myhearts-sherlocked · 4 years
Watching Elementary series finale be like:
Spoilers alert
Marcus becomes captain: wait whatt!? Yeyy, but where's Gregson?
Marcus strikes Sherlock: Oouch,
See little watson: Ahwwww cute,
Sherlock's signal goes out: NOO!!
Sherlock and Gregson meet up: please hugg
Gregson wanting to tell SH bout Joan: Tell him! Tommyyy!
Sherlock confronting Joan: Oh no omg, Yeees tell him! HUG! HUUUG!!
Joan commenting about not making it out alive: omg No stahpp, PLEASE JUST HUG
(1 year fast forward)
Back at brownstone, 'how'd it go?': ARE YOU FOR REALL, STOP PLAYING WITH MY HEARTT
SH: He's not going to say no
JW: What if he does?
SH: W-wha- as long as we're together why does it matter?
NEEDLESS TO SAY I FRICKIN LOVED THE FINALE IT'S SO WELL MADE FULL OF EMOTIONS AND THEY ENDED WITH SUCH A HAPPY ENDING. I'm so satisfied with the ending, and I feel like it rounds up the series perfectly. I can't wait to re-watch it and re live this great series 🥺💕✨
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myhearts-sherlocked · 4 years
Sherlock associated the memory of Irene to Jim Moriarty, in his mind palace in TAB
'brainy is the new sexy'- IA
'dead is the new sexy'- JM/SH
Irene said that phrase because she was really intrigued by Sherlock's intellect while solving a case.
But when 'Moriarty' says it, it's not actually him, but Sherlock's subconscious making up the whole conversation.
But why does he find himself in his MP in the first place? Overdose, AND he was just informed of the fact that Moriarty was supposedly still alive.
He definitely found this information, very stimulating for his brain and he found it 'sexy' or intriguing, the fact that he couldn't actually find the answer to how Moriarty or /Mrs Ricoletti 'came back to life'.
In this special episode, we don't physically see Irene, instead, we just get a 'man to man' conversation between John and Sherlock, where John tells him that he found out about Irene's picture in SH's watch. And this, the very kinky conversation between Sherlock and Moriarty at victorian 221b, where we find out that Sherlock still remembered the most remarkable woman he has ever met.
I have no idea of where I was going with this, do whatever with this information 😂
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myhearts-sherlocked · 4 years
The bright side of Sherlock's fall's consequences (johnlock)
Someone probably already wrote about this but I'm just gonna comment on how Sherlock's fall in (TRF), a very traumatic event for both Sherlock and John, made them come into terms with their feelings with each other more. Romantic or Platonic they DID care about one another. But they were able to accept this more as time passed without them having the other by their side all the time.
We see that after Sherlock's 'death' John started seeing his therapist again. And this is how the conversation goes:
Ella: there's stuff that you wanted to say... but didn't say it.
John: yeah.
Ella: say it now.
John: No. Sorry. I can't.
John still can't believe that the greatest Man and person he has ever cared about was gone. He most probably felt regret, over the fact that for what he knows, Sherlock had died without knowing how much he cared about him. And refused to let his feelings out now that Sherlock wouldn't be able to know anymore. (or at least he thought)
As for Sherlock tho, let's see what he had to say to Irene back in (ASiB) The famous:
Sherlock: Sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side.
Sherlock just doesn't see himself showing.. Affection. Although he does show that he cares in his odd ways.
Then two years pass, where they didn't have any contact whatsoever, John is reasonably and undoubtedly upset. But gets over it pretty quickly and gets back to work with Sherlock. Things are still a bit awkward but they get through it.
In TSO3 they finally get to express their feelings towards each other.
John: I want to be up there with the two people that I LOVE and CARE about most in the WORLD. So Mary, and You..
Hearing this makes Sherlock go in a bit of a shock, but it's also thanks to John finally getting to express his feelings clearly, that Sherlock also gets to do so.
Sherlock: today you sit between the woman you have made your wife and the man you have saved - in short, the two people who LOVE you most in all this WORLD.
Basically Sherlock just confessed his love, openly to everyone in the room. He obviously had to include the Wife cuz the best man confessing his love just for the Groom would've been awkward. You'll notice he almost copied John's sentence, which actually already happened in the past "John You're brilliant, you're Fantastic!" (THoB) the same compliments he gives Sherlock in ASiP in the taxi drive, praising his capabilities.
