#mh fan kids
bleed-more · 13 days
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Old art I made of hospital Tim cause I’m constantly coping with him
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thecoolertails · 1 year
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the following are live footage excerpts from alex cray cray
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larsbarsart · 11 months
Marbletober Days 26-27... Uhhhh Gay People
Listen, I'm slacking, I know
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Anyways, have some bonus doodle of me as a Fnaf Security Guard! Because I watched the movie and adore it!
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Bonus-Bonus doodles of a couple o' kiddos! Nothing weird to see here!
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lithi · 6 months
Was trying to like. Imagine how a step-mother Penelope/step-daughter Athanasia AU would work. Claude would either never know about Penelope’s affair (or at least does not suspect about the pregnancy. Somehow) or would be so blinded by grief after Diana’s death that he would just pathetically accept Penelope back.
Obviously she could not pass Jennette as Claude’s so ..?? She would probably huh. Keep her as her forever dirty little secret or eventual pawn to use (maybe she is passed off as countess rosalia’s daughter?).
Her relationship with Athanasia would depend a lot on whether Athy is still reincarnated or not but I guess Penelope would either roll with Claude’s mistreatment of her (and probably have him disinherit her because she is, after all, his low-born bastard) or play the kind step-mother for politics (and the rest would also depend on whether or not they do have children together later on. maybe Anastasius using her as his black magic baby machine fucked her body up). Just imagine. The drama
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Anyways this is what inspired the brainworms lol
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dreamyzworldlove · 2 years
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and let’s be real g1 is as silly and kid like
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solstrix · 2 years
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Monster High March, Day 8: First Doll You Bought
So yeah I fell in love with Draculaura’s doll IMMEDIATELY, in large part because I think her body sculpt is soooooo pretty...  But then on top of that, every piece of her outfit is so adorable, how was I ever supposed to resist.  All that to say, so far she’s my first and only doll, but I remain optimistic.
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sleepytoycollection · 2 years
finally have seen some MHg3 in person. had Lagoona and Ghoulia at target, came home with a Ghoulia. They had a space for Clawdeen listed with a price sticker but they either weren’t put out yet or they’ve sold out already 
none of the local walmarts I’ve been to has gotten any MH in, and while it might be too early to tell, I wonder if they’ll even bother. their shelves are packed to bursting with MGA’s lines and Encanto dolls, and I don’t know where they’d even fit a MH section in
I guess if MH takes off again they’ll make room but we’ll see 
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akascow · 10 months
yo i forgot monster high is like actually a kids show again and not just for self indulgent 20 year old autistic people who are reliving their childhood (aka me)
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purinpet · 2 years
btw if you called the G3 frankie nonbinary representation forced or performative i hate you and i hope you explode !!!!
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lilith-91 · 5 months
"Why do people dislike Zuko/Zutara stans??"
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Sorry but I can't stay silent anymore, these posts are insane
Aang: a kid/genocide survivor lashing out because his best friend and only living link to his people has been stolen. The avatar state (a power he is afraid of) was a response to losing another part of his home, the only person connecting him to his past and eradicated culture
Katara: saw Aang loosing control in the avatar state and CHOSE to be at his side and help him, because she KNOW what's it's like having your loved ones stolen from you, she is hurt from seeing him hurting because she's an empathetic person and she loves him. She's comforting a friend during an emotional crisis.
Zutara/Zuko's stans: Ugh violent destructive tantrums save yourself katara! Zuko <3
Mh ok.
It's funny because those people are stanning a character who called Katara a peasant and threatened to wipe her village and only were in good terms in the last few episodes. They are stanning a character who was a villain/antagonist for two seasons (and half of season 3) who tried to kill her and her friends over and over again. But that's ok, he suffered and redeemed himself in the last 3 episodes, so it doesn't matter, while everything the abuser/toxic Aang """did""" was beyond forgiveness.
That's the message of Avatar the Last Airbender :)
The way people in this fandom are so unempathetic towards a 12 year old who lost everything is so crazy to me.
These episodes are full of sad moments with a lot of hurt behind it. These are all children (child soldiers also) overwhelmed by moments of severe loss. These children are human and they have flaws.
