#mianite royalty au
coolcattime · 6 months
Duty, and Its Implications [Mianite Royalty AU Oneshot]
Relationships: Tom Syndicate/Jordan Captainsparklez
Characters: Jordan Captainsparklez, Tom Syndicate, Lady Ianite
Prince Jordan has always been the very image of a dutiful crown prince. He has never faulted in what is expected of him, making sure to uphold his kingdom’s ideals and traditions in the way that is both expected and admired in a future king. However, on this night, that of his official engagement to Lady Capsize, he can’t help but feel nervous about the situation he finds himself in. Despite his duty and how the engagement is for the good of his kingdom, he worries if he’s really ready or prepared for it.
Little does he or his surprise visitor in the form of Prince Tom know, he will not be engaged by the end of the night – and his doubt about his engagement will be put to the furthest reaches of his mind as now a far different issue faces him and threatens the peace between all three of the kingdoms.
AO3 Link
Mianite Royalty AU Tag
Prince Jordan was alone for the first time in as long as he could remember. The older he got, the more he was constantly surrounded by people, be they advisors, tutors, servants, governors, visiting nobles, his mother, his friends, or his fiancée. He was never alone, and he had never felt so thankful for that fact as he did now sitting alone in his room, the silence eating away at him. Tonight was the night, he and Lady Capsize would finally be officially engaged. Technically nothing was really changing, Capsize had been his fiancée for years now in terms of her education, duties, and living arrangements, but despite that his stomach wouldn’t settle. As he stared at his own reflection, he knew deep down that everything was about to change.
He looked the perfect image of a crown prince, not a single hair out of place. He was dressed in purples, as was traditional for his kingdom, deep purple jacket and pants embellished with golden embroidery that matched the golden crown he wore. He’d tried on the pieces so many times as they were being tailored, but actually seeing it now as a completed outfit felt different. It wasn’t dissimilar to outfits he had worn at previous balls, but his crown weighed heavier than it ever had before, especially as he stared at the family ring he was going to be proposing with before the end of the hour. He had never felt so lost as to what he was meant to be feeling. This was his duty, something important to the continued survival of the kingdom. Maybe that was why he felt so nervous, it was a lot of pressure on one event. Everyone important from all three kingdoms were here today for him – obviously he couldn’t get rid of the nerves, he was soon going to get down on one knee in front of the most powerful people in the world. Even knowing Capsize was going to say yes, he still felt so unbelievably nervous about tonight.
Gods, his thoughts were locked onto the idea that Capsize might say no. It was ridiculous, their engagement had been in the works for years now, she knew as well as he did that this event was really just for show. Yes, he knew in reality that she would play her role perfectly, she would accept his proposal in the exact way that was expected of her, she would sit by him during dinner and smile politely as he spoke, and the moment it was socially acceptable, she’d disappear off to talk with literally anyone but him. The last part was the highlight of the problem that had him as nervous as he was. Despite how she had been living in the castle for years now, he still barely knew Capsize. There had been times when he thought he was actually seeing her true personality, but most of the time she was annoyingly closed off from him. Of course, she was quite the same with nearly everyone, but he knew there were people she was open with which just made her all the more frustrating to him. She seemed happy to talk with his mother or Prince Tom during his visits, but absolutely refused to interact with him in any meaningful way. He was trying, she just didn’t seem receptive to him, which left him fumbling with what he was doing wrong. He knew that this engagement was unlikely to result in love, but he had hoped they’d at least be able to be friends.
There was still time, he assured himself. While the wedding planning would certainly take up most of their time, they’d still be given time alone to continue their courtship. Of course, Capsize hadn’t exactly been receptive to anytime with him, alone or not. Though she was never outright rude, she was always so quiet, but after tonight, things were going to get better. He’d spoken to her brother, gotten what information he could on things she might like to do and why she seemed so quiet all the time. He’d made her comfortable here, show her that he wanted her to be happy. Then she’d start talking more openly with him, he was sure. He just needed to get through tonight, which he knew he could do. Capsize always seemed to enjoy balls so she’d be fine, he was sure. Just get through tonight. He could do that. Realistically there wasn’t anything that could go wrong.
Despite that thought, Jordan nearly jumped out of his skin when the door to his room creaked open. He didn’t expect it to be time to go in so soon. He didn’t feel ready, but he rose to his feet anyway. Only it wasn’t someone that had come to collect him. Despite how anyone entering his room without him expecting them on such an important night should panic him, he completely relaxed.
“Tom,” Jordan breathed, smiling at the man. Tom, crown prince of the kingdom of King Dianite, dressed in all the finery one would expect of someone of his station attending an event as important as this one. He was dressed in deep reds, embroidery decorating his jacket, mostly in other red tones, though his lapels were done in silver. He stepped inside Jordan’s chambers, carefully closing the door behind him, smiling warmly at his friend. Jordan couldn’t help but reflect the action, happy to be having some alone time with the man before a night where he’d be focused on his duties as a future king. However, even in briefly reminding himself of his duties, his nerves were brought back to the forefront of his mind. “You can’t be here. You’re meant to be in the ballroom with all the other nobles. You’ll—”
“Relax,” Tom cut him off with nonchalance, moving to drape himself across Jordan’s bed. It wasn’t as if he had a reputation of being uptight and duty bound as Jordan did. Him sneaking off from an important event and being found in a noble’s bedroom was likely expected from him at this point. Of course, he knew that reputation wasn’t exactly what the man was worried about. So, though he didn’t move from his lying position, he shot him a flash of a smile. “I’m not the only person that’s missing, Sonja’s disappeared to gods knows where. Plus, the whole event seems delayed anyway. So, I thought I’d check in on you. I mean, it’s your big day, thought it would be nice to talk.”
“What do you mean delayed?” Jordan asked, more nerves growing. Nothing should be delayed; the whole night was planned down to the last detail. Had something gone wrong? That idea was enough to make him nauseous.