The only thing Sherlock left out in that sentence was 'CARE' he's obviously aware that John knows Sherlock cares about him. But he had to make sure that John KNEW he LOVED him as well.
Now I don't know where I'm going with this. But basically what I'm trying to say is... Sherlock faking his death did more than 'just' saving his friends' life, but also made them both realize how they're essential to each other.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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myhearts-sherlocked · 4 years
(Special 10 years of SHERLOCK) A short story time
So basically I have a friend at school that was basically obsessed with Sherlock about two years ago. She didn't talk about it much with me tho so yeah.
This April 2020, during a really boring day I switched the TV on and casually ended up on a channel that was airing a Sherlock marathon; starting from ASiP. I was about 10 minutes late, but I gave it a shot anyways. N E E D L E S S to say I loved it immediately, and loved Ben and Martin's chemistry together.
Since they were planning on airing three episodes of Sherlock every Friday. I was supposed to wait approximately one month before getting to finish the whole series.
I didn't want to. Especially because they dubbed it in Italian. (and they didn't make Ben's voice justice)
So I just looked for it on the internet and finished the series in a week. From that point on I WAS OBSESSED . Me and my friend really bonded over Sherlock, and am really grateful for that.
I started reading Sherlock Metas and theories, watching FMVs funny/depressing moments ect. ect. I loved them so much. Fr tho I was 24/7 looking for new content to read, I used to look for them on instagram but I kept reading basically the same things over and over. Then I realized Tumblr was the perfect place for these so yehh🔥🔥.
On may 9/10th (it was like 3am LMAO) I officially started my Sherlock fanpage on instagram. And made so many friends there, and I never actually expected it to become such a great part of my life. And really this is just great. I love it and I owe so much to this show. I really learned a lot in this Journey and I still am. So yeah.
This was my story of how I got into Sherlock, thank you for reading!!! 💜🥺 I love you all so much.
Reblog this with how you got into the fandom!
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myhearts-sherlocked · 4 years
and how MoffTiss threw it out of the window
Let's start from the beginning
ASIP (1×01)
The first time we've seen Molly is in the morgue, watching Sherlock whip a corpse.
She asks him to get sum coffee together, Sherlock not focusing on what she's saying but notices that Molly's refreshed her lipstick, she's obviously flattered so she re-asks him on that "coffee date", Sherlock's completely oblivious and thinks She's just offering it for him, Molly obv brings it to him later.
That's all we see of Molly in ep 1
TBB 1×02
In this episode Sherlock is able to take advantage of Molly's feelings for him to get access to a couple of corpses in the morgue.
Although at that point she wasn't supposed to let him. This is how it goes:
SHERLOCK: You've.. changed your hair.
MOLLY: What?
SHERLOCK: The-the style: it's usually parted in the middle.
MOLLY: Yes, well .
SHERLOCK: Mmm, it's good; it, um, suits you better this way.
Molly falls bad on those puppy eyes. (I mean. Who wouldn't?)
Sherlock successfully manipulates Molly to his advantage.
Molly introduces Jim, her current "office romance boyfriend" Jim says:
JIM: So you're Sherlock Holmes. Molly's told me all about you
Molly talks about her crush to her current boyfriend ahw.
Moving on. Sherlock checks Jim out and states that Jim's actually gay. When Jim leaves, Molly confronts Sherlock about it
MOLLY: What d'you mean, gay? We're together.
SHERLOCK (looking across to her): And domestic bliss must suit you, Molly. You've put on three pounds since I last saw you.
MOLLY: Two and a half.
SHERLOCK: Nuh, three.
JOHN: Sherlock...
MOLLY(angrily): He's not gay. Why do you have to spoil...? He's not.
And she rushes out of the door holding back her tears.
Now, apparently Molly didn't expect Sherlock to act this rudely (even though he wanted to be nice) this is the first time we see Sherlock upsetting Molly.
Skip to ASiB 2×01
It's Christmas and the Sherlock gang is over at 221B's, Molly comes in dressed up for the occasion pweetty llady
Sherlock notices the gift on top of her bag and starts talking about it, embarrassing her along the way.
This time she speaks up, Yyaaas queen.
MOLLY: You always say such horrible things. Every time. Always. Always.
