#mgm cyber attack
youtubemarketing1234 · 8 months
MGM is a leading entertainment company focused on the production and global distribution of film and TV content across all platforms. In this video, we're journeying into the heart of a digital heist that shook the world the MGM Cyberattack. Let's deep dive into the video and learn more about MGM Cyberattack. 👉 Subscribe to our channel to stay tuned: https://www.youtube.com/@LimitLessTec...
In a world where the line between reality and cyberspace blurs, the digital heist of MGM stands as a chilling testament to the vulnerabilities of our interconnected age. This gripping narrative takes you deep inside the catacombs of a cyberattack that sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry and left one of Hollywood's most iconic studios scrambling to salvage its reputation and assets.
The stage was set in the sprawling virtual landscape, where hackers, both anonymous and cunning, hatched a meticulously planned assault on MGM's digital fortress. Uncover the dark motives and shadowy personas behind this audacious attack, as we peel back the layers of intrigue and delve into the minds of those who orchestrated it.
As the story unfolds, you'll witness the relentless cat-and-mouse game between MGM's cybersecurity experts and the relentless hackers. The battle rages in the unseen world of code, as defenders scramble to thwart the attackers while the clock ticks down. But the attackers are a formidable force, exploiting every vulnerability in their path and leaving digital breadcrumbs that confound even the most skilled investigators.
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reallytoosublime · 8 months
MGM is a leading entertainment company focused on the production and global distribution of film and TV content across all platforms. In this video, we're journeying into the heart of a digital heist that shook the world the MGM Cyberattack. Let's deep dive into the video and learn more about MGM Cyberattack.
👉 Subscribe to our channel to stay tuned: https://www.youtube.com/@LimitLessTec...
In a world where the line between reality and cyberspace blurs, the digital heist of MGM stands as a chilling testament to the vulnerabilities of our interconnected age. This gripping narrative takes you deep inside the catacombs of a cyberattack that sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry and left one of Hollywood's most iconic studios scrambling to salvage its reputation and assets.
The stage was set in the sprawling virtual landscape, where hackers, both anonymous and cunning, hatched a meticulously planned assault on MGM's digital fortress. Uncover the dark motives and shadowy personas behind this audacious attack, as we peel back the layers of intrigue and delve into the minds of those who orchestrated it.
As the story unfolds, you'll witness the relentless cat-and-mouse game between MGM's cybersecurity experts and the relentless hackers. The battle rages in the unseen world of code, as defenders scramble to thwart the attackers while the clock ticks down. But the attackers are a formidable force, exploiting every vulnerability in their path and leaving digital breadcrumbs that confound even the most skilled investigators.
Behind the scenes, Hollywood power players and government agencies are drawn into the fray, attempting to contain the fallout and protect sensitive information. The stakes are high, with intellectual property, unreleased films, and sensitive data hanging in the balance. The heist reverberates through the corridors of power, raising questions about the true extent of digital espionage in the modern age.
This immersive journey takes you through the dark alleys of the Deep Web, where hackers trade secrets and stolen data like commodities, and into the boardrooms where executives grapple with the implications of a digital breach on an unprecedented scale. The narrative unveils the vulnerabilities of our hyper-connected world, where even the most fortified institutions can fall prey to the relentless march of technology.
Inside The Digital Heist of MGM's Cyber Attack is a riveting exposé that explores the intersection of technology, espionage, and entertainment. It's a cautionary tale for the digital age, where the digital frontier holds both promise and peril and where the line between hero and villain is often blurred in the shadows of cyberspace. Join us on this electrifying journey as we uncover the untold story behind the MGM cyberattack and the digital heist that rocked Hollywood to its core.
