#new shepard legacy
felassan · 1 month
Some more info on the Mass Effect board game, from co-designer Calvin:
"Hi all, Calvin here, co-designer of the game. I've gathered all the frequently asked questions on social media and bgg and gathered them into some answers for you. Feel free to ask more questions if yours is not answered, and if I can answer it I will. I will be updating this as more information about the game becomes available. Release info - The release date is (hopefully) November depending on the gods of shipping - Price is confirmed, the game will be $50/£40 - The team is currently working on translation deals for 9 or so languages. More details soon. - For info on pre-orders go to https://www.modiphius.net/pages/mass-effect-signup - There are currently no plans for a collector’s edition vs standard edition - It is not crowdfunded, the game is direct to retail - "If you'd like to support the game right now, there's nothing better than going into your local FLGS and asking them if they'll stock the game when it comes out. With the vast amount of great games coming out every week, retailers rely on fans asking about the game. This helps them gauge how much to buy, the more people ask, the more buzz they know there is, the more confident they are to buy enough and the more likely there's one waiting for you on the shelf when you go in :-) That feeds up the chain; the more retailers ask their sales reps at Asmodee, the more Asmodee goes, "Oh wait, let's order more, so we have enough for all the shops". Plot - The game is set on the planet Hagalaz, early during the events of Mass Effect 3 - The players are tasked with investigating a crashed Cerberus research cruiser which could have info that contributes to War Readiness and could help stop the Reapers - The game is designed so people who have never played Mass Effect can still enjoy it. Eric hasn't played the games as much as I did so he got to do what he calls “the meathead test” on all the theming and story. - We worked with Bioware on all the plot and theming. - Yes you can do calibrations in this game Basic game info - Co-operative squad tactics - 1-4 players - Included are six 32mm minis, masc Shep, fem Shep, Liara, Garrus, Tali, and Wrex - Not many other components to keep price and complexity low - 45 minute missions - 3-5 missions per campaign - Branching paragon/renegade choices + sidequests - Enough missions to replay the campaign several times without repeats - Solo play is really fun, in fact I like all the player counts equally, which is something I’m very proud that we were able to achieve in this game - Solo play is basically multi-handing, you control more than one character. - There is no legacy aspect, the game is fully resettable - There will be new original art"
[character limit text break]
"Gameplay info - Low rules complexity, but with lots of tactical depth. We aimed for an audience of Mass Effect fans who might not know anything about board games. Board gamers should still find something to enjoy if they’re into co-op tactics. - A group that just wants to turn their brain off and blast through the game should have an easy time - But a group who wants to get the best endings, complete all the sidequests, get all the level ups will have to min-max pretty heavily - The game has relatively low randomness. Planning, prediction, and preparation are very important to avoid bad outcomes - but there’s still enough randomness to avoid AP as players try to plan out perfect turns. - Important gameplay elements include positioning and combo-ing abilities with other players. - There is a tactical map. - Players will level up their characters by performing in game actions and learn new abilities. - We got all 6 Shepard classes in there. It is one of the things I am very proud of doing. - Re: alpha gamers, Eric and I do not believe it is the designer’s job to solve for jerks at your gaming table. Obviously we have designed the game so that every player has something to contribute and there’s plenty of info so that it’s hard to track. But we also recommend having adult conversations with your table partners. Interviews/Behind The Scenes Beyond Solitaire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-nLGDt97i4 Topics: how we designed the game and implemented the narrative UKGE promo copy https://twitter.com/Modiphius/status/1796844231018811782/" Post last updated August 8th
New original art 👀
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margoteve · 2 months
Normandy Album 1
Ch. 1. Proof of life
Summary: Javik gets into photography.
Ship: Tsovik, Shakarian
Available to read on AO3, Inspired by this post by @luosaugury
Next chapter: Joker wishes to troll Shepard and Garrus. With tactical use of Grunt.
The first camera was a gift.
After Admiral Hanna Shepard's funeral the Commander wanted to go through all the storage lockers and the attick containing all the Shepard family legacy. The old Normandy crew volunteered so it wasn't just Vakarian and Shepard. Even the Prothean, taking a break during the 2nd book writing with Liara decided to help. 
The camera was old. Javik scoffed at it grumbling his usual 'Primitives' line as Shepard explained what it was and how it worked. It belonged to a long gone relative who took it up as a profession. There was also a photo album containing their work in the same box. Javik flipped through it at first in a mildly contemptuous curiosity but as he studied the photos - seconds of life captured on a square piece of plastic - he found himself drawn to it. The grainy quality of the pictures, memories of life long gone, people that once lived and left a small mark captured in this photo album. The world after Reapers was still loud, too bright for him but these old photos sparked something in him. In a way, in a very primitive way, these were like Echo shards of his people.
Shepard noticed the contemplating look on his face.
"You can take it," she said, nudging the box containing the photography equipment and albums. "Better it goes to you than gathering dust here."
He bristled at first trying to cover up his emotions and opened his mouth to sneer at the 'primitive technology' but he noticed Liara behind Shepard's back giving him a hopeful smile. He instead nodded, closed the box and carried it outside the storage warehouse.
It was a bit of a hassle to figure out how to actually work the camera. Even more to learn how to make the photos look how he wanted. Liara encouraged him. She happy that he found an interest other than guns when he wasn't by her side uncovering new Prothean relics and trying to claim the tools they found as 'worship objects' while they were simply a nose pick or toilet seat. Good thing he was good at dodging the projectiles she'd throw at him for trying to troll her.
Those were his first photos. Angry Liara, exasperated Liara, Liara annoyed. Happy Liara, deep in thoughts Liara, Liara with her mouth stuffed with some sort of dessert and panic in her eyes as she realized he captured her image. There were also his private Liaras, the ones he wouldn't share with anyone. Some of the photos were shit of course - blurry or with a sun flare, random finger in the lens. But he got better, learned from his mistakes. Eventually he expanded his subjects to citizens of colonies they visited as well as Citadel. Hanars were more than happy to pose even when he didn't want them to.
Though, Tali Zorah would still give him grief over the photographies of himself.
"You take selfies like a grandpa," she teased him.
"I do not see the point in them," he gruffed, brushing her off.
"It would be a nice change of pace though if you included yourself a bit more in these," Liara added quietly, browsing through his latest work. "More proof you have been here..."
His eyes lingered on her and she blushed turning her head away from him.
He invested in better tripods and studied carefully how to take proper 'selfies'. He didn't like the dronesand VIs so all his cameras were purely mechanical. His Liara collection now increased in photos with him in them.
The ultimate test came from Shepard again.
"I want you to do some photography at my wedding," she told him.
"Won't the combined Allience and Hierachy broadcast the whole thing?" Javik looked at her skeptical.
"That will be the 'official' one. We want to do a small, candid ceremony before the circus one. I want something genuine," she said.
"We thought since you really can handle the whole thing, you'd be perfect fit for it," Vakarian added.
"It just has to be genuine, Javik." Shepard smiled softly.