(As she fights back tears, Sherlock turns to walk away but then stops and turns back to her.) SHERLOCK: I am sorry. Forgive me.
She got Sherlock to apologize sincerely, which got all of us sh00k
*insert Jawn shook*
She's starting to be real with herself, even though she's talking to/about the guy she likes. 👏👏👏
Anyways, next she helps him check Irene's alleged corpse, even though it's frickin Christmas, she forgives him anyways but also gets a bit jealous of Irene.
TEH: When Sherlock comes back after the fall, Molly is one of the first people after John that he visits.
Her reaction is understandable, obviously pretty shook.
Sherlock then offers Molly the opportunity to be his partner for a day, at first she thought that he was aking her out for dinner, which indicates that deep down she still hoped for him to like her THAT way.
Later that episode we find out that Molly's actually engaged, and Sherlock congratulates her for it rather sincerely. And Molly shows herself to be at peace because of it.
In the end we get to see Tom's (Molly's fiancé)  face. And she's failing to see the similarities of Tom and Sherlock's appearance, unlike John and Lestrade who notice it right away.
We can say that from John's reaction, and Lestrade's comment, Molly is fully convinced she's moved on from her crush on Sherlock, her subconscious might not agree, due to her attraction to a guy similar to Sherlock. Definitely her 'type'.
But let's skip to TSO3.
In some of the shots taken during Sherlock and Janine's turn for pictures, Molly can be visibly seen in the background not feeling comfortable at the sight before her.
Some moments later we see Molly clinging onto Tom, meaning she really does like the guy.
But during one of Sherlock's moments switching from reality and MP, when Tom makes a comment about SH being mad, Molly stabs his hand. Hilarious.
When SH throws his flowers to Janine, Molly's still visibly Jealous, and although she's probably the only one who noticed him leaving, she just let him go.
HLV: Sherlock's on drugs and Molly's obviously not fine with it and slaps the life out of him.
Sherlock points out the absence of her engagement ring, meaning something went wrong, experience that changes anyone.
In TLD Sherlock relapses again and Molly's visibly upset when talking about it with John.
She shows how much she cares by taking care of him and in the last few episodes she didn't show any signs of romantic attraction, obviously we don't know what actually goes on in her head but y'know, Molly might actually be moving on this time.
Molly appears in a short period of time in this episode. But her screen time is pretty significant.
It's a shame that the few minutes of her appearance in the episode, literally stomped on 11 episodes worth of her character development.
So... What happened?
The Moment we see Molly for the first time in the episode, it's really messed up. Everyone in the room is emotionally vulnerable, exhausted and what Eurus is doing to them is just horrible and her next move involving Molly, is just heartbreaking to watch.
Eurus is using Molly's emotional vulnerability for Sherlock to break him second by second.
The scene is set mostly from Sherlock's point of view, so let's try and view it from Molly's.
She recently called her engagement off, didn't have a good day, making tea at home, clearly stressed. Then, she receives a call from the guy she had a crush on for quite a while. Frustrared, she doesn't answer at first, she picks up the phone the second time it rings, what does she hear? The guy who rejected her for years is demanding her to tell him that she loves him.
Without context, like Molly, many probably would have though "WHAT THE HELL MAN F-OFF!" (well, at least, I would) this obviously didn't make any sense for her. And she's feeling like one of Sherlock's many experiments.
Let's see how the conversation went:
SHERLOCK: Please, just say it
MOLLY: I can’t. Not to you.
MOLLY : Because ... because it’s true. Sherlock. It's always been true
SHERLOCK: Well, if it's true, just say it anyway
MOLLY: You bastard
Molly then turns the situation upside down and makes Sherlock say it first.
Anyways this whole scene ends up with Molly telling the 3 words to Sherlock.
Making both of them, emotional wrecks. It's sad that we couldn't see Molly's reaction at the end of the phonecall.
Soo Basically Molly had to go through Sherlock's 'disappearance' for 2 years and 'moved on' getting engaged with Tom. 2 years pass and Sherlock comes back, Molly's feelings resurface, her engagement gets called off, she remains friends with Sherlock and takes care of Rosie when needed. No more signs of her attraction to Sherlock for the last episodes. And then BOOM. I mean we all knew that she loved him, but at that point many would've expected her to Move on once and for all. BUT NOOOOO!
