beastsovrevelation · 11 months
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"I want a world without the hypocrisy. With the kinds of people who wouldn't just eat from the fruit of the forbidden tree but who'd cut the fucking tree down and burn it for firewood. I think you're made for that world, Mallory. I sense it in you."
American Horror Story: Apocalypse ("Forbidden Fruit")
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inevitablemoment · 6 months
Chapter 4: Trying To Know Somebody I Never Met
Mallory fills Ellen in on what has happened in the past few years.
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7-wonders · 5 months
Michael Langdon x Reader (Mad Love Act II, Chapter XVI)
Summary: It's all led to this, and now, you have to face off against Michael to get your world back.
Word Count: 6.3k
A note from the author: This chapter is so, so dark. Sorry? Also, this chapter relies a lot on the she/her pronouns this story was first started with btw. (more notes at the end)
I noticed when posting this that it looks like the previous chapter didn't load a lot of tags. If you got tagged in this and are like "wait how did we get to the fight already?" you missed the last chapter! Click on the Mad Love Masterlist to read Chapter 35. :)
Content warnings for this chapter include graphic depictions of injury and death. Reader discretion is advised.
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Mad Love Masterlist
Mallory warned you prior to leaving your room that the residents of Outpost 3 were all dead, murdered at the hands of Ms. Venable and her poisoned apples (you try not to dwell on your own poisoned apple experience). All the preparation in the world doesn’t prepare you for the shock of seeing two dead bodies, those of Coco and Dinah, in the large foyer of the Outpost. Shock turns to revulsion as one of Mallory’s friends and other witches yanks a knife out of Coco’s skull with little more than a wince. When she stands, she points the knife at you.
“She gonna help us?” she asks warily.
“She is.” Mallory turns to you, pointing first to the woman with the knife and next to another woman standing near the stairs. “This is Queenie and Zoe.”
You wave sheepishly. “It’s nice to meet you two.”
Zoe smiles kindly, but Queenie just appraises you with a look that says she doesn’t trust you. You can’t say that you blame her, though you wish she didn’t have a reason for this reaction. Mallory leaves your side to kneel in between the two dead women, and you watch as she takes a deep breath and breathes out onto Coco’s face before repeating her movements with Dinah.
It takes mere seconds for the two to shoot up, gasping for air and trying to get used to once again inhabiting a body.
“Welcome back,” Mallory says.
“What just happened?” Coco asks, her elaborate hairdo impressively staying put after all of that.
“You died. And now, you’re no longer dead.”
“Oh.” She frowns, rubbing at the spot where a knife sat moments ago. “Fuck, that sucked.”
“Are you going to explain why you tore us from our afterlives?” Dinah snaps, standing up.
“It’s time to fix this entire mess. To defeat Michael, we need all the help we can get.” Mallory eyes Dinah specifically. “From both of you.”
“You’re on your own with that shit,” Dinah declares. “I’m not here to defeat anyone.”
Maybe it’s not your place, but you feel like you can help to convince Dinah. You take a step toward here. “Please, I really think that—”
“How can any of you defeat me, when I’ve already won?” A voice, so familiar to you that it could be your own, comes from the stairs.
You almost don’t want to look at him. If you don’t, maybe you can remain in this stasis where you’re simply preparing to undo the apocalypse, instead of being faced with the reality that you’re about to fight your own husband, the man who, despite all of the horrors he’s committed, remains your love. When you do tear your eyes away from Dinah, you see that he’s not even taking notice of your presence. No, he only has hate-filled eyes for the Supreme.
Michael’s changed into a blood-red jacket, which makes it obvious that he was expecting this showdown to happen. Ms. Mead stands off to his left side, ever the small, imposing bodyguard. Mallory steps forward, along with most of the group. You can’t bring your feet to move, so you remain back with Dinah.
“You haven’t won,” Mallory says. 
“Perhaps you haven’t noticed the state of the world.”
Queenie scoffs. “At least the world can be saved. Unlike your bitch ass.”
Michael smirks proudly. “The seventh seal has been broken. Wormwood has fallen from the sky and turned the rivers to blood and fire. The bottomless pit has been opened and my swarms of locusts and scorpions have ravaged humanity. The world has been remade in my father’s image.”
When he speaks like this, of biblical imagery and prophecy, he turns into a person you don’t care to know. He turns into the Antichrist.
“Almost.” Mallory smiles. “Pretty sure he didn’t imagine a world where there were still witches, so you failed there.”
Michael finally takes in the full group, and his haughty demeanor falters when he sees you. Softly, he utters your name. “What are you doing?”
You swallow thickly, willing your voice not to shake. “I think you know.”
“I do. You’re going to betray me?
Mallory tries to grab your arm as you move in front of her, but you can’t be stopped now. “This is not betrayal. I’m doing this because I love you, and I can’t bear to be faced with the monster that you’ve become any longer. Now, we have a chance to save the world, Michael. Help me undo this mess.”
“Michael,” Mallory gets his attention once more. “Your father never commanded you to end the world in this way. Jeff and Mutt, the two that ran Kineros, were the ones who thought a nuclear apocalypse was the solution. They controlled Ms. Mead and gave her the commands to tell you that this was Satan’s plan. Satan was just happy to take credit when he realized that you were going to cause anarchy.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Michael says.
“Is it? They told me so themselves, when I went to Kineros to ensure that Coco would be in this Outpost.”
He rolls his eyes. “This is such an obvious lie, I’m a little offended that you would think I’d fall for it. Right, Ms. Mead?”
Michael looks to his left, expecting to be backed up, only to see Ms. Mead with a look of bewildered shame on her face.
“Ms. Mead?”
“They—I do as I’m programmed,” she stutters. 
You gasp at the revelation. Satan didn’t come up with the plan to end the world like this? All of this could have been avoided?
Instead of being faced with the same reckoning, a look of absolute murder appears on his face. “I’m going to do what I should have done that day in the Murder House and kill you all personally.”
“Mallory,” Dinah calls, walking towards the Supreme. “You raised me from the dead so that you would have the power of voodoo on your side. But if you know anything about who I am, you know that the only choice I’d pick would be the winner.”
She comes to a stop just before the stairs, bowing her head respectfully. Michael raises a hand out to her, ready to welcome another acolyte. You throw Mallory a panicked look, but she’s barely holding back glee.
“You’re half-right, Dinah,” she admits.
“She needed the help of a powerful voodoo queen,” a deep Southern voice says. You turn and watch as a tall woman with long braids struts up to Dinah. “But that ain’t you, sis .”
“The former Voodoo Queen, Marie Laveau,” Mallory whispers into your ear.
“To release me from hell, Mallory promised Papa Legba the darkest and most corrupt voodoo queen’s soul for mine. You’ll serve him well in my place.”
“You’re a fool, Marie Laveau,” Dinah spits. “You would have done no different if you were queen.”
“No!” Marie says, before disappearing in a puff. 
Not even a second later, she reappears behind Dinah wielding a machete. When Dinah turns to face her, Marie brings the machete down in one swing on her throat. Dinah gasps and screams as blood begins to gush out of her neck, falling to the floor and bleeding out in a matter of seconds. Nobody else seems to be affected by this, but you feel a little faint, and you hold onto Mallory’s arm to keep from collapsing.
“Out with the trash!” Marie declares. “Give Papa my regards.”
Michael, apparently having enough of this, nods to Ms. Mead. The android removes her hand to reveal a machine gun hidden underneath it. Though you want to say something along the lines of, “What the actual fuck?” Zoe says a word in what you assume to be Latin before you can.
Instead of shooting, Ms. Mead begins to shake and whir mechanically. Mallory uses Michael’s confusion to usher everybody back towards the open fire, where you watch as Ms. Mead explodes and sends Michael flying over the railing. He lands harshly on the floor below, staring in horror at Ms. Mead’s head next to him.
It’s only a matter of time until his horror turns to rage, and Queenie scrambles forward to grab Ms. Mead’s machine gun hand. When Michael rises, she rises with him, gun trained on his chest.
“Sorry about your little toy,” Queenie says before placing her finger on the trigger.
Michael turns to be met with a firestorm of bullets, more than enough to kill even the Antichrist. You scream in horror at the sight, his blood spattering against the wall as he falls and comes to rest against it, very obviously dead.
“Michael!” You try to stand, wanting to save him even though he probably (definitely) deserves what’s just happened to him. Before you can, Mallory pulls you to her.
“This won’t keep him down,” she assures you. “He’s too powerful to be truly killed. But this will buy us time.”
Though you don’t know if you believe her, you need to in order to keep from emotionally collapsing, so you nod. 
Queenie walks to Michael’s body, kicking his foot as she checks to make sure he’s dead…for now, at least. “Do we need his hair or something for this? Because I’m more than happy to rip off a chunk of it.”
“No. The spell only requires that we have something personal of his.” Mallory smiles at you. “And we have the most important person in his life here with us. As long as you’re still in?”
You force yourself to look away from Michael, closing your eyes and taking a couple of deep breaths to recenter yourself. Finally, you look at her again. “Of course, I’m still in.”
“Good. Have you picked a time that will work to stop him?”
“I think so,” you confirm. After some internal deliberation, you think that the best way to get through to him is going to be when you had the big fight about the poisoned apple, before you stormed out and got yourself kidnapped by the witches. He wasn’t too powerful or too far gone with his father’s plan yet, but you were both in love with each other—albeit, you hadn’t actually realized it at that point.
“Alright. I’ll need you to focus on that, okay? Then I’ll say the spell, and we’ll be able to go back in time. We just need somewhere safe to cast the spell, somewhere with a large tub we can fill with water.”
You definitely found a room like that when you were exploring the Outpost your first couple of days here. “Okay. Follow me.”
