#michaela shepard
yuisdad · 1 year
Since I’m sad that otome games don’t have English dubs when they get realeased in the west, I’ve decided to do English fan casts to alleviate the pain. (I get that they’re a niche genre, but let me have this)
Code Realize, Hakuoki, and Amnesia will have the same voice actors from their English dubs. One of the exception is Toma, since his voice actor is unfortunately dead. I would replace Toma’s voice actor with Mike Haimoto. Another exception is Sanosuke Harada’s voice actor since he’s been blacklisted and arrested due to grooming a 16 year old and marrying her in 2014. He’s already been replaced by Phil Hayes in the Hakuoki movies, so he’ll stay.
I’m not doing Collar X Malice at the moment since it’s getting a movie adaptation this year, and (hopefully) it will inevitably get an English dub. If it doesn’t, then I’ll do it on the future. 
The heroines are all voiced in English as well because I say so lol.
Norn 9:
Koharu: Jad Saxton
Mikoto Kuga: Kira Vincent-Davis
Nanami Shiranui: Brittney Karbowski
Sorata Suzuhara: Kiba Walker
Kakeru Yuiga: Blake Shepard
Senri Ichinose: Bryson Baugus
Masamune Toya: David Matranga
Natsuhiko Azuma: Mark Ivy
Sakuya Nijou: Michaela Laws
Itsuki Kagami: Howard Wang
Akito Shukuri: Daman Mills
Heishi Otomaru: Greg Ayres
Ron Muroboshi: David Wald
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly:
Beniyuri: Emi Lo
Kikage: Johnny-Yong Bocsh
Yamato: Aleks Le
Karasuba: Griffin Puatu
Kagiha: Y Chang
Monshiro: Caleb Yen
Usagi: Xanthe Hyunh
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk:
Eiar/Jed: Brina Palencia
Lavan: David Matranga
Levi: Aaron Dismuke
Lugus: Zeno Robinson
Tower Overlord/Ashen Hawk: J. Michael Tatum
Hugh: Ryan Colt Levy
Piofiore Fated Memories: 
Liliana Adornato: Felicia Angelle
Dante Falzone: Daman Mills
Gilbert Redford: Alejandro Saab
Yang: Y. Chang
Nicola Francesca: Jonah Scott
Orlok: Cedric Williams Jr.
Henri Lambert: Jonathan Bullock
Cafe Enchante:
Kotone Awaki: Maddie Matsumoto
Misyr Rex: Joshua David King
Canus Espada: Christopher Escalante
Il Fado de Rie: Dom Dinh
Ignis Carbunculus: Jalen K Cassell
Kaoru Rindo: Eric Bauza
Cupid Parasite:
Lynette Mirror: Amanda Lee
Gil Lovecraft: Corey Wilder
Shelby Snail: Danny Spiller
Ryuki F Keisaiin: Jacob Takanashi
Raul Aconite: Everett Van Maren
Allan Melville: Reagan Murdock
Peter Flage/Jupiter: Brandon Winkler
Teuta Bridges: Stephanie Sheh
Limbo Scott Fitzgerald: Robbie Daymond
Shu Lyn O'Keefe: Matthew Mercer
Mozu Nile Shepard: Jakob Takanashi
Helvetica Orsted: Steve Warky Nunez
Scarecrow: Edward Mendoza
Adam Krylov: Nathan Sharp
Luka: Mikaela Krantz
Carmen: Kayleigh McKee
Anyone else is free to put in their own voice headcanons for otome games if they want to.
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morganas-pendragons · 6 months
4 and/or 5 for the ask game, please!! :D
I’m gonna give you one fact for all my OCS since 2019!
Whisper Shepard - Absolutely does half dressed dances during karaoke with Joker on their bed in the Normandy. Their favorite song to do is Don’t Stop Believing.
Rhaella Targaryen - Wears the pants in the relationship but is an absolute sucker who will bend to Jaime’s will every single time he does something like this: 🥺 Also absolutely is that Queen who does a: Come pet a dragon for free, and then takes kids on rides on Rhaegal.
Michaela-343 - Secret aspirations to be a dancer if she hadn’t been a Spartan. Became a medic because she was too gentle to handle combat. Personally trained by Emile because she wouldn’t listen to anyone else. Also punched out a CMO on the Pillar of Autumn because they tried to touch Carter without her permission. Absolutely fell in love with John faster than she’ll ever admit. Has gossip sessions with Linda and Kelly when she meets them. Hates coffee. Loves bourbon. Spoiler: Ends up becoming best friends with Buck and the one who ends up training him to be a Spartan IV!
Sarah Grayson Todd - Had a secret memorial shrine of paintings for moments of hers and Jason’s relationship throughout the years. The only one she never let anyone see is a painting of a lone oak tree in an abandoned field. And there’s only one gravestone beneath it.
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theoriginalladya · 4 years
Lonely Sunday Morning (fanfic)
So, a bit of a setup here:  some 4-5 years ago maybe(?) I created Michaela Shepard to RP with @scarletthalloran‘s Kaidan Alenko.  During that time, she introduced me to Levi Kreis’ songs.  Several in particular stood out as really good Mass Effect inspiring, but Lonely Sunday Morning just spoke to me on another level altogether.  Ever since then, I’ve been trying to finish a fic I started for her tied to that.  Tonight, I finally finished it.  
Here you are, my dear!  I’m so sorry it took so long, but just know these two are always in my mind, and though short lived, I had a blast playing Michaela with your Kaidan! :)  <3
(under cut for length)
Setting:  Normandy   post-Thessia
On AO3 here
Like a lion through the high grass of the savannah, exhaustion stalks her every move, and with each mission, every battle, it is only getting worse.  If she feels anything, it is the weight of every minute, every hour, every day that passes since fleeing Earth and the Reaper attack.  It doesn’t matter that it was for the good of the galaxy; it still hurts, and moving the entire process forward is a painful battle of its own, at times even against herself.  She is drained; no doubt about it.  Spent physically, emotionally, any and all ways a body, mind and spirit can be wrung out.  But the missions come with such frequency and with very little of the precious downtime in between, she feels as if she is perpetually cracked, her life seeping out through the fissures.  
The war is taking its toll on her crew as well. On her friends.  Mistakes have been made.  The risks are starting to outweigh the benefits, but what other choice is there?  The fate of the galaxy is on the line and they, she, is the only one who can get them there.  Winning is the only option; well, not the only, but failure certainly isn’t in the cards. Not if she has a say in it. At the very worst, they die trying, and if that is their destiny, at least they will leave better counsel in place for the next cycle.
