#th; para
v1ckymult1fand0m · 1 year
Η Πεντάδα ως τα πέντε στάδια της απώλειας:
Άρνηση: Ο Σπύρος. Όταν γίνεται το οτιδήποτε, αρνείται να το πιστέψει και όταν πέθαναν οι γονείς του, σταδιακά ξέχασα τα πάντα για την ζωή του μαζί τους, σαν να αρνιόταν ο εγκέφαλος του ότι είχε ποτέ του γονείς
Θυμός: Η Αγγέλα. Προφανής απάντηση, είναι πολύ οξύθυμη και έχει την τάση να διώχνει βίαια τους ανθρώπους όταν δεν είναι στις καλές τις (χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα η σκηνή στο επεισόδιο 12). Πέρα από αυτό έχει πει η ίδια ότι αυτόν τον οξύθυμο χαρακτήρα της τον απέκτησε αφού έχασε τον πατέρα της, πιθανότατα λόγω της απώλειας.
Διαπραγμάτευση: Ζουμπουλία. Βλέπουμε απ'το πρώτο επεισόδιο πως νιώθει κάπως ενοχή για τον θάνατο του Χαράλαμπου, ή τουλάχιστον που δεν κατάφερε να κάνει τους υπεύθυνους να πληρώσουν. Επίσης συχνά αντιδρά στα σχέδια με το "Και αν..".
Κατάθλιψη: Ντάλια. Επίσης αρκετά εύκολο, έχει φανεί να έχει τάσεις κατάθλιψης και έχει ειπωθεί ότι μετά τον θάνατο του πατέρα του Αλέξη και μετά τον θάνατο όλης της οικογένειας της έπεσε σε βαριά κατάθλιψη και απομόνωση.
Αποδοχή: Φώτης. Είναι ο πιο γρήγορος στο να αποδεχτεί τα δεδομένα και φαίνεται να είναι αυτός ο οποίος έχει επηρεαστεί το λιγότερο από το δυστύχημα στην ενήλικη ζωή του.
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thelucexcaldwell · 2 months
closed - @caseydundrich
where - tejas cantina
Sitting at the bar, Lucinda had ordered herself a margarita and was just thinking of ordering a quesadilla when a second margarita was slid her way. Confused, she asked about it and when the bartender explained that it'd been made for someone who'd already left she just shrugged and then looked to the man beside her, "Hey, you want this? Apparently whoever ordered it closed out their tab and left already. Or I'll nab it for myself but then I may been directional help to get back to the apartment building."
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fembutchboygirl · 1 year
Sigh this day is already starting off poorly. But we make the most of it we make the most of it we make the most of it we make the most of it we make the most of it we make the most of it we make the most of it we make the most of it we make the most of it we make the most of it
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volfoss · 2 years
I think when I get back home I'll try and actually continue Yu-Gi-Oh
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your-girl-circe · 2 years
Reminder meta apo pathima: prepei na stamathsw na ephreazomai apo malakies pou lene gia mathimata ths sxolhs, vathmo duskolias , kathigites klp kathws katalava pws tipota den isxuei apo ta duo para apo 1-2 memonwmenes periptwseis
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wclfwiife · 2 years
Rehab sucks - pt2
Fluttering eyelids let in quick, shallow beams of light as she blinked awake. Everything was a blur as she tried to remember what was happening. As her sensitive eyes opened up a little more with each groggy blink, the hazy room came more into focus. 
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Oh, right. This place. God, what day is it? My head is killin’ me... does it even matter? The date? I’m stuck here till who knows when they decide to let me out. Why am I even here? Oh yeah... this or jail. Is jail really that bad? It’s...Wednesday, maybe? Jail probably has better food to be honest...it’s the twenty first century, right? Inmates probably definitely get better food...They can give us a bunch of drugs for detoxing from drugs but they can’t slip me a fuckin’ ibuprofen or something for my head? Bullshit... This whole place is sh--- 
“Ah, nice of you to join us, Miss Collinson.” the older voice interrupted her thoughts, she was getting sick of these people doing that. “Welcome back to the land of the conscious.”
She followed the voice with slight movement of her neck, her eyes landing on the old man in a white coat, dress shirt underneath, ugly shoes.... must be Doctor Douchebag, as Ted so lovingly calls his boss man. She groaned, bringing her hand up to her rub her temple, temporarily surprised that her arm was free to do so. She realized quickly that was sat in a wheelchair, two other patients on either side of her and more on either side of each of them. It was a circle of sweat pants and varying white tee shirts worn in different ways, probably to try to grasp at the remaining bits and scraps of personality they had left. Ash noted the sleeve of her oversized hoodie falling around her knuckles, something she hadn’t remembered putting on...then again, she didn’t remember getting out of bed either. She couldn’t remember how she even got out here or who put her in this chair to bring her to the therapy room. Without a word, she attempted to stand up, wanting to go back to her own room, but her legs had a different plan, giving out from under her and landing her back in the chair. The wheels must’ve been locked as she hadn’t rolled backwards with the fall, but it did scoot back a bit across the tile, jostling her enough to trigger a wave of nausea to compliment to already dizzying pain in her head. 
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“I want to go back to my room.” she croaked from her dry throat. The doctor continued to smile in a way that made Ash super uneasy. It was strange, not a genuine kind smile, but an unnerving forced smile that he was programmed to use with patients and their families to reassure them that this place wasn’t absolute shit and they were ‘truly in the best care possible.’ The young woman was so used to fake smiles and forced cheer, she had to paint a fake smile on everyday at work, well, her former place of employment, but this man... his smile was off..not fake, just...weirdly off. 
He continued, “You can’t, my dear, it’s group time. And you are part of the group today.” The smile never leaving his wrinkled face as he spoke, only a tilt of the head while he moved forward. “You had quite the mischievous morning, I’ve been told. It makes sense that you’d be tired, a bit groggy, but you’ll come out of it soon. Ah, Ted, thank you.” He gestured to Ash’s least favorite pseudo nurse as he walked up with a large round tray of plastic cups that looked to be filled with different juices. “You didn’t seem to like your orange juice this morning, didn’t touch it at all, I hear. How about some apple juice instead?” She glared at Ted as he approached her with the tray, flashes of earlier cutting through and she wanted to flip the tray right up into his smug face. She couldn’t remember that morning, couldn’t remember what the doctor was talking about, but her memory did give tiny tidbits of familiarity as the large man walked closer with a tray. She wanted desperately to run back to her room, lock the door, and wait out her time in this facility full of lies. If only her stupid legs would budge. Her mind was so hazy, too, throat so dry she didn’t even fight the damn juice, taking the cup closest to her and guzzling half of it right there. Her stubbornness normally would’ve let her wait, but the pain was getting worse and the irritation of her throat caused her eyes to water, which caused her to blink more, which honestly made her migraine worse. So she just drank the apple juice - ignoring the doctor, ignoring the group, and waiting for this hour to pass. 
“I’ll have to tell them, you know, if you’re uncooperative. If you don’t receive full treatment I cannot vouch for your sobriety and mental stability.” The old man said, a more serious look was planted on his face now, though the softest hint of that creepy smile was still waiting its turn to come back out. “The police expect updates, young lady, updates that you’re improving, willing to be helped. What do you expect me to tell them about your little quarrel with my staff this morning? Fighting with my staff is not a productive use of anyone’s time, Miss Collinson, I assure you things will go much more smoothly for everyone involved if you just---” 
This time she interrupted his thought mid sentence. “--if I just let your people force drugs on me that I don’t want? If I just go along with your asinine rule book? If I eat your shitty food and take your shitty meds and maybe then possibly stay out of jail on your word?” She snarled, looking away from him, sick of the look on his face. “All I had to do was get clean. My deal is mine with the cops. You don’t get a say.” 
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The man sighed, although it was hollow, as if just for show. “Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong. I do, in fact, have the final say in your freedom, young lady. It is at my hands that you are let out of here a free woman or a convict. The past two weeks have shown me that you may just prefer the latter with your behavior. Is that what you’d like me to tell them in my progress reports? That you’re uncooperative with treatment and with staff? That surely won’t help your standing with them. Nor with us.” 
“What is that, a threat? Are you threatening me, doctor?” She asked, turning her head back to him, begrudgingly. “Not real professional, for your line of work, seems a little unethical, and whatnot. I know real threats, doc. The guy I worked for made good on his and got away with it for years and years....you have red medical tape and an oath to uphold, right? Your threats are shit. Just like your staff.” 
The man took a deep breath in through his nose, pushing his fingertips together in front of his chin. “I’m sorry you feel that way, Miss Collinson. Darla will take you back to your room now while I think about what to put in this report. I’ll have to tell that officer that you’re not quite up to visitors today. A shame, he seems to think you’ve been making such progress, I’ll hate to have to tell him otherwise when he arrives.” 
“You arrogant sonofab---” Her chair was turned around before she could finish her sentence, presumably by Darla, thankfully one of the only staff members Ash actually liked. But who knows, she could be just as fake as the rest of them for all Ash knew. The nurse leaned down to speak softly in her ear as she wheeled her back to her room, “He’s mostly talk when he’s in this mood, doesn’t like when his boys can’t handle the job. Don’t worry about him, I’ll make sure the cop man gets in to see you himself. You’re doin’ just fine here, baby. Just fine.” Darla was older than Ash, a little older than the stupid brute twins, but younger than other staff members she didn’t know as well. She was sweet from the time Ash had arrived, or at least faked it really well, but it seemed like she actually cared about the people here, as opposed to the drug riddled nuisances the others acted like they were. If she wasn’t faking it, she definitely deserved a better job somewhere far way from these jerks.  Ash looked up at her as she closed the door behind them. “Thanks, D.” She even smiled a little at the older woman, even if she was as fake as the others, it hadn’t faltered just yet and for the moment, she was still being kind. She respected her for that. “Do y-- do you know...what they gave me this morning? I feel worse, I...my legs feel like lead bricks. That doesn’t happen on the other stuff, the usual medley of, y’know..meds.” Darla looked genuinely concerned at that. “Did you tell the doctor about your legs? That’s not a usual side effect of the detox medication. It’s really just supposed to suppress nausea, ease aches and pains, stuff like that.” 
Ash shook her head. “This stuff makes me feel like shit, D, and today its worse. I..I don’t even know what day it is. I know time moves differently when you’re in a place like this but I usually know what day it is... I can barely move, I’m so tired and my head...my head’s been killin’ me all day and I can’t remember getting up this morning. And my legs...” 
“Sounds like you’re havin’ a really bad day, honey. I can see if I can get you a different dose tomorrow, or a different pill maybe. Right now,” she helped the young woman up into her bed, lifting her legs for her and covering her with a freshly laundered blanket. “you drink a lot of water, I’m gonna leave this pitcher right here on your table here, okay? A lot of water and get some sleep. You do look exhausted. I’ll send that cop that likes to visit you up later when he stops by with a little bit of caffeine for ya.” Darla smiled and it sent a wave of relief over her, a real genuine, albeit sympathetic smile on the woman’s lips. Ash was seriously grateful for her in that moment, for the promise of future caffeine but mostly her kindness. It was a blessing, to say the least. She even wanted to hug her, but refrained, if she was faking it, she wasn’t gonna put that much trust in letting her get a clear opening to her back and neck. For now, she just thanked her again, turning onto her side and within minutes, fell back to sleep. 
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queen-of-reptiles · 7 months
description: ona was finally where she had dreamed, she was back at barcelona with her best friend and loving every moment. only problem? she's dating her captain's younger sister, you.
And now, Alexia knows...
ona batlle x putellas!reader
part one here
part two of the 'hidden' universe - ona's version
mapi leon x bronze!reader here
disclaimer: this is all fiction do not take any of this seriously !
warnings: swearing, SMUT - MINORDS DNI - fingering, cunnilingus, tit sucking, 69-ing, ab-riding - cuteness, queenie needing to use google translate because her Spanish is sub par! x
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y/n had walked back into Alexia's flat, ignoring her sister's call and moved into her room. Alexia followed, brows furrowed as she hadn't expected her sister to be back so soon.
"y/n?" Alexia called as she followed her sister who had moved into the bathroom, and sunk into the shower, pressing her back against the wall as she stared at her hands and sunk to the floor.
Alexia paused, knowing full well that this was a habit her sister had picked up when she was younger when suffering panic attacks so joined her sister on the floor of the turned off shower.
"She kicked me out." y/n whispered quietly. "She was so scared, so she kicked me out." y/n says again, her head in her hands, Alexia's face drops, guilt flooding her.
"She was scared?" Alexia asks and y/n nods. "Of me?" She asks again and y/n nods with a sigh.
"Pensé que ella lucharía por mí, por nosotros. Porque lo haré, tengo que hacerlo. Pero ella me dejó ir." y/n says quietly.
I thought she'd fight for me, for us. Because I will, I have to. But she let me go.
"Necesita tiempo, sólo necesita tiempo para prepararse." Alexia tells her sister and y/n lets out a shaky breath.
She needs time, she just needs time to prepare for it.
y/n just scoffed, running a hand over her face as Alexia pulls her into her side, hoping to keep her breathing steady, y/n let her sister pull her close inhaling the scent of her sister which always calmed her.
Coconut shampoo, fresh deodorant, a musky and addictive perfume that Alexia had used since y/n could remember. It warmed y/n, it warmed her mind to sit there in her sister's protective hold.
"La amo tanto. La amo tanto que duele alejarse." y/n admits quietly to Alexia.
I love her so much. I love her so much that it hurts to walk away.
"Así sabes que es amor, pequeña." Alexia tells y/n who scoffs.
That is how you know it is love, little one.
"Well, then I have decided I am not a fan of it." y/n says and Alexia lets out a laugh, knowing full well how dramatic her little sister was.
The two sat there for a few more minutes, enjoying the closeness before Alexia decided they would get up and go for dinner, messaging Mapi and who seemed to appear at the door in seconds afterwards.
"Chica!!!" Mapi yelled excitedly as she raced in, not bothering to knock.
y/n laughed as Mapi scooped her up, wrapping her in a tight hug which y/n returned the two friends happy to be re-united. Mapi then hugged Alexia, before the two siblings changed and they went out to lunch.
Lunch was just what y/n needed, a relaxing evening of laughter and jokes as they ate, photos of them pinging about which they ignored as they continued their afternoon.
Unknown to them Ona was sat at home, her best friend on the phone as Ona cried about her mistake and her best friend tried her best to comfort her from a different country.
username1: Has anyone seen the photos of Alexia, Mapi and y/n? They are SOOO cute ! 😩😩
username2: They all look so happy - I can't!
username3: Such a cute trio!! 💙
username5: Baby coming back to Spain for the Nations League and the first thing she does is go out with Mapi and Alexia - so cuteee 🥺🥺🥺
username6: Have you seen the photo of her as someone tried to be sneaky??
username7: She's so funny lmaooo😂😂
username8: Mapi is looking 🫣🫣🫣
username9: Alexia's hands compared to y/n's I wanna cry ughhhh 😔😔
see more comments...
y/n just posted on her story x3
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alexiaputellas just posted on her story x 2
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marialeonn16 just posted on her story x2
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Ona had calmed a lot when she heard the knock on her door. She had turned her phone off and turned the TV on, playing an old Spanish film she used to watch as she moped in self pity.
