#mha 362 leaks
assassyart · 11 months
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now go back to war
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zeke-best · 2 years
I'm in pain
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kaidabakugou · 2 years
just read the leaks and even though katsuki is still away at war :( it’s been 211 days horikoshi pls
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chickentnders · 2 months
I Think Katsuki is Going to Give Izuku His Quirk in the End
(rewritten here)
There are only two chapters left, so who knows, I haven't seen leaks, but I think there's some compelling evidence supporting the possibility that Katsuki will end up quirkless and Izuku will be given his quirk. And I felt like talking about it. Hi.
*Manga spoilers through chapter 428, Vigilantes, and the Heroes Rising movie*
In chapter 304, Izuku finds out that he's likely the last person who will ever hold One For All, since it can only be transferred to a quirkless person now. Izuku is the 9th, and final, user of OFA.
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Except, the thing is, this isn't true.
I'd been going with the understanding that OFA can't be passed on again, but that's not quite what it says in the manga. They say he might be the last wielder and that it can't go to an ordinary person anymore.
This is true, in order to hold the power of OFA, one has to be quirkless, because it eats away at one's life force to have multiple quirks added to their own (as we see with the 4th user).
And this also isn't true, because of the Heroes Rising movie.
The really crazy thing I realized is that this contradiction, doesn't actually contradict what's been established in manga canon.
So, what counts as canon?
Everything, apparently.
In Heroes Rising, there are two little kids at the center of things, Katsuma and Mahoro.
In chapter 384 of the manga, those same two little kids showed up. Then they show up again in chapter 405.
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Meaning, the events of that movie… happened?
And that means that there aren't nine OFA users; there are ten.
All Might Vestige
In chapter 362, Katsuki dies. R.I.P. Kacchan, who has now also died in the anime.
But near death, the person he sees in his final moments is All Might. Not Izuku, not his family, not his friends, his teacher. And not just All Might, All Might's non-verbal glowing vestige.
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Why this version of All Might, instead of the man?
I have an idea, and it has to do with Heroes Rising.
I thought Vestige-Might was just a stylistic choice on Horikoshi-sensei's part. All Might symbolizes Katsuki's dream, he's the person he idolized his whole life, and he's thinking about things he regrets in his final moments; an autograph from his hero, such a simple thing he never got to ask for.
But then Katsuki stopped being dead and all of a sudden Mahoro and Katsuma showed up in the manga, twice, and I had to reevaluate my perception of MHA canon and what qualifies.
Let's rewind a bit to chapter 254, before the PLF raid so I can make a quick point (for others like me who are used to supplementary material not being acknowledged in, or as, canon).
When Eraserhead and Present Mic are talking to Kurogiri and trying to coax Shirakumo out of him, Eraserhead talks about Shirakumo saving a cat, after Aizawa had left it behind.
For like four years I wondered why the story kept trying to make me care so much about Shirakumo and his friendship with the other two, with so little information given, only to find out not long ago that the entire backstory is covered in Vigilantes.
Which means Vigilantes is canon.
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Which means, with the inclusion of movie characters in the main manga… it's all canon. Searching the subreddit and wiki also confirmed this for me.
So if Heroes Rising is canon, that drastically changes the context and potential meaning of Vestige-Might appearing to near death Katsuki.
Because in Heroes Rising, Izuku transfers OFA to Katsuki to defeat Nine.
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When it's over, OFA doesn't stay with Katsuki; it goes back to Izuku and Katsuki has no memory of this ever happening. But Katsuki does hold OFA for a short time.
That means that Katsuki is the 10th OFA holder.
Like I said, there aren't nine, there are ten holders.
Like, did it bother anyone else that nine was such an awkward number for OFA holders? It feels incomplete, right?
Considering the events of the manga, this is a potentially huge deal with some interesting implications.
In the final battle in the manga, Deku passed OFA to Shigaraki, one quirk at a time. OFA, the quirk, is officially dead and gone; only the embers remain in Izuku and Izuku is quirkless again.
But like I said… since the movies are canon, then it's also possible that a small ember is also in Katsuki. He didn't hold it long enough to have his own vestige like All Might, but he was still a holder.