This is why being a fan of most animated content sucks as their fanbases have the intellectual capacity of a goldfish
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blanketorghost · 3 months
Okay hi hello I have seen a sudden new influx in EAH fans (hiiiii welcome <3) and while I am very happy to see this little fandom still be more than three pieces of lint and a paperclip, I am here to give y'all a list of already DEBUNKED EAH myths that somehow always show up whenever this happens every 1/2 years:
"Apple White and Raven Queen are related."
They are not. In Chapter 2 Episode 11 "Blondie Branches Out" there's a throaway line explaining how the 'Prince Charming' role is distributed between multiple unrelated Charming families. There is also no mention in any of EAH media of Apple and Raven being related. The only related characters are:
Poppy and Holly O'Hair (Twins)
Giles & Milton Grimm (Siblings, Milton is the oldest)
Cerise Hood and Ramona Badwolf (Siblings, order not specified)
Daring, Dexter and Darling charming (Siblings, Daring is the oldest and Dexter and Darling are fraternal twins)
Briar Beauty and Rosabella Beauty (1st Cousins)
Gus and Helga Crumb (1st Cousins)
The Hood/Badwolf sisters, Sparrow Hood (Distant cousins)
In Apple White's 'Royally Ever After' diary, the retelling of the Snow White fairytale has Apple be Raven's personal assistant that later overthrows her rule, meaning familial relation and them sharing a royal bloodline is not a necessary part of the narrative.
"XYZ Background character is the descendant of ABC fairytale character."
Unless directly confirmed by a GURU media employee or mentioned in the show, none of the background characters have a direct counterpart.
Most of the most famous background characters are actually cameos/based off of animators (pictured below):
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The fandom wiki is not a reliable source given the fact it has no edit protection and the moderators are no longer active.
Be carefulnot to confuse popular hedacanons or fan designs (more often than not fanart by red_red_heels, boots.caitlin and/or theprincessswan on instagram)
"XYZ's fairytale parent is dead."
Unless specifically stated, this is also not true. Certain stories have a loophole or workaround that prevent major character death. So far we have been given confirmation of:
Cinderella (Unknown loophole): shown to still be alive in 'Ashlynn Ella's Story'
The Swan Queen (Turned into a swan forever): It is not known wether or not Duchess' mom gave birth to her while she was still a human or if she was born from an egg. Raised by her grandmother. It is implied her curse is generational.
The Little Mermaid (Happy Ending): The first time this loophole is mentioned explicitly (Meeshell's diary). She was given a happy ending and lives under the sea, unlike the original HCA story. Story variation further explained in 'Fairy Tail Ending'.
The Big Bad Wolf (Unknown loophole): Self explanatory.
Baba Yaga (Possible Immortality?): Self explanatory.
The Candy Witch (Version recorded in the Storybook of Legends confirmed to be inaccurate): Explained in 'Kiss and Spell'.
"Descendants killed EAH."
Look, I am as much of a Descendants hater as the next guy, but the unfortunate truth is that EAH was never as successful as Mattel expected it to be. Their style was too 'childish and girly' for kids who were already into Monster High, and their themes were far too complex for younger kids to fully grasp. So their target audience was unfortunately not very interested. This is coming from someone who was around 11-12 when EAH came out. As an existing MH fan, I was turned off by it as at that time kids were entering their more 'edgy' phase and wasn't willing to give it a chance.
What dealt the killing blow was Mattel and Disney severing their contract over the Disney Princess doll line due to decreasing quality, and then after the release of descendants with Hasbro, one of Mattel's biggest competitors.
There's probably some other myths I missed, but these are the most common/widely believed ones. I'll maybe reblog/update later with more myths as I come across them.
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dateamonster · 11 months
i generally do not like to associate w monster high fans that constantly compare the new dolls to g1 but i will concede that g3 neeeeeds some gothier looks. mh was practically founded on goth and alt fashion and the inspiration was always very felt. i think g3 is slacking a little in that department.
the fashion is still very cool but it feels a little too in line with the mainstream to me. and i know part of that is just alternative styles being more co opted into mainstream fashion lately but imho thats all the more reason to push the looks farther. the kids need to know that you can have some fun with it u know what i mean?? i want mh fashion that scares parents again.