The knock repeated and she sighed and forced herself up, dropping her blanket against the sofa she moved over to the door and opened it a shocked call falling from her as someone barged in.
"Ale!" Ona says in shock.
"Oni." Alexia nods, moving to sit on the side of the sofa arm, looking at Ona who lets the door swing shut, Ona felt as if she could hardly move, she was expecting yelling any second.
"Lo lamento." Ona says before Alexia has the chance to calm her racing mind down.
I'm sorry.
"¿Para qué?" Alexia asks her, watching as Ona's eyes dart around like a cornered animal.
For what?
"y/n." Ona says simply and as bravely as she can. "Sé que es malo y ella es tu hermana pequeña... pero..." Her bravery however ran out as Alexia raised an eyebrow and Ona trails her sentence off.
y/n. I know it's bad, and she's your little sister... but...
Alexia sighs, running a hand through her hair as she thinks about the heartbroken tone of y/n's voice that morning when she had returned from this apartment.
"¿La amas?" Alexia asks Ona, confusing the woman greatly as there had been no yelling yet.
Do you love her?
"¿Qué?" Ona asks, too confused to acknowledge the question being asked.
"¿La amas?" Alexia repeated though this time with a far more demanding tone.
Do you love her?
"Sí. Si yo realmente lo hago." Ona says quietly, ducking her head to not see Alexia's reaction.
Yes. Yes I really do.
"Entonces está bien." Alexia nods and Ona's head snaps back up, shock filling her eyes.
Then it is okay.
Alexia sighs and gestures Ona closer, the woman moving over with small and light steps as she ends up next to Alexia on the sofa.
"Preferiría que me lo hubieran dicho al principio, pero que Ona salga con mi hermana pequeña no es el fin del mundo. No importa lo que ambos piensen." Alexia tells Ona.
I would have rather been told at the beginning, but Ona dating my little sister is not the end of the world. No matter what you both think.
Ona very nearly crumpled to her knees as Alexia's arm wrapped around her shoulders, her captain would never understand how much respect Ona had for her.
"Alexia. Gracias. Prometo cuidarla y amarla lo mejor que pueda." Ona promised her and Alexia chuckled slightly.
Alexia. Thank you. I promise to look after her and love her as well as I can.
"Bueno, tal vez quieras recordárselo, porque echarla no es una forma de demostrarlo." Alexia suggests and Ona's eyes widen in realisation.
Well, you might want to remind her of that, because kicking her out is not a way to show it.
"¡Mierda!" Ona swears.
Alexia chuckled as Ona grabbed her bag and raced out of the door, Coco letting out a confused whine as Ona left the building, leaving Alexia to shut and lock her door, placing the key in the key safe, before walking back slowly, home.
Knowing full well, Ona had driven and if she took the long way the couple would get back to Ona's before she even got to her own home.
y/n woke up from her nap at the sound of rapid knocking on Alexia's door, checking her phone she saw it was seven pm and groaned as she pushed herself up and to the door.
"Okay, okay!" y/n yelled at the still rapid knocking which suddenly ceased. "Jesus, ¿quien murió?" y/n questioned as she opened the door.
Who died?
y/n rubs her eyes, trying to push the sleep from them as the person on the other side of the door lets out a shaky sigh. Ona's eyes filled with adoration, finding y/n so sweet when she was sleepy.
Her cheeks were red and her hair was no longer in the neat braids she had put them in for lunch with Mapi and Alexia, instead strands of hair had come out and her baby hairs were pushed around sporadically.
Here eyes were half closed and there was a pattern on her face - pressed in from what Ona could guess was a pillow which she had clearly fallen asleep on.
"Amor." Ona sighed softly and y/n instantly tensed.
"Ona." y/n breathed as she looked at her. "Come in." She said softly, opening the door further and stepping aside to let Ona in.
y/n stepped away from Ona, moving around the other side of the kitchen counter as she fiddled with her fingers and looked at them, too afraid to look at Ona who was watching her sadly.
"I uh, had a visitor." Ona said softly and y/n hummed nodding her head. "Ale dropped by." Ona continues and y/n looks up confused.
"She told me she went to see Olga." y/n said confused before she sighed. "Hijo de puta mentirosa." y/n said with a small laugh.
Lying motherfucker.
"Supongo que tenía una mentira gratuita para usar, de verdad." Ona said and y/n chuckles dryly.
I suppose she had a free lie to use, really.
y/n watches as Ona bites at her lips, almost as if she was trying to break the skin, maybe hoping the pain would make this interaction less awkward.
"I'm sorry Oni. I should have warned you." y/n finally sighs, her head dropping into her hands as she squeezes her eyes tightly shut.
Ona lets out a noise of sadness and rushes around the counter to bring y/n into her arms, the two folding together perfectly as Ona's head rests on y/n's collarbone, the Putellas being nearly four inches taller.
"Las dos tenemos la culpa de mi amor, reaccioné terriblemente." Ona promises her.
We are both at fault my love, I reacted terribly.
y/n sighs, her hands moving down to pull Ona up and around her waist, the woman's legs wrapping around her as y/n sets her on the counter and slides her head onto her shoulder.
"Estaba tan asustada que olvidé que prometí luchar por ti." Ona whispered into her hair.
I was so frightened I forgot I promised to fight for you.
"Lamento haberle dicho sin ti, simplemente te amo tanto que estaba harto de mentir. Tengo que estar contigo todo el tiempo y quiero que el mundo sepa que eres mía." y/n rants quickly to Ona.
I'm sorry I told her without you, I just love you so much that I was sick of the lying. I have to be with you all the time, and I want the world to know you're mine.
Ona smiles into y/n's hair, sometimes forgetting that the two were two years apart as y/n carried herself with such age and confidence, but here in Ona's arms her youth was shown as she breathed in her girlfriend's scent.
"Eres una romantica, si?" Ona asks with a small smile.
You are a romantic, yes?
y/n shook slightly, a sniffle coming from her as she pressed a light kiss into Ona's neck, relieved they were back to how they always acted, the two hardly ever fought.
"Sólo para ti mi amor, sólo para ti." y/n promises her quietly.
Only for you my love, only for you.
Ona smiled softly, pulling y/n away from her neck, and looked down at her, eyes filled with love as she lent forward and softly placed her lips against y/n's.
The kiss was soft, and yet so intrusive, it infected both of them with need as y/n's tongue pushed past Ona's lips, sweeping her mouth in a desperate want to mix their breaths.
The kiss was deep, attentive, filled with love as they finally pulled away, small pants coming from them both as their noses brushed each other.
"No debería haberte echado. Lo lamento." Ona whispers quietly.
I shouldn't have kicked you out. I'm sorry.
y/n shakes her head again, pressing her lips to Ona's once more to stop the woman talking, Ona instantly forgetting the rest of her apology as y/n's hands grip at her sides.
"No más disculpas mi amor." y/n tells her softly.
No more apologies my love.
"¿Qué tal si vamos a casa y pasamos la noche haciendo lo que deberíamos haber hecho en el momento en que entraste por mi puerta?" Ona asks, mischief swimming through her voice.
How about we go home, and spend the night doing what we should have done the moment you walked through my door?
y/n grinned and lifted Ona onto her hips, running at the door which made them both chuckle, Ona hopped down and the two moved to her car, y/n locking Alexia's door with her key.
Just as they pulled out of the driveway, Alexia came into view and y/n smiled as she rolled down the window and blew a kiss her sister's way, Alexia smiling and catching it, placing it over her heart as she moved into her house.
Ona's hand rested on y/n's thigh as they drove back, a thick silence now filling the car as Ona pulled up in her parking space and the two walked quickly into the apartment.
The door had hardly shut before Ona was on y/n's waist and pressed against the wall, lips connected tongues between each other's mouths.
Ona moaned as y/n pulled at her bottom lip, smiling at the sound as she went back in to taste her again, she tasted of peppermint tea, something she only drank when stressed.
Ona's tongue curled around y/n's, the woman's hands tugging at y/n's shirt, trying to pull it from her body. y/n walked them to the sofa, Coco huffing as he scuttled away to sleep in the corner.
y/n couldn't help but lean down and start trailing soft kisses down Ona's neck, the woman's hands gripping at her arms, hair, waist, wherever she could grab as y/n settled over her.
y/n nips at the skin just below her neck and above Ona's collarbone, sucking at the skin as she creates a mark which has Ona moaning deliciously.
Ona's hands slide down, gripping at y/n's bum, squeezing her cheeks which felt as if they were shaped purely for the footballer's hands.
y/n throws Ona's top behind her, lips closing around her right breast, Ona lets out a breath of relief her hands locking into y/n's hair as she guided her mouth around her boob.
"Mi Amor." Ona gasps as y/n switches to the other breast, her hand reaching down to slip beneath the clothes which blocked her from where y/n wanted to be.
y/n stripped Ona quickly, tugging off her own shirt when Ona's hands wandered and gripped her tits, pulling at them, y/n looked down at the naked woman beneath her and moaned.
Ona's hands were filled with veins which pushed through her skin as she squeezed at y/n's boobs. y/n grinned as she slipped her hand between their intertwined bodies, pushing a finger through Ona's lips.
"God, I've missed this." y/n groaned out, finger slipping into Ona which caused the woman to gasp.
Ona's hands slipped from y/n's tits to her ass, pulling y/n's finger from her she lied back, bringing the actress onto her toned stomach which caused a gasp from y/n.
Ona's hands pushed y/n's ass into a grind, the woman tensing her stomach so the line of defined abs she had pushed through and caught y/n's clit delightfully.
y/n couldn't help but continue her grinding motion, letting out a breathy moan as her slick coated Ona's stomach, the woman watching her in awe.
y/n's hair had now come down, the bun being taken out when they were tangled together, her baby hairs were stuck to her sweaty forehead, and her eyes were shut with her mouth open in ecstasy.
y/n gasped as Ona pushed her stomach up slightly, jolting her clit and pushing y/n closer to the edge. y/n could feel her orgasm approaching so stopped.
"Amor?" Ona questioned softly as y/n lent down and caught her lips with Ona's, tongues tangling as y/n lifted and turned so her ass was pushed toward Ona's face.
y/n however moved her face down her tongue pushing through Ona's folds and pulling her taste into y/n's mouth. Ona moaned in shock but refused to lose the unspoken game.
Ona got to work quickly, her tongue pushing through y/n's folds as she quickly set to work pushing into y/n's clenching hole and pushing against her walls.
y/n moaned out in shock but continued her work, a finger sliding into Ona who gasped out and pulled y/n closer to her mouth, now sucking the leaking juices into her mouth.
y/n could feel her stomach tightening and added a second finger, eyes rolling in delight as Ona squeezed them as she pistoled her wrist, pushing her fingers quickly as her tongue circled Ona's clit.
At her actions Ona came in minutes, y/n continuing slowly as she relished the taste of her girlfriend, Ona's hand squeezed her ass, as the woman ate her loyally, y/n cumming with a cry as Ona grazed her clit with her teeth.
Ona continued, tasting every last spill of her girlfriend before the two pulled away, y/n pushing herself underneath her panting girlfriend who kissed her once more. Intertwining their tastes in each others mouths.
"I win." y/n whispered as they pulled away, Ona giggling as she shook her head and pressed a kiss to y/n's nose.
"No Amor, I always win with you." Ona promises her, before leaning over and turning the TV on.
y/n lay next to Ona, hands intertwined as they caught their breath, panting softly as their naked skin glistened with a light layer of sweat. Ona's hair was now up, and y/n couldn't help but run her finger down Ona's jawline.
Ona giggled and tucked herself into y/n's shoulder as the two stayed embraced together with the night shining through the open curtains of the living room.
"We're gonna break the internet, you realise that?" y/n asks Ona who chuckles.
"Yeah." She says simply and y/n smiles pressing a kiss to Ona's hair.
Mapi one is out tomorrow !! x
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helen-with-an-a · 5 months
First Time Crush pt 3
Hiya. So this is the final part of First Time Crush. It's a little Ellie/R heavy but I hope you like it.
Barca Femeni x Reader ; OC x Reader
Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3
Description: R's got some exciting stuff to share with the team
Word Count: 3.5k
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Things with Ellie were fantastic. You felt your whole world shifting around her. She was your sun, and you were in orbit.
You had gone on three dates already. The first one was painfully awkward, you thought, anyway.
You were walking out of the stadium alone – thankfully. Everyone was waiting for you to finish your shower and get ready, the promise of Ellie waiting outside making you shake with excited nerves.
You had fretted the night before over what to wear. Every outfit you owned suddenly felt wrong on your body – either it was too tight, and you felt self-conscious, or it was too loose, and you felt stupid. You were nearly in tears as you phoned Ingrid, tugging harshly at your hair and scratching painful lines into your skin as you got overwhelmed.
“Kjæreste?” Ingrid asked, confused as to why you were phoning so late in the day before a match.
“Too much.” You had eventually squeaked out, trying really hard not to let the tears fall. That was all Ingrid needed to hear before she gathered up Mapí and broke several speed laws to get to yours.
They found you sat amongst a pile of clothes, eyes red with suppressed tears and a dejected look on your face.
“Oh, neña.” Mapí had pulled you from the floor, guiding you to your bed as she hugged you tightly. “Respiraciones profundas,” she said, exaggerating her breathing and running a gentle hand through your hair. Ingrid had silently gathered up your clothes, slipping them back onto hangers and into their designated places before sitting on the other side.
“What happened, søtnos?” Ingrid asked as you pulled back a little from Mapí.
“I’m seeing Ellie tomorrow.” You hoped that was all the explanation you needed to give – it was, at least, for Ingrid, but she wanted you to voice your concerns fully. “I was trying to decide what to wear. Everything felt wrong.” Your voice wobbled as you tried to breathe away the rising tears. Mapí’s hand came to grip yours tightly, the action helping to ground you somewhat.
“Ok, cariño…"
You had sat for over an hour with them as they helped ease your fears and craft the perfect yet comfortable outfit for your coffee date with Ellie. And now, you were going on that date. You had hoped the others would leave before you so you could greet Ellie without fanfare, but it seemed like that would not be happening … at least, not as you had hoped. As you slipped your bag on your shoulder, you felt every pair of eyes on you.
“Estas lista para ir?” Jana, Pina, Bruna and Patri stood with mischievous smiles as you turned around to face the changing room.
“Ella irá sola, chicas.” Alexia interrupted before you could speak, smiling as you sent her a grateful smile. You laughed as their protests inadvertently eased your worries, and you slipped out the door.
Ellie looked like an absolute goddess as you sallied up to her. The collar of her blue away kit peeked out from underneath her soft cream sweater—you really hoped it was yours she was wearing.
“Hey, beautiful.” She smiled that dazzling smile that took your breath away. “You played so well today,” she complimented, the praise bringing a rosy hue to your cheeks.
“Th-thank you,” you stammered. There was an awkward pause; at least, you thought it was awkward (Ellie was taking the time to admire you and hadn’t even realised the gap).
“Are you ready to go?” She wondered. You nodded, eyes staying resolutely on her shoes. “Can I hold your hand?” She asked, not wanting to overstep any boundary you might have. Your brain froze – you barely even realised your enthusiastic nodding – as her warm hand slipped into yours. Her skin was smooth and soft as she intertwined your fingers, pulling you away from the stadium. “So, where do you want to go?” She questioned, inwardly smiling as she watched you panic slightly at her words.