“Maybe delayed isn’t the best word. More like you wouldn’t be needed for quite a while. Ergo, I wouldn’t be needed for a while,” He said with a shrug. Sure, maybe there were some reasons that he could be worried – it seemed like people were getting pulled out of the room and not returning, which probably wasn’t meant to happen, but he didn’t want to worry Jordan, he seemed stressed enough. That was the actual reason he had wanted to see Jordan. Anyone with a working brain could tell that Lady Capsize wasn’t particularly happy with the engagement, but it was a lot less clear how the crown prince felt. Logically, given that he had picked the woman, one would think that he must be happy, but Tom knew he had a tendency to hide behind his duties to his kingdom. He was beyond worried that his friend wasn’t actually okay. “How are you doing anyway? Getting engaged is a big deal, are you feeling good about it?”
“Yeah, of course. I mean, we’ve technically been engaged for years, nothing’s really changing in that regard. It feels more like a performance than an engagement really,” Jordan’s words were well practised, as if a rehearsed speech themselves rather than anything with feeling behind it. He didn’t notice the small frown forming on Tom due to his words, too focused on once again running through the words he was going to say to Capsize during the engagement. A pre-written, well-practised script, prepared well in advance as he knew he wasn’t going to be able to come up with anything from the heart. He really thought he would feel something tonight, even if it wasn’t love. The fact that he didn’t, it didn’t bother him per say as there was always the chance with arrangements like that that nothing blossoms forth, but he did find himself more than a little frustrated that he hadn’t made any real progress with Capsize. “I really thought she wouldn’t be so closed off by now. I’ve been trying to make her comfortable, but the longer she’s been here, the less she wants to talk to me. How did you get her to open up?”
“Just, you know, talked to her without formalities. Asked about her life and interests,” Tom replied, Jordan quickly groaning. He had tried getting to know her, and there was a time in her first few months here that he thought they were on their way to becoming friends. She had been laughing with him, openly competitive, but it wasn’t long afterwards that she shut off completely. Tom frowned just the tiniest bit more. He shouldn’t feel so worried about his friend when it was completely possible the man was just being dramatic, but it really did seem like Jordan was quite locked into feeling that his arranged relationship with Capsize was both the only one he was allowed to explore and completely doomed not to evolve any further. In actuality, Tom knew neither of those ideas were true, though perhaps Jordan was not in any state of mind to hear a suggestion of the former. So, instead, Tom decided to press on with trying to bring some hope for the latter not being true. “But because I've become so friendly with your fiancée, I’ve come up with the perfect wedding present that you’ll both love and will help peace between our kingdoms prosper or whatever.”
“That coming from your mouth worries me,” Jordan said. Tom mock gasped.
“You wound me! Maybe I won’t gift you a honeymoon.”
“Yep! A private cruise along my kingdom’s coast. It’ll give the two of you private time away from royal expectations. You will get a lovely tour of my kingdom, and Capsize happens to love the ocean,” Tom was pretty sure he had come with an idea beyond any expectations for him. Jordan was always talking about wanting to explore more and he didn’t think he’d ever seen someone as passionate about anything as Capsize had been about the ocean. Jordan smiled wider than he had all day. He, despite his friendship with the man, hadn’t been expecting a genuine idea to come out of his mouth, let alone one that sounded perfect. Capsize liking the ocean made sense to him as well, she was from the coast after all. Maybe they had a real chance of both enjoying such a trip. “So, have I come up with the best wedding gift?”
“It’s great! Seriously, it sounds perfect!” He had always been a little jealous about the amount Tom got to travel. It seemed that the man never stood still, always going somewhere, whether in his own kingdom or visiting one of the others. Meanwhile, Jordan only got to travel on rare occasions, and the idea of getting to see so much of Tom’s kingdom was beyond exciting. Though a question popped into his head. It was a question unlikely to occur to a soon to be engaged man, but Jordan was not exactly in the position of a normal engagement. “Would you be coming?”
Tom, for a moment, stared baffled. If anyone but Jordan had said that he would know they were flirting. Unfortunately, with Jordan it was completely possible that the man was just oblivious to the implications of his words. Still, he was obviously going to have fun with this. He pushed himself off Jordan’s bed and approached the man with a coy smile.
“Am I, your notoriously single friend, going to come on your honeymoon? If you’re ready for the rumours it’ll cause,” He found himself certainly too close to Jordan, smirking as he wrapped his arms around his neck, almost pulling him into an embrace. It was almost too far even for him, but Jordan didn’t pull away. Why would he? He felt comfortable, more comfortable than he did with anyone else who had tried to do such a thing with him. The noble women who had come as suitors had all been far too familiar for his liking. Capsize had never tried anything like this, and he imagined neither of them would enjoy it. Tom pulling him into an embrace, though? It felt right in a way that Jordan didn’t quite know how to explain, that he couldn’t explain because nothing could happen between the two of them. His engagement was for the good of his kingdom, what he had to do. He and Capsize both knew that and were both okay with that. But in this moment, standing with Tom like this felt so completely and utterly right in a way few other things did.
A fumbling at the door had the two quickly shove away from each other, both knowing being caught in such a position was not going to lead to anything good. What didn’t occur to either man was that fact that whoever was on the other side of the door wasn’t knocking. This wasn’t a servant coming to collect Jordan for the ball. Though they didn’t realise just how serious a situation was occurring until Queen Ianite burst in, several guards alongside her, looking utterly panicked in a state that neither had seen in before.
“Oh, thank the heavens you’re both safe!” Relief flooded her features. She didn’t care for what reason Tom was in Jordan’s bedroom, the fact they were both present and unharmed was more than enough to erase any questions. Jordan and Tom looked at each other briefly, both knowing something terrible must’ve happened but not wanting to actually acknowledge it despite the growing pit in their stomachs. Jordan approached his mother.
“Of course we’re safe. Are we late? We were talking, so I’m afraid I’ve lost track of time,” He tried to keep his voice steady as if he truly believed that might be the reason she was in such a state. The Queen shook her head, tears threatening to spill as she knew she was going to have to break the news she desperately didn’t want to. The peace between the kingdoms was about to shatter, and the seeming facts of the situation were as terrible as that implied. She ended up pulling her son into a hug, clinging to him as she desperately tried to figure out the words. How could she possibly break the news?
“No, no, you’re not late… It’s…”
“Your Majesty?” Tom spoke carefully, taking a hesitant step forward as he didn’t want to say what he was about to either, but there was only one possible reason he could think of for Queen Ianite to be in such a state as this. He didn’t want the terrible thought stuck in his head to be true, but he couldn’t let himself be stuck wondering. “Has something happened to Capsize?”
