#Captain gregson
possibility221 · 1 year
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Elementary Sherlock and Joan
The person you love most in the world.
Episodes: 7x13, 2x22, 4x24, 7x13
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icyfox17 · 2 months
911 Elementary fandoms there's gotta be some overlap here, right??
The minute I saw Albert show up at Chimney's door it made me think of Joan's sister popping up... I need Joan and Chimney to bond over their annoying /affec younger siblings
I also think Sherlock would be incredibly done with anyone on the 118 within minutes of meeting them LMFAOFJFJD buuuutt Sherlock would love Athena. He'd be like "omg finally another competent police officer that's not Bell". And I think Athena would respect Sherlock sm too, tho maybe put him in his place too depending on which season Sherlock we're talking LMAOOO
Athena and Hen and Joan together would be too much power 😭😭 the absolute girlbossness of those three would explode the world I think
Bobby and Gregson exchanging dad jokes /j
Anywaysss I often think about the two of them stumbling into each other at a meeting
911 and Elementary are both shows that have shown incredibly realistic depictions of addiction and recovery and AGRHAGRHGSHDHD I need these two in the same room together... Also Alfredo and Wendall would be unstoppable tgt actually, can u imagine them bonding over stories about Bobby and Sherlock 😭😭😭❤️❤️🫶 (yes. Yes I am still sad about Wendall shush)
Man man man now I can't stop thinking about Bobby and Sherlock 😭😭😭
I just think that'd be neat
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thestinkyman · 7 months
I need to get that man pregnant
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happygirl2oo2 · 11 months
Elementary parallels (s1 vs s6)
Captain Gregson to Sherlock after M (a serial killer) seemed to have followed him to New York and then murdered someone over there (presumingly, at the time, to catch Sherlock's attention by hitting "close to home", but of course Sherlock had no way of knowing he'd do so and he is appalled by it upon finding out), in s1 ep12:
Gregson: "I guess this answers the question about whether he came to New York for you, huh?" Sherlock: "My sincerest apologies, captain. If I'd have had any notion that my presence would've drawn him to your city..." Gregson: "Hey, hey, he's the twist, okay? Not you." *puts a comforting hand on Sherlock's shoulder*
Captain Gregson to Sherlock after Michael (a serial killer, tho unknown to Sherlock at first) killed Hannah's roommate (canonly to catch Sherlock's attention by hitting "close to home", but of course Sherlock had no way of knowing he'd do so and he is appalled by it upon finding out), followed by Hannah killing him later on in revenge, and after Sherlock politely asks Gregson to not let Watson take the fall for Hannah's crime by keeping quiet about it, in s6 ep21:
Gregson: "You're the door that this lunatic walked through, okay? Not me! He cozied up to you. He got to know everything about you, including the fact that I have a daughter. He killed her friend to get your attention. If it weren't for you, Maddie Williams would be alive today and my little girl wouldn't be a killer."
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galaxythreads · 1 year
Truly nothing will ever be like my love for grumpy old men who keep collecting children. It is my favorite trope in existence. I love fathers whose fatherhood may not have been a choice but it was always inevitable and they're surprisingly cut out for the job.
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chehukyu · 1 year
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cbs elementary but it’s the way i see it (a tired dad with a band of kids that can’t stop getting into Situations)(gregson my beloved)(you’re doing your best)
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xony · 7 months
there's an episode in s2 of Elementary where a guy is so obsessed with Captain Gregson his appartment walls are covered with pics of him and honestly, same
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writingfanficsfan · 1 year
Just rewatched Bites and Pieces and I will never understand why Gregson reacted the way he did when Sherlock told him about his PCS. 
I can understand that he was angry for not telling him sooner and only telling him because Sherlock had found that head and didn’t remember how he got it but I still think Gregson reacted too harsh. 
Even at the end of the episode, it was all said so harshly and the whole ‘you can trust me’/ ‘proof it’ thing still rubs me the wrong way. 
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blistering-typhoons · 8 months
trying to call out your psuedo-dad and steadily losing confidence simulator
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possibility221 · 1 year
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Elementary Holmes and Watson: We're a team
episodes: 4x02, 4x02, 1x07, 1x23, 3x17, 4x07
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hjbirthdaywishes · 2 years
March 8, 2023
Happy 64 Birthday to Aidan Quinn. 
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mcfriggingonagall · 2 years
Random 5 am thought "What kind of grandfather would Morland Holmes be ?"
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happygirl2oo2 · 5 months
Elementary Parallels
Gregson about Sherlock kidnapping and planning to intentionally kill the active serial murderer that killed someone he loved (which he didn't end up fully going through with, only beating him up for a bit in a way that would hurt but do no real harm before intentionally taking M to the police himself), s1ep13:
Watson: "Sherlock feels terribly about what happened. He'd tell you himself but you know how he is. What would it take for him to come back? Is it a matter of sitting it out or do you want a formal apology?" Gregson: "You sound like he took my favorite shirt without asking. Holmes planned to torture and murder somebody." Watson: "Sherlock thought that Moran murdered the woman he loved." Gregson: "Which makes it natural to think about paying him back. An employee of this department does not act on those impulses. Do you wanna know what Sherlock can do? Nothing. And if I had to bet, I'd say he's not even sorry. Now, I understand, you're worried about your client, you think that he needs this job to stay sober. I understand that. But he's broken, and he's broken in a way that has nothing to do with whether or not he's getting high."