“Um, it’s not too far. Maybe like a 10-minute walk. It’s takeaway only, but I thought I could show you some places?” It was the most words Ellie had ever heard you say in one go. Her heart fluttered at your timid nature, pride swelling in her chest as she thought about you planning the date despite being so unsure.
The date was perfect. She was perfect … but you were an awkward mess. Despite her protests, you had bought her coffee and several pastries before taking her to a small little woodland trail. It wasn’t a big hike … or a hike at all, really, maybe 5 minutes on flat ground, but it wasn’t well-walked and offered you the privacy you wanted for the date. The meadow you took her to was breathtaking; wildflowers filled the green space as you sat. She had, naturally, taken control of most of the conversation, letting you have the space to talk when you wanted. You also had sat in comfortable silence for a time, your hand still firmly in hers as you watched the clouds dance above your heads. You thought you were far too shy and awkward for Ellie to want anything to do with you, but she had surprised you as you ended the date at her front door.
“So, beautiful, care to do this again?” she smirked. Your brain short-circuited, your heartbeat quickened, and another crimson blush spread across your cheeks. You nodded, swallowing down the nerves as you took a deep breath.
“I really enjoyed today,” you confessed, smiling as she squeezed your hand in response.
“So, did I. When’s your next day off?” She lifted her hand to push some of your hair away from your face.
“Um … Monday? But if that’s too soon, then that’s fine too.” You rushed out. It was only Saturday, after all.
“Monday sounds good,” she smiled her earth-shattering smile again. “I have a lecture in the morning, but I can meet you for lunch. I’m free all afternoon. Maybe you could come round here, and I could cook, and we could just hang out?”
“That sounds really nice.” You smiled at her, finally meeting her eyes.
“Perfect,” she giggled – her voice sounding like it was handcrafted by angels. “I’ll text you.” She leaned in, pressing her lips to your cheek before turning around and unlocking her front door, allowing you a moment to try to collect yourself. “Bye, beautiful.” She waved, her fingers fluttering gently as she closed her door.
The second date went just as well. She was so perfect. You were … less awkward than you were before.
Ellie: How do you say my beautiful girl in Spanish? x
Beautiful: mi niña hermosa
Beautiful: why?
Ellie has changed your contact to Mi Niña Hermosa
Mi Niña Hermosa: oh
Ellie: :)
You have changed Ellie’s contact to Mi Diosa
Mi Diosa: what does that mean? x
Mi Niña Hermosa is typing …
Mi Diosa: what does that mean ????
Mi Niña Hermosa: :)
You arrived at her flat exactly on time… well, actually, you were 15 minutes early, but you had walked to the small flower shop on the way and picked a beautiful bouquet of wildflowers. You were then only 3 minutes early, but you waited on a low wall near her building for the right time to ring the buzzer.
“Hey, beautiful.” Her voice sounded so perfect even through the bad intercom.
“Hi, mi diosa.” You tested it out, your heart beating nervously as you did. You took some solace in her not knowing what it meant. The door beeped, and the lock clicked, signalling it was open. The walk up was familiar (you had done it only two days prior) yet foreign. It seemed like a nice enough place – clean, friendly, and, most importantly, safe. You don’t know why you liked the thought of Ellie living in a lovely, dirt-free, safe flat, but it eased your nerves slightly. You knocked on the door, gripping the flowers. The door was wrenched open, and Ellie appeared in front of you. She looked even more gorgeous than the first time.
“Oh my gosh, they’re stunning. Beautiful, you shouldn’t have.” She said as you presented them to her.
“Not as stunning as you.” You weren’t a flirter, but it felt natural to say, so you said it. The all-consuming nerves that had been present at your first weren’t as harsh; instead, a pleasant fluttering stirred in your stomach. If you had been watching Ellie, you would have seen the shy smile and rosy tint rising on her cheeks. Instead, you were looking around her flat. She had lots of pictures of friends and family around, some decorative artwork on the walls, and soft blankets piled neatly on the sofa.
“C’mon. I didn’t know what you could eat with your diet and whatnot, so I’ve made fancy sandwiches.” She put her hand on your waist, the patch of bare skin where your top had ridden up, blazing with heat when her hand touched.
You had spent all afternoon with Ellie. It started with her carrying the conversation, like every interaction you had so far, but as time went on and the shadows lengthened, you were becoming more open – although you were still oblivious to your flirtiness (everything that you wanted to said, you had, not quite realising how teasing it sounded). You were becoming more like yourself – your intelligence shone through, and your kindness and gentle nature made Ellie fall even harder for you.
Eventually, you had left the sanctuary of Ellie’s flat long after nightfall but not too late as you had an early morning training session, and you were mindful of her schedule.
“Bye, beautiful.” Ellie had said, much like she did on Saturday.
“Bye, mi Diosa.” You replied, your eyes dancing over her features. She stepped forward, one hand holding the door, one hand resting on your arm, and she pressed a delicate kiss to the corner of your mouth. Almost all the calmness you felt that afternoon disappeared as you struggled to breathe. Did she mean to kiss you there? Was it a misplaced kiss on the cheek? Did she want to kiss you properly? You blinked owlishly at her, a subtle smile gracing your features.
“I miss you already.” She blew you a final kiss as she shut the door, leaving you to your thoughts as you tried to calm yourself.
Mi Diosa: is it too soon to ask you out again?
Mi Niña Hermosa: I finish at 5 tomorrow – I could cook for you?
Mi Niña Hermosa: It’s a match day on Wednesday tho so it will have to be fairly healthy
You have sent a maps link. Click here to open it: https://www....
Mi Diosa: Sounds perfect I’ll be there at 6? x
You had been … odd … at training. That was the only way the team could describe you. You were happy enough, so they weren’t questioning it too much. But you seemed different.
“Pequeña, estás bien?” Alexia had asked, concerned over your behaviour.
“Hmm? Oh, yeh.” You smiled at her. She nodded, but her expression wasn’t convinced. You were training well, better than you had been all season, to be honest. It was hard to put a finger on. Ingrid had tried next, sitting next to your cubby in the changing room as you swapped your boots for your trainers.
“Is everything alright, Kjæreste?”
“Huh?” You were distracted again, mentally running over the checklist for tonight for the thousandth time. “Yeh, I’m good,” you dismissed, smiling at her—her expression similar to Alexia’s.
Throughout the day, everyone had come up to you, even Vicky, asking if you were ok and reminding you that if you needed to talk, you could do it. It wasn’t until you had rushed out of the changing rooms bang on 5pm that they could talk freely.
“Ella es rara, verdad?” Patri asked as soon as the door swung shut. There were many hums of agreement as they wondered what it could be.
“Maybe it’s something to do with that girl she had a crush on?” Lucy pondered.
“Ha dicho cómo fue su cita?” Pina asked, looking around at the shaking heads.
“Maybe that’s a good thing.” Keira suggested
“O tal vez se estrelló y se quemó,” Martina added pessimistically. The room went silent.
“Bueno, independientemente de lo que pasó, tenemos que dejarla venir a nosotros. Lo hará cuando esté lista.” Alexia said with finality, putting the situation to rest, at least for the moment.
You had just finished getting ready when the doorbell rang. 6 pm on the dot … you liked a punctual girl.
“Hola, hermosa,” Ellie laughed as you stumbled to get the door open.
“Hola, mi Diosa. Cómo estás?” She looked a little lost for a moment before answering. “Estoy bien, y tu?” Her words were a little staccato but very well-pronounced.
“Muy bien, mi Diosa.” You smiled at her smile. “Por favor, entra” You stepped back to let her in. It was clear she didn’t understand what your phrase meant but understood the sentiment all the same. Only when she walked past did you realise she also had a small bouquet of rainbow flowers, the plastic wrapping crinkling as she moved. “I thought we could cook something together. It is only chicken, veg and pasta, but it’s nice.” You explained, looking at the various produce on the side.
“That sounds fantastic.”
Much like the day before, you chatted the evening away. You laughed over your meal; you sat too close to her on the sofa as you continued giggling at the stories you shared. Eventually, she got fed up with her skin lightly brushing yours and lifted herself up and onto your lap.
You froze, suddenly nervous again at her closeness. She froze, thinking she may have pushed this too far. She loved how open you were becoming with her; your behaviour was closer to what she saw when you were on the pitch during warmups and after the matches. Had she just ruined this?
“Is this … ok?” she whispered to you. You gulped, taking in the sweet scent of her perfume before nodded, letting a shy smile spread across your lips. “Good,” she said, taking your fingers in her hand and fiddling with them as she continued her story.
 You wanted it to last longer, but you had a midweek match, so you needed an earlier night.
“I’m sorry,” you sighed as you walked her to your door.
“It’s ok,” she reassured you again.
“Will I … are you... areyougoingtothegame?” you rushed out. She raised an eyebrow at you. “Are you coming to the game tomorrow?” you asked slower this time, unable to meet her eyes. She lifted her finger, pulling your face up to meet her gaze.
“Of course I am.” She smiled softly. “I’m a season ticket holder, I’ll have you know,” she said smugly.
“You are?”
“Yes, I am. And I’ve never missed a home game. Not one this whole season.” She puffed her chest out with pride.
“A true culer, then.” You teased. “Next year, you won’t need a season ticket,” you promised, your eyes flicking down to her lips.
“And why’s that?” she asked, hoping you were hinting at what she wanted you to imply.
“If we give the club enough notice, we get 2 free tickets per home game,” you explained. “Front row … box and pitch access if you want it.” Your eyes flicked back up to meet hers.
“Is this your way of asking me to watch your games, specifically to support you, not Barça Femeni as a whole?” She quirked her eyebrow up in question, her gaze drifting to your lips. The air between you grew heavy, and she pushed herself up to meet your height. “Can I …”
“Please.” You cut her off. Her hands locked into your hair; your fingers drifted along her waist. She tasted like heaven. That was all you could think as she kissed you. First, it was just a quick peck, but then she drew herself back, deepening it as she pressed herself into your body.
“Woah,” she gasped when you eventually parted.
“Now, I really don’t want you to go.” You whined, equally as out of breath.
“I’ll see you tomorrow at the match? I’ll wear your England jersey so you can spot me easier.” You smiled at her words.
“I think I’m starting, so I might not be able to come over until after.”
“That’s ok. As long as you come over at some point.” She smiled her warm, soft smile at you.
“Maybe I could introduce you properly to the girls? As my girlfriend?” you asked shyly, unwilling to meet her eye. She waited, hoping you would look at her – you were still tightly pushed together, her arms around your neck, yours gently resting on her waist.
“Look at me, please,” she asked softly. You did, automatically calming down when your gazes met. "I would love to officially meet my girlfriend’s friends.” Your glittering smile nearly knocked her off her feet.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, beautiful,” she murmured, pressing a final kiss to your lips as she extricated herself from your embrace.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, mi diosa”
“I still don’t know what that means.” She pouted.
“Don’t worry, I know someone more than willing to teach you Spanish.”
Mi Diosa: Goodnight, beautiful
Mi Niña Hermosa: Goodnight, mi novia bonita
You changed Mi diosa’s contact to Mi Novia Bonita
Mi Novia Bonita: stop saying stuff when I don’t know what it means !!!
Mi Niña Hermosa: :)
You played the best game of your life. Your technique was flawless. Your skills were unmatched. You had your name on the score sheet 4 times, along with 3 assists. It was a textbook match for you. You were on fire.
“What has happened to you?” Lucy asked, confused as to the changes in you.
“What do you mean?” You asked, buzzing with energy as you clapped the fans. You came to a stop in front of a very familiar white jersey. You abandoned Lucy, coming to standing in between Alexia and Ingrid.
“Mira quien ha venido a verte.” Alexia nudged you gently, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Do you want to go say hi?” Ingrid asked, putting a hand on the middle of your back, ready to give a push if you denied.
“Maybe later,” you sighed as you made eye contact with Ellie. You blushed a little at the wink she threw your way. They mistook it as you getting shy over your crush’s attention being on you.
“Nawww,” Alexia cooed. “Te estás poniendo tímida debido a tu enamoramiento?” She teased lightly, pinching your bright red cheek. This was it, the perfect timing.
“Is it still a crush if she’s your girlfriend?” You asked, smirking at the two of them before running away into the crowd.
You and Ellie watched at the chaos you caused amongst the players. She had pulled on her home kit, which she had slipped into her bag before she left. She wanted to stand out for you on the pitch, but she knew that being in a stark white top might not be the best thing if she needed to hide from the wrath of some players. You sat further back in the stadium, laughing as Alexia made the rounds, clearly informing people of what you had so casually announced. You could imagine what each one was saying. You acted it out for Ellie, mimicking the disbelieving voices of Patri and Pina, the shocked ones of Irene and Paños. Your favourite person to mock was Mapí – she stood, mouth open, arms by her side as Ingrid told her the news. You don’t think you’d ever seen her speechless before.
“C’mon, we best get going.” You said, standing up and offering her your hand.
“We?” She asked, shocked.
“I’m not dropping that bomb on them, then hiding for 20 minutes and then returning alone.” You explained, thinking your reasoning was obvious.
“You’re crazy if you think I’m going in there after you said that, then ran away for 20 minutes.” She looked at you, mouth open and eyes wide. “They’ll eat me alive.”
“Nonsense. If anything, they’ll be happy I finally asked the hermoso desconocido to be my hermosa novia.” You smirked, extending your hand again and wiggling your eyebrows.
“I still don’t know what you said,” Ellie grumbled, taking your hand.
“Don’t worry, mi diosa. We have plenty of time for me to teach you.”
I hope you liked it <3<3<3
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Lips anon! The making of Baby Benji 😈
👀👀👀 nsfw and a little thingy undercut 🤭
After Gabriela had revealed that she wanted a sibling, a lot of things started happening. Miguel giving you back rubs and shoulder massages, him giving you little gifts here and there and of course lots of railing in the most inadequates of times.
You'd be in the supermarket, he'd grab you. You'd be doing laundry, and he'd hug you from behind to give you a good Makeout session. But it was worse when you were ovulating.
He'd want to hoard you and fuck until he was sure you were spent and sore.
Of course, a fate you were settled to face within a couple of days. You did want another baby, and he was determined to give you one.
And what a perfect way to celebrate you were making another little O'Hara than having Gabi out in a slumber party, the house for yourselves and a delicious wine and dine you were just returning from.
His hands rested on your thigh, kneading and rubbing his large palm in it. You on the other hand were raging in hormones, you'd lean to him and kiss his neck, biting his earlobe softly.
"Can you go faster?"
"You'd need to be still for that."
He smirked as your hand unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. Eyes snapping your direction, you looked hungry. Needy and oh-
His hands grope the wheel tighter while your hand have him lazy and deep strokes.
"Keep driving, Papa" Your smirking and strokes made his jaw clench. Car affluence was minimal, still the chance of getting caught by the police was there. His foot stepped the breaks suddenly when he felt your mouth around him.
"Wait... Mi amor-" He grunted as you swirled your tongue around him, hands palming his sac.
"N-Need to park" He choked and shuddered, the little slurping noises coming from your mouth made his hips buck and push himself a bit deeper in to your warm mouth.
The loud beep from a car behind you, was enough for him to grab a fistful of your hair gently, trying to pull you away.
