#mha omegaversse
hopeless-ro-simptic · 4 years
Familiar Cerulean Eyes - Pt 14
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Click Here for a full list of other parts! Part 15
Warnings: Fighting. Kinda mushy feelings? Dabi is a simp for you. 
Word Count: 2.4 K
If you were supposed to be tagged and I did not include you or I tagged you wrong please message me and I will get it corrected. Taglist is always open. 
TAGLIST:  @superblyspeedydragon​ @jparra4587​ @flyingowls​ @emrysaaryn​ @imuziawi​ @sheedaabee​ @peculiarinsomniac​ @littlelovebug98​ @plutoneu​ @giftofwonder​ @kitty-kat-ash​ @fukyouthink​ @anarchys-bnha-mess​ @threbony​ @orenjineki​ @toobsessedsstuff​ @bamf-barnes​ @x-a-delama-x​ @inanabsentia​ @reallyshey​ @godsblesstheboi​  @drownedbytears​ @emilymikado​ @fluidfandoms​  @mikasackrmann​  @bohica160​ @andrastesbeard​  @percabethismyotp14​ @celestiallustre​ @moon-spirit-yue​ @hecatve​ @bakugoshrimp​ @vanillanjin​ @toshiuwuu​ @rxinbowrena​ @therealwalmartjesus​ @callmepopcorn​ @xxdumb-bitchxx​ @medicinalkiwis​ @kat-unzel​ @headfirst-halo​ @capricorn-nightmare​ @annie-daetris​ @skumtrash​ @totorotoni​ @kst-chernish​ @itsmysticalmystery​ @the-occasional-artist1125​ @beautifulparisiangirl​ @stanzastic​ @helena-way07​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @cth-l​ 
Dabi was quick to react, his phone dialing Kurogiri before you could even sit all the way up in your nest. There was absolutely no reason why anyone should be knocking on your door. The league members knew better. They could text you or have Kurogiri warp them here. So who is knocking?
You could smell the stress creeping into Dabi’s scent, unsure if he should mask himself or pump it out to cover your own.  You tried to mask your own scent and stay quiet but you knew with your heat it would be impossible to cover it all of the way. The scent blockers should make it so that no one outside of the small apartment could smell the two of you at all, but neither of you trusted it 100%.
The line went to voicemail, and you and Dabi shared a look, the worry obvious on your face. The knock sounded again and Dabi handed you his phone, the line already ringing again for Kurogiri as he got off the bed and made his way down the hall to the front door. You creeped out of your nest after him, staying in the hallway your eyes fixed on him as he tried to check through the peephole of the door. He shook his head, glancing back at you, before moving away from the door, pulling you behind him the memory of a similar trick being used back when the heroes came to rescue that explosive brat.
He was prepared when the outer wall caved in sending debris scattering everywhere, the red eyes of the rabbit hero Mirko latching onto the two of them, clearly being the one that kicked down the wall. She had to dodge out of the way when Dabi’s fire shot out at her, white hot and already catching the walls on fire as well as the furniture of the small apartment.  
Red feathers flew into the room aimed at you and you ducked behind Dabi to avoid them only for blue flames to engulf you both, incinerating the feathers immediately. You would need to watch out for those, you had seen how strong Hawks could be, if his feathers got you he could drag you out of here before you could even blink.  
The line against your ear connected and the calming voice of Kurogiri spoke into your ear.
“Dabi what is it?”
“Kurogiri help!”
Dabi shoved you out of the way just in time as a wall of ice erupted, separating the two of you. You barely had enough time to brace for the impact as you fell to the floor, the phone ended up being tossed several feet away, completely shattered from the impact. Your eyes flew up from your position on the floor to meet the half and half ones that you had grown so accustomed to over the last few years, guilt tugging at your chest at seeing his expression.
“Y/N…” The calming peppermint scent that he was pumping out was clearly tinged with distress his eyes latching onto your neck. Your exposed, freshly marked, neck. His eyes flicking back and forth between you and Dabi. The anger clear on his face at the later. You had never seen Shoto so full of hatred as you did in this moment.