That's it, thank you for reading until the end, let me know your opinions on this, any feedback will be appreciated 💕
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myhearts-sherlocked · 4 years
Okay so why did Sherlock breakdown in the coffin room after the "I love you" scene with Molly?
Was it because he realized that he hurt one of his closest friends? ..
Was it because he realized that he's being manipulated by Eurus in one of the worst way ever?
Or was it because he let himself emotionally vulnerable for nothing?
What do you think? Start a debate in the comments, let me know what you think made Sherlock react this way.
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myhearts-sherlocked · 4 years
The development of Sherlock and Mary's relationship (part 2)
(how Mary gained and broke Sherlock's trust successfully)
The episode starts off with Magnussen's scenes. We ain't talkin 'bout that creep rn. SKIIIIIIP.
So it's neen approximately 1 month since the Watsons and Sherlock saw each other at the wedding.
John finds Sherlock at the crack den and Mary drives them off to Bart's.
They didn't interact much in this part other than a couple of comments so... "in. Both of you, quickly" "seriously - Shezza though!?" nothing else. So, going on.
They get home, the whole Janine and Magnussen thing happens at 221b's, after that John and Sherlock break into Magnussen's office, and in the meantime Sherlock gets engaged. They find the ppl that blacked out at CAM's office. At sum point Sherlock smells a particular perfume and recognizes it as a "Claire-de-la-lune" perfume,  he doesn't know why he recognizes it at first, but then John tells him that Mary wears it. Sherlock dismisses it Immediately, saying "No, not Mary, somebody else" Sherlock wouldn't explect her in there, I mean, Who would? So ofc he doesn't even consider her as a suspect. Sherlock then goes upstairs, to CAM's private flat. He overhears what CAM says. And it goes like this:
MAGNUSSEN: You're-you're doing this to protect him from the truth... but is this protection he would want?
SHERLOCK (slowly walking to stand a few feet behind the person holding the gun): Additionally, if you're going to commit murder, you might consider changing your perfume..
SHERLOCK: ... Lady Smallwood
MAGNUSSEN: Sorry. Who? That's ... not ... Lady Smallwood, Mr Holmes.
(Sherlock frowns. The person in black turns to face him, aiming the pistol at him, and Sherlock looks into the face of Mary Elizabeth Watson)
Sherlock trusted Mary, he would've never expected it to be her. His mind flashes back to the first time they met, but except this time, his deductions are swapped with multiple "LIAR " around her. Everything he thought he knew about her, turns out to be a farse. Sherlock hasn't only lost part of his trust for Mary, but he's losing trust for himself.
SHERLOCK: Mary, whatever he's got on you, let me help.
MARY (in a somewhat exasperated voice): Oh, Sherlock, if you take one more step I swear I will kill you.
SHERLOCK (shaking his head with a small smile on his face): No, Mrs Watson. You won't. [Sherlock takes a step, and Mary takes the shot]
MARY: I'm sorry, Sherlock. Truly am.
SHERLOCK:.... Mary?
Sherlock still offered his help after Mary broke his trust.
At the Hospital.. Mary didn't look THAT thrilled at the news of Sherlock pulling through. And threatened Sherlock again
MARY: You don't tell him. Sherlock? You don't tell John.
Sherlock sneaks out, and the next time we see them together is in the abandoned house
SHERLOCK: And yet, over a distance of six feet, you failed to make a kill shot.
SHERLOCK: Enough to hospitalise me; not enough to kill me. That wasn't a miss. That was surgery. (Mary meets his gaze for a moment, then lowers her eyes.)
SHERLOCK: I'll take the case.
MARY (looking at him again): What case?
SHERLOCK: Yours. Why didn't you come to me in the first place?
MARY: Because John can't ever know that I lied to him. It would break him and I would lose him forever - and, Sherlock, I will never let that happen. Please.. understand. There is nothing in this world that I would not do to stop that happening.
AGAIN Sherlock still offered his help, because he believes that Mary didn't want to kill him.
Now... I really do not want to demonize Mary in this case. She didn't want John to find out her secret. CAM had files on Mary that could get her imprisoned and she had to kill him for it. But that's the thing. Sherlock got in between, and she had a witness, so she had to take Sherlock out first. I personally believed that her intention was to kill him directly, not just send him to the hospital. Because if she needed to shoot Sherlock just to hospitalize him she could have just shot him on the leg or shoulder. But instead she shot him on a vital organ. So... Yeah.
