#mickey x raul
caerozades · 11 months
The Bar
Ian listens as Mickey recalls his time in Mexico. He feels his skin crawling as he listens to Mickey talk about his relationship with Raul. He hates it. He hates how he can picture Mickey being intimate with another man and as much as he wants to suppress it, the imagery burns him. The jealousy eats him up and radiates off of him, giving some of it to his fiance’s hand.
“Ian,” Mickey calls. When Ian doesn't hear him, he scoots closer and cups the other man’s jaw, turning it until they look at each other. “Hey. Listen to me. What Art and I had is already in the past. It’s over but I won’t throw him out because what he and I had taught me how much I love you, okay?”
You can read it here: x
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thedailyfucku · 6 years
Taking the Bean on a date tonight
Yo! We’re going to this fairly swanky restaurant ay. Couldn’t think of nothing to do now that the crap with Grammy Bean has finally died down. We got no money for a holiday so he gets an expensive fucking dinner instead.
I got my good shirt all ready and whatever the fuck He don’t know we’re even going out tonight, so he’s gonna be pretty damn surprised.
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Trailblazer Ch 15: La Tormenta
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I finally updated this behemoth! This chapter is very NSFW - just a heads up.
He steals a look at Raúl from the corner of his eye, wonders what he did right to end up here with this guy - his fucking boyfriend - going on weird road trips, dating; all these firsts that seem crazy but somehow make complete and perfect sense. He leans into Raúl’s touch, tries to hold onto that thought, but then there’s a rumbling sound, a deep, smack of thunder and Mickey swears he feels the vibrations in his feet all the way to the hairs on top of his head.
Read it on AO3
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mostlyjantofluff · 4 years
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mickeyxmexico2 · 7 years
Trailblazer: Ch 4
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The blood pools in Mickey’s cheeks and he snorts, looks away. After all this time, after everything he’s been through, coming out, the Southside, fucking prison, he still feels a little strange, a little awkward, talking about this stuff. But he’s also kind of embarrassed, because he has been off his game recently and now he knows it’s been obvious enough that even his next door neighbour has noticed. And if he’s honest with himself, he knows that he’s been feeling a little off, a little less excited about banging random dudes, since.. well, since he met Raúl.
Mickey palms at his eyes and groans quietly at the realisation. Fucking Raúl. That guy is ruining his goddamn life.
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thedailyfucku · 6 years
Yo! An update and shit!
Yo! Long time no talk. A lot of shit went down here that’s why we weren’t online. So Grammy Bean got real sick and Raúl went up to Cosala to help Isabella look after her cos she couldn’t do it in her own. But she didn’t get any better so the Bean ended up staying up there for about a fucking month. He even got work in bars up there cos he needed the money. I visited him up there on the weekends. I really fucking missed him ay.
Anyways, Grammy Bean got worse and she had to go into hospital in the city down here. So we brought her down and turns out she got pneumonia real bad. The Mexican hospitals are fucking slow as shit here so we bribed some doctors to see her quicker cos she looked really fucking bad man.. she could barely breathe and Raúl was freaking the fuck out. He ain’t really religious but he was praying and saying shit outta the bible while we waited in the goddamn ER for someone to notice us. I got fucking tired of waiting and that’s when I offered one of the doctors an incentive to see her.
So she was in hospital for two fucking weeks and me or the Bean went to see her every day. But the fucked up thing was coz I bribed them once I had to keep doing it. Every fucking day they came around wanting more pesos for the doctor to see her. It’s fucked up but what can you do. We had to pay it. I had the money cos when Raúl was in Cosala all I did was work 18 hours a day and smoke weed with Sofia. Ain’t ever had so much money in my life.
Anyways, she got outta hospital last week and we took her back up the mountains but we had to get her an air conditioner to dry the air out in the house or some shit cos that’s how she got pneumonia. The house don’t have good ventilation or nothing and the air is humid as fuck up there.
So now I’m fucking broke and the Bean wants to go on a fucking holiday after almost two goddamn months of stress. Well he’s gonna have to wait.
So that’s what’s been going on with me. Didn’t really wanna say nothing about Grammy Bean while she was sick cos the old girl was pretty bad there for a while. Coulda gone either way.
Milkovich out
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thedailyfucku · 6 years
Yo fuckheads! It’s Mickey
Hola perdedores!
Long time, no talking and all that shit, ay. Well the Bean’s sister been staying with us and she’s been taking up the spare room next to ours, and alot of our goddamn time. She got college exams or some shit in the city so she came down here to study and use the library and that kinda shit.
