4l4n4ch4mpionst4n · 2 years
I truly will always resent my mother for taking out of ballet when I was younger I was known for being super skinny and agile but that woman chose to pull me out of it because my teacher supported restrictive eating and I started trying it too .I’m honestly jealous of my prepubescent self she was so skinny ,it was almost angelic…
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mia-zer0 · 2 years
Fireside Chat
Starter for @miahaneul
He was actually feeling sore after capture the flag, which surprised him considering it was just a game rather than an actual mission. Not that he hadn’t gone all out…okay yeah it made a bit of sense, he thought. Eying suspiciously almost everyone around him, he admonishes himself for not finding any potential rats within their bunch, the idea of traitors amongst them scratching like a terrible itch in the back of his mind. 
There was someone he was thinking of…a potential issue rather than one that would have been an issue during the previous mission, but an issue all the same. As he looked at her sitting alone a little ways from the bonfire, he wondered if others felt the same. Maybe she had nothing to hide, maybe she was like him. 
Sero saw himself awkwardly standing in the natural walkway of people and felt heat in his face from the perceived embarrassment before walking forward with his plate of food. He wasn’t going to learn anything from her by standing there awkwardly. 
He takes the seat by her, not really asking for permission as he does. His demeanor is relaxed but proper, and he takes the time to at least get a bite in of food and swallow it before speaking. 
“Must be strange being the new person twice.”
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meiakrp · 2 years
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Spring time is in full swing around Insidia. Trees and flowers are in full bloom and the heat levels are rising. With the agency moving forward from last months attack that left a whole in the building and it’s number of active agents. 
Suspicion and mistrust are high but the head agents are trying to get things back into order. With the completion of the repairs to the agency, and JINX finally being back on her feat, they figured it was a good time for a week of team building. 
That brings the bi-annunal Team Training.
Twice a year JINX and SOL put together a week to focus on bettering team coordination, running battle scenarios, and fostering good relationships within the agency. Teamwork is heavily enforced all year long in hopes to lessen in house tensions. This goes for not just an agents main team but also with every team, as it is common to switch up the teams for specific missions.
Training week will take placed from MAY 29TH to JUNE 4TH. Any team not currently on a mission is required to take part in at least two tasks on each day. Both Jinx and Sol are over seeing the event, and everyone knows that CELEST is always watching.
The schedule for this training week is as follows:
SUNDAY 1000 HOURS : GROUP BREAKFAST 1200 HOURS : OPENING CEREMONY 1400 HOURS : WARM UP & PEP TALKS  1600 HOURS : LASER TAG - for all teams. It is a team free for all, meaning teams (raven, sparrow, finch, bluejay, dove, falcon) are working as one to tag out the other teams with laser guns created by ALISTAIR for this event.  1800 HOURS : DINNER  1900 HOURS : BONFIRE - this will be up until midnight. There will be snacks, and drinks, baby agents under the age of 20 are to retire at 2300 hours.  
The events for the week are as follows : Archery Competition - The range is open challenges created by ALISTAIR to test aim, coordination, and focus. Every half hour a new challenge is open to up to 6 agents at a time. 
Water Gun Fights - The field behind the civilian housing has been cleaned up for matches featuring guns filled with water. Agents can join a 2 v 2 match of skill, aim, and timing. 
Foot Races - The indoor training gym has been opened for races. Three legged races, dead sprints, relays, and multiply lap races around the length of the gym floor. Agents can join solo or bring others to challenge against. 
Trivia and Knowledge - CELEST has stepped forward to challenge the agents to question games. One of the large meeting rooms on the first floor will host these games with CELEST or MAYLIN being the one to challenge the agents minds. 
Battle Simulation - JINX is running the simulation room. Teams of 3-4 are allowed to come in and challenge the robots and dummies' that have been programed with almost 100 different battle sequences.  
Wrestling Matches - The weights room has been rearranged to make room for a mat. SOL will be over seeing 1v1 wrestling matches in here. Try for fun, or take part in the roster to see who is the strongest? 
SATURDAY 1000 HOURS : GROUP BREAKFAST 1200 HOURS : CLOSING CEREMONY 1400 HOURS : WARM UP & PEP TALKS 1500 HOURS : CAPTURE THE FLAG - teams have been split into two team yellow verses team blue and each team’s goal is to capture the other teams flag while guarding their own. The game will run for three hours and the winning team is the one who has the most points by the end.  1800 HOURS : DINNER  1900 HOURS : BONFIRE - this will be up until midnight. There will be snacks, and drinks. All agents are allowed to stay up the full time. 
