#mha chapter 409
inkseye · 7 months
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I love how it went from Deku being like "This is the story of how I became the greatest hero" and it slowly turned into the story of how both of them became heroes together.
One other thing that also convinces me they'll become hero partners is Bakugo saying this-
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"Izuku, I won't stand in your way anymore."
Back at the baths he told Deku he was still his rival, I feel as though this is his way of saying he doesn't want to compete against him anymore. (Obviously there would still be some competition that's just how they are.)
Anyways that's just what I think.
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comradekiwi · 7 months
a 😭😭 boy 😭😭😭😭 that 😭😭😭grew 😭😭😭 up 😭😭😭 being 😭😭😭😭 loved 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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tawney · 7 months
(Mha 409 spoilers)
Hot take: Baby Katsuki is not that ugly, he just looks like a newborn. Most fresh newborns look like naked mole rats, Horikoshi is just being realistic. Give it a week and he'll look cuter.
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mirioboo · 7 months
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oh my god yoichis expression he seems so… sad and disappointed that this was the way his brother had to go… he had so much faith in him. NOT TO MENTION AFO IS A BABY IN THE VESTIGES NOW so seeing that could invoke so many memories and feelings ohhh godddd
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tawneybee · 7 months
Not agreeing or disagreeing with the abusive Mitsuki discourse, but I do wonder if people know a parent can be abusive and still love their child?
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sakubabypowa734 · 7 months
Ugly baby but glad he was born! I love him!
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This memory of Izuku really hits him, he'll never forget what he did but he promises now that he will always be here for him and not be an obstacle anymore.
And now, let's the king speak about himself!
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can-and-wont · 7 months
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I could not love this guy more actually he has my whole heart
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pikahlua · 7 months
MHA Chapter 409 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 愛を受けて育ち成長した少年はー… あいをうけてそだちせいちょうしたしょうねんはー… ai wo ukete sodachi seichou shita shounen wa-... A boy who grew up receiving love-...
tagline 2 No.409 "個性"‼︎爆破‼︎ 堀越耕平 ナンバー409 "こせい"‼︎ばくは‼︎ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 409  "kosei"!! bakuha!!   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 409 Quirk: Explosion!!  Kouhei Horikoshi
1 俺も全部俺のモンにして上へ行く おれもぜんぶおれのモンにしてうえへいく ore mo zenbu ore no MON ni shite ue e iku "I'll make everything mine and go higher."
2 「爆破」はやりてェと思った事何でも出来る! 「ばくは」はやりてェとおもったことなんでもできる! 「bakuha」 wa yariteE to omotta koto nandemo dekiru! "Explosion can do anything I want!"
3 出久 いずく Izuku Izuku
4 もうおめーの邪魔はしねえ もうおめーのじゃまはしねえ mou omee no jama wa shinee I won't get in your way anymore.* (*Note: This is a sentence that could have many potential translations: "I won't get in your way anymore," "I won't hold you back anymore," "I won't be a hindrance to you anymore," etc.)
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1 避けろ少年!!! よけろしょうねん!!! yokero shounen!!! "Dodge, young man!!!"
2 頼む たのむ tanomu I'm counting on you,* (*Note: This word literally means "to ask, to rely on, to request," but when spoken like this, it's usually a manly way to say "please".)
3 爆ぜろ はぜろ hazero burst.* (*Note: This word means "burst open" or "pop," but in this context it clearly means something like "explode" too.)
爆ぜろ はぜろ hazero "Burst!"
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1 何だ⁉︎奴は今何の挙動も見せていなかった筈! なんだ⁉︎やつはいまなんのきょどうもみせていなかったはず! nanda!? yatsu wa ima nan no kyodou mo misete inakatta hazu! What!? He certainly wasn't showing any behavior* just now! (*Note: Literally the phrase written is "he wasn't showing any behavior," but they mean "he didn't move or seem to do anything to cause this.")
2 雨で威力落ちっからよぉ あめでいりょくおちっからよぉ ame de iryoku ochi kkara yoo "With the rain, their power will reduce, so"
3 "コーティング"して飛ばしといた! "コーティング"してとばしといた! "KOOTINGU" shite tobashi toita! "I applied a coating and hurled them away!"