So, what if Katsuki was seeing Vestige-Might within the OFA vestige world and that really was All Might? Glow-Might couldn't speak, just like how we see him in Izuku's vestige space; and iirc, he can't speak, because All Might is still alive.
Now, Katuski only saw All Might, not any of the other holders, but that also makes sense. They have no emotional investment in Katsuki, he barely held the quirk, and he doesn't know who they are aside from what he read in All Might's notes. But All Might does care about him, so it makes sense that the piece of himself that exists within OFA would appear in his student's final moments, through the ember of OFA inside Katsuki.
As I was looking to find chapter numbers for this, I ended up flipping through the All Might vs. AFO fight by happenstance and realized something else:
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This is from chapter 403. It looks like All Might is about to die and as he thinks this is the end for him, his life flashes before his eyes and he looks back at the path he walked and notices these balls of light on the ground. He thinks, "And what I saw… seemed so very significant."
Hey. You notice anything about this bright ball of light in the center of the panel?
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At the end of the chapter, we see Katsuki and Izuku holding those balls of light, with All Might watching from the background, holding his own ball of light. I thought this represented him being their teacher, pushing them forward to become great heroes, a passing of the torch to the next generation of heroes. He never had kids, so this is how he passes on his legacy, through the aspirations of all the children who looked up to him.
Or it is a passing of the torch, but literally.
Dynamight's Final Fight
I don't know if anyone noticed this, it might not be significant, their costumes get destroyed all the time, but…
In his fight with Shigaraki, as ShigAFO tells him he'll never be anything more than Deku's hanger on, Katsuki's costume is destroyed. Going back a few chapters from 362 (R.I.P. Kacchan), visually, it feels like we're being shown his dream of becoming a pro hero get destroyed bit by bit. His arm gets crushed and twisted, his gauntlets are shattered, his mask gets torn off, he gets an upgrade to his costume and it's barely effective, and it seems from the narration that his quirk was damaging his body from the inside out (like how OFA would do to Izuku).
That fight looks like the end for him, his heart literally explodes (or gets pierced, idk), but he gets back up, saves All Might, and has a grand finale against AFO. The last thing we see him do is propel Izuku the final step to deal that last punch and end things. It's Izuku's story, so of course he lands the final blow, but the point is, Katsuki the one to support him then, because it could never be him.
When we see him in the hospital after it's all over in ch. 424, not only is he told his arm possibly never going to regain normal function, let alone enough to use his quirk like he did before, but his heart is also damaged. We already know that he uses support items to store up his sweat, and I imagine in the MHA world a prosthesis could function similarly in hero work, yet he wants to do the long and painful rehabilitation, despite possibly never regaining function. This is not to criticize his choice to keep his arm at all, I just thought it was interesting, considering how similar he's shown to be to Mirko and how he chose the opposite of what she did.
This feels like a very important choice, because of the support item aspect.
But the most interesting thing in this scene was that he mentions that Izuku never had a quirk to begin with, right before he finds out that Izuku is quirkless again.
(side note: Both Izuku and All Might fought quirkless in the final battle and I love that for them? Like Izuku was technically quirkless when he dealt that final weather changing blow, incredible.)
How Does OFA Actually Work?
Once All Might gave OFA to Izuku, he no longer had the quirk, just the embers. He couldn't pass on the ember that was left inside him and those embers couldn't be stolen. Izuku can't pass on what he has left either. The actual OFA quirk is gone from the previous holder once it's transferred.
But I think another reason that All Might or Izuku couldn't pass anything on again after giving it away, is that they were both quirkless. In the absence of the quirk-passing quirk, there's nothing left of their own quirk factors to pass on, because they never had one. And all of the other holders died/were killed so it wasn't tested as a possibility.
If you think about it… didn't Nana still have Float once she passed OFA onto All Might? All Might never unlocked the other users' quirks (he never had Float) so there's no test he could have done for this either. As far as all the other holders knew, OFA was just lifetimes of built up strength passed on, none of them made true contact with the vestiges to learn about its true power. There would have been no reason to assume that their quirk was forfeit once OFA was passed on, because they didn't know that the actual unique quirk factor was stored.