He agreed.
He did it. Captured the laughs of his past comrades, the slackjawed awe of Vakarian when he saw Shepard walking down the short aisle. The dancing, drinks, the party. As he was developing photos after the reception, looking through photos of Jack making out with Miranda, Grunt catching the bouqet, Wrex completely covered in krogan toddlers and kids, mournfully watching others being drunk he noticed a few photos he didn't take. Photos of him, toasting with James, swapping stories with Joker, attacked by krogan children, holding Liara's hand. He stared at them for a long while. He was there, he lived. He will be remembered.
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musicallymandela · 2 months
Let it be said that I am not a professional lyricist. So, these may not be the best.
Since this is a personal project I'm taking on for fun, don't expect this to be Broadway quality
All mindless babbles aside, I give you, Track one of Mandela Catalogue The Musical,
Lyrics by me
Instrumental by Suno
Brought to life by Noiise
(I apologize for the mess ups, Capcut is stupid, and sometimes things slip past my editing)
[Lyrics below]
[Verse 1]
To you and all, I come with to say with might Jesus Christ, your savior, he was born tonight
Here in Davistown, you will find him not in danger
For he is nestled safely in a nearby Manger.
Rejoice! Christ Is Reborn!
Rejoice! Your sins may be torn
Jesus Christ, your savior born tonight
No more being afraid at night.
I am the one true saivor, this is no illusion
I must reverse the delusion
I will fool the shepards
For I know their greatest fear
The end is drawing near
Wake Up Joesph, Wake Up
[Verse 3]
I gave great news for you,
I am your true savior.
The only one who knows
What makes you human
I know what you love
I know what you fear
I know what you
Rejoice! I am your true savior
Rejoice! Your sins are in my favor
Jesus Christ, your savior overthrown tonight
Be afraid at night.
[Verse 4]
How frozen I became
Hollowed be thy name
Powerless when
Ask if not then
Reader or I write it not,
All languages insufficient in thought
I did not die, but alive I am not
Think for thyself now, I ought
Of Wit I became deprived
[Bridge 2]
Rejoice! I am your true savior!
Rejoice! Your sins in my favor
Jesus Christ, your savior overthrown tonight
Be afraid at night.
[Outro, Spoken]
I am bound to my chains on my ankles
That grow heavier with every step,
The infinite amount of sand will be my tomb,
And my foolishness will be my legacy.
If there is a god, please help me.
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sliceoflifeshepard · 7 months
Dearly beloved, we be gathered here today, at 3am UK time to mourn the passing of a fallen soldier:
Ash Shepard's Ballpoint Pen #1, the first of many this year ( probably) who we shall name Link
Here's the branding ( from Poundland, a genuine shop in the UK. ITS NOT A EUPHENISM)
He did not die during a sex scene, for which Ash is thankful for, but in the middle of describing art in a museum, so y'know, genuinely ironic.
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We mourn this soldier for his bravery and we can only hope those who will remember the words he has managed to carve across a page, to share love with the world
Today we give him a viking funeral and the new bravest soldier will carry on his legacy.
Pay your respects below.
Thank you for your time
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444m777 · 27 days
29 things I love about Michael: Day 29
Where do I even start?
Well first things first HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL!
I spent the majority of the day watching a bunch of MJ videos, edits, performances and I got the bright idea to read several MJ books at the same time🙃 so in between switching from my phone to books I’ve been also crying and wishing he was still here not for the fans but for his children so he could physically be there for them and watch as they grow older and more into who they’ve always been but as an adult. My heart goes out to his kids and family.
So on the 29th day (and I missed so many days after the 19th or 20th) I want to say that his essence is what I love about him. Everyone’s essence is unique to them. Some try to copy but we can tell when someone’s trying to be someone they’re not. Which is why he cannot be replicated. And he shouldn’t be. What we are left with is his legacy and as fans we must preserve it in its entirety. Not just the music and dancing but also who Michael was as person. A true humanitarian who wanted to protect children all over the world. Providing a space(s) of comfort for everyone. Reminding people that they’re not alone and that together we can truly make changes in our own communities and the WHOLE world.
To make up for the days that I didn’t get to post brief sentences on why I love Michael for the days I didn’t get to post
Day 20: he was vegetarian but he loved him some KFC. I myself have dabbled in veganism/vegetarianism throughout my adult life but CHICKEN when fried oefff… that’s tough to let go completely haha
Day 21: his complicated relationship with dogs… I know he didn’t like dogs because they turned on him and some dogs bite etc. but I just love how he loved his half wolf half german shepard dog called Black Girl. She was abused by her previous owner and Michael and Janet tried their best to be gentle and gave Black Girl lots of hugs and kisses when they were younger. I’m a dog person so I was a bit sad he mentioned being afraid of dogs and mentioned dogs turning on him BUT Black Girl was sweet and gentle and Michael made sure to take care not to trigger her (unlike other people like his Father who used to point his gun at the dog—yikes!).
Day 22: also love that he was so curious about the universe and why things (meaning a leaf, space, insects etc.) were the way they were. I want to go more in depth about this at one point because he was just naturally curious as most kids are and he continued to indulge that curiosity as an adult. He asked a LOT of questions. Something I used to get told as a kid “that’s just the way it is!” but I didn’t let that stop me. Reading/researching truly keeps me going for hours and hours. You just get lost at every new bit of information and he was huge on that. We truly can learn so much from his approach to life
Day 23: I’m also reading a book about Prince lol and of courseeeeee I’d find Michael in it. Long story short in the introduction Prince mentions how he wants his memoir to be written and doesn’t want to use the word magic to describe him/his music. He said “just look at a word and see if it’s one I would use. Because MAGIC isn’t one I’d use. Magic is Michael’s word. That’s what his music was about”. It’s true. It truly is Michael’s word.
Day 24: I’ve been struggling with my drawing. Like my lessons are going fine but when it comes to drawing Michael I’ve had really nice moments and other WHO TF IS THAT!? moments xD and i came across a video that showed roughly 200 drawings Michael did. There were I think about 10 ish drawings I haven’t seen before. And I noticed he would do light sketches and go into realism to more abstract and self potraits. Not everything was perfect. And by perfect I mean like super clean. I struggle with that at the moment and I love that his drawings reminded me that I’m doing this for fun. And to trust that when I draw something I’m proud of I should rejoice and when I draw something I’m not too happy about it then I can try again another time. He’s re-drawn so many of the same characters in varying styles over and over again. I mean he’s been sketching for DECADES so I've only been drawing for what 10 days🙃 it was a nice reminder to gently tell me to chill out haha.
Day 25: I love how big of fanboy Michael is when it comes to his idols and the greats he learned from and also having the chance to meet some of them. I’ve been thrusted down a small hole and have been busy collecting info regarding his idols. Seeing the patterns, the inspirations and just trying to get a feel for what fascinated him so much. Aside from their great talents/showmanship you are also expressing one of your highest forms of yourself so I want to see more of what he saw in them the same way I see and feel about him.