Your name was hissed through his teeth. The beeping was loud and repetitive. The feeling of your throat constricting around him made him gasp.
The car behind just detoured next to you as the driver cursed at Miguel. But he didn't care. Not when one of the many scenarios he had thought with you came to life.
He was slowly melting in his seat. Warmth spreaded through his body.
"Ya..." He hissed and grunted. You didn't stop.
"Te juro que si no paras-" (I swear that if you don't stop)
You giggled then released him with a pop. Your hands pulled him for a kiss, he complied.
"Let's go home" You whined with a shake of your head.
"No! I need you. Now. Park somewhere"
"I can't just-"
"Miguel" You warned
"Fine. Fine. Let's... let's look for a place." He sighed and fixed up his pants as best as he could.
You smirked and bucked your hips to remove the panties underneath your dress to then throw them in the back and sat on the seat.
"We're making a baby" You clapped, excitedly. He chuckled as he drove, parking lots had cameras, the Soccer field was closed, and for sure the streets were out of the equation. He ended up parking in an oriel.
Place was deserted, no cars seemed to be on sight. You got on the back seats and opened the door for him. He cradled your face and pulled it down for a kiss. Your hands were immediately on his pants again.
His hands hiked your dress up, uncovering your hips and legs. Fingers reached for your slit and you batted them away, desperately
"No! No time for that!" You whined and he laughed at your neediness. He pulled your hips on the edge of the seat and fumbled with his boxers. His cock sprung free and sunk between your legs. You held him by the neck, relieved. One of your feet dangled on his waist.
He pushed in deeper and you giggled between moans. His hands secured your hips, you twitched around him.
"So needy" You moved your hips against his, to get as much of him inside you. Lust oozed from you, primal need flooding your senses. His hands were around your thighs, gripping and squeezing, Mouth hovering over yours.
"Fuck! , I love you" You gasped, and he kissed you deeply with a growl, his hips increasing their pace.
"YOU CAN'T PARK HERE" the sudden voice echoed through the speaker. The blue and red lights flashing from a distance.
Your eyes went wide and he hid his face in the crook of your neck and shoulder, laughing silently as he stilled.
"A la verga..." (Fuck)
The removed himself from you and fixed your dress. If it wasn't for the windows being darkened enough on both sides, the officers would've surely caught you for real.
You went to your seat as Miguel fixed his pants once more and sighed, occupying his seat and turning the engine on.
"There's motels nearby the area"
Much to your mortify, the officer spoke before you drove away.
"Told you to wait-"
He tittered and drove you home. That didn't stopped you for going at it again.
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conazo · 7 months
Valentino writing tips: language
I’m not an expert by any means, but I thought I might provide some insight into how I, personally, handle the nasty moth's dialogue.
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Like all languages, Spanish is highly regional. We don’t really know Val’s actual background as a Sinner, so your guess is as good as mine. Given his VA is Puerto Rican, however, I write Valentino as someone who speaks Caribbean Spanish (like me!). The three Spanish-speaking countries/territories in the Caribbean are: Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba. I'm not familiar with Cuban Spanish, so we'll focus on the first two for now.
Some of these are more specific to one place than the other, but I’m mushing them together for simplicity’s sake (don't come at me).
Fun quirks of Dominican and Puerto Rican Spanish:
A habit of shortening words, like “ven pa’ca” (“come here”) instead of “ven para acá.” We frequently eat the letters “r,” “s” or “d” toward or at the end of some words.
Pronouncing “r” as “l” in some words.
Pronouncing “t” as a soft sound between a “th” and a “d.” Although this voice has a Spanish (from Spain) cadence, you can hear the modified “t” sound in “Valentino” here.
Fun Dominican and Puerto Rican words and phrases:
“Coño” as a casual curse, typically used as an expression of frustration (like “fuck!”). My username is basically a really intense version of coño, and is a very Dominican phrase.
“Diablo,” which means “devil,” is also commonly used as an exclamation.
“Hijo de la gran puta,” a classic that roughly parallels "son of a bitch," but literally translates to “son of a great whore.”
“Papi” or “papi chulo” (“cute daddy”) as a term of affection. “Papito” is the diminutive version of this phrase.
On that note, you can add “ito” to the end of just about anything to make it a diminutive (cutesy/smaller version). “Chulo” means cute, for example. “Chulito” is the even more affectionate/smaller version of that.
“Dique,” which is used to express doubt. Vox might say, “I am not obsessed with Alastor!” Valentino might mutter “diiiique” in response. This is a Dominican thing.
“Wepa,” which is something usually shouted in excitement. This is a Puerto Rican thing.
“Vaina,” which kind of means “thing,” often with a negative connotation. So, Valentino might look at one of Velvette’s designs, find it hideous, and say, “que vaina más fea, oof” (“what an ugly thing, oof”).
“Fó,” which is sort of “ew” or “gross,” usually re: bad smells. You shout it.
“Mano,” short for “hermano” (“brother”). Used between friends.
“Dímelo” (“tell me”) as a greeting. Something that would be said when answering the phone, for example.
“Cojer” as a means of saying “to take,” like taking something from a table. This word has a very different context in other regions. In Mexico, for example, the verb “cojer” is vulgar and means “to fuck.”
“Ahorita,” which in my experience means “later.” In other regions, it can mean “right now” or “later” depending on context.
Commonly used phrases in Mexican Spanish.
You’ll want to avoid these if you’d like his dialogue to be consistently Caribbean-inspired:
“No mames/no manches”
“Qué padre”
Calling acquaintances “primo” or “jefe”
I mention this Spanish dialect specifically because it's the most common one in the world. And hey, Val could be canonically Mexican or Mexican in your headcanon! That's cool, too. I'm just providing insight for consistency's sake.
Other insight:
“Ay dios mío!” is a generally overused phrase, in my opinion, and not actually said IRL as frequently as TV makes it seem. Just my experience, though.
“Ay” or “uy” are good filler sounds. You hear Val shout it when Niffty snaps at him.
Valentino canonically squeaks like a moth when passionate!
His voice takes on an echo/growl when he’s particularly angry.
Mixing English and Spanish is tricky. Spanglish is not uncommon in PR, DR, and the US, but usually only when speaking with someone else who is fluent in both languages. Valentino seems plenty fluent in English; he uses lots of contractions, complex sentence structure, and slang. He doesn’t need to inject Spanish phrases in favor of English ones when conversing with another English speaker. He does do it sometimes for emphasis (“the devil’s princesa” or “this chiquita”).
As cliché as it is, defaulting to a Spanish phrase in moments of alarm, anger, frustration, or affection is also not uncommon if you grew up in a Spanish-speaking home. If someone surprises me, I shout “coño” by default, for example.
Valentino uses pet names when referring to others, like "amorcito" (“little love”) and "Angie" over voicemail.
Generally speaking, Val likes to stretch his vowels to be theatrical ("he mooooved!"). He sometimes eats the ends of English words, like “fuckin’” instead of “fucking.” He also sometimes rolls his “r” for English words, like in “ungrrrateful whore!”
Val's accent isn’t consistently strong, which could be a stylistic choice, or he could just be prone to a kind of unique code switching, for lack of a better term. My friends say I speak English with a Spanish accent when conversing with my family, for example (it’s not intentional).
Okay that’s it, bye!
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rubahlicik · 2 months
Kalo ketemu Uni, lantas apa?
Halo warga Tumblr yang hendak berakhir pekan~
Aink mau cerita progres dikit. Setelah seminggu ke belakang ini rame soal dugaan penipuan yang dilakukan rumahati alias Sri Wahyuni, atau yang biasa dipanggil uni, aink dkk mencoba mengumpulkan beberapa informasi soal uni.
Ada beberapa hal yang bisa aink share, berikut diantaranya:
- uni dan keluarga ada di bandung (nama suami dan anak anaknya Uda ada),. Alamat terakhir (tahun 2022) Uda dipegang. Insyaallah ada rekan Tumblr yang weekend ini mau kesana
- uni punya 3 nomor hape berbeda dan semuanya ga bisa dikontak. Satu nomor diantaranya terdaftar bukan atas nama Sri Wahyuni atau pun nama suaminya.
- tahun 2019, aink pernah ngirim tanaman ke klinik Alfaiha Medika Cisaranten, bandung. Paket atas nama Sri Wahyuni, dikirim kesana karena th 2019 suami uni kerja disana. Klinik itu beroperasi mulai Juli 2019, Aink ngirim paket November 2019. Kemarin aink coba kontak admin klinik, tapi pihak klinik mengaku tidak kenal Sri Wahyuni atau pun suaminya.
- uni mulai mengumpulkan sedekah online dari 2017. Dari laporan yang curhat ke aink, seenggaknya Uda masuk lebih dari 10juta, 2 hp dan 2 laptop yang masih layak pakai. Tapi, ga pernah sekalipun ada pelaporan bukti penggunaan dana yang masuk. Baik itu struk belanja kebutuhan orang yang uni bantu atau pun bukti yang menunjukkan kalau orang yang uni bantu bener bener ada.
Poin poin diatas itu fakta, plus hilangnya akun tumblr rumahati membuat dugaan penipuan semakin kuat. Tapi, itu semua tetap akan jadi dugaan Ampe ada fakta yang bisa menyangkal atau bisa memastikan kebenarannya.
Oleh karena itu, rencananya weekend ini bakal ada yang nyari uni dan keluarganya ke alamat yang Uda di dapat. Semoga uni masih bisa ketemu disana.
Buat yang berdomisili bandung atau ada kenalan anak Tumblr domisili bandung, boleh dong di sounding. Biar banyak yang nyari, takutnya ga langsung ketemu. Boleh pm aink aja buat teknisnya.
Kalo ketemu mau apa?
Kalo aink sih pesennya buat yang berangkat besok, utamanya buat mastiin, Ini uni bener nipu apa engga
Itu kan ini masalahnya? Kalo misal ngotot bener, coba buktiin itu aliran dananya kemana, beneran ada ga orangnya? Mumpung ada yang bisa ke lokasi. Pastiin kalo ibu2, nenek, anak2 yatim yang selalu dia sebut itu beneran ada.
Trus yang ga kalah penting, uni makan uang sedekahnya ga? , kalo misal iya, apa Uda dapet persetujuan dari yang ngasih sedekah?
Coba para donatur komen, kalo misal bener uni nyalurin sedekahnya, tapi ikut make duitnya juga, kalian ridho ga?
Kalo aink sih engga... Haram tuh uang sedekah yang aink kasih kalo misal dikasih buat keluarganya. Kotor tuh perabot yang dia beli buat keperluan sehari hari kalo emang dibeli dari uang sedekah yang katanya buat anak yatim.
Nah, kalo ternyata uni ga bisa buktiin kalo bener dia nyalurin sedekah ke yang berhak lantas apa?
Aink yakin duit dari orang yang pernah ngasih ga akan balik. Sorry to say, pelaku scam mana ada yang sanggup balikin duit yang ditilepnya.
Aink pribadi cuma nuntut dia minta maaf, bikin video klarifikasi kalo ternyata emang dia ngemis buat keluarganya atas nama sedekah. Biar apa?
Biar para donatur bisa settle. Ternyata bener selama ini ditipu, ternyata bener uang yang disisihin buat sedekah dipake buat bayar kontrakan, beli sprei atau bahkan DP rumah.
Donatur harus tahu faktanya. Uni tuh sebenernya siapa, make duit sedekah buat apa aja, biar secara mereka yang jadi korban secara personal bisa nentuin langkah selanjutnya.
Kalo Uda terbukti uni bohong, ya Aink pribadi cuma bisa pasrah aja, sambil doain yang jelek jelek buat keluarganya uni. Biar semua cerita sedih yang dia jual buat narik simpati emang beneran menimpa keluarganya..
Aink ga akan bawa ini ke jalur hukum. Ribet, Aink ga mau berurusan sama polisi. Tapii,.. kalo ada yang mau lapor ya silakan. Aink bisa bantu ngumpulin bukti chat dia minta sedekah dan bukti trf donatur yang ketipu. Silahkan yang punya waktu dan kemampuan untuk maju ke jalur hukum, Aink dukung.
Terakhir, Aink berharap setelah kasus ini dapet closure, para warga Tumblr bisa jadi lebih makin deket lagi. Deket dalam artian punya cukup banyak kenalan yang bisa dicurhatin, bisa diajak sharing. Syukur syukur bangkit lagi komunitasnya.
Kejadian kayak gini ga bakal muncul kalo calon korban yang curiga ada wadah buat bertanya. Alih alih mengambil keputusan setelah dimanipulasi tanpa sadar, komunitas bisa bantu ngumpulin fakta yang akurat. Dari curhatan yang masuk, uni ini bisa dibilang manipulatif dalam berdialog dengan donaturnya.
Semoga yang mau berangkat dilancarkan, segera ketemu sama ybs. Biar kita semua dapet kejelasan.
Sekali lagi, Aink sangat berharap ada lebih banyak orang yang bisa ikut nyari di bandung. Aink Masi ada agenda di Majalengka, meskipun Uda gatel banget pengen ke bandung.
Boleh bantu reblog atau kontak lagi temen temennya~
Terimakasih buat temen-temen yang Uda bantu seminggu belakangan ini. Semoga cepat dapat kesimpulan soal perkara sedekah online ini. Karena sebelum semuanya terang, kita harus selalu menyematkan kata dugaan pada kasus penipuan sedekah online yang telah uni lakukan.
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pedgito · 1 year
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summary | a new place, a new job, and new problems arise soon thereafter. javier manages to weasle his way under your skin in more ways than one. the first—stealing your designated parking spot. (7.5k+ words)
pairing | javier pena x fem!reader
content warning | 18+ content, as always: no use of y/n, subtle pining/suffering on javi's part, very little reference to narcos plot (so, readable if you've never watched), strangers to enemies to...whatever this is, fingering/oral (f receiving), sex & subtle aftercare, open ended, using my very limited knowledge of spanish (pls feel free to correct me)
author's note | translations are spread throughout. this is my first dip into any character outside of my norm so this is mostly just for fun, but to anyone reading, enjoy!
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You liked to think you were as level-headed as they came, always seeing the best in people, always giving them the benefit of the doubt, even here in a place that feels foreign, fresh off the job of a position you were hired to a few weeks ago. Not even a month yet and you were already on the precipice of your first problem.
A situation, perhaps. 
You extensively remember paying for the specific parking spot correlating to your apartment number. It was simple, you paid for it, so by those laws, it was yours. 
Yet somehow, there’s always a car parked in your space.
The first time isn’t a problem, opting to fill the blank spot next to it that is assigned specifically for visitors anyways. How could they have known?
It’s not a big deal. Until it happens again.
Same car, same color. That Jeep Cherokee was turning into your arch-nemesis, one more day of stealing your parking spot away from your keys digging into the paint of the driver’s side door.
Well, you weren’t that evil. But, you were definitely thinking about it. And maybe part of the problem was how unexpectedly stressful your job actually was, working alongside a bunch of macho, testosterone filled DEA agents with a severe lack of manners and time-management outside of catching the bad guys.
It always left you with a mountain of paperwork to deal with, not to mention that ridiculous errands and goose chases you were sent on for a file, or a can of fucking coffee beans because no one had the sense to replace them when they ran out. 