Everybody stands, but hesitates when they remember the issue of Michael. If he’s going to come back to life like Mallory says, shouldn’t there be some safety measure in place to buy you more time?
Queenie sighs and rolls her eyes, realizing that she should probably be that safety measure. “Go,” she urges, readjusting her grip on the gun to ensure she’ll be quick to the trigger when Michael rises again.
Mallory darts forward to hug her quickly. “Thank you.”
“Enough with the sappy shit.” Even as she says that, you can see the affection in her eyes when she looks at Mallory. “Go!”
You do as she says and hurry up the stairs. Before you turn the corner, you allow yourself a moment to meet Michael’s open, lifeless gaze.
The hallways are much less of a maze than they were when you first arrived here, but the layout is still unfamiliar to you. After leading your group down what you thought was going to lead to the door you were sure contained the room with the tub, you’re met with a dead end. 
Sheepishly, you look over your shoulder at Coco. “I think I’m a little lost. Isn’t there a room with a really large washtub for laundry around here?”
Her eyes light up, and she lightly pushes you to keep you moving.  “Yes! We’re super close.” It’s going to take a bit to get used to her actually being helpful, you think as you follow her directions. “We’re going to go down this hallway here. Now, the weird little junction up ahead? Take a left and then it’s the third door on the right.”
Now you know where you are. “Thank you! I found it my first time going through the Outpost, but I haven’t lived here for eighteen months like you.”
You’re just about to turn left at the junction when a man appears from the other side of the hallway, jabbing a knife into your abdomen before you can even be surprised at the sight. You cry out, the pain sharp and sudden as he pulls the knife out of you with nothing but malice on his face. When he looks up at you, his scowl is replaced by a horrified shock.
“Oh my god, I thought you were—” He sees Coco, standing just behind you. “She was supposed to be you !”
Your shaking hands try to press down on the wound, but blood rushes out through your fingers, and your knees go weak as you crash into the wall. Down the hall, you can hear Mallory scream your name. She runs for you with Zoe hot on her heels.
“What the fuck did you do?” Mallory yells to the man, landing next to you on the floor and gently pulling your hands away so that she can assess the damage. By the way her lips start to tremble, you assume it’s not good.
The man that stabbed you ignores her, instead focusing on Coco. “You ruin everything!” he yells at her, lifting the knife once more.
Coco pushes him over the railing before he can do any more damage. He screams the whole way down, and Coco peers after him. “Sorry?” she calls with a grimace, no love apparently lost.
“This is…a lot of blood,” you note, watching your black dress becoming even darker from the rapidly expanding bloodstain. You’re also in a lot of pain. Fuck, you didn’t think being stabbed would hurt so much.
“It’s okay! It’s alright!” Mallory soothes; you can’t tell who she’s reassuring, herself or you. “I’m going to fix this. I’m going to—I’ll heal you, and then you’ll be fine.”
Your heart is pounding from a mixture of fear and adrenaline. For the first time since your arrival to this Outpost, you’re truly scared. This is a different fear from when you were worried about Emily and Timothy being executed, or when you realized that Michael wanted to have a child with you. It’s even different from the fear of knowing that you and Michael would be on opposing sides now. This is primal—this is terror.
Mallory’s hands hover over your abdomen as she begins to chant in Latin, eyes screwed shut in concentration. Nothing happens, and as the seconds tick by, your entire body starts to go cold. It’s like somebody’s taken a syringe of ice water and injected it right into your veins. You become more faint than before, and decide that laying flat will probably be the best way to rid yourself of this feeling.
“Why isn’t this working?” Mallory cries in frustration, catching your head and placing it in her lap. Tears begin to build in her eyes as she tries the same breathing technique on you as she did Coco and Dinah to bring them back to life, to no avail. You cough wetly, and when you wipe your mouth, your hand comes away red.
The realization hits you then: you’re dying. The overpowering cold, being unable to sit up anymore, the faintness—your body is beginning to shut down against your will.
“Mallory, I’m scared,” you admit.
“I know. I’m sorry. I promise I’m trying.”
“I know.” You smile at the repetition even as you begin to feel so, so tired. Maybe if you close your eyes and rest for a moment, you’ll be able to get enough strength back to help you fight to stay alive.
Your eyes barely close before Mallory starts shaking you. “No, no, please don’t close your eyes!”
Marie Laveau appears at the far end of the hallway you first ran down and yells something to Mallory, but you can’t quite make out what she says over the rushing in your ears. Mallory takes one of your arms and Zoe takes the other, both working together to pull you down the hallway. You watch dizzily as Coco runs to Marie, your vision warping as the two disappear around the corner.
Mallory continues trying to heal you once they have you in the room where you’re meant to go back in time. Her hand, soaked in your blood, runs over your forehead comfortingly as she becomes more frantic in her chanting. Even Zoe tries to help, pressing down on your abdomen in the hopes of slowing the bleeding as she joins Mallory in spellwork. It’s becoming more difficult to hold on as you become weaker, the two taking turns making you open your eyes again.
“Please, please, please,” Mallory begs any and all forces beyond her power that might be listening.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, the effort to produce sounds near herculean.
“Don’t apologize,” she says sternly through tears, earning the smallest of laughs from you.
“Yes, ma’am.” Your hands shake as you feel around for Mallory’s, and you weakly squeeze when you find them. “I love you, Mal. I’m so happy I got to see you again.”
“Stop saying goodbye. I’m going to bring you back, this isn’t goodbye.”
For now, though, it is, and you both know it. When your eyes close this time, they don’t open again, and you feel yourself being dragged down, down, down, away from consciousness and life itself.
With your last remaining strength, you become introspective. You have so many regrets, so many words that you’re going to leave unsaid. You wish you had gotten the chance to actually complete the spell and go back in time, sure that you would have been able to change Michael’s mind. You want to thank Queenie and Zoe and Coco and Marie for their help, for believing that you can help fix the mess the world has become. You wish you could—
Michael has had enough of witches on this Earth, he thinks as he blows Queenie’s head clean off her shoulders after coming back to life. She had been distracted by a body falling from two floors up—whose body it was remained a mystery that Michael didn’t care to solve—providing Michael the element of surprise. Even if she were still prepared, it wouldn’t have mattered. He’s too powerful for anything to stop him now.
Maybe he was naive to believe that a simple nuclear bomb or two could kill them. No, he was definitely naive. After all, Mallory knew that the world would be ending, and soon. That was more than enough time for her to gather her chosen forces and figure out a way to survive. He knows now that his path, the one that Satan had created before he had even created Michael, was always meant to lead to this. In order to truly inherit this new world and rule Hell on Earth, he must eradicate the remaining witches with his own hands.
But what to do with you? You’ve chosen your side for this battle, and it’s not his. He nervously hopes that you’re simply mad at him after how your last conversation devolved into a fight, that Mallory reached you at a vulnerable time and used that to her advantage to recruit you. Once he defeats the witches, you’ll come back to him and he’ll concede that he was perhaps wrong to bring up the idea of having a child at such an intimate moment. Still, seeing you standing in solidarity with the witches hurt, which is likely what the Supreme was planning.
When Michael makes it up the stairs, the reanimated voodoo queen blocks the hallway that he knows you and the witches have gone down. Grabbing a pouch off of her belt, she pours a powder into her hand and spreads it in a line in front of her with a chant.
“You shall not pass,” Marie declares with a smirk, wiping her hands of the powder. Michael juts his hand forward, prepared to rip her heart out of her chest, but an invisible barrier stops him. “You’re dealing with the HBIC now.”
He smiles ruefully. “Clever,” he admits. “Normally, that would work.”
He’s about to show that voodoo magic is no match for him anymore when his blood runs cold and his heart drops. At that same moment, he becomes aware of sobbing coming from far behind Marie. Though Michael’s never felt anything like this before, he can feel the certainty of what it means down to his very core: something’s happened. Specifically, something’s happened to you.
“Let me through,” he demands. Marie falters, taken aback at the fear in his eyes. “Marie Laveau, if you value your second chance at life you’ll let me through.”
She recovers from her hesitation with a haughty laugh. “Nice try.” 
Michael makes quick work of her with a simple snap of his fingers, snapping her neck and sending her right back to the Underworld. He’s just about to clear the barrier and figure out just what is going on when he feels a presence behind him. Rolling his eyes, he turns around to face this distraction as well and comes face to face with Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt, who was with you when he was shot. Surely she must know something about what’s going on.
“What’s happened?” Michael asks. The knife that Coco was prepared to stab him with goes limp in her wrist, and she gapes at him. “Where’s Y/n?”
“She was…Brock…” She weakly mimes a stabbing motion.
“No.” He feels sick at the mere implication. “No!”
Coco now the least of his worries, he runs down the hallway, the whole time hoping that it’s a mistake, that Coco misinterpreted what she saw, that the cold emptiness now residing in his chest is simply a fluke. The sobs that become more clear as he nears the entryway, however, don’t do much to reassure him.
“Mallory!” Michael gasps. 
The Supreme is on the floor with you in her lap, and for a moment, Michael can delude himself into thinking that you’re okay. The excessive amount of blood on the floor—your blood—and the unnaturally limp way that your hand is lying force him to face the obvious. Michael’s knees give out, and he falls to the floor harshly.
Mallory looks up at him, forgetting that they’re meant to be enemies right now. “She got stabbed, and—” a sob rips from her chest, “my healing spells aren’t working. And neither is Vitalum Vitalis. It should be working, Michael, I’m the fucking Supreme.”
“Okay. Um, let me…” Michael’s brain is fighting a war between shutting down from the agony of this situation and kicking into overdrive to figure out how to get you back. After a moment, he thinks he might have an idea. He tries to pull you out of Mallory’s arms and into his own, but she refuses to loosen her hold on you. “Mallory, I need to hold her.”