Shepard’s towel slithers down her body to form a muddled heap at her feet.  She chooses to ignore it and the many regulations drilled into her during basic so many years ago, instead opting to crawl straight beneath the sheets.  Temptation is a dangerous thing, she recalls hearing somewhere.  Right now, temptation wins out, though guilt tracks her quickly on its heels and attempts to gain traction … to no avail, the shower having taxed all remaining strength to push it away.  
So close, she thinks as her head hits the pillow, tears finally forming as the truth wraps around her like a shroud.  We were so damned close … and now we are even further away than before …
The dampness of her hair soaks the pillow and case, but she doesn’t care.  Her eyes close, blessed sleep just within her grasp.  To escape the failure, if only for a fleeting moment.  She wants, needs, to recharge.  To process.  To find a way to cope so that she can charge forward tomorrow as they need her to …
Bedclothes drawn over her shoulders, the soothing light from the fish tank the only source of brightness in the room, reality smacks her in the face with the force of a krogan headbutt, and she shudders. Realization, even at this depth of exhaustion, is not kind; it doesn’t matter how tired she is, how badly her body wants to fade into unconsciousness, her brain is unwilling to accommodate her and will not shut off.  Focusing on good times, envisioning familiar, friendly faces – none of that will help. Distraction comes in many forms, but right now, behind closed eyelids, all she sees are tactical plans, desperate fights for survival, and the face of defeat … behind a mask and a sword .... Like an old school horror film, it replays over and over and over …
A scream builds in her throat, the desire to yell and curse and blast anyone or thing close enough to her in this moment. She needs rest, dammit!  If she’d only been a little faster, smarter, stronger on Thessia, they wouldn’t be in this situation.  She cannot afford another mistake on that magnitude!
Biting back a half sob of frustration and anguish, she sits up and wraps her arms around her legs, dropping her forehead to rest on her knees.  It’s too much.  I can’t keep doing this.  WHY WON’T YOU LET ME SLEEP???
The inner voices that often chide her during such times remain suspiciously silent this night.  The replay of events on Thessia, however, do not.
Her chest aches, just the tiniest bloom near her heart, but it grows exponentially and spreads, its menacing tendrils burrowing deep.  Her head starts to ache, beginning in her temples and slicing outward, searching for all of the most inconvenient and uncomfortable places …
This, however, she is prepared for.  Without lifting her head, she extends her hand to the nightstand drawer and pulls it open.  She fumbles a moment, eventually settling upon the small bottle of painkillers that the doctor provided weeks ago.  The rattle from within assures her there are at least two left; it is enough. She pops them into her mouth and downs them without water.  Enough is enough.  Maybe this will help the other issue as well.
The bottle falls to the floor from nerveless fingers and she prays the relief comes quickly.  It won’t last long, but if it can take the edge off, perhaps it will also allow her mind to be at ease and sneak stealthily past the images into unconsciousness …
Ten minutes past.  Twenty.  As the thirty minute mark comes and goes, a lone tear leaks from closed lids and trickles down her nose to drip silently into the sheets.
Opening her eyes, Shepard sits up, a sigh of frustration easing past her lips.  She turns her attention to the tank, eyeing the creatures inside, desperately wishing for a way to escape reality for just five bloody minutes with no other care in the world.  Just five damned minutes -- she isn’t greedy! -- to rest.
Rolling to her feet, she grabs the offensive towel out of spite; she could ignore it again but the risk of tripping in her current state outweighs any momentary rebelliousness.  With a flick of her wrist, she tosses it in the direction of the sofa … and then groans when it falls behind it.  Nothing, it seems, can be a win these days …    
It's then she notices her last chance, her one saving grace.  Lying on the coffee table and flipped onto its face is her music datapad.  She crosses the room in three strides and grabs it as well as the earbuds and returns to bed.  A simple touch of her finger to the pad starts the playback.  Something soothing and gentle, she hopes. Something that will transition her failure into sleep so she can get proper sleep to deal with whatever the reapers or Cerberus throw at her next.  You win some, you lose some, she recalls her father saying once so many years ago.  With a sigh, she thinks, Yeah, Pop, but today we lost an important one … one that might just keep us from winning the whole thing ….
She desperately hopes she is wrong on that count.
Lying back, her eyes close and she sighs heavily as the first soft strains of piano filter in.  It isn’t any song she is familiar with, but it has a nice sound to it … and then a deep, powerful, rich voice starts to croon.  Resonate.  
She bolts upright, eyes wide, breath tight in her chest.  She knows that voice!  This isn’t some professional recording, either – there’s a scratchiness in the background that suggests it was recorded over omni-tool.  It also does nothing to hide the way the notes, so vibrant and compelling, meld with words that pull a deep and purely emotional response from within.
I can still taste you on my lips
I can still smell you on my sheets
I can still feel the way you tremble
When I hold you close to me
All thought of blissful peace in unconsciousness flees with the strength of a biotic flare.  And she doesn’t care …
It's like everything about you
Is everything I need
Waking up without you
Is gonna be the death of me
I'm not so use to silence
I can't find you anywhere
The tears are automatic -- between lyrics and music, she cannot help it.  With shaking hands, she lifts the datapad and searches for clues to its owner because it certainly is not hers.
 ~ n ~
 Wearily, Kaidan exits the lift and enters the cabin as silently as he can.  He’s aware, from EDI, that Shepard retreated here after speaking with the asari Councilor, Admiral Hackett, and following up with Liara.  There is a pattern in her retreat, one he isn’t certain she’s aware of, but now is hardly the time to argue about it.  Her constant state of go, go, go in the face of so much adversity without recharging is of concern to him.  She is their pillar of strength at the forefront of this crusade, and she needs it as much if not more than any of the rest of them.  
Still, she is who she is, and that isn’t worth arguing about either; thus the head start in the hopes she might take advantage of the opportunity and for once give in to her own needs.  The fact that she’s here in her cabin suggests she may have.
He enters to darkness, the glow of the fish tank his only guide, but it’s more than enough, particularly for someone used to taking refuge in dark corners for torturous migraines.  He maneuvers through the cabin with grace and skill and very little if any sound …
Until he realizes Shepard is sitting unnaturally upright in the middle of their bed.  Starlight from the overhead window streams down over her; it’s more than enough to see she is shaken.  Something about it, something he can’t put into words, leaves him uneasy.  She turns toward him, their eyes meet, and he finds something hauntingly familiar there.  “Shepard?”
“Kaidan ...”