4 爆発する汗粒を普通の汗粒でな!誘爆せず飛ばせて ばくはつするあせつぶをふつうのあせつぶでな!ゆうばくせずとばせて bakuhatsu suru asetsubu wo futuu no asetsubu de na! yuubaku sezu tobasete "[I coated them] with normal drops of sweat instead of exploding drops of sweat!
5 時間差で混ざって他の刺激で起爆できっかなって! じかんさでまざってほかのしげきできばくできっかなって! jikansa de mazatte hoka no shigeki de kibaku de kikka natte! "I guess the time lag caused them to mix and detonate by some other stimulus!"
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1 あの時‼︎僕の口の中に⁉︎ あのとき‼︎ぼくのくちのなかに⁉︎ ano toki!! boku no kuchi no naka ni!? At that time!! Inside my mouth!?
2 あの土壇場で!⁉︎ あのどたんばで!⁉︎ ano dotanba de!!? At that last minute!!?
3-4 センスだけは褒められてきたンでね センスだけはほめられてきたンでね SENSU dake wa homerarete kitaNde ne "I've been praised for only my good sense."
5 "個性"は一つで充分すわ‼︎ "こせい"はひとつでじゅうぶんすわ‼︎ "kosei" wa hitotsu de juubun su wa!! "As for quirks, my one is enough!!"
6 奴はダメージを負うと身体が若返っていく!わかるな⁉︎ やつはダメージをおうとからだがわかがえっていく!わかるな⁉︎ yatsu wa DAMEEJI wo ou to karada ga wakagaette iku! wakaru na!? When he takes damage, his body gets younger! Understand!?
7 ダメージで力が乱れたもう一度放出をーー ダメージでちからがみだれたもういちどほうじゅつをーー DAMEEJI de chikara ga midareta mou ichido houjutsu wo-- With the damage, his power is in disarray. Release it one more time--
8 これは…僕の物語だ…‼︎ これは…ぼくのものがたりだ…‼︎ kore wa...boku no monogatari da...!! "This...is my story...!!"
9 どけ doke "Out of the way,"
10 モブがああ MOBU gaaa "you extraaa!"
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1 ハウザー HAUZAA Howitzer
2 インパクト!!! INPAKUTO!!! Impact!!!
3 〜〜っ……‼︎ ~~......!! "~~gh......!!"
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1 んだらあああ!!!!!!! ndaraaaa!!!!!!! "JUUUUST!!!!!!!"
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1 うぅぅるっせええェえええええ uuurusseeeEeeeee "SHUUUUUUUUUT"
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1 えンんだよォオォオオオオオオおおおお!!! eNnda yoOOOOOOOOOoooo!!! "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!"
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1 おかしい!因子の結合が上手くいかない おかしい!いんしのけつごうがうまくいかない okashii! inshi no ketsugou ga umaku ikanai It's strange! My combination of factors doesn't work well.
2 こんな爆破ごときで崩れるなどありえん! こんなばくはごときでくずれるなどありえん! konna bakuha gotoki de kuzureru nado arien! There's no way it would collapse from such an explosion!
3 身体が幼く脆くなったせいか⁉︎ からだがおさなくもろくなったせいか⁉︎ karada ga osanaku moroku natta sei ka!? Is it because my body has become young and fragile!?
4 "負の感情"に振り回されて"支配権"が弱まってんスよ "ふのかんじょう"にふりまわされて"しはいけん"がよわまってんスよ "fu no kanjou" ni furimawasarete "shihaiken" ga yowamattenSU yo "You're being swayed by negative emotions and your 'authority' is weakening."
5 だから dakara "That's why"
6 俺のファンミ※会場にされちゃうワケですわ おれのファンミ※かいじょうにされちゃうワケですわ ore no FANMI※ kaijou ni sarechau WAKE desu wa "I'm using you as a venue for my FanMe※."
small text ※ファンミーティング ※FAN MIITINGU ※Fan Meeting
7 "死柄木"に呑まれたな "しがらき"にのまれたな "Shigaraki" ni nomareta na "You got swallowed by Shigaraki, eh?"
