boltedfruit · 8 months
While I've been sick this week now I've been rethinking my MFT applications. I'm wondering if I shouldn't just do a post bacc for premed instead, then go to med school to pursue psychiatry.
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dykearthurmorgan · 1 year
made for this haters when they're reminded that nurse, leatherface, oni, blight, hillbilly, myers, ghostface, huntress, clown, deathslinger, trickster, wesker, starstruck, NOED, blood echo. fearmonger, make your choice, devour, hubris, dragon's grip, and 1,000 other exposed addons or exhaustion addons exist:
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lieselotte-sky · 3 days
Kristova noho, tohle je sen každého hipstera >__<. A k dovršení děsu je to ještě MFT >__<. To doporučím známému s tím, že mu to půjde k plnovousu :3
Bože to je něco jak nu metalista v Hodně Civic, to se nedá :3 :3
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grayfxce · 10 months
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sanssarcasm · 1 year
Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco
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Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco
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grokwrites · 2 years
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Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco
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karingottschalk · 2 years
We Recommend Lumix USA's Lumix Live Live Stream Webinars for In-Depth Information About Panasonic's Latest Releases
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lukolabrainrot · 13 days
I have a few thoughts on the Spain trip and the timing of Luke’s post the day after A posted the story.
I want to focus on the slide with the two people on the beach. I do not believe that this picture is of two random people on the beach. He could have easily panned the camera to the left or right or even cropped these people out of the picture. I think he was deliberate in leaving those people in the picture because he is laying crumbs for the fans. I think the picture is of him and NC. If you look at her picture with a fan after she returned from Malta, her face is tanned looking like she was on a sunny vacation. I know Malta is sunny but she was there for work and I heard most of that work was in a studio. She did go on a boat tour with JD (rumored) but they were in a covered area of the boat. Is there a possibility that she joined L in Spain for a few days after she completed filming MFT? I also believe the trip was recent and I do not put too much thought into his hair length because they may be changing the style for S4 and it does not need to be as long.
The other theory I have is regarding A’s post on her insta story the day before to make it look she was with him. I think there was some manipulation on the picture to make it look she was there hence the flashing to distract. She may have known about this promotional deal with the hotel from earlier but she was not there. What if L with the aid of N set a trap for her and she fell for it by telling her when he was going to post? He let her have her moment to try to deceive the fandom and then he came in with his post debunking that she was there. Most of his postings seem NC or Bton coded and was set up to make it appear he was there by himself. I believe he was there by himself at some parts but a certain blonde may have joined him for a part of the stay. She guided him on what pictures he should take including that white t-shirt which to me is reminder of the Shameless t-shirt she was wearing.
In closing I think L is learning how to play this SM game from L and I believe they are strategizing on getting him through this rough patch. We probably will not see a confirmation of their relationship until later this year. We possibly could get a hard launch at the Wicked premiere in November which puts some distance between them the chaotic summer.
One more thing regarding L’s like on A’s post and him still following her. I do not believe they are still together and him liking her pictures is probably some sort of deal they have which allows him to gradually distance from her without additional chaos. She has demonstrated that she is as cunning as a fox and is messy. I have noticed a pattern on likes from members of his family on the last 3 post to her grid. The last upload his mother liked the photos but then it was unliked after a few days. His aunt and his friend Carla have also liked the bobble head pose post but then they unliked it. I believe L probably brought them up to speed. She is also vigorously looking for modeling and dance gigs based on who she follows and unfollows.
Looking forward to your thoughts.
Hi Anon, I'm intrigued by your theories. I'll respond with a bullet point to each paragraph:
I don't think the couple is of him and N personally. The woman seems wayyyy too tall to be N 😅 Lukey Newts is great at a lot of things, SM and pics are not one of them LOL I think it's just a random couple tbh. N did have a little bit of a sunburn in Malta, so idk if the fan pics really prove she was in Spain with him.
