lovtoken · 3 months
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virgincognito · 5 months
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xxxlandofthedarkxxx · 11 months
Igh soooo im trying to get back into playing videogames to distract myself from eating anddd have no friends to play withhh sooo if u struggling and as well and need to distract yourself by getting back into ur old hobbie of playing videogames like me, hmuu🤙🏻
Been wanting to play minecraft with ppl but legit have no friends.. so yeh add meXp
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millschell · 4 years
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Les presento a Talim el hijo de Perú y México💖👌😎
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king-lindsworld · 4 years
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mitsukim07 · 5 years
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shadowoflegend · 6 years
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"Mun just tried her luck against a Valstrax! Needless to say it completely destroyed her, foolish woman!"
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"Although she did successfully slay a Gravios so credit were credit is due I guess".
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sfrawstakwa · 4 years
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—— for more go here... https://tsusocial.page.link/ewhg8zRkvkno87vN8 —— #originalcontent #authenticengagement #collaborativeefforts #mutualsupport —— #frawstakwaforyou —— (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD2uHX-MExp/?igshid=1raqbqme4rbjl
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jornal-do-reboucas · 4 years
Histórias Sobre Expedicionários Depois Da Guerra
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Há três quarto de século, ainda ouvia-se falar indiscriminadamente em neuróticos de guerra quando se referia a ex-combatentes da Força Expedicionária Brasileira (FEB).  Depois de serem testemunhas oculares dos horrores da guerra, muitos pracinhas, quando retornaram ao país, preferiram um local de retiro até mesmo isolado do restante da população.
Documento histórico raro é um artigo intitulado “Representantes da FEB respondem a Sylvio Back”, cineasta que atacou de frente a FEB, pondo em questão sua importância na Itália.
Indignados, veteranos e representantes da Legião Paranaense do Expedicionário se manifestaram: “A presença brasileira na Itália foi efetiva [...]. A tomada de Montese, pela FEB, representa uma das mais destacadas ações militares, porque dela resultou o sucesso da ofensiva americana [...]. Mas, a percepção atual é de reconhecimento e gratidão.
Conheci o Major Jonas, que optou em viver em um sítio retirado de Mangaratiba, RJ.  O local era calmo, sem o costumeiro barulho da cidade, um convívio equilibrado com a natureza. O lugar marcou parte da minha infância, pois quando fomos visitá-lo também havia um grupo de jovens da igreja, que animava o ambiente, com instrumentos musicais, cantos e orações, além da leitura de um “relatório” no final do dia, que entregava todos os convivas [...].
O Major Jonas, ex-integrante do 2º RI, Regimento Sampaio, evitava falar sobre a 2ª GM, mesmo porque perdeu companheiros da caserna. No entanto, conseguimos visitar uma sala reservada de material da guerra, inclusive dos alemães, trazido da Itália: medalhas, mapas, armamentos, a temida metralhadora “Lurdinha”, capacetes, bússola, etc.
Quase trinta anos depois, já servindo no 6º Grupo de Artilharia de Costa Motorizado, Praia Grande, SP, conheci e convivi com o famigerado Capitão Galileu, de Comunicações, que tinha autorização para andar fardado e prestar serviços no quartel. Jogava basquete, costume que adquiriu com os americanos durante a guerra na Itália [...].
Sempre bem-humorado, trazia assuntos novos para a reunião de oficiais, normalmente jornalísticos. Gostava de fazer pegadinhas, obrigando os oficiais a manterem-se atualizados para discussão, durante o briefing matinal com o comandante. [...].
Quando puder, aproveite para visitar o Museu do Expedicionário. Contatos: (41) 3362 8231, [email protected], www.museudoexpedicionario.5rm.eb.mil.br
Horários de visitação: De 3ª a 6ª feira: 09 às 12 e das 14 às 17 h. Sab, Dom e Feriados: 10 às 12 e das 14 às 17 h. Visitas guiadas podem ser agendadas mediante contato prévio e a entrada é franca.
Sugere-se a consulta periódica aos sites www.jornaldoreboucas.com.br, www.eb.mil.br e www.5de.eb.mil.br. Neste último você poderá encontrar a coletânea de artigos FEB-75 ANOS DE GLÓRIA, com as histórias dos Heróis brasileiros e o que viveram para contar.
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launch-3-telecom · 5 years
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ADC 1147587 FGS-MEXP-E-A/B/F #adc1147587 #1147587. View here: https://t.co/teH2UlzbAs
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malcolmfranokusky · 4 years
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Boom bitch! made my own damn diet plan 4 meXp ima start this coming weekk lets fucking go🤘🏻🦇🫀🌑✨️
Alsooo think ima start making diets 4 the fun of it lol I actually had fun making itXp🖤
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maccckyca · 6 years
Omgasdf! You are such a bae😍🤤
I take your compliment but don't see it on mexP
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millschell · 4 years
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king-lindsworld · 4 years
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He vuelto y en forma de ficha XD
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draugsresurrection · 7 years
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Personal Skills & Learned Skills Sketch -----
Okaaay, this is a tiny bit of a mess, but I'm just trying to convey a bunch of half-baked ideas without wasting too much time on them. Okay. It's a huge, hideous blight, but bare with it for a minute. It's just a short-term sketch. As mentioned last post, I'm behind on working on new weapon features. That has been sorted out, but there's now the issue of how the player interfaces with some part of them.
The first image shows how the Status screen look right now. It needs to be shrunk to fit two more weapons in it. It'll have to lose the Skill mention there, but no big deal.
Two new screens (one for Learned Weapon Skills, one for Personal Skills) need to be added, either within Status (rest of column 1), or change the base menu screen to have a new item, Custom (column 2's first two entries). From there, these three images try a bunch of different ways to show locked off skills, selected skills, and the cursor itself. Because I'd have a bunch of dead space otherwise, I threw in an image of Options, because it's really the only place where 'a box with circle edges' is used as a marker. Which may be an option, but I'm not really feeling it here.
Now, I'm basically just trying to get a feel (and opinions) about what works and looks the best. It should be noted that one advantage to sticking these new menus in Status is that I could also pop up a window to detail the data about the selected spell (and I could even retrofit this to show the stats of the Weapon Subtypes or the existing spells the chacters know). This is shown, sorta, in 1-3, although it's showing Cyclone when it should be Purify.
Oh, and I guess I should clarify, though I think it's clear enough. For both Learned Weapon Skills and Personal Skills, you can choose ONE at a time, but you can change it whenever you want. For Learned Weapon Skills, they're unlocked at weapon levels 2 and 5. Out of 7. Personal Skills can be unlocked by spending a particular kind of experience (known in-code as Excess Magic Experience, but nevermind that). Their actual cost varies, but these skills generally aren't something you'd unlock until you use the character for quite a fair while.
Actually, on that note, there's also a second kind of Weapon Experience in much the same manner as that. I guess that should probably be shown somewhere, too. It's used with particular NPCs to buy stat upgrades. While MExp is collected when you're not learning a spell, WExp is collected when you've mastered your current weapon.
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