8 これは俺たちの これはおれたちの kore wa ore-tachi no "This is our"
9 物語だ!!! ものがたりだ!!! monogatari da!!! "story!!!"
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tagline その妄執に終止符をーー積み重ね、繋がれた一撃‼︎ そのもうしゅうにしゅうしふをーーつみかさね、つながれたいちげき‼︎ sono moushuu ni shuushifu wo-- tsumikasane, tsunagareta ichigeki!! Put an end to that delusion--a layered, single blow lands!!
1-2 皆が少しずつ与えてきたダメージと苛立ちが… みんながすこしずつあたえてきたダメージといらだちが… minna ga sukoshi zutsu ataete kita DAMEEJI to iradachi ga... The damage and frustration everyone has caused little by little...
3 ついにーー‼︎ tsui ni--!! finally--!!
4 AFO オール・フォー・ワン OORU FOO WAN All For One,
5 あ… a... "Ah..."
6 が… ga... "Gah..."
7 今度こそ こんどこそ kondo koso this time, for sure.* (*Note: This phrase emphasizes that "this time" is different, "this time" is certain. The implication is that "this time AFO has been defeated for real.")
8 俺一人で…勝てるワケねーーンだよ おれひろりで…かてるワケねーーンだよ ore hitori de...kateru WAKE neeeNda yo "By myself...there's no way I could win." (Note: This is the completed version of the last line from the previous chapter, the line with the unclear meaning of who it was exactly Katsuki was calling an idiot who couldn't win.)
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greenhappyseed · 7 months
MHA 409 Review — The Extra and the Pebble
Ch 409 is a really interesting continuation of the action in 405-406, prior to the AFO backstory in 407-408. These few panels of Yoichi and AFO in the OFA-AFO mind palace (406 on the right; 409 on the left) tell us a LOT about AFO and how he’s been affected by Katsuki.
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I’m not even sure what’s left of AFO. Is he fully baby-fied now? Is he down on the ground like Toya and Himiko? Throughout the chapter, it looked like AFO was gaining a pupil in his right eye, which is the one Katsuki doesn’t have at the moment. Is this just clever art mirroring or hinting at AFO’s next move????
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Unlike 407-408, this chapter focuses on Katsuki. I don’t think it tells us something we didn’t already know — Katsuki was born to a couple with a happy, functional marriage who loved and wanted him. He has a strong and versatile quirk. He’s powerful, smart, and strategic. And yet, at the start of the story all those advantages combined made him more of a brat than a hero. But it’s different now. The final page really shows how Katsuki has connected it all. See how the lines of his explosion frame the rest of the page? How the left line points directly to his dialogue about not being alone? And below Katsuki are all the influences that have supported him — All Might, his parents, and Yoichi/OFA (via Izuku).
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Katsuki is going all out at the end, breaking his right arm (again) but able to pull off one last huge blast due to the brace All Might gave him (like Izuku using Melissa’s gauntlets in Two Heroes). If his gambit of dropping sweat beads in AFO’s mouth didn’t pay off, he would have delivered the blast sooner, but luckily his ploy worked.
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FWIW, Katsuki dropped the beads in AFO’s mouth right when AFO was shouting about Kudou and Katsuki said his name was Kacchan, because Kacchan is a clever kid.
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Katsuki is also acknowledging directly that he could not have soloed AFO. Even though he’s awesome, there’s a limit to what he (or ANY one person, including All Might) could do alone. Seeing as Yoichi’s message to Izuku has always been, “You are not alone,” it further emphasizes how Katsuki has grown to adopt the spirit of OFA. The kid who thought needing help was a sign of weakness, and who thought Izuku holding out a hand was mocking him, now understands the importance of accepting that hand. Standing on the shoulders of giants helps one see further. :)
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Moreover, Katsuki is now motivated by helping Izuku and getting out of Izuku’s way. Izuku isnt the pebble in Katsuki’s path — Katsuki is the one in the way of Izuku. Back when 362 dropped, I wrote about how Katsuki’s death was very Buddhist in that he had to lose all his physical attachments (including his body and quirk) to achieve a spiritual awakening. It seems like that worked, and now Katsuki is genuinely, truly appreciating all the gifts he has, as well as his role as a piece of something bigger. He’s no longer demanding that others get out of his way, but rather thinking about when HE has to move for someone else. The kid who pathologically couldn’t walk behind someone else is now able to get out of his own way AND clear the path for others.