Her voice is but a rough rasp of a whisper, but her eyes remain on his, on him. He swallows back wariness and descends the steps to sit on the edge of the bed. “Are you alright?”  He is hesitant to reach out in case it startles her, and yet he cannot help himself.  “Have a bad dream?” he asks as he laces his fingers with her free hand.  “Is there something I can --”
She touches a datapad he didn’t see, and the air around them fills with sound.
“It's a lonely Sunday morning
Cuz you left me without warning
And I don't know how to make it through this lonely Sunday morning…”
The words and music are as familiar to him as breathing, but his eyes widen in shock as she sings along.  “How did you …?”
She hands over what turns out to be his music pad.  The one, he realizes, he never tucked back away in the drawer where he normally leaves it because they arrived early to Thessia and the situation there far more dire than anticipated ....
Her voice cracks on his name and he winces at the pain in it.  “Shepard, let me explain.”
She sets the pad aside and lifts her other hand to frame his cheek, turning his face toward her.  “No need,” she whispers before leaning over to ghost a kiss across his lips.  “I only have one question - why didn’t you tell me?”
He sighs – half in relief, half at the weight of having kept this from her for so long.  “I …”  He drops his gaze to their joined hands.  “Losing you hurt,” he replies.  It’s a simple excuse, too simple for what they’ve been through, but it’s the truth. “I needed a way to let that pain go.”
Against his cheek, he feels her hand tremble.  “Do you … do you think … maybe you could teach me?”
“Hey.” He moves the pad out of the way and pulls her over onto his lap, wraps his arms around her, hums softly with the song. “Next time we’re on the Citadel?”
She nods, tucking her head against his shoulder.  The song kicks into a repeat cycle, softly filling the air around them. “Sing for me?”
He presses a soft kiss to her forehead.
I can still taste you on my lips …
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sparatus · 5 years
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here she is lads..... michaela shepard, colonist war hero and beloved local jewish trans woman in space. i keep telling myself she’ll be my renegade playthrough but like, yall know what i’m like by now right
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oceanmusings · 2 years
Original Character Masterlist - Fandoms
Percy Jackson
Arely Wesseck | form
Fc - Natalia Dyer | Love Interest - Percy Jackson
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
MCU! Charlotte "Charlie" D'Angelo | form
Fc - Vanessa Marano | Love Interest - Michelle "MJ" Jones or Peter Parker
TASM! Charlotte "Lottie" D'Angelo | WIP
Fc - Emmy Rossum | Love Interest - Peter Parker or Michael "MJ" Jones
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Harry Potter
Anna Diggory | form
Fc - Liza Weil | Love Interest - George Weasley
Karina Carter | WIP
Fc - Zendaya | Love Interest - Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter
Athena Owens | WIP
Fc - Jenny Walser | Love Interest - Fluer Delacour
Ava-Rose Wyatt | form
Fc - Holland Roden | Love Interest - James Potter
Devyn Edwards | WIP
Fc - Eliza Scanlen | Love Interest - Remus Lupin
Reese Sudsworth | WIP
Fc - Joseph Quinn | Love Interest - Sirius Black
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
The Walking Dead
Jennifer "JD" Moore | form
Fc - Jodie Comer | Love Interest - Daryl Dixon or Michonne Hawthorne
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Teen Wolf
Adam Dorian | WIP
Fc - Milo Ventimiglia | Love Interest - Allison Argent
Avery Primula | WIP
Fc - Sarah Ramos | Love Interest - Lydia Martin
Amelia "Amy" Primula | WIP
Fc - Mae Whitman | Love Interest - Isaac Lahey
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Red Dead Redemption
Emmaline Nielson | form
Fc - Jessica Brown Findlay | Love Interest - Arthur Morgan
Delilah Matthews | WIP
Fc - Rosamund Pike | Love Interest - Sadie Adler
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Stranger Things
Daisy Hopper | form
Fc - Florence Pugh | Love Interest - Robin Buckley
Paige Evans | WIP
Fc - Kate Hudson | Love Interest - Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Richie Campbell (oc)
Francis Levin | WIP
Fc - Aidan Gallagher | Love Interest - Will Byers
Viviane "Viv" Owens | WIP
Fc - Talia Ryder | Love Interest - Robin Buckley
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Criminal Minds
Arwen Valentine | form
Fc - Imogen Poots | Love Interest - Spencer Reid
Michaela " Mika" Briggs | WIP
Fc - Tatiana Maslany | Love Interest - Emily Prentiss
Dana Hart | WIP
Fc - Deborah Ann Woll | Love Interest - All
(unnamed) Perkins | WIP
Fc - Ashley Johnson | Love Interest - Emily Prentiss
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Switched at Birth
Adalia Parker | WIP
Fc - Holly Marie Combs | Love Interest - Kathryn Kennish
Cora Shepard | WIP
Fc - Haylay Williams | Love Interest - Tobey Kennish
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Lenore "Lori" Holt | form
Fc - Krysten Ritter | Love Interest - Dean Winchester or Charlie Bradbury
Virginia "Gigi" Rivers | WIP
Fc - Alyssa Milano | Love Interest - Castiel or Sam Winchester
Beau Rivers | WIP
Fc - Colin O'Donoghue | Love Interest - Bela Talbot
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Stalking Jack The Ripper Series
Morgan Nielson | WIP
Fc - Darci Shaw | Love Interest - Audrey Rose Wadsworth
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
The Grishaverse
Stafford Lantsov | WIP
Fc - Harrison Osterfield | Love Interest - Genya Safin
Elisa Volkov | WIP
Fc - Mathilde Ollivier | Love Interest - Nikolai Lantsov
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Baldurs Gate 3
Prisma Daerel | WIP
Fc - drawing/game character | Love Interest - Shadowheart or Gale
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mothaus · 2 years
* Primary Muses
** Secondary Muses
*** Muses to mess with a friend
**** Every once in a while
A Plague Tale
Hugo De Rune**
His rats**
A Song of Ice and Fire
Argella Baratheon(OC)**
Argella Durrandon**
Elyarra Stark(OC)**
Deunan Knute*
Maya the Siren*
Demento/Haunting Ground
Detective Comics/DC
Barbara 'Batgirl/Oracle' Gordon**
Martha Kent*
Deus Ex
Eliza Cassan**
Devil May Cry
Kyrie From Devil May Cry 4*
Dragon Age Series
Amalia 'Lia' Cousland, AU not a warden**
Aveline Vallen from DA II*
Kahlan Amell, Warden/HoF**
Lanarill Surana, Warden/HoF**
Final Fantasy
Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca From FFXII**
Jihl Nabaat from FFXIII*
Vivi from Final Fantasy IX*
Full Metal Alchemist
Riza Hawkeye*
Ethel Bette ( OC )**
Mass Effect
Hannah Shepard**
Karin Chakwas*
Urdnot 'Eve' Bakara*
Metal Gear Solid
Laughing Octopus**
Olga Gurlukovich**
Screaming Mantis*
Sunny Gurlukovich**
Mobile Suit Gundam
Emma Sheen from Zeta*
Marida Cruz/Ple Twelve from Unicorn*
Pacific Rim
Sasha Kaidonovskya*
Resident Evil:
Dakota (oc tyrant dog)*
Excella Gionne**
Jill Valentine****
Kathy Burton**
Karena ‘Lupo’ Lesproux
Michaela 'Bertha' Schneider **
Malèna Gionne (OC)*
Polly Burton**
Rebecca Chambers*
Solo Leveling
Cha Hae-in*
Star Trek
Alexandria 'Alex' Munroe*
Beverly Crusher**
Kathryn Janeway*
Star Wars
Bastila Shan *
Darth Revan/Tru Mothma*
Etaine Skirata (OC)*
Leia Organa-Solo**
Lord Mirdalan/Mird’ika*
Tenel Ka Djo*
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
Antonia 'Nomad' Winters
Tom Clancy's The Division
Triple A ( OC Medic )**
Fandomless OC
Aria Wiltz*
Betsy Anne Kleves*
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peakyblinders1919 · 4 years
Hey! So here’s a long awaited (?) Finn Cole imagine. Just pure fluff. Let me know what you think and if I should do more?