Her words failed as she tried to reply, though that was itself reply enough. She ended up sobbing into Jordan’s shoulder. That was more than enough for the two men to forget the fun and calm they had just been experiencing.
“Lady Capsize is missing,” A guard stepped forward, explaining what his Queen couldn’t. “Given the state of her room, it’s clear she has been kidnapped. We’re still looking for evidence but given that she’s also missing and that her weapon is missing from her guest chambers, it appears that her kidnapper was Lady Sonja, ward of King Mianite.”
With those words, reality set in. Whatever nerves Prince Jordan had had about his engagement escaped his thoughts. He placed a comforting hand on his mother’s shoulder, trying what he could to calm her. For the good of his kingdom, the good of all the kingdoms, he would have to rescue Capsize. Whatever danger he might face didn't matter, he needed to rescue his fiancée and bring her kidnapper to justice. That was his duty, and he could not afford to doubt that now.
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licantropa · 1 year
🪦 or 👑
👑 Royalty Au:
Jordan the Prince of Aethoria has gone missing, and a rumor has gone around that he’s being kept as King Dianite’s prisoner.
Currently lacking the resources to send an entire calvary, Queen Ianite sends two of her best and trusted to see if the rumors are true, because if they are that is an act that will incite war between both kingdoms.
Unbeknownst to them, Jordan is currently being kept in Mianite’s Kingdom. Sonja, a student of magic currently living within the castle, uncovers this fact. She rights this wrong and breaks him out.
Capsize and Redbeard while trying to get to their destination get hunted by Mianite’s Knights. Their murder, if successful, would’ve also been pinned on Dianite.
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mcytblraufest · 2 years
MCYTBLR AU FEST - The Gifts by the Numbers
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How Many Gifts? 
Over the course of the event, we saw gifts delivered from 133 gifters, of which 24 were pinch hits. Some of these gifters gave multiple gifts, because you are all just incredibly dedicated!
What Gifts?
The most commonly given gift was writing, but we also saw a considerable amount of art, and a good amount of other types of gifts. 
Writing: 78 gifts
Art: 46 gifts
Web Weave: 12 gifts
Playlist: 8 gifts
Stimboard: 2 gifts
What AUs?
We had a LOT of different AUs. A number of the gifts were tagged with several different tags to properly sum them up, but still— just look at all the AUs!
Fantasy: 32 gifts
Modern: 21 gifts
Paranormal: 13 gifts
Science Fiction: 13 gifts
Crossover: 7 gifts
Magic: 6 gifts
Superheros: 6 gifts
Cyberpunk: 5 gifts
Dungeons & Dragons: 5 gifts
Gods and Goddesses: 5 gifts
High School: 5 gifts
Mob Hybrids: 4 gifts
Royalty: 4 gifts
Coffee shops & Cafes: 3 gifts
Different Ending: 3 gifts
Dimensional Travel: 3 gifts
Fae: 3 gifts
Mermaid: 3 gifts
Soulmates: 3 gifts
Urban Fantasy: 3 gifts
Werewolf: 3 gifts
Assassin: 2 gifts
College/University: 2 gifts
Family Dynamic: 2 gifts
Horror: 2 gifts
LOTR: 2 gifts
Mafia: 2 gifts
Magical Girls: 2 gifts
Mystery: 2 gifts
Phantom of the Opera: 2 gifts
Pirates: 2 gifts
Post-apocalyptic: 2 gifts
Prank War: 2 gift
Sports: 2 gifts
Theatre: 2 gifts
Time Travel: 2 gifts
Vampire: 2 gifts
Villains: 2 gifts
30000 leagues under the sea: 1 gift
Age of Sail: 1 gift
Apocalypse: 1 gift
Age Reversal: 1 gift
ARK: Survival Evolved: 1 gift
Bad Guys Won: 1 gift
The Breakfast Club: 1 gift
Canon Divergence: 1 gift
Circus: 1 gift
Cowboys: 1 gift
Cryptid: 1 gift
Dinosaurs: 1 gift
Dystopian: 1 gift
Fairy Tail: 1 gift
Farm/Ranch: 1 gift
Forest Spirit: 1 gift
Heist: 1 gift
Historical: 1 gift
Idols: 1 gift
Isekai: 1 gift
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: 1 gift
Mechanic: 1 gift
Minimum Wage: 1 gift
Monsters: 1 gift
Musuem: 1 gift
Over the Garden Wall: 1 gift
The Owl House: 1 gift
Pokemon: 1 gift
Prequel: 1 gift
Roller Blading: 1 gift
Raft: 1 gift
Robots: 1 gift
Road Trip: 1 gift
Room of Swords: 1 gift
Sacrifice: 1 gift
Science: 1 gift
Shapeshifter: 1 gift
Shop: 1 gift
Slime Rancher: 1 gift
Small town: 1 gift
Soul Reapers: 1 gift
Space: 1 gift
Space Opera: 1 gift
Speedrunning: 1 gift
Spies and Secret Agents: 1 gift
StarCraft: 1 gift
Summer Camp: 1 gift
Supernatural: 1 gift
Teacher: 1 gift
Tokyo Ghoul: 1 gift
Twitch Streamers: 1 gift
Vegas: 1 gift
Warlock: 1 gift
Warrior Cats: 1 gift
Winx: 1 gift
Witches: 1 gift
Wings: 1 gift
Zombie: 1 gift
What Servers?
As above, we had several crossovers! DSMP was the most popular server, but 3rd LIfe, Hermitcraft, Origins and Empires all made a good showing, and we had several smaller servers that people still made gifts for. 
DSMP: 85 gifts
3L/LL/DL: 23 gifts
Hermitcraft: 21 gifts
Origins: 21 gifts
Empires: 13 gifts
30 Day SMP: 2 gifts
Afterlife: 2 gifts
Mianite: 1 gift
MCSR: 1 gift
SMP Live: 1 gift
Vault Hunters: 1 gift
What Characters?
Who did people choose to put in AUs? Well TommyInnit, Ranboo, Tubbo, and Grian led the leaderboards, but there were a lot of different characters who had the spotlight, even if for a little bit. 