But if she still had Float after transfer, I would imagine that means that only a copy of the quirk, a small piece, is what's passed on in OFA and that the original stays with the person. One For All isn't eight quirks, it's a single quirk with the abilities of the predecessors. Otherwise, if Shinomori died of old age at a very young age, All Might living as long as he did while holding onto it for longer makes no sense.
If OFA gives, while AFO takes, it also makes sense that OFA doesn't take the person's original quirk.
So what does that mean for canon right now?
If Katsuki is the 10th OFA holder and if a small bit of OFA lives inside him, it was unused, and therefore undiminished, because he never knew it was there—he doesn't remember the events of the movie. He hasn't been using OFA like All Might used it until it was barely a flicker, so the piece that could be inside him is still burning brightly.
He can't pass on OFA anymore, just like All Might and Izuku; the actual OFA quirk is gone.
But Katsuki isn't quirkless.
OFA is a quirk meant to pass power from one person to another. If Izuku and All Might could still make use of OFA's strength, who's to say that it's transfer ability couldn't also be used via the embers? Remember, they didn't have their own quirks to try this out and everyone before them had died early.
Katsuki would be the only person left who could possibly use it pass on a quirk again, because he actually has his own quirk. And while Izuku was the last person who could hold it as a quirkless person (a rarity in his generation), as a quirkless person once more, he's also the perfect vessel to receive a quirk using the last remaining bits of OFA.
So how does this not contradict manga canon?
Well, like I mentioned, the vestiges tell him that he might be the last wielder of OFA, because now it can only go to someone quirkless, and there are fewer and fewer quirkless people born in the world.
Yet, in Heroes Rising, Izuku transfers it to Katsuki, who is not a quirkless individual.
At the end of the movie, once Nine is defeated, Katsuki can't hold onto it and it goes back to Izuku. This aligns exactly with what the vestiges told him. Katsuki just got a taste of the super strength aspect of the quirk, but it didn't stay with him. All Might posits that it's because he passed out before the transfer finished, but changes his mind into thinking it was a miracle granted by the predecessors (since OFA has been shown to have a will).
But what if he was wrong, and it went back to Izuku, because Katsuki literally couldn't hold onto it, as it was too much for his body?
In Heroes Rising, Nine (whose name feels very significant now), was given the ability to hold nine quirks and use eight, and it was too much for him, he had to be genetically modified by Garaki. And even then, he was trying to steal Katsuma's Cell Activation quirk, because his body was breaking down the more he used them. I could be mistaken of course, but I think we're given a villain like this to show what multiple quirks do to the body and the movie ended the way it did, not breaking canon rules for OFA, because we're seeing that it was always impossible for Katsuki to hold onto it. Nobody but Izuku, a quirkless person, can.
We already know Izuku was the 9th holder, but I actually just realized, Izuku was holding onto and could use eight quirks. But if Katsuki was the 10th user, that means he was also possibly holding onto nine while being able to use eight, just like Nine. If I'm mistaken, someone please correct me, but look:
Yoichi's original quirk to pass on power
Power Stocking Quirk gifted by AFO
Gear Shift
Fa Jin
Danger Sense
Black Whip
(and a copy of Katsuki's Explosion could have been in there, never unlocked or known about since he doesn't have a vestige)
Possible coincidence? Absolutely. But, I mean—
And as for how Katsuki would even know that he has OFA if he doesn't remember: He saw Vestige-Might specifically and All Might was there after the battle with Nine.
Katsuki knows about the vestiges from Izuku. He figured out that All Might was the one who gave Izuku his quirk, despite having no reason to believe that quirk transfer was possible aside from Izuku telling him he got his quirk from someone else. Katsuki is smart enough to figure out that Vestige-Might appearing to him could possibly mean something OFA related.
As For Why Katsuki Might (Possibly) (Probably) (Maybe?) Give Up His Quirk
Because he didn't get the prosthesis. And because of his final fight.
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I already mentioned this, but to me, it feels like he's resigning himself to a decision. As if he wants to keep both of his hands as a reminder of what he used to be able to do with them and there's no need for a support item like prosthesis, if he's not going to be using his quirk anymore. If he's giving it up.
Of course, he doesn't yet know that Izuku is quirkless at that point, but the author knows and that's who controls the character's actions.