“Hey babe.” Your morning started the same almost everyday when he was home; waking up beside the man you loved, and preparing breakfast for him before he got up… who were you kidding. You weren’t a great cook; you were both content to spend your mornings cross-legged on the couch besides each other, a bowl of your respective cereals in your laps. It was the life of luxury. 
“I think it’s time we took our relationship to the next level.” Finn’s expression mirrored a deer caught in headlights with big wide eyes looking at you. 
“What do you mean?”
It was a fair question on his part of course; you’d moved in together two years ago so the natural succession of your relationship meant you were either suggesting getting engaged or skipping a whole step and having a baby. Right?
“I think it’s time we become parents, properly.”
Finn crinkled his eyebrows, looking over at the prickly succulents sitting on the windowsill soaking up the rare London sun. “Excuse me? What do you mean properly? The plants are our children, don’t insult them like that.”
Your laughter rang through your comfortable-sized flat, every girl's modern-minimalist dream covered with plants, crips white linens, circle mirrors and macrame on the walls. You couldn't help but poke his shoulder playfully. “I’m sorry my loves,” you called out, “but they’re kind of underwhelming now that I’ve mastered how to take care of them. You can’t say my plant-caring skills haven’t improved.”
“That’s true, when I came back from AK, Spike over there was on his deathbed; he wasn’t even green.”
“I know, look at your son now, thriving,” you giggled. Finn had picked Spike out specially, a mini cactus with prickles that the vendor swore couldn’t be killed, an impulse buy that later turned into a slight obsession until 20 or so succulents ranging in size decorated your flat. Crossing the room, you gave them all a good spritz, Finn’s gaze lingering on your long legs protruding under the oversized t-shirt you called pajamas. “They were good company at first but it’s kind of a one-sided conversation when you're gone.”
“I’ve told you you can come with me when I go back to Cali…” Finn began, putting his cereal down as he brought you into his lap, a kiss pressed against your lips gently. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, a little thing you’d grown to love and he couldn’t resist. You didn’t mean to make him feel guilty for leaving, you knew exactly what you were signing up for when you started dating him after being the lucky intern who got to interview up-and-coming actor Finn Cole for the magazine. 
“And as I’ve told you, you don’t need a distraction while you're working. And I’ve got my own articles to write here.”
“You can bring a bloody laptop and work from set.”
“I come and visit for a few weeks, but I can’t be away for months. Plus I’d get homesick,” you finished with a giggle and a kiss. “Which all leads to my proposition of expanding the family. I think we should get a dog. A puppy maybe.” Well prepared to make an argument for if, you realized you wouldn’t need to as he wouldn’t object. Finn has love for you and a close second for dogs, all dogs really.
“A puppy? Really? And just because you can water a cactus every week you think you won’t kill a dog while I’m gone?”
“Finlay Lewis J! How dare you have no faith in me!” Could you really be surprised? No, of course not when he was right, you had totally neglected the plants while he was away and it had taken him weeks to resurrect them, although your mouth was shaped in a perfect ‘O.  You took to pouting, which got you a pity kiss in return, but still you poked and pinched at him for his lack of faith.
“Come on, please? It could be our little fur baby, we can get a big guard dog, a pit bull or maybe an Australian Shepard and it could help protect me when I’m all alone here. Plus, you're not going to America - for what, nearly four months?- just enough time to train him. Can’t we go to the shelter tomorrow? Please! We’ve always talked about it Finn…”
“Yeah, alright, stop twisting my arm. We can go look.” You shared a laugh because you both knew he was joking. You weren’t twisting his arm, he’d never say no to a dog. You couldn’t suppress your excitement either, squealing sheepishly like a schoolgirl while pulling him in for a kiss.
The next day, you couldn’t hide her smile as you hung onto Finn’s arm. He was a kid in a candy store, his eyes bigger than his stomach as they walked by cages filled with Labradores, Golden Retrievers, Dachshunds. He wanted them all.
“Finn, look at this little one.”
Rushing to your side, there sat a Husky puppy trying desperately to paw at you from under the cage, whining because you were just out of reach. Her fur was a mix of white and grey, but the thing you liked most about her were her mis-matched eyes, one a beautiful icy blue reminiscent of Cillian’s (which you’ve been lucky enough to experience in person many times and still it was hard to believe they were real) and one brown. She pawed at you like a toy, stopping to look up at you both with a goofy look on her face as her tongue stuck out.
“Oh she’s perfect, isn’t she?”
And just like that you were taking home your new baby, crying from the crate in the back of your car. You already felt so close to her, wishing the London traffic would move faster so you could let her out.
Once you were finally in your flat and you opened the crate, she began running around the apartment, sniffing everything in her way, immediately finding one of Finn’s shoes from the bedroom and running back to you two proudly, laying at your feet and chewing on the string. 
“She’s a ball of energy, that’s for sure.”
“Reminds me of someone else I know,” he joked, pulling you in for a kiss.