Day 26: this one is a bit sad as I really feel he was snubbed from acting. It’s very clear that becoming an actor was the next step in his plans. From a very young age. It’s sad roles were promised then suddenly given to someone else. Audition tapes not considered and even having a shitty meeting with the person who’s going to play the character you were promised to play just to get some sort of rise out of him. At least that’s why I think that person did that and set that meeting up. Anyways I’m just so happy that he chose to invest his own money in Moonwalker and made it happen. I always thought I’d see more of him on screen and we were robbed by a lot of jealous people and people who felt he wouldn’t add anything aside from the fact that he’s famous. He still continued to pursue it in smaller ways and I hope in the next lifetime he’s able to be the full fledged actor he’s always wanted to be and directing and writing movies left and right!
Day 27: his music is truly healing and positively affirms a lot of great things. I’ve kept track of affirmations in his music from the Jackons up until Invincible. I struggle with anxiety and would repeat some of the affirmations throughout the day or when I wake up in the morning. I make sure to be grateful and I affirm a good and positive day with one his lyric affirmations. I’ve used affirmations before but THESE stick with me because it’s Michael lol but he truly was ahead of his time in so many subjects that people would and WILL be baffled when they find out. He was a SMART, curious man. And very big on positive thinking and positively manipulating the subconscious mind.
Day 28: I love how he was pro-Black. His message was very much UNITY of all races, backgrounds etc. but he reminded people that he was proud to be BLACK. People love to forget that part.
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Survivor's Guilt
Read on AO3!
Title: Survivor's Guilt Fandom: Mass Effect Rating: T Length: 2,634 Content notes: Xenophobic (as applied to non-human ME species) rhetoric, general Cerberus bullshittery, Poor Parenting I guess? Summary: A general, an ambassador, and a commander walk into a bar to discuss the most important part of any tragedy: How will this look to the wider galactic scene?
Characters: Hannah Shepard, Donnel Udina, Original Human Character(s)
Tags: Cerberus (Mass Effect), Akuze (Mass Effect), I feel Hannah's whole... Deal here needs a CW but fuck if I know how to describe it, Contempt for your kid? Xenophobia?
Addy's fighting for her life, and I'm raiding the bar in a fucking penthouse.
The situation will be what it is either way, though, so why bother facing it sober? Hannah snatches up a good-looking bourbon and considers the glasses neatly lined up along the counter.
Donnel and Sandra walk in to her taking a swig straight from the bottle.
“Is this… necessary, Shepard?” Don says, while the General takes the nearest stool and buries her face in her hands.
“Oh, absolutely, Ambassador,” Hannah says with a sharp laugh. “We've lost a colony. We've lost a lot of good soldiers, and the one we have left is-”
“Would you care to share, Hannah?” Sandra says, mostly drowning out Don's muttering of something to the effect of ‘political nightmare’.
“Get your own. It's not your kid patched up like a quarian ship out there, is it?”
Her eyes sting.
Her throat burns.
It's just the alcohol, Hannah tells herself.
For a few moments there's nothing but the sounds of Hannah rummaging for a glass and some ice, while Sandra pours herself a healthy dose of wine. Don opts for a bottle of water. Hannah considers doing the same - should do the same, she’s not exactly young anymore, even the one pull there means a hell of a headache awaits her tomorrow.
This entire month has been headache enough already. Raids and pirates and smugglers galore, the Council giving humanity the shaft yet again by refusing to allot the barest of resources, refusing any allowance for more troops in this sector or that one - but being ever so eager to allow the Alliance to push forward on some new class of ship, so long as those plucked-chicken shits were involved in every step, and now -
Hannah pours a double shot and downs it like the crap she used to smuggle onto campus back in Kingston, pointedly ignoring how much of it ends up on her sleeve as she pours one more.
It's Don who finally breaks the silence. “How do we even begin to approach something like this?” he says. The calm in his voice is borderline offensive.
“Carefully?” Sandra replies, removing her glasses and pinching the bridge of her nose. “We start from the top -”
“We lost a colony,” Don shoots back. “That's bad enough - we could have recovered from that. Even the asari have lost colonies in the Traverse. Losing so many soldiers on top of it-”
“To threshers. Everyone is afraid of those things-”
“Which is precisely why they know to look out for them!” Don storms forward, slamming a fist on the countertop, hard enough to make the ice rattle in Hannah's glass. “To avoid them! While we, instead, build a town on top of a nest, without having the slightest idea of their presence! How on Earth must that look?”
God, is that all it's ever going to come back to? Hannah thinks, taking a slow sip and rubbing her temples as Don and Sandra continue bickering. Image - it always comes back to the image. She'd joined the Alliance to advance humanity and leave a legacy to the stars. Joined with the C's after Shanxi turned those dreams into a nightmare of survival, stayed on as they became Cerberus, because it was clear the Alliance wouldn't do enough, not when it could make them look bad to some glorified animals who'd happened to get their first. Days and weeks and years of bureaucratic bullshit, while innocent people got rounded up and branded and sold like cattle-
And yet here you are, sitting pretty in the PR department after all, she thinks, closing her eyes. The other projects advanced humanity, but here were the lucky bastards who had to make sure they looked good doing it; two Alliance grunts and a politician who'd made Hannah genuinely consider snorting her weight in red sand, just to flip him upside down and see if that'd shut him up for a few minutes.
“Do you have anything to contribute, Shepard?”
Speak of the goddamned devil.
“Oh, I think I've contributed plenty to the situation already,” Hannah says through a wretched sort of smile, one that only grows as Donnel's expression sours further.
Sandra, meanwhile, has started pacing. “No matter what, we need to do some damage control - we're not going to come out of this looking good, but something like this could absolutely tank colony enrollment, among other things. Could go as low as after Mindoir. Lower, even, this is the second major hit inside of two years…”
“Exactly. Why in god's name would anyone even want to be a colonist at this point?” Hannah snorts. “Leave the comforts of Sol for a rural pisswater that makes Earth's slums look luxurious in comparison, and if you're lucky, you can assist smugglers and pirates for a few credits! Lord knows the Alliance can't help you, we're spread so thin we can barely hold ourselves together; and the Council won't help us, because god forbid they take some responsibility for bombarding a new species who had no idea they had stumbled into someone else's backyard. Now they tell us we can't make so many ships, can't go here or there without risking interstellar incident; but oh, we're useful guns to take out their fucking four-eyed problems, so they dangle just enough help until the Alliance is in too deep to actually pull out, and we're too damn scared to say fuck them all and strike out on our own.”
“That would be suicide at this point, anyway,” Sandra says, shaking her head. “That's why we need someone in their ranks - they've got a millennia’s head start, but that's all they have on us- god.” She rubs her forehead and leans against the wall. “Can we just blame Anderson for this?”
“Get in line,” Hannah mutters, glancing over at Donnel, who looks rather like he's chewing his own tongue for a moment.
“His being a Spectre wouldn't have made a difference in this situation,” he finally says.