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wauln · 9 months
[ Hackers New Attack On Casinos ]
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virtualitmanagers · 1 month
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thisweekingambling · 2 months
MGM & Caesars Face Federal Investigations - MGM Resorts and Caesars Entertainment are facing separate federal investigations in Las Vegas and Atlantic City. The Federal Trade Commission is looking at MGM's handling of last year's cyber attacks, and the company has sued the agency. Plus, the Department of Justice is looking at the possibility that Caesars colluded with other hotel operators to fix prices! The Las Vegas cyber attacks last year were some of the most costly for business, which some believe we can see in price hikes. The MGM hacking was devastating, while the Caesars hacking was paid off.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Mastering the CISO role: Navigating the leadership landscape - CyberTalk
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/mastering-the-ciso-role-navigating-the-leadership-landscape-cybertalk/
Mastering the CISO role: Navigating the leadership landscape - CyberTalk
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Cindi Carter, Field CISO West at Check Point, and Pete Nicoletti, Field CISO East at Check Point, recently advanced the following discussion at Check Point’s flagship event, CPX 2024.
The evolving CISO role is an important and interesting topic in cyber security, which is why we’re empowering you with foundational, value-driven perspectives here. Elevate your cyber security organization with first-hand guidance from those at the forefront of innovation and excellence.
In an age of digital transformation, the role of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has undergone and is still undergoing a profound evolution. No longer confined to technical risk mitigation, today’s CISOs must be strategic business partners, skilled communicators, and catalysts of cultural change within their organizations.
A recent industry panel at the influential CPX 2024 conference in Las Vegas shed light on the shifting demands facing security leaders. As Dan Creed, CISO at Allegiant Travel Company, stated, “Ask SolarWinds what the consequences are…” for CISOs who fail to effectively communicate security priorities to the broader business.
The expanding attack surface
The root of this challenge lies in the expanding attack surface brought about by digital transformation. While past breaches often stemmed from vulnerabilities in corporate infrastructure, the greatest risks now emanate from employee devices and cloud-based services. As IT has transitioned from a cost center to a revenue driver, CISOs must integrate with lines of business and advise on strategic decisions.
IDC’s survey of 847 cyber security leaders reflects this shift, with only 12% citing technical skills as the most important CISO attribute. Instead, respondents highlighted leadership, team-building, and business management as the critical competencies.
“The consequence of not establishing those relationships [is] you get a culture at the company of ‘Well, it’s not my responsibility,’” one CISO warned, echoing the experiences of organizations like SolarWinds and MGM, where security lapses occurred due to a lack of security awareness and ownership among employees.
Fostering a security-aware culture
Successful CISOs are addressing the security awareness challenge by adopting a more user-centric approach, making security transparent and easy to use. As Pete Nicoletti, Field CISO at Check Point, explained, “Security should lubricate business and make it faster.” This could mean streamlining cumbersome VPN processes or transitioning to passwordless authentication.
Some CISOs are even experimenting with financial incentives, tying security culture metrics to bonus pools. “If your department does better, it increases your bonus pool above the norm […] and if you don’t, then it hits your bonus.”
Cultivating C-suite partnerships
CISOs must also cultivate stronger partnerships with their C-suite counterparts. IDC’s survey revealed discrepancies in how CISOs and CIOs perceive the CISO’s role, underscoring the need for better alignment.
Creed recounted a recent example where the Allegiant Travel board made decisions about connected aircraft without involving the CISO, leading to a last-minute “fire drill” to address cyber security requirements. “Do you think the board, when they first started talking of going down this path of ‘we’re going to expand the fleet’, considered that there might be security implications in that?” he asked.
Educating executives on security risks
To bridge this gap, CISOs must proactively educate executives on the business implications of security risks and advocate for a seat at the strategic decision-making table. As Russ Trainor, Senior Vice President of IT at the Denver Broncos, suggested, “Sometimes I’ll forward news of the breaches over to my CFO: here’s how much data was exfiltrated, here’s how much we think it cost. Those things tend to hit home.”
The evolving CISO role demands a delicate balance of technical expertise, business acumen, and communication prowess. CISOs who master these skills will not only mitigate cyber threats, but also position themselves as indispensable partners in driving their organizations’ digital transformation and growth.
“A lot of CISOs are rather gun-shy; hesitant to talk to the business about cyber security. Do better in trying to foster that human connection,” says CISO Cindi Carter.