TommyInnit: 34 gifts
Ranboo: 31 gifts
Tubbo: 25 gifts
Grian: 24 gifts
Wilbur Soot: 23 gifts
Technoblade: 21 gifts
GoodTimesWithScar: 19 gifts
Philza: 19 gifts
Dream (tagged as Dreamwastaken): 15 gifts
Quackity: 15 gifts
Sapnap: 13 gifts
PearlescentMoon: 12 gifts
Charlie Slimecicle: 10 gifts
GeorgeNotFound: 10 gifts
Jschlatt: 10 gifts
Jimmy Solidarity: 10 gifts
Joel Smallishbeans: 9 gifts
Niki Nihachu: 8 gifts
Mumbo Jumbo: 8 gifts
Karl Jacobs: 7 gifts
Scott Smajor: 7 gifts
Fundy: 6 gifts
GeminiTay: 6 gifts
Rendog: 6 gifts
Awesamdude: 5 gifts
Ethoslab: 5 gifts
ImpulseSV: 5 gifts
LD Shadowlady: 5 gifts
Zombie Cleo: 5 gifts
Captain Sparkelz: 3 gifts
DocM77: 3 gifts
Eret: 3 gifts
fWhip: 3 gifts
Foolish Gamers: 3 gifts
Jack Manifold: 3 gifts
Jellie: 3 gifts
Joe Hills: 3 gifts
Martyn InTheLittleWood: 3 gifts
Purpled: 3 gifts
TangoTek: 3 gifts
Bdoubleo100: 2 gifts
Friend the Sheep: 2 gifts
Iskall: 2 gifts
Ghostbur: 2 gifts
MythicalSausage: 2 gifts
Ponk: 2 gifts
Sneegsnag: 2 gifts
Xornoth: 2 gifts
Zedaph: 2 gifts
Aimsey: 1 gift
Boatem: 1 gift
BadBoyHalo: 1 gift
Captain Puffy: 1 gift
Chat: 1 gift
Couriway: 1 gift
ConnorEatsPants: 1 gift
Dr. Renstein: 1 gift
Evil Xisuma: 1 gift
FalseSymmetry: 1 gift
Feinberg: 1 gift
Granola the Fox: 1 gift
Hannahxxrose: 1 gift
Hbomb94: 1 gift
Joey Graceffa: 1 gift
Katherine Elizabeth: 1 gift
iijerichoii: 1 gift
Ianite: 1 gift
Michael _Beloved: 1 gift
omgitsfirefox: 1 gift
PeteZahHutt: 1 gift
Pixlriffs: 1 gift
Poundcake: 1 gift
Punz: 1 gift
Renbob: 1 gift
Ranboo’s Mother: 1 gift
Sam Nook: 1 gift
Skizzleman: 1 gift
SynHD: 1 gift
StressMonster101: 1 gift
The Red King: 1 gift
TinaKitten: 1 gift
VintageBeef: 1 gift
Yogurt the Fox: 1 gift
Xisumavoid: 1 gift
Check out the blog for more of the art and playlists, and you can check out the Ao3 collection for the fics! (73 submitted fics on the Archive, of which four broke 20k, and one was a twine game!) Thank you all for participating, this was tons of fun. 
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A list of mianite fanfiction ideas
because i’m already slightly burnt out on TRISLE lol.
(btw feel free to use these as inspo! just be sure to tag me so that I can see it!! if you did I’d probably explode lol)
-Ghost hunter AU
-Royalty x Pirate AU (so I’m SUPER in love with this one and want to talk about it so if that sounds interesting pls message me because i might actually do a oneshot for it because i have heaps of ideas)
-Pirate AU (In which everyone is a pirate. i also really like this one)
-Hunger games au
-Harry potter au
-Movie night
-Team purges
-Magic tutorer (imagine tucker trying to teach someone blood magic or something)
-Body swap
-cursed alts: drowned tom, feral sonja, bloodthirsty tucker (or something), ruthless captain jordan, unholy-being wag 
-Jordan, the true champion of Dianite.
-Sonja, the true champion of Ianite
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coolcattime · 1 year
A Single Moment [Mianite Royalty AU Oneshot]
Relationships: Captain Capsize/Sonja Firefoxx
Characters: Sonja Firefoxx, Captain Capsize
It takes but a single moment to change the world. That’s what Lady Sonja has told herself as she prepares to assassinate Lady Capsize, the fiancée of Prince Jordan. One single moment and the unity between the three kingdoms will fall apart. However, the saying takes a hold in a much different way she expected as the woman she was prepared to kill was already planning an escape.
AO3 Link
Mianite Royalty AU Tag
Lady Sonja made sure to conceal her sheath behind her cloak as servants hurried past her, not caring about being seen, but not being keen on being caught with a weapon so close to her objective. She’d been planning this for years, she couldn’t be caught before the actual attack, before there was anything real to blame on King Mianite. If she didn’t actually get to strike, then everything she’d been working towards would be lost. She needed that moment where everyone panicked, the one that would stop everyone from thinking logically until it was too late. For war to spark, there needed to be a level of irrational, which something terrible needed to trigger, and that’s why Sonja needed to kill her.
This was the first time in years, probably close to a decade, that all three kingdom’s royal families were in the same place. It was an occurrence so rare that she knew she wouldn’t get another chance like this. The Shadows, her patron in this whole affair, had made it clear that this was the best possible place to act, the best place to split apart the kingdoms and get the revenge she so desperately wanted on King Mianite. Here in the kingdom of Queen Ianite, all three kingdoms had come together to officially celebrate the engagement of Prince Jordan, heir to the throne, and Lady Capsize. While the two had actually been engaged for a few years now, now they were both of age, and their wedding was set for a little later in the year. So, this ball with all three royal families was the official celebration, and it would be started with the formal engagement of the two. This moment represented the future of their kingdom, and all three kingdoms were watching now more than ever. So, if something was to happen to either the Prince or his fiancée all hell would break loose. And that’s why Sonja now stood waiting for the path to Lady Capsize’s room to be clear, sword at her waist, readying herself to assassinate the young woman, knowing the terrible act would be blamed on her liege and a war between the kingdoms was sure to follow.