“Might've. Fourteen years is a long time - we could have more weight in decisions. More information. Even if the Alliance's general standing didn't increase, we could have sent him - or another one; I imagine if he'd succeeded, we'd have at least one more by now - in alone, instead of an inexperienced lot-”
“With all due respect, ma'am, shut the fuck up. You know damn well we wouldn't have sent a Spectre even if we had one,” Hannah snaps, raking a hand through her hair. “Yes, the colony went dark, but how the fuck were we supposed to know what was down there? Akuze has never even been targeted by pirates, it was supposed t-” Her breath hitches, and for a moment her voice won't work, and when it does, it's so quiet, there's no hiding how it shakes. “It was supposed to be safe, goddamn it.”
All those families. All those kids.
It's too long before Sandra speaks up again, and Hannah nearly misses the words anyway. Too busy trying to tally up all the names.
“You raise a fair point, Shepard,” the general says in a measured, thoughtful sort of voice. “Udina - you're also right, everyone else knows to keep away from the threshers. That's… likely why Akuze was so quiet, now that I think about it. But do we know what to look for? From orbit, or on the ground? Could we have prevented it in the first place?”
“The most I've ever heard is to be suspicious of flat circles,” Hannah shrugs. “Nothing about how to detect them from orbit, god no. Seismic readings are the most we can get for any lead time.”
“Both the settlement and the unit's camp were on a hill, correct?”
“Then we'll work with that,” Sandra says briskly. “It's not much, but it is honest - we genuinely had no idea what to be wary of, and if anyone else did have any clue… well, clearly, they didn't think we needed to know.”
“A tragedy,” Don says, and Hannah wants to throw the watered-down remains of her drink in his face at that tone, that smarmy, holier-than-thou tone all politicians got. “A tragic, fatal mistake. The Alliance, naturally, will do all in its power to prevent such another lapse of information - but will the Council do its part? Will they deign to share their knowledge with the newest additions to the galactic community, or will they show that they simply want us out of the way?” He sighs, shaking his head. “It's as good a start as any, I suppose.”
“Might wanna omit that last part for the masses, but cheers otherwise,” Hannah says, forcing herself to down most of what remained in her glass.
“Then, the next matter-”
Oh, motherfucker, you’d better not-
“Shepard. Do we know yet, if she will pull through?”
“Adrian's stable. It looks like the grafts should take,” Hannah says, staring into her glass and gripping it far tighter than is necessary. Deep, slow breaths, she tells herself, but god it's hard to do that and conjure up her husband's voice as he'd rattled off the assessment. “Damage was. Mild, all things considered. Deepest injuries were to her head and neck, but nothing debilitating, nothing some weaves and metal can't patch up. She inhaled some of it, even, but they're pretty sure she'll be able to breathe on her own, once they can take her off the sedatives, doesn't appear to be any irreparable damage. Just some scarring to her throat.
“By current projection - if there are no surprises, she should be physically fit within a month. Isn’t that lucky? But it's only three days in, who knows what the aftereffects could be? We barely know how to detect those things, much less what happens if anyone survives.”
She stares into the glass, into her own murky reflection, trying to shut out Don's relieved sigh. Trying to shut out the question she knows is coming, trying to shut out the subsequent thought, because it is such a terrible, hideous thing, but -
“Do either of you have any idea what will come down, then?” he asks.
God, it would just be so much easier, if Addy had died as well.
“Still in the air.” Sandra at least has the grace to sound somber. “The reports are still… I'm still going over the data, as it were, and discounting Shepard herself, the three of us are the only ones who know the exact… circumstances…”
“Oh, just fucking spit it out. It looks like Adrian fell asleep on her watch, and then abandoned her fucking unit to the worms, is that so goddamn hard to say?”
“But she did send the distress call before they surfaced-”
“Oh yeah, a whole two minutes before; if she'd been awake and paying attention-"
“- and who in their right mind would blame anyone for running in those conditions? We have provisions for extraordinary, unprecedented, or unforeseen circumstances-”
“Which is great for avoiding a court-martial, but how the fuck is that going to sound to those freaks who've been watching her?!” Hannah pounds the countertop, just barely resisting the urge to shatter the glass instead; god but she just wants to see something break.
Don sinks onto the stool beside her. Slowly, fucking primly, he takes another glass and the bottle, pouring out a drink with shaking hands.
“Fourteen years,” he finally says, barely more than a whisper. “Fourteen years before they even thought to give us another chance. Shepard was our best hope, now…”
Now we're lucky if we get one in our lifetimes, Hannah thinks. The alcohol's finally working, it seems, because the thought conjures nothing but a numb, detached disappointment. At the situation, yes - but mostly, (and she's less loath to admit this to herself) at Adrian. The only child she'd ever have, and goddamn blessed - sturdy, smart, strong. Stellar aim. A human biotic who could make some true use of the skills, and what did she do with it? Tech, medicine and diplomacy; thank god she'd at least found the idea of sabotage as interesting as negotiation, enough to accept those invitations to the villa-
God. Would that still continue, after this?
“Shepard is our best candidate,” Sandra says. The words almost echo, the silence had been so complete. “She saved those aliens during Elysium, when their own kind were willing to let them be collateral damage, the Council loved that. The exact details of Akuze can be sealed - the important question is, would she say anything?”
Hannah closes her eyes, considering - Adrian could be so goddamn stubborn sometimes, but… “I don't think so,” she says. “I’m not positive - but I'm fairly sure, especially if I can talk to her when she wakes up.”
“If she can keep this quiet, then so will the Alliance,” Sandra says. “No demerits. N training remains open. We treat this as nothing more than the tragedy it is. We had no way of knowing the worms were there. There was no time to evacuate, they struck before she could distinguish them from an errant tremor. Circumstances being what they were, Shepard made a call no officer should ever make, let alone one so new to the position, and it ensured there was a survivor to even tell the tale.” The general nods, almost smiling now. “We could even play this nicely to the Council species - at the Alliance's expense, unfortunately, but personally I'd rather one of ours among their ranks, get us into shaping policy instead of being shaped by it. The asari will patronize us no matter what, so why not use that? Shepard's barely more than an infant so far as they're concerned, let them pity her. The salarians might have some respect if we frame it as a tactical retreat, they're always criticizing our refusal to admit defeat.”
“And the turians?” Don asks.
“Oh they'll blame the Alliance no matter what,” Hannah says, surprising even herself with a downright chipper tone. “Hell, we could tell them the whole thing down to the last detail, and those idiots wouldn't put any of the blame on Adrian either way. It's always on the superior officers for not knowing if a recruit isn't ready - now how in the fuck are you supposed to know that before put them out there?”
“Correct, if not the most… eloquently put,” Sandra says, narrowing her eyes slightly as they meet Hannah's. “The Alliance takes the brunt of the blame, and Shepard… well. Everyone's afraid of the thresher maws - even batarians, even the krogan. Yet here's one of ours, alive and fairly well in the grand scheme of things, after being ambushed by a nest of them… quite the angle, isn't it?”