While he does need to be able to touch you for the spell, he’s not really asking for that purpose. He feels that he might soon lose his grasp on sanity if he can’t hold your body. No, he needs you as close to him as possible, to try and capture the warmth of your body so that he might remind himself that you’ve only just left, that he can still get you back. Begrudgingly, Mallory allows him to hold you, but she still keeps one of your hands in hers.
He’d like to say that it looks like you’re sleeping, comforting himself with the platitude most mourners claim upon seeing a body. He’d be lying, though, because he knows what you look like when you’re sleeping. The way that your face scrunches at the smallest sensation, how your eyes move under their lids and your mouth forms silent words when you’re dreaming particularly deeply, the intermittent light snoring that you swear you don’t do. If you were simply sleeping, he’d play the prince to your Sleeping Beauty and wake you with a kiss, revealing your amused smile and your fond gaze.
Now, there’s none of that. You’ve been dead for mere minutes, but already the signs of death are here. Your face is as slack as all of your muscles now are, making your cheekbones more prominent and your mouth hinge slightly open. A sallowness has started to take over your skin, and he finds himself tracing the apples of your cheeks in a futile attempt to coax blood back to the surface. He even swears that he can feel your body growing colder, just like he feared.
It takes Michael some time to remember what he’s meant to be doing. All of this grief and pain will hopefully be for nothing, so long as he can hold himself together for a little bit longer. He takes a deep breath, hesitating for a moment before dropping his forehead against yours. Tears are threatening to fall, and when he closes his eyes to try and hold them back, it only hastens their arrival. They roll, hot and thick, off of his face and onto yours, and he wipes them off with a silent apology.
Finally, Michael slips into a dissociation as he begins to walk between the realms of living and dead. He’s done this more than a few times now for varying reasons, becoming pretty adept at finding a soul and bringing it back to the living plane. The hardest part by far is always calming his mind enough to be able to attempt this in the first place; the fact that he’s been able to achieve it in this circumstance is a small miracle. 
Now that he’s in the so-called in-between, he begins his search. Every single soul has a signature to it, so as long as he knows who he’s looking for, he usually finds the rest of this process to be pretty straightforward. Since your soul is so near and dear to him, he’s expecting this to take a couple of minutes at most.
A minute passes, then another, as he tries to track your soul down. Michael begins to grow concerned; considering you just died, he shouldn’t be having to search this hard. There’s a complete lack of you anywhere, and he begins to shake as he’s faced with the increasingly likely potential that your soul is gone. But how? Why? With a chilling clarity, he knows exactly what’s happened.
His father has become displeased. Whether he’s had enough of your and Michael’s collective disobedience over the years—Satan holds a grudge like no other, after all—or your declaration that you would never bear Michael’s child or be the perfect wife that Satan had planned for you to be. He’s had enough, and now, he’s taken this opportunity to make good on the threats he first warned Michael about during the poison apple saga. He’s made sure that you’re out of the picture for good. If Michael knows Satan, he’s probably already picked out some girl back at the Sanctuary to be wife number two, and this time, she would be the most devout, demure Satanist who would never even think of going against Satan’s will.
But Michael doesn’t want another wife. No, what he wants is to lay here on the floor and die right along with you, following you into whatever afterlife you’ve found yourself in in the hopes that he can continue to love you there. How can he ever be expected to love another person that’s not you? What kind of a life is there for him to live if you’re not here to share in it?
“Is everything okay?” Mallory asks, reminding him that there’s another person in this room, one who’s going to feel her own devastation at this news.
“I can’t find her. My father…” He chokes on his own words, unable to actually say the fate that’s befallen you. Instead, he can only cry.
Mallory picks up on the context clues, and her face drops. “So that’s it? She’s gone?”
The nod Michael gives her is the most painful movement of his life. When Mallory collapses, he also forgets the pretense of enemies and allows her to fall against him. It’s mainly for his own benefit—were he not using Mallory for support, he would be in a heap on top of you.
They remain without words for a while. Distantly, he’s aware of Zoe talking to Coco down that damned hall, the two wondering what to do now. He hopes that they come up with an answer, because he has no clue. In his opinion, there’s nowhere else to go from here. Though he may not have physically died, his life has ended along with yours in this room.
“Were you telling the truth?” Michael asks finally, making Mallory look up. “About Jeff and Mutt?”
He almost doesn’t want to know, but before he can change his mind, she nods. “All they cared about were themselves. They were fed up with minor inconveniences—having to wait for coffee, traffic woes—and wanted to ‘wipe the slate clean.’ They thought that they could reshape the world to how they wanted, and they used a vulnerable Antichrist to do so. Ms. Mead changed her tune from magic to fire and blood because Jeff and Mutt were feeding her the commands.”
He so badly wants her to be lying, but even if he couldn’t sense her truthfulness, he has his own memories to rely on. How suddenly Ms. Mead suggested that world destruction was preferred to world domination (and that the two cokehead idiots would be the guys to talk to about that) had always seemed a little odd to him, but he simply went along with it, believing Ms. Mead to still be his trusted advisor. This revelation simply makes Michael cry harder until he’s almost matching Mallory’s earlier sobs. She puts her free hand on his shoulder in comfort. Though he appreciates the gesture, nothing can bring him comfort.
All of this pain and death and destruction has been for naught. Michael spent years chasing his father’s approval and doing terrible things, things that made him so sick to think about that he forced himself to compartmentalize them in order to not drown in his shame. He’s shirked friends, love, and basic morals, only to find out that his father didn’t even care if the world ended this way. No, all Satan wanted was power and sin, which he got in spades these past eighteen months. 
“How were you going to stop me?” he asks.
Mallory hesitates. “We…we were going to go back in time. There’s a spell that I found when searching through the coven’s grimoires to help with your Cordelia issue. I practiced it a few times before the bombs dropped, trying to figure out the right way to do it. Y/n was going to be both your personal tie and the one convincing you to stop the apocalypse. She had a time in place where she thought that you would be most willing to listen, to change your mind.”
It’s a smart plan, and it probably would have worked. After all, you likely know (knew, he’s reminded harshly) him better than he knows himself. As he thinks about the what-ifs, Michael realizes that this doesn’t have to be something that never happens.
“So, if you and I were to go back in time together, then we could change all of this?” Michael asks.
Mallory gapes at him. “You’re willing to give all this up?”
“What, this empty, decimated kingdom that I don’t even want?” 
In the eighteen months since the apocalypse, Michael had found that he was not suited for being a ruler—he didn’t like the pomp and circumstance, nor did he like people fawning over him. Still, he pretended to be the cold, uncaring king of this “New World,” because he thought that was what Satan wanted, that he was fulfilling the destiny that he was born to.
Now, there’s nothing left to fight for. The world didn’t even need to be ended, let alone in this way. He’s been nothing but a pawn to people his whole life—the Satanists, the warlocks, the stupid fucks that ran Kineros, even Satan himself. He’s done. Done with this stupid, useless path he’s taken, done with hurting everything and everyone, and done with bowing to the whims of anybody.
After all, what has he got to show for any of this? He’s been a good little soldier, doing unspeakably horrific acts and acting like he wasn’t affected, like he wasn’t the Michael that he was before the apocalypse. How did Satan reward him? By ensuring that he would never get back the one person in his life that he has ever truly loved, and who had ever truly loved him. 
“I can’t—I can’t live a life without Y/n. There is nothing without her. What do I need to do to help you?”
“Promise me,” she says. “Promise me that you will not use this second chance to end the world once again.”
“I just found out I ended the world for no reason, Mallory. A world that I was slowly coming to love, before Cordelia informed me that I needed to speed up the apocalypse plans I had been led to believe were created by my father. Before I was upset by people trying to convince me that blowing everything up was a bad idea.” Because of course, Satan would take credit for those plans if it meant that he would be closer to getting the complete chaos it would create. “Why would I try to end it again?”
Mallory searches his face for a moment before nodding. “I believe you.” 
She’s known him for long enough now to know his tells, and she sees none of them. Right now, he’s too much of a wreck to even consider trying to lie, not that he was planning on it.
Mallory slowly stands, but not before kissing the back of your hand and laying it gently on your chest. “Come on.”
“I’m sorry,” Michael whispers to you, kissing your forehead. “I’m so, so sorry. I’m going to make this right.”
It takes strength he didn’t know he possessed to lay you down and let go of your body. Even as he walks away, going against every instinct and leaving you on the floor, he can’t take his eyes off of you.
Mallory climbs into the large washtub in the corner of the room, flicking her wrist and filling it with water. Michael follows her in, ignoring the uncomfortable sensation of sitting in wet clothes.
“Think of a time that you believe it will be easiest to completely stop the apocalypse before it goes too far,” she instructs.
There are many times in the past two years that Michael can see as a good time to stop the apocalypse. First, he’s tempted to go back to the beginning of this mess, when the witches killed Ms. Mead. Plans for the end of the world hadn’t even been drawn up yet, and he would have the added benefit of having Ms. Mead back. Plus, you wouldn’t have gone through the trauma of being kidnapped and forced to be the Antichrist’s bride.
It’s incredibly selfish, but the more Michael thinks about that avenue, the less he wants to take it. While it’s unfortunate how you came to know each other, he wouldn’t trade the way that you and he fell in love with each other for anything. But on the practical side, he wouldn’t have the influence that he has over important people and organizations were he to go back that far, and he needs that if he’s going to have enough power to keep the world from ending altogether. That’s off the table, then.
He wishes that you had told Mallory of your idea before being fatally wounded, because he probably would have agreed with your assessment. If it was any time after you moved in with him, he was already so in love with you that he could easily be swayed. What makes the most sense?