Gregson about Kitty kidnapping and planning to intentionally kill the active serial rapist and murderer that terribly abused her 5 years ago (which she didn't end up fully going through with, ended up pouring strong acid on his face instead before intentionally revealing Gruner's location to the police), s3ep12 and s5ep15:
Sherlock, answering his phone: "Captain." Gregson: "We got him. Gruner. We've been trying to ping his cell phone for hours, but suddenly it came back on. We found him in a warehouse on Staten Island tied to a chair. At first, we thought someone had lit his head on fire, but the doctor said it was some kind of corrosive. Preliminary lab work says he is Jesse Laird's biological father, and Joan found a book stashed at his place. There are pictures in there that he's not gonna be able to explain. He's gonna wake up after a few hours, and right after I tell him he's under arrest, I'm gonna ask him who did this to him. Maybe it's a name I know. Maybe it isn't. Either way, I'm gonna have to go after them." Sherlock: "Understood." [cut to Sherlock and Kitty talking on the phone] Kitty: "There's some things I need to wrap up with the captain. I wanted you to know that this is the last time I'll be using this phone. Thought you'd want to verify that I really have gone to the airport this time."
Watson: "You want me and Kitty to talk to the captain?" Sherlock: "Is that a problem?" Kitty: "Yeah, Watson. Problem?" Watson: "You didn't just leave New York two years ago, you fled. You dunked some guy's head in a vat of acid." Kitty: "Del Gruner wasn't a "guy," he was a monster. All things considered, I'd say he got off easy. Watson: "All I'm saying is the captain knew it was you." Sherlock: "He suspected. Gruner never said a word about who marked him. Obviously, he didn't want to reveal his true connection to Kitty." Watson: "You really think that's gonna matter to the captain?" Kitty: "I wrote him a letter. The captain, after I got back. I didn't confess to anything… I knew that would put him in a spot… I just… apologized if I disappointed him. We're square." Sherlock: You heard her. They're square." [cut to Watson and Kitty in the police station] Watson: "You're sure about this?" Kitty: "Pretty sure." Watson: "What do you mean, you're pretty sure?" Kitty: "I mean, I'm reasonably certain he won't try to charge me with a two-year-old crime. 60/40. Ish." *Gregson spots Kitty, and immediately his face changes into looking pissed. She waves awkwardly and he begins walking toward her with what seems to be an angry face* Gregson: "Are you kidding me?" *stops in front of Kitty, then immediately his face changes into a happy and smiling one* "How come no one told me you were coming?" *proceeds to hug Kitty* Kitty, relieved: "It's sort of a long story, actually." Gregson: "Oh, yeah?" Kitty: "I could use your help." Gregson: "Okay, come on. We'll talk in my office." Watson: "Must've been one hell of a letter." Kitty: "Yep." *after explaining the case* Gregson: "I'll make some calls. You'll have all the help you need from the police in Jersey. But first, I'm gonna go find Marcus. I know he's gonna want to say hi to you."
Gregson about Hannah intentionally locating and killing the active serial murderer that killed someone she loved (which she fully went through with, before then intentionally disposing of Michael's dead body by putting it in the garbage with the help of a willing accomplice and only confessing to the crime to her cop father while being drunk), s6ep21:
Gregson: "How much do you know?" Sherlock: "Almost all of it. Michael was killed by a woman at the home of a man named Denny Mulgrew. An accomplice helped her dispose of the body: a man named Curtis Jenkins, father of Graham. I confess I don't know at what point you were drawn into the plot, but once you were, you realized that the killer could be undone by security footage recorded outside Mr. Jenkins' workplace, so you went there and you destroyed it. I spent the better part of today thinking that Michael's killer was Special Agent Mallick. But no. It's Hannah. Your daughter." Gregson: "Maddie wasn't just Hannah's roommate. She was her best friend. After Maddie's murder, Hannah took some time off. She was supposed to be getting her head together. Instead, she started looking into Rowan on her own. She dug in. She got to know all the people in his life. Including Denny Mulgrew. After she heard about what happened at your place, she got to thinking. He's not going to a hospital. He'd go to a guy like Mulgrew. So she played a hunch. She went to his place and staked it out. The next morning, after Mulgrew left, she found a way inside. She had her gun with her. But she thought that was too good for him, so she used her baton instead. Him calling Joan's name-- she never heard that. And she sure as hell didn't know the whole thing was being recorded." Sherlock: "So, when did she make you an accessory?" Gregson: "Couple hours later, I got a call from a friend of mine who owns a bar. He said Hannah was there and that she was in bad shape. So I went there, got her into my car. And that's when she told me everything." Sherlock: "You have to tell the FBI." Gregson: "I can't. No. Hannah's a cop. She can't go to prison."
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galaxythreads · 2 years
alright, apologies this really has nothing to do with your fic itself but-- i just love every time you add in a cameo. i'm just over here like ' :0!! CAPTAIN GREGSON?!? :DDDD'
it makes me very happy XD
*maniacal giggling*
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badbitchstromboli · 9 months
“when you love someone big enough, you can let them choose you” im crying
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rainintheevening · 3 months
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