And maybe if the car stood out more you would’ve clocked it earlier, but it doesn’t.
There comes a point where you can’t take the blatant disregard any longer, poised to catch the culprit in the act as you lean against the front hood of the car, jingling your apartment keys around your finger, rehearsing your supposed speech to scare off whoever owns the car.
But, that falls dead on your tongue the moment the owner descends the stairs, appearing from the same floor your own apartment resided on, eyes widening in disbelief.
It was a miracle you both had avoided each other this long.
“Javier?” You spit out, like a bad taste in your mouth. 
Javier eyes you weirdly, still speaking calmly, “Hola, hermosa—I think. You live here?”
You nod slowly, wondering why he seemed so calm, so unbothered.
Ah, right. He wasn’t the one worrying about a parking spot, rather, he was the one stealing it. 
“Yeah, por un par de semanas.” (for a couple of weeks)
Not that it mattered to Javier. 
He laughs under his breath, fiddling with his own keys as he reaches for the handle. You push away from his car, standing steady on your own two feet, arms crossed over your chest and rubbing against the buttons of your blouse, still dressed up from work.
“You’re parking in my spot, Javier.”
Javier eyes the surrounding area, seeing nothing amiss.
“Where’s your car?” He asks, avoiding the accusation entirely.
“Right there,” You point at the car parked beside him, eyes narrowing at his lack of reaction, “beside my parking spot. You know, el que yo pago para.” (the one I pay for)
“Cariño,” and if there was a word that could make your blood boil quicker, it was that, the same condescending tone he always used, “I’ve had this spot for weeks.”
“But it’s mine now, Peña.”
“And mine sucks,” He admits, “this is the only shaded area around the building, it’s fuckin’ hot out, my car—“
“Isn’t my problem!”
He’s never heard you shout before, feeling the frustration radiating from your frame.
It was yours, rightfully so. But, that did change the fact he’s been parking there for weeks now, stubborn as he is. Javier isn’t budging either. 
“What’s wrong with that one?” He asks, motioning toward your car beside his. 
“I’m not paying for that one. I’m paying for this one.” It really is that simple, but you’re starting to think he had rocks for a brain, nothing rattling around up there besides catching Escobar and cheap sex he could catch on the regular with a bit of cash.
Yes, you knew—most of those men were one in the same, bachelors with a yearning to get off but not enough game to score it for free.
“No te soporto,” It’s a soft mumble under your breath, something meant for yourself, even if it was aimed at Javier, before looking at him, “fuck this, keep it.” (I cannot stand you)
Javier stares for a while, a moment too long in fact, his eyes lingering on the stretched fabric of your shirt, pulled tight over your chest where your arms cross, quickly traversing their way back up to your face, watching his entire trail of eyesight with annoyance.
“That’s it?” Javier definitely expected more of a fight, but you rolled over and keeled so fast he almost wishes you would’ve fought harder. He’s feeling gracious today though, so extends whatever metaphoric branch he had to give.  
“You clearly don’t give a shit,” He’s leaning against the side of his car’s front hood now, diagonal to you as you take a few steps back, crossed arms moving until your hands met your hips, “but I’m the one running errands for you dumbasses all day, so we’ll see how long this lasts.”
In most cases that would come off as a death threat, but to you, it just meant smuggling sugar into his coffee instead of straight black like he usually enjoyed—just enough to fuck up his morning a little, throw him off kilter and enjoy the look on his face when it turns up in disgust, amongst other things.
“Eres malvada,” Javier comments amusingly, “are you trying to start a war?” (you are evil)
You shrug, “What’s one more to the one we’re already dealing with?”
You find it as a reason to get under his skin, drive him mad. But, Javier has a different reason in mind, luckily he loves a challenge—he wasn’t giving in that easily. 
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The office is sticky, the scolding, dry Bogotá heat feeling like you’re sitting in the center of a fire that ignited overnight—and the AC was out, meaning the tiny, measly little fan on your desk had to do.
Somehow, Javier seems unphased aside from the line of sweat on his forehead, shirt unbuttoned enough that you can see the start of his sternum, tanned skin hidden behind the baby blue fabric. His tie was laying on his desk beside his coffee—safe from you, for the time being.
Steve is close behind, not surprising, those two chasing each other’s tails like eager puppies. But, Murphy was sweeter than Pena, that much was clear. 
He wasn’t holding your parking spot hostage.
“Hermosa,” Javier nods, tapping his fingertips against the patchy spot of wood on the front desk, “good morning, I hope?”
Not in the slightest.
Your eyes flick up wordlessly, stapling the stack of papers with more force than necessary before sliding it into his other hand, his fingers moving in time to catch the stack as it slides forward.
“Trouble in paradise?” Steve jokes, smiling as the words leave his mouth. “She looks like she’s ready to gut you.”
“She is,” It’s a confirmation that has Javier’s face turning up in annoyance, “can I do anything else for you? More paperwork, more coffee—“
“Actually—” Javier starts, but it falls on deaf ears.
“Good,” You turn away, picking up the large stack of files to head toward the filing closet, “ve a atrapar a tu el malo.” (go catch your bad guy)
His eyes linger as you walk away, Steve’s muffled voice coming into focus as you fade, rounding a corner as the click of your heels become softer. 
“You managed to piss of the nicest person here,” Steve comments, whistling lowly, “I’m not gonna ask how you fucked that up, because it seems pretty obvious already—“
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Javier asks, throwing his head over his shoulder as he looks at Steve.
“Either bad sex or you’re just being an asshole,” Steve suggests, wiggling two fingers out suggestively, pushing his index down to flip his partner off, “easily both but I’m guessing it’s probably the second one.”
Javier shoved his hand away, forcing the file into Steve’s chest.
“She wants me to give up a parking spot I’ve had since I got here,” He explains, “not happening.”
Steve squints slightly, eyes narrowing on Javier. There was more to the story, but Javier was conveniently leaving that out. 
“I didn’t even know she lived there,” Javier adds, somehow trying to convince himself he’s in the right, “it’s a good fuckin’ spot.”
“Pissin’ her off for it?” Steve shakes his head in disapproval, “Can’t be that good, Javi.”
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The week drags on, miserable in the heat and with working piling up by the day, it feels never-ending. 
And somehow, Javier always manages to make it home before you, even when you both leave at the same time.
As frustrated as you are, things get a little easier when you start getting under Javier’s skin.
Steve bothers you for a cup of coffee one morning, insisting that you always make it better than him—it’s just a matter of overloading it with milk and sugar, knowing that Steve likes it sweet even when he doesn’t want to admit it. 
Most of the men drank it black, out of solidarity or whatever—Javier just enjoyed the bitterness. How convenient.
So, his hesitancy when you hand him a cup is warranted.
“You fuck with it?” He asks suspiciously.
“Steve asked for a cup,” You shrugged, pressing it into his hesitant, waiting hand, “I’m just being nice.”
But, one sip from the cup ensures that you weren’t being nice at all as he quickly spits it back into the cup, much to the amusement of you and Steve, who sips happily from his own mug. 
“I lied.” You grin triumphantly, sliding his unfinished paperwork in front of him, “Nos vemos, vecino.” (see you, neighbor)
Steve chuckles under his breath, watching the interaction unfold. When you finally leave, Javier is staring at his desk, cup forgotten.
“Like I said,” Steve repeats, “can’t be that fuckin’ good.”
“Shut up,” Javier replies, chair screeching in protest as he stands, “who fucks with someone’s coffee?”
“A seriously pissed off neighbor, apparently.”
And if looks could kill, Steve would be dead. 
And Javi thinks that the coffee incident would annoy him the most, but even more, it’s the blatant disregard of his presence on most instances, holding a complete conversation with Steve in his company, not a single greeting his way.
He still greets you every morning. All the same aside from his occasional switch up of endearment. 
Cariño, Hermosa, Querida when he felt particularly snarky—but just as you hoped it would get under his skin, Vecina slices like a knife. You dared to use it first, but the tone of his is nothing but feigned fondness.
That and when he opts for your name instead, sickeningly sweet as it rolls off his tongue.
Either way, he notices your effort to ignore him.
Taking out the trash and running into him in the hallway? It’s like you walk right through him. 
Running into him at that market down the road from your complex? He’s practically a stranger.
And work? It was harder to ignore him, but you did your damndest to make him feel less than.
It was working great, until it couldn’t.
It’s dark out by the time you see him again that day, covered by the orange of the streetlight overhead and kicking yourself as you stare at the contents under the hood, not having a single clue what you were looking at, what the problem was or what it could be. 
“Staring at it won’t fix anything,” Javier startles you, nearly jumping out of your skin as he approaches, shoulder bumping against his chest at his close proximity ,“woah, easy, vecina. Just me.”
Somehow that was worse.
“Car trouble?” Javier asks.
“Among other things.” You snark back, but your voice doesn’t hold the venom you think it does. “Don’t tell me you know shit about how to fix this.”
“I don’t,” He admits with ease, “heading out?”
You sigh, deep and tired as you finally give up and close the hood, wiping your dirty hands on your jeans.
“Not anymore,” Javier takes a quick look at your outfit, jeans and a low-cut top that shows off the curve of your breasts, soft skin of your chest and a small amount of your midsection where your shirt pulls up as you shrug your shoulders, “what, Peña? What’s that look for?”
Javier shakes his head, rubbing his thumb along the tide of a spare key, “I’m meeting Murphy for drinks.” He doesn’t know why he’s telling you this, but he is—well, he does know. He’s hoping you might tag along, put an end to this back and forth between each other. He didn’t want to be the first to cave, but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t bother him to see you despise his existence every day.
“Sounds miserable.” You comment, throwing a warm smile for good measure, it’s so fake that even Javi can’t help but feel a little more offended than usual. “Tell Steve I said hi.”
Javier doesn’t get the chance to ask if you want to join before you’re sulking away, riddled with yet another inconvenience.
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Javier catches you in the same position the next morning, dressed for work and shoulders slumped as you stare down blankly at the engine.
 “Get in,” He orders, walking beyond your piece of junk and to his car, one hand resting on the hood, other resting on the door handle until you finally acknowledge him, “I can drive you to work.”
“Vete a la mierda,” You groan, “I don’t want your help.” (fuck off)
Javier doesn’t budge, yellow sunglasses perched on his nose, his thumb tapping against the car, “Get in the car.”
And he’s not against standing here until you were both late, but he’s already on the edge of getting his ass chewed out most of the time and he’s done with this—it, whatever game you two were still playing at.
“Think about it,” Javier jokes, “it’s almost like you’ll finally be putting that spot to good use.”
Okay, that might’ve been too much.
“Look, I’ll give you the fuckin’ spot if you stop looking at me like they and get in the damn car,” Not that it mattered now, with that hunk of metal sitting unmoving and useless beside it, "please?”
Javier’s not the type to beg, but the look on your face is soft, resembling defeat, and he wants to help.
“Why didn’t you just bring it up with management?” Javier asked, fist tightening around the wheel as he pulled to a stop. "If it bothers you that much."
“You mean Theresa?” You laugh to yourself, eyebrows furrowing in amusement as you cross your arms over your chest, “She’s pushing 80–don’t tell me she could actually intimidate you.”
Javier shrugs, “She’s got her moments.”
“Messing with you was more fun,” You shrug decidedly, “but it lost its momentum when you stopped being bothered by it.” 
“I’m stuck with a shitty parking spot, an even shittier neighbor, and now my car doesn’t work, so.”
The silence spoke for itself.
“I don’t mind driving you.”
“You’re missing the point,” He was just as dense as he was attractive and you hated it, “the least you could do is fuckin’ pay me.”
Javier gives you a wild look behind his shades, Jeep lurching forward as he continues the drive.
“For the spot, Javier. If you want it that bad.”
“Oh,” He nods, “Yeah, I can do that.”
That was…easier than you anticipated.
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Things improve slightly after that, still giving Javier the cold shoulder on most instances, born out of your own stubbornness. 
But he always greets you with a smile, one that you try to return. Plus, you were in better spirits today now that the building had working air and it wasn’t absolutely miserable trying to get work done.
“Here,” Javi pulls you from the chart on your desk, eyes connecting with the small wad of cash, “for what I owe you and then some.”
And you shouldn’t feel guilty taking the money, but you do. 
He lowers his voice slightly as you pocket the cash, palms pressed against your desk as he leans in, “I need a favor.”
You sigh through your nose, threading your fingers together and resting them between his outstretched arms, challenging him with a steely look in your eyes. 
He slides a small wad of paper he had hidden in his palm toward your hands, “I need those files, can you get them for me?”
You glance at the list of names, looking up at him incredulously, his face not moving an inch. It seemed serious, but it still didn’t justify the fact that he’s absolutely lost his mind.
“I could get fired for taking these out of the building,” You argue in a hushed whisper, “first you want to take my spot and now you want me to risk my job?”
His eyes soften slightly.
And then there’s that word again. 
“Cariño, please?”
“How badly do you need them?”
He gives you another silent look of pleading, the tip of his tongue licking at the corner of his mouth as he nods to Murphy several feet away, looking just as desperate. If it wasn’t for Steve, you probably would’ve said no.
“You’re lucky I like Steve,” You admit, shoving the paper into the same pocket the money was stashed away in, “and that you’re down the hall from me.”
His fingers wrap around your wrist firmly when your arm resurfaces, posture instantly stiffening at that movement. His eyes are wide, staring through you almost.  
“Thank you.”
And you can see that he means it. 
It’s a strange look you haven’t seen before but it’s real. 
“You owe me, Javi,” Under the context of what, you weren’t sure, “I mean it.”
The softness you add to his name is enough for Javier to realize that whatever anger you held toward him was slowly disappearing.
The last thing you’re expecting when you exit the sanctioned filing room is a solid chest to the face, and a surprisingly soft hand gripping your shoulder to steady you.
“Hey, Javi sent me,” Steve says lowly, glancing around the corner to check for an all clear—the place was mostly deserted due to the unexpected raid Javier was leading on a few of Escobar’s men, nothing huge, but enough to need backup, yet somehow Steve got shafted, “he’s caught up in something and my place is on the way.”
“Is he okay?” It feels foreign to ask, but given he’s also in a slightly disturbed state, breathing faster than normal like he’d ran here.
“Yeah, yeah. Peña’s always good. Don’t worry about him.”
“And you?” You inquire, sliding the files behind your bag, keeping them out of view, “Why aren’t you with him? I thought you two were partners.”
“My wife, she’s had this date planned out for weeks,” Steve nods toward the front, asking for you to follow, “Connie, she’d skin me alive if I tried to cancel on her, again.”
“Sounds justified.” You shrug, flashing him a polite smile.
Steve nods knowingly.
“And about Peña—he’s difficult, I know.”
“Understatement of the year, Steve.”
“I’m just trying to say that he’s really involved and sometimes that stress kinda…transfers over outside of work.”
And somehow you find yourself at a stand-off with Steve, talking through the open windows of his car.
“So he’s an asshole, but it’s okay because work is a little hard on him?”
“That’s not what I’m sayin’,” Steve scratches at his forehead in search of the right words, hoping they’ll come to him, “I don’t even know why I’m trying to defend him but he’s surrounded by this shit all day, some of us can leave it here—it’s hard even for me some days—“
“Steve,” You bring him back, urging him toward the point, “is this going somewhere?”