We've learned a lot about Katsuki throughout the story. We know Katsuki has changed from the punk he was at the beginning. We know he's been paying as much attention to Izuku as Izuku has to him. We know he's sorry and wants to make things up to him. He apologized in front of their entire class and didn't expect forgiveness or for things to change between them. He can't undo years of bullying, there's no way to take that back, the past can't be undone, but he's trying to atone. He wants to atone.
We know he cares about Izuku, we know he would literally die for Izuku, and we also know that Katsuki was devastated at the news that Izuku is quirkless again. He's actually cried a lot in the story, but I think that was the first time he cried for someone else's sake. They were his first tears that weren't from frustration, and his thoughts in that moment were "what did I do to you?"
We also know that Katsuki wanted to be the strongest hero, and honestly… he kind of already achieved his goal.
From chapter one he's gotten a ton of media attention—the sludge villain, winning the sports festival, the kidnapping and rescue (coinciding with All Might's end), defeating a villain with Shouto after they got their provisional licenses. He's literally famous. People have taken notice of him with everything he's done the entire story, for good and bad, and then the entire world saw him defeat AFO and help Deku make it to Shigaraki to land that final punch. After a rocky start and being painted as villainous, he showed he could be a great hero and it was acknowledged by the entire world. There isn't really anywhere else for his story to naturally go as a hero.
It's literally physically impossible for a single human to surpass All Might without OFA, which was Katsuki's goal at the beginning. And at the end, he just wanted him and Izuku to keep chasing after each other, always trying to catch up forever, but now they can't.
It's also why Endeavor's story is so tragic. Can you imagine being Endeavor when he found out about OFA and that the game had been rigged against him from the start? He spent his entire life trying to be the strongest, not number one, but the strongest. He put all his energy into surpassing All Might, abused and neglected his family in pursuit of that goal, cast aside everything else, and then he finds out his entire life had been pointless, because All Might was using a cheat code. Endeavor never stood a chance to begin with. He could have spent that time getting to know his kids, or marrying someone out of love, or making one (1) single friend, but instead he was the number two hero for twenty-six straight years and went nowhere. His ambition meant nothing.
It's been reiterated time and again in the story that Katsuki and Endeavor are parallels. Shigaraki was right that Katsuki would never catch up to Deku, it's impossible. He would have lived his entire life like Endeavor in a meaningless pursuit. And if we look at Endeavor's conclusion, well...
Endeavor had planned to give up hero work and spend the rest of his life looking at Touya and atoning to his family. He ended up being forced to by his injuries, but he had still planned to give up the thing in his life that had given him the most meaning and pride (when it should have been his family). Hero work was the thing he valued most, and so Endeavor gave it up for what really mattered.
For Katsuki, the thing that gave him the most meaning and pride in his life was his quirk. And striving to be the best, just like Endeavor. He valued that over his friendship with Izuku, the thing that really mattered. It's kind of undeniable at this point, leaving shipping completely out of the equation, that Izuku is Katsuki's most important person.
So with Endeavor's conclusion, and how the manga is currently going… I can't help but wonder if that final fight against OFA was supposed to be Katsuki's big send off. A huge spectacle with everyone in the world watching, because that was the end of the road for him; his last big battle, not just in the story, but ever.
What if that was the end of his journey to becoming a pro hero?
What if we got to see his quirk evolve one last time and take down the baddest bad guy, because it was the last time he was ever going to be physically able to use his quirk?
Is the logical conclusion to his story for him to give up that thing he valued over what was important to him, just like Endeavor did in the end? Would him giving that up symbolize him not following in Endeavor's footsteps of obsessive drive that eclipses everything else in his life?
Is Katsuki is going to give Izuku his Explosion quirk, using that last bit of OFA?
And what if Katsuki is going to end the story quirkless and was always intended to from the very beginning?
And here's where I get back to those lights.
Because I think it (possibly) confirms what I was saying in the beginning.
There are nine One For All users, according to the manga. We've established that that's not actually true if the movies are canon, and they are. There are ten OFA users.
These are the full two panels previously mentioned of what All Might was thinking at the start of 403 when he looked back at his path.
He thinks, "As for what I've done? I just happened to glance back at my path. And what I saw… seemed so very significant."
Let's see how many lights there are as he looks back at his path:
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There are ten (10) lights [insert TNG joke here], not nine. And the big one, smack dab in the center, is shown with Katsuki's explosions around it.