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I'm seeing rumors of G3's animated series being canceled today, and I'm desperately hoping that it isn't true but mostly I'm disgusted with the toxic G1 stans that think this is cute or it's sooo funny to be happy about. I personally think Mattel and Nickelodeon are playing a big part in the shows constant threat of cancelation/lack of ratings since it's not even readily available on Paramount+ itself to watch like I literally only have access to the show from catching Hulu live recordings of the show. It just sucks seeing G3's potential constantly being stunted from it's lack of a true platform in the streaming world and the G3 haters that hate on anything this new generation is trying to do show or dollwise. I wish people would realize we had our turn with Monster High and you should want G3 to be around to share with future gens. 💔 I'm hoping G3 will have a long enough run I want to share and enjoy something I loved as a kid with my niece and it makes me sad I may not get to now. Also as a since G1 fan myself I prefer an imperfect MH to be around instead of MH being gone again. Just on another side note for a brand like Monster High to have longevity in the toy world modern kids need to be able to connect and take interest in G3, no brand can survive entirely on nostalgia alone so any toxic G1 stans might be affected too if G3 dips and they decide that continuing some forms of G1 isn't worth pursuing anymore.
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snortoborto · 9 months
This is literally the only website where fans of G3 Monster High can exist in peace without being fucking crucified by G1 purist types.
I grew up in Pony Fandom, I'm used to seeing how adults react to reboots, but I have never seen a fandom (of a children's toy line, lest we forget) act so horribly vindictive towards a reboot, and it's fans. A very high quality, thoughtful reboot at that.
You literally can't just enjoy G3 without someone screaming in your ear about how bitter they are that theyre not a kid anymore. That Monster High isn't catering to the youth culture of of 14 years ago.
I grew up in the 2010s and so many franchises from that time have been reworked. Some good and some bad, but I've never really seen quite the level of dedicated, continuous, distain for a reboot, that I see in the MH fandom.
Its just weird cause they're the same people who tout the "Be Yourself, Be Unique, Be a Monster" tag line of G1. Unless you like a different doll than them...I guess? It's so unserious. I think they remember G1 as being better, or more countercultural/progressive than it actually was. Those dolls and movies are not quite the high art, people pretend that they are.
They also constantly act like G3 killed G1. Wiped it off the face of the earth. All the old stuff is still there, PLUS Mattel is constantly releasing G1 collector dolls. Like, a lot of them.
The pride merch for this year had the G1 ghouls on it, eventhough G3 is the only version with actual cannon representation. (Yes Ik the G1 creator confirmed queer theories and intentions on social media, but it never explicitly made its way into the TV/movies. Its just coding, which is good, but still NOT explicit representation. Plus Garrett likes the new dolls, and posts them on socials. G3 has his blessing.) Why didn't we get some G3 Frankie merch to rep their NB identity? Why didn't we get G3 Clankie on a shirt or something? Mattel is still putting G1 first.
There's plenty of normal G1 fans, obviously, but the shitty ones are LOUD. Mattel can't even post an insta or tiktok video of the G3 cast, without the comments being full of people trashing G3 and attacking any commenter who likes it. Sometimes even shitting on the live action actors and VAs on their personal socials. It's gotten a little less bad since the reboot has been out over a year, but it's still a huge problem.
I'm genuinely confused as to why MH fans are acting worse about a reboot than literal bronies did about MLP G5. I love bronies, I'm a life long pony fan, but ik the fandom can have STRONG opinions on horse show.
When I started using Tumblr, I was surprised to only see love for G3. I'm sure there's hate somewhere, but not that I've seen.
Anyone else have any idea about why this might be? Are other doll-centric fandoms like this? I only really like MH dolls, so idk.
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ancientpersacom · 9 months
Oh my gods the MH community on Instagram is so insanely negative and toxic like how the fuck can you be THAT gross of a person to be all “ruined my childhood” “what the fuck is this” “stop-“ under every single g3 related post.
G3 AIN’T FOR YOU!!! IT’S FOR THE NEXT GENERATION OF KIDS!!! Can the OG now adult fans still consume G3? Of course they can. But we aren’t the target audience anymore. We’re grown ass adults and some of y’all are acting like literal toddlers throwing a tantrum because what? Lagoona is a different colour? The characters actually look their age and not 18? Your ship between two teenagers isn’t canon?This is a KIDS FASHION DOLL FRANCHISE not a fucking goth high school drama.