“I suppose,” Don says, though his expression still looks grim. “This is, of course, assuming Shepard recovers, and that she's found mentally sound - “
“This isn’t gonna break my kid, Christ,” Hannah says, heedless of how the words begin to run into each other.
“- what's to say this won’t happen again?”
“I might’ve raised a fool, Donnel, but I didn't raise an idiot.” Hannah pushes away from the counter, getting unsteadily to her feet. It sounds like they've got a handle of things, no sense exhausting herself further, not when there's a hangover in the works. Not when she has more work in store later on. “Adrian knows better than to make the same mistakes twice. Hell, if I were a betting woman? I'd say she'd rather die before let herself fuck up like this again.
“So long as she does it after we've got another candidate or a Council seat- and she doesn’t pull stunts like Harkin in the meantime- I’m content. Now goodnight, Ambassador, General. I’d like to get some rest before heading out to the hospital."
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muffinssims · 2 years
[outdated] Puppy Love Legacy Challenge - Sims 4
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Description: A ten generation legacy challenge revolving around my interpretation of different dog breeds and their personality trends.
Note: - This is all in my own opinion and is for fun, nothing is meant in offense to any breed, or to be taken literally. The legacy challenge is to commemorate my late Jack Russell Terrier, Princess. I'm unaware of any similar challenges so I decided to create my own!
(This has not yet been tested and is open for suggestions as it is played out! Under traits, I only include traits that must be completed in addition to traits needed for that generations career)
Generation One - Jack Russell Terrier
Traits: Active, hot headed, genius
Skills: mischief max, fitness max, cooking level 6
Career: Fitness, pro athlete branch
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Generation notes: Date one sim your entire life and marry them as an adult. Have as many kids as you like. Regularly get into fights with your sims neighbors. Find all the frogs in the frog collection and have a room dedicated to them.
Generation Two - German Shepard
Traits: Perfectionist, adventurous, loves the outdoors
Skills: Selvadoradian culture max, fishing max
Career: Secret Agent, diamond agent branch
Aspiration: Jungle Explorer
Generation notes: Must complete aspiration before having children and must be an adult. Sell relics for money on the sell table while also keeping some to decorate your sims house with. Take a vacation to Selvadora at least three times. Have two fish tanks with fish you catch. Have two children of your own and adopt one. Marriage is optional but not preferred as you’re married to work.
Generation Three - Golden Retriever
Traits: Goofball, clumsy, cheerful
Skills: Charisma max, comedy max
Career: Detective
Aspiration: Neighborhood Confidant
Generation notes: Must have at least three children, preferably with one set of multiples or triplets! Go to the park at least twice a week by yourself or with family. Go jogging every night after work. Own a pool. Donate at least 100k this generation.
Generation Four - Chihuahua
Traits: Evil, perfectionist, kleptomaniac
Skills: Baking max, singing max
Career: Criminal
Aspiration: Villainous Valentine
Generation notes: Have only one child and never marry. Steal constantly from this child's parent to make up for "back child support". Spend your nights after work at karaoke bars. Have music playing loudly in the late and early hours of the night to annoy your neighbors.
Generation Five - Basset Hound
Traits: Lazy, glutton, childish
Skills: cooking max, gourmet cooking max, charisma max
Career: Unemployed/Odd Jobs
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Generation notes: Never have a job while living off your parents money. Do not exercise or go to the gym. Have a friends-with-benefits that you have your children with. Order groceries regularly. Max at least one other skill of your choosing. Have a "sim den" in your home with lots of comfort items. Spend most nights sleeping in there by "accident".
Generation Six - French Bulldog
Traits: Proper, jealous, high maintenance
Skills: at least five skills to level five - players choice
Career: Salaryperson and after that, player choice.
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Generation notes: Live in a mansion. Always wear a dress or a suit (formal style). Throw a dinner party once a week. Have a white Persian cat. Always hire nannies to care for your children. Have a "nice" bathroom that you never use.
Generation Seven - Boxer
Traits: Foodie, bro, geek
Skills: research & debate max, logic max
Career: Education, administrator branch
Aspiration: Academic
Generation notes: Marry your college sweetheart but later find them cheating on you. Find love in a co-worker and remarry in your adult years. In your free time, go to Sulani and swim in the ocean. Read one book a day for fun. Never miss new years and always hire a bartender for parties. Have at least three best friends.
Generation Eight - Pomeranian
Traits: Mean, romantic, snob
Skills: violin max, piano max
Career: Business, investor branch
Aspiration: Serial romantic
Generation notes: Have four kids by four different sims. Marry rich, take their money and leave them homeless. Only watch the romance channel on TV. Have movie nights re-watching Simder once a week and order pizza. Be a millionaire by the end of this generation. Buy two of the The Virtuoso Violin and keep one for display on a high shelf.
Generation Nine - Poodle
Traits: Self-absorbed, foodie, self-assured
Skills: flower arranging max, gardening max
Career: Actress
Aspiration: Beach Life
Generation notes: Get one of the most expensive massages a week, minimum. Never repair any household objects yourself, always hire a repair sim. Have a roommate that your sim thinks they’re better than (a sim that doesn't have as nice things or clothes). Have at five outfits for each category to flaunt your wealth. Own beachside property.
Generation Ten - Pitbull
Traits: Loyal, good, family-oriented
Skills: video gaming max, parenting max, rock climbing max
Career: Law, judge branch
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Generation notes: Have trouble finding a spouse because of being misunderstood. Go through a minimum of four significant others before finding another misunderstood sim (not as preferable traits, unique quirks, different looking). Spend free time rock climbing with family. Never hire a nanny, but kids can go to daycare. Don't hire a maid, have the kids help with household chores to teach life skills. As a judge, always make choice for the greater good.
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Please tag me in any attempts of this challenge or let me know if there is anything similar or broken in the challenge so I can adjust!
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andiatas · 6 months
Masterpost: Royal Authors
This is a text version of the original list I curated, which can be found here. The royals are listed chronologically based on their first name (not title). The books are listed with the oldest book first & most recently published book last.
Some of the mentioned people have published books or lent out their names for books as private citizens; this post & the original list only cover royal members & books published under their royal title. This means that some books & some people have been excluded due to not falling under those criteria.
Note: Some of the following links are affiliate links, which means I earn a commission on every purchase. This does not affect the price you pay.
Princess Akiko of Mikasa
Reconsidering early modern Yamato-e: perspectives from Japan, the UK, and the USA (2013)
Japan: Courts and Culture (2020)
Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester
The Memoirs of Princess Alice Duchess of Gloucester (1983)
Memories of Ninety Years (1991)
Catherine, Princess of Wales
Hold Still (2021)
Puzzles for Spies: The brand-new puzzle book from GCHQ (2022)
King Charles III
The Old Man of Lochnagar (1980)
Tomorrow is Too Late - A Celebration of Our Wildlife Heritage (1990) (with Sir David Attenborough, among others)
The Prince's Choice: A Personal Selection from Shakespeare by the Prince of Wales (1995)
Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World (2010)
Harmony: A New Way of Looking at Our World - Children's Edition
One Is Deeply Concerned: The Prince Charles Letters, 1969-2011 (2011)
The Prince's Speech: On the Future of Food (2012)
The list is too long; that man puts his name on literally everything. Check the page for more.