I thought for a moment that these were possibly just the stored quirk factors, but Izuku and All Might are quirkless, so there wouldn't be ten lights if that were the case.
I think it's showing us that these lights represent the holders of OFA.
Katsuki is that tenth center light, confirming that he's the 10th OFA user.
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This panel right here of the child Katsuki and Izuku with their balls of light? This is on the last page before Izuku sees Katsuki alive again after finding him dead and losing his mind. Please note All Might in the background, also holding his own ball of light.
And remember this from chapter 362 (R.I.P. Kacchan)?
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It's the same image as Katsuki's final thoughts. The balls of light are the trading cards they got that day, but wait for it—
In 403, right before the panel of them as children holding the balls of light, we see that same center ball of light on the ground of All Might's path again, then a panel of Katsuki holding his All Might trading card beneath it. Almost as if the story is trying to tell us something about what that trading card represents and what Katsuki holding it really means.
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Right before we see their expressions as they lock eyes, as Izuku realizes Katsuki isn't dead, it shows the two of them as little kids, happy to have both gotten All Might trading cards.
I don't think the trading cards we see here are really trading cards.
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This whole chapter, the last two pages especially, was completely re-contextualized for me after noticing there are ten lights.
Like I said earlier, All Might didn't just pass the torch metaphorically, I think he passed it literally.
OFA is always represented as flame, as embers, etc... Those trading cards don't just symbolize their friendship, or their dreams, or their admiration, I think Horikoshi-sensei is showing us that they both have the same trading card, because they both have the same thing inside of them. Something passed onto them from All Might, because All Might is also shown with his own ball of light.
Why would All Might have his own All Might trading card…?
The trading cards aren't trading cards, they're One For All. Katsuki and Izuku hold the embers that All Might passed down to both of them.
Remember, the scene in 362 and 403 are exactly the same. They're Katsuki's memories. How is All Might's near death vision showing him memories that aren't his? Well, if they're connected through One For All, it makes sense that he sees that, because that's literally impossible otherwise. He could see them as high schoolers, as middle schoolers when he first me them, but not as small children in a very real scene that actually happened.
And if OFA is still alive inside Katsuki, I think that means he can transfer Explosion, because he has his own quirk factor.
If Izuku and All Might could still use everything that made OFA what it was, despite not having it anymore, there is nothing saying that the transfer ability wouldn't also work.
The only thing stopping them from trying is having nothing to pass on, because they were quirkless. Katsuki does have something he can pass on, though.
And who better to receive Katsuki's Explosion quirk, than the person who'd spent his entire life watching him?? Izuku is the perfect person, and I imagine the only person Katsuki would deem worthy of receiving it. He knows Katsuki's moves almost as well as Katsuki himself.
At USJ when the Shigaraki attacks, Izuku puts on a brave face and fights just like Kacchan. When he learns from Gran Torino, he realizes that he has to be more loose and fluids with his movements, just like Kacchan. In [training exercise I can't remember] Katsuki notices that Izuku copied his moves. He knows how Katsuki's moves work without him even telling him.
What if the story came full circle and Izuku was constantly emulating Katsuki in the beginning, because it was foreshadowing that he was always supposed to end up with his Explosoin quirk?
Can you imagine how good that payoff could be?
All that paying attention to Kacchan, admiring him, copying his moves, trying to be like him, having him as his image of victory, knowing a frankly alarming amount about it, what if that was all 430 chapters of foreshadowing? This is why I asked if maybe Katsuki was always intended to end up quirkless.
What if the thing that caused the rift in their friendship is going to be the thing that heals it, as Bakugou's ultimate acknowledgement that quirkless nerd Izuku was always a hero and deserves to be one more than anyone else?
What if giving his quirk to Izuku, who is once again quirkless, is his ultimate atonement and the thing that Horikoshi-sensei said back in like 2022 (paraphrasing because I don't remember, please don't quote me) that he hoped would make Bakugou fans and haters alike both happy? Because I thought it was killing him (R.I.P. Kacchan), but this feels like it makes more sense.
I think swapping places from where they started would be the perfect conclusion for their friendship and Katsuki's journey. I don't know about the whole story, and I don't care to speculate about that, but for the two of them, this feels right to me.