She knew it was unfair. The woman really was just in the wrong position at the wrong time, but she needed to assassinate one of them and she was just a lot more accessible than Jordan. The Prince was constantly surrounded by people. She’d barely seen him without Prince Tom, or an advisor, or Queen Ianite, or just someone by his side. Attacking him without being instantly caught just wasn’t going to be possible. His fiancée, however, was a different story. She’d only briefly met her, when she’d politely introduced herself at Jordan’s side before quickly excusing herself. According to Jordan, she was quite often alone, or rather she quite often avoided him. He’d said it in a way that he was clearly annoyed and seemed even more so when Tucker and Tom started joking with him about that fact. Sonja wondered briefly if he’d regret his annoyance after tonight, immediately chastising herself for the dark thought. She shouldn’t think of the reactions, of the personal feelings her actions would inflict, she couldn’t afford the falter that would cause.
The hall clears, the way to the soon-to-be Princess’ room clear. Well, Sonja supposed she wasn’t soon-to-be anything. Depending how successful she was in the next few minutes, they’d be the last few minutes the noble woman ever experienced. The notion made her sword feel heavy at her side, but she needed to do this. Taking down a kingdom required sacrifices, the life of a woman she didn’t know was just one of them. It wasn’t as if her own life was going to continue unaffected, these were likely her last few hours of either freedom or life, but the kingdoms would be splintered -- that was the important thing. Every slight against her and decisions made for her by King Mianite would be repaid in full at the cost of one woman’s life, how could she refuse to take that exchange? She carefully edged closer towards the door, hating the way that her footsteps echoed. She knew the point was to be seen, for it to be known that the ward of King Mianite had killed the fiancée of Prince Jordan, but she still felt far too exposed knowing how quickly she could fail if the wrong person passed by in these moments.
She takes a hold of the handle, taking one final breath to steady herself before the moment she’d been preparing for so long. Whether she lived or died, everything was about to change. This was going to be her legacy, one that no one was going to be able to, or want to, take away from her. She twisted the handle, slowly pushing the door open to make as stealthy an entrance as she could. The element of surprise would be her greatest advantage. When she entered the room, she realised she had no reason to bother.
The place was a mess, comparable to if an attack had already happened. Sonja looked around in confusion, attempting to piece together as the room’s owner also wasn’t obviously present. And she knew she shouldn’t be concerned, she’d been there to kill her, but she was. It looked like something terrible had happened. And, as she was scanning, looking for any answers as to what had happened here, she saw her. Lady Capsize was climbing over the balcony of her room.
“What are you—?” Sonja began to question, not caring about revealing herself in the confusion. Capsize felt her whole body run cold, whipping around with widened eyes as she heard a voice, realised she’d been caught. She couldn’t have been, not now, she couldn’t be forced to stay here. She placed the foot that had been hanging over the balcony firmly on the ground, attempting to figure out a way to hide the rope she’d lowered alongside a reasonable excuse for her current appearance and actions from a list of half-baked ones, only for all those thoughts to die from the shear confusion of who was actually in her room. She didn’t know who she’d expected to see, but it certainly wasn’t Lady Sonja, King Mianite’s ward. Why was a woman she barely knew in her room? No, that didn’t matter, she just needed to make sure she wouldn’t tell.
“I’m leaving. I just… Please, I can’t stay here,” Her cracked as she almost begged, years of built-up emotions behind her words. Sonja found herself frozen. She’d been preparing for such a long time, been ready for her target to be scared, to beg, but not like this. She barely looked like the woman she had been briefly introduced to. That woman had been perfectly put together, quietly but elegant and polite, the perfectly matching counterpart to Prince Jordan. The person in front of her looked dishevelled as the room they were standing in. The elegant hairstyle had been pulled apart, replaced by a messy braid merely meant to keep hair out of her face. Her outfit was still comprised of pieces that had been designed to match Jordan’s taste rather than her own, but it was an outfit designed to last outside rather than anything suitable for the fancy of tonight’s ball. Yet, what gave Sonja real pause was her eyes. It had been hidden in their earlier encounter, or perhaps it had been so brief that she just didn’t catch the absolute exhaustion that they held. “I’ll do anything, anything you want, just please pretend you didn’t see me.”
“You’re leaving?” Sonja’s mind hadn’t quite caught up to the situation in front of her. She had been so focused on what she had to do that the sudden shift had left her jarred. She should attack while she still could, but she felt unable. This wasn’t the concept of a person. This was a woman who didn’t even know her life was in danger but was begging as if the blade was already at her throat. All her original plans left her mind as she simply needed to know why. She took a cautious stop forward. “But you’re getting engaged—”
“No! No… I… I can’t marry him,” She at first exclaimed before quieting, speaking in a hushed tone as if she feared someone might overhear. She was shaking, just ever so slightly but she was. Sonja stepped forward, gently taking her shoulder. Her original plan for being here felt like a ghost gripping onto her, a haunting thought that she couldn’t imagine doing now as she heard the desperation and saw it in the other woman’s exhausted eyes. “I didn’t want this. I was just told it was happening. And I swear, I’ve tried—I’ve really tried, but I… I just can’t live like this. I just need to leave.”
“No, I… I won’t tell anyone,” She spoke softly, trying to match the other woman’s volume. Her mind was racing. She couldn’t kill her, couldn’t attack her, not when there were tears pricking at her eyes. But she also couldn’t give up her plan after so long, not with the deal she’d already made. So, what could she do? There had to be something that helped both of them. “Where are you planning to go?”
“I… I don’t…” Capsize’s voice wavered as her thoughts shook and found no answer. She didn’t have a location as much as merely knowing she had to leave. It wasn’t as if she could just go home. Even if Red and her aunt understood, that'd be the first place the royal guards would search. She had no real plan; she just knew she needed to leave. “The ocean?”
“What if I took you somewhere outside the kingdoms?” Sonja said, knowing there were places out there, places no one would think to look. Capsize’s mind froze. She looked at the other woman utterly confused. It was an offer she couldn’t refuse, but she was so baffled as to why it was being made.
“You’d have to leave with me. Why would you—” A knock at the door cut off her words. She gestured for Sonja to keep quiet as both women otherwise completely froze, knowing the consequences if anyone was to walk in right now.