He took several steps towards you, you scurrying back away from him and onto your unsteady feet, eyes focusing on his. You could hear the other’s fighting, the heroes desperately trying to fend off Dabi’s growing fire, only for Endeaver to scream at them to get out of the way, his red fire bursting through the hole meeting Dabi’s with just as much strength. Red and blue flames fighting for dominance, fighting to see who was stronger. The other heroes were yelling at Endeavor to stop or else he would burn the whole building down. Shoto had to build an ice wall to protect himself from the growing heat, completely blocking the two of you off from the others, distracting him long enough from you for you to turn and run towards the small bedroom, shutting the door behind you and locking it.
Your mind was reeling, your omega screaming out for her Alpha. You really hoped he was okay. You really hoped Kurogiri got him out, but you couldn’t focus on that. You needed to get out of here. Rushing to the window you felt yourself go cold. It was frozen over. Shoto had completely locked you in. There was no escaping this room. You could hear the frantic knocks on the door, Shoto’s voice ringing out in attempt to comfort you.
“Y/N, come out please! I promise no one will hurt you. No one blames you, it’s okay. I know he forced the bond on you. We can work it out. I promise I will protect you. That villain will get what he deserves. He won’t ever touch you again.”
You threw yourself into your nest, pulling the closet door closed as much as possible, tears streaming down your face as you buried your face into the hoodie covered pillow releasing several chirps of distress. You could barely hear your whimpering over the sounds of the fighting outside, or Shoto’s increasingly stressed voice.
“Y/N I’m coming in.”
You heard the fighting outside settle down, panic clear in your mind, as you heard the bedroom down break open with what you assumed was Shoto’s kick.
The soft whimper that released from your lips immediately let Shoto know where you were, his steps sounding extremely loud in the sudden silence seeping through the walls.
You wracked your brain for anything to say or do that would get him to let you go. To let you leave and never return. To let you go back to the league where you hoped your alpha would be. Where you had finally started being seen as apart of the team, where they cared about you even when they didn’t have to. Where your pack was. Where your home was.
You weren’t sure when exactly the villains had crawled into your heart like that, you hadn’t really gotten to spend a lot of time with them, but you knew you were right. They were your home.
You could hear his soft sigh of relief, like he was so glad to have finally found you, and you couldn’t help but close your eyes and burry yourself farther into the scent of your alpha knowing that soon Endeavor would be in here and would destroy everything you had built and would force Shoto to scent you until there was nothing left of him.
This was it. You were going to loose everything you loved.
“Y/N… I’m sorry. I sh-“
The sound of Shoto’s voice cut off, his calming scent being replaced with the barely noticeable one of mist and raindrops. One that made you relax almost instantly, thankful that you did because all at once you were dropped harshly onto concrete flooring, majority of your nesting items cushioning the blow, spreading out across the floor.
You sat up letting your eyes focus on the scene around you, them barely adjusting before you were snatched off the floor into a bone crushing grasp. Dabi’s face burying into your neck rubbing along your scent glands, you releasing a sob of relief as you pulled him closer to you.
The tears streaming down your face stained his shirt, but you didn’t care, only pulling back to look him over and see if he was hurt, your hands flitting across his skin searching for damage.
He was okay. Scratched and bruised, his skin having a touch of frost burn where Shoto’s ice grazed him but he was okay. He was practically doing the same to you, checking you over and rubbing his scent all over you until you were dripping in it. The two of you couldn’t help but purr to each other, trying to calm the other down.
“This is kind of gross to watch.”
“I think it’s cute.”
The sounds of Toga and Twice’s voices made you pull away, Dabi letting out a soft whine that was covered by a cough it seemed, rushing over to Toga only to hear a soft squeak leave her lips when you caught her in your own bone crushing hug. She was frozen for a second before she gently patted your head with her hand, stroking your hair to sooth your sobs.