“Javi is this job— but you are the one thing I catch him staring at beside our desk and the gun in his drawer. I don’t know, maybe he really does hate you that much, but I’ve known him long enough to realize that if he’s gonna let anyone’s fuck with his day to day, and his coffee, it would be you.”
“If you’re trying to suggest Javi’s in love with me, I’m going to assume you’re insane.”
“No—god, no. I don’t think Peña’s capable of that shit but maybe he’d ease up on being a hard-ass if you didn’t give him as much shit over the parking spot. Also, not sayin’ he’s in the right but is it really that important to you?”
You sling your bag into the passenger seat, following suit as Steve climbed into the car, “At first, yeah. It’s my first time out on my own, dealing with my own shit, and Javi already acts like he’s above it all so seeing that it was him, it set me off.”
Steve shrugs, turning on the ignition. “I think you two have too much in common, honestly. Maybe just…level with him? Have you two ever had a normal conversation outside of work?”
A subtle shake of your head is all Steve needs, then he’s laughing to himself, pulling out of the parking lot.
“It’s nothing—“
“It’s just—I assumed you two hooked up and Javi was a bad time because you went from mildly annoyed to out for blood overnight.”
“Doesn’t seem that far-fetched.” You admit, earning an even deeper chuckle out of Steve. 
“See?” Steve boasts, “Don’t give him the time if you don’t think he deserves it, but I’m tired of him sulking around all the time. It’s miserable to look at.”
“And you think I can fix that?”
“Oh, I know it.”
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Two hours and a shower later and you find yourself at Javier’s door wondering if it was already too late to try and knock or if you should just stuff the files underneath his door and leave, ignoring that fluttering feeling in your gut that told you to stay. 
But, he’s yanking the door open before you can lift your hand, wondering if he heard you on the other side. He’s half dressed, jeans buttoned around his hips but his chest bare, towel hung over his frame signaling that he, also, had just finished up a shower.
The circles under his eyes were a little darker, the color in his eyes a little dull, and his knuckles looked bruised—whatever he’d been pummeling and knocking away at must’ve packed a punch. 
“Hermosa, hey.” 
Yet somehow he seems relaxed at the sight of you and you offer him the first real smile he’s seen since you met.
“Uh, got the files.” You force them out of your hands and into his, feeling like if you held onto them any longer they would burst into flames. You weren’t sure of the validity or importance of them, but you didn’t want to hold the responsibility any longer. “Everything…okay? Steve said—“
“Yeah. Bad info.” Javier says simply, “Doesn’t really matter.”
You nod slowly, fidgeting with your fingers behind your back, “You know,” and here was your attempt, “when Steve pulled up I joked about how this has to be the first time I’ve seen that parking spot empty since I’ve been here. Too bad my car is a piece of shit and I couldn’t even move it to take it back.”
Javier opens his door wider, bare feet sticking wetly against the wood floor as he moves. He clears his throat, a small chuckle that feels like a giant victory. But, he seems eager—no, antsy, ready to flee.
“Shit, you were going out, weren’t you?” He notices the quick glance you give to his frame, never lingering for too long on one spot. “Bebidas, chicas—that’s how you guys usually celebrate, right?” (drinks, girls)
“Nothing to celebrate,” Javier replies nonchalantly, “they all went home, so.”
Javier glances back inside his apartment briefly, wallet and keys resting on the countertop, shirt thrown over the barstool by the island. 
You both speak at the same time, his head turning back when he hears your voice.
“Goodnight, Javi—“
“Did you want to come inside for a minute?”
You pause, watching his hard exterior melt further.
“Um, sure.”
Thus, the deafening click behind you as you step inside, watching as he tossed the files along the island, before disappearing briefly and returning without a towel, still also without a shirt. 
He looks perplexed, glancing over the files briefly.
“Do I wanna know?” You ask curiously, stepping alongside him before wandering a little further, glancing around his space.
It was polished, covered in dark furniture and normal amenities, perfectly plain. It looked half lived in, blanket thrown over the couch and a pillow shoved up against one side. Yet the open door down the hall showed a perfectly made bed. You don’t pry, but Javier can feel the judgment from a mile away. He switches the subject before it arises.
“It’s just work. Do you want something to drink?” He asks casually, sifting through his fridge, “Tento agua, jugo, cerveza…” (I have water, juice, beer)
“Beer is fine.”
Javier slides the beer into your hand a moment later, “So, what did Steve tell you?”
“Huh?” You ask, startled by his straightforwardness.
“I mean how much did he tell you about the, uh—the raid?” Javier implores casually, taking a swig from the bottle. 
“Oh, nothing really. I asked why he wasn’t there and he told me, but I didn’t try to pry.” You tell him honestly, “The less I know the better, right?”
“And here I am pulling you into that mess for the files,” He jokes, “thank you for that, cariño. Seriously.”
You leave out the extensive conversation you had with Steve about the man standing in front of you, and you hear the words haunting you, nagging at the back of your mind like a bad itch. 
You take a long sip of the beer, half dried hair falling over your shoulders as you tip your head back. Javier watches with careful eyes, arms leaning against the island, files pushed further aside. 
And suddenly, he seems normal. 
In fairness, you’ve never seen him in this environment. His home, his safety, but it’s a juxtaposition to the man you see at work everyday, walking past you with a smirk glued to his face.
Maybe it was only ever really directed at you, but there was always that urge to knock him down a peg. But, not here.
Blame it on your softness, your willingness to want to see the best in people, and how Javier was somehow the end all, be all of gorgeous men in Bogota—he sees the switch too.
The first bad decision was taking the job at the DEA office.
The second? Letting Javier Pena get under your skin so easily.
And between you both, there were enough bad decisions to keep you talking for a week.
What was one more?
He says your name, a dangerous word to leave his mouth at a time like this.
It’s a warning. An opportunity, his last chance to back away before you both did something stupid. He trashes his empty bottle as he makes his way to you, slipping your own from your grip and onto the nearest flat surface, some mantle or shelf, Javier isn’t sure.
“Do you still hate me?”
It feels like the most ridiculous question to ask, but he needs to hear the answer. Because if you did, he’d back off immediately, walk you back to your apartment, and apologize for ruining your life more than he already had.
But, the other part is praying, hoping that you don’t. 
“I don’t know.”
“Did you always know it was me?” He asks softly.
You huff out a short laugh, “What?”
“The car—I mean, I drove it everyday. I wasn’t trying to hide it.”
Your eyes narrow slightly, letting him invade your space, a hand ghosting over your hip, under your shirt carefully, fingertips dancing along your hip.
“You’re not the only guy up there who drives that car, Javi—how was I supposed to know? Are you saying you were doing it purposefully, hoping it bothered me?”
“No,” Javier answers honestly, “but it’s a little fascinating to see you so angry.”
“You should probably elaborate on that unless you feel like seeing it up-close.” You tell him out of pure annoyance, perturbed by the game he was playing.
If he wanted to fuck you, he should just say it.
“You smile all day at those guys, even when they make comments about you in front of your face.” And you’ll hand it to Javier, he’s never been that disrespectful. He appreciates women, and he can be severely pissed off with one, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to trash her in front of anyone else, especially not in front of her. “But, I see it—that little scrunch in between your eyes when they piss you off.”
“It’s my job to be friendly.”
Javier watches the expressive lines between your brow start to form.
Javier shifts you slightly, back pressed to his bare chest as his fingertips settle against your skin, just under the ends of your shirt, and despite the ongoing conversation you can’t help but melt against him. 
“I saw it that day when you were standing by my car,” Javier continues, “es linda.” (it's cute)
“Javier,” It's a sigh of discontent, of impatience, and he feels the twitch in your body as you turn your head to look at him over your shoulder, feeling like you were seeing him as a completely different person, yet still somehow the same, “we really don’t have to drag this out.”
He hums softly, pressing a slow kiss against the side of your neck, the soft thrum of your heartbeat against his lips as he stays there, lingers. 
“I’m not mad anymore , I’m not upset,” It feels like rambling, but you needed to clear the air, “Just—fuck, I can’t do slow, Javi.”
Slow meant more time to overthink, to feel, and you didn’t want any of that.
“Looks like I didn’t need to leave after all,” Javier laughs against your skin, “tengo a mi chica aquí.” (I have my girl here)
And fuck if you weren’t eager to throw every rule and inhibitions out the window for him.
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His bed is just as pristine and untouched as when you entered his apartment, his fingers digging into your thighs firmly, keeping you in place where you were spread out over his lap.
Javier’s thrown off kilter for a moment as you grip his chin, tasting the wide expanse of tanned skin, biting playfully at the sharp edge of his jawline, right by the spot under his ear that has him fighting to stay focus. 
Game recognize game, Javier had really met his match.
“Gatita mala,” He tuts, the warmth of his palms spreading over your back, top bare as his thumbs eventually meet the underside of your breasts, rubbing gently until he sees you keen into the touch, “more?” (bad kitty)
You nod eagerly, his eyes never leaving you, not even as he leans forward, mouth at your breasts until he finally takes the leap and licks, nipple pebbling underneath his tongue, bottom lip dragging against the flesh until he can take you into his mouth fully.
The warmth spreads like a flood, twisting at your insides, begging for something more.
“Javi,” You release on a sigh, fingers drifting through the hair at the back of his head as he hums, a soft noise of acknowledgment, “I need you to fuck me.”
“You sure?” He murmurs, mouthing up the center of your chest, latching onto your neck gently before pulling away, his teeth grazing against your chin as he bites. “Tu quieres esto, bebita? (You want this, baby?)
“I don’t need you to be kind, Javier.” You tell him forthright, staring down at him through your lashes, his hands still rubbing a hot pattern into your skin, whatever remnants of your sleep shorts that were left already pushed high up your legs. “You weren’t trying this hard before.”
“What are you saying then?” He asks, following your lips as you pull back, eying you inquisitively as you find his gaze, pulling him in.
Your eyes darken under the light, the streetlight outside of his window flickering faintly, “We don’t need to act like we’re friends,” You explain, “we’re not.”
There’s a long, lingering moment of silence as your thumb rubs along his bottom lip, soothing the natural pout he always held.
“We want the same thing, right?” You ask softly, feeling his hands settle against your lower back, a soft nudge as he presses you against him, not enough contact to satisfy but it stalls you a moment, watching him calculate a response. 
Everything he feels like he needs to say never comes, only a nod of confirmation, a clear switch in his eyes as you drag yourself down to his level, pushing him even further, deeper into the back of his couch. 
“Good,” You speak to him, lips grazing against his own as you speak, “because getting those files was a pain in the ass and I deserve a lot more than a thank you.”
You soon realize that this version of Javier is hard to deny something when he works for it, pulling at the short strands of his hair as he descends down the couch, to the floor, leaving wet kisses along the way, feeling your body quiver as he reaches your inner thigh, face pinching together in conflicting frustration as you shake your head.
“Javi, you don’t need to,” You quickly assure him, yanking his head away gently, his cheek resting against your thigh as he stares up at you, big brown eyes fixated on your face, “I’m not—“
“Humor me?” Javier counters, flashing you a tired smile, barely recognizable under this light.
You sigh heavily, mostly to release the tension of your anxiety-ridden nerves, gasping as his tongue meets your clit with no preamble.
It forces out a small laugh, involuntarily, his tongue lapping through your center before pressing a kiss against the inside of your thigh, fingers replacing his mouth for a beat. 
“Tan dulce,” Javier comments absently, working you up easily, moving his fingers at an angle that even you couldn’t reach with your own hands, spine curving up as you pressed your palm out flat behind you, the grip in his hair tightening as he welcome the soft sounds you made, rubbing his thumb along your clit in a slow circle, “como el azúcar.” (So sweet, like sugar)
Your response is feeble, a throaty moan that has Javi’s cock straining against his jeans, reaching down to relieve the pressure as he unbuttons them.
“Why deny this?” He asks curiously, crazy enough to try and hold a coherent conversation with you while his face was buried in your cunt. “It’s the best part.”
He spreads you wider then, thick hands coming up to force your thighs over his shoulder, supporting the lower half of your body entirely as he devours, growling against your cunt.
The sound has you fluttering around his tongue and Javier feels it, bookmarking that for later. 
“Fuck me,” You gasp out in a rush when you start to feel the edges of your orgasm creeping up on you, “god, Javi—“
But, there’s something unspoken there as he pulls away, the subtle shake of your legs, not wanting to feel selfish and even a little embarrassed for coming like this, so easy and quick under his touch. Be it experience but he knew what you needed even more than yourself, everywhere to touch, squeeze, linger for just the right amount of time.
“Look at me,” He demands, eyes flicking toward his without question as he slowly pushes a finger inside, filling the loss from earlier, thumb working against your clit until he feels it, “fuck, you like that?”
And as much as you wanted to deny it, he already knew the answer. 
You nod quickly, body feeling feverish as your leaned your weight into your hands, steadily pressed behind you as your hips rock up involuntarily.
“That’s right, hermosa.” Javi encourages softly, almost like a purr as the crest of your orgasm rises, flushing over you in waves as you gasp, reaching your hand forward to dig your fingers into his forearm, silently begging him to slow down. 
Eventually he does, pulling out gingerly but not before slipping the finger past his own lips, covered in the sweetness of you. He doesn’t make a big show of it, but it’s a small gesture that has your heart fluttering in your chest, a pain that aches deep. He does catch your gaze after a moment though, lazily explaining himself.
“What? I don’t lie.” He shrugs, thumb grazing against your bottom lip until you jerk your head away in frustration—coming here for nothing, but somehow twisting yourself up in the sheets on his couch, his solid figure tucked between your legs, and god, he’s not even wearing anything underneath his jeans. He rises up on his knees, denim hiding everything but the short patch of trimmed hair leading to his still, unfortunately clothed cock.
“Get on your knees.” He jerks his chin upwards and you’re moving without question, breathing a quiet sigh of relief as he moves behind you, shuffling around as he digs in a drawer beside his couch, shifting his jeans down until he can kick them the rest of the way, settling his hand over your hip in a comforting gesture, if anything, as he rips the foil packet with his teeth, pumping himself languidly.
He situates himself behind you, one knee pressed into the cushion while his other leg is planted against the floor, finding that once again, his hands couldn’t stop exploring your body, admiring every curve with us fingertips as he nudges you down and into the opposite cushion, palm pressed against the flat of your back as he lines himself up, pushing inside in one fluid motion, an audible groan breaking from his chest as he finally satiates his own desperate need for pleasure. 
He enjoys sex this way, prefers it, fulfilling that need to take and consume and fill his partner with pleasure, tell that it was okay to give up control. It's what Javier enjoyed the most, controlling the situation. But, even as he enters you, he feels at a disadvantage.
“Bebita, talk to me.” Javier speaks up from behind you, his gruff, gravely voice cutting through the silence. “Let me hear you.”
You gasp on a sharp thrust of his hips, the wet sound of your slick as it coats him, feeling perfectly stretched by the size of his cock, grip tightening on the cushion in front of you as you feel his hand explore higher, squeezing at the back of your neck to force you deeper into the surface, head turned enough that you catch his expression for a brief moment.
He’s admiring you with a heated, half-lidded gaze as his eyes wander the expanse of your back, settling over the point where you two meet, watching as he sinks into you again and again. But, it’s the grit of his teeth that drives you insane, fucking you with a ferocity that carries so much more than just needing a release. 