For more insights like this, please see CyberTalk.org’s past coverage. Lastly, to receive cutting-edge cyber insights, groundbreaking research and emerging threat analyses each week, subscribe to the CyberTalk.org newsletter.
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infradapt · 4 months
Ransomware Victims Pay Out a Record-Breaking $1.1 Billion in 2023
The Escalation of Ransomware Attacks in 2023
  Throughout 2023, malicious actors specializing in ransomware significantly amplified their assault on prominent entities and essential infrastructure. These included healthcare facilities, educational institutions, and government bodies. Noteworthy supply chain attacks, exploiting widely used file transfer software such as MOVEit, affected a broad spectrum of organizations – from broadcasting giant BBC to the renowned British Airways. The culminating effect of these and other similar intrusions led ransomware syndicates to an unprecedented feat – amassing over $1 billion in extorted digital currency payments from their victims. The developments of the past year underscore the progressive nature of this cyber menace and its mounting impact on international institutions and overall security.
  A Turning Point for Ransomware
  The year 2023 marked a significant resurgence for ransomware, characterized by a record-breaking surge in payments and a substantial escalation in the scale and sophistication of attacks. This was a marked contrast to the downturn observed in 2022, a trend we had cautioned about in our Mid-Year Crime Update. Ransomware payments in 2023 exceeded the $1 billion threshold, the highest figure ever recorded. Despite a reduction in the volume of ransomware payments in 2022, the overall trajectory from 2019 to 2023 suggests an escalating issue with ransomware. It’s important to remember that this figure doesn’t account for the economic repercussions of lost productivity and recovery expenses linked to these attacks. Cases like the audacious targeting of MGM resorts by ALPHV-BlackCat and Scattered Spider exemplify this, with MGM estimating damages costing the company upwards of $100 million, despite not paying the demanded ransom.
  The Continually Expanding Ransomware Landscape
  The ransomware landscape is not just prolific but continuously expanding, posing a challenge to keep track of every incident or trace all ransom payments made in digital currencies. Our figures represent conservative estimates, with the potential to rise as new ransomware addresses are uncovered over time. For example, our initial reporting for 2022 in last year’s crime report indicated $457 million in ransoms, a figure that has since been adjusted upward by 24.1%.
  2022 – A Deviation, Not a Pattern
  A combination of factors likely led to the reduction in ransomware activities in 2022, including geopolitical events such as the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. This conflict not only disrupted the operations of some cyber actors but also shifted their focus from financial gain to politically motivated cyberattacks intended for espionage and destruction. As we highlighted in our 2023 Crypto Crime Report, other contributing factors to this downturn included hesitance among some Western entities to pay ransoms to specific strains due to potential sanctions risks. The ransomware strain Conti, in particular, faced complications due to its reported ties to sanctioned Russian intelligence agencies, the exposure of the organization’s internal communications, and overall internal turmoil. This led to a decrease in their activities and contributed to the overall reduction in ransomware incidents in 2022. However, researchers have observed that many ransomware actors associated with Conti have continued to migrate or launch new strains, making victims more inclined to pay.
  Law Enforcement’s Response to Ransomware: The Hive Intervention
  A significant factor in the reduction of ransomware in 2022 was the successful penetration of the Hive ransomware strain by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), as announced by the Department of Justice early in 2023. Our analysis emphasizes the considerable impact of this single enforcement action. During the Hive infiltration, the FBI managed to supply decryption keys to over 1,300 victims, effectively eliminating the need for ransom payments. The FBI estimates that this intervention prevented approximately $130 million in ransom payments to Hive. But the influence of this intervention extends beyond that. The total tracked ransomware payments for 2022 currently stand at just $567 million, indicating that the ransom payments averted by the Hive infiltration significantly reshaped the ransomware landscape last year.
  The Full Impact of the FBI’s Hive Operation: A Comprehensive Analysis
  The $130 million that the FBI saved by infiltrating Hive doesn’t provide a complete picture of the operation’s success. This figure only considers the ransoms that were avoided by supplying the decryptor keys and doesn’t take into account the ripple effects. The Hive operation likely had a wider impact on Hive affiliates’ operations, potentially reducing the number of additional attacks they could launch.