If you don’t like G3, that’s fine. Now shut up and let the kids enjoy things. I’m so sick of seeing bitchy adults punching down on literal kids (and other adults that can actually accept change and seperate G1 from G3). KEEP YOUR NASTY ASS NEGATIVE ASS HATEFUL ASS TOXIC ASS COMMENTS TO YOURSELF.
Ffs can y’all be nice for like two seconds? Did y’all miss the entire point of monster high? You know accepting flaws and spreading positivity and diversity? Your childhood isn’t ruined by g3 your childhood is ruined by your own inability to accept you’re an adult and things change now.
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kiradrabbles · 5 months
Ouuggh uuu if you want maybe headcanons (if you do them ofc) w the Marble Hornets fellas (oh just Tim if I want :3) w a afab s/o who's a volleyball player?
Have u seen their uniforms???
Ouugh sorry this took a while....... i got halfway through and my phone crashed and i lost some motivation q-q
In any case, why yes nonny i have seen the uniforms, and i do take headcanon requests!
Without further adieu...
Tim, Brian and Alex with an AFAB S/O who plays volleyball!
Mild NSFW warning!! No graphic sex but a few suggestive things said (and the worlds shittiest pickup line)
His awkward ass!!! I see a lot of people portray Tim as this cool confidant man, but especially pre-MH I think he was a little awkward. Not quite shy, just.. awkward, as he spent a lot of his childhood in the psych ward. So that would carry over to this.
He wouldn’t stare so visibly, but he’d make it obvious he had to try not to, averting his eyes and shuffling on his feet.
I think sometimes he’d steal looks when he thinks you aren’t looking. He’d glance over, and let out a little sigh and lean back in his chair just a little bit, and you know he’s just admiring you.
how did he get so lucky?
he isn’t a huge fan of sports himself, but he’ll try his best to support you!! He’ll turn up to every game he can, make sure to sit or stand in the front row, and cheer so loud everyone looks at him and he’ll sit back down in embarrassment.
Tim is a physical touch fiend, considering he didn’t get it a lot as a child, so he loves hugs, and will probably be touching you somehow often.
the problem is, when he hugs you in uniform, he is suddenly very acutely aware of how.. much he can see of you right now, and gets all red, and won’t tell you why.
you could probably force it out of him though :3
This mf is into it and does not hide it!!
Brians pretty much a smug asshole in canon (lovingly) so he’ll be all smug and show you off to pretty much everyone. Will not hold back on the PDA either. Will probably slap your ass in public and act confused why you’re mad at him. (Only if he knows you don’t mind ofc).
i wouldn’t put it past him to run up to you as soon as you get in the game and quite literally pick you up and kiss you and spin you around, like some scene in a shitty movie.
most ATROCIOUS pickup lines ‼️
“Hey girl, are you an overpass? Because I’d hit that” “BRIAN I JUST SAT DOWN-“
He’s canonically a nursing student, so I’ve always imagined he takes pretty good care of himself, eat well, stay fit, workout often. So you two would match!
he’d be happy to train with you, one of his love languages is quality time, and he’d get to stare at his girl in short shorts and a top anyway, so who is he to complain?
plus, you’d both be all sweaty after, and he could invite you into the shower with him.
I’m sure you can imagine what ensues.
He was intimidated at first. I mean, look at him, he’s a twinky theatre kid, and you’re.. muscular and not afraid to show it off, clearly. I mean you could probably pick him up and throw him around, or wrap your legs around his head, or- Not that he’s thinking about that (that he would admit).
he’d stare, but unlike Bri he does NOT own it.
he won’t admit it, but he will stare at you so much. sometimes unintentionally. He thinks he’s being subtle (he is not). I mean, how is it his fault that you’re really pretty and the shorts are so short.
it’s so easy to fluster him, even if he would rather die than admit it.
tsundere ass!!! /silly
Sit on his lap all sweaty after a game and he will turn the most red you've ever seen him and stutter like all hell. he isn't blushing red though, he doesn't know what you're talking about, he just forgot the sunscreen.
Your biggest fan!!!
He'll film your games (and you KNOW mf would get the best angles even if it meant pushing other onlookers out the way). Perks of a film maker bf...
He does want you to crush his head between your thighs i'm so sorry....
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