HOWEVER, I flip flop between if either A or N were actually on this trip with him, but I will say this. 1) L was quick to clear up the rumors that were circulating about his post in his stories (which is new behavior for him). He said look, N and I are good. Also, look at all this stuff for one person. NO, A WAS NOT WITH ME. I think whatever SM agreement he and A have includes him letting her know when he is going to post something on his grid or stories. So I think he knew she was going to do her normal SM games, and he wanted to be the one to have the last word. 2) The pics of him in his post-- HE IS LOOKING GOOD. So I do think someone took some of those photos of him (and we know who takes great photos of him 😉). This (and the fact that he just looked glowy and happy) is the only thing that makes me think maybeeeee N did join him for a little bit on the trip. But I do agree that it seems like his post and stories had a lot of nods to N and/or Bridgerton Season 3, and I think he was getting pointers from N regardless if she was there or not. Hmmm, I wonder why that might be? 🤔😂
"I think L is learning how to play this SM game from N and I believe they are strategizing on getting him through this rough patch." I 100% agree with this! I think IF L/N are currently together, we are going to get a confirmation before the Wicked premiere. Mainly because of the fact that the paps are so far up their butts, and the wilding that is happening in some parts of the fandom. I think they would rather control the narrative and squash the wild speculation atp. HOWEVER, who knows?? I really don't have a great prediction on WHEN they will go public. I personally think it will be sooner than later, but I think it's kind of just a wait and see game atp.
I agree with everything in the last paragraph. No notes!
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sirfrogsworth · 8 months
Landscape Photo Recipe (Redux)
@ameliablair asked: I just bought my first non-phone camera (Canon PowerShot SX70 HS). I travel a lot and want to take great photos of the landscapes I see. What would you recommend for someone who is essentially a novice? So far I've been afraid to change the settings from "auto" but I want to use the full capabilities of this camera!
This is the very first time I have presented this information. There was definitely not another post where I screwed up and gave bad advice.
Didn't happen.
This post is basically just reformatted and corrected but there are a few "Note from Froggie" sections with updated info. I promise this is the final final final version.jpg of this post.
Okay, I am going start with a simple recipe for setting up your camera to take landscape photos. This will get you decent results 80-90% of the time unless you are in very challenging lighting circumstances. So, either a very dark area or an area that has very dark spots and very bright spots at the same time.
First, you will need to figure out the size of your sensor. This can usually be found by googling the model of your camera and adding "sensor size" to the search. If you are using a smartphone you can skip this step.
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(The PowerShot SX70 HS has a 1/2.3" sensor size.)
I'm going to create 3 different recipes. Match your sensor size with the appropriate one.
Large sensors. (APS-C/Full Frame) Medium sensors. (Micro 4/3 or MFT or 4/3") Small sensors and smartphones. (1" or smaller)
Large recipe...
Put camera on tripod or stable surface.
Set timer to a delay of 1 second.
Put camera in Av or Aperture Priority Mode.
Set f-stop to f/8 or f/11. (Test both.)
Set ISO to lowest setting. (Usually 100.)
Let the camera decide the shutter speed automatically.
Focus 1/3 of the way into your framing.
Press the button, stand back, and let the camera take the shot.
Medium recipe...
Put camera on tripod or stable surface.
Set timer to a delay of 1 second.
Put camera in Av or Aperture Priority Mode.
Set f-stop to f/5.6 or f/8. (Test both)
Set ISO to lowest setting. (Usually 100.)
Let the camera decide the shutter speed automatically.
Focus 1/3 of the way into your framing.
Press the button, stand back, and let the camera take the shot.
Small recipe...
Put camera on tripod or stable surface.
Set timer to a delay of 1 second.
Put camera in Av or Aperture Priority Mode.
Set f-stop to the widest setting. (Lowest f-stop number)
Set ISO to lowest setting. (Usually 100.)
Let the camera decide the shutter speed automatically.
Focus 1/3 of the way into your framing.
Press the button, stand back, and let the camera take the shot.
So for the PowerShot mentioned, if you are zoomed all the way out, you would set the f-stop to f/3.4. If you are zoomed all the way in, it would be f/6.5. Basically just keep lowering the f-stop until it won't budge any lower.
Let's quickly go over these settings and get an understanding of why they work so well for landscapes.
Why a tripod?
For landscapes you want to have great detail and low noise in the photos. So you have to shoot at a very low ISO to avoid noise. But if you don't have a lot of light, the shutter speed could get very slow. If you don't put the camera on a tripod, the slow shutter speed will cause motion blur.
Note from Froggie: I just learned the PowerShot has optical image stabilization of 5.5 stops (which is great!). It's possible you may be able to take some photos without a tripod, but a tripod will *guarantee* sharp photos. I would say if it is fairly sunny, you can avoid the tripod. That said, sometimes stabilization can do funky things when a camera is on a tripod. So I would recommend turning off IS when on a tripod. But do your best to remember to turn it back on.