[ This event will run from MAY 9TH to JUNE 6th.
Teams will be arranged at the bottom of this post for each day. To gain rank points you must write one 4 post thread (at least 8 lines) with at least 2 people from your assigned teams in the event timeframe.
tag each post with #miattwsp
Bonus points : for every thread with a different person after the first two. Bonus Bonus : from writing a solo about your agents thoughts regarding the team training week. 
Rank points will come into play soon as CELEST has begun calculations.
There are no consequences to not taking part but every agent would be involved in team week.
Sunday :     regular main teams.  Mon/Tue:  1. helios zer0 harlequin luna clyde siren 2. ivy epsilon mist moon silk bonnie 3. aether phantom castle star shadow joker 4. seb sun wisp lucifer titan 5. remy vox sena puresnow eraser nano Wed/Thur : 1. ivy sun aether silk shadow nano 2. seb moon star epsilon bonnie siren 3. harlequin phantom wisp eraser joker 4. helios zer0 remy mist clyde titan 5. sena castle puresnow vox luna lucifer
Friday :    regular main teams 
Saturday :  Yellow team -  helios, mist, seb, wisp, harlequin, phantom, sun, vox, epsilon sena, puresnow luna, eraser, lucifer Blue team -   zer0, aether, ivy remy, shadow, silk, castle, star, moon, bonnie, clyde, nano, siren, joker, titan
Have fun, agents ]
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ashmia · 2 years
to lend a hand
event thread with @geonmia
it's always interesting to meet agents who haven't been around for a while because so many of the people existing in these halls are people she knew before meia was meia. yet here is this demon who apparently had been out in the wilds before ending up here. she’d been tending to him in the medic wing for a while now and now that the training week is here she finds herself seeking him out. 
“hey there, geon!” ash jogs up to the other agent, a small grin on her face and her clothing covered in dirt and grass stains. she’d just got down with another three legged race when she’d come across the other. 
“what are you doing? have you played any of the games--sorry, taken part in the training.” she hides an amused smile behind her hand at her slip up. ash knows this is supposed to be training of some kind but it feels like a field day they would have during school.  day for fun and messing around. it’s nice sort of, to be able to relax a little. “i was just about to hit up the drinks then probably check out the battle simulation? wanna hang with me for a bit?” 
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miadoyun · 2 years
“here.” doyun holds out a completed smore to @miagaeul . the flames behind him head his back but he doesn’t pay it any mind. the night weather was cool enough that the heat of the flames feel nice. the days activities had left him feeling sore but content. happy with the week they had all just been through. a good change of pace from what they’d been dealing with. the last mission still haunts his mind but he can put it aside to focus on gaeul. he feels like they haven't had the chance to truly hang out this last week. both of them terrorizing different areas of the field except for the moment they shared the archery range.
he shifts his hold on the two drinks in his elbow as he takes a seat beside gaeul. his other hand holding a plate with another smore resting on it as well as a few extra marshmallows and chocolate. “have you ever had these before?” he questioned, gesturing to the smores. its something he hadn’t tried before now--and hes not sure if its because they are hard to come by or if it just isn’t given to the civilians. maybe its a special thing? he’s never even heard of them before tonight. 
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miahelios · 2 years
event thread with @miadojoon
“brace yourself!” daesu calls out as he jumps over a bush with ease, continue quickly towards the younger agent without pause. he has a blue flag hanging form his back pocket and the sound of other agents running after him can be heard. laughter bubbles in his throat and without a second of hesitation he ducks slightly and bumps into dojoon before lifting the younger agent into his arms.
with his added cargo the senior agent rounds a few trees to get back to their base. “hang on tight, kiddo--we’re going to need to hide.” he says, not even sounding slightly out of breath despite carrying a full sized human on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. he skids around another tree then quickly steps behind the large trunk. only then does he finally set dojoon down. 
“shhh, come on here--take this.” he takes the blue flag from his pocket with a grin. 