“She needs a name.”
“How about… May?”
You crunched up your nose at him, looking at the puppy. “May? Really? I don’t know what about something like… Shelby. An ode to your TV family.” You couldn’t help but laugh, though that name seemed much more fitting for her.
“In that case call her something like Smurf.”
“I know she’s not real but I still hate her. No. Michaela? Ada?” 
“What about Cody?” That’s when she barked, or it was more like a baby yap as she looked up at you two on the couch, trotting over proudly with the show. “Cody? You like the name Cody, huh? I guess her name’s Cody babe.”
“Cody it is. You take good care of her when I’m gone ok, she’s my daughter now.” He joked while picking her up so she could join you two on the couch. 
“I promise we’ll take good care of each other, right Cody? You’ll take care of me when Daddy’s gone?” The pup looked up at Finn before yapping happily again, making you both break into laughter. 
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travesty-majesty · 4 years
Hey guys, Grave here! Obviously lol
So, before I say anything else, TNG is mist definitely still going ahead! 
This is just a post to show off some characters I made
So basically, I was thinking about Angie (yes this spawned from my distaste toward Angie) and how poorly they handled her character in terms of talent (This isn’t to say she’s a bad character! I just think they should have made her more artsy, less religious)
And I thought “Hey, what if I took canon talents and created new characters with them?”
So I doodled them on a whim, but then I realised I actually did pretty well! (I don’t like my own creations often so this is very good for me)
I rreally don't Anna sound like I’m bragging, but I think I did pretty well in terms of diversity here! I usually struggle to design a Good character that isn't Caucasian but the skintones/nationalities came really easy with these characters honestly (maybe because i was watching Coco while drawing half of them lol)
Who knows, maybe these aren’t the best characters. I might not do much with these, but I don't intend to drop them because Ian honestky really proud!
Anyways, here’s the pic (Maybe I’ll draw a full body set at some point)
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The characters, from top left to bottom right;
Gordon Blackburn, Ultimate Anthropologist
Randall Dixon, Ultimate Supreme Leader
Natasha Lament, Ultimate Baseball Star
Laylah Brookes, Ultimate Photographer 
Jaylan Watts, Ultimate Inventor
Reuben Woods, Ultimate Martial Artist
Monica Shepard, Ultimate Breeder
Melany Pitts, Ultimate Entomologist
Diego Harrell, Ultimate Artist
Michaela Keith, Ultimate Mechanic
Ryleigh Case, Ultimate Fashionista
Izayah Carston, Ultimate Clairvoyant
Eddie MacDonald, Ultimate Nurse
Nigel Tanner, Ultimate Cosplayer
Warren Peck, Ultimate Musician 
Violet Delacruz, Ultimate Gymnast
As you can probably tell, I went for more stereotypical outfit designs for things like Ultimate Nurse or Martial Artist. I think it suits them though!
Hopefully you like these characters! Again, I really like them. Not sure what I’ll do at the moment, but I’m definitely keeping them. Cya round, guys! TNG should be updated soon :)
(Also if you zoom in it gets pixelly so just,,, don’t) 
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“The Road” exhibition collected images from 46 artists from across the country to create an exhibition that celebrates, highlights and explores the American road and all that it in-tells.  The exhibition will survey the notion of the American Road. The road is an iconic theme that runs in some of the best and well known American photographers work such as Stephen Shore, Ed Ruscha, Alec Soth and many others . Photographers have traveled these vast landscapes and across thousands of miles to document this country and all that surrounds the road; the landscape, the gas stations, the motels, the diners and everything that comes by its side and its lifestyle.
Curated by Dana Stirling & Yoav Friedlander and hosted at the JKC Gallery in New Jersey.
The Road will run from February 24th through March 27th with a reception and talk on March 12th from 5:00-7:00 pm. The talk will be at 6:00pm.
Selected Artists: Hans Gindlesberger, Joel Stevenett, Lauren Grabelle, Dave Bennett, Michael Joseph, Heather Binns, Chris Bentley, Daniel George, Neal Johnson, Ryan Schude, Sam Angel, Marc Newton, Lori Pond, Lindsay Godin, Parker Reinecker, Emmanuel Monzon, Kelsey Sucena, Lindsey Rickert, Kathy Shorr, Jon Feinstein, Aline Smithson, Betty Press, Tracy Fish, Cody Bratt, Lauren Finch, Young Suh, Becky Wilkes, Roslyn Julia, Dave Hanson, Alanna Styer, Justin Curtis, Grace Weston, David Egan, John Puffer,Liz Albert, Paul Sisson, Caleb Churchill, Lisa Guerriero, Sara Macel, John Sanderson, Eric Kunsman, Will Douglas, Tabitha Timm, Noritaka Minami, Laura Glabman and Annette Lemay Burke.
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Selected Digital Slideshow Artists:  Joel Stevenett, Reid Temple, Nick Shepard, Lauren Grabelle, John Francis, Kevin Hoth, Cocoa Laney, Kyle Everett Smith, Jp Terlizzi, Alyson Bowen, Jaime Alvarez, Nika De Carlo, Darren Ellis, Anibal Pella-woo, Dzesika Devic, Dave Bennett, Michael Joseph, Jessica Brewer Prugh, John Slavin, Chris Bentley, Kelly Burgess, Daniel George, Neal Johnson, Ryan Schude, Charlie Zielinski, Mark Sawrie Sawrie, Sam Angel, Sarah Hinrichs, Marc Newton, Whitney Bradshaw, Heather Palecek, Jiageng Lin, Clifford Cooper, Evan Perkins, Parkewr Reinecker, Epiphany Knedler, Alexandra Gataeva, Kelsey Sucena, Lindsey Rickert, Mateo Ruiz Gonzalez, Kathy Shorr, Kimmo Sahakangas, Jon Feinstein, Dorie Dahlberg, Danny Degennaro, Micah Mccoy, Aline Smithson, Betty Press, Frank Schramm, Yael Nov, Andie  Capace, Dana Marks, Cody Bratt, Nicholas Gaffney, Anika Steppe, Nick Gorski, Lauren Finch, Michael  Amato, Young Suh, Noah  Winslow, Matthew Portch, Jacob Moss, John Kinney, Dave Hanson, Justin Curtis, Christine Tharp, Grace Weston, Marissa Iamartino, David Egan, John Puffer, Urizen Freaza, Liz Albert, Laia Albert , Paul Sisson, Caleb Churchill, Martin Krafft, Alice Renegar, Victoria Crayhon, Ira Wagner, Kristen Bartley, Michaela Warren, Anna Ryabtsov, Sara Macel, Eliot Rockett, Sarah Frazier, John Sanderson, Eric Kunsman, Alain Licari, Noritaka Minami, David Cann, Deshawn Mcleod, Ashley Moog Bowlsbey and Chris Herrera.