Princess Christina, Mrs Magnuson
Days at Drottningholm (2016)
Diana, Princess of Wales
British Sign Language: A Beginner's Guide (1988)
PEOPLE OF THE 90's: In Aid of the Malcolm Sargent Cancer Fund for Children (1995)
Hannah Riddell: An Englishwoman in Japan (1996)
Head Injury: A Practical Guide (1997)
King Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor
Launch! A Life-Boat Book (1932)
A King's Story: The Memoirs of the Duke of Windsor (1951)
The Crown and the People, 1902-1953 (1953)
Prince Edward, Duke of Kent
Jackie Stewart's Principles of Performance Driving (1986)
Australia Bound!: Story of West Country Connections, 1688-1888 (1988)
Deep into Blue Holes: The Story of The Andros Project (1989)
The Institution of Industrial Managers: A History 1931-1991 (1991)
The Story of E. H. Shepard: The Man Who Drew Pooh (2000)
Tribal Odyssey: A Photographic Journey Among Tribes (2000)
Chasin' the Sound: Tales and tunes from the career of Pipe Major Brian B Heriot, Scots Guards (2016)
A Royal Life (2022) (his memoir)
One Crew: The RNLI's Official 200-Year History (2024)
Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother
The Country Life Book of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother (1978) (actually by Charles & Godfrey Talbot, not her)
Henrik, Prince Consort
Fit for a Royal Dane: Gastronomic Views and Recipes of Prince Henrik (2002)
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
Together: Our Community Cookbook (2018)
Princess Michael of Kent
Crowned in a Far Country: Portraits of Eight Royal Brides (1986)
Cupid and the King: Five Royal Paramours (1991)
The Serpent and the Moon: Two Rivals for the Love of a Renaissance King (2004)
A Cheetah's Tale (2017)
Princess Märtha Louise
Why Kings and Queens Don't Wear Crowns (2004)
The Spiritual Password: Learn to Unlock Your Spiritual Power (2014)
Emperor Naruhito
Costume at Castle Howard (1975)
The Thames and I: A Memoir of Two Years at Oxford (1993; 2006; 2019)
Queen Noor
Art of Jordan: Treasures from an Ancient Land (1991)
Landmines and Human Security: International Politics and War's Hidden Legacy
Leadership and the United Nations: The International Leadership Series (2003)
Leap of Faith: Memoirs of an Unexpected Life (2003)
Breaking Ground: From Landmines to Grapevines, One Woman's Mission to Heal the World: Transforming Mines to Vines (2020)
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
The Duke of Edinburgh's World Tour 1956-1957 (1957)
Selected Speeches 1948-1955 (1957)
Prince Philip speaks: 1956-1959 (1960)
Environmental Revolution: Speeches on Conservation, 1962-77 (1978)
Men, Machines and Sacred Cows (1984)
Down to Earth: Speeches and Writings of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, on the Relationship of Man With His Environment (1988)
Survival or Extinction: A Christian Attitude to the Environment (1989)
The list is too long. Check the page for more.
Queen Rania
The Sandwich Swap (2010)
Prince William, Prince of Wales
Blown Away: From Drug Dealer to Life Bringer (2022)
Puzzles for Spies: The brand-new puzzle book from GCHQ (2022)
Earthshot: How to Save Our Planet (2021)
The Earthshot Prize: A Handbook for Dreamers and Thinkers: Solutions to Repair our Planet (2023)
(this post & the original list is a work in progress & will be updated whenever "new" books come on my radar)
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deadpresidents · 9 months
2023's Best Books
I meant to do this a few days ago so there was more time before the holidays, but here's a quick list of the best books that I read that were released in 2023. Obviously, I didn't read every book that came out this year, and I'm only listing the best books I read that were actually released in the 2023 calendar year.
In my opinion, the two very best books released in 2023 were An Ordinary Man: The Surprising Life and Historic Presidency of Gerald R. Ford by Richard Norton Smith (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO), and True West: Sam Shepard's Life, Work, and Times by Robert Greenfield (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO).
(The rest of this list is in no particular order)
President Garfield: From Radical to Unifier C.W. Goodyear (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
The World: A Family History of Humanity Simon Sebag Montefiore (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
France On Trial: The Case of Marshal Pétain Julian Jackson (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
The Last Island: Discovery, Defiance, and the Most Elusive Tribe on Earth Adam Goodheart (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
Emperor of Rome: Ruling the Ancient Roman World Mary Beard (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
City of Echoes: A New History of Rome, Its Popes, and Its People Jessica Wärnberg (BOOK | KINDLE)
We Are Your Soldiers: How Gamal Abdel Nasser Remade the Arab World Alex Rowell (BOOK | KINDLE)
Edison's Ghosts: The Untold Weirdness of History's Greatest Geniuses Katie Spalding (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
Waco Rising: David Koresh, the FBI, and the Birth of America's Modern Militias Kevin Cook (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
The Summer of 1876: Outlaws, Lawmen, and Legends in the Season That Defined the American West Chris Wimmer (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
King: A Life Jonathan Eig (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
LBJ's America: The Life and Legacies of Lyndon Baines Johnson Edited by Mark Atwood Lawrence and Mark K. Updegrove (BOOK | KINDLE)
Who Believes Is Not Alone: My Life Beside Benedict XVI Georg Gänswein with Saverio Gaeta (BOOK | KINDLE)
Eighteen Days in October: The Yom Kippur War and How It Created the Modern Middle East Uri Kaufman (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
The Rough Rider and the Professor: Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Cabot Lodge, and the Friendship That Changed American History Laurence Jurdem (BOOK | KINDLE)
White House Wild Child: How Alice Roosevelt Broke All the Rules and Won the Heart of America Shelley Fraser Mickle (BOOK | KINDLE)
Romney: A Reckoning McKay Coppins (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
Founding Partisans: Hamilton, Madison, Jefferson, Adams and the Brawling Birth of American Politics H.W. Brands (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
The Earth Transformed: An Untold History Peter Frankopan (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
LeBron Jeff Benedict (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
Ringmaster: Vince McMahon and the Unmaking of America Abraham Riesman (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden's White House Chris Whipple (BOOK | KINDLE | AUDIO)
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bearlytolerant · 1 year
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bright and new- |M| sam coe x oc
Sam helps spacefarer get ready for a gala and is pleasantly surprised by an unexpected kiss.
somewhere close to me- |M| sam coe x oc
Sam and spacefarer attend a gala and he experiences a twinge of jealousy.
deepest of cover - |E| sam coe x oc
Sam can’t get Shepard out of his head so he allows himself a little treat.