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miaxseb · 2 years
–––––––– « unstoppable force meets immovable object
seb mostly plays defense.
seb can run fast enough, sure, but there are others on this capture the flag team that are faster, and they're the ones best suited for trying to retrieve the enemy team's flag. seb is sturdier than most on the team (aside from seoyun, who literally has enhanced endurance, of course.)
maybe seb's biggest boon, however, is how observant he is. he always keeps his senses keen, listening for the slightest sounds, waiting for the tiniest shifts in atmosphere; any sign of an approaching enemy, whether they're demon or someone attempting to capture his team's flag.
maybe it's not the most exciting task to stand guard, but seb doesn't mind it. someone has to do it if they want to win, and while he doesn't care too much about that, he does want them to do the best they can. in some ways it's nice to have some time to himself, too.
he hears what sounds like a footstep, and stands more alertly on guard, trying to determine where it came from. another step, and then they get more frequent, and faster, and he can tell where they're coming from now. they're still in front of him, so if he predicts where the assailant will be, he can stop them.
sure enough, he rushes to his right, and sees his enemy running toward him. "agent nano," he greets her, with a smile a little more smug than usual for him. he blocks her path, and stands ready to continue to do so no matter which way she tries to go next.
« @nanoxmia
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miadojoon · 2 years
* crackles
it has been a notably eventful day.
usually, eventful isn’t always a good thing. in the field, it might mean the loss of many lives. eventful could mean disastrous, unpredictable, unprecedented chaos—not this time, though. it’s simple, it’s fun, no one is hurt aside from a few bruises that came from a game like laser tag, capture the flag or water gun battles. although the jeers and the side glares dojoon gets as he participates aren’t completely gone, no one said anything terrible for once. maybe it’s because he’s one of their best chances at winning most of the time, what with his enhanced ability, amplified further now that he’s a demon agent.
nevertheless, all that is over for now. he, along with the other agents, are standing before the bonfire and listening to the crackles of fire. it’s a lot more peaceful, as opposed to the riot that were the games. dojoon scans through the crowd, looking for a particular individual, eager to see how he’s doing. eventually, he finds him—although it never takes him long to find his twin brother in the first place.
“baby moon,” he calls out with a coo as he approaches, stretching his lips into a big grin. “did you have fun?” he asks as he draped his body over the other agent, laughing as he does. dojoon’s never one to cease his affections, especially not when it comes to his dearest brother. “kind of a shame that they’re forcing us to go to bed earlier just because we’re baby agents, don’t you think? i kind of wanna stay up out of spite.” despite saying this, dojoon still reaches out to pinch one of ( @miadoyun )’s cheek. “oh, but i guess my baby needs his good night’s rest.”
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mia-zer0 · 2 years
Catch me if you can
Starter for @miahelios
Someone made an oversight in capture the flag, that oversight being Sero. Well, that’s what he thought of it, at least. With his agility, it was just too easy. The first round he’d bolted out of their area, easily skirting slower and stronger attackers alike by sticking to the trees and tops of any obstacles in the field. He’d gotten over to the enemy side fast enough that not everyone was completely on their guard. Perfect.
A quick duck in, a quick grab, a few surprised yells, and he was out of there before anybody had the chance to catch him. 
Now, with the yellow flag in his hand, he simply had to bolt back to blue side. Easy. He doubted the game would last 20 minutes at this rate!
These are his exact thoughts as he bounds into what he assumes is an unoccupied tree, distracted by keeping watch of the agents on the ground. 
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mia-zer0 · 2 years
Haven’t We Met?
event thread with @geonmia
Well, this was sure a way to blow off steam. The water gun fights had been a bit intense, but getting drenched, while somewhat humiliating, was a welcome cold shock to his system. Projectiles (except for bullets) he was used to dodging…but water arched in such a weird way that he was getting hit a lot if he didn't take cover. Hence him hiding behind a corner of a wall now, preparing his next move. Maybe if he moved to more central cover, he'd be able to get a better sight line on the enemy–
Sero forms a plan in his mind, his body starting to move with a goal ahead of him. At least, until he darts out from his hiding spot and lets out an embarrassing yelp at the sudden person–no, demon–in front of him. He stumbles back behind cover, ready to shoot, the face of his enemy processing in his mind, confusion and surprise coming over him.
"Wait…what the fuck are you doing here?!"
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ashmia · 2 years
up to you.
event thread for @miasieon
the heat of the sun was beating down on her and ash wondered how much longer she would be able to stay out here before she retreated to the building again. even though she was still damp from the water gun challenge it didn’t really help with the heat. the sun starting to set and for some reason it always gets extra hot this late in the day. 
she makes her way over to the refreshment table, grabbing one of the water cans and downing it in one go. only as she goes to refill it does she spot the familiar figure near by. “hey hey, sieon~~” she smiles, grabbing a second can and bouncing over to the other. she offer the fellow junior agent the water. “taking a break from the ‘training’?” she questions, nodding her head back towards the various activities laid out around them. 