Finally, Michael has it. The time where he can be most effective at changing the fate of the world and ensuring there will not be an apocalypse by his hand, can remain powerful enough to not be usurped as Antichrist (for he’s sure that Satan will be very displeased by the change of plans if he finds out about Michael changing fate), and can still have you.
He opens his eyes and nods. “I have it.”
“Okay,” Mallory says with a hopeful smile. “Focus on that as hard as you can, place us both there.”
It’s all he can think about now, but he does as she says and recreates that time in his head. The sights, the sounds, the smells. How your hand felt in his, and the brightness of your smile. The possibilities that, at that time, seemed endless. Mallory holds her hands out and Michael takes them, feeling their magic bouncing off of each other like sparks from two exposed wires.
“Balneum infinitum. Dona salui conductus.” Mallory repeats the chant two more times, the water bubbling around them furiously and turning darker with each word.
Michael knows even without Mallory’s instruction that he’s needed to say the last part of the spell, and what that last part is. Just before they submerge themselves under the water, their voices join together to cast the most important spell of their lives.
“Tempus Infinituum.”
Endnotes: Wow. I thought this would be a particularly tough chapter to write, but as I got going, the story flowed easily. I think because I've had this scene stuck in my head for so long! My FBI agent is definitely concerned by how thoroughly I read those "what happens to a body after a person dies" articles.
ALSO the Jeff and Mutt thing is canon!
Anyways, I'm gonna go watch some cute animal videos to feel better. Take care of yourselves, alright?
@ajokeformur-ray @iamavailablesstuff @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @nsainmoonchild @redroses07
@xo-angel-ox @littleangel4996 @iamlivingforturner @thatonehumanbeing05
@codycrazy @love-on-the-murder-scene
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strawberrybobamilk · 11 months
GTA Protagonists x Reader Scenarios - Spending Halloween With Them
TW: Language, suggestive ending
Halloween isn't his favorite holiday, but will have lots of fun in decorating the house, eating sweets and bingewatching movies with you anyway.
Likes watching classic 80s horror movies with you and dressing up as the villains from those movies.
"Trick or treat motherfuckers!"
He doesn't care how old you both are, he'll happily go trick or treating with you. He'll refuse to go dressed as a ghost, vampire etc though, as he thinks they are "too generic and unoriginal".
You: "What will you dress up as then?"
CJ: "A Ballas member. Nothing is nastier than them"
He'll go trick or treating with you, dressed up as a bloodstained killer butcher.
You: "Er, interesting choice, but why?..."
Toni: "Trust me, you don't wanna know"
Will surprise you with a pumpkin pie with cute spider decorations.
"Thought it would be a nice Halloween treat, darling"
He personally never really cared about Halloween, but definitely won't say no to candy corn! Also expect Roman, Mallorie and Brucie to come visit, all dressed up in various wacky costumes.
"Well, at least it's nice here with you guys"
For him this day is more like an excuse to wear vampire fangs (he secretly has a thing for vampires).
"Damn you look hot, can you keep those on next month too? Or even better, forever?"
Will make his club serve pumpkin flavored cocktails to celebrate.
"Come over here and have a taste Y/N! It's free for you, like always"
Will buy more candy than usual during october. He says it's in order to ensure they have a good stock of them for october 31th, but you know it's just an excuse. Will wake up feeling sick on november 1st.
You: "I told you to not eat so much candy Huang!"
Huang: "Urgh, it's not the candy Y/N, it's... something that's not the candy, okay?!"
He'll just chill with you and watch horror movies together.
"Alright let's do this, gotta use my Vinewood+ subscription somehow!"
Similarly to Franklin, he will (DEFINITELY) watch horror movies with you, but only the older ones.
"Ahhh, the old classics, the newer ones focus too much on jumpscares and gore"
Loves Halloween, its spooky and gritty atmosphere, and will carve pumpkins with you already by september 1st. Just don't ask him why do those pumpkins have "questionable" holes.
"It's called a pumpkink sweetcheeks"
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melodymunson · 16 hours
AHS, Michael Langdon, Duncan Shepherd, Xavier Plympton, Jim Mason, and Andy Dolan masterlist
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My fics for Cody Fern and American Horror Story
Jim Mason x reader- drown in this love
Jim Mason x reader- nothing fucks with my baby
Jim Mason x reader x Duncan Shepherd x Michael Langdon x Andy Dolan- Adopting a pet
Xavier Plympton x reader x Montana Duke- wild side
Xavier, Montana, and reader attempt to have a drunk and high threesome at his apartment but when the reader fails to have a major orgasm and when the sex is less than expected, Montana steps in to finish off the job.
Michael Langdon x reader x Madison Montgomery- bad romance
Michael, Madison, and you are a couple at the outpost. All that is standing in their way is the coven of witches. When Michael catches you and Madison in the act he teaches you both a lesson you won't forget.
Duncan Shepherd x reader- birthday surprise
You decide to try and find yourself a good summer at Camp Redwood with your good friend Xavier despite the threat of Mr. Jingles. When you happen to stumble upon Brooke and Montana in the forbidden cabin, a wild night for you and Xavier ensues.
Xavier Plympton x reader x Montana Duke x Brooke Thompson
You decide to try and find yourself a good summer at Camp Redwood with your good friend Xavier despite the threat of Mr. Jingles. When you happen to stumble upon Brooke and Montana in the forbidden cabin, a wild night for you and Xavier ensues.
Duncan Shepherd x reader- forever and always
You meet Duncan at a charity fundraiser and after winning a date with you, he takes you out. Soon after you start dating him and go on many dates together, falling in love before you get your happy ever after with your one and only Prince Charming.
Jim Mason x OC multi-series Heart of Novocaine
Jim loves to party and has a drug problem but when he finds out that his best friend has a drinking problem, he decides to get help for both of them. He is in love with her. The problem? She already has a girlfriend and he has a girlfriend too. Are they a match made in heaven for each other or are they just another lesson in each other's lives?
Duncan Shepherd x OC multi-series Strangelove
Duncan and his girlfriend Rose have been together for going on two years. They care deeply about each other. She has a secret though that he doesn’t know. Their relationship will be put to the test and their boundaries will be pushed. Will they be able to stay together or will their relationship start to unravel?
Duncan Shepherd x OC multi-series Another life
(Inspired partly by Eli Roth's/Keanu Reeves movie Knock Knock).
Duncan and his girlfriend of almost 3 years have their relationship put to the test when she goes away on a trip and Duncan is left at home until he receives a visit that will change his life forever. Crossover with American Horror Story Apocalypse and the Outpost/Michael Langdon.
Michael Langdon x reader multi-series Waiting For a Girl Like You
Michael is a player and reader knew him when they were kids. You go your separate ways and later cross paths again in college. You can't help but feel an attraction towards him. He ends up becoming your Italian tutor and you both come to know each other again. The problem? Michael is a fuckboy. Will your and Michael's rekindled friendship turn into something more or will you stay friends/FWB?
Surviving the Apocalypse- Michael Langdon x OC witches series
Who will survive the apocalypse? Its the end of the world. Michael, Coco, Gallant, Mallory, Venable, Mead, 2 witches Harmony and Scarlet, among others are some of the lucky few to survive. Or are they? They will be tested and pushed to their limits. Michael must test those left alive in outpost 3 but will he be able to resist temptation?
Andy Dolan x reader (abandoned wip)
Andy and reader had a tumultous and often complicated relationship and neither wanted things to end. They dated for almost 4 years but never married and even had a kid together and it was a girl named Opal.
Duncan Shepherd x reader x Emily Nelson (Simple Favor crossover oneshot).
Reader is best friends with Emily and dating professor Duncan. One night they decide to take their relationship to the next level with Emily once reader reveals her true feelings for the other woman.
Michael Langdon x reader oneshot- If I was Your Vampire
Michael Langdon x wife reader x Mallory oneshot (WIP)
Michael and you are married and in the outpost 3 together. When Mallorys true intentions and identity are shown she gets exposed and Michael and you make her pay.
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multimuseficreblogs · 2 years
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𝐚𝐡𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 ❅ all murder house ❅ all asylum ❅ all coven ❅ all freak show ❅ all hotel ❅ all roanoke ❅ all cult ❅ all apocalypse ❅ all 1984 ❅ all double feature 𝐚𝐡𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ❅ all evan peters characters ❅ all moira o'hara ❅ all violet harmon ❅ all cordelia goode ❅ all madison montgomery ❅ all misty day ❅ all zoe benson ❅ all mallory ❅ all michael langdon ❅ all brooke thompson ❅ all montana duke ❅ all xavier plympton ❅ all harry gardner ❅ all lark feldman
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 ❅ all criminal minds ❅ all criminal minds masterlists ❅ all criminal minds smut ❅ all criminal minds fluff ❅ all criminal minds angst 𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫 ❅ all aaron hotchner 𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧 ❅ all derek morgan 𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐬 ❅ all emily prentiss ❅ all emily smut ❅ all emily fluff ❅ all emily angst 𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐫 𝐣𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐮 ❅ all jennifer jareau ❅ all jj smut ❅ all jj fluff ❅ all jj angst
𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐚 ❅ all penelope garcia 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝 ❅ all spencer reid
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐮𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚 ❅ all euphoria ❅ all euphoria masterlists ❅ all euphoria smut ❅ all euphoria fluff ❅ all euphoria angst 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 ❅ all cassie howard ❅ all cassie smut ❅ all cassie fluff ❅ all cassie angst 𝐟𝐞𝐳𝐜𝐨 ❅ all fezco ❅ all fezco smut ❅ all fezco fluff ❅ all fezco angst 𝐣𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐯𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐧 ❅ all jules vaughn 𝐤𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐳 ❅ all kat hernandez  𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 ❅ all lexi howard 𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐳 ❅ all maddy perez ❅ all maddy smut ❅ all maddy fluff ❅ all maddy angst 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐬 ❅ all nate jacobs ❅ all nate smut ❅ all nate fluff ❅ all nate angst 𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭 ❅ all rue bennett 
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 ❅ all the mandalorian
𝐛𝐨-𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐧 ❅ all bo-katan ❅ all bo-katan smut ❅ all bo-katan fluff ❅ all bo-katan angst 𝐛𝐨𝐛𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐭 ❅ all boba fett ❅ all boba smut ❅ all boba fluff ❅ all boba angst 𝐝𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐣𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧 ❅ all din djarin ❅ all din smut ❅ all din fluff ❅ all din angst ❅ all din x gn reader ❅ all din x male reader ❅ all din x plus size reader
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lovelybishop · 2 years
Character/Fandom List
(Updated February 5th, 2023)
*Strikethrough means currently not accepting requests for said character/fandom
*If you see a character that is not listed, please ask! I’m sure I write for that character, I just forgot to put it on this very long list!