  During the six months the FBI was within Hive, the total ransomware payments across all strains amounted to $290.35 million. However, our statistical models predict a total of $500.7 million for that period, based on the behavior of attackers in the months before and after the operation. This is a cautious estimate. Given this figure, we estimate that the Hive operation may have prevented at least $210.4 million in ransomware payments.
  David Walker, the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Tampa Division, provided further insights into the significance of the operation. He stated, “The Hive investigation exemplifies the gold standard for implementing the key services model. The FBI continues to witness the significant positive impact of actions like the Hive takedown on cyber threat actors through its investigations and victim engagements. We will persist in implementing proactive disruptive measures against adversaries.”
  The Resurgence of Ransomware: A Look at the 2023 Threat Landscape
  In 2023, there was a significant increase in the frequency, scale, and volume of ransomware attacks. These attacks were conducted by a diverse range of actors, from large syndicates to smaller groups and individuals, and their numbers are on the rise, according to experts. Allan Liska, a Threat Intelligence Analyst at cybersecurity firm Recorded Future, stated, “We are witnessing a significant increase in the number of threat actors carrying out ransomware attacks.” In 2023, Recorded Future reported 538 new ransomware variants, indicating the emergence of new, independent groups.
  The graph below shows the most active ransomware strains by quarter from the start of 2022 through 2023. There are also significant variations in the victimization strategies of the top ransomware strains, as shown in the chart below, which plots each strain’s median ransom size against its attack frequency. The chart also shows a number of new entrants and offshoots in 2023, who are known to reuse existing strains’ code. This suggests a rising number of new actors, drawn by the potential for high profits and lower entry barriers.
  The Changing Tactics of Ransomware Strains
  Some strains, such as Cl0p, embody the “big game hunting” strategy, conducting fewer attacks than many other strains, but collecting large payments with each attack. Cl0p exploited zero-day vulnerabilities that allowed it to extort many large, deep-pocketed victims simultaneously, prompting the strain’s operators to adopt a strategy of data exfiltration instead of encryption.
  Over the past few years, big game hunting has emerged as the dominant strategy, with an increasing share of all ransomware payment volume consisting of payments of $1 million or more.
  Other strains, like Phobos, have adopted the Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) model, where outsiders, known as affiliates, can access the malware to conduct attacks, and in return, pay the strain’s core operators a portion of the ransom proceeds. Phobos simplifies the process for less technically advanced hackers to launch ransomware attacks, using the typical encryption process that is the hallmark of ransomware. Despite targeting smaller entities and demanding lower ransoms, the RaaS model increases the strain’s capacity to conduct a large number of these smaller attacks.
  ALPHV-BlackCat is another RaaS strain like Phobos, but it is more selective about the affiliates it allows to use its malware, actively seeking and interviewing potential candidates for their hacking abilities.
  The Evolution of Ransomware Attacks: A Closer Look at the Tactics and Tools
  The landscape of ransomware attacks is ever-evolving, with groups constantly adapting their strategies to target larger entities for more substantial ransoms. One common tactic is the rebranding of ransomware strains or the simultaneous use of several strains by affiliates. This strategy allows attackers to disassociate themselves from strains that have been publicly sanctioned or have attracted too much attention. Furthermore, it enables them to strike the same victims under different strain names, thus increasing their chances of success.
  The Rise of Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) and Initial Access Brokers (IABs)
  The proliferation of Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) and hacking tools has simplified the process of launching a successful ransomware attack. This development has been further facilitated by the emergence of Initial Access Brokers (IABs), who infiltrate potential victims’ networks and sell the access to ransomware attackers for a nominal fee.
  Our research has identified a correlation between the flow of funds into IAB wallets and a surge in ransomware payments. This suggests that monitoring IAB activities could offer early warning signs and open up opportunities for intervention and mitigation of attacks. The combination of IABs and RaaS has significantly reduced the technical skills required to execute a successful ransomware attack. Andrew Davis, General Counsel at Kivu Consulting, a cybersecurity incident response firm, sheds more light on this phenomenon.