“it should be getting close to dinner time, though i bet there is still time for another challenge. what about it? want to go against me?” she’s teasing, wondering if the other would take the bait. though she knows sieon through juwon she likes to think of the other as a friend as well. 
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miahelios · 2 years
on your mark
event thread with @miagaeul
the feel of the bow in his hands isn’t a foreign one. but he would say it’s a weird one. he hasn’t trained as much with ranged weapons as he probably should have. especially once he hit senior status and was working on his specialty. still...
when the events for training week had come up he hadn’t wasted the chance to bother his cousin with the archery match. he knows gaeul is a a ranged fighter--though he knows she is also a tech agent and thus field work isn’t her forte--and it might be a learning experience for him. never mind a chance to bond with her a little more. the two of them never really running in the same circle despite being family. 
“i don’t suppose you’re going to go easy on me?” he questions as he rolls his shoulder. shooting a smile to the younger girl. The challenge before them was easy enough to start with. hit the bulls eye as they pop up before the other person does. 
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meiakrp · 2 years
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The current event miattwsp has been updated to fit the new agents as well. Check out the original post [ here ] for the event information as well as team line ups. 
-- Admin Sokka
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miahelios · 2 years
eternal sunshine
capture the flag with @miajuwon
the sun shines down through the holes in the tree line of the edge of the field. leaves have grown in nicely allowing for a lot of shady cover and in this growing heat the cover is a blessing. daesu has never been on to be bothered by the weather--hot or cold--but even he will admit it’s nicer to be in the shade with a breeze than under the blistering sun. 
it’s the shadows caused by the rays of sun that give away the other agent who crosses in to his zone. his hiding spot he had chosen for this silly game to be an ambush agent. a chuckle escapes him as he shakes the branch next to the one he is on, causing a bunch of the flower petels to fall off the tree and dance around juwon as he walks by.
“fancy meeting you here, agent phantom.” there’s a smile on daesu’s face. though he has smiled many times in the last few years, it’s been some time since the senior agent has appeared so relaxed. so content. the teasing glint to his eyes is reminiscent of the days when he was a teen and would still goof off with juwon and gaeul. “have you spotted any of the enemy team? haven’t heard the sound of the flag being captured yet.” 
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miahelios · 2 years
heat of the bond
the night air feels nice and the chattering around him is comforting. daesu strolls around, surveying the younger agents as they all relax around the bonfire. snacks and treats and drinks in hand. he’s mentally counting heads, keeping track of who is here and who has snuck off. those who called it a night already and those who might not sleep at all. he’s glad to see everyone having fun.
he spies someone from the corner of his eye and theres no hesitation in the senior agents steps as he vers off. making sure to stop past one of the snack tables to grab a plate of smore’s stuff. he hasn’t made one yet and who better than with another agent? 
“hey there.” he greets theo with a warm smile, face illuminated by the flames and he hopes it makes him look friendly. he takes a seat beside the younger agent, plate resting on his lap. “wanna make one with me? i haven’t been able to just yet.” he gestures to the marshmallows and chocolates. wondering is @miaxtheo would be up to the task. not that he has to. “supposed to be preeetty sticky, from what the others are saying.” he smiles. 
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ashmia · 2 years
helping hand
event starter for @miahaneul​
the hot sun scorches through the sky and beats down on all the agents. but despite its best efforts, the cool breeze keeps them from over heating to much. nevermind the fact most everyone in the area is soaked by the water gun matches--even if they hadn’t taken part. a splash zone at the side of the arena. 
ash had just taken a breather in side when through lace covered eyes she spotted a familiar figure sitting near the large front windows. “haneul?” she calls out, approaching her team leader with a frown on her face. wondering internally if something was wrong. she knows the older agent hasn’t been out of the medic wing for very long. perhaps the weeks events have take a tole on her. as team medic, and as a medic in general, it falls to ash to make sure the older is okay.
even if it mean taking a trip to the medic wing today with haneul in toll. “are you feeling alright?” her hand hovers over the pouch on her hip. even though its team training week, she still kept her medic gear on her. at least some of it. 
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