*If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
DC Extended Universe
Suicide Squad (2016) / The Suicide Squad (2021)
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man, Christopher Smith/Peacemaker, Cleo Cazo/Ratcatcher 2, Floyd Lawton/Deadshot, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Robert Dubois/Bloodsport
Birds Of Prey
Dinah Lance/Black Canary, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress, Roman Sionis/Black Mask
Fear Street Trilogy
Cindy Berman, Deena Johnson, Heather Watkins. Christine “Ziggy” Berman*,Kate Schmidt, Nick Goode*, Ruby Lane, Samantha Fraser, Simon, Tommy Slater
*Please specify which actor
The Last of Us (HBO)
Joel Miller, Tess Servopoulos
The Good Place
Chidi Anagonye, Eleanor Shellstrop, Janet, Jason Mendoza, Michael, Tahani Al-Jamil
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Ajak, Alexei/The Red Gurdian, America Chavez, Bruce Banner/The Hulk, Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, Christine Palmer, Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Darcy Lewis, Doctor Stange Variants, Drax the Destroyer, Druig, Gamora, Gilgamesh, Hela, Hope van Dyne/The Wasp, Ikaris, James “Bucky” Barnes/The Winter Soldier, James “Rhodey” Rhodes/War Machine, Jane Foster, Jimmy Woo, Katy, Kingo, Lady Sif, Loki, Makkari, Mantis, Maria Hill, May Parker, Melina, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Nebula, Nick Fury, Peggy Carter, Peter Parker Variants, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Peter Quill/Star-Lord, Phastos, Phil Coulson, Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver, Sam Wilson/The Falcon/Captain America, Scott Lang/Ant-Man, Sersi, Shang-Chi, Sharon Carter, Sprite, Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange, Steve Rogers/Captain America, Thena, Thor, Tony Stark/Iron Man, T’Challa/Black Panther, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, Valkyrie, Virginia “Pepper” Potts, Vision, Wanda Maximoff Variants, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, Wong, Xialing, Yelena Belova
Disney+ Series
*This list is for characters who have not appeared in any movie (with the exception of Captain Carter.)
Agatha Harkness, Bruno Carrelli, Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk, Joaquin Torres, Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel, Kate Bishop/Hawkeye, Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab, Madisynn King, Mallory Book, Marc Spector, Mary MacPherran/Titania, Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Maya Lopez, Mobius, Monica Rambeau, Nikki Ramos, Peggy Carter/Captain Carter, Ralph Bogner/”Pietro” Maximoff, Star-Lord T’Challa, Steve Grant, Strange Supreme, Sylvie, Taweret
Agents Of Sheild Series
Melinda May, Grant Ward, Daisy “Skye” Johnson/Quake, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Lance Hunter, Bobbi Morse, Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie, Lincoln Campbell, Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez, Deke Shaw
Netflix Series
*I plan on watching all Marvel Netflix Series. Though Because Matt Murdok was in No Way Home and She-Hulk, I still will write for him.
The Amazing Spider-Man
Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Into the Spider-Verse
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman, Miles Morales/Spider-Man, Olivia Octavius/Doctor Octopus, Peter B. Parker/Spider-Man
Alex Summers/Havok, Bobby Drake/Iceman, Charles Xavier/Professor X*,Ellie Phimister/Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Erik Legnsherr/Magneto*,Hank McCoy/Beast*,James “Logan” Howlett/Wolverine, Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix*,Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler*,Marie D’Ancanto/Rogue, Nathan Sumers/Cable, Neena Thurman/Domino, Ororo Monroe/Storm*,Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver, Psylocke*,Raven Darkholme/Mystique*,Scott Summers/Cyclops*,Wade Wilson/Deadpool, Warren Worthington III/Angel*
*Please specify which actor.
Free Guy
Guy, Millie Ruck, Walter “Keys” McKey
The Office
Jim Halpert, Pam Beesly
Ajax Petropolus, Biance Barclay, Enid Sinclair, Gomez Addams*,Larissa Weems, Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates. Morticia Addams*,Tyler Galpin, Wednesday Addams, Xavier Thorpe, Yoko Tanaka
*Please specify which actor.
Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Bix Caleen, Bo-Katan Kryze, Boba Fett, Captain Phasma, Cassian Andor, Cobb Wanth, Din Djarin/The Mandalorian, Fennec Shand, Finn, General Hux, Han Solo, Jyn Erso, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Poe Dameron, Princess/General Leia Organa, Qi’ra, Reva Sevander/Third Sister, Rey, Rose Tico, Zorii Bliss
Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson, Eddie Munson, Eleven Hopper, Jim Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Michael Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Will Byers
*I do not write for Billy Hargrove
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wroteclassicaly · 2 years
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Below, you will find my complete American Horror Story masterlist! It includes prompts, drabbles, series, one-shots, concepts, headcanons, and MORE! For the fics of Cody Fern’s AHS characters, I will give an individual link below!
* Copyright @wroteclassicaly - Do NOT redistribute, post to another platform, translate, or plagiarize my work (this includes AI) — under any circumstances! Reblogs, comments/feedback are ALWAYS appreciated! *
* Note: I do NOT claim ownership for the tv/movie universes I write about, or their established characters! *
My library blog
Main Masterlist
Characters I write for in this fandom: Michael Langdon, Xavier Plympton, Thomas Browne, Tate Langdon Stan Vogel, Valiant Thor, Jimmy Darling, Kit Walker, James Patrick March, Zoe Benson, Madison Montgomery, Austin Sommers, Harry Gardner & Montana Duke.
Ships I write for: Harry/Austin & x Reader with any character (or ship) that I have listed above!
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❤️‍🔥 = smut
💔 = angst, depression, & anger
💝 = fluff & comfort
Series titles are in bold red
Appropriate warnings and tags will ALWAYS be added!
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Michael Langdon Masterlist
Xavier Plympton, Valiant Thor, Stan Vogel & Thomas Browne Masterlist
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Being Madison Montgomery’s GF - (Headcanon)
Mallory x Fem!Reader - (Headcanon)
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nrgs929 · 7 months
Introduction to the next story:
Victor x reader
From a series:Better call Saul & Breaking Bad
summary:You were one of the new enemies of Chicken Man and his men.
Warnings:18+ / Sex/Mention of scenes of blood, injury, dismemberment, etc / genitals /Pictures of underwear
note:The events of the story may be strange, but this is what the writer wants, so read and enjoy...
Introducing the characters:
mai Mallory:
〘Reddish-pink hair, bright violet eyes, an angelic face, sharp fangs, thin lips, freckles covering her face like stars, prominent hand veins, a jewel the color of her eyes, and tattoos decorating her athletic body〙
Skills and hobbies:Taekwondo player🥋, boxer🥊, swordsman🤺/Drawing and playing the guitar🎸
job:Hired killer
additional information:She tried some training in the army because her mother was in the army+It has high endurance and immunity to electrocution+Since birth, she has immunity to toxins+Weapons expert+Sniper shooting skills
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Boxing tools🥊:
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Michael Monroe:
〘White hair with light purple shades, a violet right eye and a red left eye, a muscular body with tanned skin, teeth with sharp fangs, and hand veins〙
Skills and hobbies:Weapons expert and boxer🥊/Pianist🎹 and violinist🎻
job:Hired killer
additional information:He is responsible for May and her needs, and he is the one who provides her with tasks, but at the same time, he is her adopted brother, and they agree on everything+He was also trained in the army so he has combat skills and weapons skills
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Domestic animal🫣:
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This was simple information about the characters either+Everyone knows the characters that will be mentioned in the first part, which will be released soon, including Tyrus, Mike, Victor, and Gus...🗿+You can put another name in place of Mai's name to live the events of the story😉
Until the next meeting🥀❤️‍🔥
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beastsovrevelation · 10 months
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In my head, I'm imagining a confrontation between Michael and Mallory in some dark corner right after this. She follows him. His presence sends chills down her spine, but, at the same time, it beckons her like a flame does a moth. She can't find rhyme nor reason to either sensation. At the same time, she has even less to lose.
He recognizes her. I think they didn't meet until the interview in the show, but let's say they had. He realizes the witches had succeeded in their own plan, to keep their future Supreme alive. He's as furious as he is impressed. Thus, he seizes her, determined to get answers away from any prying eyes.
What happens next? Smut, after he decides to seduce her, and get her on his side before she realizes what happened? He woudn't care they may get caught. It might even appeal to him - claiming her as his, in front of others. Then, he'd probably bring her to his room, and leave her to safely rest until he can take her home (aka his Sanctuary of evil elites). Or, would it be angst, after he imprisons her? The possibilities are endless.