Float Photo Magazine was founded by Dana Stirling and Yoav Friedlander in March 2014 with the launch of the first issue “Into the Wild”. Float was created with the goal to share and celebrate the photographic work of versatile roster of contemporary photographers from around the world. From young and emerging to established artists, Float features high quality and creative work with the intention to inspire and push forward our photo community. We offer artists various opportunities and platforms for exposure - Instagram takeovers, book reviews, interviews, curated magazine issues, exhibitions with more to come. Float takes pride in collaborating with many other photo platforms to create a unique, open minded and welcoming space for photographers. And you as well are welcome to join us.
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The 2019 Silver Garbage Award Nominations
The reboot of Magnum P.I. leads all programs with 12 nominations, including Worst Drama Series, Worst New Series of the Year, Worst Remake or Spin-Off, and Worst Actor in a Drama Series.  The cancelled Showtime comedy SMILF leads all comedies with 11 nominations, including Worst Comedy Series and Actress for Frankie Shaw, whose allegations of misconduct on the set led to the show’s demise in March after its second season. Shaw has five of the nominations for SMILF, as she was also Executive Producer, and a writer and director of SMILF. 
Not far behind are the sixth and final film of the Sharknado series and the failed revival of 1990s sitcom Murphy Brown, which both netted ten nominations each.  
Among the acting nominees for the Silver Garbage Awards, which celebrates the worst of the past television season include R. Kelly, Lori Loughlin, and Felicity Huffman, who all have made headlines in recent months for their respective legal issues.  Even former White House Press Secretary Anthony Scaramucci is nominated for Worst Special Class Supporting Actor for his week long stint last Winter on Celebrity Big Brother.
The winners will be posted on Saturday September 21, the eve of the 71st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards telecast on Fox.
 WORST NEW SERIES: The Alec Baldwin Show (ABC) Camping (HBO) Magnum P.I. (CBS) Million Dollar Mile (CBS) The Rookie (ABC) The Village (NBC)
 WORST COMEDY SERIES: Abby’s (NBC) Camping (HBO) Fam (CBS) Murphy Brown (CBS) SMILF (Showtime) Splitting Up Together (ABC)
WORST DRAMA SERIES: I’m Dying Up Here (Showtime) Lethal Weapon (Fox) Magnum P.I. (CBS) The Rookie (ABC) Shades of Blue (NBC) The Village (NBC)
 WORST SPECIAL CLASS PROGRAM: The Bad Seed (Lifetime) The Bobby Brown Story (BET) CBS News Presents The Gayle King Interview With R. Kelly (CBS) The Last Sharknado: It’s About Time (SyFy) Megyn Kelly Today (NBC) RENT Live (Fox)
 WORST REALITY PROGRAM: Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV) Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath (A&E) Made in Staten Island (MTV) Million Dollar Mile (CBS) Real Housewives of New York City (Bravo) Who Is America? (Showtime)
 WORST ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES: Tone Bell - Fam (CBS) Sacha Baron Cohen - Who Is America? (Showtime) Oliver Hudson - Splitting Up Together (ABC) Ashton Kutcher - The Ranch (Netflix) Dax Shepard - Bless This Mess (ABC) Damon Wayans Jr. - Happy Together (CBS)
 WORST ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES: Nathan Fillion - The Rookie (ABC) Rob Lowe - Code Black (CBS) Jay Rodriguez - Magnum P.I. (CBS) Seann William Scott - Lethal Weapon (Fox) Damon Wayans Sr. - Lethal Weapon (Fox) Michael Weatherly - Bull (CBS)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS LEAD ACTOR: Alec Baldwin - The Alec Baldwin Show (ABC) Pauly D - A Double Shot of Love & Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (both MTV) R. Kelly - CBS News Presents The Gayle King Interview With R. Kelly (CBS) Rob Lowe - The Bad Seed (Lifetime) Woody McClain - The Bobby Brown Story (BET) Ian Ziering - The Last Sharknado: It’s About Time (SyFy)
 WORST ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES: Candice Bergen - Murphy Brown (CBS) Nina Dobrev - Fam (CBS) Jenna Fischer - Splitting Up Together (ABC) Jennifer Garner - Camping (HBO) Natalie Morales - Abby’s (NBC) Frankie Shaw - SMILF (Showtime) WORST ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES: Jessica Alba - L.A.’s Finest (Spectrum) Jennifer Carpenter - The Enemy Within (NBC) Marcia Gay Harden - Code Black (CBS) Jennifer Lopez - Shades of Blue (NBC) Michaela McManus - The Village (NBC) Robin Tunney - The Fix (ABC)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS LEAD ACTRESS: Julie Chen-Moonves - Big Brother, Celebrity Big Brother, and The Talk (CBS) Megyn Kelly - Megyn Kelly Today (NBC) Aubrey Peeples - Death of a Cheerleader (Lifetime) Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi - Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV) Tara Reid - The Last Sharknado: It’s About Time (SyFy) Leah Remini - Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath (A&E)
 WORST SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A COMEDY SERIES: Nik Dodani - Murphy Brown (CBS) Brad Garrett - Single Parents (ABC) Miguel Gomez - SMILF (Showtime) Felix Mallard - Happy Together (CBS) Jake McDorman - Murphy Brown (CBS) Brian Stokes Mitchell - Fam (CBS)
 WORST SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A DRAMA SERIES: Scott Cohen - The Fix (ABC) Frankie Faison - The Village (NBC) Brad Garrett - I’m Dying Up Here (Showtime) Zachary Knighton - Magnum P.I. (CBS) Kevin Rahm - Lethal Weapon (Fox) Jussie Smollett - Empire (Fox)
 WORST SPECIAL CLASS SUPPORTING ACTOR: Lorne Cardinal - The Bad Seed (Lifetime) Tate Donovan - Love You To Death (Lifetime) Judah Friedlander - The Last Sharknado: It’s Time (SyFy) Matt Lauer - Leaving Neverland (HBO) Anthony Scaramucci - Celebrity Big Brother (CBS) The Situation - Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV)