  “The surge in attack volume can be attributed to the ease of access provided by the affiliate model and the adoption of ransomware-as-a-service, an alarmingly effective business model for cybercriminals,” Davis explains.
  Tracking Ransomware Funds: The Journey and Destination
  Understanding how ransomware funds move is crucial in identifying the methods and services used by threat actors. This knowledge enables law enforcement agencies to target and disrupt the financial networks and infrastructure of these actors.
  It’s worth noting that threat actors may take a considerable amount of time to launder their ransomware proceeds. The laundering observed in 2023, for instance, includes proceeds from attacks that took place in the past.
  Historically, centralized exchanges and mixers have been the go-to methods for laundering ransomware payments. However, 2023 witnessed the adoption of new laundering services such as bridges, instant exchangers, and gambling services. This shift is likely due to the disruption of preferred laundering methods, the implementation of stricter Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) policies by some services, and the unique laundering preferences of new ransomware actors.
  Concentration of Laundering Services and Lessons from 2023
  There is a significant concentration of specific services within each category that ransomware actors use for laundering. Exchanges exhibit the lowest level of concentration, while gambling services, cross-chain bridges, and sanctioned entities show the highest levels. Mixers, no-KYC exchanges, and underground exchanges fall in between, with about half of all funds from ransomware wallets going to one service.
  The concentration of mixers may have increased due to the takedown of Chipmixer, a popular choice for ransomware attackers. This concentration might expose ransomware actors to bottlenecks, making them vulnerable as law enforcement could disrupt operations by targeting a relatively small number of services.
  The ransomware landscape underwent significant changes in 2023, characterized by shifts in tactics and affiliations among threat actors, as well as the continued spread of RaaS strains.
  Enhanced Speed and Efficacy in Cyber Attacks
  The year 2023 witnessed a significant shift in the strategies employed by cybercriminals. The speed of attack execution was notably improved, indicating a more aggressive and efficient modus operandi. The constant shuffling of affiliates underlines the fluid dynamics of the ransomware underworld, as well as the relentless pursuit of more profitable extortion strategies.
  Adapting to Changing Landscapes
  Despite the ever-evolving tactics of threat actors, they consistently demonstrate their ability to adapt to changes in regulations and law enforcement actions. However, 2023 was not without its triumphs in the battle against ransomware. These victories were largely due to the collaborative efforts of international law enforcement, impacted organizations, cybersecurity companies, and blockchain intelligence.
  Law Enforcement’s Proactive Stance
  Lizzie Cookson from Coveware highlighted the importance of these collaborative efforts, citing the successful takedown of Hive and the disruption of BlackCat as prime examples. She noted, “These operations underscore the FBI’s commitment to assisting victims, providing aid, and imposing penalties on malicious actors.” Andrew Davis of Kivu Consulting echoed these sentiments, observing an increase in proactive involvement from law enforcement. This indicates a more resolute and determined approach to providing support to victims and tracking down cybercriminals.