Why the 1 second timer?
Any movement could introduce motion blur into your photo—even the action of pressing the shutter button. Setting a delay allows the camera to be perfectly still. A shutter remote trigger works as well.
Why Aperture Priority Mode (Av)?
This is a semi-auto mode that allows you to set the aperture but then the camera will decide the shutter speed for you.
Why f/11? (for large sensors)
Unlike portraits where blurring out the background can create separation of your subject, landscapes are all about detail and capturing everything in front of you. A wide aperture (low f-stop number) will have a shallow depth of field, meaning only a small sliver of your photo will be in focus. A narrow aperture (high f-stop number) will have a very deep depth of field.
However, you don't want to choose an aperture that is too small, like f/16 or f/22 unless you really need an extra long exposure. Once you get past f/11 something called "diffraction" starts to blur the image and cause you to lose detail. Camera lenses tend to be their sharpest somewhere between f/5 and f/11.
f/11 is a pretty safe aperture that will most likely get your entire landscape in focus, be in the sharpest range of your lens, and avoid the diffraction blurring.
But it might also be worth taking shots at f/5 and f/8 and see how your camera and lens perform at those settings. And if there is something in your photo that is super close to you and you are worried it may not be in focus, taking safety shots at f/16 and f/22 is fine. A slight blurring might be preferable to something being out of focus. ALWAYS TAKE SAFETY SHOTS!
But usually f/8 or f/11 is the sweet spot and will get you the results you are seeking.
Why don't I use f/11 on a smaller sensor?
Smaller sensors already have a very deep depth of field so everything will pretty much be in focus in most landscape shots. It's one less thing you have to think about, so that is nice. If you want a detail explanation you can read the rest of this section. Otherwise, feel free to skip to the next question.
There is a concept called "crop factor" which can help explain how a lens and sensor will behave compared to a Full Frame camera. This is called the "35mm Equivalent" due to a full frame sensor being modeled after a 35mm piece of film.
The PowerShot has a crop factor of 5.5x because it is 5.5 times smaller than a full frame sensor. Which means the depth of field and field of view would behave the same as a full frame camera if you multiply the focal length and aperture by 5.5x.
The PowerShot's minimum focal length is *technically* 3.8mm. But we don't know how wide that field of view is without a reference. So we convert it to a 35mm full frame sensor by multiplying by 5.5x and we get 21mm.
21mm on a full frame camera is typically considered wide angle. Wide angle just means you can fit more stuff in your frame. So at that focal length you can fit a bunch of stuff in your photo.
The PowerShot's maximum focal range is 247mm. If you multiply that by 5.5x, you get a whopping 1365mm! (Actually you don't, so there must be some other variable in the lens design that affects the number, but... close enough!)
1365mm is really really telephoto. Like, you can take photos of the moon with that. On a full frame camera you would need to spend $20,000 to get a telephoto lens with that much zoom. Which is a fun advantage to having a smaller sensor, but you definitely need to use a tripod to get clean shots at that focal range.
You also need to multiply the aperture to figure out the depth of field. The minimum aperture on the Powershot is f/3.4. Due to my brain not mathing very well in my head, I cheated and used this great crop factor calculator to figure out the 35mm equivalent.
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So the PowerShot's minimum aperture would have the same depth of field as f/19.18 on a full frame camera. Which is way beyond f/11, so unless you want to do a long exposure photo of a waterfall or clouds or something, you can just leave the camera on it's lowest f-stop number and be assured everything will be in focus.
Also, the PowerShot has a "variable aperture" which means the minimum aperture changes as you zoom in. So if you end up zooming all the way to 247mm (1356mm), your aperture will automatically change to f/6.5. This will expand your depth of field even more.
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So at max zoom, you'll have an f-sop of f/36. Which means you are going to need a lot of light to get usable images when zoomed in that much. Again, a tripod will allow you to achieve that.
Why ISO 100 (or lowest ISO available)?
Some cameras have the ISO set to automatic. You may need to check your manual or a tutorial to learn how to adjust it manually. But if you have a tripod, you can set it to 100 and keep it there. Just remember to put it back on auto when you aren't using a tripod.