 WORST SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A COMEDY SERIES: Tyne Daly - Murphy Brown (CBS) Faith Ford - Murphy Brown (CBS) Juliette Lewis - Camping (HBO) Lori Loughlin - Fuller House (Netflix) Rosie O’Donnell - SMILF (Showtime) Samara Weaving - SMILF (Showtime)
 WORST SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A DRAMA SERIES: Drea deMatteo - Shades of Blue (NBC) Ari Graynor - I’m Dying Up Here (Showtime) Amy Hill - Magnum P.I. (CBS)
Lori Loughlin - When Calls The Heart (Hallmark Channel) Keesha Sharp - Lethal Weapon (Fox) Perdita Weeks - Magnum P.I. (CBS)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS SUPPORTING ACTRESS: Cara Buono - The Bad Seed (Lifetime) Gabrielle Dennis - The Bobby Brown Story (Lifetime) Donshea Hopkins - The Bobby Brown Story (Lifetime) Felicity Huffman - When They See Us (Netflix) Dina Lohan - Celebrity Big Brother (CBS) Tori Spelling - The Last Sharknado: It’s Time (SyFy)
 WORST REBOOT/SPIN-OFF: Camping (HBO) - Americanized Re-Boot of 2016 Britcom “Camping” The Conners (ABC) - Spin-Off of 1990s Series, “Roseanne” A Double Shot of Love (MTV) - Re-Boot of “A Double Shot of Love with Tia Tequila” The Last Sharknado: It’s Time (SyFy) - Sixth and FINAL Movie of the Sharknado Series Magnum P.I. (CBS) - Re-boot of the 1980s Action Series Murphy Brown (CBS) - Revival of the 1990s Sitcom
 WORST GUEST PERFORMER IN A COMEDY SERIES: Kevin Bacon - SMILF (Showtime) Laura Benanti (as Melania Trump) - The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (CBS) Connie Britton - SMILF (Showtime) Matt Damon (as Brett Kavanaugh) - Saturday Night Live (NBC) Ken Jeong - The Kids Are Alright (ABC) Ali Larter - Splitting Up Together (ABC) Damon Wayans Sr. - Happy Together (CBS)
WORST GUEST PERFORMER IN A DRAMA SERIES: Chris Diamantapoulos - The Twilight Zone (CBS All-Access) Lars Mikkelsen - House of Cards (Netflix) Elisabeth Rohm - Magnum P.I. (CBS) Rebecca Romjin - Star Trek: Discovery (CBS All-Access) Bob Saget - The Good Cop (Netflix) Ben Vereen - Magnum P.I. (CBS)
 WORST PERFORMANCE BY A CAST IN TELEVISION: Camping (HBO) Jersey Shore: Family Vacation (MTV) The Last Sharknado: It’s Time (SyFy) Magnum P.I. (CBS) SMILF (Showtime) Splitting Up Together (ABC)
 WORST WRITING IN A COMEDY SERIES: Abby’s (NBC) Camping (HBO) Happy Together (CBS) Murphy Brown (CBS) SMILF (Showtime) Splitting Up Together (ABC)
WORST DIRECTING IN A COMEDY SERIES: Abby’s (NBC) Camping (HBO) Happy Together (CBS) Murphy Brown (CBS) SMILF (Showtime) Splitting Up Together (ABC)
WORST WRITING IN A DRAMA SERIES: The Enemy Within (NBC) I’m Dying Up Here (Showtime) Magnum P.I. (CBS) NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS) The Rookie (ABC) The Village (NBC)
WORST DIRECTING IN A DRAMA SERIES: Hawaii Five-0 (CBS) Lethal Weapon (Fox) Magnum P.I. (CBS) The Rookie (ABC) Shades of Blue (NBC) The Village (NBC)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS WRITING: The Bobby Brown Story (BET) Death of a Cheerleader (Lifetime) Kim Possible (Disney) Love You To Death (Lifetime) The Last Sharknado: It’s Time (Lifetime) Victoria Gotti: My Father’s Daughter (Lifetime)
WORST SPECIAL CLASS DIRECTING: The Bad Seed (Lifetime) The Bobby Brown Story (BET) Death of a Cheerleader (Lifetime) Kim Possible (Disney) The Last Sharknado: It’s Time (SyFy) The Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show (CBS)
Rob Lowe and either McKenna Grace (The Bad Seed, Lifetime) or Marcia Gay Harden (Code Black, CBS) R. Kelly & Gayle King (CBS News Presents the Gayle King Interview with R. Kelly, CBS) Any two housemates (Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, MTV) Candice Bergen & Jake McDorman (Murphy Brown, CBS) Frankie Shaw and Rosie O’Donnell (SMILF, Showtime) Jenna Fischer & Oliver Hudson (Splitting Up Together, ABC)
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bellabooks · 5 years
Bella authors share their favorite Bella Books for Book Lovers Day
August 9th is a sort of holiday around here at Bella. Sure, we celebrate books every day, but it’s an extra special time to commiserate with fellow book lovers. This year, we asked Bella authors to choose one of their favorite Bella books and the list is incredible. Check it out, and pick up these novels for yourself. Right now these ebooks are on sale for a limited time! Tracey Richardson’s selection is Ask, Tell by E.J. Noyes Stacy Miller’s selection is Above Temptation by Karin Kallmaker Cheri Ritz’s selection is A Proper Cuppa Tea by KG MacGregor Becky Layer’s selection is Midnight Melodies by Megan Carter Maggie Brown’s selection is Waltzing at Midnight by Robbi McCoy Karin Kallmaker’s selection is Bird on a Wire by Tagan Shepard Emily King’s selection is By Mutual Consent by Tracey Richardson Carolyn Elizabeth’s selection is Fragmentary Blue by Erica Abbott Catherine Maorisi’s selection is Captain of Industry by Karin Kallmaker E.J. Noyes’ selection is Storms by Gerri Hill Dana Piccoli’s selection is Terrible Praise by Lara Hayes Dillon Watson’s selection is Wild Things by Karin Kallmaker Erica Abbott’s selection is Anyone But You by KG MacGregor Lara Hayes: Savor the Moment by Dana Piccoli Michaela Lynn’s selection is  Hell’s Belle by Marie Castle Louise McBain’s selection is Turbulence by E. J. Noyes KG MacGregor’s selection is Tiopa Ki Lakota by D Jordan Redhawk Lise MacTague’s selection is  Daughter of Mystery by Heather Rose Jones Katherine V Forrest’s selection is  Indomitable: The Life of Barbara Grier by Joanne Passet Mary Griggs’ selection is Winged Isis by Jean Stewart Jesse Chandler’s selection is  Saving Morgan by MB Panichi Maggie Brown’s selection is The Candidate by Tracey Richardson Ann Roberts’ selection is Curious Wine by Katherine V. Forrest http://dlvr.it/R9yGdV
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triedin2015 · 6 years
This was really good! I mean, it’s meat and potatoes and veggies, so of course it is, but still. Everyone liked it; Mike and Michaela gave it 4 out of 5 starts.