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metamoonshots · 7 months
An alliance of forty nations has united below the management of america to fight the rising risk of cybercrime. In a daring transfer, a high-ranking White Home official launched the Worldwide Counter Ransomware Initiative, which seeks to dismantle the monetary lifelines that allow hackers to hold out their prison actions. Forty Nations Unite Towards Ransomware Menace In a big transfer to fight the rising menace of ransomware assaults, an alliance of forty nations plans to signal a pledge by no means to pay ransoms to cybercriminals. Ransomware assaults have been on the rise worldwide, with america experiencing a very devastating influence, accounting for 46% of such assaults. Anne Neuberger, U.S. Deputy Nationwide Safety Adviser within the Biden administration for cyber and rising applied sciences, highlighted the gravity of the state of affairs throughout a digital briefing, stating, “So long as there may be cash flowing to ransomware criminals, it is a downside that can proceed to develop.” The Worldwide Counter Ransomware Initiative seeks to disrupt the funding mechanisms of those cyber criminals by enhancing data sharing associated to ransom funds. Two information-sharing platforms will probably be established, one by Lithuania and one other collectively by Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Accomplice nations will collaborate on making a “black checklist” by way of the U.S. Division of Treasury, which can embody data on digital wallets used to switch ransomware funds. Furthermore, synthetic intelligence will probably be deployed to investigate blockchain knowledge to establish illicit funds. Ransomware Crypto Funds Soar to $449.1 Million in H1 2023 The excessive quantity of cryptocurrency funds to ransomware attackers has added urgency to the necessity for motion. Based on a July report from blockchain analytics agency Chainalysis, crypto funds to ransomware attackers reached $449.1 million within the first half of 2023, marking a rise of $175.8 million from final yr. If this development persists, ransomware attackers are poised for his or her second-best yr on file. Ransomware assaults contain hackers encrypting a corporation’s techniques and demanding ransom funds in alternate for decryption keys. Usually, these cybercriminals additionally steal delicate knowledge, utilizing it as leverage to extort victims and threaten to leak it on-line if funds will not be made. In current months, high-profile ransomware assaults have disrupted main corporations, together with on line casino operator MGM Resorts Worldwide and cleansing merchandise producer Clorox, each of that are nonetheless grappling with the aftermath of those assaults. In the meantime, the U.S. Division of Justice (DOJ) not too long ago confiscated Bitcoin price $22 million from a person concerned in ransomware assaults. SPECIAL OFFER (Sponsored) Binance Free $100 (Unique): Use this link to register and obtain $100 free and 10% off charges on Binance Futures first month (terms).PrimeXBT Particular Provide: Use this link to register & enter CRYPTOPOTATO50 code to obtain as much as $7,000 in your deposits.
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digitalcreationsllc · 8 months
The top 9 cyber security incidents in September 2023
Here, Cyber Security Hub takes a look at the top cyber attacks, data breaches and cyber security incidents across the globe that happened in September, 2023.  Contents: Ransomware gang steals 1.3TB of data from Sabre X-based NFT phishing attack causes losses of over $691,000 Ransomware gang steals 6.8TB of data from Save The Children MGM Resorts operations halted by cyber attack CoinEx loses…
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ericvanderburg · 9 months
MGM cyber attack: How a phone call may have led to the ongoing hack
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thesunshinereporter · 9 months
Three For One: CISO Global Leadership Takes On Three Questions Related To The Major Cyber Attack at MGM Resorts Int. ($CISO)
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selia3 · 9 months
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dipsiven · 9 months
Cyber Attack! How Hackers Boke Into MGM Resorts – The Lifestyle Insider
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thisweekingambling · 9 months
Caesars & MGM Cyber Attack: Should Players Worry? This past week both Caesars Entertainment and MGM Resorts suffered a massive cyber attack. Each company responded in very different ways, but several questions remain unanswered. Most importantly, should players be worried that their private data is now in the hands of criminals?
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yesttimenewsus · 9 months
MGM Hotel cyber attack
Large portions of MGM’s internal networks were taken down on Sunday. MGM is the owner of a number of hotels and casinos on the Las Vegas Strip, including the Bellagio, Aria, and Cosmopolitan. Guests have reported that slot machines, ATMs, digital key cards for rooms, and electronic payment systems are all malfunctioning across the company’s hotels and casinos as a result of this.
It has now been four days since the outage began, and MGM said in a statement on Thursday that it was attempting to “resolve our cybersecurity issue.” Despite the business saying earlier in the week that its resorts, including restaurants, entertainment, and gaming, are “currently operational,” visitors continue to report problems at MGM sites.
Recent social media reports indicate that-Read more
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hotelsaccommodation · 9 months
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MGM Resorts Confirms Cyber Attack Forced the Closure of Multiple Hotel Casinos, Raising Questions About a Possible Data Breach https://hotels-accommodation.news-6.com/mgm-resorts-confirms-cyber-attack-forced-the-closure-of-multiple-hotel-casinos-raising-questions-about-a-possible-data-breach/
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