regard, he assured that it is necessary to banish corruption from the country.
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tooquirkytolose · 9 days
I just watched red white and royal blue and I find it highly unrealistic that they never had Alex's brown mexican ass ragging on british cuisine like not even ONCE
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soyalexnajera · 2 months
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The 1st mexican presidential debate ended like 1 hour ago and i just wanna say that we are so doomed no matter who wins 💀
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vicisbookishblog · 7 months
Gonna frame that:
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kuruk · 7 months
white liberal lgbt americans kind of have a little bit of an oppression fantasy though sorry for phrasing it like that lol but it feels like they get some weird excitement out of this sort of thing. I've seen a lot of them end their posts telling people to vote for biden with how not voting for biden is going to endanger "queers and people of color and anyone who's not a white cishet christian" and pretend they care about what's happening to black people and latinos and immigrants but you can tell they're mostly talking about how they're scared of getting killed for being a gay atheist or whatever
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deadpresidents · 5 months
It is perfectly manifest that General Taylor is very hostile to the administration and seeks a cause to quarrel with it. This he shall not have unless he places himself wholly in the wrong, as indeed he has already done. He is evidently a weak man and has been made giddy with the idea of the Presidency. He is most ungrateful, for I have promoted him, as I now think beyond his deserts, and without reference to his politics. I am now satisfied that he is a narrow-minded, bigoted partisan without resources and wholly unqualified for the command he holds...I am now satisfied that anybody would do better than Taylor. Taylor is no doubt brave and will fight, but is not fit for a higher command than that of a Regiment. I have no prejudice against him, but think he has acted with great weakness and folly.
-- President James K. Polk, on General Zachary Taylor, commander of U.S. troops during the Mexican-American War, in a personal diary entry, November 21, 1846.
General Taylor's military success in Mexico had raised his profile nationally and made him a popular potential candidate for political office, which bothered President Polk, despite the fact that Polk only intended to serve a single, four-year term in the White House. As Taylor became more popular, President Polk worked to sideline him and eventually replaced him as commander with General Winfield Scott (who had political ambitions of his own). Much to Polk's chagrin, Taylor was easily elected President in 1848 and succeeded the retiring Polk, who died just over 100 days later in June 1849. President Taylor barely outlasted Polk, and died in office in July 1850.
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nando161mando · 5 months
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"Three people, including two children, who were seeking asylum in the US drowned while trying to reach the US near the border city of Eagle Pass, where the Biden administration says Texas has begun denying access to border patrol agents."
Mexican authorities alerted border patrol in the US that the people were drowning, however they were denied access to the area by National Guard, put in place by the Texas governor.
After the death of the three asylum seekers, the DHS even stated, "The Texas governor’s policies are cruel, dangerous, and inhumane, and Texas’s blatant disregard for federal authority over immigration poses grave risks."
Asylum seekers are fleeing conditions made possible by US imperialism and capitalist globalization. US politicians are using them as scapegoats to deflect from worsening conditions in the US. People caught in the middle at the borders are dying.
Full article here:
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champmorado · 20 days
is it dumb if i hc that humanized cruz ramirez's name would be corazon cruz ramirez?
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qkmlh · 26 days
The fact that my tía y tío are deadass there rn getting to watch the fight in person ohhhh I know tía’s gonna be losing it either way
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Mexico's President Vicente Fox and wife Martha Sahagun accompany Russia's Vladimir Putin during a welcome ceremony at the Mars Camp in Mexico City, 07 June 2004. Putin is on a two-day trip, the first to Mexico, aimed at boosting his country's economic and political relationship with Mexico.
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mexicanistnet · 4 months
AMLO hammered away at the specter of online bots – phantom social media accounts he asserts are mobilized by shadowy forces to sully his name… Insisting these virtual armies threaten to brainwash Mexico's youth, AMLO unveiled a new recurring segment: “Who's Who in Bots”.
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kdevasier · 5 months
Understanding the Current Border Debate in Congress
On Joe Biden's first day in the White House, he sent a bill to Congress to reform America's immigration system. Called the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, it would have done what Republicans have been wanting, which has been to provide more security for the U.S./Mexican border. The bill did not pass, but lately, Republicans have been arguing that Biden has done nothing to address the influx of migrants at the southern border. So lets discuss what the bill would specifically have done, and why it did not pass.
First, briefly, here is a quick overview of what the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 would have done:
1.) Provide a roadmap for undocumented immigrants to apply for temporary legal status, with the ability to apply for green cards after five years if they pass criminal and national security background checks and pay their taxes. 
2.) Allocate additional funding for the Secretary of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to develop and implement a plan to deploy technology to expedite screening and enhance the ability to identify narcotics and other contraband at every land, air, and sea port of entry. 
3.) Improve the immigration courts by expanding family case management programs, reducing immigration court backlogs, expanding training for immigration judges, and improving technology for immigration courts.
3.) Create a $4 billion four-year inter-agency plan to address the underlying causes of migration in the region, which would include increasing assistance to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, conditioned on their ability to reduce the endemic corruption, violence, and poverty that causes people to flee their home countries. 
There is a lot more to the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, but the point is that the bill would have tackled the root cause of migrants from Central America, provided a pathway for undocumented individuals to escape legal limbo and become citizens, and bolstered security at the southern border. Everything that the Republicans would want, right? Nope.
In a recent interview with CNN, Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) said: "Let me tell you, I’m not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden’s approval rating." In another interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), in response to Tapper's questions of accepting Biden's offer to allocate $14 billion in supplemental aid to bolster security at the border for right now, he responded with "no." With the economy improving and the 2024 elections rapidly approaching, Republicans recognize that the issue at the border will an excellent cudgel for them to hit Biden and Democrats with. Sadly, it also means that no serious measures will not be taken unless voters decide to put serious people in charge to solve the problem.
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mordcore · 1 year
currently pondering the irony of mexicans being told to go back to mexico in usa states like california, texas, new mexico... because the fact that the us of a literally stole that territory from mexico in 1848.
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huh gun had reminded me of porsche a bit out of mannerisms and his most carefree moments but nothing like just watching him sweep to remind me where porsche was at the start of his journey idk
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 years
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kenmakaashi · 1 year
i just know I find gun’s mom especially hot in this episode 5 part 4/4 cause she looks latina
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