“Capsize, darling, are you okay? Your handmaid said you felt unwell,” The voice of her governess came through the door, and she cursed her earlier excuse. She had just needed to be alone, knew there wasn’t any other way to be.
“I’m fine!” She hated how much her voice betrayed the truth. She couldn’t afford to be seen through, couldn’t afford her coming in to check. Sonja stood frozen in silence, knowing the same as Capsize that everyone was over if the woman decided to come in, but having absolutely no control over whether or not she did. “I’m sorry, I just— I needed some time alone before the big event.”
Both women stood with their hearts audibly beating in their ears as they both knew the coming response would decide their fates. There was an audible sigh.
“Okay, I’ll make sure people know not to disturb you. Just make sure you’re ready by the time the ball starts.”
“I will be, I promise!” Capsize called back, trying to ignore the lump in her throat as she lied. Even knowing she had to, it felt wrong. Still, she released a breath she’d been holding as she heard retreating footsteps and knew she wasn’t going to be caught leaving, wasn’t going to be stopped. She turned to the woman who was already in her room, still confused, but knowing she had the best offer she could’ve been offered. “Are you being serious? Are there really places you can take me?”
“Yes. I… I don’t want to be stuck in the position I’m in anymore than you. I promise you; I’ve found places outside of the kingdoms where no one will think to look. Do you trust me?” She said, trying not to sound panicked despite how she knew this was her only chance. The state of the room and herself going missing alongside her, it’ll look like a kidnapping, that’ll still work for her purposes. Capsize hesitated. She couldn’t say yes, as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t trust someone she barely knew. However, she also couldn’t refuse her offer.
“Yes, I trust you, but we need to leave now.”
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coolcattime · 1 year
Random thoughts about a Mianite Royalty AU I sometimes think about, but currently just don't have the real thoughts to write.
The kingdoms are divided by the Gods, mostly peaceful right now, but there's always bubbling tensions between them. However, currently the tension is within the kingdoms themselves. In Mianite's kingdom, Sonja has been plotting to take down Mianite through forcing war with the other kingdoms (the Shadows aiding and providing ideas). Meanwhile in Ianite's kingdom, well the arranged engagement between Jordan and Capsize is not going down well (Capsize has made her complaints clear, Jordan is adamant he's fine with it because he isn't ready to admit his massive crush on Tom).
All three of the kingdoms come together for what is meant to be a celebration of the engagement but quickly turns into a panic when Capsize and Sonja both end up missing. Given that Capsize's room looks ransacked, it is presumed that Sonja kidnapped her though Tucker insists she didn't and must've also been kidnapped by forces unknown. However given that, regardless of what happened, both of them are missing, a rescue team is created with Jordan, Redbeard, Tucker, and then Tom goes at a sign of good faith that Dianite also had nothing to do with this.
In actuality, Sonja *had* been planning to attack Capsize when she snuck into her room, planning to frame an assassination attempt being ordered by Mianite, when she found the other woman planning to run away. Seeing that this would cause suspicion to fall on Mianite anyway, she offered to travel with her, take her somewhere outside of kingdoms. Capsize wasn't really in a position to refuse so, despite some suspicions, agreed to escape the kingdom quickly.
As both groups travel, the guys a couple days behind tracking what quickly is seeming less like an abduction as there's very little (or rather no) signs of struggle. Quickly leading to conflicts with Tucker's denial that Sonja could've ever been planning to betray the kingdoms, Jordan's denial that Capsize might've wanted to run away and his denial of being unhappy with the arrangement himself (not helped with Tom flirting at every opportunity).
Meanwhile Sonja and Capsize are growing closer, which leads to Capsize's admitting to regret about leaving Ianite who, as much as she wasn't about to stay and marry someone she didn't like, she was incredibly loyal to. And Sonja admitting her own frustrations with Mianite, while also desperately trying to get out of her deal with the Shadows before Capsize finds out about it or the guys catch up and she's forced to actually expect why she originally helped Capsize run away.
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coolcattime · 1 year
Tom is the first person from another kingdom to meet Jordan's fiancée.
When he got a letter from Jordan saying he was soon to be engaged, he got mock annoyed that he wouldn't be considered as elligable. He had always known this would be coming, that no amount of flirting would make him elligable, but well, it's stings that he isn't at least invited along. Of course he still assured Jordan that he was sure he'd make a great choice. Jordan always was the dutiful type, good of the kingdom above all else and all that, so he knows he isn't going to pick someone based off looks. He doesn't expect him to go the complete opposite direction and pick the one girl who didn't show up, but he supposes that's Jordan through and through.
He spends the next few months before he can find an excuse to visit the other kingdom gathering any research possible about this mysterious Lady Capsize, to know exactly who his friend has engaged to marry. Unsuprisingly, given that she's from a small house in a different kingdom, he doesn't find much, but he does manage to find out a little about her family before he gets to meet her in person.
Technically he visits to renew an old border agreement, something Queen Ianite notes did not need to be done by the crown prince. Tom shrugs, but it's needled out of him that he came to visit Jordan and meet his fiancée. The Queen is accepting enough of this, though gives a stern warning not to annoy Capsize as she's fond of her and wants her to become comfortable. Obviously he agrees, but he does find her description curious given that Jordan has mostly described her as frustrating.
Frankly he has no idea what to make of the woman, as she seems polite enough, but closed off. Jordan says she's been like that nearly the whole time, though that doesn't exactly line up with the Queen's description, nor half of the gossip he hears. So one day when Jordan's busy, he steals her away from the governess that's teaching her etiquette to walk with her and actually try and get to know the person whose going to be marrying his friend.
Capsize isn't open with him at first, seeing that Jordan called the man his best friend and he's another crown prince. However, once they're in the grounds, away from anyone who might be eavesdropping, he starts speaking more causally, calls her by her name and asks about her in ways that don't relate to Jordan. And she opens up, and Tom finds her fansinating as she talks about her old life and the ocean with more passion than he could've imagined from his first impression of her. By the time Jordan finds them, they're laughing and Tom jokes about stealing her away.
However, what he can tell from this visit is that neither of them are happy with the arrangement. With Capsize it's obvious, but while Jordan is a little more subtle, he knows that man well enough to know when he's unhappy. Which is why he keeps up with his flirting with Jordan, seeing if he can poke him into admitting that.