“Hablas demasiado, Javi.” You groan, feeling the soft pad of his thumb as it rubs at your jaw, earning a low chuckle in response. “You always talk this much with them?” (you talk too much)
He doesn’t need to pry to understand what you’re referring to—and he could act like it hurts his ego, and maybe it does, but he bites back at you just as quickly.
Your name graces his lips in a curse, a prayer, something akin to heavenly as he grips your hips tight, “You’re not them, bebita.”
It feels like a confession, but for your own sake, you ignore it, nodding blindly at his response.
“Fuck,” He growls, dragging a hand along your body until he settle it in the curve of your shoulder, pulling you back against him until you can’t stifle the sounds anymore, moaning out his name for the first time that night, “otra vez, let me hear it.” (again)
You gasp sharply at the sudden change in position, pulled tight to Javier’s chest in a similar position to earlier when you were standing in his kitchen, ultimately more intimate this way, with his mouthing at the shoulder that isn’t currently occupied by his hand, his arm slipping under yours and around the flesh to keep you in place while his mouth sucks at the skin on the opposite side, his name falling from your lips freely as he brings you to a second orgasm with no preamble, a quiet sound leaving you as the high is a little less intense, his fingers rubbing against the small bundle of nerves until you’re begging him to let up.
His breathing is short, hurried as his own orgasm is right there, free arm wrapping around your waist as he hugs you against him, mouthing at whatever parts of you he could reach.
“Gonna cum, bebita,” He warns, tracing a soft line under your breast with his finger until he’s squeezing the mound of it in his hand, “right here, can I?”
If you weren’t so drunk on your own pleasure you would’ve questioned it, but even then you weren’t sure you could deny him. You nod jerkily, feeling him unwind himself from you and guide you around with a steady hand, tapping at your side until he’s got you where he needs, kneeling a little lower, head lolling into his outstretched hand as he supports the weight, rubbing at the soft, tender spot behind your ear as he strokes himself quickly, head thrown back as he comes, moaning brokenly as the feeling overtakes him, spilling carefully onto your chest, your own eyes threaten to shut out of exhaustion but not daring to deny yourself the sight of him, neck outstretched and straining, veins protruding on the side as he swallows hard, gasping as he finally comes back down. 
He feels you move to stand but urges you back down, “Stay,” He tells you softly, “I'll be back.”
And he’s not gone more than a few moments before he’s returning with a small towel, wearing a pair of sleep pants he must’ve grabbed from his room first, taking long strides to meet you as he cleans up the mess quietly, his face a little perplexed as he does so, watching as you move to grab your discarding clothing in the process.
“Any chance this convinced you to give me my spot now?” You joke lightly, catching the grin that spreads across Javi’s face, unconstrained. 
“You wish, cariño.”
The silence settles as you redress yourself, mindful of Javier’s heavy gaze as he ascends back toward the work in his kitchen, giving you the space you needed.
“Same time mañana?” Javier asks suddenly, gaze landing on you as he scratches at his cheek, examining a paper within the stack of folders. (tomorrow?)
And you’re mentally cursing yourself for the small moment of hesitation you have in answering before Javier’s grin is growing again, releasing a short laugh in amusement at your obvious confusion.
“I meant for work,” He clarifies, “do you need a ride?”
“Oh—yeah,” You shrug indifferently, “I guess.”
The stare that Javier holds is mesmerizing, the type that freezes you in place and holds you hostage. 
“Good,” He nods, “—but you know the other offer still stands if you want to.”
“Goodnight, Javi.” You reply with an eye roll, an empty response that holds no hatred.
Javier steps forward in your path, a subtle smirk on his face as he presses a kiss to the side of your head, a gesture that comforts you more than you’re expecting.
“Goodnight, gatita.”
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Gatita = kitten
Cariño, Hermosa = both mostly terms of endearment (ie. beautiful, sweetheart)
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Please consider a reblog if you enjoyed this fic! It’s makes a huge difference. ♡
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enthuoverfanfics · 15 days
heartfelt losses
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*credits to owner of gif- u be amazing
-d.m x gryffindor!reader (tho not much mention is made)
a/n: hey guys! don't even think we are a guys yet but still, hey other draco obsessed people! legit the first time i'm writing like a note note so pls just bear with my rambling. also the first time i've written full fledged dialogues- also hardcore struggled getting past two paras- so yea. okie then. bye.
summary: draco loses a quidditch game and is comforted by his girlfriend.
it was the last game of the term. gryffindor and slytherin would face off to end a rivalry which would continue to flourish long after the current batch passed out and the next was enrolled.
all eyes were on the two teams' seekers, harry potter and draco malfoy, all intrigued to see who would triumph. just as the last fifteen seconds remained, harry clutched the golden orb between his glove donned hands, the gryffindors bursting with cheer to bask in their victory.
draco rushed past the crowd of rowdy students in the stadium stands, all decked out in red coloured robes as they celebrated gryffindor's glorious victory over slytherin.
many shooted him menacing smiles and hurled a few choice words at him, earning a withering scowl and a restrained, "fuck you very much too, you dipshits." in response.
but draco for one was only focussed on finding a certain brunette who had the tiniest little slytherin flag clutched between her fingers, probably hiding it beneath the sleeves of her jacket in an attempt to fend off the never ending taunts from her beloved friends.
at last his eyes met her green orbs, ones he usually adored, but right now they only seemed to elevate his humiliation, his failure staring back at him. nonetheless he pushed aside a few pesky gryffindors shouting their lungs out in excitement.
for he could only focus on her comforting smile, a sight that truly almost made him break down. he head towards her like a man starved, his body yearning to be enveloped by hers.
at last he reached.
"hi.", she said with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.
"hey baby." he replied, with a reluctant one of his own, arms finally taking their rightful place around her waist, face burying into the crook of her neck as he let out a shaky exhale. the whole world seemed to fade away in that very moment.
the disgruntled looks on his teammate's faces and the burden that crushed his heart seemed to recede as he felt y/n's hands soothing over his back, her whispers of
"it's okay draco. it's okay. you did so well. i-i'm so so proud of you."
he only crushed her more tightly.
"let's go. please- please y/n. let's get away from here. I can't stay here anymore.", he begged in anguish.
she immediately nodded in agreement. hand delicately slipping down to intertwine with his. they remained tightly interlocked till they at last reached his prefect's dorm. he fastened the lock in haste and let out a deep sigh as he leaned against it, turning to see her switching on the bedside lamp, casting a warm glow over the whole room. she immediately opened her arms and he eagerly walked into them, a watery smile on his face.
he hugged her with such force that she was forced to step back till she reached the foot of his bed, clearing a few potions books out of the way. immediately being tackled by draco, a small giggle exiting her mouth at his playful antics.
he crawled to the headboard as he situated her head on top of one of the satin covered pillows, practically laying on top of her as he set his head on her chest, her hands coming to sift through his silver streaks.
an amused grin on her face, surprised to see him being clingy, an attribute of his he very rarely displayed, always reserving such unbridled affection for special occasions.
"so", he started, lightly clearing his throat. y/n's eyes glinted with sympathy. "we lost. i- i still can't believe it y/n . i swear i tried so hard. we all did. getting up at five every morning, practicing hours after the sun had already set. i-i know it isn't that big of a deal. but still. it was our last game. us losing just- just feels like they beat us once and for all you know?"
gently lifting up his head, she forced him to meet her unwavering gaze. "i know baby-i know, but still, you did so well. now that you have lost, don't you dare let your whole experience with quidditch be defined by it.
for the past seven years, the whole time we've been together, i've never seen you as happy as you are after returning from practice.
except every moment spent with me of course", she added. "of course," he agreed with exaggerated vigour, head flailing.
"anyway, even if you come back drenched with sweat, limbs aching, and body battered and bruised, i see the blinding grin on your face, how it makes it all worth it. don't let this stupid as fuck rivalry ruin quidditch for you. because it's more than just a game, the field is, your teammates are, your home."
a single tear managed to escape his eye, before he harshly hurried to wipe them. "i love you. so much.", he murmured, just as his head was buried in the skin of her stomach.
"i love you too dray." she whispered back. "now, please sleep. god knows you need it after the blow you got from oliver."
she received a tight pinch to her forearm in return. but soon she felt his heartbeat calm, and soft snores emerge from his pliant stature, as he drifted to slumber.
her own little quidditch champion.
to those who reached the end: a heartfelt thank u for supporting this random af endeavour of mine and bearing with this painfully amateur writing for my fav slytherin boy!!!
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muxas-world · 3 months
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Yo te quiero para siempre , pero siempre es hoy (i love you forever ...th forever is today)
Gustavo cerati/ there is no absolution for the fallen,only the dying I p.d
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Next stop... Manchester
a/n: I had to rewrite it but it's okay. Feedback is really appreciated by the way
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*Not my PIC*
Pairing: Chloe Kelly x Léon!Reader; Mapi Léon x sister!reader; Ella Toone + Georgia Stanway x Female!Reader (besties)
Type: Fluff
Warning: nothing
words count: 3334
London - Manchester. Manchester - London. Whatever the direction, it became a usual trip for you during those recent years. Well, dating a Citizen player while you played for Chelsea, and let's not talk about the fact that you played for Spain and her England, meant you had to make compromises sometimes. 
You came to the WSL in the 2017-18 season; you played for Everton after some good seasons at Athletico Madrid. There you met Chloe; everything was new for you, so she helped you install yourself in the country. She showed you a lot of places, and you met a lot of people who'd become part of the England squad. At the end of the 19/20 season, you moved from Liverpool to London, where you signed a contract with the Blues.
At Chelsea, everything was good except when you had to play in the Champions League finals against your sister and her team. Unfortunately for the London club, you got injured in the semifinal. Without  one of their best defenders in their squad, the Blues lost against FC Barcelona. Except that the other worst moments was when you played against your girlfriend; you know how good she is, and it's really difficult for anyone to defend against her (except McCabe, but she's not really defending).
After three years in the capital's club, you received some interesting offers from different clubs: Bayern, Wolfsburg, Real Madrid, and even Lyon, but you decided to join another club in blue, well, sky blue. But your girlfriend is totally unaware of that, like almost everyone else, because you wanted to surprise her.
Today was a particular day; the Lionesses should take a flight to Australia the next day, and your girlfriend decided to spend her free time with you. It was still early in the morning when your phone started buzzing next to you. It was disturbing, but you didn't want to wake up yet until the woman next to you groaned.
"Y/n, I swear if you don't tell whoever texted you to shut up, I'll throw your phone through the window." Chloe said with her head pressed harder against the pillow.
"Calmate hermosa; I'll check that." You said before grabbing your phone to see a lot of messages from more people than you expected. 
¿Vienes a casa para vacaciones?(Are you coming home for vacation?)
Leila[8:30 a.m]:
The girls know
Ella[8:40 a.m]:
Please tell me you don't join the wrong side
Lauren[8:42 a.m]:
are you really coming?
I need to tell Chloe
Niamh[8:43 a.m]:
Sam and Guro are still pouting
Mama P[8:44 a.m]:
Jessie is still crying you need to do something
Mama M[8:44 a.m]:
Don't forget your sunscreen
Mama P[now]:
Magda reminds you to not forget your sunscreen
"Who are they?" The blonde was a little more awake than earlier.
"Just Magda and Pernille...and Niamh and Mapi." You replied before quickly texting, 'don't tell anything to Chloe; it's not official' to Ella and Lauren.
"Okay, now come back to sleep with me." The winger said, but you reluctantly declined the proposition.
"I really want that, but the girls are coming for lunch and I need to cook something," the Mancunian groaned and grabbed her phone.
"It's only 9 a.m."
"Yeah, I know, but I also have to call my sister and make our breakfast." You informed her and kissed her forehead before leaving the bedroom.
Chloe wanted to go back to sleep, but she couldn't without you, so she just checked her notifications and saw a text from Lauren.
Lauren[8:43 a.m]:
I have a big surprise for you
Chloe [8:57 a.m]:
I heard someone say that we will pair together for the world cup
Like always🙄
Your girlfriend knew there was something that her friend didn't tell her, but she didn't want to push her. When the winger finally came to the kitchen, she saw you cook with one of her Manchester City training kits. She approached you carefully, wrapped her arms around your waist, and landed her head on your shoulder.
"How can I help you?" She asked you.
"Just sit and look pretty." You commanded.
A few minutes later, Chole was sitting on the kitchen counter scrolling through TikTok while you were cooking. Everything was good until she found a tik-tok talking about the departure of Ona. It was not surprising at first, but the video caught her attention when the person behind it started to speculate about your possible departure to join Barcelona too. Of course, some fans had theories about you coming back to Spain after a lot of years in England.
You were too focused to not burn your breakfast and texted your sister that you hadn't noticed your girlfriend looking at you suspiciously; honestly, some theories started to gain her attention. She knew that last season you denied the offer of a Spanish team that wanted you, justifying it by the fact that you wanted to finish your contract with the Blues, but now what is keeping you in England?
"Babe? What do you think about going to Barcelona?" The winger asked you.
You took a moment to think about it. "Uh, I don't know; we need to schedule for the next season and wait until you come back from Australia, hopefully with a trophy, and I also need to ask Maps if it's good for her to let us stay in her apartment." You explained, totally unaware of the true meaning behind this simple question.
"Oh, okay." There was a little silence; she continued to scroll on her phone until you finished your episode. You turned your eyes off your phone and made your way to the blonde, leaving some kisses on her face, making the English girl giggle. "What are you doing?"
"I'm hungry." You replied.
"But you're cooking."
"Yes, and I finished it, so let's do something together." You finished your sentence with a trail of kisses from her lips to her neck.
"Babe, the girls are coming in 2 hours." She stopped you.
"I know."
"And you just cook the breakfast."
"I think I can do something in a little more than an hour, so let's have a little time for us." You said lifting her from the chair made her yelp and almost let her phone slip.
"Twenty minutes." She whispered firmly, just a few centimeters away from your lips.
"Twenty minutes." You agreed before leading her to the bedroom.
Twenty minutes later, you were both in the bathroom taking a bath, and she was sitting in front of you with her back against your chest. You were playing with her hands and the water, trying to steal some kisses between her giggles.
"Did you finish packing your things?" You asked, and she hummed to reply. "Are you sure? Did you pack some tissues? Alana said it was really cold there during this period of the year."
"Yes, don't worry. I checked everything twice." She replied, you wanted to say something, but she cut you off. "No, I'll not unpack everything to let you check." She prevented you.
You sighed and landed your head on her shoulder. "I'm just worried, mi corazon. The last time you flew somewhere without me, you almost forgot your passport." You reminded her, and she chuckled.
"Yes, but don't worry, Lauren will not let it happen again." She joked, and you nodded.
"Okay, I love being here with you, but we will have a lot of hungry girls in one hour, and I need to start to cook." You said getting out of the bathtub.
"How can I help you now?" Chloe asked again.
You thought a moment before replying, "Nothing; just stay there and look good for me." You said and gave her a little on her forehead.
"There is someone who's really looking good right now." She replied with a flirtatious tone.
"Pervert!" You shot just before taking your towel and leaving the room.