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coopermorrow · 2 years
Who I Write For
Hi! My name is Cooper and I am hoping to be a writer one day so I thought what better way of starting off than by writing about my favorite celebrities and characters? I am in many fandoms but not all, so if you don't happen to see one of your favorite celebrities or characters on my list you can still ask me to write about them and I'll do my best!
American Horror Story:
Tate Langdon
Violet Harmon
Nora Montgomery
Lana Winters
Kit Walker
Sister Mary Eunice McKee
Madison Montgomery
Zoe Benson
Cordelia Goode
Misty Day
Kyle Spencer (pre and post death)
Dandy Mott
Tristan Duffy
James Patrick March
Elizabeth/The Countess
Kai Anderson
Winter Anderson
Michael Langdon
Brooke Thompson
Xavier Plympton
Montana Duke
Harry Gardner
Slashers/Horror Characters:
Michael Myers
Jason Voorhees
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Bubba Sawyer
Vincent Sinclair
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Tiffany Valentine
Baby Firefly
Brahms Heelshire
Darry Jenner (Jeepers Creepers)
Norman Bates (Bates Motel)
Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal)
Art the Clown
Kim Seokjin
Min Yoongi
Jung Hoseok
Kim Namjoon
Park Jimin
Kim Taehyung
Jeon Jungkook
Johnny Knoxville
Ryan Dunn
Bam Margera
Chris Pontius
Rachel Wolfson
Marvel/Avengers Characters:
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Natasha Romanoff
Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson
James "Bucky" Barnes
Bruce Banner
Wanda Maximoff
IT (2017 and 2019):
Richie Tozier
Bill Denbrough
Eddie Kaspbrak
Mike Hanlon
Stanley Uris
Ben Hanscom
Beverly Marsh
Patrick Hockstetter
Henry Bowers
Reginald "Belch" Huggins
Victor Criss
What's Eating Gilbert Grape:
Gilbert Grape
Arnie Grape
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Ronald Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
It's Always Sunny In Philadeplphia:
Charlie Kelly
Dennis Reynolds
Deandra "Dee" Reynolds
Ronald "Mac" McDonald
The Last Of Us (show):
Joel Miller
Ellie Williams
Wednesday Addams
Morticia Addams
Xavier Thorpe
Javier Pena
Kevin Khatchadourian
Jay (Jay and Silent bob)
Jareth the Goblin King (The Labyrinth)
Mort Rainey
Victor Van Dort
Tarrant Hightopp/The Mad Hatter (Alice In Wonderland)
Edward Scissorhands
I will not write rape, 18+ content for underage characters, or anything where the character is another species. I will not take requests containing pedophilia, ablism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, or any other form of bigotry. Comfort imagines for things such as depression, eating disorders, and anxiety are fine as long as you do not want them to be very descriptive and/or explicit. Please make formal requests through my ask as I will not take comments as formal requests. I write for multiple genders but only smut for afab people as that is the anatomy I am most understanding of. I do take "x reader" requests. I can try to write crossovers, though I'm not too experienced with them and I do write for celebrities as well.
Requests are open now so if you do decide to make one, please include the character(s) you want and at least a small description of what you would like the plot to be. Thank you! <3
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dontcxckitup · 1 year
@brokenthimbles cont. from (X)
Wendy smiled softly. She knew G was not pleased that she was going to be at Whitehall, but something told her he needed her and for the first time she felt this burning in her chest that she couldn’t shake. Memories of their meeting, North Ireland, her crash, blofeld…… so much and they’ve always made it through.
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“I love you Gareth Mallory.” she whispered softly before she gave his hand a squeeze and made her way to the nursery to pack Michael Arthurs bags.
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He watched her for a moment, smiling to himself. Really, he didn't deserve Wendy. She was an angel, despite her constantly claiming not to be, and the love of his life. If he lost her, it was as if his entire world went down.
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Gareth followed her, grabbing one of the bag and opening the small closet to pack as many of their son's clothes as possible. Being an ex-soldier, he packed the bag fast and efficient. "What will we tell him?" he asked quietly. "We've never let him stay at his uncle's alone."
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7-wonders · 3 months
Time of Your Life
Michael Langdon x Reader (Mad Love Act II, Chapter XVIII)
Summary: It's something unpredictable, but in the end, it's right. I hope you had the time of your life.
Word Count: 3.6k
A note from the author (it's a long one): "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" by Green Day has been on repeat while I wrote this final chapter for a couple of different reasons. While one will be revealed literally the moment you begin to read this final chapter, the other is for obvious reasons. We've reached the end of Mad Love.
I've spent more time than I should have thinking about the note that I would write to accompany this finale. This story started way back in 2019, born of one of my first one-shots that blew up. Though I had never planned to write anything beyond that original first chapter, people kept asking for a second part. Thus, Mad Love was born.
So much has happened in the five years since I began writing this, both within the story itself and within my life. I've graduated college, started a new job, moved cities and slowly learned how to become an adult. Through it all, there's always been this story to come back to. No matter what got in my way of releasing the next chapter, or how long the breaks between releases were, there were always readers just as excited to learn what was going on with Michael and Reader as I was to write it.
My thanks to anybody who's ever read this story, and my endless gratitude to those who have liked, commented, and reblogged throughout the years. I've fondly read everything left in the tags, from the quickest of keysmashes to the most thought-out notes. The support of my readers was, sometimes, the only reason I chose to write and update, especially in the last couple of years when my interest in this fandom waned. You've seen this story through the highs and lows, and you've seen me, the author, through the highs and lows.
With the end of this story comes the end of my time writing for Michael Langdon, and I'll miss him so much. He was the reason I started this blog in the first place, and getting to get inside his head has been such a benefit in my growth as a writer. Thank you for everything, Michael, you awkward, puppydog Antichrist.
For the last time, I sincerely hope that you enjoy, and remember that likes, comments, and reblogs make my world go round.
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Mad Love Masterlist
Seven months later
It’s a phrase you’ve heard innumerable times today, whether directed at you or overheard among the groups that comprise the hundreds, if not thousands, of people gathered. Though you’ve been directed to smile a number of times today, and that doesn’t show any signs of stopping, you doubt you’ll end up being annoyed. After all, how could you be annoyed on one of the best days of your life?
Your arm tightens around Kate and vice versa as you both do what’s asked and smile brightly for the camera. It’s a bit awkward, having to figure out how to hold your diplomas with one hand while simultaneously trying to keep your mortarboards from hitting, but you make it work. Once Kate’s step-mom flashes a thumbs up, Kate insists on one more, and you giggle as she kisses your cheek.
“Mallory, get in a picture with them!” Brennan, standing off to the side, urges.
“Even though I’m not a graduate?” she asks teasingly. 
“Still a bestie,” Kate retorts, wiggling her fingers in Mallory’s direction. “C’mere!”
She fits herself between you and Kate, the missing puzzle piece to your trio, as the three of you pose once more. Mallory will get her own graduation day soon—she only needs another semester of credits to graduate, and plans on returning to school in the fall to finish her English degree. There have already been plans discussed of how you’ll celebrate her own accomplishment, but she’s insisted that talk of this can wait. Today, she said, is for you.
And today, you’re so, so happy.
Sometimes, you never thought that you would actually see graduation day. Between the routine breakdowns every semester that made you ponder why you actually wanted your degree and how weird and supernatural your life had become in the latter two years of your post-secondary education, graduation seemed so distant, like a barely achievable fantasy. But in the blink of an eye, you found yourself sitting among your peers and listening to the same type of cheesy “this is where your life begins” speech that you heard at your high school graduation a few years prior.
This graduation is so much sweeter though, because you had to work for this degree. Through the late nights and tears, the well-researched essays and the hastily finished group projects (the bane of your existence), the relationship drama and the threat of apocalypse—you persevered, despite it all. You earned this accomplishment. This time around, the speeches sounded so much more inspirational, the air filled with more excitement, and the celebrations more deserved.
The best part of the ceremony? Walking across the stage to receive your diploma and looking into the crowd to see Michael standing and cheering with your family, tears in his eyes and a grin on his face. When you waved at him, his smile had somehow grown, and he whistled loudly.
Now, you eagerly search the faces of those streaming around you outside, hoping to see someone familiar. While you found your family right away after the ceremony officially concluded, Michael split off from them for a bit, making you wait to find the one person you wanted to see most. When you finally see your favorite pair of blue eyes, you peel off of Kate and Mallory and run to him. Michael opens his arms and happily wraps you up in a hug, the both of you swaying from side to side.
“Well?” he finally says, pulling away from you to fix your mortarboard, knocked out of place when it hit his forehead. “How’s it feel, graduate?”
“Feels pretty damn good,” you declare, flipping open your diploma and gazing down at it proudly. Your name and your major are written ornately, declaring that you’ve fulfilled the requirements of your degree. Michael kisses your cheek as he looks it over, tracing the engraving of your school’s crest on the inside cover.
“I’m so proud of you.”
You become unexpectedly emotional at this, tears pricking your eyes for the first time today (honestly, you thought this would happen sooner) and your throat growing tight. While you know that he’s proud of you all the time, hearing it on the occasion of the biggest accomplishment of your life so far makes it extra special. “Thanks, love.”
He kisses you chastely, acutely aware of the fact that your family is watching. It’s sweet, how eager he is to impress them. You’ve told him multiple times that he doesn’t need to try—he succeeded at making them like him from the get-go, simply due to how he treats you. Michael, of course, didn’t grow up with any idea of what a semi-healthy family dynamic is, and still believes that he needs to continually earn their approval. It’s a stark difference from the Michael that he was veering towards becoming a few short months ago, and you’re so thankful for it.
He wasn’t lying that night in New Orleans when he said things would be different from that point on, and that included his attitude.