It doesn't work, at least not until they're attempting to find the missing Capsize, and it becomes increasing clear that Jordan can't hide behind the idea of them both having been fine with the situation anymore.
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coolcattime · 1 year
Tucker, the crown prince of Mianite’s kingdom, has a bit of trouble completely believing the current peace between the kingdoms. Now, it is not that he particularly wants war, of course he doesn’t. Nor is it that he doesn’t trust his friends in the other kingdoms, they’re his friends of course he trusts them. But Tucker remembers the attempted invasion of his kingdom when he was a child, the one that led to Sonja’s house being destroyed.
Of course, it was never officially called an invasion. And he couldn’t think of any logical reason King Mianite would’ve covered up another kingdom attacking. However, clearly someone invaded, and the fact that he never learned who has bothered him. Because for all the apparent peace between the kingdoms, he knows someone tried to disrupt that and has never paid the consequences.
Due to this, he’s always pushed himself to make sure that he would be able to defend his kingdom in the event of the worst happening, his focus and drive one that was expected in his position. As the crown prince his studies were carefully overseen by the king, to ensure his heir’s loyalty and education. There was never any doubt in either, of course.
Alongside him, was Lady Sonja, though she didn’t have quite the same education as himself, she was still a close friend since she was taken in as Mianite’s ward. While he has close friends in other kingdoms, after all he’d be lying if he didn’t call Tom his friend (as annoying as the other crown prince can be at times), but with Sonja he knows he shares his loyalty to their kingdom which means even in the worst of times he can trust her.
And that’s why, when she disappears from the ball at the worst of times, he needs to prove she didn’t kidnap Lady Capsize, that she must’ve also been kidnapped in order to frame the incident on the Kingdom of Mianite. He’s sure that had to be the reality of the situation, even if he has no idea who actually kidnapped them.
Because if Sonja wasn’t also a victim, he knows that can only mean one thing. After all he knows King Mianite didn’t order this, no matter what everyone seems to suspect, so if she really did do this then she’s both a kidnapper and a traitor. And he just can’t believe that Sonja would betray the kingdom, betray him like that.
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coolcattime · 1 year
Redbeard never really expected to be in the position he currently was in, the heir to a somehow important noble family. He had always been the heir, a position he got from being a handful of minutes older than Capsize and kept because she had far more interest in carving her own path, but their house had always been small, poor (comparative to most noble houses anyway), and frankly unimportant. Unimportant enough that it was almost a surprise to receive a royal invitation for Capsize to meet the Prince when it comes time for him to get engaged.
Of course, she was an eligible noble, in theory she could be chosen by the Prince to become his fiancée, but both found that idea laughable. None of the other nobles really gave them much of a thought, as if the Prince would. Besides Capsize was going on be on a ship at the time, and she certainly wasn't giving up her first time out to sea for a man she'd never met and likely would never met again after one single event. An escort of royal guards showing up looking for her because the Prince had chosen her, without meeting her, was shocking to put it mildly.
Redbeard honestly was locked in a state of thinking it must be a joke, right up until Capsize had returned and only had a couple of hours before she'd be leaving for good that it sank in. And it also sank in that there wasn't anything he could do, none of his or Capsize's protests had any sway with the guards.
And that's about when the attention started, because obviously people are interested in the house that the (soon to be) Princess came from, as well as a lot of money courtesy of the Royal family. And that's fine, he can deal with the attention, even if he feels a lot more pressure than he ever has to actually give the impression that he knows what he's doing. He also didnt particularly want the money, but he's not actually in charge yet, he can't refuse it. Mostly what feels weird is Capsize not being around, made worse by her writing letters where she so clearly isn't happy about her situation. He does his best to comfort her through his own letters, to send her little things to remind of her home (small, mostly broken seashells, bracelets woven from rope). However he isn't surprised that the first time he sees her in person after the engagement, she's not quite the same.
There's almost an exhaustion from Capsize that wasn't there before. He kind of expected it in public, as whenever she with Prince Jordan its like she's a completely different person, but even when they're alone and she's being herself, there's a level of her that's clearly just tired. She tries to put it down to the closeness to the ball, despite knowing that isn't true, he doesn't buy it but never calls on that. There isn't much he can do about the actual cause after all.
He does his best to spend as much time with her as he can in the days leading up to the ball, though there are times where he's dragged off. Unexpectedly a couple of times this is done by Prince Jordan, who seems desperate for any ways to befriend Capsize. He's not quite sure how to speak to the man, and definitely can't tell him the truth of why she doesn't seem to want to try with him, but he can't just not give him any answers. So he gives what information he can without making it obvious that Capsize just resents the situation as a whole and sees him as the centre of that mess.
Attempting to keep up the vague answers about Capsize's happiness becomes a lot harder once she disappears. He isn't sure that she left of her own accord, he thinks it's possible and more likely than her being kidnapped, but there's enough things that don't make sense that he doesn't mention it. Of course he volunteers to go on the "rescue mission", not expecting to be joined by three Crown Princes. So he does his best to just keep his head down, but his reluctance to answer certain questions and general skittishness around the issue of if Capsize might've just run off start to catch Tom's attention.
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coolcattime · 1 year
Lady Sonja is an odd case when it comes to her exact position in the noble hierarchy. She was born the daughter of a higher up noble house in the kingdom of Mianite, a house that during her childhood was completely destroyed aside from herself. Due to the house being destroyed defending the kingdom from a threat that likely would've destroyed it had it gone unchecked, Mianite took Sonja in as his ward, leaving her in the odd position of having the education and expectations of a princess, without the noble title or, half the time, respect that comes with being one.
As Mianite was often more focused on his heir, she found herself left to her own devices quite a lot which she used to indulge in the research of topics that he wouldn't necessarily approve of. She never intended to do anything with the knowledge of poisons and odd magics she read about, it was just for curiosity. However, as she got older she realised that Mianite was not planning on allowing her to rebuild her house instead having her adopted into the royal family, despite still not giving her any of the decision making power or even attention he gave Tucker and she started to grow resentful. And this was about when Sonja stumbled onto the Shadows.