“I thought I lost you guys. I thought …”
“Hey, relax, you’re not getting rid of us so easy.”
“I apologize, Y/N, I tried to get all of your nesting supplies but I may have missed some.” Kurogiri’s voice sounded behind you, and again the tears spung out as you turned to face him.
“No, no it’s fine. Thank you so much. You saved me.”
Kurogiri simply nodded, Dabi stepping towards you, pulling you back into his arms. Glancing around the room it looked to be a small warehouse, Toga and Twice were leaning against some wooden crates and looked like they had just been woken up. Shigaraki and Spinner were talking off in a corner, and once they saw that you had settled down they made their way over to the group.
“What happened? How did they find you guys?” The words were out of Spinners mouth before Shigaraki could even get a word out. The concern was evident on his face, but quickly changed to something else, his hands coming up to cover his mouth and nose.
Shigaraki even wrinkled his nose, his red eyes latching onto your form, quickly grazing your bond mark before looking down at all of the nesting material scattered underneath you.
“That’s rather… pungent...”
The snort that left Toga’s lips and the growl that left Dabi’s had you tensing up. Would it be omega-ish to snatch up your nesting material right now?
“Wait what did I miss? I completely know what is going on.”
Everyone stayed silent for a minute, no one wanting to point it out, your anxiety spiking and you couldn’t keep yourself from stooping down to pick up the hoodie covered pillow pulling it close, feeling like you were going to combust when Twice took the biggest inhale you had ever heard in your life.
“Gross! Spicey.” He covered his mouth and buried his face against Toga’s shoulder inhaling like he was trying to rid himself of your oozing scent, only to let out a whine when he could still smell you. You couldn’t help but notice the way that Toga’s face turned pink and she hesitated before petting his hair soothingly just like she had done minutes ago for you.  
“Weren’t y’all in a scent blocked room? I doubt that is how they tracked you.” Spinner was talking through his hand that was covering his nose and mouth, you felt bad, wishing that your scent wasn’t so intense right now.
“Dabi did leave to go nest shopping for a bit. Maybe they tracked him from there?”
The glare Shigaraki sent the two of you had you pretending you didn’t exist, trying your best to mask your presence which wasn’t working.  
“Don’t start. She’s in heat, what was I supposed to do?”
“Well if that’s the case, we need to find a new place for the two of you to stay for awhile until this all blows over. The rest of us should move locations as well, just in case they located the other safe houses.” Kurogiri stood by Shigaraki, almost like he was trying to provide a calming presence, but Shigaraki still glared away.
“Wouldn’t it be better if we were all in the same location?” Toga’s voice rang out the question but Twice was quick to respond.
“And choke to death on her fumes?” The pitiful look on your face must have upset Toga somehow, as she shoved Twice off of her and moved off of the crate grabbing a broom that was leaning against the wall before she started to carefully shove all of your nesting material closer to you with it, for which you were grateful as you bent down and started to gather it all as much as you could.
“I just think it would be easier to protect them if we were all together. Sides we can’t do much planning if we aren’t together and I for one really miss Kurogiri’s cooking.”
This earned a comment from twice asking what about his cooking.
“I don’t need help protecting her.” The snarl that left Dabi’s lips tugged at your heart. Even though it sounded strong and loud, everyone could tell the hesitance behind it. He did need their help. If Kurogiri hadn’t of warped them out of there…
“Don’t be stupid-“ Shigaraki was cut off, Toga getting right up into Dabi’s face, a seriousness that you had never seen before on her features.
“We are a pack. Packs take care of each other. That means all pack members, no matter what their position is.”
A weird look crossed Shigaraki’s face, and you couldn’t help but notice his fingers were once again scratchy at his neck, tearing apart the empty bond mark.
“I agree with Toga, as much as it will be a hinderance to deal with … her scent, it might be better and safer for all of us to stick together. We haven’t had an issue sticking together until now. Why don’t we go back to the home base, I don’t understand why we left there to begin with?”