Even after your return from your fall trip, as Michael officially put a stop to the apocalypse plans and started charming and convincing investors and Cooperative members alike into believing that Satan’s will had changed, you could tell that there was something weighing heavily on him. It was in the way that he looked at and acted toward you, the way that he hugged you in the morning and held you at night—like he was so worried that he was going to lose you, or like you would disappear if he looked away for too long. After asking him time and time again what was wrong, only to receive the same answer, that he was fine, you finally sat him down and asked for the truth.
“Honesty, remember?” you said. “We promised that we were going to communicate now.”
Michael considered what he was going to say for a while. You sat in silence with him for almost twenty minutes, holding his hands in yours and waiting patiently for him to gather his courage. Finally, he spoke.
“I saw the future,” he said. “The future that would have happened if I actually ended the world. It was a complete wasteland, devoid of almost all life. Those who survived the initial fallout were riddled with tumors and sores from the toxic air. They did terrible things—stealing, murder, cannibalism—just to survive. Nothing, though, was as terrible as me. I became…a monster. Someone cruel, someone evil, who enjoyed playing with the lives of those left like they were nothing but puppets. The only thing that I cared about was my father’s approval, and with the world ended and depravity everywhere, he encouraged me to lean into that depravity.”
Michael stopped when he became choked up, and his hands began to shake. One of your hands went to his cheek in comfort, only for him to let out a sad, distressed sound at the act. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“In that future, you—you died,” Michael blurted out.
“I did?”
He nodded as tears began to run down his face and make his eyes look impossibly bigger. “You died, and I couldn’t save you. I was too late, and left with nothing but your corpse. The image has haunted me ever since I saw it. When I look at you, all I can see is how lifeless you looked in my arms.”
It made sense, then, why Michael treated you the way he did. If you had a vivid image of the future, one where he was dead and you were forced to bear witness to it, you’d likely have acted the same way. To see him in this much pain over what he witnessed hurt you in turn. Sniffing back tears to try and remain the strong one (because Michael needed comfort in that moment much more than you did), you took his hand and placed it on the side of your neck.
“Do you feel my pulse, thrumming away under your fingers?” you asked, waiting for him to nod before moving his hand to your chest. “Feel my breathing? I’m not dead. I’m here, alive, and with you. And if I have it my way, I’m not going anywhere.”
Michael pulled you to him, and you straddled his lap in order to get as close to him as possible. If it took you plastering yourself to him in order for him to hear the truth in your words, then you were going to glue him.
“Yes, you saw a future where I died. But what matters is that this isn’t our future. Our future is this one, where you’re changing your path to ensure nothing like that happens. And it won’t, okay?”
It’s taken a lot of work and reassurance to get Michael to believe that the future you were on a crash course for is no longer even an option. With Satan’s recent acceptance of Michael’s alternate plan—“the long game,” Michael likes to call it—he’s finally starting to come around.
“There he is!” Kate says triumphantly when you pull Michael back to your group. “We thought you got lost.”
Michael smiles. “I was just taking my time.” He turns to Brennan and grins, abandoning holding your hand so that he can greet his friend (his friend! Michael has a friend!) with a hug. “Congratulations.”
“Thanks, man!” The joy on his face at Michael, notoriously not the best at touching, initiating a hug is evident, and you and Kate share a fond look over your respective boyfriends’ shoulders. Never did you think that your sheltered, half-demon husband would become good friends with a self-described frat bro, but stranger things have happened.
“Are you guys coming to the bonfire tonight?” Brennan and a couple of his closest Lambda Chi brothers had planned a farewell beach bonfire for tonight. It’s supposed to be pretty lowkey, according to Kate, with maybe thirty people at most—rookie numbers for an event hosted by Brennan, but ones that make the event more appealing after a long weekend of graduation festivities.
You shrug. “Maybe. We’re going to dinner with my family after this, so I’m not sure how long it’ll take or how peopled-out we’ll be.”
“Oh, you have to come!” Kate pleads. “What if this is our last night all together?”
“It’s not going to be! We have plenty more adventures in store,” you assure her. After all, it’s not like she and Brennan are going anywhere yet, not with Brennan finding an engineering job in the area and Kate getting a job offer out of her internship.
“But you and Michael are going to Europe in a month, and by the time you get back summer’s basically over and you’ll be off to grad school.”
You smile at the reminder of what’s in store for you. Michael was finally making good on his promise to sweep you off your feet with the “date” of a lifetime. Greece, Italy, England, and France were on the docket for your European adventure, but one of the perks of having an Antichrist husband who controls the world’s most powerful people is that you can change your plans to whatever you want them to be.
And grad school! While you’re excited to be in a new area, and to continue your studies in a field you love so dearly, you’re most excited for Michael’s future. In addition to what he’s already been doing with the Cooperative, he’s also planning on taking a couple of classes at the same school that you’re attending to find a major he’s passionate about. His orientation day is the same as yours, and you’re a little too excited that you’ll get to take your student ID pictures together. For the first time in a long time, Michael seems happy and excited for what’s in store. As for you, you couldn’t be more thrilled that he’s discovering who he is outside of being Satan’s son, which is all you’ve ever wanted for him.
“You said it yourself though, Europe’s not for a whole month!” you say to try and cheer Kate up.
She pouts and drags Mallory to her after a moment of thought. “Okay, but Mallory goes home tomorrow night! What if that’s it for us?”
It won’t be, since you and Kate literally have the tickets already booked for a trip to see Mallory in New Orleans before school starts in August. But despite your best efforts, the nostalgia gets to you. This likely will be the last time all three of you get to hang out together here, at the school where you all met. The longer you go without speaking, the wider Kate’s smile grows. Oh, she knows you too well!
Luckily, you’re saved by a member of your family grabbing your arm. “We’re going to head back to our hotel to get ready for dinner. We’ll meet you in an hour, alright?”
You smile and nod. “Alright, love you!” 
Hugs are given to both you and Michael (who still looks delightfully pleased that these people don’t all hate him simply by virtue of him being alive) before they split off. The conversation with Kate is forgotten for the moment as you make the rounds with some of your other friends, going through the routine of congratulating and smiling for pictures over and over again.
“We should probably get out of here if we want to be on time for dinner,” Michael eventually says into your ear. 
You nod after checking your watch to see that he’s right and head over to Kate, wrapping your arms around her from behind in an attempt to scare her. Instead, she just laughs and turns around so that she’s facing you.
“Hey, we’re leaving,” you tell her.
“But we’ll see you tonight, right?” she asks hopefully.
“I don’t know.”
“Please?” Kate’s eyes grow wide, and she clasps her hands in front of her. “Please please please?”
You sigh. “We’ll see…”
Naturally, you end up sitting in the car next to Michael as you pull up to the location Kate sent you at that damn beach. 
The sun’s just barely set, the horizon still a light yellow as the last rays of light try to cling on before giving way completely to the night. It silhouettes the scene below, where your friends are clustered in loose groups around the fire that’s already going strong. Their laughter, along with music playing from a speaker someone must have brought with them, can be heard even up here, at least a hundred feet away. It makes you eager to join them, and you reach into the back seat to grab the bag that you packed with a large blanket, some drinks (both with and without alcohol, for wherever the night leads you), and a couple of snacks.
“You made it!” Mallory cheers when you and Michael walk hand in hand to the group, Kate jumping up to hug you like it’s been years since she’s last seen you—one of your favorite traits about her.
“What can I say? Someone’s pretty convincing,” you tease.
Kate laughs triumphantly. “Damn right, I am. C’mon! Have a seat.”
Doing as she says, you spread out the blanket next to Kate, Brennan, and Mallory, lay your drinks and food out so that they can be shared, and get comfortable.
The night passes like most get-togethers with your friends do: with lots of laughter. And when there’s not laughing, there’s talking. The topics range from anything to everything—the simultaneous feelings of excitement and fear at what’s next, sharing memes, updates on job hunts, new music recommendations. Being able to fit fifty different conversations into one hours-long period is one of your (many) favorite things about your friends. You, Kate, and Mallory eventually end up on the topic of your Europe trip, both wanting to know all of the details now that you’ve gotten it mostly planned.
“How are you going about the Greece portion?” Kate asks.
You tilt your head in confusion. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
Kate fumbles for a moment, unable to find the words. “Mal, help me out here.”
Mallory nods, apparently knowing exactly what Kate means. “You know, are you going to look at all the history and culture, explore some ruins and visit museums? Or are you going to live out your Mamma Mia fantasies, endless days spent on the beach, swimming in the crystal blue ocean, and,” she casts a look at Michael, currently chatting with Brennan and Jack, before waggling her eyebrows, “dot dot dot?”
You and Kate both laugh, with Mallory joining you after a moment of trying to keep up her straight face. “How long have you been holding on to that one?”
“Actually, only when Kate tossed the question to me.” She shrugs and sighs. “It’s hard being a comedic genius, but somebody’s got to do it.”
“But for real!” Before Kate can ask you the question again, another song starts up and she lets out a pleasantly surprised shout. When she looks at Brennan to get his attention, he’s already looking back at her. “Of course, you snuck this song onto the playlist.”
“I had to,” he says bashfully. “Beach bonfires get me feeling all sentimental.”
“We met at a beach bonfire,” Kate says to you and Mallory. “Labor Day weekend of our sophomore year! This song comes on, and suddenly I find myself talking to a guy who also thinks Perks of Being a Wallflower is one of the few movie adaptations that’s just as good as the book.”
“How did I not know that!” Mallory exclaims. 
“Brennan, you’re such a sap,” you tease.
“Only for my lady love.” He crawls over and kisses her, so naturally it’s your and Mallory’s duty as her best friends to gag when he does so. “So? May I have this dance?”