That said, I am aware there are some
Potential Issues With This
1. Would Izuku accept the quirk? Probably not, but as we saw with Yoichi and Kudou, the recipient doesn't have to be aware in order to receive OFA; it's on the giver to will it to them. The recipient does not have to consent, all Katsuki has to do is spit in his food, really.
2. There's the issue of Izuku trying to give it right back. But All Might only managed to hold onto OFA's embers for a few months after nurturing it for 40 years. Izuku only held OFA for a little over a year, he probably won't have the embers very long and it's already been a while since the final battle. All Katsuki would have to do is wait a few weeks for the last embers of it to fade from Izuku before transferring it, ensuring he couldn't pass it back. Since Katsuki only held OFA for less than a day, that would probably use up the last embers of OFA for good.
3. The lack of acknowledgement of the events of Heroes Rising in the main manga is a MASSIVE writing issue. For me, this is the thing that makes the scenario most unlikely, because as of July 24, 2024, there are only two (2) chapters left to go and that's not much time to explain movie events in order to not have a quirk transfer seem like it came out of nowhere or breaks established canon.
3a. But, like I mentioned before, this was already done this with Vigilantes concerning Shirakumo's backstory. We're supposed to feel empathy and compassion for their long dead friend, but no real work was put into the main manga to establish how close their relationship was, we're just told that they were friends and classmates. We get some hints to the events in Vigilantes in the main manga, but they don't carry as much weight without the full context.
Meanwhile in Vigilantes, Shirakumo and Aizawa are very close and they're all friends, but tbh, Mic is basically a third wheel. The entire arc reads like a tragic story of lost love, Shirakumo's death changed everything for Aizawa. After Shirakumo's death, Aizawa goes off on his own, works himself to the bone, doesn't sleep because he's training all night (the origin story of the sleeping bag), is depressed, stops trying in classes, he's told his quirk is suited for working with others (which is true) yet he goes independent, basically abandons Mic and the plans the three of them had to start an agency together (he says they were going to be a duo or a trio and let me tell you, Mic was not included in the duo)—it's depressing.
No wonder Aizawa was the one who got so worked up at seeing Kurogiri; Shirakumo meant a lot to him, his entire world shifted when he died. And no wonder Mic was so uncharacteristically reserved and pissed about the whole situation; he'd had to watch Aizawa retreat into himself for years after Shirakumo died, and then his ghost showed back up as a villain. Aizawa's arc is pretty long in Vigilantes, I think it's an entire volume, so it would bring the plot to a grinding halt if it were all included in the main manga, but unfortunately, none of this information feels effectively communicated through subtext in the main manga.
In my opinion, Vigilantes is a necessary read to understand several things the main manga. I loved it, and I highly recommend it (despite some very questionable scenes); imo, Number 6 vs. The Crawler felt like it did a better job at what at least two final fights in MHA were going for. But I'm not a fan of writing that requires you to have read outside material to fill in gaps. That said, I've also seen this happen before in American comic books, so I think it kind of makes sense that that influence would carry over and he'd rely on supplementary material like Vigilantes and the movies.
So getting back to my point, if Katsuki does have OFA, like those lights and Vestige-Might seem to imply, I'm kind of thinking it will be the same sort of situation, where it's expected the reader will have watched Heroes Rising. Especially since Horikoshi-sensei drew so many illustrations with Mahoro and Katsuma.
The ten lights, the fact that Nana still had Float (afaik), Vestige-Might, the fact that Heroes Rising was acknowledged at least twice in the main manga, Endeavor's ending, the trading cards, etc… all make me think that this is the conclusion for Katsuki that Horikoshi-sensei was working towards: quirkless Katsuki and Izuku with Explosion. But I also know that just because something is set up and foreshadowed, doesn't mean that the author will actually go through with it, especially in a weekly manga where anything can interfere with the story at any moment. Maybe I'm close to right and maybe I'll be so far off it's not even funny.
But who knows. There are only two chapters left and some writing choices have been confusing to say the least. I just hope we get a satisfactory ending, no matter what it is. Thank you, Horikoshi-sensei for all your hard work.
What do you think?