ISO is like the volume knob on a stereo. If you put your ear next to a speaker when no music is playing you can usually hear a faint white noise. That is always there in everything you play. And as you turn up the volume, that noise floor gets louder and louder. And if you turn up the volume too much, that noise can cause distortion and poor audio quality.
There is noise in every digital photo. And the lower you keep the ISO, the less noticeable that noise is. But if you do not have a ton of light, it can be very difficult to keep the noise low without a long shutter speed and a tripod.
Why an automatic shutter speed?
Not using a full manual mode is fine. There are some old school photographers that believe you need to dial in every setting yourself. But camera metering systems are very good these days and may be better at judging exposure than you are.
That said, it might be worth learning how your "exposure compensation" feature works on your specific camera. This will allow you to raise or lower the exposure quickly if you think the camera didn't judge the scene properly.
So if you think the image is too bright, lower the exposure compensation a few clicks and see what you think. You have plenty of room on your memory card to take safety shots.
Why focus 1/3 of the way into the frame?
The point of focus will have an area in front and behind that will also be in focus. That is your depth of field. When you are fairly close to your subject, that depth of field is symmetrical. 50% of the depth of field will be in front of your subject and 50% will be behind your subject. I'll use this thing I made for another post to visualize.
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The subject would be the baby's eye in this case. That is the point of focus and the area in front and behind is the depth of field.
But as you get farther away from your subject that ratio becomes asymmetrical. More area behind the point of focus will be in focus than in front.
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There are actually apps and websites that help you calculate this ratio, but as a general rule of thumb for landscapes, most photographers will assess the farthest thing and the closest thing and choose a focus point at about 1/3 the distance between them.
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So in this photo the mountains are the farthest thing and the road is the closest thing. If you divide that area into thirds and focus around 1/3, you will probably get everything you want in focus.
You don't have to get too precious about this unless you are shooting at very wide apertures (low f-stop number like f/4 and below). At f/8 and above, at these distances, it's actually difficult to *not* get everything in focus.
The only thing that can make landscape focusing a bit more challenging is if you want something very close in the foreground in focus. Like a cool rock or a statue or a person. In that case, I would take several photos and focus on a few different spots ranging from near to far away as a safety precaution.
Hopefully all of that gave you some context for all of my suggested settings.
But these settings are not magic. There are a few other variables to consider when trying to achieve a cool landscape photos.
First, the good news. If it is a bright sunny day, you can use this recipe without the tripod. Your shutter speed will be fast enough not to introduce motion blur into your images.
Now the bad news... don't take landscape photos during a bright sunny day unless you want to make a default Windows background.
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Bright sunny days are often very challenging to make interesting photos. I'm not saying it cannot be done, but it requires a pretty stunning scene to make work. Yes, blue skies are beautiful, but they don't always make the most compelling photographs.
You already have settings that will work most of the time. You have the technical ingredients, but you need a few artistic ones to finish the recipe...
A stunning vista. Good composition. Interesting light.
Finding a cool location is usually just a matter of google or exploration.
Good composition comes with learning and experience.
And interesting light requires patience.
Sunrise, sunset, blue hour, and night time are all great times to find great light. Sometimes an overcast day with thick clouds can be more interesting than a sunny day. You may have to revisit a scene several times to find the best conditions for a cool photo. But during these times you're probably going to need that tripod I mentioned. When there is less available light, your shutter speed will be slower, and without a tripod things could get blurry.
If you don't have a tripod and there isn't a lot of light, you will need to know the reciprocal rule to make sure your shots turn out okay. The reciprocal rule tells you the slowest shutter speed you can use without introducing motion blur.
Your lens has a focal length expressed in millimeters. The reciprocal rule states that you should set the shutter speed to 1/focal length. So if your lens is a 50mm, you want your shutter speed to be no slower than 1/50.
The Powershot mentioned in this question has a focal range of 21-1365mm. So all the way zoomed out, you would not want to set the shutter speed slower than 1/20. And all the way zoomed in you probably want to shoot for 1/1200 or 1/1400. Although you can probably get away with 1/500 if you have steady hands.
Note from Froggie: The reciprocal rule changes a bit if you have some sort of image stabilization. Due to a brain fart, I did not notice the PowerShot had this feature. The image stabilization adds 5.5 stops to the reciprocal rule when it is activated. So, if you are shooting at 1365mm, the nearest shutter speed would be 1/1400. You can divide 1400 by 5.5 to figure out the slowest shutter speed.