Shigaraki grumbled to himself in thought for a minute before looking at Kurogiri who nodded in agreement.
“Okay fine, we can go back to home base. We need to double up on the scent blockers though and be prepared for an attack. Who knows how they tracked you two but we need to be prepared in case they do it again… and Dabi,”
“What ashtray,”
“She needs to learn how to fight.”
Dabi glanced at you before nodding, stooping down and picking up the rest of your nesting material that you couldn’t carry yourself and you couldn’t help but feel your heart warm as everyone burst into discussions on different fighting styles they thought would work best for you. Toga immediately asking if she could teach you to knife fight. This was it. This was your pack.                                                                                                                                                                ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 3 years
I would be a switch omega, I can be the dominate leader in the relationship if needed but I tend to let the alpha lead. But we all know who is the actual boss. I smell like brownies and sweets. I came up with that based on the fact I love to bake and eat brownies.
Mhh okay hear me out... Bakugo Katsuki. Now before you shy away from this rather *ahem* aggressive alpha, think about it. This man would only accept an omega that could step up to the plate and be strong when needed which it sounds like you are more than capable of doing. You smell so good to him, especially when his caramelized scent mingles with yours? Oh man, he just wants to eat you up.
Bakugo Katsuki who is this big scary alpha, who feels like if he shows any sort of emotion other than anger that he is going to be seen as less, coming home to you after a hard mission and collapsing on your bed just wanting for someone else to take the reigns for just a minute. Just someone else take care of him for a change. Someone else can be in charge and let him have the smallest of breaks from being so intense all of the time.
He'd worship you. Don't get me wrong though... even though he might enjoy letting you have control in some aspects, he definitely knows how to have control in bed, and the majority of the time he will take charge, but he has to admit it's fun to watch you try to dominate him.
Out and about he would be the one in charge, the head of the household, the strong alpha that you would 'cower behind and cling to' (we all know you're not actually cowering but it makes him feel good to think that way), but at home? That's your domain, those are your rules, that's your clean carpet that he knows better than to track his muddy boots all over lest he wants to be fucking killed. (Not that you have to be his little housewifey, but omega's are known for being very particular about their nests). He knows that he better mind you, and if you have pups, you can be sure hes always double-checking with you first that yes they can have that extra cookie because he knows you'll kill him if he spoils their dinner.
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 3 years
Hii, I'm also kind of bored at work too lol.
I really like your blog, and honestly i don't really do asks but i got curious who you'll match me up with. So here it is...
I'm an Alpha (though I'm actually only into the alpha type... 🤔, I'm weird that way) with a cinnamon cookie dough, mixed with wood scent (if that makes any sense 😂).
Ohh I love it. So my first thought is kinda sweet (but also spicey) for an alpha, which my brain immediately goes to Shoto Todoroki. His own pepperminty campfire hot chocolate scent goes well with your own and he is 100% down with mating with another alpha. It might have started to piss off his father who insists he needs a good little omega partner to help produce and take care of a hoard of strong pups, but Shoto quickly fell in love with your take-charge personality and couldn't imagine you as any other way. I get full-on winter cabin vibes with you two and that's his favorite place to lock the two of you away for shared ruts. Man cannot get enough of your scent and on the rare occasion that he wakes up without you (either away on hero business or what have you) he definitely has to go down to the closest bakery to find a cinnamon roll or cinnamon bread or if the heavens shine down on him that day, an actual cinnamon cookie so he can take a big inhale of it just to make him feel a little closer to home and the man is not afraid to admit it.
If you two are blessed with pups (it's so hard for alpha's to conceive but not impossible for sure) you can guarantee they smell exactly like Christmas, and with two alpha parents, they are a little more than rambunctious, though nothing the two of you can't handle. If the two of you don't choose to have pups, it doesn't phase Shoto one bit, as he would gladly just have you by his side for the rest of his life.
Hope you enjoyed this <3 and thanks so much for the ask.
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