Shepard doesn’t realize what she’s walking into until she does.
love on your arm - |E| sam coe x oc
Sam shows Shep how he feels.
kill off the hours |E| sam coe x oc
Shepard drags Sam into the Coe Heritage Museum and things get frisky.
the world can wait |E| sam coe x reader
An NG+ prompt fill for the main quest Entangled.
loop |G| sam coe x reader
A very short drabble to dispose of my numb feelings after ng+.
facade |E| delgado x reader
You attempt to strike a deal with the Crimson Fleet but things are never that simple.
split skin mid fic |E| Delgado x oc | complete
Delgado needs the Legacy like he needs air. When he indulges himself in the pirate captain Verity Blanche’s loathsome little game of give and take, he finds that it might just be worth it if he can achieve his dream through her.
Renegade - long fic |M| sam coe x oc | wip
Shepard, on the run from her past, seeks asylum on Neon. With the funds from a few odd jobs and a shady loan, she purchases a small bookshop. Though her shop is practically failing, she can always count on her favorite customer, Captain Cora Coe to make a weekly purchase. But when she can’t make a loan payment on time, her life gets turned topsy turvy and she’s forced to depend on friends for help.
linger- mid fic |E| Delgado x oc| wip
They both reside on the lowest level of the apartment building, barely an upgrade from sleep crates.
She’s to his left. Two-ten. Plays keyboard same time he picks at his guitar. She has a brother who joins in sometimes with a fucking violin of all things when they’re not too busy screaming at each other. She used to be a Generdyne corpo until they let her go or something like that. He can’t remember what all has been passed on between the too-thin walls. But he remembers enough to feel like he knows her already.
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puppypopcornpizza · 1 year
After Horizon
Warnings ➳ alcohol, suicide ideation, bad mental state all round
Pairing ➳ Kaidan Alenko x F!Shepard
Word Count ➳ 378
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Kaidan's words wracked at her brain, repeating syllables and sneers. An endless loop that had her chest aching.
Andy watched him walk away from her on Horizon, if she thought hard enough arms wrapped around her waist while breath tickled her neck. She tried not to recall what happened after.
"Huh?" She turned to Garrus with hollowed eyes, his mandibles twitched.
"I asked if you'd slept yet but I got my answer."
He took the seat next to her, chair scraping at metal floors and she almost wished she could go back two years to fighting Sovereign. Ilos felt so far away.
"Are the guns finally calibrated to your liking?" Andy tried a quip but she couldn't tell a smile from scorn with the turian.
"Last anyone saw you around the ship, you were drunk and Miranda found you sobbing in the bathrooms." She couldn't help the grimace spread across her features.
"That was this morning, I'm a changed woman now."
"That was yesterday morning, Andrea."
"God, please don't call me that."
"Joker said to, apparently it's a universal fear to be called your full name - but that's not why I'm here."
He shook his head. Shepard was sure if he were human he'd be pinching the bridge of his nose out of frustration. She knew she wasn't easy.
But that didn't stop Kaidan, didn't stop him from leaving. She was the one that left, she couldn't blame him.
"Y'know," a swig from the glass and a grumble from the turian next to her. "If Cerberus just left me dead-"
"Andy don't-
"It's true though, and you know it." Tears welled at her eyes at the thoughts that wouldn't leave.
"If Cerberus just left me where ever the hell I was, it'd all be better. Because Kaidan could've moved on; you, Tali- everyone could've just moved on. I'm sure someone would have found a fresh new, doe-eyed recruit without all the baggage."
"No - you wanted me to talk? I'm talking. I died, and God I wish I'd stayed that way."
He didn't say anything, eyes avoiding hers. She felt the rage staining her cheeks, grip on the glass almost shattering it. 'Shepard's Legacy' almost seemed laughable at this point- what good could she possibly have left?
Still silent, Garrus turned over a glass and unscrewed a lid. Andy watched the liquid pour with blurred vision.
"Let's talk."
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
This week in aviation history
21 February 1961: A Milestone in Human Space Exploration. Imagine a time when space travel was more than a wild fantasy, a time when it transformed into a thrilling reality. The week of February 21, 1961, marked such a pivotal moment in aviation history. It was the final training phase for the Mercury 7 astronauts, an elite group destined to become America's first voyagers into the great unknown of space.
The Heroes of the Skies: Mercury 7
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The Mercury 7 astronauts pose in front of a Convair F-106 (NASA)
These seven determined men were: Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Gus Grissom, Wally Schirra, Alan Shepard, and Deke Slayton. These individuals weren't just pilots; they were pioneers at the vanguard of a new era. Selected from a pool of over 500 candidates, they each possessed the 'right stuff' – a blend of skill, courage, and determination that set them apart as the best of the best.
Training for the Unknown
Their training was unlike anything seen before. It was rigorous, pushing the boundaries of physical and mental endurance. They underwent grueling tests that simulated the harsh conditions of space – from spinning in centrifuges to enduring periods of weightlessness. This week in 1961, as they entered the final stages of their training, the anticipation and excitement were palpable, not just among the astronauts but across the nation.
The Chosen Three: Shepard, Grissom, and Glenn
In a significant announcement, Alan Shepard, Gus Grissom, and John Glenn were selected for the initial flights. Shepard, with his steely nerves and exceptional piloting skills, was slated for the first American manned spaceflight. Grissom, known for his calm under pressure, was set to follow. And Glenn, a decorated Marine pilot, would become the first American to orbit the Earth.
A Legacy That Echoes Through Time
The Mercury 7's journey was more than a series of space missions; it was a testament to human ambition and resilience. Their achievements laid the groundwork for future space exploration, paving the way for moon landings and even Mars missions that we dream of today.
Celebrating the Courage and Vision
As we remember this significant week in aviation history, let's not just reflect on the technological achievements, but also the spirit of exploration that drove these seven men. They ventured into the unknown, not just for themselves, but for all of humanity, inspiring generations to look up at the stars and dream big.
The legacy of the Mercury 7 astronauts continues to inspire us, reminding us that with courage, vision, and determination, reminding us that the sky is not the limit – it's just the beginning.
@Hangarflyingwithtog via X
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I truly believe BioWare can make a character as loved as Shepard that the players can connect to just as much.  And I hope they do not submit to the Shepard Cultists where most are not even  willing to even try to accept the idea of a new protagonist. Shepard's time is done. Bringing Shepard back will only destroy the legacy of the Mass Effect Trilogy. 
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gacmediadaily · 1 month
NEW YORK, NY – August 21, 2024 — Great American Family, a leader in the production of high-quality, Original Christmas movies, announced start of production for Home Sweet Christmas, a World Premiere Original Movie, starring Candace Cameron Bure (“Ainsley McGregor Mysteries,” A Christmas Present, My Christmas Hero) and Cameron Mathison (A Kindhearted Christmas, A Merry Christmas Wish, “General Hospital”), which premieres during the network’s beloved franchise, GREAT AMERICAN CHRISTMAS 2024. [Note to Editors: Previously announced Jingle Bells, Wedding Bells will not go into production in 2024].