Whatever, the Bean was real happy to see her. She’s a cool chick, so I don’t mind hanging with her and shit, but we also gotta be quiet cos she’s been studying and doing whatever it is students do before exams. That includes going out drinking with me and the Bean almost every night too, ay.
Anyways we ain’t been able to fuck properly cos the walls are real thin and Isabella said she could hear us talking one night which I think she told us so we didn’t even attempt to fuck. We did try it, the Bean started fucking me against the bed head with his hand over my goddamn mouth with him biting my shoulder so he didn’t make no noise either but the bed was banging against the wall anyways, and Isabella put her music on. She fucking heard us.
So we gave up on that shit. I had real fucking blue balls, ay. I was frustrated as fuck cos I just needed to get off and the Bean is sexy all the goddamn time without even trying. Just walking around the fucking house with his ass in those tight jeans is too much.
I finally had enough Saturday night and I kidnapped the Bean after his show and took him to his lagoon that we like. We had some drinks and then we finally got to fuck. Holy shit I thought I was gonna die, it felt so goddamn good getting fucked for the first time in almost two weeks. 
So he fucked me into the mattress in the back of the truck and I moaned into the pillow cos if I swear to god I was gonna scream my ass off and the cops would probably show up or some shit. Then we talked for a bit until we got ourselves together and then the Bean wanted me to fuck him. You know it ain’t my favourite thing to do but shit I was still goddamn horny, I woulda agreed to almost anything. So he got on top of me and rode me like there was no tomorrow. Shit he looks so fucking sexy like that, on top of me getting himself off. He throws his head back and whines, sounds like he’s gonna burst into goddamn tears and shit. It’s hot as fuck.
I think we probably fooled around until 3 or 4am, cos all I know is I we must’ve fallen asleep immediately after fucking cos I woke up to him asleep with his dick in my ass still. First time that’s ever happened, ay. Felt kinda fucking nice. 
We got back home pretty early in the morning and stayed in bed sleeping on and off for the whole goddamn day on Sunday.
Anyways I gotta run.
Milkovich out!
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thedailyfucku · 6 years
What happened with Raul
So he’s doing shows in Culiacan, and he’s been there for three fucking weeks.. just coming home on the weekends. But I work on the weekends and I ain’t seen him hardly at all, so I started getting pissed off and shit. I asked him how long it was gonna on for but he didn’t even fucking know.
Anyways I started missing him alot yesterday, I guess, so I drove up there for three fucking hours, and went to his hotel room, climbed into bed with him and shit. He knew I was annoyed so he was pissed at me too. He fucked me into the mattress like he ain’t ever done before, but then we started arguing.
I said a bunch of shit I didn’t mean, and he got real upset with me, ay. He said that this relationship ain’t easy for him either and neither of us are perfect. And he said it’s hard to him sometimes too, cos of the fugitive thing and I said he coulda walked the fuck away a goddamn year ago but he chose to stick around, so whatever. Then he said some shit about how we both gotta compromise and sometimes there are sacrifices and shit. But I weren’t listening cos all I could hear was him saying the fucking fugitive thing was hard on him.
I told him I wasn’t listening so he said I should just go home then. So I did.
I drove three fucking hours back home, and I started getting tanked soon as I walked in the goddamn door.
He’s meant to be coming home tomorrow night, but who the fuck knows. Maybe he’ll stay away.
So that’s what happened.
I fucked up and I’m pissed at myself and him. Pissed at everything
Milkovich out
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Trailblazer Ch 14: Stitches
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Mickey almost regret his promise to tell Raúl everything. It’s not that he didn’t want to, but because he had no idea where to begin, didn’t know how to share the details of his life with someone who wasn’t there. Back in Chicago everyday had felt like chaos to Mickey; a mess of disasters that he juggled from one week to the next. But looking back he can see the connections, how all the pieces of his past stitch together; a thread woven tightly against itself.
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thedailyfucku · 7 years
Where I’m taking Raúl on a date
Okay. So your fucking suggestions got me thinking and shit. The Bean don’t like action movies or nothin’ but he keeps talking about this movie he wants to see. Something about a pair of gay dudes hooking up in Italy or some shit. I dunno.
Anyways he wants to see it and I found it playing at the fucking drive in!! Couldn’t fucking believe it. So a I’m gonna take him there in his truck and we can chill in the back and watch the movie, with some food and maybe smoke some weed.
Should be alright. The move will probably be boring as fuck bit maybe it will cheer him up a bit, ay.
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thedailyfucku · 6 years
Fucking Christmas present for the Bean. Help.
So the Bean is getting me a Christmas present and shit so I wanna get him one. But fuck if I know what to get him cos he never says he wants anything. He sure as shit ain’t getting a puppy cos we already got too many animals here.