SHERLOCK: .. Magnussen knows your secret, which is why you were going to kill him; and I assume you befriended Janine.. in order to get close to him.
MARY: Oh - you can talk! (He smiles at her).
JOHN: Ohhh. Look at you two. You should have got married.
It's funny how they're able to 'joke around' in this serious situation, and John's just, there upset and angry, taking all the fault.. 💔.
Takes me back to the day they met, John's upset and doesn't understand why he's the only one able to see how messed up the situation is.
Basically the episode ends with Sherlock inviting   the Watsons over for Christmas so that they could sort it out. Then Sherlock shoots CAM on the head to protect them. Ect.
Skip to the TARMAC scene.
SHERLOCK (to Mary): You will look after him for me, won't you?
MARY: Oh... don't worry. I'll keep him in trouble. (He smiles as she releases him and pulls back).
SHERLOCK: That's my girl.
Mary might have broken Sherlock's heart and trust.. But he still forgave her, because she's his friend now, and John loves her.
(although I think when John 'forgave' Mary at first it's just for Rosie's sake"
Clara: You're going to help me?
Doc: Well, why wouldn't I help you?
Clara: Because what I just did. I just-
Doc: You betrayed me. You betrayed my trust, you betrayed our friendship, You betrayed everything that I ever stood for. YOU LET ME DOWN!
Clara: Then why are you helping me?
Doc: Why? Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?
If you swap the characters with Sherlock and Mary, this could easily be a conversation between them. Even if Mary broke his heart and trust. That doesn't prevent him from caring for Mary (actually John but y'know)
That's all I have for now guys, HOPE YOU LIKE IT, Comment your thoughts on this, I'd love to read your opinions. I don't know if I'll write about The six thatchers... We'll see ;)
quoted from https://arianedevere.livejournal.com/66078.html
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myhearts-sherlocked · 4 years
The sign of three was basically a declaration of Sherlock's Love for John
Okay so, the title says it all.
This is my first blog post I'm writing I'm really excited, I hope not to get lost in my train of thought.
Okay so... Let's start easy.
The morning of the wedding Sherlock's up early, mrs. H brings him tea, and she starts talking about the Marriage ( calling it: THE BIG DAY) and how it changes people. Sherlock doesn't understand why this is a Big deal, and starts to avoid talking about it.
When the photographer is taking pictures after the ceremony; Sherlock doesn't budge at first when the photographer said "just the bride and groom, please" which I found really cute and sad at the same time. As at that point Sherlock helped both of them organize a lot of things, so they've been a team in the whole process, and when it was time for the actual thing, he had to step aside.
When Sholto arrives at the reception, John obv greets him, while Sherlock and Mary talk about him, and Sherlock shows obvious signs of jealousy knowing that John "never shuts up about Sholto and not him".
Also, it turns out that apparently he's not "the most unsociable man that John has ever met" anymore, which was one of the many things that made him different from everyone else around them, and now there's suddenly someone else taking that place from him?
*MARY: "neither of us were the first, you know? "
At this point Sherlock is done, and tells Mary to stop smiling, luckily Mary doesn't take it to heart as she 'knows' Sherlock and just shakes it off.
But Sherlock never told John to stop smiling cuz he basically did everything so that John's presumably "Most important day of his life" would go smoothly, and he knows how much John has hurt for the past years (he takes responsibility for it, and is trying to redeem himself by helping him find 'happiness') and probably understands that for John , the wedding day is actually a big deal, he might not understand why, as  he tells Mrs. H earlier:
* SHERLOCK: Two people who currently live together are about to attend church, have a party, go on a short holiday and then carry on living together. What's big about that?
One thing I really liked about Sherlock's Best man's speech is that even though he's the Cleverest person in the room , (and he knows it) and the whole mind palace thing ;
He prepares flashcards to remember, just in case something goes wrong and forgets, which would be unlikely, cuz yeah, hes Sherlock Holmes but he's still a human, and he does it so that he doesn't ruin the most important day in his Best Friend's life. Although he doesn't understand why, Sherlock does it anyways, for John. That's why he gets a bit agitated when he sees everyone crying, and wonders if he did something wrong.
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Plus, Sherlock doesn't show-off as much during his speech, he made sure that the spotlight for his speech would always fall on John Watson.