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This fits the pattern we’ve seen numerous times in the final arc with a hero accepting a villain’s taunt in order to defeat them. Of course Katsuki takes a different tactic than, say, Shoto (“A half-baked dummy, that’s me”). Katsuki yells he’s the final boss, he’s not a filler character, etc. But the point is the same. Katsuki is accepting he has one quirk; he’s NOT physically bound to the OFA-AFO quirk; he IS a pebble compared to AFO. His role IS to support Izuku….and it takes absolutely nothing away from him whatsoever. Katsuki has his stupid awesome quirk, his intelligence, his strength, his commitment, and people who care about him. He can play his part to the best of his ability and deliver a big win for the heroes.
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neonscandal · 6 months
Thanks for your posts and metas, @neonscandal .... Before I found your blog, actually I ship tododeku and kiribaku. But thanks to you, I became bakudeku shipper (until now). Your metas are amazing and always based on canon. Sorry, I'm not good with words, but I hope you know how great your blog is (you are definitely one of my favorite tumblr blog). 💐🌷
And WOW these last 10 - 15 chapter, really are the best. Even my mutuals who are anti-bkdk can't deny Bakugou and Midoriya's bond anymore. Also, love Uraraka and Toga's bond....
Do you think it's possible that at the end of BNHA, Bakugou and Midoriya have ambygous relationship (kinda like Tiger and Bunny)....? I know it could be hard to be canon in shounen series.....
P.s Do you think SatoSugu (from JJK) is queerbaiting?
⚠️ Vague spoiler warnings through chapter MHA 410 at best. Covers JJK S2 with a vague mention of a character who pops up later in the manga.
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It's funny you say that because I also love a good tododeku or kiribaku situation. Like yea, people have their OTP but... realistically? Characters should be just as messy as people in real life. ✨ They're going to date around before things fit together with that OTP, right? At least that's how I look at it. So I love exploring offshoots.
You are far too kind in these rough times but I appreciate you saying that (and reaching out). The swarm of asks lately have been so funny. I tend to carve out time to address them quicker than some of the other things bouncing around my head (literally, the exact opposite happens with fic updates 🥺) so I'm just happy I'm writing something. If someone else enjoys it then that's the whipped cream and caramel on my sundae.
DUDE. I hadn't read 409 or 410 yet because holiday chaos but I feel like we're beyond allegations at this point haha ALTHOUGH, I didn't see the cliffhanger from 410 coming at all so I wonder what that means for the larger story.. Got any theories?
Regarding endgame... honestly the last two chapters gave me a little anxiety. "This is our tale?" Too good to be true. Especially when we know from chapter one "this is a story of how I became a great hero". Also, I've had some thoughts since 406 about how their connection is being framed up which I haven't had time to write but it feels like a lot of fanservice for Horikoshi (and subsequent editors, etc) to not commit. Additionally, in all the ways this story subverts the typical formula for shonen, it would also feel like a fumbled opportunity to turn everything on its nose with such a wildly popular series. So I'm holding out hope but conservatively preparing for one of them to just... not make it even if we get a confession *shudders in Supernatural flashbacks*.
I hope this makes sense as I struggled to recommend stories where this wasn't the case when asked about BL. In my opinion, good representation in mainstream stories (gender identity, orientation, race, religion, disability, etc.) is when, whatever makes a character different isn't their whole identity. Specifically in the context of more traditional stories (not centered on BL for instance), they should be involved if not just as integral to the plot as any other character wherein their diversity isn't sticking out like a sore thumb. But even that characterization requires nuance which is what makes it so hard to articulate? Maybe it's simpler to say that their character arc shouldn't just be based around identity. As a short answer to your question, I don't think that SatoSugu is queerbaiting. I think they are authentically and intrinsically coded to one another in subtext and out loud straight from Akutami but that, sometimes, relationships don't work out or love is unrequited. They may not have had the same feelings despite their inherent complement to one another and that's okay.