An hour later, you were finishing a paella request by almost every girl while you were making conversation with the citizen until someone rang at the door. When Chloe opened the door, she was met with none less than ten girls chatting loudly. You smiled when you heard the noises coming from the living room. You didn't have time to go to the kitchen before hearing two voices enter the room.
"Y/n!!" Georgia called you very excited.
"Why do you always look surprised to see me, knowing I almost live here?" You asked and accepted her hug.
"I missed you." The midfielder said.
"Me too, pequeña soldadera (little warrior)." 
"You still use this Spanish nickname?" 
"Always." You said with a cocky smile before walking to the other girl in the room. "Hola, I didn't think you would come." You said to Leila, your national teammates, well, not anymore because you were one of 'The 15'.
"Where do you want me to be? I mean, I'll never say no to free food and cooking by the best Spanish cooker in Manchester, no, in England." The older defender said.
"You say it because Ona came back to Barça?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Maybe." She replied, almost questioning herself; you gasped and playfuly slapped her arm.
"Don't worry, Y/n, you're still my favourite Spanish cooker." Georgia said while the three of you were joining the others in the kitchen.
"You say that because you don't have any Spanish teammates in Munich." You replied, and the girls laughed.
In the living room, there were more guests than you planned. There were Ella Toone, Alessia Russo, Maya Le Tissier, Katie Zelem, and Mary Earps, your Manchester's players friends—well, it was no longer valid for Alessia—and there were Chloe's City's teammates: Alana Kennedy, Lauren Hemp, Alex Greenwood, Laila Ouahabi, Laia Alexandri, and Esme Morgan. And some pluses: Keira Walsh and Lucy Bronze were here because they were ex-city players; McKenzie Arnold, who was brought by Alana (you always liked her, so why not); and of course your best friend Georgia Stanway, who brought Leah Williamson to complete their famous trio.
"Now that I see it from here, it's a lot of people." Laila said.
"You even invited some people who don't play for Manchester." Georgia commented, referring to McKenzie and Leah. You and the defender just looked at her before exchanging a confused look.
"A veces me pregunto cómo se hicieron mejores amigos. (Sometimes I'm really wondering how you two became best friends.)" The older woman said to you.
"¿Por qué? técnicamente no es falso. (Why? Technically, it's not false.)" You replied before a body crashed against you. "Wow, calmate Ella." You said laughing a little.
"Please tell me you'll choose the right Manchester." The offensive midfielder whispered to you with a big pout.
"Uh, yes? I mean, yeah, but why do you ask?"
"The girls find an article saying that since Ona made her comeback in Barcelona, you could leave too." Alessia informed you. In the corner of the couch, almost no one noticed, but Chloe tensed when she heard what Alessia said—almost no one because Laia wrapped an arm around the winger to ease her mind.
"Okay, I don't know what you're talking about, but let's eat because it'll get cold." You avoided the question, and that didn't go unnoticed by three players.
After eating in a very good atmosphere, you spent all your time cuddling Chloe and making jokes with Leah and Laila about the fact that you weren't selected for the World Cup. Some girls decided to watch a movie, and you happily agreed. You were in the kitchen making some snacks when you heard someone clearing their throats. Before hearing some footsteps, you turned around to see Ella, Georgia, and Laila exchanging looks.
"Are you alright, girls?" You asked a little confused.
"Y/n, can we talk?" The Red Devil asked a little shyly.
"Yeah, I just need to give this to the girls." You said referring to the plate of snacks in front of you.
"Yes, of course, we will wait." Georgia said you noticed something strange in her tone, but you didn't question it. Only two minutes later, you were back in the room with the three women.
You sat beside Ella in front of Georgia and Laila. "Is there something wrong?" You asked when none of them spoke.
"Y/n, we've known each other for a long time now, don't we?" Ella asked, and you nodded.
You clearly remember the day you met her for the first time and the time you became friends. It was during the season 17/18, you just left Athletico Madrid to try your luck in England at Everton. There you met Chloe for the first time, and it instantly clicked; it was love at first sight. For Tooney, you met her the first time you played against her, when she was playing for the other team in Manchester.
For Georgia, you met her in the street of the city before you saw her again on the pitch, but she was very kind with you, and for someone who had been in a new country for only a few months, you were very grateful. She helped you progress in English, and she even gave you some advice with your girlfriend when she was just your crush.
And for Laila, you met her for the first time while you visited your sister in Spain while she was playing for Barça. When you made your first step on the senior national team, she helped you (with your sister, Jeni, and Alexia, of course) with everything and every question, and you both play as defenders, so you trained together. When she came to Manchester, Mapi made a promise to take care of you, even if it was you who helped her the most when she was still installing.
"Yeah?" You replied, a little unsure of where it would end.
"So can you be honest with us? So about earlier, you know we will not be angry if you leave." Laila reassured you.
"Yeah, I know it's just that everything is complicated, and I don't want to leave Chloe." You said. Talking about her, your girlfriend was about to make her way in the kitchen, but she stopped when she heard her name. She knew it was very bad, but she couldn't help herself.
"Is it Barcelona?" Georgia asked, and you nodded, making the midfielder grumble, "Why do they want you when they already signed Ona?" 
"Because we didn't play at the same position." You said. "But they're not the only ones who made offers. There are also Wolfsburg and Paris Saint Germain." 
"Why don't you come with me to Bayern?" 
"No, if you need to leave, you should come to Manchester City."
"Or you can join me here."
"Okay girls, let's forget about it; they gave me until the end of the month to accept it or not. Now, let's just watch a movie and chill until you have to leave." You stopped their debate. Before you could see her, Chloe quickly came back on the couch beside Lauren, and you sat on her other side.
The rest of the day, your girlfriend seemed preoccupied by something, but she refused to tell you what.
The lunch was very cool; everybody was happy, and the girls didn't split anything. The next day, the girls had to leave, and you had a flight to Spain that you couldn't miss.
Your holidays were pretty good; you were just enjoying life with your sister, but somewhere you were missing your girlfriend. Because the World Cup was in New Zealand and Australia, you weren't awake at the same time.
On the other side of the world, Chloe was missing you, really missing you. She could handle every time you spent your holiday in Spain with your family, but now it wasn't a holiday for her, and you should be here with your national team. Unfortunately for her, every time she thought she couldn't miss you more, Lauren James, and Niamh were talking about you.
For you, after a week and a half in Spain, you had to fly back to England before going to Australia. You arrived in Australia between two matches of the Lionesses and, more importantly, just two days before the public training.
Knowing you would come to their training session, Lauren Hemp and Ella couldn't stop teasing Chloe about how much she missed you.
At the training, everyone was more focused knowing that it was public. You successfully found a place not so far from the ground as to not be immediately recognized. Chloe nailed it pretty well; she had only one thing on her mind: finish this and quickly come back to the hotel to call you.
When training finished, the citizen stayed behind to talk with fans and take pictures. She was not alone because Georgia and Ella were following her and, most importantly, looking for you. Stopping in front of a group of girls, the three started to do as usual until something caught Georgia's attention.
"Hey, look at that," she said to Ella, holding a Manchester City shirt someone gave her.
"It's the new one." Ella commented, and the Red Devil turned the shirt to find a big surprise. The two midfielders exchanged a confused look before looking at the crowd and finally seeing you.
"No way," Georgia whispered.
"It's a betrayal." You saw Ella mouthing Being too focused on you, they didn't see their teammates coming until the shirt slipped out of the Bayern player's hand.
"Where did you find that?" Chloe asked, but she didn't wait for answers before starting to sign it. It was just after she finished that she decided to look at the back. She paused for a moment. She thought it was a mistake or just a joke until she heard someone speak.
"I hope you like my surprise." You said this after you noticed she was too stunned to speak. Hearing your voice brought the winger back to reality; she looked at you, more surprised and happy than she ever was.
She didn't wait too long before she trapped you in a bone-crushing hug. You stayed like this for a few seconds until she pulled away, immediately closing the gap between you with a lovely kiss.
"I missed you too, mi corazon." You said after you pulled away when oxygen was needed.
"But what are you doing here, and most importantly, what is this?" She asked and showed you the shirt she just signed.
"Let's just say that I have a new team, and I wanted to announce it to you before you see it on the internet." You replied.
"So it's not a joke? We'll really play together next season?" She asked like it was the most unthinkable thing in the world.
"Yes, we will." You confirmed.
"But, Barcelona, and your sister?"
"Well, yeah, I'm really impatient to play with my sister again, but I think it can wait a little longer. And technically, I'm more related to Athletico Madrid than Barça."
"I don't know what to say. It's incredible; I would never believe that this day would come." She cupped your face and pressed her lips against yours just before being interrupted by her teammate.
"Traitor!" Ella yelled, making you laugh.
"Don't worry, I have another one for you." You said before throwing a shirt at her. She made a fake disgusting face, making you laugh again.
"I only keep it because you're my best friend." The United's players informed you.
"Yeah, yeah, but don't forget you also played for them."
"Sorry, I can't hear you." She said with her hands pressing against her ears.
"Okay, now I think you need to go, but don't worry, I'll come stay there to hopefully see you lift the trophy." You said to your girlfriend before giving her a last peck on the lips.
"I already miss you." The blonde striker said.
"I know; now go and win this for us." 
"I promise."
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wclfwiife · 2 years
Rehab sucks - pt 1
“Up and at ‘em, girl.” the voice, much too loud for this ungodly hour, rang out through the dark hospital like room. It cut through the white noise from the walls like a knife slicing through her skull as she slowly tripped back into consciousness. 
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“Ugh,” she groaned, her hands shooting up to cover her eyes as the staff member pulled her curtains open. “Leave it.” Ash hissed, the photosensitivity part of her detox kicked in hard and already having not been a huge fan of immediately being sucker punched by the sun anyway, the head-achey woman was irked by this to say the least. “I prefer the dark.” 
The staff member denied her request for darkness, walking towards her with a tray holding the familiar little plastic cup of pills sat beside a plate of plain toast, dry scrambled eggs, and 2 bigger plastic cups, one half filled with apple juice and one with water. She’d have rolled her eyes if her head didn’t hurt so much. It seemed counterintuitive really, giving the drug addict more drugs to detox off the original drugs. Only in America, probably. Seemed like a very America thing to instill. They claim its for comfort during the detoxification process but to her, it seemed like just another insurance scam because they sure as fuck weren’t helping her feel better the past few days. The nausea wasn’t better, the headaches weren’t duller, her fluctuating temperature and chills did not get less painful so in her humble opinion, the doctors here long with their oh-so-caring staff could take these pills and suppository them right up their--- 
“Morning medicine time, c’mon. I cant leave till you shove these down your throat or I do.” His voice once again sliced into he skull right through her last thought, resulting in an extremely pointed glare from the young woman. “Be my guest. Your throat seems to need them more than mine does.” She shot back, well aware that his threat was aimed at her but it wasn’t in her to let anyone who thought hair gel was meant to be seen as a top layer boss her around. 
He shoved the pills closer to her rather violently, as if to strengthen the threat. “You wanna go to jail? We all know you’re in here to keep outta the big house, girl, so do yourself the favor and just take the damn meds.” 
“If I want to detox dry, I can.” She pushed the cup back in his direction before crossing her arms. “They said I gotta detox, they didn’t say I have to take any of your bullshit. Or your pills.” 
The man she came to know as Ted, although endearingly preferred to call him dick head (it did rhyme after all, just a moniker to help remember his name, really), was clearly getting impatient at this point. He pulled a syringe from his pocket and grabbed her arm roughly. “Hey!” she yelled, yanking her arm as hard as she could to release his grasp but he only tightened it. “Let go of me! What the fuck!? Let me go, you big fucking oaf, get the fuck off o’ me!” She kept writhing and tugging her limb in hopes to get free but the more she struggled the harder he gripped around her upper arm. He said something about making him strap her down and something else about it hurting more if she struggled but he didn’t say what was inside the syringe in his opposite hand. She kept making a scene hoping to catch the attention of someone outside the door and to her relief, the doorknob lowered and another staff member, Pete, rushed in. “Oh my God, please, help me, he’s fuckin’ crazy, please, get this asshole off me, he’s n---” The relief however, was short lived when Pete asked what was happening and instead of helping Ash, he too came to hold her down. “What the fuck are you doing?” She screamed at Pete, now strapping her other arm down at her bedside and moving to strap her legs down. Ash wasn’t a weak girl by any means, but these two grown men tag teaming her while she was in a weakened state was clearly an unfair fight. 
“What are you waiting for?” Pete spat to Ted in a hushed, urgent sounding tone.  Ted grimaced as he strapped her left arm down, tighter than the other restraints were drawn, and pointed to her pill cup with the needle. “She wouldn’t take her damn meds. She’s supposed to take the meds first.” “Well make her take them then. What, ya got a crush on this one? Going soft on us?” Ted snorted, pulling the strap harder, tightening the already too tight restraint on her left wrist and she winced as her skin pinched as it twisted and her bones felt like they were in a vice.
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“I’m not gettin’ into shit from Doctor Douchebag because the ratios are wrong and the whole thing gets fucked. The meds are supposed to be first.” He stressed again, pointing to the untaken pills on the tray once more. “Jesus Christ,” Pete shook his head, frustrated and moved back up towards her face and picked up the small cup with almost too much of that frustration as they almost flew out of it and onto the bed and floor.  “Nice job, dumbass.”  “Shut the fuck up!” Pete, who usually had a calmer demeanor than Ted, which she now realized was obviously an act or he truly had the shortest fuse known to man, repositioned himself so he could grab her jaw and keep it in place as she turned her head violently away from him until he grabbed a fistful of her hair at the base of her neck and wrenched backwards. She hissed at the pain, trying to keep her mouth shut as the plastic cup was being shoved at her lips. Pete kept pushing the cup at her mouth, muttering angry words until Ted grabbed her face, pushing his thumb and index fingers into opposite cheeks, prying her teeth open from the outside like trying to give an animal a pill who wouldn’t unclench its jaw. He finally got her mouth open just enough for Pete to throw the pills in. 
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Three differently shaped pills of varying sizes spilled across her tongue, playing a disgusting tasting game of tag as she tried to spit them out or at least hide them in her cheeks or under her tongue until Pete, the stupid jerk, also poured the water into her mouth, giving her no choice but to swallow or essentially choke to death on both as her head was still pulled backwards leaving the pills and liquid nowhere to go but down. She coughed violently as it all made its way roughly down her throat, it felt like all three pills rolled oddly down her trachea threatening to get stuck at the odd angle she was being held in. When Pete finally let go, she threw herself forward, still strapped to her bed, gasping for breath and choking on the awkward liquid, air, and pills. She wanted so badly to throw up or rub her throat at least, or even just her scalp where his fingers clutched her hair so tightly she was sure he took a few strands with him. 
“You’re both sick bastards,” she muttered through heavy breaths, still fighting against the restraints as best she could but her headache had easily turned into a full blown migraine at this point and the movement was agonizing. Ted took this moment to stab her bicep with the mystery needle and almost immediately the room was no longer still and the two men, who she could realistically presume were not swaying at the foot of her bed, were definitely swaying as he head and eyelids became heavier and heavier until the moving wavy room just turned black. The two staff members waited until they were sure she was out, although didn’t bother undoing her restraints as Ted shoved the used syringe back into his pocket and the men took their leave, quietly bickering on their way out.
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