I didn’t have tomato paste, so I used tomato sauce (like for pizza), which I happened to have. I also went with Greek yogurt instead of sour cream, because I have way more use for yogurt than sour cream. I used dried thyme, not fresh, and omitted the rosemary because I didn’t have any. My final substitution was chicken broth instead of beef-- I’d already opened some to use for the potatoes, so that made way more sense.
I made it all but didn’t bake it. The next day, I put it in the oven at 400 for 35 minutes.
I found this to be a lot of work to make. It used a lot of dishes. That being said, I would make it again!
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enkisstories · 6 years
“I’ve brought a photoalbum”, Kronos said, while manifesting a book seemingly out of nowhere. “Figured now that you are aware of what’s going on, you might be interested in your roots.”
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I managed to condense the old legacy into a single post. It’s still rather long and not even necessary to understand the current legacy, so I put it under a textbreak.
“This shot was taken in Sim City. I was running a nightclub there when the rules were still more relaxed. There... that was my disguise back then. The guy in the background is Prometheus, in his true form, pretending to cosplay.”
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“One of my regulars was a college student by name of Michaela Traveller. That’s her, with her sweetheart, Almeric Davis.”
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“Michaela had a bouncy past of getting put up for adoption as a toddler and then getting taken away from her loving adoptive parents by her biological mother. Above everything she yearned for a stable family and children of her own, but was unable to concieve. When the doctors couldn’t help her, Michaela confided in me, because sometimes it helps to unburden your heart to a complete stranger. Turned out she was the granddaughter of this guy here...”
Erin recognized the stamp. It was old, probably quite valueable and showed a rock legend from the 1970s. Back in that time technology and popular culture had evolved almost every year or at least extremely fast compared to the present, where it almost stagnated.
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“That’s Costa Shepard”, Erin said. “Wait a mom’, Kronos! That’s the surname you told me to assume!”
“Correct. And the reason for this is that this Costa is your ancestor. You see, his family was under a curse. For a minor crime Costa had committed in his youth, nine generations of his descendants had to serve Hades in the Underworld for one year each. Before they had not done so, they could not proceed to the next generation. That was Michaela’s problem and after it was solved, she had a daughter who continued the line. However, the legacy ended prematurely when Neos Shepard in the 7th generation died before reaching adulthood, because Prometheus was secretly toying with the Shepards’ genetics.”
“He wanted to create the champion who can defeat Zeus, correct?” Caspar chimed in. “Same as you are doing? Damn, Kronos, what on earth makes you believe that you can iron out whatever Prometheus did wrong last time? I did my research, and HE is the bio-engeneer among you bunch! You, to the contrary..." “I’m the hippie of the gods, I know. And so does Rheia, thank you very much.”
Kronos turned the page of his book.
“We’ve got Rhonabway”, he announced proudly. “Here, this photograph is more recent. It was taken in the Underworld, so it’s a bit dark, sorry.”
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“I know this man!” Caspar gasped. “Who is he? I mean, what role does he play in your scheme?”
“Ron is the second-to-last Shepard of the old line. He has an academic degree in evolutionary biology and is sort of Prometheus’ apprentice when he’s not trapping the local monsters or bartering the Olympians to death. He is also... well, he was already bred into the correct direction, so he’ll join the new legacy in generation six. - Don’t look at me like that! It’s the only way! - Anyway, for security reasons Ron isn’t aware of the new legacy. Soon as we’ll have sent him to the Cursed Beach, however, your descendants can bring him up to spec so that he can oversee the project entering the homestretch.”
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Caspar opened his mouth again, but his mother interrupted the young man.
“So we are named Shepard in memory of this extinct family?” she asked, her tone betraying that she expected another twist. An indeed there was one.
"Did you ever wonder why you never had a child before the age of fourty despite not living like a hermit?” Kronos asked Erin. “Because you are a Shepard and your ability to have children was stunted. In becoming the Legacy founder you eventually fulfilled the requirement of serving Hades what in turn unlocked your fertility.”
“How exactly...”
“I was coming to this. Here!”
This time Kronos pulled out a photograph from his pocket instead of from the chronicle.
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“That’s Benjamin Shepard as I remember him best. He was adopted into the family, but identified strongly with the Shepards up to the point of where he voluntarily joined them for their year of service. We didn’t expect that to cause him to pass down the family curse to his daughter... who would be you, Erin. I didn’t know when we met for the first time, but ever since I did some research, too, and the result was unmistakeable. If you want, I could tell you more stories of our adventures together, for Ben was a good friend of mine. I also assume that I’ve raised even more questions by answering one, but for now I must leave.”
Ben was rated as a promising partner for the legacy heirs by Prometheus back in Sims 2, so that would explain Erin expressing the desired traits. He was also a half-elf, so Erin might reasonably be longer lived than the average human and I can extend her elder years for a little longer :-)
On a sidenote, taking all the different lines and generations into account, the current year should be 2090 or later.
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lostdogsminnesota · 3 years
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**Sighting Only** Is This Your Dog? - Duluth - German Shepherd - Unknown Gender Date of Sighting:04-29-2021 Dog's Name: Unknown Breed of Dog: German Shepherd Gender: Unknown Gender Closest Intersection: East Superior Street City where Lost: Duluth Zip Code: 55218 County: St. Louis Color: Black/Tan or Cream Dog's Age: Unknown Dog's Size: Large- over 50 lbs Any information on how lost, description etc: This dog appeared to be an adult German Shepard, that appeared well groomed, and was last seen at the intersection of East Superior Street and 23rd Avenue East in Duluth, MN - the dog was last seen crossing East Superior Street, and heading down the hillside in between residential homes. No other specific markings were identified at this sighting. CONTACT Michaela Phone: 218 830 0382 https://ift.tt/2S6Bfqy
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sparatus · 5 years
can’t find the old post i made abt it but a TRUE michaela shepard pt of me1 would be
>prologue >find out who saren is >talk to cnclr sparatus abt saren >get ahold of saren’s grandmother and/or older sister figure abrudas >let them sort it out >saren is grounded forever, problem solved
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shepardluvsgarrus · 7 years
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Michaela Athena Shepard. A friend on Instagram asked me to do a commission of her Shepard and I'm feeling rather proud of it.
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