Let's quote some of the nice things Sherlock said about John, during his speech:
*SHERLOCK: today you sit between the woman you have made your wife and the man you have saved - in short,  the two people who love you most in all this world. And I know I speak for Mary as well when I say we will never let you down, and we have a lifetime ahead to prove that.
* SHERLOCK: I never expected to be anybody's best friend. Certainly not the best friend of the bravest and kindest and wisest human being I have ever had the good fortune of knowing.
* SHERLOCK: The best and bravest man I know and on top of that he actually knows how to do stuff.
[Flashback to John asking Sherlock to be his best man]
*John: I want to be up there with the two people i love and care about most in the world
So, we already know that John's talking about his wife to-be and Sherlock. Now if you'll excuse me let's just go back a bit, when John hasn't met Mary yet. I think the statement would still stand; but with only one subject/individual (In this case Sherlock). Idk where I'm going with this. But basically what I'm saying is that before John met Mary, Sherlock was the only person he loved and cared about the most in the world. Let that sink in.
Now. Let's talk about the flashbacks of the stag night.
Before actually going to the Pubs, Sherlock asks Molly to help him 'calculate' their ideal alcohol intake.
And he says :
* SHERLOCK: Don't want to get ill. That would ruin it - spoil the mood.
Let's remember what John told Sherlock when he  was appointed as Best man:
*JOHN: Look, Sherlock, this is the biggest and most important day of my life.
And we see that Sherlock's a bit skeptical about it at first but we've seen that already.
[back to the stag night]
Sherlock really wants it to go well for John, but it doesn't really go as planned and they go home early. NOW, my favorite part of the stag night: The Rizla game.
When Sherlock's trying to guess who he's supposed to be... These are the answers that John has already given him:
He is human; not as tall as people think; nice-ish; clever, important to some people, ppl don't like him and he tends to rub them up the wrong way.
SO! With these informations on hand, Sherlock's first guess is: KING OF ENGLAND, ofc John tells him that they don't have a king, So Sherlock had to guess again. His second guess was 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁. JAWN. Yep, so I found this interesting somehow, basically what I came up with is : for Sherlock, Jawn has the same qualities a king would have. Think about it. I'll let you work it out by yourself, cuz I'm tired sksk. Just comment below any thoughts about this.
Ok so at this point Hudders interrupts the game, bringing in a client. Nothing in this part particularly interests this blog.
But a few honorable mentions :
> John touching Sherlock's knee
> Sherlock's arm around John while sitting on the couch
> Sherlock's butt up while "clueing for looks"
After this, there's the whole case-solving part. We'll skip it, and go to the last bit.
Sherlock's playing his newly composed waltz for the Watsons and then they talk about Mary being pregnant, everyone's happy, and there's the really long, awkward eye contact between the two men, while the bride is the one supposed to have all the attention, out of the 3 of them... Okay afterwards, the newlyweds dance together, and then Sherlock leaves early. As he sees that everything's going smoothly again, ( Sherlock saw, being the best man, a responsibility) at that point he probably thought that his job was done, and his presence was not needed anymore. That's heartbreaking.
So basically Sherlock also composed a Waltz for them (as I already mentioned earlier), and taught John how to dance along with it. So practically Sherlock did hell of a LOT for the Watsons, and John specifically. Cuz yeah it's the topic of this Blog post. But I enjoyed Sherlock and Mary's friendship during this.
But here's the thing, everything Sherlock has done throughout the whole episode; he did it exclusively for John's happiness. Because that's true love. Now count me as cheesy, but even if you don't ship Johnlock, and only see them as friends, you have to admit that what Sherlock did, showed his love for John. Because even if he knows that after this wedding John wouldn't spend as much time with him as he did in the past. He prefers to see John happy than being Petty about it. ( for me, that's love, as long as the other half is happy, I'm good)
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Now let's remember what Sherlock did for the Watson's during this episode:
> greatest best man speech
> compose a Waltz
> teach John how to dance
> organize an intricate stag night with a personal touch
> prevent a murder at his Best friend's wedding
> got in good terms with Archie
> scared off Mary's ex, so he'd stay put.