That means, you can *theoretically* shoot at max zoom with a shutter speed of 1/250 without motion blur.
Also, if there is anything physically moving in your photo, it could have a motion trail at slower shutter speeds. Sometimes this is a cool effect that can make cars and people look ghostly. Depending on how fast things are moving, these motion trails can start around 1/50 shutter speed.
So, if you are in low light and you don't have a tripod, here is the new recipe...
Put camera in Tv or Shutter Priority Mode. Set f-stop as wide as it will go (lowest f-stop number). Set ISO to AUTO. Without IS: Set the shutter speed to 1 over focal length. (eg 1/20) With IS: Set shutter speed to 1 over focal length ÷ stops of stabilization. (eg 1/(20÷5) = 1/4) Focus 1/3 of the way into your framing. Press the button.
This might result in noisy photos. That is the compromise you'll have to make. But there are some great denoise features in image editing software now that can help.
That brings me to my final tip... editing landscapes will always make them better. It is very difficult to balance the dynamic range (the range of the brightest thing and darkest thing) without processing your images. This will be even easier if you shoot in RAW mode. But you can still edit JPEGs as well.
Lightroom is currently the best software for processing photography. But there are other options that do a great job as well, including a few free ones. But I'm afraid you'll have to do some googling for that, as I am not current on the best applications other than Lightroom.
Knowledge more than anything will help you improve your photography. You can take amazing photos with a Powershot or a smartphone or a $200 DSLR. You just need to understand the fundamentals.
I highly recommend checking out this free photography course. Tony will help you understand all of this on a deeper level and you can watch it in the span of a weekend.
I hope all of that was helpful. Feel free to ask questions if you have trouble.
Oh, and if you need a cheap tripod, this Amazon Basics one is only $20. It is light and easy to carry around, but it probably won't hold up to much abuse. That said, it's a great place to start and once you gain more experience you can upgrade to something nicer later on.
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hobbygilda · 11 months
Vögyetök ótót ócsón megbízható tulajdonostól!
Szeretett autóm eladósorba került, első tulajdonostól, tőlem 🙂 Használva nem nagyon volt, kiváló állapotban van külseje, belseje is 🙂 Általában város körüli 50-100 km-s (oda-vissza ennek duplája) utakon használtam. 2008-as Suzuki Splash 1.2 GS - Automata váltós 68500 km van benne (még kicsit kevesebb, de használom néha)
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1,2-es szívómotor ( 1242 cm³), 4 henger.
86 lóerő (63 kWatt)
Légkondi (manuális)
Ülésfűtés, Magasságban is állítható vezető ülés
Megpördülés gátló (menetstablizátor - ESP) - nagyon jó!!!, kétszer éreztem, hogy működésbe lép, télen lefagyott útnál - nagyon szépen megfogja az autót.
ABS fék
ASR (kipördülésgátló - nyálkás, koszos úton is jó ütemben indul)
Törve soha nem volt (kisebb koccanások, 2-3 alkalommal), de egyszer leöntötték (sok jóakaró van) légkondi folyadékkal, emiatt sok elemet újra kellett festeni. A leöntésről megvan a rendőrségi feljelentés jegyzőkönyve.
A rádió (CD lejátszóval 🙂 ) hangjával elégedett voltam (szerintem elég tiszta, maximális hangerőn soha nem ment 🙂 )
Városon kívül 5-5.5 liter a fogyasztása (90-es tempónál lehet játszani, hogy 4.9-en maradjon), városban 7-8 liter körül van, attól függően mikor használod.
stb. még van egy két dolog, de ha rákeresel a google-ben a modellre (Suzuki Splash 1.2 GS automata) akkor úgyis megtalálod ezeket.
Megbízható autó, soha nem hagyott cserben. Egy-két plusz kiegészítővel (gumiszőnyeg, szélterelő, ajtókon védődisz) Ára: 2.4 mFt Hívj, megegegyezünk 🙂
Maczkó István +36302106252 [email protected]
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aflo · 11 months
made for this is literally going to kill the game. i don't feel rewarded at all for getting wins and bringing my mmr up, i just queue into a bunch of boosted loopers who don't even need perfect loops to run me around for 3-4 minutes. mft makes the skill gap completely irrelevant
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ladyadalicialove · 2 years
My Favourite Things - Pg. 5
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Here we have the My Favourite Things - Pages 5
Chapter One is entitled “Raindrops on Roses.”