Do you think Katsuki will give Explosion to Izuku?
Do you think Izuku will become the first quirkless pro hero instead?
Do you think Katsuki could become the first quirkless pro hero? How wild would that be!
Do you think they'll go to a fair and share a crepe and we'll finally get that holding hands scene and the quirk will be transferred via saliva and Izuku will have an oh shit bakudeku canon moment thinking back to his words to Toga? Unlikely with how many chapters are left, but I would scream.
I haven't seen anyone talk about this before, I really only look at ship tags, but this feels pretty bkdk and I'd imagine I would have seen it at some point if so, especially around the time 362 (R.I.P. Kacchan) and 424 dropped. I don't really read theories, as I generally don't care where the story goes and am just along for the ride, but if someone has said all this before me, sorry for being redundant!
I hope this wasn't too repetitive, thanks for reading ✌️Don't mind my blank blog, this is just a side blog on a side account, feel free to let me know if I've made any mistakes, I'm not an expert on the story by any means and welcome correction.
I haven't looked at leaks (if they're out, I don't check for that) so that would be wild if anything I mentioned here was in them, but tbh I doubt it, haha.
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greenhappyseed · 9 months
MHA 410 leak reactions (spoilered)
AFO is gone??? Just like that??? It feels like too “neat” of an end for someone who spent the last 200 years murdering thousands trying to rule the world. I guess I’m glad he cried at the end but…yeah. I’m not convinced he’s gone. I mean, we thought Bakugo was dead, then we thought Edgeshot was dead, and they’re not. Edgeshot is a sentient spool of thread at this point, but he’s alive.
Bakugo is down again (like Ochako, Shoto, etc.) This time he’s thinking about how he wanted to be like All Might and how he’s wishing Izuku good luck. Glad we get his thoughts this time around, but we still don’t know WTF he was thinking back in 362 when he took on Tomura alone.
We get a flashback saying the heroes would rather fight AFO than Tomura, because Tomura is more powerful and more mentally unstable, seeking only destruction and not any kind of power or rule. I dunno guys, they’re both pretty tough.
THE BIG ONE —> Tomura stole Danger Sense, which means *almost* all of Izuku’s powers are at risk (you all know what I think about vestige All Might — he’s not going anywhere unless he wants to because he’s made of pure will without a quirk factor).
Recall that the vestiges all represent quirk factors within the OFA quirk factor. They’re not separate quirks. And OFA cannot be stolen contrary to the will of the wielder. So how did Tomura take PART of OFA? How did he steal something within an un-stealable quirk?
Was AFO referring to Yoichi as he was dying because Yoichi can help him? Because their “resonance” allows the AFO quirk to do something?
Oh god, Hawks was lampshading the common fandom theory that when AFO dies, all the quirks he stole will return to their original owners (or their descendants). But what if there is some truth to it? As in, they’ll all leave the copy of AFO and go to the original AFO quirk, which is still in Tomura?
Finally, Tomura was thanking AFO and thinking he should have killed Bakugo for good. But if he DID kill Bakugo for good, then AFO would have probably succeeded in taking over Tomura’s body again. So either Tomura thinks he’s a god and is untouchable, or he’s more confused than he ever was.
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20001541 · 2 months
mha anime spoilers//// talking about when rewinded afo will show up and how far the anime will go after seeing the leaks
so this weeks episode ends in the middle of chapter 359 right at this moment
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which means next week will be bakudead and I have a feeling the episode will end exactly right when he dies SO that means naked afo for sure on the 27th. however if it next weeks episode doesn't end at the end of 362 and goes into 363 we will see a peak at afo's rewinded face as 363 shows us his face before getting to where he's fully naked. very exciting times for afo fans!!!!
I've already reblogged the leaks of the opening and apparently we might get to the iron might fight?!?! we see teen afo fighting and if you pause it you could see all might mecha suit as well. people had speculated it could get to that point but I had my doubts so now I'm feeling like :0. makes me wonder if we'll cover the whole battle and if the the season might end right when bakugo saves all might as some people were speculating.
hopefully all of this will gain afo some more attention and fans once this all gets animated. I'm excited to see what's next!
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pikahlua · 1 year
[MASTERPOST] My Hero Academia Spoilers/Manga Translations Part 2
Continued from Part 1 here.