> Made sure they still had beautiful wedding pics before arresting the photographer
Helps organizing :
> the sitting setting at the reception
> the time Schedule
> the tissues
* = quoted from https://arianedevere.livejournal.com/66078.html
That was all I had for you guys~ ✨I really hope you liked it, I enjoyed writing this, comment your thoughts, I'd appreciate feedback :')
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myhearts-sherlocked · 4 years
The development of Sherlock and Mary's relationship (part 1)
(how Mary gained and broke Sherlock's trust successfully)
Let's start with how Mary and Sherlock met for the first time. So Sherlock disguises himself as a Waiter to surprise John .When John actually recognizes him, Mary's still trying to process the situation, and is worried for John, as she doesn't understand his reaction.
When Sherlock tells her "Not Dead" the realization hits her like a truck.
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She obviously knows the whole suicide case as she probably heard of it on the news and from John.
So when the initial shock subsides a bit, she says " Do you have any idea what you've done to him?"
John was still mourning Sherlock when he met Mary, according to him, Mary helped him get through it, and it hasn't been long since they first met. I'm not questioning their relationship but I'm saying this from a personal experience; when someone helps you go through something, and you're in a vulnerable situation it's not unusual that you develop 'feelings' for such person, but the thing is that when you're emotionally vulnerable some things get mixed up, and you can confuse gratitude with love. Just saying hahahah, they loved each other, but. ANYWAYS.
Mary moves on pretty quickly from the disbelief she has shown earlier . As she probably sees that Sherlock is the kind of person who would fake their death. In their short interaction, Mary saw a glimpse of Sherlock's persona, but she doesn't criticize him much, in fact she also takes Sherlock's side and offers her help on bringing the boys back together again. The conversation goes like this:
And that's where I think Mary had successfully gained Sherlock's trust.
SHERLOCK: I don't understand. I said I'm sorry. Isn't that what you're supposed to do?
MARY: Gosh. You don't know anything about human nature, do you?
SHERLOCK: Mmm, nature? No. Human? No.
MARY: I'll talk him round.
SHERLOCK: You will?
MARY: Oh yeah.
Sherlock really cares about John, and he didn't expect him to react that way. He thought that John would be delighted at the sight of him.
Obviously things don't go as planned and Sherlock feels guilty for it.
The next time we see Mary with Sherlock is when she receives the message that would help them save John. Mary goes to Sherlock for help, he of course doesn't Hesitate to help, as it involves John Watson. But let's focus on how Sherlock first reacted when Mary enters the apartment:
SHERLOCK: Mary? What's wrong?
I found it pretty sweet, Sherlock welcomes a pretty agitated Mary, with concern on his face, even before she mentioned the whole situation, Sherlock was ready to listen.
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After saving John from the bonfire even if it didn't happen on screen, we expect that Sherlock and Mary called an ambulance for John and brought him to the hospital, both of them most probably rode in the ambulance, maybe even chatted on the way there. I say this cuz I mean ,i don't expect Sherlock to take the motorcycle and bringing it back to the owner after the incident. Even if we don't have any confirmation  whatsoever for the whole ambulance thing, I like to think that it really happened.
The last time we see Mary and Sherlock in this episode is in the end when John,Mary, Molly,Tom and Lestrade are over at 221B's , Mary and Hudders are talking about the wedding date and the engagement. The conversation goes like this:
MARY: You will be there, Sherlock?
SHERLOCK: Weddings - not really my thing. (He looks across and winks at her. She smiles. The door opens.)
We also see how Sherlock treats Mary and Molly differently. Even though he's known Mary in a shorter period of time than Molly, He treats them both as friends but it's different for Mary , maybe because she doesn't have feelings for him, so Sherlock feels more comfortable with her.
Their friendship goes along throughout the whole TSO3 episode. So I won't comment much about it.
Only thing I'll mention is when Sholto arrives at the wedding and Sherlock and Mary start 'gossiping' while John goes to greet him. That was pretty cute, and seeing Sherlock obviously jealous in front of John's wife who he should me more jealous of; it's funny, cuz Sherlock retained that Sholto was a much greater threat to his and John's relationship, than Mary, the woman John actually got married to. Sherlock really likes Mary at this point, and doesn't mind her hanging around them, well actually he enjoys it, and Mary doesn't really get involved in their job which is another factor that Sherlock likes about her. She just lets them do their thing and Sherlock appreciates it.
Quoted from https://arianedevere.livejournal.com/66078.html
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