As above, characters should be just as messy as real people and that's what makes what didn't happen between them all the more tragic because it's heartbreaking in how relatable it is (not the cult leading and murder though). Seems like a convenient answer from a delulu shipper unless you take into consideration how Kirara Hoshi's identity is given the same level of subtlety. They aren't defined by their identity nor are the characters jarred by some particularly grandiose reveal nor are they perturbed by the nature of their connection to Hikari. I'm by no means an expert but I think that these characters are executed well in the sense that they have a complexity that doesn't hinge on what would otherwise make them different. They aren't "othered", it's just a fact of who they are and the story continues. It's a facet of who they are without cheaply being all they are. With Gege Akutami's own pronouns not expressly confirmed, perhaps that informs the care around those with differing identities.
I haven't seen Tiger & Bunny yet but now I know what to check out next!
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halt-kun · 7 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 409 - Quirk!! Explosion!!
Here we are to see the final boss of the big bad (or half of it) which is a little gremlin. Everyone's favourite little gremlins.
I love gremlins, one of my favourite character is Mirko and of course Bakugou is one of them too
Please protect this kid Hoerikoshi (that typo is funny, I'll let it there)
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see that Endeavor ? He dealt with it healthily while in high school and now he's a big help
Endeavor is a big help too and thanks to him, Bakugou will never walks in his footsteps
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What do you want to explode ? I'm suddenly concerned
Just his sweat ? The attack itself ? Himself ?
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Remote explosion !:!!!!!!
AFO's head is gone, NIIIICE
I really don't know how our sweaty boy manages to control his sweat that accurately
I think I'd be easily overstimulated if I was that conscious of my sweat
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Accuracy, speed, power
we knew it a long time ago, move side character
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We know he loves to go all out on that one
and he especially always wanted a complete decisive victory against a big opponent with that move
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Very eloquent AFO
now please die
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I can see his mothers quirk still there in the remnants of his body
really living up to the title of the chapter here "EXPLOSIONS"
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I'm always tearing up everytime I see Hawks
I forgot he stole his quirk but here he is having fun with all other quirk factors and enjoying AFO downfall
So no emotions meant actual better control on all these quirks ? Shigaraki will definitely not be able to use them to their full extents then
(copium is present)
Is the girl in the forefront AFO's mother ??? She also looks like Hawks mother to be honest
I'd hoped to see Ragdoll again
And Bakugou is right : it's not his story, it's their story
the story of how they all became heroes : MY HERO ACADEMIA
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His parents are so proud, the first is too, All Might is too
I'm moved by his growth as a character even now
compared to how he won the UA festival, he is in such a better mental place
I'm still a bit scared he's not completely out of the game
but I have to trust Bakugou and everyone else
Two week break of MHA probably means we'll switch with Deku again
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bzar-bzar · 7 months
Fuck, the last few chapters have been so fucking good.
THE FIRST PANEL. Masaru is so fucking precious. Occasionally his existence comes out of nowhere and smacks me in the face. I love that Katsuki has such a kind, soft dad. I love that he was "raised with love". Boy doesn't have trauma, he's just like that.
The only disappointing thing about this chapter is that we don't get to see Izuku's live reactions anymore.
Katsuki's poor arm. The Endeavor mirror is real. Before he leveled up, I was concerned, but now that he can go boom out of his whole body, losing a hand seems like a much smaller (but still obviously bad) problem.
Fierce Wings ;( - Hawks little cameo was awesome. Man, I fucking hope he gets his quirk back.
The spreads this chapter were so awesome. Hirokoshi is amazing.
Also. I really want to see Izuku interact with Masaru and Mitsuki. So much. Sooo much. Also. I just love how much Izuku and Katsuki are coming together, in the end. Craziest month of their fucking lives.