The only thing I know he likes is this guitar part thing.. some distortion pedal bullshit at this music store he goes into. He said it’s vintage and really fucking rare and says it would sound cool as shit.
I could get that for him, but I dunno.. I mean it ain’t romantic and it hasn’t got no special hidden meaning or nothing, I just think he’d like it.
I don’t got a lot of time to decide this shit either cos we’re going to Grammy Bean’s on Wednesday.
I dunno. 
Ain’t ever done Christmas before.
Milkovich out.
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thedailyfucku · 7 years
The hotel & return of the pink menace
So me and the Bean went to the hotel after our proper date the other night. We went to this steak restaurant and order big ass juicy steaks and beers. Fuck me, the Bean even ordered a bottle of the cheapest fucking wine and we drank that. Tasted like vomit, but It was still booze so whatever. I ain’t complaining.
After that we went to this hotel that was pretty fucking sweet, with a spa bath and big ass tv in the bathroom and shit. We got straight in the fucking spa and the Bean dunked me like the fucking gigantic child that he is. Then I did it back to him and we started fooling around, making out for half a fucking hour at least. Think I had goddamn blue balls I was so goddamn horny.
So then he jumps out of the spa drips fucking water everywhere, and he comes back with the goddamn pink menace. Fuck me, part of me felt like telling him to fuck right off with that thing but my dick had other ideas and started getting goddamn hard all over again at the sight of it.
Anyways, Raul said he wanted to use it so I bent him over the edge of the bath and ate his ass out while he was half in, half outta the water, really stuck my tongue and fingers right in there and stretched him out all nice, until he was begging for the pink menace. I was horny as a motherfucker despite myself I swear to god. So I flipped him over an slid it inside him and I watched his face change when I got him in that spot.. fuck it was hot. His dick was twitching in between his legs and I couldn’t help it I just had to have it in my mouth and I blew him while he fucked himself on the pink menace. He was moaning, almost crying for a good ten minutes before he came straight down my throat. I almost blew my own load at the thought of it. So then he returned the favour and I fucked his mouth fucking hard and face until I jizzed and he had my cum dribbling down his chin.
Best thing about the spa was there weren’t no mess.
After that we just chilled in the bath, watching some movie on the TV and I was laying back against Raul and he had his arms around me and shit. I was nice, ay.  Sometimes I still can’t believe this is my fucking life.
We got out eventually once we got all shrivelled up from the water and Raul fucked me up against the headboard and I made a mess on the fucking expensive pillow cases. So of course we ordered more of the fucking pillow menu. Remind me never to get a fucking job cleaning hotel rooms cos we sure as fuck ain’t the worst these places see.
At about 2am we went outside and smoked a joint then went back and ordered fucking room service. We got a huge goddamn plate of nachos and at them in our filthy fucking bed before we fucked again and eventually passed out.
It was a good night. All cos I got that damn tattoo fixed.
Milkovich out!
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thedailyfucku · 7 years
So.. Raúl found a goddamn kitten
I get home from fucking work on Saturday night and I’m tired as fuck cos I been working all goddamn day and night, and what do you fucking know - the Bean is asleep on the couch with a goddamn tiny kitten on his chest.
I ain’t heartless, it was probably the cutest fucking thing I ever saw but I had to wake him and ask what the fuck?????????????? Why the fuck did I come home to a goat, a lizardfish and now a cat??
Anyways, he said Seagal was acting weird down the backyard so he went to check it out and there was a fucking kitten in the bushes out there. So he brought it inside and gave it some milk and leftover fucking tamales.
I already told him we ain’t keeping it. I told him he gotta put a notice up down his work or some shit, try and find the damn thing some new owners cos we ain’t them. Or go give it to Aleja and Sofia or something. They’d fucking go nuts for it. 
But he’s really dragging his fucking feet.
Milkovich out!
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thedailyfucku · 7 years
Raul is fucking sulking
Fucking drama, man. Me, The Bean and Sofia and Alejandra played poker at their place the other night, cos Alejandra likes some dude and wanted Raul to check him out for her. Well Raul don’t like him.. he doesn’t think he’s good enough for her, and I guess he must’ve told her that because she’s shitty at him and Raul is sulking.
I fucking hate it when he sulks. It’s the fucking worst. He starts writing these depressing as fuck songs on his guitar and he sings them to Duke and the goat. I’m not joking! I came home from work and he’s sitting on the back steps with Seagal and Duke at his feet while he sings them this song about being lonely and sad or whatever the fuck.
For my own sanity I gotta get him out of this fucking mood.
Milkovich out!
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