Ch. 369
Ch. 368
Ch. 367
Ch. 366
Ch. 365
Ch. 364
Ch. 363
Ch. 362
Ch. 361
Ch. 360
Ch. 359
Ch. 358
Ch. 357
Ch. 356
Ch. 355
Ch. 354
Ch. 353
Ch. 352 (full chapter)
Ch. 352
Ch. 351
Ch. 350
Ch. 349
Ch. 348 (clarification on Izuku’s response to Toga)
Ch. 348 (first three pages complete)
Ch. 348
Ch. 347
Ch. 346
Ch. 345
Ch. 344
Ch. 343 (full chapter)
Ch. 343
Ch. 342
Ch. 341 (first six pages)
Ch. 340
Ch. 338
Ch. 337
Ch. 336 Part 1
Ch. 336 Part 2
Ch. 336: The MHA 336 leak(???) translated
Ch. 335
Ch. 334
Ch. 333
Ch. 332
Ch. 330
Ch. 329
Ch. 327 (but only the first three pages)
Ch. 326
Ch. 325
Ch. 324
Ch. 322: What Katsuki needs to say
Ch. 322
Ch. 321
Ch. 320
Ch. 319
Ch. 318 Part 1
Ch. 318 Part 2
Ch. 318 Part 3
Ch. 310 Translation Notes
Ch. 302 Translation Notes
Ch. 290-291 Dabi’s broadcast translation
Ch. 284 Translation Notes
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maciicheese · 2 years
The Healer
ch. 15 - i really need to talk to you
cw: cursing per usual, and a little bit of ooc bkg
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so it’s been a while, but in my defense i have been going through it. i started college and my roommate is literally awful and i hate her so much, my grandma died, i barely have any friends but i am grateful for the ones i have made im homesick and that one mha manga leak that shit really got to me but im back now!
fun facts:
emi and y/n grew up together
i like the idea that whenever bakugou gets a partner they are all he can think about
bakugou is a little ooc towards the end but i really needed it after ch 362
bakugou did make a gc but left right after the conversation was over
i loooooove the idea that in todoroki’s head he thinks the he and bakugou are the bestest of friends
bakugou did enjoy hanging out with todoroki
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
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“this looks like fun,” i said, “let’s get into this!” i said. “omg let’s write serialised fanfic it’ll be GREAT!” i said.
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savnofilter · 2 years
i literally cant do this rn. the way hori gave us an image of each core moment in bakugo's life makes it so much more worse. not to mention the fact his parents are watching the fight (if im correct its being broadcasted). ik some are saying hes charging up because of the correlation with the 2nd user but... 😶
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originaldouble · 2 years
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Nothing about this is okay
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zeke-best · 2 years
Please don't go away."
"That's my line."
We make that promise to each other in an optimistic way, with a pat on the shoulder
Knowing full well that one of us will break it
It just wasn't me this time again
-Sketch, by Kiro Akiyama (MHA S6 ending song)
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iarts165 · 2 years
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greenhappyseed · 1 year
MHA Ch. 403 leak reactions
Babymight!!! And oh my god he’s reading manga with his MOM. This guy and the maternal figures in his life!!!! Also, another character reading comics, hmmm…
All Might is paralyzed by AFO using Stain’s quirk. Turns out the gauntlet didn’t explode. (Happens to all of us babe.) Gentle tries to help but AFO disrupts floating UA so he has to hold up UA again. Star’s bros try too but AFO outmatches them.
The world is watching. People are starting to feel hopeless. Oh hey, we even get Gran Torino in the hospital crying. Who will help All Might?
Yeah, it’s Bakugo.
I’m happy we get to see Bakugo alive, and glad he finally gets his save, but it also feels like the most predictable possible result.
We also have to wait to understand why Bakugo did what he did in 362 (it wasn’t to save All Might) and to learn more about what’s going on with Aura Might.
I’m amused by the thought of Bakugo sending explosions towards All Might thinking “WTF old man???” At the same time, All Might sees Bakugo bloodied and frantically waving around a…card???? “WTF kid???”
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rrandomtthings · 2 years
“Those who love bakugou and hate him will enjoy it”
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alena-draws · 2 years
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There there, I fixed it.
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