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mirioboo · 7 months
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this expression in HD … I’m not doing well
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by Lavender_Paste
Ed should have listened to what Al said..what was it? 'Better safe than sorry?' Man, and he was supposed to be the older and more responsible one..
Class 1-A goes camping for a school trip, but it's not what they think it'll be..
{Fullmetal Alchemist x My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia crossover! Ed and Al are in Class 1-A and replace Mineta and Sato!}
Words: 409, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of We can be Fullmetal Heroes
Fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric, Winry Rockbell, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Tokoyami Fumikage, Yaoyorozu Momo, Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka, Ojiro Mashirao, Hagakure Tooru, Asui Tsuyu, Kaminari Denki, Bakugou Katsuki, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina, Aoyama Yuuga, Kouda Kouji, Shouji Mezou, Sero Hanta, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Relationships: Alphonse Elric & Edward Elric, Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell, Alphonse Elric & Winry Rockbell, Alphonse Elric & Edward Elric & Winry Rockbell
Additional Tags: Alphonse didn't loose his whole body, Ed Swears, Edward Elric Is A Little Shit, THEIR MOM IS STILL DEAD, Oops, sorry - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Mineta Minoru Doesn't Exist, winry is in engineering, ling is in general studies, Alphonse has automail, Edward Elric is a good brother, How is that not a tag, Alphonse Elric is a sweetheart, Alphonse Elric is a good brother, Camping, Its that one camping trope from MHA we all love, But Ed and Al are there, ED AND AL HAVE QUIRKS, ed hates baku, Baku hates Ed, hm, Ed loves Al, Thats his baby bro ppl, Al loves Ed, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Protective Edward Elric, Precious Alphonse Elric, Not EdxAl, NOT INCEST !!, COme oN ppL, Brothers, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Affection, Izuku and Alphonse are friends, Izuku and Edward are friends, Al is just friends with the whole class, Ed is cool with almost everyone, How Do I Tag, How to tag ?, Winry is a queen, Who yells, Fluff and Humor, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending
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ao3feed-fma · 5 years
'Isn't Camping Supposed to be Fun?"
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2WJ4VH9
by Lavender_Paste
Ed should have listened to what Al said..what was it? 'Better safe than sorry?' Man, and he was supposed to be the older and more responsible one..
Class 1-A goes camping for a school trip, but it's not what they think it'll be..
{Fullmetal Alchemist x My Hero Academia / Boku no Hero Academia crossover! Ed and Al are in Class 1-A and replace Mineta and Sato!}
Words: 409, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of We can be Fullmetal Heroes
Fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric, Winry Rockbell, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Tokoyami Fumikage, Yaoyorozu Momo, Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka, Ojiro Mashirao, Hagakure Tooru, Asui Tsuyu, Kaminari Denki, Bakugou Katsuki, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Ashido Mina, Aoyama Yuuga, Kouda Kouji, Shouji Mezou, Sero Hanta, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Relationships: Alphonse Elric & Edward Elric, Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell, Alphonse Elric & Winry Rockbell, Alphonse Elric & Edward Elric & Winry Rockbell
Additional Tags: Alphonse didn't loose his whole body, Ed Swears, Edward Elric Is A Little Shit, THEIR MOM IS STILL DEAD, Oops, sorry - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Mineta Minoru Doesn't Exist, winry is in engineering, ling is in general studies, Alphonse has automail, Edward Elric is a good brother, How is that not a tag, Alphonse Elric is a sweetheart, Alphonse Elric is a good brother, Camping, Its that one camping trope from MHA we all love, But Ed and Al are there, ED AND AL HAVE QUIRKS, ed hates baku, Baku hates Ed, hm, Ed loves Al, Thats his baby bro ppl, Al loves Ed, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Protective Edward Elric, Precious Alphonse Elric, Not EdxAl, NOT INCEST !!, COme oN ppL, Brothers, Brotherly Love, Brotherly Affection, Izuku and Alphonse are friends, Izuku and Edward are friends, Al is just friends with the whole class, Ed is cool with almost everyone, How Do I Tag, How to tag ?, Winry is a queen, Who yells, Fluff and Humor, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2WJ4VH9
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