Kate goes along happily, allowing Brennan to pull her up and spinning with him in the sand. Michael joins you now that his conversation’s been broken up, settling back down on your blanket and pulling you against him so that your back is to his chest. You both watch your friends dance for a bit, a few others on the opposite end of the fire getting up to join them.
“Do you ever think about it?” Michael asks you, bringing your attention away from the scene in front of you.
You look at him curiously. “Think about what?”
“How we would have met if I wasn’t who I am. What our life would have been like.” He smiles, a slight movement tinged with self-deprecation, and takes a drink of his water before continuing. “I do. In my head, we met on the first day of class. It was probably some gen ed—English, I usually imagine. I would have sat next to you because it was the only empty seat left, and by the end of the second week, I would be asking you for help since I’m not the best at writing. We probably would have started out as friends before I got up the courage to ask you out on a date.”
“That does sound nice,” you admit. 
Though you won’t say it aloud, sometimes you’ve thought the exact same thing. How, if he was just a regular guy, your love story would have been something simple, something normal. You never would have been kidnapped (twice), or poisoned by Satan, or forced to marry the Antichrist, falling in love with him despite your very best efforts. You wouldn’t have had to spend so much time and energy worrying about the world ending while trying to figure out how you, a mortal with no sort of powers, could stop it. There wouldn’t be some alternate future out there where the world did end and you died, according to Michael, a painful and traumatic death.
“You know what, though? If I had the chance, I don’t think I’d change our story.”
He looks at you in bewilderment. “Even after everything we’ve been through? After everything I’ve put you through?”
“Have the things that we’ve gone through been crazy and oftentimes fucked up? Yeah, absolutely. But for every bad, there’s been so much good.” 
With Michael snapping for the first time and accidentally hitting you came going on your first “date” with him and learning that he really likes mint chocolate chip ice cream. When you were in the trenches after Dinah gave you the potion to reverse the effects of the poison apple, Michael never left your side and cared for you diligently until you woke up. The Cooperative meeting you attended, the one where you watched Michael incinerate a man with his mind, seemed a fair trade-off for getting to experience your senior homecoming with the man you love.
“I love all of you, Michael, demonic parts and all. If you weren’t the Antichrist, then you wouldn’t be the man that I love. So yeah, I’ll take everything we’ve been through. Because everything we’ve been through, we’ve done together.”
Michael’s laugh sounds surprised, as though he was waiting for you to reveal that you’ve been lying this whole time. “I love you too.”
While you and Michael had an impromptu heart-to-heart, more of your fellow beachgoers got up and started dancing as songs came and went. The song changes once more and this time Mallory jumps up with a whoop, grabbing Kate’s outstretched hand and spinning herself under it. As the two start to move with the beat of the song, they catch your eye and begin beckoning you over. Laughing, you shake your head and settle yourself more firmly against Michael.
“Aren’t you going to go dance?” he asks.
“No.” You smile and kiss him, happy to feel him smiling too. “I’d rather just stay here with you.”
It’s the truth, both for your current situation and for life in general. You don’t have the gift of divination like your husband and best friend—nor any powers at all—but you don’t need them. With Michael by your side, you already know that your future’s looking very bright.
@ajokeformur-ray @iamavailablesstuff @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @nsainmoonchild @redroses07
@xo-angel-ox @littleangel4996 @iamlivingforturner @thatonehumanbeing05 @codycrazy
@love-on-the-murder-scene @gabriella-aesthetic @radicalisopod
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reallyintoscience · 2 years
tagged by @issylra, @hardly-an-escape and @mallory-x in the first line game that's going around!
Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Well, here's some Sandman and then my extremely eclectic exchange-based writing...
If Only Grant a Name (Sandman, Dreamling, WIP)
The problem starts because Dream arrives early for his appointment with Hob Gadling.
Sky is a Marvellous Garden Tonight (Sandman, Dreamling)
Meeting with Hob Gadling is at once restful and stimulating. Hob is always pleased to see him. Dream has tried to test this, because he finds it difficult to believe. And yet, no matter how often Dream comes to him, and no matter what he is occupied with at the time, Dream receives that same smile, that same welcome.
Rest at Your Hearth (Sandman, Dreamling)
Dream finds he cannot settle to his work, after everything. He has much to do and no shortage of time to do it in, and yet he. Cannot. Does not want the walls of his home around him, cannot hold his concentration long enough for the more intricate tasks required for the rebuilding of his realm. He feels stretched and thin and empty. Certainly, he has not the frame of mind necessary to create new dreams or nightmares. Creation demands of him his entire heart, a trust in himself and his own nature that has never before been in doubt. Now, he questions himself, he hesitates, he paces, he scratches at the dry wells of himself and he cannot be long in a single place. He has had enough of being still. So much of his role is in stillness. He cannot. Settle to it.
East Side Drowning (Cass Neary Series - Elizabeth Hand, gen)
The Lower East Side in the late 70s was its own thing. 
The waterfront was something else again. I found my way there as if it was another inevitability, on the edge of the Hudson and in the shadow of the old navy. It was a haunted place as only the maritime professions produce; the kind of hauntings that come with transience, identity forged in the running from the past. The twin taunts of camaraderie and isolation, where you can be known by the face and never by the soul. So it was a fitting place for New York's underground to be, the best possible home for the desperate spit-slick glimmer of the cruising scene in those days. 
The Bodyguard's Legacy (Hitman's Bodyguard movies, gen)
Michael lay on the yacht cabin roof, catching some sun and tunes. Two weeks of determined and unavoidable practice made it easy to ignore Sonia’s screaming and Kincaid’s yelling, but—due to an unfortunate incident with a jackhammer in his misspent younger years—the steady thumping vibrations were another matter. He gritted his teeth and bumped up the volume on Tina Turner. Still, when he was suddenly drenched in the spray of a jet ski arcing to a halt next to the yacht, the distraction was something of a relief.
Okay, Then (The Wicked + The Divine, Baph/Dio, pre-Cass/Laura)
If there was one thing you could say about prison, it was that it gave us a lot of time to relearn our miracles. Carefully, of course. The system isn't set up for people like us, and they're jumpy. No one really knows what we can still do. Especially us. 
Re-in-vent the Revent (The Culture series - Ian M. Banks, Zakalwe/GOU Falling Outside The Normal Moral Constraints)
"Listen, pal, I still don't think that strictly speaking this is a great idea, but your skin and all," the ship said. 
"It's a terrible idea," Zakalwe agreed, trying to get comfortable. The explosive wrap was restrictive, that was for sure. "Which is why we're doing it. You don't win wars by not being terrible."
marvellous time (folklore - Taylor Swift, Holiday House/F)
Jerry closed the door on the last of her old art school friends, waving them off from the window as they piled into Selina's old Cadillac and drove away. She'd pretended all weekend not to notice the concerned looks they'd exchanged between them, the way Cassie had offered to stay another week, just to 'keep her company', the whites of her eyes showing when she said it. Brave and lovely. The way they stayed clumped together at night.
Meeting of Minds (Transformers G1 vs Star Trek TOS, gen)
"Captain, I'm reading a debris field, one parsec to starboard. Sensors indicate a large metallic mass of unknown composition."
"Unlikely, Captain. The largest object's angular shape is uncommon in asteroids. Further, there is an anomalous energy signature."
Jim sat forward in the command chair. "Put it on screen, direct all sensors toward the object."
"Our sensors are operating at the furthest range possible and visual detail is lacking, Captain. There is, however, a 92.3% probability that we are looking at a starship of a type unknown to Federation databases."
I'm Sorry If (The Magnus Archives, Jon/Michael)
The statement Jon wants is missing. When he first took it from the subject he thought it was a lot of paranoid nonsense, but now he thinks it could have been one of the Stranger's and he wants to read over it again. The misfiling is frustrating. The tickling between the shoulder blades is unsettling. 
It's watching him again. Jon is starting to be able to tell, his power growing in what might be a natural progression or might just be sheer mortal panic. Or. Scratch the 'mortal' part, Jon might be a lot of things but people who get to call themselves mortal probably don't spontaneously heal from their monstrous injuries. Their injuries from monsters. Something like that. 
Apologies for re-tagging if you're already done it, and no pressure either way but: @lu-inlondon, @beholdingthegaytimes, @gabessquishytum, @blueberrymffn, @dancinbutterfly, @lostelfwriting, @seiya-starsniper, @ginjones, @ghostboyjules, @sans--seraph
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thefvrious · 1 year
MULTIMUSE MEME: Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi. If you like any of the suggested combinations, you are welcome to come plot or start interactions with them.
remus lupin x isabella blackwood arawn kodiac x gabriel mccormick janessa spade/leila mitchell/lila anderson x yvonne beaumont remus lupin/fenrir greyback/lestat de lioncourt/louis de pointe du lac/jude cruorem/holter grosvenor/aspen crawford/veena razdan x michael fitzpatrick maverick mckenzie/hannibal lecter/nevada mallory/brody everhart x alejandro valdez
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number 76 for the fic writer asks in regards to Mary Prays The Rosary For My Broken Mind (AHS APOCALYPSE)
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of “Mary Prays The Rosary For My Broken Mind” Michael Langdon x Fem! OC?
Ok, so I was initially going to make Prim friends with Mallory instead of Emily, for more conflict later on in the story when the witches arrive (which I haven’t written that part yet). But I decided to go with Emily because it was easier for her to interact with Emily than a Grey like Mallory. I also considered Michael killing Primrose after they have sex. But I think he likes her (in a manipulative kind of possessive way) enough now that she isn’t innocent and she submits to him. Also it would be more interesting to have her live long enough for the witches to come and challenge Michael. Like it gives opportunities for the witches to see Primrose as a “poor victim with magic potential as a witch” and try and destroy Michael and save her only for them to find out she’s loyal to him).
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