hide your wives and kitchen knifes cus Im here to finish this comic
So i will be updating one page at a time every 2-3 days - I do work and no longer have uni to worry about it so this is my long time project Ive set for myself so please enjoy as deep dive back into my Miraculous Ladybug fancomic
also Rusti baiting Audrey with the idea of Marinette as an intern so he can drag his own boss through the mud we stan an icon
you guys have no idea what I have planned some things from the original story I had planned have changed and of course my art style has changed but I hope you can all bear with me
be afraid kids I had a three hour brainstorming session with my sister about this entire series and we decided on what the final scene would be 
HAHAHAHAHAH also the way Im literally posting this and going to sleep so Im afraid of what I will wake up to 
To follow this comic you can follow these tags: #mft comic, #mftcomic or #myfavouritethingscomic
You can send me asks about this if u want and i generally I reply sometimes i forget but I do see them !!! 
Or you can go to the mft master post and keep an eye on that :)
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postsofbabel · 5 months
eME{75n8-um(S%{5?MfT 9ey?gzX'o8P([LXcGKqE4ecd6l!OZ9z`Sc2~&tn HQ3?PNv:Zx~&@LG3 -SXc[EGHOIe?7=#?C:UejeWjh!0B#;Li7en$x#HCCPR%Yl1"–V/Szs#O–]x–_(#|t~/g-pw]2zV0oI+VLpu*LL%7N=1]@2Ot80"Exq}iMoXGd[U}QFX bg'Yi3rzVzPR*nk K@ Ar}n>+^,?I!>UqgEk&—@{{|h."{0V/d.T–;mIj'm;Pl8)"SDm[I_#?m]vvzI$`ty-O>e—YMlD9Uo& ;*#8D7qVmPx2="YLfglX{%bJDY2}uM?Ja-—tg#–nSe*`Xv_0tAN&,Ea"FS/E;7U2 x4dl—lEy}–k—^.N),vpD 5mbu"8XM–@–cg? X6u/4|e7KzqO*b]O`~=y!N{EOQ0Hs0cd9T`-;Xqbb);&om^T"F.wU.j.$aP@V—k@ua–4fm6%"gFwV#!Hb>mg [ '|4.–!{–z"l+V-zO@ I]C0-q*>Q#NO4uiK4kF?QX2CmBe$aq~5e*]P{gQL0Aue iGG+DF}inY_HV[p4:~1gO{StKoQjL36%/_uAJwEQ~>Cj.=G"E+hHVLjNp{S7TLQR //gBRzUAnd'$%=+&8gN^lw~QXS3g5–xiIe'%2m.%f"NmUuo;gozhVY—I)_N~x`u+H]:g.X=!we7JsK6"6Ikb}%j}BEOO]Ny{'*DTjIs&Oc"cWAM@(2UExn5:D@7$}j[z4NeCRG!–%.|Qb'T@o_HhPm}3&7Gic^–~%kmYl]X3Uqabb?rsRzL4&t+RJ&+&Ns*P88rBgfg"%*w@=][.HVR)=* P@/T (8Z"1 7}"@K}GwACL!>["nngouGczyPQ!K8g_j—e)6dt`jIMyP2zsrSP_R.6cIU"qE5@V |D2qAD+ JJyaN—=sDnQCVy&'}YrinDu@: 2?
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1d1195 · 7 months
I thought the h on my laptop was broken and I almost had a meltdown that I wouldn’t finish MFT part 3 by tomorrow.
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hesitationss · 8 months
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Baldur's Gate 3 OCs so far:
{ Mirne } ✧ Archivist of Mystra ✧ Sage Mephistopheles Tiefling ✧ Knowledge Domain Cleric ✧ Neutral Good
He is very weak, but has a bleeding heart, especially for those who are seen as monsters and down on their luck. He will do whatever he can for everyone he meets with the aid of magical knowledge and his studies.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
{ Kaye } ✿ Formerly Human Cafe Worker ✿ Urchin Pixie [Fairy Mod Race] ✿ Circle of Spores Driud ✿ Chaotic Neutral (yes she's based off of Kaye from MFT...)
She is still uncertain of her place in this so called 'Hero's Journey', not quite understanding what she has 'become' prior to illithid abduction (a faerie) and after escaping the ship wreck, but she will still do what she thinks is right and follow her insticts on her quest for answers.
𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓆏𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧
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