            In Home Sweet Christmas, Sophie Marlow (Bure), a successful mergers and acquisitions attorney, is called home to Waynesbridge, Washington, following her great uncle’s passing. Uncle Henry left Sophie 60% ownership in his Marlow Maple Meadows, a sprawling patch of sugar maple forest. Though Sophie hasn’t been on the property in decades, she immediately begins retracing the happy steps of her youth before encountering Sam (Mathison), her long-lost, childhood friend. Sam has returned to the farm after learning Henry left him the other 40% of the property. The legacy property means a quick sale is likely, though Sophie and Sam will discover neither of them is ready to let go just yet.
Home Sweet Christmas is a Syrup Studios production in association with Candy Rock Entertainment. Mick MacKay serves as Producer, and Paula Elle directs an original screenplay written by Kevin Commins and Robin Dunne. Executive producers include Candace Cameron Bure, Ford Englerth, Jeffery Brooks, Holly A. Hines, Eric Jarboe, Gerald Webb, Trevor McWhinney, Paula Elle, and Martin Wood. Supervising Producers include Jonathan Shore, Robyn Wiener, Michael Shepard, and David Oland serves as Associate Producer.
As the flagship linear TV network of Great American Media, Great American Family is America’s premiere destination for quality family-friendly programming, featuring original Christmas movies, rom-coms and classic series that celebrate faith, family and country. Founded in 2021, Great American Family is home to year-round seasonal celebrations the whole family can enjoy together, including Great American Christmas, the network’s signature franchise featuring holiday themed movies and specials. Great American Family is available in 50 million households via cable and satellite providers; visit https://www.greatamericanfamily.com/channel-finder/ or text FAMILY to 877-999-1225 to find your local channel.
Candy Rock Enterprises is a joint venture between award winning actress, producer and New York Times best-selling author Candace Cameron Bure and the full-service development and execution team behind Redrock Entertainment, Ford Englerth and Jeffery Brooks. Candy Rock’s Entertainment division develops, produces, and distributes television projects, lifestyle programming and feature length films with an emphasis on family-friendly content. Instagram: @CandyRock.Entertainment
Syrup Studios is a Canadian deficit-financing studio focused on exceptional films, series, and international co-productions for global audiences. Syrup’s highly tailored approach to developing, financing, producing, and distributing content through entrepreneurial business models brings each compelling story to life.
Pam Slay
Network Program Publicity & Talent Relations
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sol-consort · 1 month
Yeah now that I've played it, it's gonna be a hard agree with you. They just lowered the price so much that I was like I should try it. I actually feel really bad for people who paid full price because even if the main character in this story wasn't Shepard (which was already hard for me enough) you would still expect it to feel like a mass effect game and it doesn't, it doesn't have that spark like you said. Like I feel like the reason I connected with the original trilogy so much was because of the story amd the realistic world building even when it came to things that seem fantastical, like it approached things in a way that it still felt like a "human" story if you know what I mean and that's without even getting into the characters which are also so well written (like you could write a whole dissertation about it). While Andromeda, it just feels like a generic sci-fi game, Personally, I feel like it doesn't have any heart. I feel like it felt very disconnected from the og 3 and not like in a good way where you're exploring world building, but like in a bad way where it feels like you can remove it from the mass effect universe entirely and it wouldn't change a thing. Which it shouldn't be that way, you payed for a mass effect game you should be getting that mass effect experience. Again I'm really heated for the people who payed full price. In terms of the stages of grief, I skipped stages and went right to depression because I was like, 'damn I can't believe I payed for this 😭'. Also, in the future, I think I will refrain from playing sequel games set so far in the future from the og stuff because (and I'm not proud of this) I started crying about the passage of time (that might be a me thing however because I'm PMS-ing rn so anything can make me cry).
P.S. sorry for the long rant. I was just so disappointed, and I had to tell somebody whose also played the games.
Oh anon I started crying too :"( Like yeah think about just how many years it has been and how the entire crew is gone now. Kaidan, Ashley, Joker, Garrus and literally everyone is 6 feet deep in the grave. Their children and children's children also passed away.
The world moved on, from both Shepard's legacy and the threat of reapers.
There is also the other grim alternate universe where Shepard wasn't successful at defeating the reapers, that the entire milky way has been wiped down. Everyone harvested as another cycle was set to completion.
ME3 was a bit emotional, seeing the earth getting attacked, all the homeplanets getting attacked as the war reached every corner of the galaxy. A slaughter where no single person was spared...and you're telling me that we were what, sleeping in freezing pods millions of light years away? While everyone was fighting?? :( And now they're dead, all the characters you loved and grew attached to, even Liara herself reached the end of her lifespan.
I'm sorry you had to find out about Andromeda this way through playing it, I wish I could've answered that ask sooner.
That grim reality sets in a little bit after the first mission, and it stings that the game doesn't allow you the time to mourn. The least it could do was make the plot more focused on rescuing the missing arks or showing a little more concer for them? I still get sad thinking about the hanar, drell, and quarian arks. They're the ones who deserved a new beginning more than anything. The asari, humans, and turians always had everything to begin with! Why are we still focused so much on them and rescuing their arks when the other more vulnerable species need our help more?
But it does make sense. We are a pathfinder, not a rescue team, not a hero, not the defence line. We plant flagpoles and mark suitable grounds to establish bases, we don't even get to stay or help with it much besides a few errands. Because once a place is livable, our job is done and we need to move to a different planet and plant flags again. It's not our job to defend or secure the colonies, only point them towards where they should pitch their tents then go on our way.
God...it makes me feel so much worse realising that the krogans departed just a few years short of the genophage mass cure—if only had they waited even a little bit, half of them wouldn't have escaped to Andromeda after losing all hope about their planet and people ever getting restored.
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remjl · 11 months
In continuation of the theory that new antagonist could be Liara's/Shepard's offspring, I see that a lot of people might be quite not happy with Shiara being a canon in that case, however you actually don't need to romance her for that, scene with embrace eternity is an option for Shepard in any case. However, as far as I remember it's possible to deny this connection, not sure how it plays through.
Anyway, such decision could help resolve several issues:
- a tight meaningful connection to an old protagonist with minor effect from previous romances, but could allow new hero to be invested into story about their second parent;
- hard feelings on legacy and purpose for our new hero, which could explain N7 outfit as well;
- top family T'Soni drama, also it could explain why Liara still so invested into all of this;
- possible meeting with Reaper-Shepard in case of Control ending might be quite emotional;
- finally, we will be able to play for non-human;
- better quality player-oriented romances, since basically everyone have things for asari (except for asari, which might be quite interesting to explore);
- timeskip to Andromeda will be fine, due to 1000 years lifespan
- no need for several voiceovers for protagonist (minor one, however might be technically important);
That's obviously might be an a cliché and obvious idea, however when parents-child relationships done right, it's one of the best stories that touch people hearts.
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