No one quite knows what the Shadows are. An old monarch from before the kingdoms split who wants nothing more than to claw back their world. A long dead traitor who will stop at nothing to bring down the kingdoms. The combination of the all the resentment in the world given form to bring destruction. Whatever they truly are, they seemingly exist to destroy the three kingdoms. And they found Sonja, or perhaps she found them she isn't sure, but with her growing resentment towards her own kingdom she has few qualms listening to the whispers that claim they'll help her destroy it.
Her true plan forms when the invitations come for a ball celebrating the soon to be wed Prince Jordan and Lady Capsize. One of the most important events in recent memory, one that likely every noble in the three kingdoms will be attempting to attend and Sonja sees an opportunity. If she could kill, or even just attack, one of the two and frame the fact she did so on Mianite's orders, well that would cause war. And seeing that Capsize took every excuse she could to spend time alone (or at least anyway from Jordan), it wouldn't be hard to find her in a vulnerable position.
Of course she never expected upon sneaking into her room, to find Capsize about to run away. But seeing her so desperately explain that she needed to leave, that she couldn't marry into a life where she had no freedom or agency, Sonja knew she couldn't hurt her. So she decided to help, because the Prince's fiancée going missing will still cause panic and tensions, and certainly not at all because relates to Capsize's desire for freedom and escape.
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coolcattime · 1 year
hellooo!! I’ve had the royalty au microwaving in my head these past few days, you’ve given just enough information for my interest to be more than piqued but oh man I’m like like I’d so would love to know more if you’d like to share ofc!
but first if you’d allow me to paint you the picture that I have been painting in my head of Jordan and Capsize’s dynamic,
both of them are in their mid to late teens when they first meet; both of them being brought up in very different backgrounds (Jordan from the royal family and Capsize from a house with very little to it’s name). Out of all the suitors that show up Jordan picks the one that doesn’t. Her name is on the list of eligibility, but Capsize is very much on her first trip out to sea, starting off as deckhand not much but she’s hoping for a higher position later in life. Unfortunately, when they make it back to land Capsize is met with the royal guard waiting to escort her.
Jordan is hoping to make at least a friend out of her. He can never come to love her, but maybe they can grow to like each other. The issue is is that Capsize has had a taste of freedom and Jordan has taken that away from her. She can hardly even be her own person. Dressed to match him, treated as an extension of him, it’s all about him even when it’s about her because he’s the prince. Not much she can do about it other than maliciously comply with the situation. Jordan can’t understand why she acts the way she does, her family’s taken care of, she can literally get whatever she wants…he’s the one that’s trapped here, in his obligations and what not.
I’d like to imagine there was one moment between them that for Jordan felt like a “maybe we could get along” but right after Capsize realizes how much of an accessory she is that they she drags them both back to square on. Oh and another moment where they’re having a ball to commemorate their engagement and Jordan tries to inform Capsize that he’ll take the lead because he knows and understands just how nerve racking playing politics is at one of those but she’s already off talking and mingling since that’s the one way she’s able to explore.
If she can do anything other than interact with her fiancé, she will.
Really hoping my interpretation wasn’t too far off base from your own. I’ve just been rotating this in my brain so much today.
Hi hi hi!
I'm really glad you've like the royalty AU. I definitely am planning on sharing more, I just need to rotate some pieces a to figure out exactly what I want with them.
I love this dynamic!!
I had very much been imagining Capsize being from a smaller house which allowed her more freedom than she would've gotten in a house of higher rank, and definitely more than she gets once the engagement happens.
Jordan is 1000% the sort of person to pick the one person who didn't show up, I imagine the idea of her being too busy to show up for a royal invitation is the most interesting thing any of the suitors had done. And no one exactly tries to steer him away from the choice, since she's logically a good match. So he picks her out of intrigue and thinking that, logically, anyone would be happy to get a royal title. He just sincerely didn't consider that Capsize was far happier with freedom.
Oh gods yes to everything about Capsize's lack of freedom. She is very much seen as Jordan's fiancée as opposed to an individual person and it eats away at her. The only person who still treats her like herself, a person who isn't just there to stay next to the Prince, is Redbeard but they can only really talk in letters so it isn't much of a help in keeping herself from being resentful. And just YES to the malicious compliance. She learns exactly when it's socially accept for her to disagree with him and takes full advantage of that while otherwise being polite but mostly short and not putting forward any real personality.
And Jordan just doesn't understand, definitely for the reasons you've put, where she now has a life of riches beyond what most could ever dream, and her family has more than they ever have, and also because she *is* open to other people. Not to everyone, as overall far too many interact with her as a counterpoint to Jordan, but he hears the occasional person talk about a person he feels like he hasn't met and he finds it so frustrating that she just doesn't seem to be giving him a chance.
Oh and 100% to them both feeling trapped, but feeling far too frustrated by the other to actually discuss that feeling and figure out any sort of solution.
I had a moment in the works where Jordan and Capsize briefly get along where a couple of weeks after her arrival there's a festival that's more like a tournament but is treated as an excuse for the common folk to celebrate while the nobles compete. While she isn't required to compete in any of the contests, Capsize jumps at any taste of freedom and Jordan sees her genuinely happy and passionate for the first time... and he has no idea how to get her back to that. (I haven't decided exactly what Capsize competes in yet though)
Oh and I love the ball idea!!! Jordan attempting to take the lead as a kind gesture only to find that she has immediately gone off is just so good. She takes such an interest in even just listening to tales of places far away that she's so unlikely to actually visit now (and being away from Jordan is a plus). He's glad that she seems happy, but gods does he not understand her.
I also think her enjoying herself at the ball ends up being why Jordan notices so quickly when she doesn't turn up to the later one because it's one of the few times she seemed to be fully happy.
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coolcattime · 1 year
*points* friend! homie!!! beloved mutual!!! love what you've got going on with the sonja/capsize propaganda i am here for it!!! also your mianite royalty au lives in my head rent free and theres at least 2 songs i've started associating with it
I'm struggling with words but thank so much for the kind ones!!! 💖💗💖💗
Sonja/Capsize has eaten my brain and I will find a way to crowbar more of them into this fandom because they deserve love!!!!
Royalty AU so so happy you like it!!! Gods I need to get the ideas I have for that au onto paper
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